The Signal, 1915-4-29, Page 5THE SIGNAL GODERICH. ONTARIO
THV DAT, A 1UL it, 1818 B
Two Good Automobiles
For Sale Cheap!
One McLaughlin -Bruck Car, only used for a short time, all
repainted and in first-class repair. A real good machine.
One Russell 5 -Passenger Touring Car, just been overhauled
and repainted and is in good running order. A sere snap.
If you want a car and want it cheaply you can-
not do better than give us a call 2nd look these
machines over. They are really good value.
Next to Town Hall
Telephone No. M3
he< < " k
���del �'eatre
will open under new management on
This theatre has been ,thoroughly re-
modeled by adding new leather covered
Opera Chairs, a new Powers No. 6A
Moving Picture Machine, a new Piano,
and other necessary equipment which,
including a new Ventilating System,
will give the patrons of this new Amuse-
ment Emporium all the comforts of the
big city show houses.
The Universal Film Service has been booked, and
will be shown exclusively in this house, which in
itself is a guarantee of the best.
"2ualitq, Nat 2uantitgef will net
:Depends largely Spm Oa start.
..mow• ■r!•fir`im•
Start right and secure some of our Bred -to -lay
Have beautiful
window decorations
Nothing gives so much pleasure
as a well decorated window.
Your windows will be the envy
of your neighbors if you use the
�ueoG Flat Rod
-1.r esweein wed draperies
Gueraet ed not leo sag
or ttatebh
There is a Kinch Flat Rod la a
coli to match year woodwork or
draperies. Every rod cowmen a
wtitses gtnrt ass tint it will sot
gag er weigh.
Mit es Sal, de `e on edleareakos
odesfine mit Itis Moab
Pos lei `
Come i r d , them
Spray Year Orciards
NsMMag Pays better
L srApaot tor .11 Rpray
Mar:.:, Lime
Dry Soluble Sulphur.
both Dry aid Parts Ar-
senate of Load.
-both power .ed heed
We lave She Met brands
and at ell prime.
Owes In and eve me he
ter. pr.hg peas seder.
Yedtrlea. Oak.
"A Man's Ability Is His Passport"
leva*sse• W teak and Vence Specialist,
T..d..r V..r. Calm* and An...c Singes
Sarah.. - beat Eaw,..,.., and
Foe Mom sed inrerwtatien *opt.
The('soedl•n Masada for May W come
anuw.11y •tt active feature.. Plea then I.
"Oar Nat/eewl Bss.fsetl*n.' by Herbert H.
Asea, II. P. wWeb le as amount of tb. Na.
teed Patristic roes : war, -a Hits.
kaewm Nagar le Canadlea Nstery by R F.
Mum; "N Nh the Cod K4btm.. " by tarty
Amy ; 'The Cow et Ambene tether. In the
"Sanwa Canalise Trois" series, by (bitten
R. Cooke; "Pre- - vs. Medan (Nee,.*
by R Otitwks snick. ata a good
selectee of Newt .tabs.
Mrs. Ryan -"They do be either
saps' that old wan Kelly has got
loeomothor ataxy." Mr.. Murphy-
•• Well, he's got the mosey to run wan
Ipv thio if he wants ter. bat I'd raytber
have a good hxse any day."
izmrConimen garden Sage
darkens se antne•14
nobody as tall
.-I-----.- bieellielly
aarbsesd, slaw ime -i--s- __.$ wly
Ow ISR -r :rete Ikea
law al Sege ilia sad•
dell. fled er else. -rd tillfe
affttl1E$-ee was este wett-
dere br
e.,,W grdreg
boCttle W- .mid anis r.t�ts reedy
aa, fur .haat M main !'ys Millie
Widen sue Ile upset le mime
ttabral eats, ad to Me bear lead
Is hsedbi ler by. isky m*
sal \air.
aramplail mom Wysth's Map sad Chi
Om, beams le Oahe= -e ant ___ and
Belay Ikea mbly est_. tell K W bona
se elm to me. ties Ten
dempm a amt er milt bustse
• lbw. par -Nb Sakai
as dm.
a •$aOm >� ■lw�w/b
=arm 11 "� `telg id urwidi
iv sus MOO OW. BKA tied tln►
Bylaw Vote May 22.
The bylaw embodying the Ratadswd
propo.itka for the e:tsaeloo of the
watt industry in Galerick is to be
voted upon 0o Saturday, May 'GaO4.
Tbe tett of the bylaw is published in
this issue of Th. Miguel.
Aenusl Meeting Women's Institute.
The regular monthly tweeting tat the
God.rick beam* of t k. Women's l.-
stituts will beheld at t e boobs of Mrs.
Charles Young. Regent street, 00
Ibursday, May 6th, at 3 o'clock. This
will be the annual meeting, when the
electioo of officers will take place and
the )early reports will be given ; so a
good aueadance is desired.
No War Taa on Circulars.
According to • ruling of the Post -
office Department the war tax is not
applicable to circular letters and
printed matter if mailed ars third -clam
scatter, open for inspection by tbe
prod authorities. In other words
war tea *tamps are neeessary only on
letters and postcards which are classed
as first-class matter.
Scott Gets Thirty Days.
'%be man Scutt, alias OTool, alias
McDonald, who on February
pleaded guilty to • charge of theft
from D. A. McDonald. of Lochalsh,
and had since been twice remanded,
was brought uptsentence on Fri-
day and given thirty
irty days in jail. Hs
has been in custody since his arrest at
hoodoo. We understand Mr. McDon-
ald has received about 1125 of the
money stolen from him, 1180 or more.
The Model Theatre.
The Model Theatre (formerly the
Star) will open under the management
of Mr. G. F. Wetmore next Saturday
evening. Mr. Wetmore has had •
valuable expel ieoce in the conduct of
picture boasea,and he promises to give
patron of the Model Theatre a first-
class service of high-grade pictures.
The Model has been re -equipped so as
to be more comfortable and attractive
than aver.
Midsummer in April.
For a week we have had midsummer -
like weather. Vegetation bas pro -
gemmed very rapidly and is now two
or three weeks ahead of the average
...Aeon. Seely cherry trees are in
blossom. The crocuses have been
followed quickly by hyacinths and
tulips; end the ubiquitous dandelion
is out in its thousands. With all the
beat there has been no rain and the
river is very low. The weather has
been very favorable, however, for
seeding operations.
West Huron Teachers' Association
The executive committee of the
West Huron Teachers' Association
met in the Ezeter public school on
Saturday, the 24th inst.. to arrang,e for
the next teacher.' convention. It was
decided to hold it in Exeter in Octo-
ber and to request tbe Department of
Education to *end Dr. Dearness, of
London. as it' representative. An in-
teresting program was provided for.
Those present were Mir M. A. Ellis
and Messrs. Mawso., Howard, Spark
and Johnston, in addition to the Exe-
ter towbars.
Dr. Macklin Answers Britain's CaII.
Dr. A. H. Macklin is ooe of thirty-
hird -
five Ontario doctors who are to join
the Royal Army Medieval Corps, in re-
sponse to * recent tapped •by the Brit-
ish War Offloe. These doctors will be
under the .00Uol of the British Gov-
ernment aed will have the temporary
rank of lieutenant. Dr. Macklin is
now •waitng an order to report for
service. Dr. Smith, of hayfield. also is
one of the thirty-five, and another is
Dr. Harry Cressweller, of Windsor,
nephew of Mn. Wm. Proudfoot, of
Patriotic Offers
Mr. O. E. Fleming. owner of Ridge-
wood Park, has offered his extensive
land*, covering about 350 acres, to the
Department of Militia for • military
training ramp for the period of the
war'. duration. Mayor Reid. kr the
town council, and President Cameron,
fcr the Board of Trade. have Area ap-
pointed to interview the Minister of
Militia and lay before him Mr. Flem-
iog's offer.
In addition to this generous offer,
Mr. Fleming has placed his summer
home and grounds at Ridgewood Park
at the disposal of the Government for
a convalescent home for wounded
These are splendid demonstrations
of practical patriotism, and Mr. Flem-
ing is wortby of .11raise for hie large
generosity in behalf of the national
Banquet to Mr. James Mitchell.
The Hoard of Trade on Wednesday
evening tendered • banquet to Mr.
James Mitchell, the occasion being kis
retirement from the secretaryship of
the Board, • position he bee held for
over thirty years. The banquet was
bead at Blsek.tooe's restaurant and an
excellent spread was provided. Mr.
M. G. Cameron presided and there
was • large attendance. Speeches
were gives by essay of those present
expressing appreciation of Mr.
Mitebell's long and faithful service and
wiahiwg him plssure in his new propi-
tiate Mr Mitchell In his reply ger.
*ooe intereeting reminisoeeee, of oc-
eurreoree in 000nection with the hoe-
tery of the Goderich Board of Trade.
Mr. Mitchell's new poetics is with
the Dominion Arebivse Department.
His work will take kiln to many
different point* from time t., • ism, but
we •aderstsed be will still i amain a
rifleman of 0od.rieb.
Picture Exhibition at the Collegiate.
The walls of the assembly ball at the
Colhgiate institute ars this week
droned with upwards of SP reprises
of soma of the test pictures of femme.
artists. Many of the pictures are
estlgrayisge of the osigleal
W.tiags sad dsolet the wanness
doe eft nrdetle shill from the As
e ma mid Otres& periods taut _.lore re-
sat* times. Amass the mem atime-
ths e- _.rss are theof nom* d the
warli�- meat mashie cathedra* both
,s the sestlnent el Arop end In
The imbibition le made
tine k(bby mm
sbets at the
stall alto sr. wets
M $b bAatry of the pietas's
sad who glee deseigtive talks, Was-
Ylt te tole .wi cif t.kwaI winker
�gis heaaNw IMAM might ether-
eal* e -s -pe nodes Oiriag las the bet
1-st tib phtee.s Awe Is L_..s aadis
Important Notice!
TM UIiSDAY, May 13th
23rd and final episode of the
The winning soli•
Pon, showing the
winner of the $10,000
Don't forget the date
THURSDAY, May 13th
',Lucille Love"
Tweflth episode will
be shown W ISDN ES -
DAY, May 12th, in-
stead of Tbttreday.
Admission as usual 10e and lin
We Lead -Others Follow.
Crystal Spring Dairy'
We have started • new Dairy in
Gerdericb and are prepared to
supply the citizens with milk
and cream tbet is guaranteed
All milk is produced from our
own herd and every detail from
the milking until it reaches the
consumer is under our own care-
ful inspection and management.
and no better milk can he bad
anywhere at any price.
We :on take en twenty more
customers in a few days now.
Write R.R. 5. Goderich,
or Phone 174, Benmiller.
rich on the morning train on Monday
the exhibition will close at 5 o'clock
Sa uiday afternoon. Everyone who
pcesibly can should take advantage of
the opportunity to see these pictures
during Otte next two days -Friday
afternoon from 4 o'clock to 8 and Fri-
day evening, and Saturday afternoon
from .r o'clock to 5.
A Farewell Gathering.
A general 'octal meeting of the con-
gregation of North street Metbodut
church was held in the lecture room
of the church on Tuesday evening.
with the object ot,bidding farewell to
Mr. and Mrs. E. Downing and Mn.
Anwtey, Mr. Downing's sister, wbo
leave this week for their new home at
Lemningtoo. Rev. \V, K. Hager
occupied the chair and addresses were
given by Moors. 'J. H. Colborne, J
W. Vanatter, Mrs. Sinclair and Mrs.
Colborne, representing various inter -
esus of the congregation, and all unit-
ing in praise of the departing ones and
in appreciation of their services in tbe
0nsgregatinn and in the town. Mr.
Colborne reviewed Mr. Downing's
business record of over forty years in
Goderich and paid a warm tribnte to
him as an honorable business man, a
good citizen and a moat desirable
neighbor. Mr. Downing and Mn.
Anatey spoke briefly hut feelingly in
reply. Vocal solos were rendered by
Mrs. King and Mr. Roberta, and after
the formal program bad been con•
eluded lunch was wined and there was
a pleasant social hour.
The sentiments •xpteesed by the
speakers at this gaionrit will he,
we are sure. re-echoed by the people
of the town in general. Mr. and Mrs.
Downing have been exo.11ent citizens.
and Mrs. Anet.•y, while not en long
• resident here. .Iso has made many
warm friends. We trust that, while
not forgetting their friends in God. -
rich. they will find much comfort and
pleasure In their new home at Leam-
Mr. J. C Tom h..: ,,(sewed from a Lop
the Pedlar Cw..
Mies Det Reran i- spsmdier • week with
M inter at Stratford
Mr. Wnl nn.. retaree4 home after a' -
o ber torn st the tt.elp\ Apbeltaral Censer.
Ile. Wm' Mc('nn.I. of 1YAse. el and, w.•
to tees lost week . twitted as old Maid. MI..
Mho O'Laughlin or Rlug" bride. I. 'be
reed tM week of her aunt rr. O'\MII Tea.
(algae etslst.
Mies /lase« whaler nursed to ther.iir
5bee \aeer y. afterNeedleseNeedlesMw
Needles a wi• u
M•. r. t asr"rtte at Dorm termone sr
dedeetrk s open hag two se three days I.
time the week.
Mee. sQdeturds. er pedes. ...etrer ata
>tesds 1/4 wst/at�agn a e • ,
tree Mas$o. Ars O.
Judge Ma (. •gale at Mefes In tae court
bona after to ruse .t tart sake placed ea
ea the deli llet Ito ...oral days
Mw. Mewl reww and Id.u-st a °bad
wbehad spent tree wiener WW1 blade la the
Baited Sebes maned to tees bast week.
a�a Osie�lac mas.tppwwer.M1.\4 w.. at Deteek tai. weak
lbs Isr t Nv*wdt ObMirlw .
asd Oatr.e.
:= L7
wnnws3wsay wean
Imam bwrwr d ter. see ars
I Ow Oho so
mwsl.Rhe�g he wee = teed kr Roo.o
wed 1•w I(d w, ssel Soso
estpLOet,�ned to the nab hoc Ise
Brows -"•Jones is ent tsly tied to
b1 wale's gremeteyw" Smith -
Well, le these dsRb, b b Barky Y b.
AEI • was Ida aprolisAila"
CAIN. ttebeet )4 l(a7 wadi to Contaswu/
et, U•.dwbeint Sows • a.alegtua. Ceps.
)rens; sad Jean Newt -Gene an. entering let*
pasta••.W V the $.1 bs.iw.
Dual emu Oho Msctlllavey Maas Bead
.a�s1 sad ..l• •f bone ..e mady, to be held
w honest of Keel claret FOOL,evening. ApO wta at ' clerk. Adesieds.
as upp et.syepb M sdi. 5sy t�
ekes and b.. kis •r ler Proem taken. Tel
seam W merrier. A free .Ittl..g .ad ooe photo
to as babies ander webteien mount ha se sac
T. B. Y•w•I. .f Kuala. appeared Ware
Phase MseMeate Roily ea Tuesday talesman
• charge ef ease Reser at tater without
(1s thp spoliation of ter .letoedaat's
seaarl. L IL Dkkrs. reenter was adjourned
►'tin y msewiw. a 1• wad st Kati".
110 team •noshed 4 toml. Meer/ • nun
waw taassd a link •edlt.mest on. Iiat-rdy
erenge t. whoa taws nabs .•coral rew IsU.m.
d the Sits,s wtt►s*t tae tate.y d t\•
&twee. 11hey were daily captured without
any .*Asa bases bawls' toes Sena
soles .to b. • IOUs rioter tee . w1dle
sew, but .*moor weather will No. ,-one la
mreset. Be prepared ter it wire • inner
w ait. leaped rand. for sett. or light o,er-
goat. at Ptldhaw the Tailor . ('alit and re
The wise are antieipattur a busy timedar'
lag Oho next he gars calcites dog. that are
as Honied esus 11• limas tack W aro In-
termed that all doer. captured will he de.uoyd
eux.dlsn of Moir sats.. Mon! Huy soar dog
tag sow.
Mr. Jamieson Reid ►a. purchased trues Mr.
Robert Yawn`. IJgln avasur. • part of hos
y, and 4 building thereon •n u tedat•
twit!'-reideaee. 1'h. Em•nen. too. 1. on the
Milling flat. and 11e work of evicting • beak
srdiaa1 eft• and somas at M. re -:dance 4
pattering favorably.
The Signal will be sent to any new
subscnher in Canada or Great Britain
for the remainder of 1915 for 50c.
South Bruce Liberals will meet at
Formosa May tib to select their ran-
didete fc:r the next Dominion elections.
Dr W. J R. Helm's, county
treasurer, is sporting • doe new Russell
motor car, which be brought up from
Toronto this week.
Mr. J. W. Craigia has received word
that the Star -('ole Line steamer Huron
will call at Goderich this year se in
former seasons, commencing about
July 1st.
If the gentleman who lost the pipe
and pouch of tobacco at the Canadian
Club Iuncbeon last week will apply to
the secretary. Mr. J. L. Kit:orate he
may he able to recover the articles.
Friday. May 21st, will be Empire
Day this year, and Central school
will bare its annuai concert on the
evening of that day. This is an event
to he looked forward to, and the date
✓ bould be kept in mind.
Miss Beaumont desires through The
Signal to thank her many friends for
all their kindnesses to her during her
illness We .are glad In know that
Miss Bea•imont is considerably im-
proved in health
A batch of young chicks have been
disporting themselves in the window
of C. C. Lee's hardware store this
week. They were hatched at Ride-
rr•eet, the chicken farm of H . K.
Revell, and apparently are thriving
well in their novel surroundings.
A social evening given by Ahmeek
Chapter, I. O. D. E., at Mrs. D Mil-
lar's handsome residence. Nelson
street. on Friday evenir.g last wee a
great success. There was a good at-
tendance and a very enjoyable even-
ing was spent. The ladies of the Chap-
ter feel that they are very much in-
debted to Mrs. Millar for her kindness
in giving bee spacious home for the
occasion, which resulted in a credit-
able addition w the funds of the
The steamer Glen Mavis was the
first boat to arrive at Goderich harbor
this season. getting into port about
8.3) o'eloci( on Friday evening. On
her way down. owing to thick fog. the
boat got off her course and ran
aground near Port Albert. Three tugs
from Goderich; the Ponest, the Marl-
ton and the Horton, went to her Amite
ance end she was easily released, uu-
damaged. Following the usual custom,
the captain, James Dix, was presented
with an order for a new hat by the
town officials, for being the fleet cap-
tain to enter port. After unloading
her cargo of grain at the Goderich
elevator the boat cleared on Satur-
day for Collingwood, where she will
he overhauled preparatory to taking a
cargo of grain to Liverpool. England.
The steamer Val Cartier arrived on
Monday evening with 31),0119 bushels
of wheat for the Big Mill and cleared
nn Wednesday for Iktrait Thr Olen-
livet arrived on Tuesday with grain
for the mill and is now unloading.
Her next port will to Ashtabula. for
coo I .
Both dredges, Goderich and Nieuwe.-
tune. are at work...L%ne bas leen clear-
ing mat the channerbetween the piers,
while the ether is excavating for the
breakwater extension.
Many tuns of coal were brought in
this week. over the G T. R , for use
at the Goderieh elevator.
The Rag at the Western Canada
Flour Mil's plant was flying at half-
mast during the early part of the
week owing to the death of James
Stewart, the oldest employee at the
mill here.
Contractor Bermingham has a Targe
gang employed loading the many
ton. of stone that have been querri.'J
at Goderich during the winter and
taking it on scows out to tbe break-
water for foundation work.
The McKay fishing tugs are now in
operation and are getting/ snore very
good est char. while perch fishing in
the harbor is yielding splendid results
Twcasoar. April rah.
..b. to .36
tlt. 711
La le 1.7s
71 to .73
3.73 to 4.0l
cant CIO
Mal to 11.en
x►un to Men
KM to ill so
10 t..
US to
,da to a,
M .11
to 51
5.70 to 173
ew• OA or 7.0
17S Se 1!
10 Is all
la •e 7.M
tee to
..3 is LM
11 to .n
.w le •
.rte .1
((�eaStoee��at, by bash ....
�esrN► irrillowa
per ►..1
Peet bale per p bark
E. famine. paean.
pat Mr. n• ewt
, porton
tier Mia
leer. puler
shpts agerA _..
iaess. per sem...
se ... •
ate e+'i
roc She beset eosfeetIons and fresh
tailed p.set. try Bl.ebtosVk•
Bask byMall and
Save LSM Delves
Mai us the cheques or cash
you receive. with your Pass-
book. which we will return
with the Deposit credited . Then you can pay your bila by cheques,
which we will honor, or if you want the cash yourself, send us a
cheque in your own favor and we will forward the money by return
Drop In and talk to the Manager about ft
Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCOM BE, Manager
The Ministerial Association will
meet in Knox church at 2 .p. m. on
Monday. May :ird. It!= .
"The Story of the Thief on the
Cross" will again he the subject lilt a
disceurs. by Rev. We.. H. Wrlghtun
in the Baptist church on Sunday
Rev. Mark Turnbull, for many veer4
rector of St. George's church, Gode-
rich. rind new of Ilderton, will remove
in July to Pc rt Stanley, where he will
succeed the late ('anon Downie in
charge of that parish.
Successful anniversary service. were
held at Victoria ssraaet Methodist
cburch on sundry The preaoher of
the day was Rev. U. N. Haien, presi-
dent of the London Conference, whose
sermons were heard with anprecialion
by large congregatiora. large con-
tributions to the church funds were
received during the day.
The annual .' trict eorvention of
the Methodist 'Woman's Missionary
Society will be held in Blyth Metho-
dist church on Tuee•'-c-, May iib. The
afternoon session t• open at 1.311
o'clock and the eve, • session at 7
o'clock. An interviste program has
been anwiged, include.); an address
by Miss Court ice, iron Japan. Mrs
8. E. Hick, of Gnderieh, is the district
At Victoria street Methodist church
next Sunday, May 2nd. the sacrament
of the Lord'. Supper will be observed
in connection with the morning ter -
vice, Fellowship service at Ht a.m.
The boys and girls will meet at the
mane hour in charge of Mr. (i. M.
Elliott. Subject for the morning,
"The Children'. Question." Evening
'object, "The Gospel and This Life."
The choir of St. George's church is
now composed entirely of nide voices.
NVhen Mr. F. W. Robinson, the choir
leader, came to Godericb last year, he
declared hia intention of establishing
it male chair and the innovation bas
now been established. 1 here are
thirty or more voices in the choir,
about twenty of these being hoys,.and
they promise to become • fine musical
Don't scold the child if she is cross
give ber Rezall Orderlies, as the
trouble is probably- with the bowel..
Sold only by The Itexall .-store, 10c.,
Sic. rind 30c. boxes.
Again 1 wish to warn the farmers
of Ontario against inferior lightning
roil'. One of the .an..r comp/mica that
buneoed the farmers with iron -centred
rods Nat year is report -el tc be selling
the same rod again this year. Wetch
out for them.
These i• no dtmcnit4 in spitting
Chew rods. The outside covering is a
thin sheet of copper. inside o4' the
copper is it strip of g;tivenized steel or
iron ooe-ball inch wide and two gal-
vanized steel or iron wire' about No.
Ily The copper •h.•ath is twisted
around the strip and wire., giving the.
rod a corrugated appearance. The!
steel or iron will rust "tut in from five
to ten years. For photograph of what
happene i to a rod of this kind in 1.-.a
than eight years see figure 31, bulletin
220, wbieh may be bad by writing . the
Department of Agriculture, Toronto.
An Illinois firm i.. circularising the
trade and others advocating
"Mast" lightning reel .yatem. They de-
clare that twisted cables are positively
dangerous, claiming they act like
"choke -coils," that tures only should
be used, that insulators must be teed,
etc. Por concentrated e'.et"-i of er-
ror Obese circulars but pors anything
else i have ever seen.
Beware of the man w tth the fron-
t -reared rod and the man tvho claims
that twisted cable* are dangerous.
This Department will to glad to be in-
formed regarding the operations of
either. V.'i H. Day.
Department of Physics,
O. A. C., Guelph.
ace that your children eat the real
('.ke ('ones filled with Edwarus' pure
ice cream
"i've licked • doyen stamp.. for
telegrams I've sent : I lucked and stuck
nue on the cheque with which 1 paid
the rent. 1 licked a stamp to pasts
upon • note which 1 renewed. and they.
1 licked another one to make the
mortgage good. I've licked these
stamps to show that 1 respect m
country's will, and now 1',1 like to lied
the man who interduerel the b,11.'
A meeting of the Gnderich F.a,th*il
Asueeiation was held loot Thursday
evening Mr. A. M Rolertaon was t
elected president for the coming sea-
son, and R. A. Warner wr•tery.
Two teams,• ung the (:rand
Trunk and the [3ie Mill. have already
horn nrgsnired and • third team to
repressst the town will soon he cues•
,tete A martin to arrange the
*Module will he held this evening.
A lady of Somerset bewailed the
lees of . somewhat i11 -1x14 bat ex-
tremely wsolthy neigbh..r who bed
beets very liberal in hit help to kw
coswtry rharitbn. "Mr. Smitben le
dee:,' weld eke. "He was en gond and
kind, and helpful to me in alt sorts d
wayysn. H. Irma .o vele sr, pert, dear
(tepees. Ire eneld eel blow him in Lour-
des, blit we *bell meet him in heaven.'
1t Is ssaiw for a gi. i to throw a
cranaso ewer than it is foe bet to
t .b. i brows at.
Have yon tried -our
new Bread ?-
-the tastiest in town. Nies-
soft crust - close -grained -
made from Fleischmann'"
Yeast. Everybody says it is
the be yet. Try a loaf.
There is tholuugh satisfaction
for those who buy our Cakes
arid Pastry. If you do not know
bow good they are, we should
like you to try them.
Smith Bros.
ON Reliable East St. da\ery
Phone Irl.
That Tired Feeling
The tired feeling that so often
comes with spring weather i,
a. likely to result from the
wearing of winter shoes after
they h.tve been -tilled in as
from any of the other causes
to which it is usually ascribed,
Many Rer11:•dies-ire Sugifested
but we brl.eve yin will final
A Pair of our Light, Stylish.
CO•rfertabie Spring Shoes
.\ Sure Cure.
A Mew Imonths in school tea lee
sore ebiklren bow little their parsecs
No matter bow long -tasting yowr
Mee may try d.M't slwpyr, get • bot -
lis Of Rb -imus trades. C. L. °melee
*elle It with a guara.tse to booed' you.
Rbomo Is w.wwtet fol in its quick ar
lie•--tb. pain the m.•.Me aid
banes are rid of .,rune* mid stiffness.
and vv., ening, u RMumu p•tieet r
•fits to have 51. sante slrewgth sold
vitality .•f yn.Ah. Rb i.. hail .
bland .o rich • • 1 d hie* that see said
,.muse.* rrs*i".ic sial. Rb.u.o etle$s
iiia M►.. . I. M bottle from 0. L
hoat wam {B. V. .0