HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-5-20, Page 1To January lat. 1916 FIFTY CENTS THE SIGNAL will be sent for the remaining months of 1 U to any new subscriber in Canada or Greet Britain for Fifty Oen$.. To United States t ddrese 86.:. 10 PAGES 10 PAGES Tut SIGNAL has • complete line of Wedding Stationery. INVITATIONS, ANNOUNCEMENTS, Mt. printed in Ieeet style. Samples cheerfully shown. - � C M Norton 1 wig HI 117 'liaised d et SIxTY•ELVENrH TiA11-14us WHO GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. MAY 20, 1915 THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED. Pvaammoe • TN Ei TERLING BANK r OP CANADA SAVE,,, Because - To the rising young business man the savings account book; is the door of Opportunity. we, - 4 • PROTECT those dependent on you by taking a policy in The Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canada "Canada's only Mutual" A. G. NISBET REPRESRNTATiV B OFFICE IN MASONIC TEMPL:1, WERT STREET, GODS/UCH Pawnor : Orrice 2l); Hoose 150. P. 0. Box Mt r___________1 , Screens for Doors or Windows! Made any Size or Style. Order Now. Shingles. Cement and all Planing Mill Products always in stock. - I GODERICH PLANING M1L°i.g. ` `is2YIT8D • JAMES BUCHANAN, la., pWEaN101T AND MANAmEI. Lbone 47 A P. t). Bo x ld� POE SALE OE TO MIT L � SRPO�TOOVER L(�AmityyyTHM orrice. BOOMS TO LET. -APPLY TO MRS. J. CARROLL. Hamilton street. Mit FARM FOR SALE. -KNOWN AS thennilis fen IN. half of lot 16 and w. of tetlrlt ooesewbn A Wee W.w.naral, -estainlmg lid more., with abeat two bona of eebrtag .,hard. Good hese tresw beet DIM lama M Moe. • loamy day; .bort tk awes elrared Ur remainder Pro r'eoaeis�a riga t► Rss Within two maof IIrMas Of Apply to DAVID A. RHII�li- sars . Q DOR SALE UR TO LET. -ONE AND ✓ weer der brickbpbbrerqee, medeea aro. whtert and haktissa utaeraltsimre- , situates a pa1r� Meseta '$.�iiaefJOHNrgs HALL ♦ . mo RENT. -OFF OEE AND ROOMS North strsow eet. mar meer dvd Square. Well heated by pgtg, q • .leouie light and wester le- ed.W W adapted for • twrl.ter. • doctor or aAbe airmaaking rooms. above W. 0. Harrlaer•e awre, 1xt l7 000.trled by Mese Edward+. Apply J. P. BROWN. Chun* .fresh 4411 PUBLIC NOT! CE -- - LETTER. PREMIER BORDEN IN THE ROLE OF PHILOSOPHER. Gees Fishing as a Quiet Intimation to Bob Rogers and the Rest of Them to Keep tool -In the Meantime Sir George Foster Runs the Country White Bob Rogers Looks After the Party. $50 REWARD $50 Ottawa, Nay S1. -Politicians at the capital ars much interested in Premier Borden's new way of teeing trouble by going Robiag. Close oteerrvsu ►tate that the Premier has preset through true* stages In his treatment of public allur. and that going fishing is the beet cow of the tbree. Very wady in the game, while the Premier was still unaccustomed to power. be developed Job's ailment wham things went wrong. That is to wry, when bus got into hot water in the House of Oommoo• be came to a boil. In persons of strong character lie Job and Premier Borden this u not an sfliinion so much as a personal ex- pressioo of indignation at soother sore touch from fate, something halt way between temper and temperament. But this phase of statesmanship was soon outgrown and the Premier en- tered upon the next stage of his evolu- tion, wbicb was a certain acrimony of resort when pestered by the Opposi- tios. This stage did not last long, because the Premier is a kindly man, gentle in his nature, and regardful of the amenities. Besides, anger is • wasting emotion and hard oo the con- stitution, meaning one's own constiLu- Woo, also the British North America Act. The third and perfect stage has just twee achieved by the Premier -he has Steam* a philosopher and his going Rehing to escape Bob Roger' im r- waiti•• shows it. No one knows just whet• he caught it. but it was prob- ably from studying Marcus Aurelius, who has a lot to ay about leuiog thinge take their course, and Frank Opchreos. who tsaeo't • word to say ower way or another no muter what Mappens. Hach, In his own fashion, is typical stoic and when Premier Bor- den grafts on their example the mel- low precepts of Irak Walton'• Com- �•� he las a estttabiemstime soleMeru a Mid. • Mewstt . Wats �. Me. le iethis.. ear of axm a (am. is was a esaztm with that great commander that al- most lemost any lower would answer itself in • aroath, whish is to any that time is the wisest eoumssllor and turns more bard corners them any Premier in the business. Nobody In Ottawa believes it was tutee pleasure that took the Premier •-Bshiog. it was tactics. Tbe Premier probably got his Miat.11eom the cooduct of a laAwooes general in the Amrerioen (Rvtl War *ho toot a day off to go Ratting whop the campaign was at its fiercest. It is not related that the general caught any ash, but he did his Osbing wiser. the whole army could ser, thee re-establishing the morale of ha troops sod incidentally thinking ♦ reward of LW h hereby Brei re tap seag who on the feeling et ttw.aar. ♦soli !f met. gave Dar(' Beam. ma et the Lew7Mnet Rem at Calboree. a rid* 1m W baggey gem w Dur W f from Osiers* te lathe wdtarre Mg . Dame Carlow. Tb rases fee tat. adrwenenset M that David Emu '. mama V berg cenemued with the murder et hes tither. whin' tank Man twat same mlabt. &beet 11 seri* p. an the reed briers Loyal sad Carlow ; e. to make It Meat that David Ess W nsesswssta.s what eve with tet Mestres•s It _Ie 4tM.*M that tae who drove am samrmmake Ur- ea r- MM7hes g David Beam rany .op.(,.w:meen e epee Nm. The rwwurg will bs tmY wan to we... makes blmeelf trews .d dues a et•temant r to his a eeme.that r1gSL The evidence dierl*sme that Davy tiesn rd the mer who dere Ym. r wmMYrd .have. epek. that Welt to tee ma la Godwin' hem tea paw V whir* Wy ewe derma ea the sgnsvr.v.��mtims the ad1M �,�p� sad N*dforl bre.. about • berms lest. and lines Knee are earteemly regwe.tei t. make USSR- selves amanselves known to tae agd David Sam f Mtge andeesIgned. mid to tae. age • with'o is ward w01 he pad. M.UmNt�'tAMElkl 14. _ - wNemlE•h wiltien...= RORARE FOR SALE • LEr Iron PASTURE TOR THE BEASON. North ball r tet Il bats :Read Weet. Wen - •hip .�ptr re f Colborne. 47 se., aboutM. four mo' wm era very shear aad on very wry *001101py eke.waft hs.ttowg removed p.ri.arwtljttke West A BLOER Met at the Corel O*Mtisl. WANTBD W ANTED. -AT ONCE, A GIRL OF rreselt1,o weever to 11*0 W ep.n1- 11w Mtg. WANTED. -i COMPETENT GIRL ter mmeerel he.eswwet. Apply to MRIf- IL J. ACBEAON. Nelms reset. Obit WANTED -A HOUSEKEEPER Arm" de ..b. *pat, Kria10 ONAL oes Obit fies FOR RALE n ELHCTRiO HEATERS. -A FEW d v ad i t owmi*am eha yt MLR wbfle they Met. ipoR SALL.-MR= GRAVES OF Rea OXY OP Manus MIRO p► p. -WE Dash' ~se $. ��_� m I rs kea/M .est df«S 1EMMY N. ROWS AND FAMILY. OF .TYARER.-DURING rgg`dairiil.01 SIDMI T Eabost on stalk* from IM Smsate. HIll the purpose is the .she sod similar re- sults ars antieipeted The best eu.esen at Ottawa are of the opinion that. the Premier Mmes biwnelf in the wilds of the Gatineau, which sue just wild enough to be within reach of the news- p,pere if you west to drive in for them. Outside of that, however, the Yremiet'a ret rest b a. dark • secret as Medi grave or Hata Bur•nham's real thought.. It is quite ceftwl s that Premier 131r - den Ir - den did not go to Kiog.mere, although there is a .sere there and prtmsibly fish. Kingsmere is oaiy eleven miles from Ottawa as the crow Hire and is up in the mountains. Although it is a good place from wbicb to keep tab on P•t- il arnent Hill It is an equally good place for Parliament Hill to keep tab on Kiug,mere. A coeepicuous figure in public life like Pressler Burden c luld not stand on the ridge of the Lauren- tian mountains at Kingsmere and es- cape notice from the West Block. It Bob Rogers had a bot thwght to coin - coedited ea page THE SURROGATE COURT OF TEE CUL. W Mt7MOv. NORTH HURON LIBERALS. The first annuli! meeting of the North Huron Liberal Association (for Federal purpowr) will be held et the town hall, Wingbam. on Turedsy next, May Lith, at 1 o'clock p. m. The business of the meeting will include the annual election of officers. Then will be addressee by prominent Lib- erals. All Liberals •re invited to at- tend. THE G. C. 1. REVIEW. Collegiate Pablicaf i. Win Be Ready in • Few Days. The U. 0. I: RNrw will be out of the printers' handl In a few days and will be a very interesting production. As has already bean aunoanced, The Review is being published by the staff and students of the Collegiate loci MORE CASUALTIES. RALPH HERALD, FORMER GODE- RICH BOY, KILLED. John McLeod, Jr , III from Inhaling Poisonous Gas Used by Germans - Elwyn Long Writes from the Hos- pital in Cheerful Strain. The casualty lists published on Monday contained the name of Priv- ate Ralph Ewart Herald, of Vancou- ver, B. C., killed in action. The news was received with adores in Oodericb, for the young man was the son of Dr. and Mrs. Herald. former well-known rnsideots of Goderich wbo went from hen to Vancouver about three year. ago. Ralph was in the lath Battalion and left his home at Vancouver in Augu.t with the Hitt contingent. He was about eighteen years of age. Much sympathy 4. felt with the par- ents who have given their splendid young eon to the cause of freedom and justice. Private John McLeod, who was re- ported on Saturday as bring sick from gas fumes. is the eldest son of Mr. D. l'. McLeod, of Goderich. John en- listed with the 8th Battalion at Port Arthur. Ht, is not yet twenty-one years old. The report that "Boat' 'John) McLeod also was sick from gas fumes has not been substantiated and no official word bas been received by relatives hen to that effect, WWI Ida Vanstooe has received • card from her nephew, Ernest Stevens, of the let Battalion of Cat - adieus, stating that he had been wounded in the ankle. Ernest is the sen of Mr. 8. W. Stevens, of Kitscot7, Alberta. The family formerly lived in Colborne township and in Uoderich, lute with the twofold purpose of pro- i going West • few years ago. Tiding • vehicle of expression for the - student body and at the same time' Mr. Arthur Lithgow, nephew of Mr. raising some money for the hospital I Arthur Curzon, Huron road, sailed on for Canadian soldiers at Cliveden. Saturday by steamship Megantic for England. It is a book of forty pages. Europe, when ba will go to the front including articles by the students, a with the Canadian Rngineere. Mr. sketch of the history of the G. C. I. Lithgow was with the Bank of Moo - Literary Society by Dr. Strang, several treat ben several yawn ago and late pagee of personal paragraphs sed re- t rly has been in the Tama() ofies, fsewtw w "dotage" *t the 'shod, 0s1• .. ILL = • out a plain to surround the enemy. Tbs .oidttrs naturally argued, if the old man could fab, things couldn't be eo bad. and took hears. Something like this Premise Borden's Selling trip may be expected to do with the pan- kky fellows on Ms staff who nee no h ope except in an immediate eleetlon. Premier Borden's absence gives the Cabinet apace to reflect, to feel out public opinion and, if necessary, to buck up, and they can blame it all on the brook trouL Of course the case of the American general and Premier Borden are not exactly oo all fours, because the gen- e ral fished when everybody could see h im and the Premier does his Sebing io absolute privacy, no closer to • tele- graph erne saythan five miles and only occasionaly taking • peek, the way Speaker Leodry did when he was iN TIM heirs or R 1swains. lain or not Tows or. temanstw. Myst E. Hareem Decs.m*D. Haire la bombs eve* that all weer Wiling ay chime or da meds asst.. the.s•M of the Mid late k. IL awort% aha huh ao Sods ebb ea Dr twenty -aorta dap of Ape0. MIS. ars Molted to seed be per* preset' or to d► liver *4, tae a .irCis ret the antaatt the sea IL R .wens. their roar and ad- arsmr and Na pe as..n IN wrttig sof their Makes =samesserit cm. btY M JtAse.0.. take *m tis* tklt!Mr !st dq he of mill pira all. las eoo w demsr*r*erdM Ue i.04tierni serum a r♦ 1w»* Nara bad troth. •ad tart tea all reaaww wiz wip *.Oe1� b aid fess tha eroma r asspgSgrrI. taere.(M My per*•*. of whom solar Os n'ra met Nes have W setlma Darned ss UaI it N tan ted daa of M. tela 10-111 INIM•ar foe odd D1Ilm [N TIM BLOOD O! TUB D UMW! MOW W 411 COMM =miss 51rANM'OM DIUVINY MOM ■ s'ws :PUBLIC NOTICE WHITiNG OF HURON COUNTY tut tok.IL. .;:t lydbnwt t ��� our townsman Theeditorialstaff o�x, IS. A., I. Private Flank froward Pillar. o[ freposai of Miss Clifford, IS. M key frid A. D,s°cxy, Hector Hugh Mackay . Use Queen's Own Rifles, who is n- and Graham Row. Copies of the pub- I ported missing. is only sixteen years Wallow may be bad on applieatiun to of age. Hewitt be seventeen on June 2Stb. His parents I've at O8 Trifler avenue. Private Pillar stands 5 feet 8 inches high and was determined to go to the war. He was turned down no account of his age at first. When asked how old he was. he replied by asking the recruiting officer, "How old do you think I am?" The officer VOTE for the RANSFORD BYLAW! The proposition embodied in the bylaw which ie to he voted upon on Sat- urday next is so clearly in the Interests of the town that no voice is raised in opposition. Years ago Goderich was a great alt-rnakingecentre, with a dosen or more wells io operation and a great many men employed in the business. Fl -on, a variety of causes the webs were one after one closed up, sail the salt business In Ontario has of late years been largely in the hands el' firms in the Windsor and Sarnia districts powwowing large capital and operaupg more modern plants than any we have had in Godetich. Mr. Raneford, however, has continued to operate his well here, and bar- ing secured new capital he purpose. to install an up-to-date plant with which he expects and intends to compete successfully with the "hig fellows" along the St. Clair and, Detroit Rivets. He asks the town to him in his project to the extent of granting hire exemption from taxation (except school tazesj and giving him free electric power to the extent of 12 hep. for the period of ten -'ears. Thia will be • smell price to pay for the restoration of the salt industry in Ooderich to anything like its former proportion.. If Mr. l-tansford should fail in his undertaking. there Will be no debentures for the town to keep on paying year alter year, as in the case of some other schemes in which the town has become interested. The succres of the project will mean increased. employment for our people and More business all around. Personal and other extraneous considerations should be put aside, and the votea polled should represent the determination of the people of Goderich to put this town ewe more on the map with respect to the salt business. any of these or at The Signal office. The price is Mo. Persons who wish copies mailed to them should add two oents for postage. Edwards' is the place when you get that pun ice cream and home-made nand y Tee wmr.0l of the esepimaike of the meaty et Wren win mire in the email chamber, lo W tows et Gearing, s T*e•iay, the le stay et Jure .eels at t ooleot. All sccoenta R ere. vettleuebt must be *seed with the dart left n .1140 data W. LANE: Clerk. Dated u Oseerseh. May 7th. INS. mer COUNT of REVISION. 111. °wadi et the Tsweellp of Colborne w4E mar 1r W Towaeblo Hall. (allow. on elosillor, Meg ISM Nn. laat N a la... se • ...+a et aEOI R MCII.WAIN. Clerk. AUCTION SALES. £ U O ads or HoUR*HOLD Moa Jews Maujnsv eine.g7rasir els by paha* aseaes . an• e at Mr ts- etsesL Oedsein' sATURDAT. MAT Istlk so 1 eaten' a m.. do NOMI Isar t.M.�scarp MOOT MI tMer .. is fie. GN re 4. tit MINT. ay. sine Mee i � ablemmille lo boa ,'. Jof . M1M1t8L Pbewe K an The Salt Industry in Goderich TO THE RATEPAYERS OF GODERICH It is to a former Goderich citizen, Mr. Samuel Platt. that the honor is due of being the pioneer in the Salt industry of Canada. It was in Godetich that Sak was first discovered• Goderich at one time. 1870, was the head of the Salt trade. At that time there were over 14 different works in full operation, giving employment to a large number, and bringing much trade to the town. THOSE WERE THE DAYS OF GODERICH'S PROSPERITY. The N. A. C. Co. have been making Sak in Gode- rich for 35 years. and during that time have never received assistance from the town. We are now making an effort to make Goderich once more an important Salt point. We propose. at a large expense. to erect an up-to-date plant that will produce, at a minimum. 500 barrels of Salt per day; and with a maximum capacity of 1000 bar- rels per day, necessitating the employment of between 40 and 60 hands. Our Salt has a reputation second to none. We do NOT ask for a free site. We do NOT ask for a large cash bonus. We do NOT ask the town to im- peril its credit by guaranteeing our bonds. But the ad- vantages we have named can be yours by the granting us exemption from taxation (except school taxes). and 12 elec- tric horsepower for 10 years. Read the Bylaw published in the local preest and vote for it on the 22nd inst. l i Yours tespectfully. LM NORTH AMERICAN CHEMICAL G�OMPANY, Having carefully examined the proposition outlined above. the Board of Trade hardy commends it to the rattpaytrs F. R. HODGENS, M. G. CAMERON. s..rsaary President beard of Trod. REMEMBER THAT THE VOTE TAKES PLACE ON SATURDAY, THE 22nd OF MAY. 1915. answered nineteen or twenty year.. meeting was held. The reports from Then said Private Pillar, Put me the different circuits were read, show- down es that." He told the officer his ing the work of the district to be in an right age. Hie parents are very encouraging condition. Notwithetand- anxious to hear news of him. Private ing war condition, etc., the mission - Pillar was born in Prescott, Arizona. ary fund, which many were afraid His father is a Canadian and his would suffer, was increased about $500. mother an Ameticau. The major of his company, Major Kirkpatrick, has been reported a prisoner and it is likely that the boy from Toronto is a prisoner also He attended Fero avenue public school and worked in the main office of the Toronto Electric Light Company. As soon as the war broke out he offered himself for active service. "GETTING ALONG FINE." Elwyn Long Expects Sono to "Have Another Go at the Germans." The following letter, reosived by Mr'.. Long, of Benmato.% is from bar son, Private Elwyn A, Loaf, wbo aa reports. ist Week teas wotrrded its thegroat battle nese Ypres ow We Siedlils Else*Tar le a hsodl tittak 0i 8. -- BBoouu a Base April M, 103. Dawn Mtrrag°,-J,nt a taw lines today to let you know how I am get- ting airing. 1 suppoe• you got my card O.K. baying that 1 bed been wounded, and you will be wondering if 1 was badly hurt or not. i got shut through the abdomen, on the left side, just a couple of inches above the hip. It was a lucky wound and I don't thick 1 was hurt much intern than the accounts call for -hut we ally. The ballet struck my •netnuni- wop t promise to do it again:' The tion pouch and flattened out; then it stables° may have earned the momwent through me and dropped down ter dollars (i don't pretend to know '°side my pant leg. When i took my much about it), but in my opinion it puttee off at the hospital the bullet was entirely wrong for the council to dropped out on the floor- vote money to the police magistrate It is six days now since I got bit and for hie services, and u1 SIOWI to we it i am getting •long fine. 1 •m in the would be wrong for him to accept it, Australian ellholook at Boulogne and He might as well take money from the am being well looked after. it won't' liquor people to stand in with them be long Delon 1 will be able to go a when cases come before him. I do not back and have another go at the Orr believe Magistrate Kelly is • man to owns. wounded at Ypres' during the counter - but it a the principle of the thing that do that sort of tbitg ; I believe be i suppose you will know i got wants ti do what is fair and square ; attack the Canadians made after the i. to be kept in mind. The council Is Germans had broken through the within its rights in paying its employ - French lines. We were s divisional ens for extra services ; but the police reserve at the time ; that is, the 1.1 wagl.trete is not an employee of the brigade, while the other two brigades town He occupies a judicial office, were in the trenches About 1 o'clock and i understand bis emoluments are Friday morning we were roused out settled by law. I am not alone an of our billets and given orders to tae- looking at this matter as • very extra - pare to move ; that the Germans head ordinary proceeding on the part of the broken through the line. We were Seance committer and the town marched off and after about a five - mile march we arrived close to the fir- council. X ing line. It was just breaking day On enquiry at the town hall we Bad - and we dug ourselves in about 1200 that the order for the 510 voted to yards behind the Ant line trenches. Police Magistrate Kelly hes not been About 8 o'clock we started advancing trued, not Davin retrlveaI the si oa- sNavy shell fin and came neer ture of the Mayorg , and Mr. Kelly has b the ridge ridge behind which we bad been not asked for It. sheltered all morning. The lierma°s_ were entrenched on the top of another J C. Blackstone, expert piano and ridge about 800repa weds ahead, and organ tuner and 'rer,lis in town. when we got in the open the ballets All markdrepsn guaranteed. Ordeleft et just dropped around ase like hail. WeBlack+tonrestaurant promptly were in extended order and we ad attended to. Phone 240. vnced by short rushee, dropping flat on the ground atter each rush. I was within200 yards of the Oermane when' AUCTION MALES. Changes were made in the hound- aries of circuits as follows : Bethel (or Porter's Hill) was attached to the Bayfield charge, and Holwesville is to eoneist of the Holmesville and Eben- ezer appointment.. Rev. S. J. Alto was elected as representative to the stationing committee, with Rev. W. K. Hager as alternate. The following laymen were ap- pointed delegates to Conference. which meets at SL Harpoon June :ird Thos. Robtnson, Varna ; H. Wiltsie, Clinton ; Giles Jenkin., Goderich ; H. Horsey, Blyth ; Wm. Voddeu, Loodeeboro' ; Wm. Morrison 8sa. forth ; T. G. Shepherd, Nile ; 8. F. Trey leaven, Dungannon ; Arthur Fisher, Beomiller ; O. W. Potter, Porter's lilies • IL E. Ilan niag, Clinton ; W. A. Parks, Auburn; T. R. Wallis, rich ; E. Rae. Walton ; Robert !M. a o�•M: w. Misfit.• FINANCE OOMMITTEE'S REPORT. To 1as.'Edttov et The N{gaaL DEAR SIR, -That was a most extra- ordinary document that was banded in to the oouncil by the finance com- mittee at the last meeting, as reported in your paper. The committee prac- tically says, "We don't believe we ' ought to pay these accounts for liquor proweoution., but to show we haven't any bard feeling. we will pa more the bullet struck me. i managed to crawl back behind the shelter 'pi en old potato pit and there i bad to stay until of ht when a fellow helped me out to the dressing station and I was taken to the hospital from then. 1 can't write much more this time, hut will drop you a ll.e soon again_ I think the Godelich boy. are all safe as far as I know. Some of them were wounded, but 1 don't think ane were killed. Web. goodby for this time. I awn, Your loving boy, RLwve. DISTRICT MEETING Methodists of Godsrscb Work of the Year. TW annual district meeting of the Goderich district of the Methodist °buret' was bend at Ontario street cbureb, Clinton, oo Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, with Rev. .1 R. Lord In the chair. The usual minieteriel business was treneseted on Tuesday morning and afternoon. On Tuesday "minim a very profitable ,sssion was bold, reviewing the work no the 11etrist. and dlocuring mesa - urea relating to its promotion. On Wednesday assembled and the Joist Relegates soruRD1r. Mar 7a- AucUon +ale of boom - bold furniture. property of Max. Jodi H.1., r- D.T. Cameron err. Tie's. 01-!I DRr. see - Limner rein... May 714. at 2 oclock. Salo er houeehoid furniture. nom prl.ing dlnlsaromn bedroom and bltebon Mrnitnn. property a% J Li.un*ooc.corner South .trnot and Etch avenge. Termites 02. 4DRY. sort bnrrr. DIED. GIHVIX - In Oklahoma. U. s.. as no May M N. Obits. ttgmdfa sad S tlewatha. REU'HEF4.-ia Oodar(eh, ea Retards fah, "finals I'arden, beloved etre of Rel,her. aged t7 year. RO*ERTrioN -At Alexa.dr. be.pttal. t1ede- rah. ea 7lb.r.da May .r'ti. Axasder Robertson. In Ms 7 StfM i ear. Tel .meal will tali pear. from 111. est. banes, en (' lemma toeseh'p. on Rat. 7 May !d. 2 >a o'clock p a. to (el rmeter7. W at the house at 1 .'deet e• m. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -MAY loth Paw Mesaee d Omen, Oog*r0 - W . Ltl.s 1 Roamer Ilehn11••Qaein• l7elvnsttp. MEM sloes .. 4 LI Reward M. G. Cameron R*rvael Wanted- Mee. R. J. masses 1 Hair Reads feaster non.ws.d Os d Card of Thank.- II H. flews GIA wanted Rall Telephotos Cs 1 Groat lake t f.Y.r.--41*etl.rs Nsvl.*Ms r. Gard of Thera- -_rues Belcher ... tY • .. w... •••••••••••••.......4•.-••• •