HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-5-6, Page 7IBUIMUIE WEI(VF&HAM Dadra Lralla IL PINIAlida Soma Sett Lis rias. lis -4414.11 issy el lee is pile el ap beim Isflamene- tetanic weakn both sides. and beer. kerderra than es/Fw memory. aur `.patient, fwd sleepless end bad nor rdried lagait.weak spas. et _, my body. 1 bad a gime s `sttsf'htakl. that was se weight eiribm I aid besdly herr tis. end I emedicinie sad demem. ����Ss get . sten. I got Itpia 1 l'itharoie Vegetable Compcaad sad Shed�ramad I car. tidy would lesseeses er ea amiss it year>.rdlias bad nee saved act. Drs how I asesmck el well Maids. est awaitsI tit deep . ao bet loam se weak mews. spells. AM pais. asbm hare sad dreads are gam my beam,, ' MM are no brgwns�ae�e� • I almost entirely free stthe most n. amidb ppismi I a. Ihad all V Math BM. Bosam • assaareek.• you wasilagaiskidmotawrits Lydia IL jMMda tt7we The Union Man. - Reilly—'•1 hear Pat Dolan was drowned yesterday." Fitzpatrick— "Couldn't he swim?" Reilly—"Yes. but he was a union man. He swam foe eight hour and them quitted." With the exception of On -meting, Were are many new ways of doing old things. Wsmsa's but friend. Ttar ree am.e no - wenn .Id all. �r •• hsehh - wenn r rids Seamactr. b1.ammo w .tealb, Tak• . Chniab.rtiis'sfahlist at eight mil the $....rh hs rad eal l .re4milhen inlemmr. imam soma Ism as THE SIGNAL OODERICH, ONTARIO IJYIIC NUTMEG& Expert Suggestions as to the Choler of Spices. ADULTERATIONS NOW RARE. The Department of Aoriwttun Le- perte Have Awlsseed Housowivse to the Inspertaase of petty" the Peet Grades of Theis Coadiate.ta ]Prepared be the United mates e► partms.r or agriculture. It Is only wfthla the poet few ears that unscrupulous mice deniers have practically abandoned the Precose of admltrattng theft coffee. doves, pepp0 mai other wares with .Dm produces as ground cocoa sheik, nut shells, oUvs dans. mineral matter and cereals. The maanfacturs of them so called "alleys,' mads from various cheap materials„ ground ub end property colored. had grown Into Quite an industry before toe food and drugs act pat a stop Nstmege. 1n particular, are better whole than ground. The whoe aatmeg retains Its flavor and can readily be mad se needed. The temptation among unscrupulous manufacturers is to use moldly or .wormy nutmegs In making the powdered 1ptre- Most housewives who nee nutmeg and macs ars unaware of tits tact that these two important .pic.s grow on the same tree. The nutmeg tree, which b cultivated chleay to the Spice ie- bndh lying just south of the Philip- pines, aad to some extant in the Wen Iadl.a resembles the orange tree with shining, dark green leaves. Tb• fruit of that tree le about the fuss of a peach and consists of a dart brown sod ea - circled with bands of a lighter brown or yellow eelor. This outer eaveiope lighter•t1 tit bcasuists. the mace. whikernel oe the seed L the nutmeg. When the fruit is ripe kis gathered by hand The mad is re- moved. moved. care being taken to hasp 1t as whole as postmle. and dried 1n the eu, attar which ft Is eametfines stela - bed with salt the better to Ware Ire keeping. When nay ter the market ft varies Rum a her to a brews 1s osier, ae• County and District John Young, of the 0th couces.1oo, Stroeder. The young couple will ee- Howick, has sold his farm to Wm. side at Drysdale. H.etie, jr. I Mime Mareusterd died at her Frank Taylor has sold his term near home oei the liirrdt c000os.ion ot Tucker- Oredlton to Joe Heist, who lives la smith on Setarday, April 9ttb, alter a Met village. few day.' illness. She was the eldest Georg. McBride, of Zurich, has pur- daughter et the late James Mu.tard awed the flour and feed business of had resided with her Iwo sisten,'Mare Isaac Hudson at that village. and Ann, oo the homestead. 8h. was Robert Hunter ham bought fifty seventy-four yeses of age. acre. of the A. McInnis farm on the BRUSSEL& Sed oormseion of Menlo,. He paid 11,800 for It. John Ellis,daughter of East Wawaeosb, died at her home there oo April 26th, aged nineteen years. Zurich is to have a water supply for fire protection. A well is being sunk at the fire hall and a gasoline engine will pump the water to a large reser- voir. The farm of the late John Jsoobe, on the bauble line, was recently sold by auction and became the property of W. 8. Johnston for $4,31.1u. It contains nicety-twu acres. Fire which broke out in Geo. Seitz's stables at Formosa, on April 29th, de- stroyed three residences and four stables and barus. Most of the pro- perty was insured. Jerry lirydges, of Belgrave, was kicked by one of his horses recently and remaioed unconscious for twenty- four hours. He has • severe cut in his head, but is now recovering. H. Smith and family, of Zurich, ere moving to Grand Bend, where Mr. Smith will operate the various at- tractions he recently purchased from tbgestate of the late W. Clark. Melvin Clerk has sold his farm on the Huron road, HuUett, to Joseph Meru, of Godersch, for $7,L110. 'Pee farm, which contains 100 acres, lies midway between Clanton and 8eafortb. Gertrude E., daughter of Mrs. Mary Ceroochan, of Tuckenmitb, was mar- ried at 8eatorth on April 28th to Jae. Lillie, Mayor of Sturgeon balls, Ont. Hey. F. 11, Larkin per formed the cere- mony. W. R. Smillie, of the London road, Tuckersmitti, has sold bit 100 -acre farut to Thomas Dickson, of Seeforth, for /8,6011. Mr. Smillie will reside at Seeforth, where be has purchased a residence. Thomas Johnston, jr., died at his boom near Ihysdals on $uoday. April 21th, ageI forty-two. He had been a sufferer with tubereulome for many .toothy. Interment took place at Bay- aeid cemetery. Ann O'Donell, relict of the late Peter O'Malley, a former resident of Culross, died at White Bear, Minne- sota. on April 11 tb. The remains were it -tarred in the Roman Catholic ceme- tery at Culross. William Quinton, of Centralia, died on April 21st, in his .evenly -sixth year. He was born near Kingston, but had lived in U.borne township for fifty-five years. Two daughters and one son survive. Join A. Curry, a former resident of the Parr line, Hay township, died re- cently at Mooeejaw, Meek. He was forty years old and leaves a wife and three daughters. It is fifteen years since he moved West. Agnes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. Cbarette, of the Bauble line, Hay, was married at the Roman Catholic church, Zurich, on April 27th to Frederick Siemon, of Zurich. Rev. A. Stioeder was the officiating minister. The death occurred, on April 27th, of Mn. Moes Hannah at the home of her son, William, in McKillop town- ship, near Winthrop. The deceased was .evenly -six yeah old and is sur- vived by eight children, most of whom live in the West. OUR Special t i e s Plumbing Heating Eavestroughing Metal Work Electric Wiring Prompt attention to all smell job, and general repair work. IV`, , W. R. FINDER Pbor. Iii Hamilton Street delight. Tb. piesielsees choice. Everybody's Favorite. W. APR Mp►r -- - L aesao8 VISSI rl UMW t =Mama 1111/16 aniscording to the variety and the cars taken f• carfag, le trimmest, brittle mad agreeably aromatic. The seed also lest dried Im the ma or b oven and Obi broken spam and the kernel or anew of commerce removed The seine[ 1s oval, of a denim brown, with the surface grooved mad bearing ■mmeress IOe yJ wrl� biea 'ib prevent the ravages at la- me!. and to give u attractive appear. I. the sesame err .tram either atMed 10 time water or powdered mitt dry Ilene; bond the whit* powder 111.11111, adhering to them. Several varieties of amtme a aid mace are to be had. the beat being produced In the Banda limb. so that tbe "Beni" lead la tale esesee- Um generally similes a atsg.efar ptrd- act Of tbe ea and Maeaeaar are tregemity ties 1Pq- comteret They ars larger aad mans elliptical la dope Sea tis. thea aa► meg. with eseeparesvely Smile sir had a deetr sale testa Tbsk last et Saver makes than a peer Incept. Mat fe spite of Nus peke& Desbay mac*. the utter edelhinaat et spice mac*, Is a botanical mace attest. in form to the ver varlette& It estrus trete the spire eras is that R is stases emthmty devoid et Om% lila. et ewn% treses It amiss. as • b the wide form ft ram be disease by lel heti eller and kelt ere maw meseuser► .J'- is et slice mem It S many toast ea rte metdet M t4Rmrdvied Pamag err some »fes eller sire yes mg Sited 'lheesly Yea els►. Ill 41111 OMNI INV 4 ll. ae Sag se ole eaassteer 1s prMrb 1e,. baled Ifs oroie moo b /mrsieleee Ie parent SP ails 'ale imessele 1d. war mu&rsssrtag Ilemtay sari. time &Midght jut asaill blare ea egad i-ssl4 it Wiliam 111114, anent ss fi „us& flSf.i Edna, daughter f Mn. A. Good, a former r•esideot here, was married at 8esketoon oo Aptril 16th to Alfred 8. Bernhou.e, of that city. Mr. and Mrs. GGeo, L. Walker, of, Brantford, former residents here, were in town that week. They came up to attend the funeral of Mr,.lieo, Wil- liamson, of Grey township. James Dudley, for thirty -.even years a reaident of Brussels, died here o0 April 24th In his seventy fourth year. He was born at Woodstock and is sur- vived by his wile, three eons and three daughter's. 8EAFO RTH. Mrs. A. Close had her legs badly scalded one day recently. She wan lifting a kettle of boiling water from the stove when the handle came off end the water was spilled over bee. Mrs. Thos. McQuade has purchased Um residence of Win. Beliantyne, on Goderich street. Thomas Elder bis purchased the residence of Cyrus Atkinson in the North ward. 8eaforth races will be held on Mon- day and Friday, July 1st and 2nd. Mrs. Donald McGregor died at bee home uo April 29th, aged seventy-two years. She bad been i11 for many months. ' CLINTON. J. J. Sud- bury, heMcGaughey e he has a posball ition ne t tiionon the c. P. R. J. H. House and family bave re- moved to Ingersoll, where Mr. House has a position as baker. The old Queen's hotel has been divided and will be made into two house►, with a change of front. The late Dr. W. W. Ogden, of To- ronto, who died on April 22nd, was a brother-in-law of Alt. McKown, of Clinton. Jean, the four-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Murch, died oo Tuesday after an Moms of pneumonia. She was an only daughter. Thomas Trick wee at Thedford last Friday attending the funeral of his brother William, who died there aged eighty-two years. Mr. Trick, of Clin- ton, is the only surviving member of a Wally of nine. Capt. C. E. Dowding and a number of lady friends from Loodoe are ar- ranging to hold a musical entertain- ment on May 1Stb. The proceeds will be donated to the military hospital at Shorncliffe, England. ItX ETRE. W. C. Frits, of Guelph, is flee new teller at the Bank of Commerce here. Dr. J. G. Reid, who recently gradu- ated from the Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, has entered into partnership with Dr. Sweet here, under the name of Sweet & Reid. Miss Edna Dow, of Exeter, who is now at Toronto, awaiting the sailing of the next contingent of nurses, was prevented with a cabinet of silver spoons by her friends of town. While driving into town one even- ing recently,the sulky in which Thoe. Brock sod s two children were driv- ing was struck by an automobile and overturned. The hone ran away,but the occupants were only slightlin- jured. D. D. G. M. Dunlop, of Goderich. paid his official visit to the new Ma- sonic lodge rooms on April 26. After the work of the third degree bad been exemplified the members adjourned to the supper room and a plea.aat time was spent. Three cows, the property of John Smith, of the Goshen 110., died from poisoning recently. He had treated them for vermin with a mixture of Paris green and oil, and the cows licked each other, obtaining sufficient poison to cause death. Alex. and Leslie, eases of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Iamont, of the 10th con- cession of Grey, graduated in arta at Queen's College .t the recent examina- tions. Both bey. are going West to teach, Al, z. at Drummer, Bask., sod Leslie at Tecumseh, in the same Prov - Ince. Emma, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ducbarme, of the Bronson line, Hay township, was married on Tues- day. April 27th, to Louis Brisson, f Drysdale. The ceremony, which was held at the Roman Ca'holic church at Zurich. was performed by Rev. A. SAGE A110 SUIPHUR ¶AHkEIS CRAY HMR Iliewab this thrwmg% faders, MAIM tech and they become dark. skyey. youthful risk Wt lays its seism tad lust:q sr win it ay, dull . illi Mss. r�sd byta • led md of salphnr ►s the hair. Our grandmother reeds all • mix- ture of Imp Tim sad 8nlphv to keep her We dirk and beautiful, and thou- sands .f wan= and men ole video that ewe .si.r, that keaatitul deck abode of bask whist t 1e se attrsetiw, use ads this .wipe hyMEwe Sia t kfamous mitten' swat of yethri Sege ad Sul- phurny Os.uad.a which Jaime the Wnobody ass possibly W w' test pplied. Be• sissy, it taken of deadrst, Mem map leshiag lei felliai hair. Toa jmss Amp=w th s 1 �,.or left brush with it end taking sae small .1...t1 .4 • 110. year ' - 1a' dimepa� be whet seers - = Su beer with Wrath's Sem ami 10u+hr Is that, beide. beastifelty drbes irg the hair atter a taw applies. Sam Ithelm sit tosses 0 as a �ma�iss et Mrs. Herman W. Kelly, a former re- sident of Exeter, did at her borne at Stratford on April 23rd, aged thin five years.. She ware born in Usborne township but had been a resident of Stratford for the past twelve years. Her husband and a.. children survive. WINtiHAM. Norman McLeod, of Goderich, has purchased flee grocery business of Mr. M. J. Hell and hem already takeo pos session. Miss Annie Oarreu was married on April 96th to Edward Lewis by Rev, E. G. Dymond. Mr. Lewis is the night constable be re. Lizzie, daughter of Mrs. Jas. Fleury, was married at her home here on Monday, April 26th, to Clarence D. Shackleton, of Ashfie Id, by Rev. E. G. Dymond. Jobe W. Ansley, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Ansley, has been appointed clap resistant in biology, Faculty of Art., by the board of governors of Toronto University. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley motored t. 8t. Thomas on Wednesdayof last week to attend the funeraof Mn. Bradley's father, the tat. lar. Pugsley, who ded here on April 26th In his eighty-eighth year. The Wingbam howling club has been reorganised with the following officers : Honorary president., C. Dal- las; honorary vice-president, Wm. Holmes ; president, W. J. Boyce ; vies -president, A. R. Smith : seem - Lary -treasurer. A. Scully. Two young lid., about fifteen y.ars of age, were eilibt in the cellar of R. 8. McGee'. store on Holiday everts'. April nth They have eines soo- feaeed to being implicated in the many burglaries that hays taken place her. r.eeniIy. After appearing before else magistrate they ware 'emended for a it is futile to attempt to live In s.e- tiere a area business from religion and work from tattle.—Hegb Biseb. The t)pelist at the Front. •' Was it a had ateid.ut r "W.41. 1 was knocked speechless and my whew was knoekad spoke - baa. - Pa1Ni •.,y • eel •1 i - • Tat'tway, M:tr 4 1111 T • • ilit"0110_1 1e lr.resi )�.r.� �„wesd •• "Neu -Tone" for the Ways Ile is so sway and .o economical to hove a boosib it dstmnesad bone, with "NEU-TONE" Flat Ftiois`. The sol, restful Neu -Tone" tints willderiglittbolsonam andrtr win appreciate refinement and delicacy%jo the _Por!. Wham you "Neu -Tone" the walls, you save ail fuss and bother of washing and scraping the piaster to Am* mother coat of "NEU-TONE" itsgh�� "NEU-TONE" is cheaper than wall paper. k Ldleasassiaid—absowtgdr lutely sanitary—can't fade, seeleeriemb t�— A14D IS WASHABLE. Soap and water deans a 148t1r mom" well and takes away dust, stains and tsar Meshy -ib Floor Fisiah will withstand m these -wagerer slam ds whole a floor varnish is subjected ; it emstbssismetas' hod or e1* wood floors ; every can carries veli it 'stta-Pmme `allkse- "wase IN CANADA" Waswlef r }w a era+y all emit el car sue +.wean_ hams " - mtt/„�hme attr/Cu*tryy Mimes". dim witen vas er F. Hunt, Goderich, Ont. A Red . Cross Appeal to the Farmers Our country, with its Allies, is wagiog a great war for justice, for the protection of small nations in the enjoyment of their rights, for continued and growing freedom, and for the m$iatenence of its pledged word of honor. Much de- struction and desolation are being caused. Lives are being lost by the thousand. Candi, first contin- gent is now in the thick of it. Some will tall sick ; many may be wounded ; some will pay the last full measure of devotion to their country and its cause. The Cron Society exists to succor the sick and wouoded in war. The need of Red Cross ser- vice is great and growing greater as the war goes on. The price of progress towards lasting peace is very, very dear. It cots lives, homes, health and much besides. Canada's part to the process of pay- ment, through giving for Red Cross work, is mercifully light and easy, even when all have given to the extent of really feeling it. The soldiers and sailors pay the price enacted by the desolating struggle from week to week. What they paid in blood and did in sacri- fice a month ago was not enough for then. Shall we soy it was enough for us ? What they are do- ing and suffering and achieving have put aide, for the time, all their thoughts and plans for indi- vidual welfare, comfort end safety. They don't hesitate to establish precedents. But they are prece- dents of heroic sacrifice for our ooun- uy and its cause, for our principles and ideals that they may be upheld. Farmers, individually as well as through their Institutes, Clubs, and cheese and butter factories, are In a position to help very greatly. Their burners+ does not .offer from the war. Prices of Dearly all farm pro- ducts have gone up. While labor is scarce there is time to think of the boys at the front and to send the Red Cross Society a gift to be spent for the sick and wounded. Farmers are generous in senti- ment and generous in giving when their hearts and beads point the way. This is a case where they do so point clearly, penualv.ly and urgeoUy. In this crisis, in the lives of nations and in the lives of stricken soldiers, none eau pray too much, do too muob or give too much. rs o sed me S UMS ofefrom 9al to 1 to during be first week In May. Every 1110 pro- vides one additional bo.pltaJ bed with the giver's same over It. By .ending me about 910,000, you would serve your coos try well. bring credit to yourselves, and make all of us very proud of you. For the sake f the wounded boys, maks the gift sub- ial. It will he an investment towards the recovery f some Oan.- dian soldier who stood In our stead that our sans might be upheld. Faithfully your friend. Jae W. Rongirnme. Chairmen, Red Oro.. Society at Ottawa. 11 then is s chaise* of getting rid of the worst evil of the hum.. reser--ver —that chane* ought w come new. If this Wren t orese es t.owetgLeeld LONDON CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC AND—:— SCt10OL OF ELOCUTION., LIMITED UNPRECEDENTED OFFER OP SCHOI.A1 SHIP ANDIPRIZES. Write for Partudars LOTTIE ARMSTRONG, P. L1NFORTH WILLGOOSE, Registrar. Mora Bac. 1 Dsesim) Principal. Address: -354-6 Dundas St., ,London, Ont. It Multiplies Power. The telephone, like the crane, multiplies power. The telephone increases personal efficiency and enlarges the volume ofbusiness by extending the field of the merchant's activity. If the modern business manhad to travel every time it was necessary to have a personal talk with a customer or business associate, he would be in the position of a builder without a crane. ' Are you ting the telephone - as you should --systemsWically applying it to the needs of your business!? The telephone, especially the long dis- tance service, makes possible real eCO[Mxnye and With it a greater, not a lover,efficiency. A caul study of the subject will repay you. 'nve act /'68••a.w• • • try nit..._ ar,ti••.'" The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada.