The Signal, 1915-5-6, Page 6• mit, MAR • NU
*'Bkettering" Defoe! et Rosman' Mends
Germans W114 --Baltic Russia
is Alae invaded
•Loadoncable ears the detest of the
Est•elans in Western (kaki*, it infer -
ion and Austrian ration' are to
believed. 1a *enema The main
!Imminent army of Russia under Gee.
▪ roti at present occupies a 70 -mile
front In the Carpathians from Rags -
Seco to Telepovec It may poutbly
Lave to retreat as i$ right flank is
danger of envelopment and its left
hi threatened by strong enemy forces
tea the Stry)-Munkaes line.
,`The Russten army had established
;strong position a on the southern
slopes of tbe Carpathians. Oppoetttoa
to Its &deans recently has been stif-
fened for the Austrian troops batt,
beau reinforced by German corps.
For the past three weeks the beeriest
ting has been in the region 'outb
ick rasa and slightly north of 1
nn ZIllms that the movement to
(western Galicia is of the greatest im-
portance of any action since (Yea vea
lndenburt"■ great drive In tbe north
e that the Russian army In the ,
rpathlens is in imminent danger of
being iti off. ' The Rus, arts have
gained the southern slopes of the 1
main ridge and have worked their i
'fay well Into the eastern Besktda
Dukla. sad other smaller passe*
t According to Berlin, Gen von Maek-
ttasen'a army has shattered the Res:
Flap right wing on a line running
n orth and south .bout 60 miles east
- Crocco. Ybanwhne another
Austrian column is working its
tray north along the valley of the ,
tttryj to attack the left wing positions
be the Czar's fortes The German
one 1s to trap the Russians in the
between these two forces Aa
on the Russian right wing baa
Predicted recently In Petrograd
sep.tches as an offset to the Raritan
farther east on the Carpathian
Despatches received from Berlin
*eversl days ago tndiated that a
t reports was being fated In this
t. Copenhagen now relos
Berlin 1s wildly celebrating the ,
rpt of the news that the Germans ,uta
ve broken through the Rnn front
western Galicia. i
Meanwhile Oen. von Hindenburg'.
throes are pressing steadily forward
northwestern Russia. along the
.bores. Rapid strides are be
tug made. according to the German
istatement, and south of Matsu. on this'
��7allaarch, the Germans captured 1,700'
'Ruasians. This advance is apparently
leo cut off the Russian port o.' LI' -•a..
The official statement from Petro
says !'hat the recent
ting on the Vistula has bees
act./lied by particularly bot ar-
*fllery fee. The German gunners.
during one period of 24 hour. fired
110.000 shells. Austrian prisoners.
e specially the Roumanian', complain
ni cruel treatment by the Germans.
Petrograd expects that the Germds.
invaders along the Bnitic will dad it
tmposstbie to retreat.
Judgment Is Reserved and Nobody
Shamed For Guitllght Sinking
The American oil ship Gulfllmtttt wee
torpet:oed on Monday without the
• ltgbteat warning while eying the
la.merican flag, according to informa-
tion of tbe crew at Penzance.
President Alison. Secretary of
State Bryan and the international Ism
experts of the department have de-
tblded to suspend judgment in the ase.
frtte Pres$ nt and Secretary Bryan
bonferred last night at the White
House. Sb protest has yet been filed.
The sinking of the Gu10ight Is re-
garded here as an incident of extrema
delicacy because it is thought the
most Important of the attacks obs
Imertcan interests since the begin-
saing of the German submarine war-
arAre and the Issuance of President
Wilson's warning to Germany.
The highest °Medals bore maintain
Pe attitude or making no charges u
of against any government A de -
/Patch was given out at Washington
mouth used the words: "German tor-
pedo struck bluff bow.- The de-
ip.tche was given out at Washington
itn that shape. but subsequently the
hoed German was erased.
llsUllery Prepares Fresh German A►
exult Despite Awful Scenes
Reports say that South Zealand
:isnaleen echoing to the sound of dao -
ding from a soutaweeterty direc-
tion for three dayspast. There are
padtcatlons that the Germans are pro -
paring to deliver another great ss -
Before crossing the frontier from
Flanders all speak at the terrible
Wedge in the towns where the Ger-
elan wounded are being brought In.
the stns arrive and the v c -
•n taken out blood streams from
(le do and the groans tN the wound-
ed are terrible. Many IMeb soldier
Uri sickened and desertions are frr-
Airs W.41 1n Wast
%oeday night's French official
010Ssment merely says: mere is
lag to announce *inept Use shuck
K two German attacks Sunday night,
One agatnst the Pettish troops north
If Ypres*. theother against the Preaeb
boons In Petr* woods."
Buried Side b Side
life United States secretary of the
Wary Motels, aseoveod Mends"
Oat it has been determined to keep
O. two Intents Oermas auxiliary
im deers the Prins 2tltel Priadrfek and
lOrw Pates Wilhelm at Norte! berth -
1011 Net 10 feet apart.
/seats Troops "ensnare tins Gorman
'oronte Cattle Market low at Yprae Receipt on Monday were 2AA`:
Sold to N 40,000 Mttle, 207 calves. 606 Co, s. U shat?
Nnm.ray French :team Representst've prices ate
basbsrding the outer works MI guns
Iihlpplug sl. s n 67.82 to 6$.:9
Mora proteeUtr Ilse of tortlficatlona Handy choice steers7.70 $..
Butcher steers, choly 7.15 6.223
stn the south of the city have damaged
ane of the forts. struck a barrack
building and canoed the partial de-
struction of the railway station. The
bombardment has been maintained for
two days with heavy sustained fire
and is costtnutag with success grati-
fying to the Preach commander, se-
psarding to Paris reports. The French
official communbue last night asserted
that the allies hare maintained all
their gains of Sstur}ay and in com-
bats In which the Germans, in the
valley of the Aisne and in Champagne
employed tombs emiutng ether *JQd
ether forms of stupefying gases, the
actions have turned invariably in fa
v0e of the •flies. Near Tracy 1e Mont
the gas fumes reacted upon the Ger-
ern, [reventtng they p.haece, it i.
Is•rned from reports gathered on
the Belgian frontier that the German
staff to Belgium admits the lou of
twelve thousand men killed in, the
battle' of Ypres. Paris unofficial re-
ports state that the Kaiser's forces
lost 40,000 in this fighting. 1t la con-
ceded on all hands that the German
losses on the Mild of Ypres are be-
yond all calculations.
Carpeted frith Dead
Semlofeclal accounts of the fight-
ing of the Belgians at Ypres show that
the tactics of Gen. 1)e Counlnck, com
mantling King Albert's troops betweon
Yperles and Langematck were brit
tient and proved enormously coatis
to the Germans. He concealed ma-
chine gun sections of the grenadier
and carabineer regiments in trench's
n ear the Yperles stream supported by
• grenadier battalion under Major
Borremans. Not suspecting a trap a
hugs wave of Germans swept towards
Yperlee until, at a range of 160 yards
the B.igtan machine guns began to
belch death. The Germans' dense
formation and the onward thrust of
their rear guard prevented the oncom-
ing enemy from halting or retreating
and very soon the ground for 100 yards
around was carpeted with dead_ Aa
soon as the German rear turned about
the remnant of the vanguard tied
Dante -stricken from the blood-soaked
battlefield to tbetr covering trenches,
abandoning tbousands of dead and
dytag. 80 complete was the surprise
that the Germans 7ere unable to in-
dict any serious looses on the vic-
torious Belgians who counted but a
few dead and but 400 wounded among
their ranks.
Trains o' German Wounded
wounded men have arrived in such
great numbers that in some of the
villages behind the Langemarck front
they 4y along the high road en-
veloped to the dust of passing guns
sad marching infantry. From Bruges
It is reported that on last Thursday
alone 16 trains. each of 40 car. all
]lied with seriously wounded Ger-
sten' passel through on their way t..
1'ologne. The Germans are fast mov-
.ng several new corps into Flanders
sccordtng to Belgian despatches. Vat
`.cdies of trcooa which .feed the fron-
tier of Belgium a fee date ago and
wbkh over --aa Bruges . now have
been, trans; -oriel bather crest. ' To
le teethwest of Bruges. to the west
t that town and along the Coartr'si
cad the de:ds sad roadsides are 11ter-
illy packed with waiting divisions and
••arks of new artillery massed In
coad'ne:a f.r the Best great transfer
British aviators have blown up am-
. -'nitron deppts at St. Quentin. in
:e:thern France. killing 'o soldiers
ihey also bare destroyed a railroad
r:seght depot •sad • portion of the
Russia* Mevewtents
Along the Carpathians the Russians
.:ave resumed the initiative and have
gained an important tactical success
nn ,the topmost heights overlooking
:bp 'pass on the road tram Stryj to
Muni:acs where they lave captured
some mour.ta:n Funs. The first round
of the bitter contest between Gen
ton Htndeob'rg and Gen. Netted for
the initiative In the northern cam-
paign Is tur.,tng In favor of the Rus-
The thirte. nth century Cloth I1a11
ct Ypres is n..w completely destroyed
Lid Is only a heap of ruins as a re-
sult of the German bombardment. St.
Martin's Cathedral wits its old square
ower has collapsed.
do medetum 11.60 6.76
do. common 1.16 6.25
Heifers, choice 11.10 1.10
da good 11.'1 7.1 1
do. medium 4.21 6.75
'stetter cows. choice.,8.50 1.0)
do. good 6. N 6.1e
do. medium . 1.21 1.71
tis common 4.00 1.00
Bglcher bulls, choice 6.21 7.00
do. good bulls A.76 1.25
do. fnedfum 6.26 Y.7S
do. rough bologna 4.76 6.26
reeder, 950 to 1,100 lbs6.60 7.25
do. bulls 6.00 6.7;
Stockers, 750 to 900 Lbs1.06Y 6.5
Stockers, 750 to 000 lbsM
90 00
60 N
40; 1+.06
Ilihners 3-60
Cutters .. 4.10
Milkers, choice, each .. ,61.00
do. com. and med...,40.00
Springer . 60.00
Calves, real. choles 6.10
do. medium . 7.00
do. common 4.60
do. grass (.60
Sob calves. each 1.00
Lambs, yearling. light9.60
do. medium 6.00
do. heavy 7.90
do. calls 7.00
Spring lambs, each 6.00
Owes, tight 7.00
("seep, heavy and bucks 6.60
Hogs, off car 6.65
do. fed and watered2.60
do. f.o.b. 6.26
+`^ r Farmer's Market
Following are the latest quotations
tor farm produce at Bt_ Lawreaee
Market. Toronto.
Wheat ,bushel 21.60 to de.06
Goose wheat 1.26 0.00
Oats .66 .6d
Barley . .. ,80 .62
Buckwheat ...- .0
14'e 1.10
Peas 1.26
Hay, timothy. No. 116.00
Mixed and clover 14.0(
litrsw, bundles 17.00
do. loon,: 10.00
Batter, choice dairy .. .lR
Riggs, new laid. dos.12 .31
Chickens, dressed. lb.23 216
Fowl, lb. .m .:1
Ducks, ib. .16 .0g
Turkeys. ib. .21 .22
Geese,, ib. ..., .19 .20
Live chickens. lb. .19 .20
do. hens. lb. .1d
do. ducks, il,, .18
do. geese. lb. .16
Apples. basket .25
do. barn: 3.00
Potatoes. bag .60
Green onions, 2 bunches .05
Lettuce. 2 bunches .05 .01
Rhubarb, bunch .. C.S '.19
I Pork, ib- .1; .10
Lard, lb. ..,., 1., .12
.70 '
Huge Casualty Um as a Result er
Last Week's Fighting
A statement sup- plementary to
aturday's Eye -witness story from Sir
Max Aitken was issued by the MIilUa
Department on Monday. it given the
Canadian casualties 1n the battle of
L.agemar.k an 5.403 noneommissios-
ed officers and men killed. wounded
and missingtnetud'ng officers, the
total casualties number about 4.000.
The statement summarises the main
points of the engagement and men-
tion. the eorps and commanding of-
ficers who figured la the several
phos • of for C t nadtans' gallant stand.
Kieluslve of craualtiep of officers is
the fighting teitween April 22 and 60.
tie list shows
Killed 70d
Wounded 1.161
14 lasing 1.190
More Tewten Siva
On Monday • Tsetse aeroplane Sew
over cat tta in fan view of the lalalt-
tants wbq wf re xpec:leg bombs. ta-
,jtesd tete pilot dropped • owlet
which se owed a number et Mallets
with th, me sage. "Yes akar sspeet
,a in t a ala is tlr« days"
ter es a ed' die I is ae_ly6 upas is
Imams r ..1 made a0A :! Myer.
Toronto Grain Prices
The following wholesale prices are
quoted at the Toronto Board of Trade
Manitoba Wheat -No. : n.'rther./
31.69. lake ports; No. 2. $1.67; No
3. $1.64' .
Manitoba Oats -No. 2. C.W.. C9yf,e;
No. 3 C.W.. 67112c, track. bay ports.
No. 1 feed 56c; sample oats. 65c.
Ontario Oats -White, outside, 62c
to 64c.
Ontar'o Wheat -No. 2. per car let,
31.60 to 81.52.
American Corn-C.I.f., bay ports. for
opening of navigation, No. 2 yellow.
82c; No. 3 yellow. 81lec.
Peas --No. 2, 81.35 to 31.60 car lots.
Rye -No. 2 outside 51.12 to 31.14.
Barley -Good malting barley. out-
side, 73c to 75c.
Rolled Oats -Car lots; per bag of
90 pounds. 33.40; in smaller lots.
33.50 to 83.70. Windsor to Montreal.
Buckwheat -70c to 72c, car lots.
Mtllfeed-Car lots, per ton. bran.
826 to $27; shorts. 828 to 829; mid-
dlings, 333 to 334; good feed flour,
338 to 339.
East Buffalo, May 4--('attie-Re-
celpts. 2.800; active and stesdy6 prime
steers, $8.10 to 18.25; shipping, 37.60
to 38.00: hatcher,. 36.00 to 36.25:
t f iters. $5.011 t0 38.00: cow*. 32 76 to
17.00; bulls. 34.10 to 37.00.
Vests -Receipts, 1.600; active; 34.60
to $10.00.
Hog.-Rcc.Ipts. 16.000; actives
heavy. 67.95 te $8.06; mixed and york-
er. 31.00 to 68.05; pigs. 67.90; roughs.
16.50 to $6.65; stags, 66.00 to $6.76.
Sheep and lambs-Recetpta. 0.000;
active: iambs, 66.00 to 610.16; Year-
earZings, 85.60 to 3q 66; wether. $1.10 to
37.86; ewes. $3 00 to 37.00; Nese.
mixed. 37.00, to $7.10.
Chicago. May 4-Cattle-Rseetpts,
12,000; market weak; native steers.
36.15 to $8.61 ; western steers, Ude
to 37.35, cows and lettere. 61.00 te
18.40; calves. 36 to 38 60.
Hogs -Receipts, 50.000; market`
slow; light. $7.30 to $7.70, mixed. 17.21
to 67.16; heavy. $7 to 37.66; rough.
67 to $7.16; pig'. 81116 to 64.90; edit
of galea, 37.40 to 47.00
Shoop--Reeetpta 12.000, =dirket
weak: ,keep. 37.40 to to 36.20; Isalia&
native, $$ to 610.66.
Nod. et Tercets
Priees quoted to toustry merchants
for selected seeds. Caudle. ()overs -
rest tested, per cwt:
Ped clover, Ne, 2... 620. N w $21.60
ee Me 1 1!1.00 13.60
de Ne. 2 17.11 00.00
silky. No. 1 11.60
do leo 1 17.60
do No 1 . 11.11
[moth', N0. 1 10.91
do Ne. 1 0.16
4.. els 1 .. , -11.111411
Building Material AND Spring Wants
Are easily filled with best values at
Best Asphalt. Guaranteed to wear.
1 ply. .... (i $1.75 square
2 ply, ... (q 3.10 square
Screen Doors
Complete with hinges, hook
and pull
From $1.00 to $2.25
Screen Windows
From 20C 10 45C
Wire Window Screen
In all widths from
18 in. to 36 in.
Lawn Mowers
We have one of the best makes
of Lawn Mowers that money
can buy. Still the prices are
Second shipment just in. Don't
fail to see them before buying
and you will not regret it.
Builders' Hardware
/F you are building get
our special prices on
Nails, Locks, Lock Sets,
Hinges, Glass, Sash
Weights, Sash Lifts,
Plain, Tarred and Asbes-
tos Sheathing Paper,etc.
Lowe Brothers
High Standard Paint
There is none better and few as good.
Free color card.
A good durable, brilliant red, just
what you want for your barn, barn
doors, implements, fence posts, etc.
Half gallon cans 85c
1 gallon cans - $1.50
Portland Cement
We expect a carload of the best brand
in this week.
Special price off the car.
Garden Tools
Hoes, Rakes, Spades. Shovels,
Trowels, Dutch Hoes. Dandelion
Weeders, Watering Cans, Sprayers.
Our prices are right.
Poultry Netting
We carry all sizes in poultry netting.
2 in. mesh from 18 inches to 7 ft.
t in. " " t8 " to 3 ft.
Poultry Fence
18 wires, 48 inches high, 5oc rod.
Ideal Woven Wire
Farm Fence
Our cash with order deal allows
our customers to get this fence
at wholesale price. If you need
any it will pay you to see us.
/Ng finishing floors or
any woodwork of a
room wt can recommend
the original of Varnish
„ rs..
We also carry
and 13eQ/lf�l,
r home
r, • •armor
We are the
Special values in Ready -
Mixed Paint at
per 1/2 pt. tin.
High -Standard Paint has
advanced in cost on account of
the price of oil going up, but
fortunately we had bought a
large supply before the advance,
and therefore we will be able to
leave our prices the same as here-
tofore for the first half of May.
The same applies to Linseed
(i1, our present price will stand
for at least the fir,tithalf of May.
We have nothing bat Baden Oil,
which is recognized as the very
THAT'S the way to improve your home and
neighborhood. It is a great pleasure to know
that your house is the best looking in the neigh-
borhood. Besides this pleasure it is a satisfaction to
know that your house is well protected from the de-
structive elements cifweather-sun, frost and moisture.
Talk over the Neighborhood Improvement Idea
with your neighbors. Plan to make yours the neatest
and most attractive neighborhood in this city.
Paint and flowers will make the change.
Owe /Yrep
"High Standard" Liquid Paint
is the result of 40 years of experience in paint making. This ex.
perience plus improved machinery -plus highest grade materials
-plus expert labor -insures a paint quality that "Gives Best
"High Standard" is thoroughly tested to meet the extremes
of climatic conditions. It spreads farther than ordinary paints,
covers better, wears longer and is more economical. 6.d
?Les L t Loan an Brucker,' Ptah. Veal& i am r.-' dr Sri Per &torr Purpose
Let us fill your Hardware Wants, as we are in a position to give you
the very best value and quick service. ' ' '
The Howell Hardware Co. Limited
' If