The Signal, 1915-4-29, Page 8e
TUAT, Aran. 29, 1P16
A Hint Neighbor�
It �t� Ios know what Chi gala Pillswt11
Wt. D. A. Yorkes. , Belfrnck, Oot
lie will lett you what Gin !'Ills did
Kbait tesehle slew 16 yea
is kis s Here
�1�t ala of about 1�w
Iter rr sr
Mpi awsrsu�k� is
iws Z+ iarii.i am
.wits-. Wheel
• il 4.44
minief mak red q
wes 1 wadi
(Fitry p.. as. es
llp i'rit' as se. -- be
nand r he sheet ts,e earl • P
`ids tyhim.&..lliy
C.;grtai..dN tL agemMekA YO(Ly
C. I
60c. a box. g for $2.317. Sold in the
L •
S. eater the name "G I N U " Pill,..
Trim' treatment if you write too
Rational Drug t Chemical Co.
of Cauada, Waited, Toronto
Just Asking.
Tb. young man in the bureau of
Information laid the railway guide
down sod looked repronehfu1Iy at the
WORMS who bad turned in • volley of
queetioos. "Madam." be [laid, "you
can't possibly take all those trains you
are soaking about." "I know it," abs
Vled, serenely ; **but as long as i
et have anything else tc. do I
thought I'd just see for myself how
much you railway men really know
&boot your business."
Young lady at ticket oR1ce--••Please
give IMO • third -clam ticket to Lon-
don." Ticket clerk -"Single r Voting
lady (with a blush) --"•Well, not after
Ottee as. se lase. it lass meant
mom to taemsaads of resat mode
who wrote for oar cataiotse .. LM
ere[ step toward • Rood.alaried po4tlon.
Take the sap today. Address Central
Haein.r College. SO Yoege Street. Tor
W. H. SHAiV. Presdsnc
Oar ewe three -.toner building and 4
secessm rel rears st exp.rl.eos.
L pI�lrtrwtt re resinse tba very
kartCataloger her
C. A. YLt inw.F.C.A..Principal.
ti. D. Ft.amtuo. Secretary.
-dam ri.c1os rime.
Pie Strang. wine of a Strip-
ed Puny Cat
Duthie reef of Her Rees S. Was Net
Afraid e1 Water-.Iursiee and Gasses
ger Little P.I.pto Fender Over and
to phty.
Aa every boy and feet knows, nearly
1111 cab dislike water. Indeed, if poo
e my dips ber foot hi a little puddle
she beds to shake her paw In a most
comical way. Cats c•an swim 1f they
ars obliged to, bat few will do so of
their own mooed. The demure look-
ing Wins In the picture Y an entirely
diffemet creature. She .sems to love
the water. When only a kitten she
' a tis intim WEST 11af27a,
llygieed ber little minden by jump -
lag into a shallow tank atter some
minnows that were swimming about
Inter, when Me grew up, she was ob-
served gulag to a brook that Sowed
some distance from the house. Than
she crawled to the edge of the stream
and, with one paw outstretched. would
catch many minnows In her sharp
claws. Quito an unusual p'wy, don't
you think sot
Gans* of Clairvoyance.
In this game one Of the company
standing outside the room le, slang,
to say, aIle to tall what le passing 1n-
a3de. A dialogue such as would have
to be curried on between the principal
:dams will beet describe the game,
and Maw how it L to be played.
The questioner stands inside the
row. the clairvoyant L outride the
"Do you remember how Tools re
tarnished In which we am sittings-
"I do."
'eDo you lit ember the color of the
-I do. -
"Do itis- Mem the cesim els as the
Many Colleges close for Vacation at
Midsummer Our College does not
Tongs and Uearls. fit.. Throat., 1t strictly
er.tela.. None bettor in Canada. Lot!.
now no sa to get poeitlon 1n the early:fall.
Catalogue tree
Western University
Greatly enlarged Faculties in
Arta and Medicine.
Vastly Improved Equipment --
library. laboratories, etc. Seven
new scholarships. Record en-
rolment. Inquiries solicited.
E. E. Braithwaite, M.A.. Ph. D.
Do It Now
`• All wiring done by the latest
Hydro.Electric rule.
All work guaranteed.
Electric repairing of all kinds
promptly attended to, at rea-
.tonable prices.
We carry a complete and [up-
to-date line of Electric Fixtures
and Supplies at; all times.
alaCr'Rre RAXGES aid 11114 TARN d SP,!C14Z TT
Mee $2—JUST P HON IL- - Horse i3
Hundreds of People Have
Fo.d " Fruit -di -tiros " Their
BePwtstwdewt ef Slaty Scheel i
Toronto Tells Hew He Cared Himself
of Chromic Rheumatism Apar Soffer.
leg for Yeen,
33 DOV SCOo*T ROAD, Oct., tae. 1913.
"Por a longtime, I have thought of
writing you regarding what 1 term ■
most remarkable cure effected by your
remedy " Pruit-a-tives". I suffered from
Rheumatism, especially in my hands.
I have spent a lot of money without
any good results. I have taken "Fruit -
a -tires" for 18 months now, and am
pleased to tell you that I am cured.
All the enlargement has not left my
hands and perhaps never will, but the
soreness is all `one and Inn do an•
kind of work . I have gained 33 pounds
in 11 months".
tbemmetism is no longer the dreaded
disease it once was. Rheumatism is
no longer one of the "incurable
diseases". "Fruit -a -tires" has proved
its marvellous powers over Rheu-
matism, Sciatica, Lumbago -is fact,
over all such diseases which arise from
some derabgement of stomach. bowels,
kidneys or skin.
"Fruit...tives" is sold by all dealers
at 3oc. a Lox, 6 for $2.3o, trial size,
23C. or sent postpaid on receipt of
price by Fruit -a -tires Limited. Ottawa.
man tot -piece 7"
"I do." 1
"And the vase of flowerer
"I do."
'Rhe old china to the cabinet?*
'Too think there is nothing in the
mom which h•• escaped your nottos?'
"Then tell me which article 1 oto
now touching."
"You etre touching the vase of flow•
The vane of flowers being the only
thing mentioned preceded by the word
And," the clairvoyant knows that Y
the object which will be touched. The
mystery of the game. of course. coo -
sista in puzzling those of the company
to whom the secret 1s unknown.
It Is easy to arrange with the part-
ner for any other catchword, and is
L•te Assh - MIas/eaeY Ws- • D's-
1- sand Wriest's Resent Rx- IisAttisl•ed � lb * 0 wens.
of Misses.
of dinosaurs- and these ' The death of Arektbald Macdonald.
{sat of the represe$iall+es of the
monsters have received t $sd.on Bs Co. to bear the di t1
c • e atlt•ntlon since the dla guleb" title of Cater Factor. 1. teen-
bcr-mI red, Serio thereY b teat in the little town of Fort Qs'
o out
e t serious -visas- ify a ag, ' be lived as chief c113 -
aa out Ind the city of Cal- 1 ~Aer forty !ears, anis G. Bis
Is not inclined to regard ay�k In The Csawdlaa Gazette.
t of valuable specimens of On the atternooa of Jan. sail. ever?
Illaed mammolha to a tor- man woman and child Is the village
e try aaembled to
rIlb retire egwnlmlty. watch the fusers' Cere-
T • 1s John Stougbtoo Dennis. moa, of the mid mos whose termite,
ole b pretty well knows � figure had passed from the Fort to
t t Canada as head of the
department of natural re- 1
the poatomce, from the poato[Aee to
abs Hudson Bay Co.'s store. from the
He L ooe of the hi( mus 1 Hodson Bay Co.'s store to the Mao -
est, deeply devoted to the i donald offices day by day, greeting all
of that section of tile Dom- in friendly fashion as neighbors and
which he has resided for l Mends. 11 assured strange and sad
y "we' When he became
of the operations of Prof. w l that be would assn no more
Brown, of New York, In the ' amongst them; 1t was a personal loss,
✓ the Red Deer river, he felt a public calamity. The atmosphere
Ike concerned that the cotta-, of event has always clung to him;
t Id be losing these awe sad I he wee patriarch and lawgiver hal
♦ remains, and was ready at i Fort Qu'Appelle.Snow veiled the hills and the vol-
s tics to do what be could td I ley the lakes to east and west were
g of a few of them for Canada I Rosen sold, 711 exquisite, F.ng1Yb.
Empire before the supply :looking, fragrant flowerswere upon
exhausted. The way he the coffin. as though to voice the
se r home consumption is told • back up the queer for dlno- story of the march of events between
ea the day ont which Archibald MacdoO-
b trod who Is nnoiialed with came to Fort Qu'Appelle, a lone -
hl be undertaking. I ly spot to • lonely land. and the day
spring a man blew into the ,1 they carried him away from his pleas -
o. a Calgary bualeeaa man and ant home, which marks the spot
a red that be knew where be ! where Geo. Middleton set out in rio-
tact his hurls on some prohls• lortooa puruult of Louis Rlel, last of
t eleto.s that would make the I the Lobel•. Across the 'valley the
s to secured by the New York church bell tolled forth the story of
it .r lade tato 1. aignlseance. � pawing time—reboot children lined
A needed to get them out was ,the way 0( the long white road welch
A +1 backing. He spoke so learn { stretches• like a Roman street from
ed these antedlluvlan mounters hill to hill across the valley. In the
a iied so many ala-eyllabled . little church the village pastor utter -
that he quite Impressed his . ed the thoughts o1 all who had gash.
Tbe latter Intimated that If . ered toerther to par, their last tri-
th nosaur hunter could only In- bate In words of affection and admlr-
te enough people 1n his project. •lion for • ltfa which, east for dlm-
h. old lend him Fete sures for • cult times 1n • hard country, hand
m g and would hack him up as plowed each day well spent. The'
t be was able. great men of Winnipeg gathered to- 1
Ight or so later there was a (other to pay the last honors to the
firh ing in that omee that might hal of the Chief Factors, yet home
h uggeeted a theme for a regular folk and fellow craftsmen spoke the
J Verne romance. slams word.: "Archibald Macdonald
that meeting a syndicate was —well done!"
(o d — the Calgary Syndicate of ' 'Archibald Macdonald was a man o1
torte Research—and it Is un- , unusual sincerity of mind, simplicity
d wily one of the oddest organ!- i of manner and most attractive per-
za a doing business In the Dominr 1.m mallty. He habitually enjoyed the
lo .( Canada at the preeemt time. luxury of spiking his mind, and this
J think of 11 — a KrouD of men • be could do without offence. probably
u • d together to dig out the re because lie was entirely tree from the
m 01 strange animals that roam- taint of self-consciousness and egot-
ed .Ie country ages and ages ago. him which so frequently mars the in -
T. made Yr. Dennis president, an Wrest and attraction of successful
ly natural proceeding. No one person..
DU R A BLE—Fire grates are three -sided:
last three times as long. Shaped in the
e could have assumed the Dual- To the interested listener be loved
ti so effectively. And each mem- , to talk of men and events In the hL-
be act his band into his pocket and tory of the Northwest, but he was al -
DI d some money in the treasury. most pethette}Icy interested 1n new
ere 'oras no Intention of going i hatppenfngs — eagerly, vividly alive,
Int • the business for profit. The Through the burden of years. physe-
sq este aimed simply to render aCal frailty and increasing deatuess, in
pat tic service by securing sped- 1 him the gallant spirit of youth glow -
me. of the ancient beasts for some od to the last Of late years the his-
lova museum. AR a beginning, how- tory of the development of Canada
eve they proposed to get out some reads like • merles of extraordinary
rem ine for the Brats.' Museum, and, rents floating by at racing pace from
hay g disposed of these. to rase the I the Das! into the future, inspired or
money obtained from their sale to , controlled by men of talent, and not
gtteLlIIy, ettpstmurT a WV 0444.4, •4444044, G;..��� re. They hoped �le,ppvenntual- gib of genius --men who 1n lite
accept an encore. or repeat the per- 1n a position to do some ng DiLti- �_ta�.lmlarp-ano*ar_ent—co mvii the
rormance where there are some of the some for their city. Irani of their achievement—command-
audience. In the making of arnn omenta and attention.
g The last of the "60131 Factors" is
getting the expedition started. Mr. not to be found in this company, yet,
Dennis took a close personal interest. should his biography come to b. writ -
Indeed. it as doubtful whether. had talk true his personal notes and rem-
it not been for hie support, the pro-esone feeds that within e
Pict would ever have been carried linos of the th
e story of his life the him
out The Ant season's operations tory of the development of Western
resulted favorably. Some exceeding- Canada will appear se In a very clear
ly Ane specimens were taken out 'a >stuvOr.
the Bad Lands to the north of Brooks.
These were carefully packed and ds
, patched to London. When their val-
ue haat' been appraised and payment
made for them the syndicate will
probably have sumclent funds to mis-
tletoe work another season. Then It
L hoped some specimens can be se-
♦cured for presentation to Calgary.
Tug of War • Deed barna.
Provide a strong one inch rope about
twenty feet lopg with knots near each
and at intervals of a foot. Select the
same number of contestanta for eaeb
side, and let them take their place• at
opposite ends of the rope; the object
Y for one aide to pall the other aide
across a given mark. This game Y not
suited to women and girls and should
be limited to men and boys. In •
contest the aide winning should score
Ave points. Um:aUy 1t is omit to re-
-quire the winners to demonstrate their
Superiority by taking two trials out of
three, or three out of Aver -Country
Letter Changes.
Change one letter and from a body
of water make a desert, to arouse. e
process of cooking. a garden tool, e
trend. a Rah, to form. to appropriate, a
boy. nickname.
Answers. - Lake, cake. wake, bakes
rake, fake, hake, maks, take, Jake,
Good Kitten.
Lie by and purr me a sing.
Gey Btna gray tlttl. cat
flb&ssa es ter hearth nil you're ball a
surd Wag -
Mors wawa th. good Hath kiMss Sr.
Dews where the tire Y [rape! sate Wows
Inn Milo VOW M .est
Yet Y yew BM. 7w soy 1Mar with mi
Kith= ere pleseant net bard bo +[mama
Lively. els, lacus tittle ost-
ltead7 for playing yea Mous.
!saver 7m ereir er 6.w wit the Mos
Chimed easeetl. NMI snit
Laver Spots.Pimpies, Dark
Circles Under the
are sal atone of the postern being clog
Sed. The liver and Mowels ace ins.
tiro end the stomach ia weak from
undigested fonds and foul gases.
the great feint remedy. will make you
feel like a new person
Winnipe,t. June 27, 11111.
After taking three hoses of your Rin
Pi11s for atomaeb and liver troubles 1
feet strong and well end able to do
my own work.
Max. A. H. RAI"LTlo
Mold at all dealers in im and tri not
boxes, or mailed by the rig rift (;o •
M. Thomas. Ont Bold In Iifrderich
by S. H. Wigle, druggist.
"They cap," says Matti.. "the
remise the washer e0t, yet Shore are
plenty of Isotherms el a women bend
leg • maw's wIM 41a1i•f his We end
breaking it attar lie dasth."
Gm. Dassiosned'a I.
Cot. Ryerson, president of aha
Canadian Red Cross Society, has ro-
eeteed a letter from Gen. the Rt. Ho..
the Earl of Dandonald, in which the
dlstingu7ahed cavalry leader says
that be has already lost three of his
family, woo have been killed In ac-
tion in the present war, melodies
Ca$. Detail Newton, the gallant oY- artner" was a little annoyed, and
err who was killed while serried Untied to an interpreter.
with Ube Primate Pat'ricia'n Light "Ask the old fellow what ha weans
Wanted More.
"A Western Canadian reservation
Indian was disconsolate over the
breaking of hL •ae-handle. He laid
his misfortune before the "farmer'
of the reservation, who, through pity,
took a new handle from his private
stoic* and adjusted it to the axe. The
"farmer" then noticed that the axe
was abeckingiy dull; so, motaoaing
the owner to turn the grindstone,
be expended a half hour's time In
sharpeuing the blade. When the re-
habilitated ale was given to the In-
dian, he was childishly gleeful, bet
still lingered about, indicating by hes
action that some feature of the trans-
action had not been adjusted. The
Gem DuladoaM mega In by letter:
'The !wheal Department has cover-
ed !toff wtth glory In the war, not
only in the hoary toll of death at the
trout bet in the =coma of its ef-
forts to meUgate the *offerings of the
DeD-Errings Hard Hit.
The family of Bell -Irving of the
Canadtao libgineers, who was ofdai-
b reported killed a few days ago,
has flees particularly bard hit in the
war. Two others of a dose& Mothers
now servtng la the forces are wound-
ed and one has been killed. Three
brothers are with the Canadian co.-
tingentL attached to the 7lnd Se. -
forth Highlander. Two female mem-
bers of oke Emily were also hit dur-
ins the Sssrhsrougb bombardment.
BI/N Mo Te TA Assn.
Magistrate Hordes, 01 Yksr7
Part. NJ., who ewteseed Theme
Shaw, ea laltpMhmaa. to go ti the
etre ter eseseft'sg ?reak Turner, e
Beaman Aallesn. lea. Loeefved wed
Irmo Shaw that les Y sew at the treat
with the OstaadYt& fecess Maw OW
1» wwY glee mere thea a
• Mack cls• i bed tie 1& toned
e< ase sew."
Twee Uanpped woe.. thlAty.
La i eakeesa turtle. willeb Meow
drum asp against the Wake pan at
the 'whir worts. eat Lsamtestoa.
Ont., OE from Iia water supply ter
s.vesal hears other day. tie large
woe the mestere that Its bead aims
wan et anMeMmt balk to lisp the
pen••. The anion! le eataMs1d it I
Ing esMghed SO* - - . l
now," be dinned.
After an exchange of crania and
gestures, the Interpreter announced.
"Be wants twenty -Me ousts."
"Twenty-five cents! What tort"
Tor torahs& the gri.dlstsas."
When • man .tarts nut to tusk* a
fool of himself he u,ually work. over-
to grind up clinkers
tirnace when "rocked". See
McClary dealer or write for booklet.
Sold by W. R. PINDER
Write for Particulars
Registrar.. Me.. Bac m
iDalmt Principal
Address: -354-6 Dundas St., London, Ont.
Get a Line on -
British Navy
13iS 7CRC1I t
FARE $322
. The Crest Slip-SEEANDi6EE w
las ammo
omei rermi.s.':tl' sass..... .n 1..
s- 17.4 ......1 will r .............o. ho
lite'[QTY Or saw — 3 $..esre — 'YTTY Or W/fAlO
Lamm May l Dae. lst--Q.EVEI,AND
L . .lfal. • - 1 -le r. Leer f ,e I.
art.. Cion led • • 7)A. N. MRW - • ,.. I.1L
(t.a t�,4 ttmeaad Ttrl
Qa�.ta ..4. Ch. iwd f.. Cofer Fort, 1''•e• y. Toledo, Nen*red WI 'sena w"o NM eeosttaw.wwtt. 11e1l.•.1 heteto r.oasoirlotor000 alW ermIlloolisoll or. woe for ee....roioon 1111
es or rtamn. A.1 your to...t a ant foe ti, daft •14e. a 11. Lew. ,.
art.tvh carve peat, <trr..M eat/ 4 w 1,.7/41. r : ' mum, of Ib, Geese 111
Bhp"3r.LA•bnit. •.en'. r. -.:pt .f . ants b.n•/.s4tMe led union. Air GA
for ow 14-prw .441mi 1 4-4 .t-•n'd.o 44441.t fr..,
M HE CLEVELAND ti BUFFALO TRA.`4:..IY CO. Clev.l.ed, Oki. Piss
Get Your Counter Check Books
Out of Town
Keep your trade
at glome.