HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-5-6, Page 91
othe week
ET aiv. mos a STAMM
Pastor Bond Street Congregational t.hurch, Toronto
Tutt: 'And Isaac brought her Into
Ole mother, Sarah's tent, and took
Rebekah, end she became hie wife.
Send he loved Mr; sad Isaac was
emenfort.d after hie mothers death."
rr-0en. 24:07.
His mother, Sarah, was dead. His
wife Rebekah took her place. occupied
ler house, used her utensils and con-
tinued the home. It is rte way o!
soelety; mother goes, wife eomti. 1:.
the universal want column 1s the
yosng man's advertisement "Was-te 1.
ES wife like mother :' flea..'
seams like high treason to sugg •: t'.,
s sacrilege to think It can be pos-
Ftbia. A wife like mother' And ye:
let must be that your mother was u
gland as your father's mother, and it
L quite possible that your son's mother
'will be as good a woman as y ,,:r
' Tot the young Cello- 1n yon gall, rs
Imay be thinking of the young woman
be has Ir mind to marry, and he I
Ituat now remarking that she does nc
look very much like his mother; s:•.
doesn't look, act, nor talk like her
$b. has narrower skirts than mo"... -
has. and as for a hat, It doesn't 100_
jut all like mother's. And her sh�c,
la 'ill. mother wears looser ones. at.
tblgger ones. The young wonit.t,
panda are not withered like e.,'te.
ether'■ hands. Her face I. cot
MM[slble, but her cheeks are rosier
lilb. doesn't c•ooverse as mother de. r
her talk is tike the laughter of ter
k, and her topics are not seric.us:
an, young than, and give her t.me
vs the year a chance' Le: the
itiiiiof summers baptise her face;
the winds of winters roughen het
O rin; let the frost of Moven:b re
Whiten her hair; let the beat of
disgusts brown her neck: let the prob
bone and cbUdr.a, she has the evi-
dences of by-and-by becoming a wife
like mother.
On a Winchester car sat two young
women, to the ..at opposite came
a young mother carrying the cunning-
ist baby you ever saw. Both young
women looked at the cute little thing;
the face of the one was absolutely
esaotionleas, the other smiled a warm
NNW. as if she wanted to reach out
Yd clasp the baby in Mr arms. l
know which of the two will be a wife
like mother.
You will want a wife with your
mother's fidelity. How thoughtful
mothers are the world over. Every
Man born into lite entered ,t at the
peril of . his mother. Mother was
fi duty except when asleep,
and even then she had one ear open
tor your cry. Everybody gets holt
days, but the mother of small child•
ren; every servant bas her aftern000
off, but never mother. Mother's
fidelity to you bas no equal except
1a God's fidelity to His children. A
young man was convicted in St. Louis
of a terrible crime. The witnesses
Bald, "Osllty"; the evidence said,
"Guilty"; the lawyer for the prose
cution said, "Guilty"; t'e judge said,
"Quilty"; the jury brought in a ver
Isms of food knit her tiros , tet the
"needle of stitching roughen her fir.-
fars; let the crooning* over the cradle
Soften her voice; let the weeptttg at
• babe's funeral add a plaintive note
Ila der tangs; let a•waywdrd Iaddie's
Etna drive her to her bas..: let th!
Throne of Grace give pence to her
countenance; let the comforting deeds
of sone cheer her up; let the gentle
hands of daughters soften her pillow,
land she w111 be like mother at last.
What did mother have which you
want your wife to possess' Well. first.
the home spirit. a domestic nature
rffE7-te-will be sometime before you will
Ndmlt that wife can make pies ":ike
;another used to make." and then It
!will be a long time before you will
amort that she cannot. Remember
'when you were young you came to the
table hungry as young bean But
1 there may be signd that she loses
home. and that is enough Indication
For the present that she may hale
the domestic spirit of your mother
Isaac's mother, Sarah. was domesti-
cated; she baked for an angel one
day. When Abrham'a steward went
� search of a wife for Isaac. he had
his eyes open for signs of domesticity.
A be sat by the well his formula for
selecting a bride was this The girl
that would be thoughtful enough,
when he asked her for a drink. to
my "Certainly. and i will give your
camels a drink also." would be his
choice, so he waited. and Rebekah
came with her pltcbe. to the well.
She fulfilled the test.
Out in Winnipeg I was Invited to
a man's hoise for dinner, and It was
remarl•ed to me that 1 would have
the opportunity of seeing the pros-
pective bride of the richest young
fellow in [Winnipeg. 1t was just an
ordinary house. and 1 wondered why
be should sleet the daughter of a
cottage. 1 kept my eyes open. and
1 soon discovered why. In she came
like a May zephyr. 'i think the side
porch w111 be the coolest place for
you this evening: 1 have put down
the awning: Mr. Stauffer won't you
have a drink of lemonade; ourW1n-
nipeg water is so hard to Easterners;
father. your slippers are there, ready
for yon." A Rebekah is here, i .ea,
right in Winnipeg. Ah! rash yosg
g.an, like Elieser you bare been keep -
lag your eye peeled; ; lucky doge
Rebekah was fair to look epos. She
bad a healthy triteness. 111 wariest
If Guv.rnmset is IMaad Ts Commit
Suicide, Let 1t Proceed.
Haalltes Thea
Th. Dominion (!shunt, we are told.
M divided on the question of bolding
en election this year The Premier
and Mr. Foster, it le said, object,
while Mr. Rogers and his following
went an election. There is also a di-
versity of opinloo on the subject in The
Tory press. like
oath Telegram and TTbh. St.
Standard do not favor as appeal t0 the
psop1. at tb. present time, while the
Tbroato News and Toronto World are
beating tb. big drum in favor of a po-
litical fight assoon as parable. Var-
ious are the re..00s given for this. Tb.
World wand one so that the Senate
can be made bopeleesly Tory. and be-
cause next year tie Premier will have
to go to England to attend an Imper-
ial Coafereoce. forgetting that there
will be no 000tetence until the war to
over. Tb. News want* an election be-
cause the 0r1ts have been criticising
the Government and incidentally ex -
the grafters, and it does not
tit. conduct such se that All sorts of
reasons are given, except the real rea-
son. That is that the machine Tories
have • notion. that now would he a
better time than next year for them
to face the public. They know that
the Government cannot be elected on
its record, and they think fest` they
can stampede the electors by baying a
hurrah election just now.
Weil, Let them bring it on. 'rhe
Liberal party bas protested against
such an outrage upon the people -bas
protested against a political campaign
In Canada while a campaign is being
carried on over in Flanders and France.
It has appealed to the Dominion Gov-
ernment to spare the country the
humiliation of internal strife when
our sons are dying by the hundred* on
• foreign *bore. It looks as if the ap-
peal had been in vain. Should the
Government force this election, let the
blood be upon its own bead. It will
go to it. doom. The people are in no
humor to be humbugged and cajoled
by political Cricketers seeking their
own .elfish end.. The country is now
in the crucible, being tried as if by fire.
We have General French repeating to
Canada the Macedonian cry, "Come
over and belp us," and the Dominion
Government proposes to respond to
the cry by shipping over a trunkful of
ballot papers for the Canadian soldiers
at the rant! Could Canada be more
deeply degraded
HAVE AN ELECTION. I gay* ail aM. address ea the life and
work of Rev. Juba Geddls the famous
s.tsinaary to the :New Hebrides.
Aimless gory services will be held in
the Presbyterian church on Sunday,
May 9th. It will be the twenty-fifth
asolversary of the °peeling of the
church. Rev. D. T. L. McK.rroll. of
Toronto, 1s expected to conduct the
While John A. McDooakd war turn-
ing the [lour will teem and wagon at,
the station the wagon overturned,
throwing Use driver under the wheels.
The hoose became frightened and ran
away, walling klr.McDonalci some die
tenon, but no bones are broken.
Oxo of TELE PIONccas--Tbe death
of Lachlan McIntosh occurred on Fri-
day, April 2Sed. in hie eighty-sixtb
year. The deceased bed never had
se illness throughout hie long life ; he
imply wore out He was born is In-
verness-shire, Scotland, and came to
Cao'de at the age of twenty-seven.
Fifties years later he settled on •
bush farm in Huron township where
he lived until be retired. in Bit, and
came to Lucknow with bis family to
Pain bis remaining years. He is sur-
vived by his wife acid daughter, Isabel.
The remain were lathered in Kinloss
MANY MoVINot+.-W. J. Davison is
moving into the house at one time oc-
cupied by John Blake. Mrs. Ewan
Mackensie and family will move into
the house lately occupied by Mr. Davi-
son. which she has purchased. W. A.
Solomon, who has purchased Mr".
Mackenzie's beautiful residence, wiU
move into it at once. Mr. Davison has
purtbased the large stone dwelling on
Wheeler street from Mrs. Irwin and
will make extensive alterations before
moving in. Mr.. J. G. Murdoch bay
purchased the cottage from Mrs. Mc-
Lellan, near R, D. Cameron's. J. H.
Ackert, of Holyrood, has about com-
pleted alterations in his new home on
Stauffer street, regent!y purchased
from A. H. Boyd. W. E. Treleaven
is contemplating the erection of a large
brick residence on Havelock street.
diet of "Guilty." But the little wo-
man with biack hair of grey fringe,
and bright eyes. wrapped her arms
around his neck and with a Lace dif-
fused with tears said :"My boy. your
mother loves you and still helteves in
So matter how wayward his tnut-
stepe have been!
No matter how deeply he's sunken
in sin!
No matter how lo.: is his standard
of joy.
Tho' drunken and loathsome, he's
soy-- mo:her's boy!"
tt'ashingtcn Irving said: "There is
something In sickness that breaks
down the pride of manhood; that
softens the 'tart. and brings It back
to the feelings of infancy. Whq, that
has (anguished, even In advanced life.
In sickness and despondency-. who that
has been bound to ■ weary bed in the
loneliness of a foreign land. but has
thought on his mother .that looked
upon his chtidhood, that smoothed his
pillow and administered to his help-
ler arms bared, abs bore bee gitaker
with grace. Health ought to he every.
thing in youthful beataty Is err
realm of biology tbe stamp of are
faeracy 1s health. Praise's Joseph et
Austria married the staafsst waist to
Swope. bot lila Lapws gave lira
to sickly children. The heir aflame
►.Dame insane. and eseeedtbel teem
sad grand old heaele JktMgh • Bs
gels servtvor of kis bosom
Is she dom.sttestadf eft
a Safir'ss'ette. aft still be
K Tette( at elation demi%
=testes; *Mali alt ids r a
too dafdty sell
s of yew =ea M R tee
teasel be suites itag
ties toga fie robe dd wishes( sal beta:
tike your Meek
w all .hest
d set M
ef DeimeoW
petit Men
'Gentle her hands
■he'd press,
And tried to soothe
and distress;
Kindly she'd say to
Mother would
were here."
on my forehead
me from pain
me 'Be of good
comfort me If she
is caused trove the blood being thick-
ened with uric acid poisons circulating
in the head. Anti -Uric Pills cure all
forms of kidney trouble. 'They are'10
good and so sure C. L. Coultie guaran-
tees them. Be sure you get Anti -
Uric Pills. B. V. Marion on every
box. bold only at C. L. Could, drug
We11.Known Mariner Talks to Ashtabula
Newspaper Mao
Capt. R. D. Simpsou is now un bas
way from Ashtabula, Ohio, to Mon-
treal with the steamer "Scottish
Hero,' having left Ashtabula on Wed-
nesday of last week. The vessel has
been cut in two to enable her to go
through the canal and is being towed
by four tugs. On reaching Montreal
the boat wiU be put together again
end used for tra6.-Atlantic trade,
Capt Siwpeon will leave the vessel at
Montreal and will return to take
charge of the Sarniao, of the Canada
Steamship Linea, Limited. TbeAshta-
bula Star of recent date bas the tot -
lowing reference to the- vessel and to
Capt. Simpson •
l■ time Spring Inst People Need a
Ink &dicier.
One of the surest signs that the
blood is out of order ie the pimples,
unsightly eruptions and eczema that
come frequently with the change from
winter to spring. These prove diet
the long indoor life of winter has had
its effect upon the blood, and that •
tonic medicine is needed to put it
right. Indeed there are few people
who do not need a tonic at this season.
Bad blood does not merely show itself
in disfiguring eruptions. To this same
condition is due attacks of rheumatism
ani lumbago: the sharp stabbing
pales of sciatica and neuralgia :
poor Appetite and a desire to
avoid exertion. You cannot cure
three trouhles by the use of pur-
gative medicine, -you need a torte
and • tonic only, and among all medi-
cines there is none can equal Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills for their tonic. life-
giving. netve-restoring powers. Every
dose of this medicine makes new, rich
blood, which drives out impurities,
stimulates every organ and brings •
feeling of new health and energy to
week. tired. ailing men, women and
childreo. 1f you are out of sorts give
this medicine a trial and see how
quickly it will restore lbs appetite,
revive drooping spirits, and fill your
veins with new health -giving blood.
You can get these pills from any
medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents
a box. or six boxes for a2.50, from The
Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
WUI your wife have your mother's
religion' The Christian Guardian said
the other day "Who teaches the race
to pray' le It not the gentle -voiced
mother, who In the evening hour folds
baby hands together and bids the baby
voice lisp softly. "Our Father which
art in H +" Who teaches the
race to sing.' Is It not the sweet -
voiced mother who soothes her baby
to sleep wt•), rer(r to -5c -forgotten
songs of childhood, And we venters
to say to every aged man and woman
veto reads this, tial one of the sweet-
est and most named memories of a
loss life. Is the thought of calidtood
sad a fond mother's love." Mother
trains the preacher, she *aspires eom-
las missionaries; the keeps religion
Now your sweetheart Is not yet as
earliest as that She may eves be
and giddy. Ste doesn't
taint of prayer 'missptta( perhaps
the eeevestiosel bedside prayer. but
U she dose that tf she Is Wangled
to the Church, If abs sees r.iglos to
the boas* of bar meeker. eve ter
11.... the .ed bee bees sown, tt .fn
*/stag up to freitsa la dee time 1
peesenber being at the noddies er
a merry =aides whose tet Aber ere
Me __ a:pressed ler then that her
rsE�ttr fit set hens that seeress
young wean. east In
M wee tee Meilsen reap
the mother testi. but 1 v
,wt teem the yetllg web nes
Ogee yew, llh=. - MIAs
w tAtatt7. erleg, "a pew,
1 Oar baby ren le lig
• NesnnM
e*lag• Pray r.
Tee see bogus
bar metiers Morey
't .uDAT. /SAY $ 1•/► 0
Tear off your heavy winter clothing now that spring is here
in reality and fit yourself out with cool and comfortable sum-
mer garments. We can supply your needs in these lines.
TUESDAY. April 21.
Naves OF TRg WitaK.-We are very
sorry to bear of the lose Mr. and Mrs.
John Ellis have sustained. in the death
of their second eldest daughter.
Florence. Mie. Ellis had not had good
health of late Mr. end Mrs.
Henry Hoover, who have moved from
Michigan to Brussels, visited relatives
here Friday and Saturday last
Mn. Albert Campbell end infant
daughter. Marjorie, are visiting at the
fort .er's home in A.bfield.
The Scottish Hero of the Canadian
Lake and Ocean Navigation Company
arrived at this port Saturday evening
at 8 o'clock from toderich. Ont., and
was taken to the local plant of the
Great Lakes Engineering Works,
where she will be cut in two, bulk -
headed and towed to Montreal, where
she will he put together again and put
in commission for ocean-going service,
having been chartered for that pur-
pose. The Scottish Hero, which is •
SUtlloot boat, is 10 -foot berm and has
a carrying capacity of IIU) tors. She
was built at Newcastle, England. in
1895, and for the put eight years has
been trading between Canadian and
American ports on the Great Lakes.
Capt. R. D. Simpson of OwenSbund,
Gecrgian Bay, is the waster of this
vessel and is a very jovial and ezpert
skipper. In an interview with • rep-
resentative of The Star he stated that
as soon as his ship is cut in two and
bulkheads placed on each end these
two sections will be towed down to
Port Colborne, through the Welland
Canal and the St. Lawrence River to
Montreal. where she will be put to-
getber again and put in shape for
ocean service.
Capt Simpson will remain here to
look atter bis company's interests
while the work is being doneland will
then have charge of the work of tak-
ing the two sections of the vessel to
Montreal. He is unable to state at
this time whether his company will
send tugs to do the towing or wbetber
they will use local tugs for the pur-
After Capt. Simpson has delivered
the boat at Montreal he wit! be Ir•n.-
ferred to tbe.Sarnten, of which be will
take command. Cept. Simpson, who
ie fifty-four years of age, haw been
sailing on the lanes for over forty
year@ and has also been in the Alp -
building business. He also used to sail
the Turret !'ape. Hie crew, consisting
of twenty-two men, will be transferred
to other veers!' of the company. Tire
Scottish Hero has been essoaged by
the Canadian Steamship Lines. Ltd.
WASH SUITS.—Wash Suits for children, to fit ages
from 2 to 6 years, prices run at from 5oc to $2.0o each.
ROMPERS.—A full stock of Rompers in wash
materials, cool and neat for summer, 35c, 5oc and 75c.
SWEATERS. -A complete line of Boys' Jersey Sum-
mer Sweaters, colors white, blue and red, long and
short sleeves. Price 25c.
STRAW HATS.—Straw Hats to fit men and chil-
dren, all shapes and sizes, prices from loc to $to.00.
SUMMER UNDERWEAR. Summer Underwear
in balbriggan, natural wools and cotton. Prices right.
McLean Bros.
Tbe Square - Godench
••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
• •
• •
• , We have just received a carload of CANADIAN Farm Fence, Hoag Fence •
• And Poultry Fence. This Fencing is' of the very best wire and heavily galvanized. •
• We bought this Fencing before the 74% war tax was put on and we are going to •
• give you the benefit of it while it lasts. •
7, No. 9 and 12 wires, 26 inches high, stays 1.2 inches apart, 22c a rod'
• 7, No. 9 26 „ 16 " • 2`Ic a rod
• R, No. 9
New Brsaawrick Woman Praises Dodd'.
Kidney Pah.
Porton. Carleton Co.. N. B. -May
ard.-tSpeciall.-"i find Dodd's Kidney
Pills the best kidney medicine 1 hey.,
ever used. They bays been of untold
49 " " 226. 32c'a rod
7, No, 9 „ '42 .. ' ., ,.t 22 " „ 27c a rod
• No. 9 Coiled Spring Steel Wire - - - 3F a Ib•
• 2x5 inch Barbed Wire at - - $3.00 per spool of 80 rods
• 2x6 inch - . $3.15 per spool of 80 rods
benefit to me." When asked about t he war. Capt.
Tree speaker is Mrs. John A Dickin• etimp.oa, who ie a patriotic Britisher,
stated that be hadn't beard any war
son, of this place She is enthusiastic news for t e peat few day., but his
in her praises of the greet Canadian taus lit up with • confident air, stated
kidney remedy, end not w!thout re• that it was *11 over but the shootinegg.�
sed that the Atties were in such a pad.
tion they could go out and gist the
Germans when they w. n ted to. He
said the Canadlae..people are "tending
right behind the *other country and
they are ready to avenge the toes
which little Belgium has sustained.
Ne also stated that the first contin-
gent of 10.0IO Canadian soldiers were
already at the front, that the mimed
oontingerit of 10,OI10.oldiers 1. in Tbr-
oato folly equipped and reedy to go
forward at a moment's notice and
that a [bird contingent is being re-
cruited They can Ent so loamy7 mete
to enlist they are mist -ties them if
they have the slightest defect. Ives
the wotne % are enthusiastic and aany
of them .re resigning good positions
to go to tbs front to act M Red Orme
aurae. The formate le (!scala have
also orgasi.ed and are sontribsting
Hies end ratis to both �he *leap, qui aid a.-
Mel -
ripe and stand elf te Alp all thew
eneetrtes eon eft Seib M the loyalty
shown to the Wither scenery
• If you require
"I suffered from kidney t.r uble that
started lea cold." .he eouttones, "sad
for four years i was never tree of it.
1 was treated by a doctor. Met he did
not seem to he able to do me much
good"1 W rMamatlsm and nesralsis,
and my)oiab were stiff ; my muscles
cramps& sad i was. always tired and
teer'twe. 1 perspired freely with Lbw
blighter* exertion. I was depressed
low-spirited, my limbs swelled,
and t had • dragging seesetioe screws
Use loins.
"?flee hoses of Dodd's Kidney Pills
made • new woman of toe,"
MONDAY, May ard.
r Bert MW.. for a numbs, d yearn Is
ee employ of Bell & Dowse, hardware
wilt open a tiaeetithing
*hep oe his owe aeennet
in the neer
at the meeting of the
r0nW Mat weak wee Rev. kett�tg
3. pre /!swarf, d IViMeeln e . who W lie Ossedlsa people.
" at- -
Fencing now is the time to buy if you want to save money.
HowdoYon test Slnugles?
A roof is not a thing to be chosen lightly,
,You are bound to choose metal as sure pro-
tection from lightning and fire. But how•
can you tell which is best ?
Let us tell you how we tett
Admit we bay. as much at stake
as yen We thlak we hay. more.
Our whole future depends on the
Iron we put on your and your
a.lgtbors' barna. The lite of
our lualaees 1. the farmers'
good -will R,. our own test is
severe. It 1s our own way Of
Insuring our bushier. agalast
The galventrlee whit/6 forms the
protection from rust and ruin, we
put to the British Government
tuts -acid testa This 1s harder
on galvanising than th• storm*
rho wind. the heat, rho frost of
twenty years.
But. when we send out PRES-
TON Rafe -Lock SHINGLES we
know that they will give the beet
"entrebring new friends and
new business.
sare -lock
Msnuf.etuced by rue METAL SHINGLC • e*OINO CO, LImtted. Preston.
"Reiter Rrttdlwgr." Her to sae wtetia to the. hest
elwwtape ow the form Des'[ br(Is iefore you
.es U. Ant fere ISMS ever.
Are you going to use P LRTILIZLR 1 if so call and s este poises. which are quite interesting. •
A carload of PORTLAND CLMLNT is just in. If you legatee any. get it off the ear and bare •
the met o1 site* teaming.
1t will loan be time for .1.. ,y ng. Ilo not forget that w. have • map for you in LIML SVLPHUR
•t 118 .00 per bervel
all•Are you going to have any PLUMBING doe.' We have two pyretics/ piurnbers and gueraot.es
• every job we do; and what is more, we invite inspection' and t..t. All work promptly attended to *ad
filly guaranteed. The same applies to Heating. Meetrie Wlrile and MO.•as Pitting.
• Have you snoogh COAL to tarry you tbroegb to the warm weather? We have just received
• several carload. of freshly mined Reranton foal and can give prompt attention to orders- All Coal
weighed on market scaler.
• CHAS. Ca LEE Phones: •
Ho SE n •
•••-• .•••••••••••••••....