HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-4-29, Page 6S TMOMM LT. Area. M. 1923 FHIC SIGNAL GODERICH : ONTARIO CANADIAN LOSSES WERE VERY HEAVY Twenty two Officers Killed and Sixty Seven Wounded -Many Prominent Names In the List After more than two months of trench fighting with losses compara- tively small the first Canadhn trivia Yon were given their chance last week in the great battle to the north of Ypres, and as edictal accounts have Indicated they fought with splendid courage and effectiveness. But the victory gained cost Canadr. many, of her brave sons. The official list of casualties thus far reported to the militia department at Ottawa shows that during the fighting on Thursday. Friday and Saturday. and which sill 15 progressing the Canadians lost 22 commiss!oned. officers killed and 67 wounded. The °dicers reported killed are: Major Albert Edward Kimmins of ?Winona; Capt- George Crowther Ryer- son, Tu: onto; Lieut A. D. Kirkiwt- riek, Toronto: Lieut. M. Daniel Mac- deaaid. Toronto. a Capt Donald Glover, Orillla; Lieut. Cameron D. Brant. Hamilton; Ueut.- OarL A. H. Birchalt, Canadtan Per neament Staff. Gloucester. Eng. Lint Charles King Mason,laska• 'oda. Major Edward C. Norsworthy, Mon- treal. former:y of Ingersoll; Capt Wail. Clark Kennedy. Montreal; Osrald 0. ' c -es. Highlaaders, Mon- treal. formerly Ottawa; Lieut. Guy Mulford Drummond. Montreal Capt Richard Steatite. Westmount. Lout George M. Williamson. More tread. Capt. Celt M. Merritt Vancouver; Capt. John Geddes, Vancouver; Capt Marathon Maxwell. Fleming; Lieut Arthur Lodge Lindsay, Vancouver (mitres of Strathroy, Ont). Lheut-Col. W. Hart McHarg, Van- Died of Wounds (lent -Cot Russell L Boyle,_C Nike. Alta. 1 native of Port Colborn 1lent 11. R. McGuire. Orangevl Vie. D. Mc:+ahs. Drotnbourne, . /wit Pte. Eric Preston, Vancoav IPte. C. B. Hawley. Cowanvllle, Quit Fan.. A. M. Elliott, London, Eng. The list of wounded given out tktawe follows: Lieut E. K. Clifford. Stony Cree Int; Ldaat J. L Youngs, Strati Idiot P. W. Pack, -dount Fore Iet J. K. Croa, Toronto; Ca 0. R. Roger?, uo address given; Ca .1. Huggins. Ot'awa: Capt. E. G. Re St Catharines iesi1 Lt G. U. .0 Lieut. Norwich. Ont.; Lit J. R. 1111 Milton; Liedt J. M. McKinley, C▪ a• , NS.; Lieut F. W. Miller, sing, N.S.; Lieut. G. W. Balla ' Hasltoa; Lieut E. s. Kelly, 'laid mend County (wounded and infante Major D. R. Sandeman, Red Deer Capt- R. A. S. Allen, Salmon A B.C.; Lieut. W. Fitzpatrick, Plpestoo Man.; Lieut J. Kircaldy. Brandt) Lieut.. E. A. Whitehead, Montreal Lieut 11. Quintal. Montreal; Ca G. 11. goes. W'osipeg: ('apt. 4.• Jameson. Winnipeg; rapt 1. II. M Gregor, 1'Icto-ii; Lleut S. H. Gccdat. Vancouver; LI G. S.- Ager, Vi torte; Lieut. J. G. Kenworthy. -'a couvev; Uc,.t V. A. McLean. Va couve-; 1.i.•,::. S. D. Armour. Va couver; Ueut T. A. Kydd. Rutrat Rapids, Ont.; Capt. C. E. H. Mo: to Royal Grenadiers. Toronto; Li,.... J H. Bennett, Toronto. Lieut A. Spender, Vancouver; Lieut. A. Ball for Belli; Lieut. ,E. N. (:,L'ia no address,; Capt. John H. Parks. ti John. N.B.; Lieut. Alfred C. Basted Toronto; Major D. Sutherland. No with; Capt 1. C. L. Smith, Chatham Lieut W C. Butler, London; Lieu T. D. Lockhart. Galt; Lieut. Andre Gordon McLennan, Ottawa; Lt. -('o William Senkler Buell, liroclv1;:r Major Berkeley Henry Belson. Po Dalhousie. Ont.; Lieut. R M. Yvan rrie, Ont.; Lieut. Thema: Hca laddell. Halifax, M8.; Lieut. Ro''e Bruce Stalker Burton. Toronto; Lieu O. 11 Weld. Iselaware, Ont ; Maio James Lightfoot, Winnipeg. Aso Capt Daniel Lee Redman. Calgary Capt. Charles Wilson Robinson. 'tan son. Alta.: .,teat. William .,rthu ow L rey. '(afrary; Lieut. George Gor don Duncan, Port Credit, Ont Major A. T. Hunter, Toronto; Cap C. H. Watsoa. Port Hope. Ont. Capt. Georlte Erie McCualg, Mon treat; ('apt- 14 Barre. Montreal; Lieut Walter Kirkwood Koubiey. Montreal Capt. Paul R Hanson. St. Lambert Qua ; Capt H. R. Boyd, Ridgeway (' Ont ; apt H. 11 Smith, Montreal Major Gilbert Godson -Godson, Va couver: Lieut Reginald Htbb. rt Tu per. Vancouver; Lieut. Graham Mont g mnery Ainslie. Scotland; Lieut O. R. Dail*. Claxton. II C ; Letut. W. Young, SO address. A second casualty list given out al Ottawa con'alnedthe following names: ('ate P. E. Bowman. Edmonton; Maj•.r I:ali•n:ye.. Georgetown; lAeut. W. I. Ford. Kamloops; Lieut. H R S eharehmldt. Vancouver; Lieut F. 8. Molson. Montreal; Lieut. J. A. Dan - seesaw. Toronto; Capt. George Hag- gerty MacLarea, Toronto; Lieut H 5' Hertzberg, Toronto; Pte. Wm. Thomas Shaw, Scotland; Capt. Peter � Iwtn Bowen, Edmonton; Pte. Rich- ard Rhorney. England: Pte. Lee 8. Tlmllck. New Westmine er. B.0 ; Pte. Hashh John Carlyle 0.ileit Halifax, N.R.: Pt. Fred Whit d, [Mead;Pt.. Harry Noises. Yortshtre, leg.; Pte. William Coleman. Allston. Eng.:.: Pio Prank Hoary Sanikester. Lou. den. Keg . Pte. Mack Her.an.oa, Lest. est. Halbert Raa.om. MaltMaltWinnipeg; Pte. Edward lataa. Ochoa. Maa . Pte. Frederick W. Wicker's. Heatless, Eng Pte Ou- tgrow Low., Ayrshire. Scotland; Inca tarp Janes Murray. Aastrether, �s.tla.Jen Wain; tarp. Jen Maas, lag.: g.: Pte. lobe Ciareee. t, Ms Mess: Pts Arat Rol 1.40141041.1.40141041.Mat;� . L; osr C. It w. ow __ s ro- e). 11e; Scot- dT at k; May st; pt. Pt IFT ey, an an - rd, 1- ): rm. e. n; Pt W. O 11, c 0 0 's a. G E 0 r t rt a d rt t t• • M1 p TURKS CHASED FROM ENOS Wean Force Landed Prose Warships and Met With Little Opposition The London Daily Mall's Sofia car - respondent in a despatch to his paper tags "Fugitives from Enos say that toi- Iowtog a bombardment by the allies, Cie British landed a force at Enos. and the Turkish Commandant .rdered ea evacuation of the port." Enos 1s Turkey's most southwester ly port on the Aegean Sea. 1t lira lust to the east of the new boundary line between Turkey and Bulgaria. and L 12 miles southeast of Dedea. hatch, Bu)garia. The story cf the Landing V in part coofirpoed by Berlin reports and by a report from Salonikl. It is reported that the British troops Ont landed numbered 2,00 and that others fol- lowed, the Turks offering little resist- ance. A despatch from Paris says: The best means for hastening the pas- sage of the Darda-ielles by the allies' warships wa+ one of the pr(jclpal subjects of a conference between Minister of Marine Augagoeur and Winston Sprncer Churchill. First Lord of the Admiralty. The conference was held In the north of France. On his return to Parts M. Augag- neur stated that the public would b. wrong In thinking that the operations in the Dardanel;es had been ■uspend- ed. M. Augagnrur said the general caval situation of Great Britain and Prance was In every way very favor- able A GERMAN PEACE SCHEME Women's Conference at the Hag Engineered by Enemies of Allies A despatch from Paris says that 1s charged by Madame Duero Tmetz president of the French Women National League, that the Women Peace Conference to be held at Th Hague is nothing more nor less Ma a German propaganda manceuvrtnn ander the coloof International in terventlon. And this Madame Tun: bolds to be true, partly because tit Women's National League has bee offered all. expenses for their de: Oates to the coaterence if they con sent to the prepared resolutions with out discussion. Consequently all Prench feminist groups have unanimously refused to participate In the congress at which Was Jane Addams is to preside. It is their intention, however, to unite In sending a strong protest against tha resolution favoring peace, which It proposed to pass, as coming from the women of the world. R[ETS w THE LATEST MA Toronto Cattle Market Representative. prices are:- thlpping steers 57.00 to $8.00 landy choke steers7.60 7.00 tutcher steers. good7.30 7.60 do. medium 7.00 7.25 do. common . 0.60 7.00 Letters, choice 7.10 7.80 do. good 1.76 7.10 do. medium 0 36 4.75 6.75 11.36 6.76 6.76 7.00 8.36 6.76 6.36 Butcher cows, choice... 6.36 da good 5.76 do. medium 6.36 do. common 4.75 Ontcher bulls, choice6.36 do. good bulls . 6.76 do. medium .. '-6-26 do- rough bologna4.60 reedere, 560 to 1,100 lbs6.31 do. bulls 4,75 Stockers, 750 to 000 lbw 6.36 do. med., 650 to 760 6.76 anners 3.90 ' utters .. 7.40 Milkers. choice. eacb66.00 do. com. and med40.00 itprtagers ..,60.00 Calves . veal. choke.... 6.00 • do. medium 6.50 do. common 4 50 do. grans 3.60 Bob calves. each 2.00 Lambe, yearling, light9_50 do. medium -. 8.00 do. heavy .. 7.60 do. culls .r. 7.00 Spring lambs. each...-. 7.00 Ewes, light 1.00 Sheep, heavy and bucks 6.60 Calls ..... 2.00 n Hogs, off ca8.76 do. fed and watered. 8.50 a f. do. . ._ . 8.16 1.Op i. 6.86 6.26 7.40 7.70 06.00 06.00 06.00 10.00' 8.00 7.00 4.60 6.00 11.00 2.60 6.00 2.60 11.00 6.00 7.00 4.26 8.85 8.60 8.25 Farmer's Market ft Following are the latest quotations u. for farm produce at St. Lawrence s Market, Toronto. 's Wheat, bushel „31.40 to 50.00 e Goose wheat 1.30 1.36 n Buckwheat .... .85 .00 g Barley .83 .84 64 .66 u Rye1.15 0.0) e Paas • 1.25 1.35 n Hay. No. 1 30.00 21.00 e- do. No. 2 .....'16.00 18.00 • cattle ttle '..:11:00 11.30 . Straw, bandied 16.00 17,00 do. loose 10.00 11.00 Butter, choice dairy.35 .22 Mgr•, new laid, dos.20 .26 Chickens, dresa.:d, Ib.,.23 .25 Fowl, Ib :20 13 Turkeys, Ib. .28 .35 Live chickens. Ib, ....s .16 .17 do. bens, Ib. .. . .17 .20 do. ducks, Ib. .16 .14 do. turkeys, lb. .. .17 .20 Apples. Greenings, bbl. 3.00 0.04 do. Spies, bbl. 4.00 1.00 Celery, bunch .08 .10 Cauliflowers, each .23 .00 Potatoes. bag .65 .76 Cabbages. dos. .60 1.02 Carrots, peck .20 .00 Parsnips. peck .20 ,t10 Bests. peck .20 .Si Turnip.. bag .45 .O0 RESTRICTIONS ON LIQUOR British Government Bald to Have De. tided on Coons' of Action The Br'tish Government has finally arrived at a more moderate declaim for dealing with the drink problem accordin- to The Times, which pieces the' propc,rd restrictions under the following ::fads: FIRST -Prohibition of the sale of 11:nature spirits. SECOND--Encotragcr, en: of t".e Crewing of Ezhter beer". THIRD-_ potisl put'11 • house r' - r!rlctlont in :'munition;" FO:"itTH-Rei.nced beers of sale generally. Fi VTH--Compensation for the In- terests affected. ATTACKING DARDANELLES Tree's Landed Successfully in Spits of Cetermined Opposition T' ()m`,'r.ed Anglo-French feet and arty hese commenced their long expectrd 'neral attack on the Dar- dsnciles. Al' that is krown so fat of the new op.'rations is contacted In a brief report issued by the War Odic.• and Admiralty Monday evenlag wh:ch elmp:y sat.! that In, spite of seri. r* epeolotion troops have been VT(' ssfully landed at various points on the Gallipoli Peninsula and that thel- advance continues. The attack I* t,eing mzde by land, the sea and the air. HALIFAX TO STAY WET Speaker's Vote Prevented Prohibitory Law Going Into Effect The Pro -ince of Nova Scotia, with the excepti.n of the city of Halifax. Is under P ovinelal prohibition. Tbs city last week came within an ace te Cie House of Assembly of being In eluded in t.. prohibitory law. Mr Tsni.'r, leader of the Oppoet tion, moved that after Mares, 1916, when the rre.ent licenses In Halifax expire, the rrovtnctal prohibitory law should go into effect hi Halifax city. This was debated for several hours, and a vote was taken which stood twelve to twelve. The Speaker. br. Ellis. gave his casting vote against proh'httlon, thus defeating the amemd- meat Belated Tele M Stwhi erg P T Jane. the wall knows anal expert. addressing a le Lane pool last week. mild it wasof ranee ally known that the oerfiaaa had triad to land an eepeettki mry twee la Britain. an that n wee the ithibt navy that made them go Meek to harbors agate The eery saved Hiss ooeMtry. end there was 101111 101110011 of ft in the newspapers. PleWadas la Meatsunillegg 1■ tb. Coloetal L.•SldiaOre 00 Maw foaMlsnd the Premier arareed ant the Oevera.eet tat•mind • hill daring the sees6.a pw11illia Z • pieheiet a nest Mtesssa4f 00 nestle• of melanin et ra trailer aad la a. woo vete. policy tob.Z wm became dry ea ltlb111114. Toronto Grain Prices The following wholesale peltses are quoted at the Toronto Board of Trade: Manitcba %Vheat-NU. 1 nlrther, 51.70, lake porta; No. 2, =1.6844; No. 3, 11.66%. Manitoba Oats -N 2 C.V., 72c; No, 3 C.W., 69c, track, bay ports; No. 1 feed. 68e; sample oats, ',7c. Ontario Oats -White, outside, 62c to 634sc. Ontario Wheat -No. 2. per tar' lot, 81.66 to {1.57. American Corn-C.I.L. bey ports. 10 opening of navigation. No. 2 yaw, 61%c; No. 3 yellow, 811rec. Peas -No. 2. 81.56 to 8140 car lots. outside. Rye -No. 2, outside $1.00 to 81.11. Barley -Good malting barley, out- side, 73e to 75c. Rolled Oats -Car lots; per bag of IN pounds, $3.40; 1a smaller lots, *3.60 to 53.55, Windsor to Montreal. Buckwheat -80c is 82c, car lot:, outside. Mlllfeed-Car lots, per ton, bran, 836 to 127; shorts, 528 to {29; mid- dltngs, 533 to 534; good feed flour, 836 to 139. Cattle at Montreal Butchers' cattle, choice 58.00 to 88.25 do medium 6.60 7.5e do. common 5.00 6.6 Canners 3.60 4.01 Butchers' cattle, cows6.50 6.76 do. medium 5.60 6.00 do. bulls 6.76 7.00 Milken ch lice. tech 70.00 76.00 do con and med...60.00 66.0, Sprinters 50.00 66.0) Sheep, ewes 6.0') Bucks and culls 5.50 Lambe 6.50 Hogs, off can 6.50 Calves 2.60 6.25 6.76 '-7i 8.60 12.00 East Duffel* Cattle Cattle`Heavy, slow; others active, prime steers. to 18.16; shipping, tehers. 56 to *1.25. tows. $3.60 to $7, ..6 8..50 to $7.*5,' halter, 11 to 1 bulls. 84 60 to $ Vests --Slow• $4.60 t 5f Hogs ---Active and ate y; heavy and zed. 14; Teeters. $7 to 511; Pig, 87 15, roughs. 56.00 to 14 76: stage. 55 to N. Sheep sad Iambs--She.p and handy lamas. activd; iaabs, 14 to 59 76; yeatiilags. $640 to 51.36; wether•. {7 60 to $7 76. ewes. $3 to {7, sheat. .teed. 57 to 57.116. ' Chinas LIes Meek Cattle-1{arhet weak; Mims. 56.16 is AGN, weatare trews, KU f+ VW: ern aN b ua. NM e SAO; mlrea, N.16 M . e ries Mad. rub, rf.66: wavy. NM M PM; regi!. 6t$5 In sus. 56,36 W K>'6; balk it We& J6 le RAL Ilbsop--111•0144 straw, mows 17 60 Housecleaning AN. Spring Wants Are easily filled with best values at The HOWELL HARDWARE Co.'s STORE Vacuum Cleaner Clean your carpet with a Vacuum Cleaner. One only, eats value, slightly used. Regular 412.50, now 189.75. Brushes WYewash, Kalsomine and Paint Brushes 00 patios ranging from 5c up. Osrp.t TaeLs, Carpet Heaters, Tack mere, Curtain Stretcher, Curtain :Stretcher Champs. Carpet Sweepers Atter the bouse-cleaning jou will be taking rest. Buy • Bissell Carpet Sweeper and it will make your sweeping'• pleasure. a Garden Tools, such as Spades, Rakes, Hoes, Trowels. Farm Gates Get our prices. You will find them right,' N finishing floors or Canlwoodwork of a room:we can recommend the original of Varnish Stains - "CAMPBELL'S We also carry "CHI-NAMEL" Children's Sets Hoe, rake and spade, a set Hoe, rake, spade and fork, a set Just the thing for flower beds. Step -Ladders 5 -foot ti -foot 7•foot 4ik e0c $1.00 61.10 61,116 Poultry Netting Although Poultry Netting Jumped in price one- quarter more than It was, our prices are not affected, as we purchased • large lot before the advance. Our pricks are as follows : 1 -foot '2 -foot 3 -foot 4 -foot 5 -foot 6 -foot 7 -foot 3c per yard 4c per yard 6^ per yard yard per .•... ..IOc per yard Ile per yard . 14e per yard O'Cedar Mops and Polishes Mope, price from 75c up. Polish 25c and 50c• Old standby Liquid Veneer at 25e and 50e. Lawn Mowers We have the best on the market iu different styles and prior, 1!8.75 to 17.50. Coal 011 and Gasoline Stoves We are pleased to state that we can supply you with the beet makes of euiumer Stereo. We haw. no besiution in saying that the Detroit ()valine and Co.' Oil Mtev,. are the nearest we have yet' W toe Uity Gas range. to feet, for economy in using and *May they an Inferable to the City Gas range. We here,, them in several situs and styles, ranging In price front 610.(10 to 640.00. We also can supply the New Perfection Oil and Bon Ami Oil Stoves. The Boo Ansi doss the same work in half the time as the New Perfe coon. Washing Machines. Wringers How can you house -clean without • Washing Machine? We have the latest improved, "Th. New lien. tury Junior." Sells at 670 cp and,he Wringers Deli from 64.00 to 60.00. Ideal Fencing - Ideal Fencing is always recognized as the strongest and bot farm fencing. Our cash with order prises for all No. 9 !max: 7 -wire, 41) inches high .••,Z�c 8 -wire. 47 inches high 31lc Dives you best fencing at lowest cwt. - and Beeziif ar home with IGH STANDARD • We are the "CHI-NAMEL" STORE Special values in Ready -- Mixed Paint at lOc per ' / z pt. tin. High -Standard Paint has advanced in cost on account of the price of oil going up. but fortunately we had bought a large supply before the advance, and therefore we will be able to leave our prices the same as here- tofore for the first half of May. The same applies to Linseed Oil, our present price will stand for at least the first half of May. We have nothing Mat Baden Oil, which is recognized as the very hest .4 THAT'S the way to improve your home and neighborhood. It is a great pleasure to know that your house is the best looking in the neigh- borhood. Besides this pleasure it is a satisfaction to know that your house is well protected from the de- structive elementscfweather-sun, frost and moisture. Talk over the Neighborhood Improvement Idea with your neighbors. Plan to make yours the neatest and most attractive neighborhood in this city. Paint and flowers will make the change. Avot "High Standard" Liquid Paint its the result of 40 years of experience in paint making- This ex perience plus improved machinery -plus highest grade materials -plus expert labor -insures a paint quality that "Gives Best Results." "High Standard" is thoroughly tested to meet the extremes of climatic conditions. It spreads farther than ordinary paints, covers better, wears longer and is more economical. hes !)Van. is . Lamw. Brothers Pabst. leawmdaA,, &ac es/ or Maio for &awry Purim 1 Let us fill your Hardware Wants, as we are in a position to give you the very best value and quick service. The Howell Hardware Co.Limjted THE BEST PLACE TO BUY YOUR HARDWARE