HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-5-20, Page 3Pilau QOOiA11016] THE OI1IIw ANI ONLY I ENGINE BEWARE OP i M iTA- TIONri SOLD ON THE WAR YIRTOALLY ON. SAYS!TAPAPERS "wed" Pa IWAN l.ate.t ,call .ermalY FOR WEAK WOMEN THE SIGNAL : OODERIOH : ONTARIO TSvroaT. MAT SO. 11066 8 NOTfflNG OE1TER Klee anis People End Crisis, Open Camille . Perla. May 18- Dr. 1. J. DUVos cabled trona Rome last night: "The Oernaaa-Amtrlan embassadors' amaz- ing ooasptrac, with Signor 01olAti aM kis parliamentary '.Cporters has bees thwarted only by the patriotism of the people and the king. Just when 1t was on the po'at of succeeding Baron Macchio, the Austrian ambas- sador, raps::ed to the tcreiga once Saturday evening sad iaqulred Baron Sonn'.::o whether tbora was any tntth in newspaper reports ,d accord b_twccn Its y and tho enten1 poorer•, adding that to obviate den MERITS Ula genius misunderstanding sn lnin:e diate °Metal contradiction was Iia• ' peratite. .o^.rico replied that bay• ing resigned office he felt i.ieo'n potent to deal with the subject. .1 he once more is a minister. t: .. probable the same question w 11 b p to him today and the Inevltab e an ewer will be returned. The eta-, - quenee will be a demand by' Von Macchio and Von Buelow for their passports and a formal declarati ,u of war. The (tartan crisis 1s •fox over and the Italian campaign against the 9reutonle allies is about to begin.' "The Giornale d'Ital'.a, which has been a strong supporter of the Salsa dra Cabinet, and was anion; the firs: to advocate military pr 'pnratl .:h• publishes a slgnitleaet article. "war.." says the parer. 'As virtually declared by concord of the King, the Gov,.rn meat and the nation." Italy's Thursday Rome. May lit- Italy'■ formal de- cision for peace or war will be m 1de on Thursday when the question will be submitted to Parlla-lent. C,•m- petent Judges declare the Chamber will declare en manse for interven- tion. It Is reported that two sped ,l trains are held in readiness for th Teuton. ambassadors. Formal aa- bouncement that Premier Salandra .would retain his office which was ex- pected last night had been delayed because It will mean the immediate departure of the ambassadors. The Austrian and German Embassies are under strong guard to prevent L:o,i attacks. The Vat1csa also 1s guard- ed=- A revolution has broken out 3t Trieste, according to • message from the frontier. OINsllll'S LINIMENT Bo 0 KB! N DIN (i MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and . LIBRARIES bound or repaired. ',ULD L1: rrhm1Nl3 un LEATHER GOODS alt ordory my mode to ea leaving ilwa sa.THIC eluNAl. (iadertch. A. E. TAYLOR, ti ie iosn. MEDICAL It,. GEO. Itt•.ILEMANN, 08rE- PATH. spsob.4.t In .cera.'. and oill- n's dlrer.e•, acute. bionic and nervous dl. - mors, eye. ear. now OA throat, partial deal* r, lumbago and-bermatic ca.dltlooa. 'Ade pta• reuW.c t without the knife. umce at CC. owner Hel..n and St. Andrew. U..t.. At home om a Woodsy.. N'edo..4ay. 04,14aturday• : any e, wuia by .ppalotallot. OIL F. J. RA . FORSTER-EYE, ER. l� no.. and throat only. Howes�aa.t.}}sen. IE. Ywan a ophthalmic d Aarat Instiute. teal .t..( -L. W. Nose and 1 brow. Ho.pital, o Square, and Moorefield i:ye Rorpltal. ki,g iaod. URoe, 83 a. waterloo Street. ratrord, uppa.lte lYuox Church. Hous 9. It a. u . t .0 a p• m...7 to' P m. Telovhooe a' H. AND MINNiK M. GREER, 11 • D. C.. Chiropractor., spine and Dery Chiropractic 1. tae .cte•oe teat without druii. or knife. Free examine. eldlo. Weer Sharma*. ahm acmm so - fame uo East +trees. l'boue SAL 06-21u AUCTIONEER. t_-- - I1HUa1AS tiUNDIIY ` Auk:rIoNKPR b + tr. Uodertcb. All Ia.truolioes by mel t tily,al .'Jl.0 will be ppi�vmpuy at- mo.d to. kte.ideuw telepeone 119 LEGAL C. IiAY8 BAKKISTX0. noWC�'R. NOTARY L. i0..-s.erllag Bank Sleck, Masaioa ■Asst. lodsrtob. Timmins M. Reel Estate Loses and la..reec.. PROUDFOOT. KILLORAN it" PROUDFOOT tAKKISTEIta, SOLICITUft8. NOTAR31m PUBLIC'. ETC. (lase on the .snare .recd door from Ram. tee .uese. (ioa.rtad revue funds to loan at lowest rates. Y. Peoeeroor, ILC. J. 1. Ktt.totair W. Peon:woor. Jt O. CAMERON, K. O., ery BARESre- ,waw Ouderica. iaW doer So on A*19.1 Clinton sreet t occupied sday of each by Min sopor. olio. bean a .m. toe p.m. sMARLEB OARROW, LL.B.. BAR- / KJ*Talt. attarssy, wencher. sec. Oats ch. Moder to ked at lowest rate. _ 1 /bRAOER. BARRISTER, •SOO.Lr. citer. Newry Psislic and Lea Nos--colus Haw• Ocdee4ob. 0»i INSURANCE, WANE. ITC. iPWVATE FUND Tv 2U,'�v'e `•up, liha► AOsly le M. 61. CAM. IOM. Bannister Hamiltea stmt. Qadmrk, • R. ROKERT$Oh. • DUIIJRANCt AGENT. *1 Aso � nae :British. Caseates sad Amer.eNtfiias_ tsora� WSW s. traiimrr'Itaee (nesse tedA d l.asasV16:1*‘:r Darernt ;mourns Horns WilF►de'ty sad Oar. a set esa s ser da ed et Davide u�sta Pkass IIGILILLOP MUTUAL FIRIi IN - DU K a M C! C O.-rars..ag Ia8Ya5M vemarte as V1wPIir,sasia..� a, densessiP 0.: woad g94 ossinaaa•74er.. aesbete P. a Jemosara_ly�1e.erpeo�Gr+lm. as eerie ;; aJs.'ns �•°var''�...wnw�.is B .4.10 ease : Jamie= iseliw ur.. Farris. M.ateek; lealmbe eked. cowl.. ; WU5S.m Messer. 8 _AAA". U wearer. seelersa. lestier-beireers sr pay ,as.speas._ and stet Assn sass reesi t a st J. Mersi.9's Meats, SMr.Castss, • M 8. wOn sere. 0sere. dames= mess. usage ■APM *1 LWIrI sememmasenswom Y A11fI7tKIL a, TWNT. P„ 11/13= OL MAMMAE iJOWIML Patent Solicitor WL 5. IAICOCI, inn, OM) as/ Real Passe Expert wMena elter" in patent solea, Pa- w oohed la ell a sasediebe• Ell at. snow M. arms wasna - NEW PIRILICHR WILLED Chagas Given Nei Chance to End Portugal's Revolution Madrid. la ay 18 -Joao . Chagas. President of the Portuguese Cabinet who was shot on a train while travel- ling from Oporto to Lisbon, died o. wounds, according to the latest re- ports reaching here from Lisbon. Chagas, newly appointed. -was wound- ed yesterday while trsve:ling y tra n from Oporto to Lisbon. where he was 10 take charge of the Government to t sp by the reso:utlonarles. Death was due to a fracture . of the skull. which was discovered after he was taken to a Lisbon hoepl;al. The new Pre- mier was shot at four times with a pistol in the h..nds of Senator Freitas, who, accordfne to• a Havas despatch, was shot dead by .gendarmes. Fighting has been resumed in Lis- bon. with Increa3. d violence as a re- sult of the shooting. The latest news Is that the warships again are bom- barding the city. and that over one hundred persons were killed yester- day. A despatc a to the Havas Agency from Lis.'on says the protect for the revo:ut.on :a Portugal was formed three days after the constitution last at; rc:i cf the Cabinet of General 1'imerta Castro. Two hundred per- sons killed . nd five hundred wounded ire the retorted results of the fight - me to date. Admiral Javier Brits nag been imprisoned on a Charge of saving ordered the submarine Espa- larte to sink the boats bombarding l.i.bon. General Pimenta Castro him - ;elf a prisoner ou the Vasco di ..aura. 'President de Arrtaga 'lined early yesterday the nominations of the new Chagas Cabinet. Moos Is sstrseet.m.yae. Oat makes �say t�s o[t . W Is off • w eget of the haa1L-11811w' How British Prepared La Basses Victory Was Well-werkN Surpr'se Northern France. May 18--Coloaei i:epington v...t s to The Times: "Br .ore the ti.0 o d r.sen yest rday the ':rit'th armystormed the Ger- man lines from Festubert to Riche- bt,urg-L'Aeoue. For several days a Glow we.141Lected cad persisteal st till ry fire was maintained against the German lines but there was nothing to indicate the direction of ear next attack. Sir John Preach had aot only to provide troops for the pro- jected assault, but to hold the long trenches and also have regard to the situation at Ypres. in the late after- noon of Saturday Sir John rode out among the troops *04 was received with enthusiastic acclaim. He wished them good luck and addressed to a0 a few warm inspiring words. The staff arr.agenaut far the attack were we; made. Ail the colum■ rolls wen 'sharked by sign boards and every movement took place after desk. Tin sight was dark cad the wind was searesh perceptible, so that the Der- mas soul/ scarcely be ready within'. Thater Did ntMeS ' MuoFl Oras That 1 Spent for VBelefoataise.Okio.-" 1 wish scary ,peak, serous woman cook'have V for I sever spent .sy b sty Itfe that did me so such good as that I spent for VtsoL My serves were Is a res7 bad conation, making se very weak. Weed. and warn out and often Ever drowsy oil. doctor's medicines. sod Mbar preparations without bandit. Ons day a Mead asked ars to try Vino/ I did and soon my appetite in- creased. I slept better and nos 1 am 2aross and well anddorm LLwow,with pleasure." M Ohio. Nervous. weak, tared. worn-out wo- rsen should take Mrs. Iaaborn's advice and try Visci for there ere literally **moods of men and women who were wb>�y their good health Vinoweek and l°�� Itis the medicinal. tiros building e1.• mots of the cod's Scars, sided by the et tots Sas. sentainsd in Wino& which make. It so .mases In all .'eh ogees. 11. C. Dunlop. druggist, Bedford Block. Ooderkb, Ont. MADO MACDONALD'S MESSAGE Te Little Girl Cowsin Who Had Sent Hina a Sort. Toronto, May 8. --Margaret Struth- ers, eight years old, daughter of Dr. Struthers, medical uMcer of the On- tario Compensation Board, received • letter yesterday which she will cherish .11 her life. It came from Lieut. Jitado Macdonald, of the Q 'cell'. Own, who was killed in the r.strle of Ltng.- marck. 11 was (be last letter writter. by one of the must popular Toronto soldier In acknowledginpl the re- oeipt of a scarf which his cousin. Mar- garet Struthers, bed gent •t i him, Lieut. Macdonald wrote the following : Belgium. April lei. 1915. "My Dear Margaret., -1 thank you.o much for your dear gray scarf. It was just what i needed. 1 ou must be a wonderful worker to have inside so nice • scarf. You mu.t feel awful sorry for the poor little girls over here who have been driven out of their homes by the Germans. There are thousands of families in the towns around here living in wagons and carts and tent.. Their beautiful homer are smaabed down by the German guns. Now, Margaret, 1 would like to get a letter from you some ti,,.e, and 1 will tell you mole about things over here next trine." The above letter was wt itt.eo the day before he stet his death by • obeli, when hie batt.lioo was advancing to reinforce comrades who. were being *wept back by the German hordes. Lieut. Macdonald has relatives in Ooderieb end Bale Mies Struthers le • daughter of a former O.C. I. student Liner :owiwyed Safely Glasgow. May 19--11te Cunard laser T saeylvaela Inas cosvoyed tkroogk the s.bsearlas son by ships of the British wvy. PaMeagses et the Transylvania ear that wises they mere searing the BOHM pert the periscope et a submarine was &Mery N ,n tri shIp's wake. TM War dg. bons.. .M the wbsarlas tlmNsan ed. Sown Acre Sae Olean Haves, May 1l-Tbe a.e11416m.10 es- 1014We4 by the terms' aealheaat sf Ontami has bees esspS0toly •e. adore by t' allied miaow Adm Wen were Ws to alagaa ` WNW ...w...a>•- MAT 17 Torou0e Calais Maoist iP •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••% ,• • • D. M,I LLAR Ef SON• i• NOM Moldier stasma�..N.00to$1.itis • �•• ona ..••••••• T.J14 7. de. comma' . 6.76 7.40 • Hewn. good to ekoto. 7.60 9.40 da medium s 7.00 7.1S : Stetcher cows. choice.,. 0.64 7.60 de. good 6.60 6.00 • de. maw= 4.06 1.76 Butcher but a. choice.,0.11 7.60 • do. good balls C.10 0.00 • da medium 6.76 6.00 40. r.udb 'wlogs& . 4.10 4.76 • Feeders, 900 to 1.100 lbs7.00 7.60 • da bulls 6.60 6.a Stockers. 700 Of 900 lbs7.00 7.10 • do. med.. 650 to 7600.16 0.10 • do. light, 500 W 6506.35 6.60 dh Cannons .,. 3.76 - 4.60 • Cutter' ... 4.10 6.00 MIIken, h ho:c a, each. 60.00 90.00 , Sp ba1.00 76.00 I • Calves, veal. choly6.00 9.60 • do. medium . ,7.00 3.00 • do. commo'1 6.00 6.50 t • 7.00 .,lu 5.00 6.00 0 5.76 6.00 • 5.00 de. meds steers. A MAMMOTH SUGAR REFINERY. Semitone Tbe.rad Teas d Concrete Used is lea Construction. 8t. John, N. 0..•boa.te of having at least one great building that may be truly tereued.•'as .olid as a rock" lbig is the AtAantic Sugar Refineries, wbieh required Iwo years in tbe build - log. ft•'venteen thousand tons of con- crete and throe thousand tons of steel were required in its .,onstruction, and it is recognized as being not only a credit to Canada, but also the most up-to-date plant of its kind on the continent. Some of the machinery, which was designed expressly tor this refinery, is almost Inman in it work- ing. This is particularly true of the macbioes which fill the two -pound and five -pound cartons of LANTIC GRANULATED SUGAR. Three ma- chines told and seal the cardboard cartons, and weigh each one so that the carton contains the full weight of sugar as stamped on the outside, and all this without being touched by huusan hands. The Atlantic Refin- eries also contain many other interest- ing devices for t8e refining and purification of sugar. which enables this complete plant to have an output of one million pounds of sugar a day, or a yearly output of three hundred miilious pounds of sugar. Only cane sugar will be used in the Atlantic Re - Retries. so that those who buy LAN- TiC SUGAR, either so cartons or the 10. 2O or 100 -pound bags, will be certain to obtain the very nest granulated caos sugar refined under the mot sanitary conditions. . •. 7,N 0.715 • • • o MIDDY BLOUSES for • the WARM WEATHER. No. 1744 -Child's Middymade of No. 1Tlfi-Mlase.' smart Middy • No. 1T�.-Ladies' Middy madey .... white middy cloth wth garbs made cf extra quality middy • of white twill middy cloth, • eollar and cuffs, pockets, and cloth, oaths collar, wide halt, two laced front. Navy. red and similar to No. 17441. Sixes 34 to pockets. Sizes 16 to 80 years cadet. Sizes 6 to ltl years. W. Special each 61.00 each 61.010 • ringers Lambs, yearlings 10 Spring lamb- Back Iambs Ewes, light Sheep, heavy and bucks 3.50 Hogs, weighed off ears. 9.40 do. fed and watered. 9.15 do. . f.o.b 8.80 New and Dainty Designs in Waists Just to hand some very smart New Waists in the latest styles 'in voile and • • • muslin, embroideredlfronts:and Iaceitrimmed. Special each $1.10 • • 0.14 .509 GO • Summer Parasols •• 9.20 : • Wholesale Produce New laid eggs, .n cart'ns$ .23 to $ .24 New laid eggs .21 .22 Cheese-:.ew, large, 19%c; do. twins. 19%c; old, large, 20%c; do. twins. 20%c. Butter - Creamery prints. fresh.. .32 34 Cream solids .28 30 Dalry prints ..... .24 .26 Bakers' .22 .23 Beans -I ,Imes, bushel, 13.10 to 1345; H.P., per bushel, 83.2u to 13.25. The new Parasols have arrived and are very smart, in all the novelty styles in • "India" and "Queen Mary" in plain colors and fancy designs. From $1.00 to • • $3.50 each • • Children's colored Parasols, smart designs From S0c • • Hosiery, Gloves and Underwear • • Three Leading Lines. • • The Scotch Store has always been recognized as the best place to buy • •• • Hosiey, as only well-known brands are kept, such as "Radium," "Penman's" • and . "Sunshine Brands. • • •• • Honey -Buckwheat. ;lie a pound. : In tins; 7c t,. 7%c in carrels; strain- ed clover honey, 124•c; :4c In 5 -lb. • tins; comb honey, No. 1, .3 per dos.; No. 2.92.40 per dozen. • Poultry- Live Dressed • Chickens tic to U c 17c to 20' Fowl 12c 14c 14o 16c 1 • Ducks ,leo 12c 16o 1Se • Turkeys 15e 16c 20c 28G • Onions. -Canadian. 75 pound bags, 91.40; Egyptian, erste, 85.60 to 90.76. • Potatoes-Ontario,65c per bag, out • rat store; 10c In car lots:New Bruns- wick', 70c per bag. out of sto-e; Oso • In car lots. Other Vegetables -Turnips, bag. 50e; carrots, bag. 75c; beet, bag. tee; parsnips. bag. 40c. Brophey Bros. eoDHawcls TM Load* Puma! DIreders aid Embalmers Otrdere essieb.ry aMonend to tM el bums tight ea Emr. Toronto Grain Prier Manitoba 1o••r quotations at Tor- toni*'are: -.rat patents. '8.20 in cut- ton and 18.10 In jut . strong bakers. 17.60 1n cotton and 97.40 1n jute. Ontario oats -Na 2 w bite. 610 to 13e, outside; 05. es 50%S. Termites Buckwheat -SOC. nimaint . Brea-Marttobs, 526, in bags. tor- oato, and . ho: t, 7228. Toronto; mid- dlings. $33 to 935. - Rolled Uat -$3.4u to 53.50 per ba S. Barley ---Ootids No. 3..73e to 75.. nominal, on orae. Manitoba wheat-oport-No 1 , MiIIar's - Scotch Store • northers, =lK6y; No.. 2.'81.63; So. • i. $Lcr1 %, track, 9oderich. • ( arra-N°' 2. 917<e elf. to . ay • TELEPHONE NO. 56 • ports. Oatar:o flout -3u.10 to 56.15. sta. Pads -No.., noes'ral. 91.70, but very•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••0 t.ear e. • • • Women's Lisle Thread Seamless Hose, Radium make, extra quality. Black, tan, white, pink, sky and cardinal. Per pair .. 25c Women's fibre Silk Boot Hose, extra quality, Radium brand, in black, tan and wh te „ Per pair 35c, or 3 pairs, for $1.00 Women's fibre Silk Hose, a lovely sheer quality, black and white, Special per pair 50c Boys' and girls' Hose. Princess Ribbed Lisle Hose for girls in black and tan, a most popular line. All sizes, at per pair 25c Buster Brown Sister Hose, a silk finished lisle a very dressy hose in black tan, pink, sky and white. All sizes, per pair 2s Buster Brown Hose, the hose for the boys, will give thorough satisfaction. All sizes, per pair 25c • Infants' ;Lisle Socks in plain colors and fancy tops. Sizes 4 to 8.;. Per pair 15c to 25c Our stock of Knitted Summer Underwear is complete in both ladies' and children's. Buy the Corona Summer Underwear for best value. Kayser Silk Gloves in long and short lengths in all colors at keenest prices. • •• • •• •• • • "McCALL PATTERNS ARE THE BEST." • • •• •• • • •• •• • • • •• • • Ontsr'o wheat No. 2, 91.49 te 11 90. outside. 2. 11.17 to 11.19. ':anat:a Western eat -No. 3 at bay ports, 6'ilc; No. -3; 76idc; No. 1 extra feed, 69tyc. East auffale Cattle Cattle -Receipt. 3.500; fairly ere :;ve; prime steers. 98.60 to 18.80; hlpptig, 57.71 to 99.35: butchers, 9 ,u to 58.60; bel(. rs. 15 25 to 98.25; sows. 83.75 to 97.25; bulb, 94.50 to 17.35. Veal.-Rtcelpt, 1,300; active; 14.50 to 89.10. a Hogs-ecelpts. R 18,600; active; Meavy. 88.16 to Ib 25; mixed. yorkers, 58.15 to 1426; pigs, $ .90 to !8; roughs, 16.76 to 16.86; stags, 95 la 15.75. Sh:ep and Iambs --Receipts, 9,000; ctlre; sheep stesdy; lambs, 96 to 110.75; yearlings. 16.60 to 93.25; ethers, it to $s 50; ewes, 53 .o ;7.70; sheep, mixed, 17.75 to 53. Chicago Live Steck tattle -Receipts, 17.000; market steady; native steers. 54.80 to 99.25; western steers, 56 to 57.36; cows and heifers, 51.30 to 58 76; calves, 96.110 to 99.29. 1:cgs--Recelpts, 36,000; market slow; light. 57.60 10 87.00; mixed. 17.56 to 57.90; heavy. 57.30 to 57.01; rough. 57.30 to 57 45; lion. 86.74 to 17.11; bulk of sales. 57.70 to 57.50. Sheep -Receipts. 10,100; market weak; sheep, ;';.90 to 50.76; lambs. native, 57.76 to 510.16. 0..tS-W Islseal. Beet. for.gttt1aarett s. cwt.$11.00 toill .NI da kladguarters.. 16.0 16.50 Carcases, cholas 11.50 U.50 do. common 110 11.00 Yea:s, commas..cwt7,00 0.40 da amities 0.00 11.40 da prime 11.00 14.40 Heavy logs 1'.36 10.71 Shop hogs 11.71 11.16 Metts., hmvy 10.00 11.00 de. apt 13.40 14.06 Lambs .... 14.50 110.40 Spring labs 1.40 2.40 Wed Nay Trick prices. Toronto, eco: Ne, 1 baled bay 517.001' $17.110 Ns 1 haled hay Ne. 3 haled bay `leo straw . lee L HERE ARE A FEW Extraordinary Values in Hardware We have a limited quantity of Paint, which if bought today would retail at 25c per 1-2 pint tin. YOUR CHOICE OF SHADES 8c PER 1-2 PINT TIN Handy Varnish Stains, regular 25c tins for 13c Regular 45c tins for 27C Leather has gone up. We have just purchased an assortment of half -soles, that we can sell you at sac per pair, while they last. Regu- lar vatue-35c 011a mi LLESHounds assorted Nails for sac. 7s -wire Ideal Fencings' CAR OF POsr RTLAND CEMENT JUST RECEIVED. swell Hardware Co. LIMITED 1 Ir SCHOOL REPORTS. 5.111. Na 1, WEST W A W Al6OSH. The following is the Handles of of SR.,. 2. West Wawanosh, bawd b en weakly ate: V. • awl FlsMN.. Sr. IV. - Prank Wasbiallton 71. Lana Johnston 71, 16.50 10.60 H��ah Raker K Ones Orsig 0. 11.00 11.00 i./lis Hwtohba 57. *Pearl llnfgan, 7.00 1.M Jr. IO.- aitaseeE *MK •011,11 Moires 80. *Agate Cousins O0. 'Everett Milton 11. 9r. IIs. -Violet Moes 87, Erma Ptalgas 70, 'Stewart Plunkett 111.. Hallisul 0i 'Edith fine jalusston 78. eri ietpennr A *Warner tonging IL Hr..-9arvey Andrews 97, 16441. Johnston 71, Miriam. Jobastos dti WNW Mom O9, IOWA. Hallam 80. Jr. it.-Artb.r Jobastso Flatness Brom 40, •8lareey1. e00 P1. 5 d An- drews 70 bharIs H_t.h1M Memo 1 Young 60, Pt. 1. A-<:arl Serimgsourr 40 70, Jest Mo. Jack Hallam 00, Eddie Mille 40 Jr. Pt. I.-Leila John• sten, Arthur B 16uredltk Tome Earl Hutchins. nan11ow whoa ar are aborted • missed one or !more ore of texaminations. Number ow roll 41, avveerraaggee for mores 34. I. H. BAw*Isr. Teashee. S sad>Or at 61.•MMNwaMay nal ...