HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-4-29, Page 70 WOMEN
bsa't forget that you always
eta and •�
peace of
.ad is t better thant Wags >
eaa't steed.
Deal let false pride cant yes
ins . There b no !applause
in it
table Compound Dmti Mir vegetables out of
—Their I mason and expect her price.
Deal fid too sure you are
Setting the most poemtble oat ed
"heed pm' Ia. Lara what
Demi add to delivery apemen
by ordering at the lest moment
Keep ahead of actual aimed&
Don't be ashamed to wave pea -
ales; otherwise you are 'len,
Don't fall to think oat yoga
and keep Wilde e
a1°Stories }InTold.
IdassIt Y� ABCs, —'• I think
no mere then Eines tee Me to thank
Vegetable and Lydia
done ter me. Compound have
"Wheal wrote to yes some time ago I
was a Tory tfek wemen suffering from
female trembles. I had mance and maid eland orwalk any
distance. At lest I was confined to my
bed, and the doctor said I would have
to go an
but this I
refused A friend advised ydia E.
Ptnkhane's Vegetable Compound, and
now. after ng three of ItIfeel like new w en.I heartily
your medkfha to all women female troubles- I have
alio taken
E. Plnkbam'e Liver
Pills, and think they are fine. 1 will
never be without the medicine in the
kcuse. "—Mrs. FL&NI Eisst.ar, 9011 Col-
umbia Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta`
The mer Came.
F Beatrice, Neb.—"Just after my mar-
riage my left side began to pain me and
the pain got so severe at times that 1
suffered terribly with it I visited three
doctors and each one 0o me but I would not wanted to opnrst-
'ration. 1 ailment Lydiado E.
beard of the good LE.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was
doing for others and I used several bot-
tles of it with the remit that I haven't
been bothered with rep nide sine then.
good health mit have two little
gid' le MrsaC1ImAB.atrke,Neb.
An Open-handed Groom.
The late Rev. W. W. Freeman re-
lated a story Mint/alive of the wav
that a man's heart can swell an,t
prompt him to inset liberality under
WEND extraordinary condition. A big,
raw-boned, cad -heeded 'young fellow,
entered his parlor one day. ucc.nn-
Paa by a shy but comely girl. and
dasb�d him ter perform the ruari lege
eaes000y. Ile did sus, and when the
fateful word., were ap.)ke., that made
the couple man and wife, the young
husband drew from his pocket four
height silver quarter -Jolla` piece., and
extending them toward the mioiater
in his open palm, exclaimed : 'There,
Brother Freeman. just help your.elf
until you are satisfied." The rnioivtet.
took one.
Special ties
Metal Work
Electric Wiring
Prompt ettentibn to all
small Jobe and general
repair work.
Pieties 165 Hamilton Street
Chili Sauce
Hew t. Treat Feet Which Have Ne..
� d It
discomfort whish
steadies will cant. r -
tlredness and swelling of
the feet at night This is relieved by
bathing the feet In hot water to which
added, afterward coarse Batt has been
end g®tl rob drying them well
� daam� bias them with a piece
This, of course, b a very
mild remedy. had • oar more eters-
dote bath is made by •dding half an
oborax � wdered one of esu am Donee of
bora of salt to a foot
Sot water. The greaten relief
will then be given, every trap of pals
and burning being removed. If the
feet Le tired arsaddItiea to feeling swelled and
actually tender to the touch
witch base!, to which a few drops of
spirits of eampbor have been added,
ebonid be rubbed in after the bath,
when the most satisfactory results will
emus. The extract b really invalu-
able for tender feet and any one who
suffers In this way would dq well to
see et that
a bottle accompanies her on
Another homely and very valuable
DroPiration for tired or aching fest ammsale, and thb is of more sully
obtainable than salt In aumr ent quan-
tities, for salt 1s necessarily a balky
thing. A foot bath, with hot or Jost
warm water, to which a teaspoonful of
•amenia has been added, b llteraily a
specific for tired, swelled and aching
feet, and one which le easily procured.
After the hot foot bath it is well to
examine the fest carefully, toting any
hard patches or calloused skin and re-
moving them by rubbt0g with a file
hamedlately they appear. Underneath
the toe ball. especially of the big toe.
and the Mee of tae head freq.actly
develop the tmItetl edam& and the
s they are Remo--- tae bet°rsji
and, anyway, they are productive of
eoasidetabl. dineenfurt.
Matched Jeweled tale.
from edam buckles to hatpins j.vwake
tow some atatehed together Two tD
buckles and two pin come in .etch nen
est. Platinum is the favadte groutd.
withornamented _.
ntic/mod gn
with gold SUgrss�and or aawnatal Iris
with the opago. tdooes.
Whatever material and gem are Mo-
gen. the coestruetion is tavariabty 111gbt
and airy. with openwork spacings had
vary ema1l gems. PUIgree wire is
atm& used for dower tuns, and a Om
example of their daffy lighting us
clown Ia plates= who.
County and District
?ltoamOAT, Ana,' * 1915
Lyle the seven-year-old .on o
and ilia. D. Bett.cbeo, of Dasbti
Idled on April Stith.
1 Mr. her lady friends one evening ran
ood, She is removing to the West.
arty rtabt a. rets of l•ed
Mrs. Jueine We i and died at
Image at Dashwood oa Apt it 15th
the age of eighty-three y -three years.
Wm. Doig had • plowing "bee
his farm at it ippon one day reclh
and over forty acne were ptowe
the (me day.
The th w
her tin. corporation belonging to the
•t , hill estate has been bought by Ho
Hal►, 0f Morrie, for the sum of $
tlyon Mr. o.. HaltBird. recently sold bis fart
d in A pretty wedding took piece at
Alex. Stewart died at his borne
the 18th concession of Grey ou Fri
April 1Atb. He was in bis esus
eighth year.
Dora Edna, daughter of Mr.
Mrs. C. Eileen, of Zip icb, was mar
on April dRb to Arthur O. Edigho
Hee. G. F. Brown officiated.
Mrs. George WIlliameoe of Wel
died on April SUth, to her thirty-
year. Beesdes her husband an sof
child a few weeks old survives.
Dr. John A. McEwen, of Galt,
of the late Duncan McKee., of
sell, was married on Apill 14th to
Margaret Pearl Hamilton, of Carle
Methodist pareaumee on Wedoe.
on ' April Stet, when Olive M. a
cat,- . warms married to Arthhter of Mr. sad ur C. IJ. l l
Ethel. Ret . D. Wren officiated. I
and young couple will reside et gtbeLI
red I Bertha May, daughter of Mr. JJ
Rer. Sharpe. died •t the borne of bar a
Mrs. Affleck. et Port Hope, on 4
too, ; 17b, in her twenty-seventh year, r
fifth contracted a cold while in Tod
ant some mootba ego and teber4
Itrouble ensued, resulting in her d.
The funeral took place from the fir
hen borne hen en Monday, Rev. D. 1
Hoo- !conducting the services. Many
Mina I Gee* fwd friends from a distance
ton , preesot.
in T. Ralph WWI., of Gaoaooque
t 7 been engaged to take charge of W
et - I hear CiN.ens' band.
he IGeo. Cline. who for twenty 3
had been leader of 8t. Andrew's eh
ay. I cboir, is moving to Leamington, w
LI, I he will in future reside.
us Charles Hawkins and family
London, have taken up their rssld.
th in town. Mr. Hawking i• expect.
d- Pia, on Wiugham'• lacrosse team
h. season.
od Miss Mary J. King, eklest daug'
p of the late Luke King, died on A
2 ith, atter an hilae.s of several mon
aa The funeral took place on Friday.
,r. terment' being made in the Rags
L. Catholic cemetery.
it The three soar, Will, Arebie 1
r- Harper. of Mrs. Archie Simmons, •
of untilrecently was a resident of W.
barn, have enlisted. Mrs. Simne
re- now resides at Brandon, Man,
✓ d:barlotte Netterfield, wife of Pt
a Wilson, died at Detroit on April lt.
Sbe was a former resident here 1
was an aunt of Mrs. T. Drummed
and Mrs. T. J. McLean. Her bushel,
three daughters and one coo surely,
Miss Mary Jane Gill, a respected)-
, indent of W ingharm, died at his hoe
A here on „Sunday. April 18th, in gr
seventy eighth year. She was • nave
of Cornwell, Bugland, and cameto
Canada in 1867. She had been a ret-
e dent of Wingham for the poet tbirtan
A series of burglaries has then
place bete tecentJy end in some cera
- numb money and goods were teen.
. The sum of 1548 was taken from the
G. T. R. ticket office, $. o from Mann's
Iho ke att>o H and the stores of estate k
hardware note also were° vitiates lose'
the thieves.
Margaret Moffett, relict of the 1
John H. Miller, died et her home
Morris on April 18th, in her eigh
tint year. Her hwl.eod died in F
ruary last.
Wm. Moses, an aged resident of t
'Sod line, Morris, died on Mood
April 19th, to bis seventy-seven
year. Interment took pia,' at Br
.ell cemetery.
Mrs. Henry Peufouod, of the 6
concession, Stanley, passed away su
t:enly o0 Sundry morning, April 18t
She was seventy-two years of age, a
is survived by her husband, one so
ried at the home of Mr. and Mts. J.
Kerr, 141-0 of that township, on Apt
71b, by Rev. R. S. Lackland, of Wrox
ter, smarted ty Rev. F. Larkin,
The death tltik please at London,
cently. of John '1'. O'Haien. a forme
resident of Hay townsbia The tuner
took place on April 19th from home of Mrs. Patrick O'Brien, come,
sion 3, Hay, to Hensel! tanneter y.
The large harn on the farm of Doug
waa burned &ineptly. All the stock
with the exception of one calf and
pig. were eaved, ium Use rest of tbe
coutentri ERA destroyed. There war
*MEW insurance.
Tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Valentin
Gerber, of the Bronson line. litanley
was the seene of a pretty wedding on
April :Pah. when their youngest
daughter, Fanny, was united in mar
riage to Artron Erh, of near Blake
H.ev. V. tier her officiated.
Clara Irene. daugnter of Mr. and
and Mrs. Wm. MacKersie. was and-
ried at her home at tiorrie on April
14th to James A. Halliday, of Howick
towtiehip. Rev. (i. W. rti•en per-
formed the ;„cereenony. The young
uuple will reside in California.
Edward Currie. Fordwich. wan
aserried at Toronto um Marcell:10th to
ettenntilly'wsdr-permfatere see
have taken up their residence on the
Redpath farm, on the 4th concension
of Elowisk.
Samuel Reid. a resident of Stanley
wnship for almost three-fourths of
tory, died at his home on the 140
-incession of that townthip on April
e years ago, and came to Canada in
2. Five daughters and one son
liehee Knife and Ferk.
sell la the drops. They erS1 be wel-
come by the anthers who believe that
lean children should be aceggionsd
b the table ninells ot their niers as
son as negate, for. while his !alb
and hock are vornbraad and very abort
sad can sadly beheld and mantindatod
1Vbile working at the Ogilvie mill
Pere. Gordon McKay got bis fingers
:sught in the :machinery, with the re -
WI chat they were badly cruebed.
Mr. Nixon, who has been orgenist
and ditch- leader for the Pnisbyterian
church here for awe time. has ac-
cepted a similar position at fit. Thomae
at lazger salary.
Mrs. Boorman, • sister of Messrs.
N. T. and 8. Cluff and the Aliases
(Ault died at Toronto last week. She
WAS DOM at the Cluff houreetead, ad-
joining the town, ninety-one years
Word has been received of the death.
Brunton. of Wilfrid Richardson,
era soa of Mr. and Mrs. Thounia
Rocha/dies. formerly of 8isaforth. An
tack of typhoid fever wee the cause
death. He eras tweneyone years
by a baby hand.. yet they ais a rsai old
knife and fan.
laageris la all its daintiest torsos Is
to be seen hi the show Charming
sob copied troen imported models are
French set. conideting of nightgova.
ehendeme and drawers, has a hand of
faced with bins mull Nadi Ohms bi
the set te clignenik finhind oft with
ribbon bows,
It St
Another set of three pines 1 the an
elealss lifibtatwn and dandle Win-
ans. TIN Ifttle cm Pe ab
and with sf or bb In-
cense are to be sr gia
the Mona They are of lace an. I rib.
and Ink chinning ender a i lbw
It it I
lIverYbot.7 le dancing now, ang
'pedal duns, ddrts made s Go-
ths blaintes daneser:isety pstt
le as siesseery as • dance f Son.
swage phdtsd nines la Walt. Wes
or clan Oboe do ebbs pad agets
with keg ineseni are b be Ind In di
the ~mg Amin Ter this hub meg
there eraps de Wes or gang albs
skirts In hut disibes. to asi Imo
dor salt&
It et
ands me mem la ail the esnal MD
pattlegst ednin—nehet. get nein pro
aid begin. Thar stronift
lea PS at
The members of the Oddfellowe' and
Orange lodges held • joint meeting on
Sunday, April and presented
Hugh Hamill, who has enlisted for
active 'service, with complimentary
addresets and gifts. The Oddtellows.
lodge ita V. him a signet ring end the
Orange lodge an engrrved locket.
EX mut.
The Masonic lodge has moved into
wilt pay his official visit this week.
the Ihriush and Foreign 13ible Society
by the will of Use late Joseph Har-
ebell. a Exeter.
t SI& and Mrs. Deo. Crawley attended
fnneral of the lady's father, Mr.
lien. Fraleigh, at fit . John* last week.
The dbeamed was in his eightieth year.
A fbtdretisO .. flLageesimdIda alise .Semm'il 11ser'Aa a
bRYouiI House
thesiesed weed MISSY deny. Not to inn • A
'tiles make est Ger '100311 Pees Poesy , year
Sea pane preemies resist, the destressive ellersalowe
besides oddly beauty see iiiininemies es
"10010 PURE"
be yen hens. Tbs
" Pere" Psis* mass proandos
Csisrs gad Ibsen
=pdient We Mrs It is est br
Carl Hest, who had been teller of
the Royal Bank here, has been trans-
ferred to the main branelt at.
Army officer who will assist Capt.
Reuben Stirling, who had been
working at Jackson, Mich., arrived
home tut week with his left hand
badly cut, the result of au accident
while running • saw.
Arthur Woolley, who left here for
England on December lOth last to
•isit his mother at Hartlepool, has re-
oed to Clinton. He bag many io-
teresting photographs and souvenirs
of the blecman bombarclmeat
Roy East, a Clinton "old boy,' who
has been connected with the Royal
Bank for several years, letterly at
Winnipeg, hag been appointed assist -
eat inspector of banks in the West,
with headquarters at Winnipeg.
Wm. Henry Farquhar died suddenly
st big borne at Stapleton on April llet
front heart dissent. He wee • son of
the late Wm. Farquhar, of Clinton.
and was in his fifty-ninth year. His
wife end two sons and one daughter
✓ urvive. Interment took piece at
Clinton on Friday.
C. Dixon met with • peculiar ac-
cident one day recently. He had raked
the leaves off his lawn and was burning
them when en explosion occurred and
be received a charge in the calf of his
leg. It seems some dynamite cape
were -left arround by workmen egis
on the hydro station and cbildreoltdd
carried theca away as playthings.
F. Hunt, Goderich, Ont.
MOndy: What fob yo. been groin' to
de postoffice go realer Are you nor -
Restos : Nona but since Alt been ts-
readin' in de papers 'bout dem "eon
science lauds Ah kind of tbought
Ah might possibly git • letter, from
dat minister what married us.—To
peke Journal.
"They tall me, Mrs. Cornelia your
daughter went through that reception
In her honor witbout any faux pas."
"Ne such thing ! She turd as meets of
it as anybody there."—Beltimore Am -
Dr. Geo. J. Potts Dias at Clintee after I
Stirring Camkr.
Clinton, April r.2.—The death oc-
curred today of Oeorge Jerrold Potts,
M.D. M.R.C.8., formerly a Toronto
and &Seville, in his ingleueth year.
Dr. Potts was for some time editor of
in the days of the tinadfield Macdonald
Ministry. As • young MILD, be joined
tbe Canadian militia and later he saw
considerable active eervice with the
Btitish Imperial for,m. He was sur-
geon the British Coasul&ta in Stana
when the Indian mutiny began. and
was ordered to lodia, where he served
until the close of the troubles there.
He then went to China with the
stirring 'men?* in that campisign. Hav-
ing resigned from the British service
he joined the United States Federal
forms end served through the civil
War with the rank of Sorgeon-Majoi,
beiog appointed by President Lincoln
himself. At one time he era coroner
of Victoria. Nortbumberlend Dur -
bent counties and litter of Peterborn'
county. He bad travelled in treacly
every counity in the world, and was
• Freemason of high degree.
He ie survived by three gong and
two daughters: Macdonald T. Potts.
isecretary of Tire Journal, Portland.
Creston : Murray C. Potts, of Victoria.
B.C. ; Mrs. Chas. Clarke, Victoria,
11.C. ; Miss Jessie Potts and Rev.
raid Potts of tit. Paul's rectory, Clio -
ton. where his desithoccurred.
The funeral service will be held at
St Pant's church, Clinton, on Sunday.)
at p.m., interment at St- k
cemetery. Toronto, on Mooday.
Mrs. Chas. K. White, Waterford,
N. S.; writes :—"I have used Bahy's
Own Tsblets tor both my habiee and
find them ft:collect. My ­ girl
was croft and 'sickly but after giving
her the Teblets she became strong,
healthy aad happy." Baby'. Own
Tablets never fail to niake sickly chil-
dren well and the mother can give
them to ber children with isbeolute
safety. They are guaranteed by •
Pvernment analyst to be free from in -
IOUS drugs. Tbe Tablets are gold
y medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents • box from Tbe Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Mr. Thos. Somerville, of Cargill. called
o0 old friends in town recently
Mr. Leslie Irwin left last week for
Hay.vilk, where be has rented a
blacksmith .hop.'
Tax BowLZRB.—The Luckeow lawn
bowling club has ortanized for 1915
with the following officers : President,
Dr. A. M. Spence ; vice-president.
Robt. Johnston ; aeeretar, ur+: f
re. Reid, J. A. (ilennie and the presi-
dent; tournament committee, W.
Horn, R. Johnston and J. A. Glennie.
It is planned to open the season with
a tournament on the 24th of May.
Lucknow Dramatic Company pre
tinted the play "The 8ilent
n the opera house at Kincerdine on
the 30th inst. and won great. praise
from the people of the lakeside town.
Miss Rea& Gordan and Miss Lyle. Tay-
lor especially are mentioned for their
clever acting. Others who ook part
were Mien Annie Boyd, Mrs. Hobnail.
Mrs. Wesley Joynt, Mrs. D. Gilbert -
The prooeeds will be divided between
the Red Cross Society aod the Kin-
cardine general hospital.
"Yes, except for the alterations made
I by his wife end her mother r
Why Not Telephone?
Norma Irlizebritti. daughter of Mr.
end Mum A. Q. Bohier, foresee reei-
dent• bee', woe miarried at Buffalo,
N.T..en April I4, to Lever se Johnston,
of that city.
Oen. Peltier died at the residence a
hit brother, John, no Wednesday,
A in 141110. He wee born in Rngland
seventy -els veers ago MA mine to this
carauntry ke Inn. He Hired some time
Ms Chicago and retmeed to Sister sev•
veal years ego Three brothers ear -
Moenor, April al
The Coneervatives of 8outh Hymn
meet at Pot -awes me Thursday of this
week le ehoose their candidate for tbe
stet Fedora/ etection. John Purvis,
Um well-known isoetioneer, promin-
ently mentioned as a probable eboiee.
A Rummel WT.—Chief Justice
Mather., grim heads the eogninission
appointed by Premier Roblin, or Mimi -
rob., to investigate eleargee of fraud
in ronnertion with tbe Government
buildings at Winnipest, le • Linke.
hoy " Hairy Mather& of the let
eoneresion, is a brother.
Hisinars. —Jibe Inuits loyal ie sin
Wag friends at Haman Mrs. R..
Donis bag returned from a whit to
Tomato Kr Donna IlsOliarlee,
after spending tbo winter at hie bane
bore, loft lad week for Illgumne. Seek.
. Ilea On. Heigh. of andageb. Is
wss Mr. Awn IfiedIresr. of
a brew malign ed begbinf
If you telephone.him.first yournscout
have to go at all!
If you would just sernember toobserve
this rule of first using the Long Distance
Telephone, you would save , yourself and
your staff many tiresome•trips, =necessary
disappointments and much expense.
Many prqgressiveibusiness houses have
found that by a systematic. and persistent
use of the Long Distance Telephone travell-
ing expense can be reducedianywhere from
20 to 80 per cent.
Why not adopt this :principle in; your
business? Telephone rust Try to !figure
out where the Long Distance Telephone
can save you precious.time
Mrs. H. Keys hae porehased the pro-
perty r4 Mrs. F'. Watson no Queen
street. Mrs. Watson Is moving to the
viehmity et LfilnlignI, where her shear
Mies Mary Deletes wee made the fis-
nags Unmet obis' by a sem bee of
The Bell Telephone Co.
of Canada.