HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-4-29, Page 3KIiTHE �L!CANADA'S SOLDERS IND SAVED THE SITUATION ONLY • EN VINE BEWARE OF IMITA- TIONS SOLD ON TH E MERITS Or 'MUD'S D'S UNIIENI 81)0KBINDIN6 MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. GOLD LETTERING on LEATHER GOODS t Aaordn• piorstl� stt..ded a m 1."1:41g aim at T H . 8' 10'. A1„ Oodeefat A. E. TAYLOR. thtuTrof1, MEDICAL 11K. (K4i. HIiJLEMANN, ONTS- L PATH. spsaWut to weme•'e and ekil- dree'd dateama. scuba Atonic aid nervous der meet% eye, ear. none and throat; partial d.nf- ne.., lumbago sad rheumatic condition. Ades sola. remor c 1 without the knife. Oleos at restdeece. owner Selma and SL Aedraw. ,trusts. Al home entre Monday-. tt'edwvedays aid S.tantay :any evening by appointment. R. F. J. R. PURISTS R. --EYE. it EYE. RA, nose sed woo mly. How auarrama Pew York Opktlolndc and Aural la.tltute, :'nate$! .fait. Par. Noss aid 1 begat Hoene tat Gulden itawr. acid Mooe.•.ld ire lito.ptul. Loidoo. England. taloa. iJ 8. Waterloo Street. 96ratfora. -Tpssita. Kam Chorea. M..av k to IA .r_ a, Ste 0.m.. t is t 0.m. Telephone C. W H. AND MINNIE M. GREER. at • D. C.. Chiropractor., mine .od nerve •pertals.ti, Chiropractic Y the .cbsoe that curet wttboet draftee( knife. Free examina- tion- once over Sherman • 88.. stare. en- trance on heat .nest. Ptwae )4. iisav AUCTIONEER. THOMAS Gt:NDRY AUCTIONEER Ira C. tiod.rlch. Ail inetr.otal oaks will be plamo sm by mal eau d i Resitioi btepecne 119 K LEGAL I ('. HAYS Li•IIAItItl8TER. 8 iLICI1-0R. NOTARY 1'L 8U . Unice-'terling Bank Stock. Hamilton 8 net. )ad.rsch. Tele h_e Ia • Reel F. -tau !Aar fad Insurance. PROU DF(XiT. KILLORAN k PROIJDFOOT RAkit!STERS. 9OLICITUI*. NIITAKEO PUHLIt', FTC. Linke on the SOW*. *mood door from Ham- ilton .trees. U.deried en. ate fund. to loan at lowed rate. N-. f'IKII"DIVnT. C.l'. J. 1- Litz omen W. foist: Drooy. J a U. CAMERON. K. 0.. HARRIS - TER, soUdtor, notary rands 011aun- toe Soret. Uuder ch. tAbd dear Oa yeuue. At Clinton Thur.day of each week le ontoe on Albert street occupied by Mr. Hooperome a hour.* a.ai. to A 0.m. LARLIi.•1 °ARROW, LL.B.. BAR- RISTER, attorney, solicitor. no-. Gado. Mosey to rad at lowest rate. V' ONAGER. BARRISTER, SOL. . tenor. Notary Pwbtte and Coo•ry.ncer. otos-Court How.Ooderlch. 0Plnu INSURANCE, LOANS, ETC. I PRIVATE FUNDS TO lll1V leas. Aptly u M. O. CAV- Y �l ena/t a•mllton str.st. OMNI► � • R. ROBKRTt4ON. s INSURANt'E LOIIIiT. ✓ ias AVD LIUUTXten : Belts, Canadian and A s.ertear. £C7Daey 81, gams AND kRB P Ora"s' ayle. I ITT'Ikgams : r . Oesas Aootdmt and uwars0.ml Un.ibd. of I.andoa Eat. ✓ ttrauBOOMS . rr AND VAI Axial Bo : T UB. newt, as/ Guarantee Cempaiy. °See at nsidesee, asrataea serer of Ykv . twin and Bt. Davi c Amen Phos. rt. Recaptured Four Lost Guns In 8 Ilant Charge In Terrific Battle Near Ypres rI l. th ant :d c1 to tet 1!e cn' ca' K1 ant a! a0 ae- o:i Be1 .8 - he ai- 'ie 0-• red v• Se or r- en d St r r- a - .e v t1 ei d ted e c k 0 7 r b n Li • • b c s A 1- The Battle of Ypres continues wI out any apparent hope of abetem in sight. and the line of fire arou the town ho. even been extended. Norte to the ua the c;, Kale: am fir ahurtle' shot sad she'1 at ea other. eeel.ht a des?urate attrtp1 lain some adventure stitch mal .1 their ro:dlcrs hurtling forwa-d wh south to a point be:ow• Hl'1 d0t boom of heavy ert!Pery is coast and the effort t0 press oe ala adv$:: is wI(`.os,t ccaastioe. At Fay, too. a village to the nc ci Chaulaes, there has been a %tat Infantry erg'R-meat. ea Iso'tt•d fair in Itae:f. but taken iii ecnj'.n.,: with the general and wides.r?:d Betties of the day. a strong iadte:ttl that t!.e atrvggte in Pr.rce and glum Is rapidly growing Into the lo Promised sprint' campaign. withctt break fon tie Nort'i : ea t, t Vosges Par's reports a vance and a general check to t original advance of the enemy; L don recounts satisfactory progr; s Berlin still Insists that her true have held the village of Lizerne t n t west bank of the Ypres Canal. a declares that 5.00n prisoners ha been made since the eng,gement sen. Tbe Germans are cor.tlnult:g to u asphyxiating gases, but with lltt!e no avail. as a scheme for count acting against these rases lies b discovered and 1s being used wlt:i gees. The Hrtttsh War Office stat that the Canadians again dtrnrguteh themselves. holding the village of Julien, where the British lines r: e weakened. but eventually being co pelted to relinquish it to vastly s perlor numbers of the enemy. T. Canadians, after four days' rgh:in have been retired to the reser trenches. Canadians Win Glory The sudden ,.German aasauk nor at Ypres. which won for th. Germs. an advance of • mile and a Rall a. Duerr their first troops on to the w, bank of the Yser Canal, has be, blocked -at sereral places hurt back. The glory of the combat has govt to the Canadian troops. After th shock and surprise of the unexpec German onslaught was over they wer from all Indications, the first to r gats their balance and to r,ish ba. upon the positions they had been for ed to abandon, forcing the Germans t retreat The Canadians are especial' mentioned by General 'Preach in report and are highly commended ft their determination and gal:antry the engagement. The War Othee report says: The flight for the ground into whlc the Oert els penetrated betweem Steenstraate and Iangzarck ,t continues. The loss M this part o the line laid bare the left of the Can adlan division. which esu forced t fail 'leek to ceder to keep in tone with the right of tie nelghborin ereerg. "In th rear of tbe latter bad bele fo'r , Canadian 4.1 -tach guns, whir thus 'passed into the hand t : 4h ecemy. Fit ;oma' Lours later the Ci adte s made a matt brilliant and su cesafta ad.anee, recapturing then Tune ''red t kl.-g a considerable nun ..,r o; 't;.noon p-'igoners. iecludlag ¢moue% "The Canadians hii many cassia but t:.elr gallantry and deter M U:intl.:a t.r.dor.btedly saved the situ tocedct has teen mag n! Ae t.".ro.ghout." Guns of Montreal Battery ' The ;.. gree: gars of the t'anadta d: • attn. kit "and then recaptured :oa_cd to the heavy Artillery Brt V.42. .red .ere 4:i pounders froa aroctrtal. There is very little information a L_c1 Iron whteh cellulites of killed sad wounded can be mad--. New from *Ti*Bsays 2,4:0 prisoner, were Made, sad that :s canton and • large number o! machine guns were ap- tiirr i. Oma' remit um that the Ger mane .t::tt OV .0 LW.d and wounded( at :he which ge ned the scot t•atk of the Yeer Canal to them .o douot. however. Lut that • c t:a hies on both slid s must t IVY. ' ^e r•! T •- '•a ed by the Germans c__ .nosed or c donde, r.:.ied r.lt'. otbr: chemicals They :re tarot: n by means of .t hand - -• rye. Ther supply THE SIGNAL : GfDERICH : ONTARIO DOCTOR SAID HE HAD DIABETES ( A FRIENCLY VISIT. •1111 Dodd's Kidney Me Cleared Out Every Trap d It. 8L Weoceean, Nicole' Go., Ljus.- April !lith.-tSpeelal).-"1 started to take Dodd's Kidney Pills because the doctor told me 1 was threatened with diabetes'. $ After taking ten boxes 1 was again examined by the doctor. end he told me that all traces of dia- betes bad disappeared." This isthe stateaseot of Mr. David Hao., well known and highly re- spected here, and he is only one of many in thi• neighborhood who have found • new lease of life in the great Canadian kidney reioedy. 1t t• cures such es this that have given (hidde Kidney Pills their repu- tation. They are now known from the Atlantic to the Piscine as the remedy that never 'ails to clue kidney disease, no matter where twin what form it is found. His Opportunity... The Missuri past -.r looked over his dimmer and rho, k his uncut Locks. "('•rryioi out uiy original declina- tion." be said, ' 1 nn about to call the names of those pet runs who are nowasleep in Ibis cooKregatIan. John 8tackpele." There was no response. "John Stacrfole." The stout man in the second 'pew stirred reluctantly. "John Stackpule!" The stout man stirred again. "Be down in a minute," be drowsily called. "Keep things bot for me." The pastor's voice tang out : "You're going down, all right, John Stackpole,' he roared, "and thing* will be kept very, very hot for you ! Let us now sing the ninety ninth hymn." NEW STRENGTH IN THE SPRING Nature Needs Aid in flak- ing New Health -Giving Blood. In the spring the system reeds a tonic. To he healthy you must have new blood, just as the trees must have new sap to renew their vitality. Na- ture demands it. and without this new blood you will feel weak and languid. You may ha. twinges of rheumatism or the sharp rtwbbing pains of neu• riIgia. Often there are disfiguring pimples or eruptions on the skin. In other cases there is merely • feeling of tiredness and a variable appetite. Any of these are signs that the blood is out of order -that the indoor life of winter has lessened your vitality. What you need in siring is • tonic medicine to put you right, and in all the world of medicine there is no tonic that an equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These pills actually make new. rich red blood -your greatest need in spring. This new blood drives out the mode of dis- ease and makes easily tired men, wo- men and children bright, active and strong. Mies Edith Brousseau, Savona. B. 0., says : "I was as pale as • ghost. suffered from headaches, severe palpi- tation of the bear*Mt the slightest ex- ertian. 1 had little or no appetite and seemed to he drifting into a decline. 1 wee attending high school in 'Van- couver at the time, and the doctor ad- vised me to stop. I did so and took his treatment for some time, hut it did not help me in the least. Upon the advice of a friend I began taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and in a very short tin.e they gave me trick complete health and enabled me to resume my studies. 1 have enjoyed the best of health since, and owe it All to Dr. Williams' Pink Pill..."These pills are sold by all medicine dealers or can he had by mail at 50 cents • hox,nr six boxes fortl2.S*, from The Dr. Williams' Medicine C.o, Brockville. Ont. In reply to a suburban Sunday school teacher s small boy stated that "an epistle is the wife of an ap etre !" In the southern part of Arkansas, where the natives take things easily, a man and his wife were sitting on t their p reb when a funeral proeenion passed the house. The titan was e•oni- s fortahly seated in a chair that was tilted hack towards the street, his feet on the sill of an open window, whit- tling lazily. "1 reckon of man Williams has got about the biggest funeral that's ever heen held round hyer, h'in't he, ('arline ?" "A purty good-sized one, Bud," his wife replied. "I surely would like to ape it, said Bud. "What a pity 1 ain't florin' that way !" �cILLOP MUTUAL FIRE IN- smSUR A) C ■ C 0.-►rs act a wows. ttd.1. a Frei., 8saforUi P.O.: •tPmtagat.. Seaforth R OdomWI. W Uka $g'..iwa.a. Iia itmsowak. ess Evaie *:j. yr est isysie : Alex. C1lasss i Ldsssedostl : a sad spittheirwespwteesa pa Ito a ee.yow e=weea ■AlIRIA•K M �LIALT$R S. &ILLY. J. gODWCa. WIT. MINAS or MAiitAoa Patent Solicitor 1FL S. W000[ • Moppet venison la patent sults. Pat- .ksaMamaN kowstriss.Mill. a)fiimto lkw-'Daeked esu itis sawn, tura iseos's " oolki its dill.' >A tltaust.d in the first i t'e object of the German attack 1a 'borsht to h,, the capture M the town of Ypres which they regard as the key to Calais, from which they bops to launch an attack on England Perelman, omn,lseie Named A rurchastng commission of thud members, Hon A. E. Kemp, chairman. and Messrs H. !$ports, of Montreal. and Gen F Galt. of W innlptg, was appointed by the Government at a nesting of council on Monday. Tia aemmisstnn will have charge of W purchases under the war approlrta- of 11101000 000 gamed net os'► Ian Hampton Ceswwywds A Cairo letter to Tike Looks Them describing the big camp of tis Mlles' sspedttloetry fore* for the Dgeog.. .11... sow at Alexasdrla, reveals t . elde.taily the feet twat O.ssi.wal air Aa Hamilton r the (---14, C1Mf of that expedttlea reels. of tae teres. the Mbar ea" General d'Aeado. Oeessmaa fr •t the Preset .yeti... refereed w Oona! Haafto. as "am abbe" Frown flamed_ t i111 bow bow � P � �� S la ' _ _ tetlas sr r f ~ TAII,COLLECTOfl X14 ¥EAR$ OLD Expected to Resign on Account of Feebleness - Gained e Strength and Twenty-four Pounds by Taking Vinol. Car4st14 Mks.: - '1 am a city tax edleeter and sweaty four years of age. I was lea weak, ran -down condition se that I Demes exhausted by every little exertion. Mydruggisttold Ile about Y emd i decided to take it Ie a week I 'Weed eoeciderabls imp ove- eysmt. I aontlnoed ha me r mew I te to etre= mew • DsMla• tonic• A. Ph101, As see grows are dw wb Ked Issue se +a aim Is wire gene *8eelaatipn. M pear, tba dM�eed ism tYlmolpeoa bell esciw.a pd r..r old bum Y the Ysa1 mai body Ter eY It aeisho a geed bssitlry appetite, strengthensMs aireisistian icm sod this sip nod agog pasple.gsd Itthiss ant la MI _we a1, we WM pal utak Poi OL PusISIA 41141.4 SoMmed Osiened• Oat Why the New R»,dent Cabled Upos I His Ns knee Oeagr eemaa James 0. OaauHl st Kentucky was reminded of a story the other evening when reference was mads to the way In wedeh Berth bangs the plana Some time $lace. as said. sweet idxtsen sat down at the Piano in a pretty little suburban home and started to bet at the keys. That was 8 o'clock, At 8.30 she was still on the job. The same at 9. At 10 a man who had just moved Into flee neighborhood came over and gently pushed the buss button. `I beard your daughter playing," ex- plained the new neighbor as ernes papa came to the door, "and I thought I would drop In for a minute or two.' `Fine, finer enthusiastically cried girlie's papa. trying to had the new neighbor Into the house. "Glad Toe did! So you are road of music, ehr "Not exactly that" responded Ms new neighbor. peering into the parlor. "In this particular case 1 had anAtT.- alstlble desire to see the person wbe was possessed of such a etfondsrftl power of endurance." -Philadelphia' Telegraph. $.toys and Afters When Phyllis wasn't sun that I Loved her and her alone. Ohs caned me upda dome times Each day by telephone. 11ot now if she, should can Kee tip. Oh, my, 'twoua make a stir. Mat calls ms' down instead, tocaas% You sea I married b.r. -H. B. Haskins In N.w Tort DIM Psnnywiee. Rankin -One of lteenbroogb's rela- tions wanted to gtre him an automo- bile, and he woaido't accept 1t Phyte -I wonder why. Rankin --Just because when be twits his new house be spent 7125 for a bitching poet in front of 1t -Judges Going and Comms. "Toe bet I'm out for W rereeme." A politician said one day. "I give the people what they want And then take It away." -Richmond Times-Dilpattl h Fastidious. 'Ob, my day is epofed! I case at without my cigarettes." "Algernon will let you have some of "Dear me! I can't smoke cigarettes with another fellow's monogram on them"-Loulville (AariseJ.urnal. Prim of Early Fame. In early Youth b. won W fame. And now his every hour to spent in toiling 1111 his back r lam. To prove It was no seeide^.t -Detroit F-• .• Prep. Hie Nostalgia i i i 11.vttaAAT. Armlt, N ISIS a -..- SIND -_- C D. MILLAR &SON 4. r S ecial Values in NEW SILKS Estrus special value in the popular `'ilk Repp, :11 'inches wide. Heavy quality, colon navy, putty, Belgium blue, grey, etc. *1.00 er yard. Miller's Special black Messeline Silk'. Hand- some quality, rich ratio finiob :bt inches wide. 51.80 per yard An shades in our Special P•ilette now in stock. Super quality, rich finish, will give entire satisfaction, :#t inches wide 51.00 per yard Fancy Silks in all the se.tsein's newest designs and colorings, ;1t1 to 10 inches wide. From Tito per yard New Summer Gloves Kayser guaranteed Silk Gloves, double "Look on the hem" for the name Kayser. Kayser'2-donee Silk Gloves in black, white, tan, navy, putty, sand, grey OOo per pair Kayser 12 -button long Silk Iilove, in black, white, sand, tan, grey.. $1.00 per pair Same quality as above. 26 -button length, $1.25 per pair finger tips which outwear the Gloves. Kayser super quality. 2 -dome Silk Gloves white and bla.k• all slow. A written guarantee with every pair 78o per pair Kiyaer extra quality la -button Silk Gloves, black and white. 51.80 per pair Children's Gloves. wrist mad elbow lengths, in 11 sizes. - From 28o per pair Kayser Gloves are made in Canada Special Serge Coats in navy and black, three-quarter length, a mo.' useful garment -•.. $0.50 each NEW NECKWEAR -Never has the Neck- wear been so dainty as this reason. All that is new is berg Froth 25o Three of our leading lines :-hosiery, Gloves'and Neckwear McCall Patterns, "Once Tried Always Used" I Millar's - Scotch - Store LUMW SIM 4111111111111011111111111111110 TELEPHONE NO. 56 "Are you married, rep man? • hilly asked a sailor. T. indeed. roam; married and fsm• tam children." "Poor fellow! Traveling about !a this! And don't 700 over get Mew sick r 'Only when Pm home. roam" -Phi. adalohta Preen A Feature tltsey. ifs ems bey weeds svesty est elk And yet tri Int t meek; !ga tach te scary and thin. bet. aseetM Hs has • world d shunt -New Tort Me& Sown Gress' Beak. "Previdemoe Intended ase for a lode sr of fashion." 'Provfisom Intended yes fir a liM e 'Wed. whether Providence dei sr MO leu got m."-aoostoa Pest Somme. Yea arways .2w -y. mere ar Issa, Ts wag that moots ran seamen Ad that le why. n m6y be ewe& It arenas eves Meilen/s& -wnsarsar. ansa PestieaL Bast post 1a • gent$$• "Wby r "He rheas fitment with psytavet Tellers will tell you that they rarely go ttl.gethsr."-Excban'a Mutual "Way 1M the lamb love wan street our Ms tallithim an did err. "'tease wen street Lowes the les* tae law,` the teactsw mobs rib -ddl. And He Con INK. IIiEF-De yen know heir to an dere Ir./ 7111 - dura When tee skip's - shrikes I look at ay wateb.-?alas the -s. Yoe Kens Mho There s'1 • was Is ear tree. Are M r fen et pest Ss ams • vasty pkenom leek AM newer oltatswun SUM -assumese Tis swam. 'sly te the Tees et -111. a end& Med a anea of hour t masa. . r "8aessou oho rani pat her haft r kw l.eka.d's poetises.* - _eller_ .0 mono DCNLR' TIIE t RLIILI (iY COMPANY. LIMITED HR:AO OFFII K TORONTO 111ct411Ias i' LP:ADIte Croce Mak.n cf Tire. for Automobile.. Motor )rte, Bi ).1.- t errinar- knblwrPittlog.l'Mking.H.-.. 'He. Stat-. Kling iud i:.-n.•rol Itn ht••r 8prt.I1. What Happened. "ionise," said a moody British offi- cer to his servant. "something tr11. toe 1 shall never come hack frnn: thin war alive. 1 have a sort of presenti- ment." ''Then tat' no heed of it, sir," said hie servant. "Pre.entinients is fraud.. A cousin of mine had one once, and it treated hits real shabby It was just like what h troubling you, sir. He fa' vure as he'd be kilt out in Egypt. so divided his savings 1.e- tween his eetheart and his hoer.m Chum. and went out to he shot. But never • wretch did he get ell the time.- "And what happened when he returned, Jones? Did those two give him heck his money r• "Not a farden, eir.e They'd been and got spliced while be was away, and they'd set up boow- keepingoo it" Brophey Bros. GUDRRICH lee e Lading Fuser& Directors sad Embalmers Ordure carefully at waded to .4 all burs. sight ere day. Printing? the signal i i JOB AND COMMERCIAL M A P E THE GROCERY A F To The Buying Public having still in ter ponseasion a tremendous .tock of Number One CHINAWARE and CROCKERY, we have decided to offer the same for FR I i►,\V and SATURDAY at HALF-PRICE. We guarantee theme fiats to he. ssithout doubt, daos of opportunity. especially in this line. Grocery Department Having an over -stock of groceries on hand, on FRii)AY aril SATURDAY we will allow a ten per cent. tiimcount on all credit orders and a fifteen per cent. discount on all STRICTLY CASH ORDERS. DID iT EVER OCCUR TO YOU. -- That there is a mighty difference in the quality of GROCERIES ? The -Maple Leaf Grocery hears the reputation of being the home of, the real home of, Pure and Up -to -Date Stock. O'NEILL & COMPANY (SUCCRS.SORS TO S. J. YOUNG) Opposite Colborne Hotel Hamilton St. 'Phone 32