The Signal, 1915-4-29, Page 44 IrlttntaoaT. AtraZL !, 111E THE'SJONAL GODERI 61: ONTARIO FRESH from old Load A new English model that is %manually attractive. A two - button coat with full .oft roll roller, patch pockets and snug high waist Five -button wain - coat, with soft roll lapel and • so ppy new wrinkle in waist seams. Narrow trousers with bound tops and . uff bottoms The"Milbanke" A %octetp ]Brans Mcdel Designed by Peine for young men who like to keep • step ahead of the prose tioo. We show this model in exclusive new fabriBfabrics. The supply is limited. W. C. Pridham SOLE AGENT Goderich Seasonable Footwear WE feel the very least we can do for you when you come into this store is to give you Shoos or Rubbers that will be absolutely, com- fortable aad will wear to your sat1.fsclion We wan t you to realize that your well. fare is our first consideration Our prices are moat reason able. REPAIRING Geo. MacVicar North side of Square •. Goderich le 1q A seen. reit aid slsrdw arrrr.ar .v441164 tem tlMarhd Crosotrd ruses esewnsyass of UI 11 a e Cwt W s I..s Semore4 Croup a rep. It r ares r ss. war trims Aura TM sir errs Imes nonose tropr.b- balyd .iia retry snare as..ttes tom ra t . our .rep tot torn•. : oori nett r ra yeah �p.rw deem Sas .a sass= Ar.dr.ph.. esu .v .reramr•• .Aro -asset= dMos. DUNGANNON. Movves% April m Mise Kt het Cw has goo, to Tomato to take • position as teacher In one of the schools there. Ool Macltwan and D. Taarbiln are to be In Dungannon os Wednesday. May kb, to purchase harems foe mili- A lawn bowilo�f so club has ba formed with the following officers : President. Rev. 0. Gomm ; 'screwy, Bart Trele•v.o ; treasurer. J. C. Mc- Farlane. Mr. and Mrs. John Godfrey, of Wilkie. Bask., were vWuag the lady's sister, Mrs. David Sprout. of West Wawaooeh, ural have returned by way of Winnipeg. Oalgery and Ban after veoding the winter with relatives at Kineston, Mountain Grove and other points in Ootaiio. A beautiful window has been placed in tit. Paul's church as e memorial of the late J. M. Roberts, for a great many Tears one of the leading men of this village and dutri,;t. The desia^n shows our Saviour and the little chil- dreq with the words, "Suffer little children to come unto Ms." The win, dow arae dooated by Yrs. Roberts and children, now of Goderich, and is a most appropriate melaoriel of the de- parted husband end father. Foturtn itesibsrr HOtrORED --Stu. John Hilae, of Kincardine, formerly a mercbent in Dungannon, is moving to L.00don. He has been an active mem- ber of the Kincardine Methodist church and on bebalf of the trustee and quarterly boards of the church be was pretested with an address and a walk- ing -cane suitably inecribsd. The Kin- cardine Review says: -"•Kincardine loses • Food citizen in the person of John Hiles. who has sold his house end is musing to London He is • shrewd business man and faithful to his obli- gations. Mr. Hiles made a success of the wercbaotile business at Armow and afterwards branched out at Dun- gannon. uo-gannon. He sold out at botb places and cams to Kincardine as paetasr with F. R. Collins in • gsoenl store business where Mr. Ti. plin is now. For the past sew years be has been living • retired life. Mr. Hiles will be particularly missed in the Methodist church, where he and his wife and faintly were worshipper" and workers." WKDeeseee, April 24. Mrs. H. Jones visited relatives in Goderich last week. We are glad to report that Robt. Bowers is improving in health. Mr. Hugh Hill, of Benmiller, called at Jas. H. Joboston's on Sunday. Mr. and Mra. Logan, of Auburn. were guests at Dr. edd's last Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Wilson. of Gode- rich, visited at David Sproul's last Sunday. Rev. J. Hunter and Mn. Hames vt► ited relatives and frieods at Brussels last week. Robert Davidson is making prepara- tion. to improve his barns and stalls this summer. W. H. Robertson. of The Signal, Goderieb, gave our village a call Sat- urday evening. The River Valley creamery opened up business this week, with H. Ander- son Y proprietor. Mr. and Mrs. David Gbon and daughter, Miss tithed, left To.ediy for Camrose, Saskatchewan. Mrs J. Medd. of Auburn, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Duff, of the village, this week. 1 Jas. H. Johnston has improved they appearance of his new premises by building • good substantial flitter. Quarterly services will be held iu the Methodist church nett Sunday morn- ing. There will be no evening service. Geo. Case, of the teaching staff, and H. Robert.00, of the Sterling Lank. spent one night last week in the bush fishing sackers. The monthly devotional service of the Presbyterian Guild will be held io the Presbyterian chinch Sunday eveonng at 7 p.m. Mw loci• Steward and friend. Mr. C..rtwright, .4 Wingham, visited the foreseer's bones and friends in the vicin- ity on Sunday last. The fanners are staking rapid prog- ress with seeding notwithstanding the excessive beat. A Targe acreage is b. ins sown. and from all reports sat - infection petrol's as G. the ease of cul. Ovation letsear. A bountiful hex - vest is hoped for. DaATH or Mie. ONO. CURREt.i..- After a lingering illness Jane Bell, be- loved wife of George Correll. passed peacefully awayat bet borne at lot l8. concession 1, eat Wawaoosb, on Monday. April 28th. Deceased was in her seventies h year and was born in Aisle n. tinglaod. She leaves to mourn her loss lien beabaad and one beothin. Robert Belt, of Dungannon The fun- eral took place today to Dungannon cemetery. The enviers were con- ductor! by Rev. G. Gomm and tbe pall- bearers were Messer. Ben. Crawford, Wee Smith, Thomas Culbert sad D 7 Henry Jones. A number of relative dd attended the funeral frees Hamm villa, Stratford and 0ndesteb, AUBURN. Wades a taY, April :ll. Some of our sports ere snaking good hauls et sulker fishing this week. Misses May and Mewl Ferguson, of elision. spent Sunday at their home bare. G. F. Yu.gllut shipped • car of bogs to Tomato on Wednesday, paying the farmers W per huedrsd. A. Asquith is .hippies a ear of potatoes for W. T. Riddell this week, paying 19 cents par bushel. Charles Nevins is assisting Walter Pfeffer. proprietor of the Auburn bones, while the latter is still suffer -ie.' from sciatica. Mies Rosa Wagner M confined to her room this week wider the doctor'. care. W. bops ebe maysoon be oval to her oal b.alt AN AcCbDET.-OnACCIDENT.-OnMonday after- noon Mr. Wte. BilUb sod Mr. Jobs Jefferson. of St. Augustine. drove up to the Sterling Bank and Mr. Sillib went in, leaviug Mr. Jefferson in the buggy. The horse managed to rub its bridle oft and Mr. Jefferson being afflicted with paralysis was unable to jump clear of the rig and was thrown down. receiving a nasty cut at his left eye and some severe bruises. The services of 1)r. Weir were secured and four stitches were required toeless the wound. The tense took a straight road down the hill and failing to make the turn at the evaporator went through the fence. Having freed itself of the buggy. it proceevied down - the river hank and landed in the Mait- land River, from which it was re- covered not much the worse, baviog only • few theist scratches. We hope for Mr. Jeflerstn'• speedy recovery. 'Mhos. Adrian i. assisting G. E. Den- stedt In painting his hardware store and dwelling, adding much to their 0 Sare the oat, amdiciae that Kidneycore Dill - Bright's" De ease this dis- use was im- p easrablssntt/ Dedd.lGdeeu Pits• awed k. on thsouslv eee c.abms that without Dodd'. y Pins tet are hbetw�rleea alauaDia Pins are the first Dod�y Piwe Mot ear cured Diabase& lnitatittae-baa, naaeaad pill, are advertised to do so, but the medieiae that ire Il's labetos is Dodd's Kidney Dina Dodd's Kidney Pins ars fifty cents a boa at •11 druggists. KIPPER. ThEm.DAY, April !ib. ANOTHER OLD RRSIDgNr Goxs.- On Sunday, the 18th last., the wbole community WAS grieved to hear that Mrs. Henry Pen/out/4i bast passed away that morning from beam failure. It was altogether uoexpect.d, as she had been in her usual health up to the last. The late Mrs. Profound (form- erly Mies C..roline Koi.htl s W born nn the pal. of Wight. England. seventy-two yearn ago and canis to appearance, thio country with her urease when quite young. Tbe family located in U.horns township, where they lived souls yearn, afterward. rumoring to Grey township. She was married in Exeter fifty-two years ago t3 her now bereaved husband. They settled fiat near St. Thomas, then near Glencoe, and twenty-five years ago they came to the farm where she died, lot 9, coo - cession 4, Stanley. Slee leaves to mourn her low her husband, one daugbter-Mrs. Bares, of Goderich three sons -James H.. undertaker and furniture dealer, of Oil Springs; George. traveller for the Curk,hutt Plow Co., and Charles, at home ; be• sides two sisters, four brothers and numerous grandchildren For thirty- eight years she and bur husbaod have been members of the Methodist church, doing t heir par, in upholding good wort iu the community. The deceased urn. especially dev„tett to the %Voman'. Mi.siouary Society of the Methodist church. The tuners) 'service was eondocted hy her pastor, the Rev. J. Greene. The funeral 10 Baird', cemetery was largely attended. The pallbearers were her two eldest sons, James H. and tieorge, and her four brothers, Cherie. and Jame". of Cr•nbrook ; George, of Maedarofle and WVilliam W., a teacher in Belle- ville high "ewe'. COLBORNE. WEDsESD.tY, April 21. THEIR GOLDEN WEDDING. - 00 April 10th • very happy event took place in the borne of Mr. and Mee. George Youogblut, Colborne town- ship, in the celebration of the fiftieth aaoivereary of their marriage. Three sons, four daughters, grandchildren and friends were present. A program, I suggestive of the oecesioo, was in- troduced and followed by • brief ad- dress by Rev. H. RoppeL A floral offering was then presented by two little granddaughters. Letters of greetings were read from one son, two daughters, and relatives wbo were not able to be present Mrs. %Valper, • daughter, read the following address to the parents in behalf of the chil- dren: DEAR PARxNr.,-It is with hearts of joy and gratitude to God that we have the privilege of meeting in our old home on this special occasion to celebrate your golden aoniwereary, NS this thought in mind, we recall mootbs and years of parental Imre, tender sympathies which you ;have given to us, with kindly 1 counsel wherever circumstances •l forded. 1t a. on this occasion that we - desire ro "give boor to whom honor is due," to .bow appreciatloe of past lows and to gather to„(hese few social hours to .prod some time which will be k.ng remembered by us your chil- dren and also. God permitting, by you yourselves. We still wish you con- tinued years. health, joy. and God's richest blessing.. lase ask you to kindly accept these gifts as a token of love and appreciation of sweet remem- brancer of pest life. Sigued ..o behalf of the ebildren, J. W. Yot-NoeLOY. Mr. and Mrs. Youngbut resoosded in • touching manner. Appropriate and instrumental music was &len rend- ered during t be social hour. Hearty congratulation" were conferred on the honored couple by all present. after which the 'wets were resited t.. • hounuful repast. Mr. 1'ouogirlot was born March 3, 1!C61, and risme from South EYtbope township, Pi -rte coup- 1 ty. Mrs. Ebztheth Younithlut was I born June 14, 1817, and came from Dumfries township, Waterloo county. They were merrie4 in 18116 and were blessed with a family of ten children. May the Lord abutly Muss them, granting unto them Hie eboic.st bless- ing and many morehba•ppppy days among their children end friends. PORT ALBERT. WEDNESDAY AIM/ SS. NEws Noyes. -Mise Jessie McMillan is speeding the week with her eider, Mrs. Herb. Mors ie, Dear 8alttord Miss Roselle and Mr. Ed. Sehoeebab of Clinton, spent the week -rod visiting friends in this vicinity Mies Vic- toria Senate, of Goderieh, was a Sun- day visitor at J. McGee'• The Ladies' Guild of Christ cburcb beld their monthly mesuag at the home of their president, Mrs. W. 0. Gray last Thursday afternoon . Miss Gray, McDermid, of Nile, was the goat of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dickson last week. Mrt. Norman Colelougb and rthildreo, of Godeeleb, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beiodley at pusses . Quite • number of mea are busily eogaged building • new roof on the mill. Mr. Seboenh•b and son Herb. are up from Clinton assist- ing with the work. MILLINERY AT WHOLESALE PRICES We have a select line of Millinery, of which we invite inspection Also-NiJlinery style.* We carry a full line of Trintosistes in latent Ladies' and Men's Boots and Shoes Men's Suits This year's Spring styles Nobby goods at bargain day prig' • . CALL AND SEE WHAT WE CAN DO FOR YOU LEVITZ cur. IMeteel Sheet ..d *pan - - MM111Ll Onlerk 1 KINU$BIIIOOE I ToseDAI. April 27. Ar. NtsTIOL-Me"ers. Jobe F. Aalhwaa and Gregory Dalton lett last Wednesday for Detroit, where they started to work in the capacity of fire - Ism on ooe of the lake steamers Mr. John McOartby. who has spent the last few weeks In Detroit, 1..pe ed- ing a few }lays et his boom here Thomas Qu4tworking la Grafi ricb . FFrsd Brewer be mow b the employ of Mr. Edward Flyus. Mr. Brewer sed family will redds In A McGom's boom on ooassesioa 6 Bdwerd Dalton, who meet twinter months here. Ids lea week for the Northwest Reese of the farmers 1. this vl.laity have - - -.d seeding. dDoetRIOH t'vwftflrtlr. i1e a of ties UDItd will tyo Mem el h teemn.4 es Jsbe.tea. Herm read, se Wednes- day, May kb. M LW 0. A bele sessmiedma 111 enol III dmmelems wee 1._ =1 to the Omedba Bed Oram. • w ST. AUUUSTINE MONDAY. April 211. Mr. Davi'i McAllister attended the I. O. O. F. service lit Gudericb on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frei Robina., of Goderich. visithd the former'. sister. Mrs J. Redwood, this week. Mr. and Mrs. lei'. 8. Andrews and family, of Prosperity. 'spent *day with friends in tbis vicinity this week. Mr. Klee and Miss Mary Murray, of St. Heil -os, called un friends in this 'trinity ten* evening last week. A nu.n' er of the young people of this •trinity bad a "shower" for Mr, and Mrs. Chas R3b;oson on Tuesday. That real gond tee cream is Black- stone'.. Phone 240. Otdrrs d: livered. TO„CORRESPONDENTS. S .me of our district corres- pondents have this week placed an extra stamp on the envelopes containing their Dews budgets. This is unoeereeary, so long Y the envelope is unsealed. The Postoffice Department has ruled that "printer copy' is not sub- ject tc the special tax. One cent will still hi ing a° unsealed enve- lope containing rnanuscrlpt for the printer. TIN(i OP ALL KINDS ds' I7, thoroughly sad We'U repair or reeve root. yopt et. s pot year cbltaney top, Maters, getters or awoke In dres- .l..s esaditlee. FAMILY REPAIRING. TOO if yyeeas went It. Pat a new .rppsr hallos roe t h. wed troller, wised as blade of leeks le tinware. Fred Hunt lbalests .*etre. .t- p, ills ThE COLBORNE STORE Our Spring Stock Is Now At Its Best Never before was our stock in such good form to meet the wants of the house- keeper as at the present time. We have the best that the market affords in Linoleums, Oilcloths, Rugs, Mats, Lace Curtains, Madras Curtains, Voile Cur- tains, Twine Curtains and a Targe assortment of other window material in Lace, Scrim and Bungalow Nets from 15c to tBoc a yard. Linoleum N•irn's Scotch Linoleum is the beet cloth on use market and we carry this line in the newest patterns in 4 yard. wide. Oanadian Linoleum in 2 and 4 yards is to be had Isere in a rang. of patterns. A doth mads for the Caaadiao climate. la Canadian Oilcloth in all widths and many ''difler- eat patterns at per quare yard 31k. 1 1 Curtains Lace and Scrim Curtains are popular and our stock is large and covers all the newest designs. A big range of plain and oolored materials for Curtains and Over Curtains is to be found bers. Muslin sad Madras ars very popular. Rugs Our Rug department is most complete. We carry every waited size in Rugs and at prices that are right. Our stock of Tapestry is coot - J1 many quallttee in both seamed and seam- ees. It is always • pleasure to show these floor veering' even 1f you are not intending to buy. Velvets, Axminster, Brussels and Tapestries to . choose from. Underwear Ladles' summer Underwear in plate and oombiva- uon garments in oo.l.mre, abort and long sleeves. from 1344 1) Atte a garment. lbw pimiento are all perfect and can be depended upoo for wear. Obildren's Underwear In ail +izes and both styles of sleeve. We .teed back of thews garments. Princess Slips. Cotton Drawers, Gowns sed Skirts in new line materials and dainty patteroa. D. and A. Corsets made by Canadians in Canada for Canadians. Hosiery We speciaUza In Hosiery. Boys' heavy ribbed cotton Hose in all sizes from 8 to 10. This Stocking is just what is needed where the Hose get rough usage. Every pair 25e. Girls' One Princess rib Hose, in all siz'. from 5 to 10. This stocking is • leader with merit. Pair 25c Ladle. fine silt lisle Hoes made front the best of yarns and guaranteed. Sizes 44 to 10 These three lines of Hose are made in Canada and every pair is gusreateed to wear well and give perteclseti.fartion. If • pair of Hose in any of these three lines do bot give .be required stislac- tion, return them to the Sectary with the guaran- tee ticket and you will receive another pair in ex- change. This guarantee holds with every pair. J. It COLBORNE 0.1‘111111111111111111111141111111111111111=iffielISBNINISIIIIIMMI T 1 RED CHOSE NOTES At the meeting of the loc.1 branch of the Red Clow Society lie t we. k Mee. McKim and Sirs. Taylor reported the progress teat was made during the month when the following articles were shipped April 1-9 •bospital eight shirts. ..r deeming gowns, 20 cheiraeeloth hand- kerchiefs. 1.116 dreusln,p, dtl6 bandages, 72 wash dot►.. Y well a. 1011), month wipes 100 face eletbs. 8 triangle hand - ages, and 4 doses beedagss of old linen . April 3-51 pairs of socks. April lb -000 wipes, waby -ssited by Beretta Club). 19 knitted wash elotBeretta 271 Medages, 150 game dressings, 624 absorbent pada Archdeacon Jones -Bateman read • letter from Mrs. Fati ooar asking Ger donations of sheets AIOD. hy 108 in. and pillow slips 18 in by 35 in for the University Red tiros* hospital*. Contributions for this purpose sbould be sent to Mrs. Colborne. Mn. Tay- lor's committee was voted IOM for bandages end dressings ; Mrs. McKim, 1115 for yarn: and Mrs. Colton*, 515 for material for sheets an i pillow slip.. As the Red Cross treasury is once more practically empty, futber cootri- butioos will he nece-.ary in order that the society may cootinue its work. The ladies of Victoria street church recently cjotributed a second large supply of bandages and a mon, for which the thanks of the Bocirty are trude red Tbe Red Cross Society bas to thank Mn. Kirk and the ladies of Dungannon for a large contribution of cotton and linen, which has been found very use - t ul in lite mot k of thalami brsncb. The Society thankful) acknowl- edges the following : Mrs. Geo. James, A pain snicks Mrs. Jame" Clark, 1 pain sorts ; Mrs. W. J. Daniel. Mrs. Reynolds, sr., 3 pairs each : Mee. 0. Carey, Mrs. N. Steep, Mn. Ben. Nott, Mrs. Burkholder, 2 pairs each : Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. Bogie (Colborne), Mrs. Handy, Mrs. Burkholder, Mn. Con - We, Miw Oonningb.m, Mrs Law - combs, Mrs. Howell, Mrs tioldtborpe, sr., 1 pair each ; AUes Bradwin (Cen- tral scbool), 1 pair weieters. A bale suet April 17th cnuWned 100 pain socks, 14 pain wristers, 1 cap, 12 pillows (coetriboted by Miss Luby, (Buroo road). Sines the °peeing meeting of the Ooderieb branch of the Red Cross Society on September gbh, ()re- tributions to its funds have hese toads by 173 with the presets from ..vers/ together and entertainments, have made a total re- ceipt of 1$181.418. The exposers have bees as foibles : `Jest to beadoffoe, 2115.41 ; picking and markeUsg apples doomed to the Barbey, B13.50; Wu) for soldiers at Ballebury Plains and postage, KM: memorial foe met to b.sdalloe each month, 842192 ; amount voted for Material for nut bale, 15.COI balance. B&W. The follow- ing b a lint of the eentente of 18. hada. . rot to dete1 ttotal hetng ea1ued at 81117.11: Dahe ysbirts 18, nightshirts a hospital,irts 6 47, sheets towwels ma, dips ,181 pillows elopes' d pairs, be oche 11 pairs. sock. 912 pales, weighers 154 wire, saps Ilk belts 10; .sae& 11K haedkan ehi.hl 181, kuaaasdaKs. dew - lsorhmet l6� 851 tee Wacover 1 gowns 111, hinieliote 5 peke 7, kees`ps� towels 118, bee dost has. gad., meet` ages and preens >!', asenth wipes 1118► several packages et sill MDs Ts ensiles, this wok MOM �M.y DDO �v. the •ed eat herre.......s.:16...:::,.... have selved the men* ef A per: Baum -10,. to-seOr* a. V. 'abet'.; .s.1 -es A's' ;' permay. SPRING Footwear in the neat and comfortable n e w spring models at McC1in1oj's Repairing Promptly A ttended - to - CANADIAN PAciFi.0 For WiNNIPE:G and VANCOUVER lase Toronto 110 pm. il.ob Attr..ti. a Tour'. to PACIFIC ('DAFT POINTS Psrtioalaer rust. Jo., Kidd. U.P.R. Tiekst AnsaRee write I G. Moreby. A.P.A.. corner ilLtas sad Yone% et re -rt., Toronto. A clumsy carver ogee sent a goose into • lady's lap. His apology was better than his carving. "Ab, madam, bow potent your charms are ; they at- tract Dot only the living but also the deed C S Gue GRAND TRUNK SY5 EM Double track all the war TORONTO-alICAOO TORONTO - MON !REAL POR CISCA00 Lca. e Ton.otu.m., And t t. ti q m. Lest"! OR t ora MONTREAL and 1M.rn pm, daily Smooth to.dbrd and highest rti a of s•inipseet. IL11 p..rrttirutars and hath reservation. Grand Trunk ticket carer. F. r. LAN'RIM('IC It SONS, Tow Pero. �r and Tidbit Amour. P1... 5. 0. H. LA L'D- Lit, Ktatioa Ticket Sent Mose 1=4. T.usteeships Often Las.: You ma r 1 st Through have ays� wh°meate 11 in the friend whom baa appoint as the original Many Lifetimes t'e• b°t '°°.e tto voice le the se:ee- tion of his successors. tai.i sarong Tr.:-: Co:naa-_ permaasnt and fa:8l. its duties :ar more effe,trnl;- :Ian is .eossiWe in the ease of a private execu- tor. It i= e.'!- or. h• watch in the interests cf it; clients ars thronrh ice Officer! a - 1 Macagetn.n: it feels the pulse of the finan- cial vv.)? i as no i rev !te individual can. Cal' or c--ite -r 'nil information 1 ?E Lona 7 WESTERN TRUSTS CO, LIMITED 7,'2 its - ND STREET. LONDON, ONT. :9. C=7:97.3.: .si:ent 13E1 S. 1:1C. L Mr. Bullder HAVE YOU MADE ARRANGEMENTS for the Flooring of Your New House ! We have a good stock of 3-8 Pensee Flooring in plain and quartered ori and birch, grades and prices to suit all purchasers. We alto have a number of well -made Rookca es in oak and birch. mahogany finish, which we are selling at a very low price. Oet our quotations on Lath. Shingles. Pine, Hemlock and Oak Lumber. Estimates Cheerfully Given The Paget Grain Door co OODUICH-ONTAltIo T LEPHON1 m