The Signal, 1915-5-6, Page 5SAVED BABY'S LIFE. kin. Jot. Desroeiers, 8t. Alphoaee. Que.. wri'es : "I cannot say too mwh in favor of Baby's Own Tablets, as they saved my little one's life. Before given hits the Tablets he was greatly troubled with wc.rms and was like a -skeleton sod co ied day and night. The Tablets soon expelled the worms and now baby is the picture of health." 1 Baby's Own Tablets also tweak up colds and simple fevers, cure constipa- tion and indigestion and make the teething period painless. They are sold by medicine dealers or by trail at 25 cents a bolt (loin the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. The annual social, f the Mac(iillivray Mission Band of IS i-• x _burch was; held in the basement the church last Friday evening, Rev. t.-,.. E. Rose be.; ing in the chair. Three was a goodly attendance of children. their parental and friend,. The entire program was rendered by members of tbe Band and consisted of vocal and instrumen- tal music, recitations and dialogues. The candy booth was well patronized 1 Two Good Automobiles 1 For Sale Cheap! One McLaughlin -Buick Car, only used for a short time, ala repainted and in first-class repair. A real good machine. eft 80.00 One Russell 5 -Passenger Touring Car, just been overhauled and repainted and is in good running order. A sere snap. $330.00 If you want a car and want it cheaply jou can- not do better than give us a call and look these machines over. They are really good valve. EAST STREET GARAGE Next to Town gall Telephone No. 243 1. Too T $ G ►� .. _ 9OpT•RIC LOCAL fL TOTI • H. R. Stows in Livery Business. Mr. H. R. Stowe has purobased the livery bushings of Wars. Roos and is already in possession. He is getting the eeyquipssent in good 'haps and will be able to provide patron' with a first- class service. For the Canadian Hospital. Tb. Goderich Rebekah Lodge. No. tM, is making a donation of a large quantity of bandages, linen sheets, eta. to the Canadian military hospital in &island. The members meet this events( to prepare the articles. M. C. C. Officers Elected. The annual meeting et the Mono setting Canoe Club was held on Tues- day seeming. witb a large attendance of the members. The etectloo of of - Awes resulted as follows: President. W. H. Boberteon ; vice-president. P. L. Walton; secretary W. J. Buch- anan ; treasurer. W. T. Mil lar ; commo- dore, J. A. Lawrence : vice -commo- dore, Ernest Colborne ; chaplain, Rev. Arebdsae0R Jones- Ba&.mau : addi- tional members of executive commit- tee, O. L. Parsons and H. O. Sturdy auditors, H. C. Sootbern and Jo Steelton. The Club is in • flourishing condition and the members look for- ward to another successful year. New Basis for School Grants. Tbenew basis rural public scbool grants is on • sliding scale. Hitherto the grant was 40 p. c. on the salary over $3660, but under the new regula- clops the percentage varies from 40 p. c. to Sl p. c., according to aesese- nisot, and the amount oo which no grant is given is also increased In large sections. To give • concrete illnatra- on 3 Mention with en assessment of 11100,WO or over will be gi en the mini- mum percentage of 'J '0.e amount on which no grant is given is increased to $400 in such sections, therefore the grant in a section where tbe teacher has been receiving a eatery of $50) will be bJ p. c. on $100). or 920. The grant under the former system would have been $90.-O1tielph Mercury. C-7 " %ode 1 " 94keatre`� its IORNIE*LV THE •TAR %uerq .XHack is a 53oost THE New Model Theatre opened on Satur- day night as advertised, even though there was a lot of hammering about it. The management has several 'more improve- ments in mind, which will make the little house more on the "Quality" order. Several big featured films are on the program for the near future. These are only now being run in the larger cities. Watch this space for future ads, and keep in touch with the Movie World, for we have what we advertise. "2uality" is our %alto "A Man's Ability Is His Passport" FRANK WEAVER (Professor of M..sic and VO c. •.SCWieti Teacher V... Cohen and Arnow S.aeaa 1.00100111. ONTARIO Serra.. - &.,d Caramel enwanewem ..d lw.aerwwrs. Foe t.r...e sed information sooty Ppm an' l noon *TONE For the finest coate,-tiona and fresh 'pelted peanuts try Blacketoes'P. ONTARIO LYRiC THEATRE THE PREMIER PICTURE HOUSE SHOWINU ONLY THE HIHO- ROT CLASH OF PHOTOPLAYS Important Notice! THUkSDAY, May 13th 23rd and final episode of the MILLION $ MYSTERY The winning solu- tion, showing the winner of the $10,000 Don't forget the date THURSDAY, May 13th "Lugltle Love" Tweflth episode will be sbownW EDNES- DAY, Mayihb, in- stead of Thursday. Admission ss usual 10is and Se pat of School Inspector To.. was read ; it contained favorable toss - smote on tbe tesehtng, discipline, and car.tekiog of the .ebools sod ground& Tne report was referred to tbe school menegewent committee to ezensine and report upon at the omit meeting of tbe busted. The treasurer's report *hewed $13643 ba) paid out to date for year. A number of account* were presaged and referred to the tinence committee. W. C. T. U. Notes. The W. C. T. U. will meet in the Temperance Hall oa Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock. All superintendents will be expected to give reports of their work dos. during the year. The presi- dent received • letter from Mr. Aod- r.w Lexie thanking the Union for tbe old clothes which were coot to the Io- dises at Pays Plat Reservation, Nlpi- goo division. Owing to the great need the Union has decided to send another box, and all wbo can are asked to con- tribute ; anything will be acceptable. Mr*. Davidson and Mrs. Browo will be in the Temperance Hall on Wed- ow.day afternoon from 3 to 3 o'clock to receive anything sent in. Andrew Porter's New Position. We Lead -Others Follow. Campbell Tweedie, G. L. Parsons, H. Sturdy, H. tV alkane, W. J. Callow. H. Watson, E. Porter. H. Kemp and W. Babb. The ringing,espeelally of some the of parts, was especially good. Lhe cos- tumes of the sailor" and the pretty and picturesque frocks of the girls were very pleasing and the whole per- formance was most enjoyable. Owing to the lateness of the season and the tact that .o many patriotic affairs have been given recently the attendance was not so large as would otherwise have been the case, but those wbo saw "The bailors' Tangle" spent an amused and pleasant even- ing. Th. Sailors' Monument. The long-delayed sailors' monument was placed in position at Maitland cemetery last week. 11 is set is the pentre of the plot, on a concrete foundation. The base is a solid block of grey unpolished granite, upon which rests a block of finely polished red granite, the whole monument being about five and one-balf feet high. On one face the single word "Sailors" is inscribed and on the other the words "A memorial to the uniden- tified seunen, whom lives were lost in the Great Lakes disaster of November Otb, 1913." A grey granite marker is placed at the foo: of each grave with the name of the steamer from which the body came and * number which corresponds with the cumber on the records kept of the body. The plot has been levelled ands wn with gram m need and will compare favorably others in the future. Ladies' wbit.e voile waists, worth 75c, for 50c. Ladies' white silk waists selling at $1.115 for $2!10. White and cream net iodate, silk tined, $2.00. Curtain muslin from be per yard up. Cotton crepes and muslin, worth 15c, for 124e. Silk, in all saleable eolcn, 30 inches wide, worth 90c per card. for 70e. Satin, 40 Inches wide, at per yard 70c. Ladies' underskirts in all colon 50e. etch. P. T. DIA!'. cornet East street and Elsinore. M A L E THE 5 GROCERY E A F rat still in our possession a tremendous stock of NumberOne CHINAWARE and CROCKERY, we have decided to offer the sante for FRIDAY and SATURDAY at HALF-PRICE. We guarantee these days to be, without doubt, days of opportunity, especially in this line. ,To The Buying Public Grocery Department Having an over -stock of groceries on hand, on FRIDAY and SATURDAY we will allow a ten per cent. discount on all credit orders and a fifteen per cent. discount on all STRICTLY CASH ORDERS. DID IT EVER OCCURTO YOUYee,- That there is a mighty in the quality of GROCERIES? The Maple Lea: Grcety bears the reputation of being the home of, the real home of, Pure and Up -to -Date Stack. O'NEILL & COMPANY (SUCCESSORS TO S. J. YOUNG) Opposite Colborne Hotel Hamilton St. 'Pions 82 ...... w. .. e.S...r A .......u►�rr A Successful Opening. If the re -opening of the Model Theatre on Saturday evening may be taken an • criterion, the success of the theatre under the new management is assured. The band at the 3ird Regi- ment was In attendance and drew • crowd to the doors, and inside the Stewart orchestra dibpen.ed music which was an additional attraction to the pictures thrown upon the screen. Unfortunately the supply company had sent tbe wrong carbons for the machine and the pictures were not as clear as they otherwise would b•ve been, but this defect basnow beet rem - eddied. The upbol tared opeea chairs are & great improvement and add comfort to the entertainment. Tbe theatre wits crowded throughout the evening. \Vith two such high-class picture houses as are now being oper- ated here, the lovers of the photo -play in Ooderich will have all their need. catered o The Greyhound Will tie Here. Mr. E. H. Ayer and Mr. C. F. Biel - man, jr., of the Wbite Soar Line, Detroit, were in town today with the pleasant news that the usual June excursion of the steamer Greybouod will he held this year. They will be In Godericb again in * week or so to attend to the advertising and other memarations for the trip. The Grey- hound will arrive here from Detroit on Monday. June 14th, and the moon- light excuni an will be held that even- ing under the auspices of the 33rd Regiment hand. Next morning, the lbtb, the Greyhound will leave for Detroit, returning to Goderich on Thursday, the 171b. The return fare will he $1.50, as usual. This ie the great excursion of the season, and the White Star manage- ment trust that the people of Goderich and district will manifest their continued interest In it by taking the trip in barge numbers. "Th. Sailors' Tangle" at Clinton. Tbe Goderichamateur *1 Clinton oneic ompwny Pe evening recently and won the favor- able avorable comments of the Clinton papers. The account in The Newe-Record is as follows : The Sailors' Tangle". arets little musical comedypresented under the directloo of r. F. W. Robinson. Orionid and choir master of 8t. Georges churcb, Goderich, was given in the town ball on Thursday evening last under the auspteer of i he A. Y. P. A. of 8t. Paul'. ebu• 'b. The play was given in -liodench a few weeks ago and was so wall re- ceived that It was repeated and the sans caste of characters presented it here. The riot centred about a couple of affairs something of ale wng to lbsjlouusjof rival. In one nee and the bashfulness of the enamoured mein in the other. bot Tater everything was stesightAned out arid made clear again. The prin- cipal actors in the 11the coated! we*e the officers and crew of the "Bossd- IIng Billow,'. a weoderine artist, wbo captured the heart of the tells of the wptrrt torero. sod a number d wile - 'some maidens. Was Moaner Hays tont the part of Julia, the belle. and seamy the Mbar* taking part were : Misses Alma Rtardy, Beatrice Wells. Maids Armour, Jessie Welds. E. Wbitdy, R. Williams, D. Rays, 0. Porter, k. Stotbere, M. 'ancon.. M Ty., 0. Vebbor•s. A. Ammar. O. Seeger. M. Serlsegeoor, sad Mone.. Porter,Mr. Andrew for some years has beenmanager of the local branch of the Starling Bank, ban re- ceived an appointment as inspector of wei`hte end measures for the counties of Huron. Perth afid Bruce. The ap- pointment dates from May 1st. Mr. Porter bas looked well after the inter- ests of the Bank and has been obliging and courteous. The people of Gode- rich will he glad to know that, while bin new work will take him out of town • great deal, Mr. Porter and his family will still have their home here. Mr. D. Shearer. who has been the teller -accountant of the Stew rlingtbe Bank ank for the past year. $ manager, and Mr. Wm. Kerr, late of Toronto. is teller. Mr. Shearer has snide many friends during hie com- paratively brief residence in town, and the interests of the Bank would not suffer if be were retained as the per- manent manager. Public School Board. The public school hoard beta its reg- ular monthly meeting on Monday evening. Tbose present were Dieser*. Cott, McLean, Saunders, Creigie and Hodgens, with Mr. Acheson in the chair. Principe' H. K. Long's retort tor April .bowed 2111 boys and 14) girls oo the roll of Victnria .school, a total of 406, the average attendance being 390. The sum of 27 was de- posited in the penny Shoo - Mat reported P2 boys.and ltd girls on the roll at Central school, a total of 108, with an attendance of 1S1, and E10.12 deposited in te bank. for leave otMiss Vera Elliott applied Me recce for May land June, owing to ill - health. The request was granted and Mies May l'aweroo. of St. Helens, was engaged to till the position. The re - NEWGATE STREET LIVERY Having purchased the livery' business of Wm. Knoz, 1 am improving the equipment and in tend to provide and •e tit - TELEPHONE No. 173 for a good turnout. STOWE Good Horses Prompt Service Up-to-date Rigs All orders will recei prc.mpt and careful tention. N. R. 'BERME �� 1111h Cash V MtLill Ga ky 1. i%rYli�C You know how everything CA*A . Costs more whim you have to buy on credit. Why not practice seI -denial tett a sill a llascessry, open a SartoriAccount to the Usio& Bask of Gonda, and with the money In hand, buy at Cash prices? The discounts trill help to swell your bankw balance, and you tag have made a good start towards financial ind.pandenaa Goderich wands -F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager. Pears Presbyteriesebureb. llamiKaa. this week From the Arthur Chet. Misses Ila Allen, Alio Saunders and Irene Sault*: from the Mission Band. Miss Adelaide Naito, and iron' the Missionary 8oei.ty, Mrs. (Rey.) (1. E Ross. Mrs. (Rev.) James Hamilton also is attending Use convention. Former Goderich Girl Diss Suddenly, Miss Gertrude Doyle, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .las. Doyle, former well-known residents of Gode- ricb, died very suddenly_ at her home in Detroit on Sunday, May 2nd. She bad retired apparently in her usual be•1tb end pasted away during the night from heart failure, no one being aware of her death until the morning. The deceased was bornin Goderich thirtyDetroitsevenwith yearsher itgparos eninmovc and had since resided there. in addition to her parents she is survived by one sister, Mrs. Berry, of Detroit. wbo with her uncle, Mr. E. H. Doyle. ac- comp•oied the remains to Goderich. The funeral took place fm Colborne reei- dance of 11r. J. street, on Toe'sd *yDoyle, y noon to the Roman Catholic churcb and thence to the Colborne cemetery. The pallbear- ers were : Messrs. Frank Shannon, Percy Welton, James Buchanan, W. W. Sault+, Dr. Mabee and James Dalton. Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved parents, who are in foal- ing bealth, over the sudden pawing of their beloved daughter. .LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. Sunday. May nth. i.. Mother.' Oar• Igen., t the Floret will have caroatioo, ranee, etc for the oecw.lon -the white flower. in memo., of the mother+ who hare gone, color. for the mother+ who are still here. Life Is Jet one thing after another. Trouble. MOM 40 oil lightly. though, on n num who tr well groomed. Kee the .mile on the face of the man who ha- just been tinedwiih oYoune Dristan the Tailors. dandy . al tare a smile like that. "T be Sailors' Tangle" is to be played at Dungannon on Wednesday evening next by Mr. Robinson's operatic com- pany. The Children's Aid Society will hold its monthly meeting l I in tbe o,15t house m. on Tuesday, May childrenare invited to be preseAll interested in the care of nt. t -The Black Box" is a big mystery serial story, by E. Phillips'-Gpperi- beirc, which can be seen at the Model „Theatre in the near future Be pre- pared to see it from beginning to the end. Dan ,Viggins, Norman Mclvor and Fd. Beck arrived back to urday atter a tripto Port y Burwell, from which piece they brought to Bay- field a tug which bad recently been fitted out by the Doty Engine Cu. Miss May Cameron, of St. Helene,, wbo recently returned trout Hamilton Normal `School, is replacingaMiss Vff of era Elliott en the teaching Vic - tot is school. Miss Elliott is suffering with a nervous breakdown. The Stewart Orchestra will put on the first dance of the season at Hotel Sunset on Friday. May 14th. The pro - reeds will be sent 10 I)r. J. W. Robertson, chairman of the Rett Cross Society at Ottawa. in response to the appeal recently sent ons. Wbile sitting in the court house park on Monday. Mr. N. W. Nott was seized with paralysis in the muscles of the throat and the right arm. Kindly band. soon rendered assistance and he was taken home. where he now lies, and slthoagb critically ill is showing signs of recovery. Owing to the cloudy unfavorable weather. Halty Date at R. R. Mallows' studio wee not .suite its successful as in Pomo previous years. However, it was a busy day for Mr Sallow.. fifty - eye infant, having their photographs taken. It is expected that the pie - tures will he on view in Mr. Mallows' studio window on Saturday Mr. H. K. Revell, of Ridgcrest, re - nor -ie gratifying success in his poultry business this *eaann. last weak be made a shipment of day-old cbirks to Qeehec city and tipsy arrives wit bout a single loss. He ea - pests to set in all about Ora ewe Ws assort The poultry business boil fes. 1 roma a very important one in U. ,i county, and Mr. Revell is .ntbusiestio in regard to it. Tax Odpiector ol tdo epos ts ninety dog tags issued t ad more money concerted in dog t&xes this in any previous year. the police have already drawn tbe attention of several dost-owner4 to the feet that their oscine companions were sot properly adorned and in pr.etisaffy every tees a tag has hem purchased The following delegates from Leos Presbyterian (Yurek are atteoding the ovty �nab�meAyM Provincial at l Arad Alter ffae program refreebtnente were ssiw04 ti. members of the Band. Watch few "•li'he Black Box." Spray Your Orchards Nothing Pays baiter I son agent (sir all Spray Materiwl, Lime Sulphur. Dry Soluble Sulpbur, both Dry and Paste :Ar- senate of Lead. SPRAY PUf1PS -berth power and hand ws::hines. FERTIL t Z"E R S We have the best brands and at all prices. tome in and see me he - fore placing your order. D. F. HAMLINK. 1 ,..Jet lc h, Ont. Have you tried our sews Bread ?- Cre-O-Malt -the tastiest in town. Nice soft crust - close -grained - made from Fleischniann's Yeast. Everylxxly says it is the best yet. Try a loaf. There is thorough satisfaction for those who buy our Cake. and Pastry. If you do not know • bow good they are, we should like you to try them. Smith Bros. T1. ON Reliant East St. Bakery Phone l' 4. Have beautiful window decorations Nothing gives so much pleasure u a wen decorated window. Your windows win be the envy of your neighbors if you use the a�.>r4 flat Ro� l _For card ass en'/ .L455 Gaarasese mot to SS( at tuna& 'Here is a E .at\ The Red la s eider ro Remy rod testable woodwork a rte garimis that it MR sot erg or rani& A•e eispasilke obwaswa soakI sob Mei Oa Coen a ie mai new them GEO. HOMIER Crystal Spring Dairy PURE MILK \Ve have started a new Dairy in (lnderich and an prepared to supply the citizens with milk and cream that is guaranteed ABSOLUTELY CLEAN AND PURE All milk is produced from our own herd and even detail front the milking until it reaches the consumer is under cin two care- ful inspection and management, and no better milk can ie bad anywhere at any price. We 'an take on twenty more customers in is few days now. Write H.K.3, (iisferich, or Phone 174. Benutiller. J. BENSON COX That Tired Feeling The tired feeling that 10 often comes with Spring weather is as likely to result from the wearing of winter shoes atter they have been called in as from goy of the other causes to which it is usually ascribed. Many Remedies :ire Suggested but we ]relieve you wilt find A Pair of our Light. Stylish. Comfortable Spring Shoes A Sure Cure. S H ARMAN 1'llf: '.11 6 MAN 4 THE *e1kund xe«rdion $1.50 GODERICH to DETROIT and RETURN (;(42.1(; TO DETROIT ,11.AN 1r;th RBTf'1,,'.V PROM DETROIT .11'A'1t' 17tI The Popular Trip o1' the Seaaoa OODERICH BAND MOONLIGHT MONDAY, JUNE 14th, 8 p.m. For further information write wittT8 STAR LiNE, Detroit, Mick.