HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-4-29, Page 2t T t a.L AT, Arelt- 7P, 191b
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To Comgset reams. -Tule co tine et
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d tewer6. maid." Tim glen at • weekly reseed
et all keel. comity rd district dclnea Not sem
eisaastka will be &heeded to seism It con-
tain. the nus and adders of the writer. not
a•ev.ari1y ter p.Uteatiee. but a. en evtdeoc'e
•t "sed hitt Now. item. renal" reach Tez
Rami. sire not harm than Wedee.day once
'et saes week.
Canada's soldier. at Ypres have
olazooed the Maple Leaf upon the
martial records of the world. In the
crisis of • great sad important battle
"their .allantry and determination
undoubtedly saved the situation."
This is the tribute of the British War
Offlae, which does not distribute
empty compliments. The complete
list of casualties has not yet been
received and when it does come there
will be many stricken hearts in this
land : Mut even these tp whom the
battle has brought • personal loss will
glory, as do we all, in the great feat
of •rnis which the Canadians beve
Many of the hest and strongest aid
keenest of Canada's sons his,. gone to
the front. and we have expected them
to do their duty and to suffer no dis-
credit in comparison with the best
troops of the British or any other
army. Canals was proud in her con-
fidence in her men : now she is proud
in her knowledge.
Those who have laid down their lives
in their country's cense have earned
the undying gratitude of all Gene -
diens. Their blood has been spent in
the defence of Rigbt and Freedom.
This shall be their memorial for all
'Lein for foul erne - that has takes[ i
place this week *boob! create A fake
impression in the minds cf people at a
distance, let us place it upon record
that the t .wnshin ot ('•.lhorne ii as
peaceful and orderly ,e community as
Ls to be found anywhere. Its people'
are mainly farmers of ell int ilagent
and progres-ive type, herd workers
and clear thinkers. Sometime,. with-
in the bunds of a township in, re is a
small action dileren from the rent,
in whicn yi r'nnd lawlessness 'Irish.
There ion . -.r h viciooe section iu the
tow n.hip ••i Colborne. From • cast to
west, from north to south, one Wight
travel its reads atone, at any hour of
day or night, and never he molested
We incline to the belief that Sunday
night's crime was not committed by
any desperado, a.•ciistolile,l to l.ru:al
deeds, but was the outcome of some
•weep of deep and deadly passion ron•
trolling the actions of some ordinarily
quiet and inoffensive mau. At the
present time this seema to he the only
tenable explanatien of • deed that has
shocked the whole community and has
marred the reedrd of • township.
singularly lase trona alma
Liberal journals, and - sons.Osaaaev*-
tire journals as welt are pasklpg out
against the Rogers idea of having •
general election at the present time.
From some Government organs comes
• complaint that the Liberals are
pushing party politics and placing the
Government tin the defensive. it is
hardly to he expected, however, that
Liher•k.hould remain ina:ties when
there is even- indication that • power.
ful section of the Cabinet is intent
upon having an election •t an early
date. and preparations for an election
are actually being made. No later
than Tuesday last The Toronto World
had an Ottawa despatch stating that
the indications were for an election
early in Jude. And "Bob" Rogers-
the Conservative party "bogs" -in the
*losing days of Parliament openly de-
manded an s4eetion and his speech
was warmly applauded from the Gov•
.rwmoet beaches.
I a them eir'eurnetanc•s, Ubsrals foul
that they must be siert, and that Ooe-
serrekive party activity must he met
by activity in behalf of the Liberal
party. The esspon.ihilit, far this
date of affairs rests clearly ops lir
jl*bort wales It be will eleelags us -
equivocally that there will be no stee-
tion this year, end will withdraw IM
campaign literature and the offensive
cartoons that are being cent out from
the beadquartere of his party, the Lib-
erals will undoubtedly respond and
the political truce will be re -estate
limbed. If the Premier is not big
enough to make such • declaration, his
will be the reepooaibiut, for the c oo-
Unuance of party strafe at • time when.
if ever, unity and co-operation among
Ines of all parties are desired.
The Canadians simply oouldn't ' t
the Germans have those guns.
The Ceinadians were almost our -
rounded, but they did not surrender.
Our boys are the right sort.
Out in Manitoba they are:commenc-
iIg to investigate certain alleged srao-
dals in connection with the construc-
tion of the new Parliament buildings
and •Ireadr two men wanted es wit-
nesses have gone away "for the benefit
of their health "
This is the way The London Times
puts it : "Perhaps we sbaJl not he
thought to go too far if we my
recriminations between tbe parties in
the Canadian Parliament grate just
now upon the national sense of what
is seemly and diinifled. •
Dr. Rankin, of Stratford, is again to
be the candidate of the Liberals of
North Perth for the Federal seat. The
Doctor won a notable victory in
hut failed in 1911. We trust be will
bare • sueeessful "come back" when
Bob Rogers calls the next election.
Some months ago the hope was el•
premed in these columns that the
Canadian soldiers would not he ab-
snrhed in other regiments -of which
there was some talk at the time -but
that they would go to the front as a
distinct force 'representing Canada.
This hope has been realized, so
that when our soldiers are fighting
they are known to friends and foes as
Canadians. They have shown that
they can be relied upon, ant: tbeir gal-
lant tvbduct reflects glory upon the
whole Dominion. Furthermore, they
are giving tSe wor:d, and particularly
Kaiser Wilhelm and his retinue. a les-
son in the benefits of freedom. In her
time of need Britain, without asking.
has the aid of Canada because Cana-
11ians wish to preserve the free insti-
tutions for which Britain stands.
In Germany it is being realised that
wany of the hopes with which the
war was commenced are not being
fulfilled. The Gems expected that
India would revolt. Instead, thous-
ands of Indian troops are fighting
in the British lines. They tbonght a
"holy war" would arouse Islam and
give Britain an immense amount of
trouble. it has actually hien but a
small hew - in the situation. Tneir
spivs had filled them with the notion
the' Ireland was on the verge• of c.vil
war. In.teed. the war has united ite-
l.•n.l iu defiance of Germany. South
Africa was to be a thorn in Britain's
side The trouble their his been at-
tended to by the loyal forces of the
dominion. France, to. has disati-
poitted herwiny in the stubborn re•
sistence she has pit up. Rusin has
disappointed Germany in the ui.ex-
pected rapidity with which she hes
called great stale. to t he front. And
Belgium -gallant lit de Bel,tiuw-per-
haps gave Germany the greatest dis-
appointment of all.
The Bugle. "
Raton 1• not yet, dear love. Lie warm and
Out.ide the n;ght l..1 irk and bitter chl11 .
Why do you waketo hear •woman wearer
Ai-, ors again. mea Gfc • Agin- wed .fere '
.t h' the la.t hour 111.- Iwntlnt breath has
W .till. my Leve' and .wear you are ay
Heart o my heart. 1 hear • bugle bluso:
Aw 1 not all to you who ■re n.y All
My voice Ss sweeter tar that. that Misdealt
I b ' the drew dawn and hungry moa n l og .e.,
Death strewn mid dark. that ado my Dew
trent are
All night I lay and thought 1 Meant you mean .
How can 1 use, to wolf oaf weep same f
Bears o my heart I hews bugle blown'
Let otaor. go. who ars not loved like you'
% be takes year 111e teen take • lesset. • tea.
If pa.o1.s talk. and lees n-, longer charms.
reel' 1 am meow. roe cannot gat►r
l s
Loos • bob .card- sheet your body lh,,wa,
Iter. sae 1 odd, or bas my beauty Ilona 1
Oke keg set kus' Agak that beide blown!
-Rra'sam arn-xmtrs, k Wsimlaetrfmstts.
NM Talking Place an Gut Side.
Hampton llama
It will be noticed that none of they
peace rumors tome from the Allies.
The Cesatry's Standby
T1ee Farmer. Advosta
Who is lb. backbone of this country
anyhow P The farmer, and be dos
not need to put no a pair of red, white
and Mur ov.ralls to prove 1t either.
Whet Shall the Harvest Be?
Guelph Irr/ery.
If .ter there was a year in the bis -
tory tat Canada obeli • good crop w
seeded, that year is 1916. The spring
bas opened without any marked Im-
provement in hssln•ss, and 1t le use-
less to er.et m aware wille
the war ap... iI.ds.H•lal Mr la the
Ogee epi towdr tow be man or lam
quiet and the ore this. wblcb will '
help out w ill two/rood crops. 1t is said
'bat the cuoditksos are favorable is the
West, and slay kap that way, and
bert is tha sane wish for Ontario.
Had Kw Nerve.
Terme, Oar.
A auto who gut away with • those-
hoseand dollars from • firm of lawyers
h at been sent to Jail for ninety days.
For showing such nerve as that some
MIllthink that be ought to have
dsooratd,wlth the iron cross
Wby Net Aheiiek It ?
Tereue Glebe
If the Hoe. Robert Rotten would
come out against life Senates/ships and
in favor of real :agnate reform be
might make an issue that would be
worth while. But he only wants to
make the $nate •stely Conservative.
not wore useful to the country.
Grim Advice.
New Yak tit.
A story comes from Ebgl*bd that
Lord De.borough recently asked Lord
Kitchener what uniform he thought
the citizens' organization should wear
if the German. came. Kitchener
replied that they had better wear
whatever uriform they would brit like
to be buried in.
A Faacy Timetable.
battik Msresry.
Maness are tee latest piece of non
seuee in Chicago public schools. Pretty
soon the morning exercises will be like
this: 9 en 9.3u, opening exercises ;
to 10, adJres. nn health : 10 to0.3U,
dance ; PIM to 11, recess ; 11 to 11.3,1,
n et atter retires ; 11 311 to 12. eorres-
poodenee period, how to write and
answer invitation to social affairs.
Debt Increase.
Tomato grabs
The net debt of Canada woes the
Laurier Government went out ot office
was. in round figure*, g340.i11U,001, It
had been increased in the fifteen years
of Liberal rule to the extent of INV..-
(10tt000. It Sir Robert Borten fills out
the parliamentary term before going
to the country. the net debt of Canada
when the election is held in the fall of
19111 will be over five hundred millions.
ID other word*. fifteen years of Literal
rule meant • debt increase of tJ C ,txxl,-
t100, five year. of Conservative rule an
increase ot $151,0110,0tio.
Senseless and Vicious•
Victoria turbot New Kra.
What honor, what credit to a man
is there in the blasphemous repetition
of a Name that is above all names ?
Men there are on all sides who cannot
utter a dozen words without naming
the Giver of Life to empb•si.e tbeir
utterance. it would be bad enough if
it ended at that, hut when they are
sandwiched in epithets of the most
immoral end degrading character it
casts a slur on the community that
cannot be ignored. On our streets and
witbin doors, too, can be beard lan-
guage that stakes ooe wonder bow
self-respecting men aid women can
lure within sound of it.
Promise and Performance.
Branttote ►spc.ttot-
When Sir R. L. Borden was in
opposition be on several occasions
pledged his party to the appointment
of a public prosecutor, with the status
of • judge : "Any such ofscet should
be invested not only with the right but
with -tbe duty of intervening wbere
She proceedings upon any election
petition were unduly delayed. He
would possess the power a investigate
the conduct of an election in any con-
stituency where circurustabces of •
auspicious ammo' were Ieu.ight to bis
attentiuo." Now Drat Sir Robert is in
power. uo such official ba.. been
appointed and the machinery for
securing purity of elect is agate
left without any driving power.
Britain Fights in Freedom's Casae.
Pros ideooe Journal.
We oust rrwewher that Great
Britain to hghing a" fight of freedom
for every neutral uatiuu. She natur-
ally desires to retain mistime of the
seas, but she her used ber waritiuxi'
authority in the past in such A way as
to strengthen the world'. faith in the
sincerity and liberality of ber intro -
t ome for the future. Her ports are
open to the commerce of other natione
on teras of the most generous friend-
ship. Mlle har no will to establish her-
self exclusively anywhere The Brit -
iib door is an open door. Aud on the
triumpb of the British arms and the
arms of her allies tests the hope tit
democratic civilization io the broader
senses of the word. 1t is inevitable
that in battling against 'be interests
of German militarism aad eutocracy.
in her own t.e.lalt and in tsebalf of
all neutral nations as well, she should
impose sows commercial lncooveo-
ieoces upon her nergbbors. We shall
hope that the rigor of these inconved•
inces way he minimized in practice,
and that the necessity for them will
snob be past.
A Spacer= Casa
*nom ftetrmer.
Twelve bundred and twenty b'cycles
were bought for the war. Did the
Government reap soy advantage from
so large an order? They did not. Ac-
cording to the evidence, they paid •
higher price than private individuals
would have to pay for single machines
Listen to these extracts from the evl-
"Have you examined the bicycles
supplied by the .... ....l:ompeny and
the . Company at lit and flee ?"
..'-ee ..
"What would you have supplied the
same wbeels for'
"We would have supplied them for
tJ34 each, with all extra equipment re-
quired by the Government. That
would be in lots rat one or two hun-
dred. if supplied by the tbousend
the Olson, would to lett"
What is the retail price of these
Mel7ons. r
••'Fort dollars, and the wholesale
price b S24 50."
"1s the price set out in the rata -
'Farther evidence was to the effect
that the (acvernment had paid $70,Mo
toe bicycles wfrteb could hare been ob-
tained fog -841,4W The disclosures are
Manning. Un tbey..prm.. 1 merely
an isolated out tweak ref •xtnvegaaee.
or are they symptosoatk of the whole
ccutaw of the admfoMtr.tkn which fa
four years bas increased the (inverts -
smolt •�xQe ndlturs on ordinary account
tramDrf,00f1,nhlt1 to gierkonn.afi1, has
plunged the einsntry Into debt, sad
W piled tatatloa on nineties i
The Great Struggle
Mainly Extracts from Leading British
and American Papers Relating
to the War.
Nowhere have we seen the poise of
hope and fear in wbich !oily stands
today expressed so clearly as in the
article by the historian, Guglielmo
Ferrero, in tui April Atlantic. H's
the definition of neutrality into wine
President Wilson fell udoonscIousl
%Iwo he adopted this definition be did
not, we may feel certain. see that it
led to the reduct lo ad absurdum that
be and the Government at Washington
must not dare to speak • word io pro-
ample knowledgeis evident. His .y feet or In in iigsatlon •gatost what
l eau happening in Belgium, lest bee
pathiee with the Allies be make, , and they should appear to he favus nag
effort t.. dissemble. But it is d at t e causr of those who endeavored to
soedething of the detached air of an woteet Belgium oe coodeniniog that
histntian that he of share who did tie wrolsg
places before the Wbat Pnsid.st Wtlmts- should
reader. fir.[ the historic Oasis of Italian have laded et the b gioaio. was that he
present-day national aspirations, and intended to maintain peace and not to
then the great obstacle. to their rash- intervene io the qu•rreL He should
z.tion with wbicb the Italian Govern- have added howey.r that the United
went finds itself -unf opted. Santee could not
t an
He starts owith the grounds 01 pokey which wouldiposoa.dve levee of
Italy'. clams to Wirth add the Tree- • deutrel attitude oo • moral issue.
tiro, bi.turtc, racial sod military. It- The l'nited States mutt be free to
aly wet one day get back ber •Defect shape and ezpre.e herr policy during
p.asre.ai,wus- Grttgnpbv, rece. military the war ea she has shaped and ex-
seeurity wady it necsessr. It is only premed it during
a qur.ti,tu ut bow end when. This of war conducted on b maneandacit
was the guest Italian pandoo that ilised line.; conducted, that is, with
forty years ago burned in roost the minimum of suffering and misery
Italian hi -eats. But today, Ferrero for the civil population and for the
wore. us, the Hau.e has burned dim ooh-000ihat•nls ; in fact, to accordance
end pale. It is his belief that. at with the elabior•te node of military
present, the weightiest opinion in It- ethics devised in the Hague conveys-
aly i. ag•in.t ging t., war 10 will slow, 10 obi -b ell the combatants in
Trieste and the Trentinn, He is Cols- the present war had solemnly pledged
fideot that this reluctance will be over- their word. "'Though we cannot pre-
mium, and that Italy will soon draw vent the fighting, Anti though we
the swird. But hi. account of the shall not in any care take part in it,
w•] io which -the old natioral we will went to the notion
zeal for Italia irridenta was ennled in that the UnitedStateeGovernmentare
the course of the years, verb the -con- bt.und to he silent on a moral issue
sequeot piling up of difficulties in lest they should appear to be taking
front of the Italian Government to- sides." That would have been a per -
day, liglts.up the whole actual sifts*- Iertly practical line, and A line worthy
tion, nof the United States Governiuent. It
It wan the Triple Alliance, with the would have kept the administration
obligation. which it imposed upon the from falling into the impossible pool
Italian authorities, that dulled the tic -u which they hair, sow adopted.
earlier spirit. The Government, once ••W a wont 001 speak out in favor of
in treaty with Austria ani Gerwany, virtue, of sound morals,. and of free -
was dun, bound to set its face against the dulets mighbor be offended. It
agitation. Secretly, it might do what is an awful thing. a wicked 'ping,
it could to keep Mire the fire of n*- a thing contrary to the sages of civil -
IWian residents in the luted nations, tit harry A eourtry as
oovetad proyiscrs. but openly and ufA- Belgium ba been hart led, to shoot
coldly it could du nothing but oppose hostages be the hundred to they have
the propaganda Froth the grew and been shot in Belgium, and to give n
fruw the schools it was excluded, se whole cities to military execistlon be-
far as Government intlueoce could ex- canoe is few met, not in uniform Inst
dtionudehasgroit. thwne re+tiuplt •Iii.rsort tbrticsr enaitive
who were invading their country. It
their heads and fired at the soldiers
to the formes glowing appeals. Par-
ticularly is this true of the working
classes. "Who has spoken to 'beat of
Trent and Trieste in the past thirty
years e No oar. The literature in
which the irridentist tradition is kept
alive has never reached the lower
classes." Around the two "unre-
deemed" provinces "tbere her 'tailcoat
for thirty-two years, in Italy, • eau -
Items silencer, interrupted only uow and
then by crier of anguish which came
across the fsorAise.
The net .Asa, a• Signor Ferrero seta • • •
it forth, is ,that the Italian Gorst to
meet has had to attempt to regain iu SIR EDWARD GREY.
a few wontbe the ground lost outing a Sir Edward Geary mad.- One..f hi
generation. A mall party in Italy rare public speeches recently w•ben b
would have her remain faithful to the acted a. eha'rman at a lecture on th
Ttipie Alliance. Iarg-r bum' ro• sae torr delivered in London on Murch
iu tarot tit plus{tog into wet, c it,
v,oced unit the hour bar coin. to too '='rad• It ss.: a weighty utterance
large and fortify !Wien nationality. spoken with gr a' deliberation, and
Bev "tile raj .city h Aud de -lie the Foreign Secretary hail taken tb
that Italy may w.teb the te,nide con
filet with folded arms. to the rod." It unusual enure with him ..t .rowmit
is in order to win over this ullenn ting his speech to e'Iitiog The ,:on
•ince[ opinion that the 'Government eluding porn rat reel. A- follow! :
has been defe, ring is dr. idon. [What i. the issue for wb .•h we are
It was not b.srd t.. wa'ntwin that the fighting? 111 due timer the term, of
nature pt the war, turu,ally inuaui.r pence w ill 1e pour fon ward he our a1-
iy Germany, .did 1 . 1 1101st for Triple lies iu coo, iu, s,itb is 'tut of
Alliance call for Italy's c -.-operation. eseentielr.n,dniob must be the rector
But that could go um further then ^11 .51,1,11 10 lirlgitt,u of her independeuce
Ima•tener upon t.eutr•lity. It could tuali 1 life and free po*session of her
out luruiu l a decent prrtrxt lot cast- territory ; and reparation to ber a
ing thea weight of It.ly •'•tirely a*Aamst tar as 1epal41110 .0 pw•ihie for the
her aloes. For suzh a step some other cruel wrong done to her. Tbis is part
justification moat be [cued ; and fur it of the great issue for which we, with
the Ital.An Government has been cur allies, are contending, and the
pl•utly feeling about. If the old pas- .rest issue i. this : We wish the na-
.wuate irr•identism were in full force, tion. -o( Europe to be fere to live their
that alone might tufflee to push the independent lives, working out their
country into war. But it has been own forms of government for them -
notch weekeeetl by the lapse of tune, selves and their own national develop -
Some other propelling iwpufss bas to meats, whether they be great states
he sought of awaited. or small states, in perfect liberty. That
Th. final decision cannot long be is our ideal. The German ideal -we
delayed .tecident anal precipitate it. have had it poured out by German
At present the Italian Government is professors abed publicists rinse the war
not •blr 1.' Allege any question of life began -is that of the Germans as •
or des:b. It stilt has at (east to pre- superior people, to whom all tbings
tend to have • decent respect for the
lawful in the securing of their own
opinion of Mankind. And with -he jet power, again.. whom mistan-e of
cause of war so bud to find ; under any sort is unlawful : a people es -
the suspicion, as Italy would so surely tabllshing • domination over the n• -
be, of waiting in the spirit almost of a tivaa of the continent, imposing •
blackmailer until the hour came to peace that is not to he liberty Der
strike a crippled Austria, we can well ever] nation, Mat subservience to Ger-
believe Ferrero when he says that ninny. 1 would rather perish or leave
"IWian• who love their country do this eontioent altogether than live
not enjoy quiet slumbers in these in it under such conditions.
times." -Thr Nation IN.w York). After this war we and the other na-
• • • hots of Europe must be free to Inv
dot menaced cootioually by talk of
President Wilson said that he mesal Supreme t� m Lords and shining armor
and the sword ceutieally rattled in
to be strictly neutral. H. at once be- the scabbed. and Reeves coosinually
gan to interpret this to meta that be invokedas tha eeeoroplice of I rm,.ny
moat bold the h•lasce so evenly hs- and not having our policy dictated
and our national destinies and activi-
tween the contending Powers that the ties controlled by the military caste
United States Government must never of Prussia- We claim for ourselves,
express any opinion which would aced cult allies claim for themselves,
and altogether we will mews for
appear to help or favor one side in the Europe the rigbt of independent sow.
combs t more than the other. This ereignt fur the different nation.,
would have been • very difficult poet- the right to pursue • national exist -
Um' for an ete to take up. It was enc., not in the shadow of Premien
an absolutelymtImpossible one for thebepony arab supremacy, but In the
United Siates.wbiebholds special views 11g t of Mull litrert)
as to the sanctity of treaties aad the All bosor forever he given by us,
need for muodifiing the tight of bellig• whom age and circumstances have
stents Me higher lammed bum•nity, kept at home, to those who balle mer-
it soon evident lbat nations, u.tarily corse forward to disk their
like men,-Annot'Mord to he neutral lives and give their lives on the field
os. • teoral;questioe. A perfectly eyed- of haltb, 0. land or on see
cal. peefe, dy tread -blooded Govern- have their reward in enduring fame
mist, basing its actions ore tot prleei- and horror. And all linear be from u.
pees or Machiavelli. might a ono lvaNti
y to s beamarmies and navies of crop
aterIlse that stales have nothing to do tithes who bare exhibited sorb epics -
with moral right or wrong. and fiat it did courage and noble patriotism The
is • matter of iediRpreaiee whetter the, admiration they have aroused. sad
canes of international morality and their conradehip In arms, will be an
freedom le .masted tea .uppnrted by ennobling and enduring memory bee
time or other of the ensttrodi.g parties twee.' es, cementing friend.hlp. sad
Frsde ice the Great could bar* taken p-rpettsating national goodwill.
wp each an attitude. A. we have)sat Pse all 01 s. who are serving the
weld, 1' io an impnmdbie sWnodstoe ff s stab at boom. bl rebekeem cmosoffp.
Vatted St atm. Yet 1t was laboring Is wbatbrallaiaie ow employers or w,ssp-
is worst of all to carry off the D.pul••
boos of whole villages and districts
into captivity. No worse crime. than
these can be conceived, and they are
the crimes Dot of individual* but of
nation acting as a whole. But
'MUM'S the word,' for :to pocdemn
these things as they ought to be con -
damned would be in rffrct hostile t
Germany if th, did them, and would
show that we are not strictly neu
tra12ye-The Spectator (Londo41.
Silk Suitings!
We have just opened out a splendid lot of elegant
Chantung Silk Suitings, together with other makes
ot Silks in range of newest and most attractive
colorings popular for this season.
Fine Wool Suitings
Superior qualities in black and colored French Serges, Gabar-
dines and Fancy Tweeds at 50c, 60c, 75.f and 111.00. ,
Famous Viyella Flannels
Guaranteed unshrinkable, in special weight and width for I"
'outing skirts and suits, including cream and navy, at per yd. dirk
French Flannels
A choice of thirty new pieces of genuine French fancy Flan-
nels ju.1 received- Stripes, dots, etc., special pnce per
yard :t(k.
Ladies' Waists
Magnificent showing of Ladies' made-up white Crepe De
Chine, Voile and Crepe Waists, embracing all the latest feat-
ures of good style, and for values nit to be [eaten.
Twenty pieces, new, in _', and 4 yards wide, at per a and 40e.
:toe and title.
Rugs, Carpets, Curtains
Hundreds new to choose from. Special values.
earners, doing our utmost to carry en
the national liie in this time of stress.
there is the knowledge that there can
O he no nobler opportunitythan that of
serving one'. country wen its exist-
- encs is at stake, and when the eause b
just end right : and deverwas time, a
time in our national history when
the crisis was .o great and an imPrria_
five, or the cattle wore just and right.
• . . ..
A story told by • certain officer at
the front may explain why anxious
relatives and tho.e who-aspite • to he
e relatives -do not always receive as
touch new, from the front as they
• would like. This is his story :
For .nine time the section of the
Army Service Cut pe of which I sin in
command was sent to rest at A hale,
and it iecame pert of sty duties eo
censor all the letters which the men
e wrote home They had nothing elm
to do but write letters, and the censor-
• isg became a very serious business for
me, se I frequently bad at night to
wade carefully- through 150 love -let-
ters. So 1 decided to introduce a
change if possible. and one day 1 mot-
ored into Boulongur land bought a
footfall. which 1 took back for my
men to play with.
The result was quite marvellous.
The money 1 spent for the football
[served to he the beat inveg•went I
had ever made. The men took to is in
keenly that the• played football all
ass-, and had very little time left in
which to write love 1 Iters, After the
introduction of the toot hal* never bad
more than 5.. love -louts'. so repent at
night. -The Daily Cbmoisle (London.[
Homemakers' Excursions to Western
' Canada.
Particular attention is directed to
the remarkably low round trip fares in
connectionwith Hrnreeeeker.' Fxcur-
•iona to Western ('anad^ via l'anadien
Pacifle Railway.
Tickets are nn sale each Tuesday
until Oetole'r sJstb inclusive, and are
wood to return within two month.
from date of sale.
The C. P. R. offers the finest pi*.
Bible equipment and (••test trkin sere
apo-- CIA one of the most scenic rnu'M
in the world.
It 1s the only line operating through
standard and tourist sleeping cars,
alio dining cars to Winnipeg and
anenuver. AN equipment is owned
and oterated by the C. P. R. affording
the highest form of efficiency.
If such a trip i• under con.ideration,
apply to any 1'. P. 11 agent for full
particular% or write M. 0. Murphy,
D. P. A., Toton t o.
Fore Touring Car
Price $590
Your neighbor drive. a Ford- why don't
yon? We are gelling more Fords in Canada
this year than ever before-hecange Cana -
diens demand the hest in motor car service
at the lowest poneibk cost. The "Made
in Canada" Ford is a necessity -not a
Runabout $Ms' Town Car, pries on •ppblea-
tion. All Ford ears are full, equipped, in-
cluding skit -trio. headlights No Mr's sold
unequipped. Royer. of Ford ears will share
in our protan if we mil SIAM curs between
August 1st, 1914, mod Asgtmt let, 19I3.