The Signal, 1915-4-22, Page 8(
` T1VMOl1T, APRtt. "2. tOlS
Up -to -Date
That will please you in ap-
pearance quality and price
'Lunnins papers at 1100. 25.
RIM and 50et per roll. tbat
y -nu would expect to pat con-
siderebly mole for. Suitable
for almost any room Very
simple and plain, some with
sit lipping., others without.
Tapestry. self -tone, 'and all-
over floral effects.
Lew. expensive papers at 10o.
1*o and 200 per teIl. l$uit•
able 11r smell parlors, living
cosh -s. halls. etc.
Also a line of inrxpeesive Cana -
dein Papers. at 8e So and
So ler
The Ooderkh Book &
Stationery Co.
Teo Mort Castrol from Toronto 1a O••
two Hydro System
11 Reeve llermett, of Barrie, ie rebelling
against the *U1 ( Ntic • methods of
for l►nt,rAt lily dr..-elet InciCorarsi.slOn.
Tbr Havoc tea brother of W. 11. Ben-
nett, for well-known (on.ervative M.P.
and i. a Conservative himself. At •
recent council meeting Barrie' quoted
bad souse thing. to say and
Ly The Advance as follows
'Rervr Bruns tt is not enanlcred of
the present policy of the Hydro Coul-
objecrion, to what be charactenied s
mriiers. Lauded methods to Beck Buggies
metiers. He yuutord Sir Adam Beck
as s*ywg that the Legislature had
pasrd legislation at the instance of
t or city of Toronto to appoint electric
inspectors for vat:ems district*. "to
we have no.av iu tbematter, said the
Reeve. 'The i nes Are being trade for
the city of Toronto, not the other
municipalities.' He also claimed that
thli. was ma the only thing the Hydro
had 'put over on ue,' and gave his
opinion that if we had known u much
when we entered into the hydro
agreement as we do now. wewould
carver have signed up. -
light Lill for tbe council buildings -ere
never got such A large bill when we
had r steam plant, and that does not
toul like reduciug tbe rates. Mr.
Dougall. A former commissioner, told
we he wool) replace the electric with
ga. it it did not reduce. 1 think muni-
cipal cwurr.hip is developing isto
hydro ownership,-
wnership,a100 Reward, SI 00.
"With the cowing of tbere ia for tie -
oat routine o
u int t h
cleaning. packing awey
of winter clotbiog, furs.
etc. THIS necessitates
Lbt use of moth prrvent-
Disinfectants, etc.
V* r have a full stork
and our poises are tight.
MacEwan Estate
Etcl.ive agents for
for G• deticb and District
Egg Coal, $7.75,
Stove and Chestnut.
per ton
Any nil:entity beet all Maple
Slabs. Mixed `Mood, Hemlock
and Kindling (Cedar or Pin,.
TELEPHONES. office 98
residence ,.Z cr 68
asimio11 and took Occas*t111 to voice his
Thr *sealer mf tht- neper will t..• 11ea.•ed 10
;ram tbal th.r01.-..* le..t ale dre.dld dt,eo.a
that-.'1rtee bee been &hie to 1.1110 u. all 11..
.tear-. and that i, l'atart t.. daU • t'.ttarrh
t ore 1. the only paative cure now knowy, 10
the wr.!,cai fraternity. Catarrh. being e'bmt-
-Iltutioe.-,1 Onteo0'. tequi1 ,• n Cun•Ut, 1,1011x1
treattut,.:. Hah.• -'.lamb 1 ure 1• [Alen In-
ternally .*1(0e directly upon the blood mad
saucou- sonata of the07.1eu,. thereby de
,troyina the touudatlon of the di•.ea•e. cud
eating tile patient .1,0nel h by bonding up the
con-t'Luoon and M+truths Mature to dame it,
earl 1 lir ovens,• powbers thathave
oder ora Sth o
died Dollar- for any coat that it fail- to cure.
Send for h -t of tes.t.mendab.
Addrr-• r. J. COLA kV* r U., U.
`toid h all Irruagi- .
1 a:e by - t witty ('.I4 tot oo•-lipatton.
-Jnr. George Mut low. of Port
Arthur, is visiting in town.
-Mei. E. V, t'smpion..,1 Weyburn,
Sask., is visitiog friend.* to town.
-Mr. Ed. V. Lawson has returned
front the tiuelpb Agricultural College.
-Mrs. D. J. Roberts was visiting
friends et Stratford over the week -end.
-Mrs. B. H. McCreath and little
daughter, of Toronto, :tie visiting in
-hire- D. J. Hvslop and children,
who spent the winter in ('leretand, re-
turned to town on Wednesday.
-Mr. and Mrs. H. H- Polley. of Tot -
outo, were in town this week atten a-
gog the wedding of Mr. Pulley's sister.
-Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stewart,
of Toronto, are vatting at the
home of the ftrmet's lather heir, who
is ill.
-Mrs. McGlynn, of Te•swater, n
speeding a few weeks with her lists',
Mar Doyle, Nest street.
-Zurich Herald : Miss Merie fru-
charnie, of Godericb, is visiting at her
home on the Broeso0 lane.
-Mrs. Dan. McLeod, who had *tent
the past winter with her daughter at
Detroit. retort ea to (loderich last
_Mrs. W. E. Tweedy and children
left for un Fretay last to juin
Mr. 1'wrtdy. and will wake their MOW
1►ttot Matwitk leaves this
week for South Bay Mouth, Maoitou-
hn !stand, whetr he conducts a store
during the alnllnet etalons
-Mr. anti Mi.. James Hoggarth
have returned home from Detroit
a1:rr visiting a week with their daugh-
ter, Mrs. Thomas t:rahaw.
Call and inspect our new
stock of the above high-
grade Buggies.
We have the. latest
designs to suit . all re-
Hes. W. H. Wrtgbton will preach
at both services at tb• Baptist cbureb Display
' et dnadd Thr b:•• for theteat of
' vetting Thief
sone will o : 'The hearty
01 i be Thiol. Aa the Crow.' A hearty
welcome is accorded to straygers. 1
Rev. R. J. McCormick. M. A., of
EpwotHoltees1* lle.L. diativer ct 11 address
It "Catch
P,givean ant before AND CURTAJNS
the "(:atehy' Palmuvruuenthelots
the Eoworh League of Victoria
street Methodist church on Tuesday
Res. W. K. Hager will preach at
loth services at North street Metho-
dist church on Sunday. Moraine
subject : "Reward it Christian Life,'
r;veuiog subject : "Studies in the L to
of the Resets Lard : No. 2 -Christ Our
High Nisei in the Holy Place.;,
On Friday evening Inn • number of
the ladies rot the W. M. S of Victoria
street Methods -t cbur.•b gathered as •
surprise parte at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. l.. M. Elliott and presented Mrs.
Elliott witb A life mewhersbip in
that Society. Atter the presentation,
which we. a complete surprise to the
recipient, the evening was spent in s
.oci►1 manner.
There was • good attendance *1 the
entertainment given last ! ridgy even-
ing by the Marion Band of North
street Methouiet churcb. Bev. W.
K Hager presided and an interesting
and varied program was givten by the
meuttera of the band and was much
appreciated by those present. Miss
Edna Robinson is president of the
I -and .
The annual district meeting of the
Methodist church for Goderich dutri t
w all be held in Ontario street Metho-
dist church, Clinton, on Wednesday,
May 19th, beginning at 9 a. at. The
ministerial° will be )-ell on
Tuesday. Mfr 1t -'-b. beginning at
11.,,t0 a. m. Rev. James E. Ford, of
Gtderich, is chairman of tbe dietrirt
and Iter. Geerge Jewitt, of Blyth, is
en•nciel seCretare.
Now Is the Time to Get Rtd of These
Ugly Spots.
There'sP'+ no longer the
Pot need
of teeling ashamed of your 'reckless as
the prescription otbine--d o u b l e
strength- is guaranteed to remove
these homely spots.
Simply get an ounce of °tJline-
double strength -from any druggist
and apply a little of it night and morn-
ing and you should 'soon see that even
the worst freckles have begun to disap-
pear, •white tbe lighter ones have van-
ished entirely. It is seldom that more
than an ounce is needed to completely
clear the skin and gain a beautiful.
clear complexion.
Before to ask for the double strength
Mbioe, as this is sold under guarantee
of tnonev back it it fails to remove
Mr 1.../ to • n.•. 191-. appliance*, .the
l ,,rat.. a..4 • the I urstewl ..r. r•pl*-
ly 'At int to • pia.'. ,.( th.• HA I:. •hI .,wd
inn.•• p n h ..ry by mall .K'det
Tb. •,.• w 1,11.-1. n•st.,ur r,w.•tructed 4.
a -.1•. ...111. • 1. 11.f work .d healing wed
..e h... Ir ., .•yrry e,berw.w. Mature
th,t t .0 I'••^y
1.1) have ben son.) with
trete 4tae .. e.e.Vtet. /}0.plete erenfret
x11. y.1.1 1 .ser.-. ( !adding *111 be ri-
+n,"eed44 I II
t n
irnr..1 1r.
tome .w say.
wiz IM em*ap• onYMr the abdomen Tata
0411 e,•tiarr ter .4 ee noel nat.•l and
w,ery TAI• will r•.1.• ),u het lite •
ow* perms*. T1.N. kind ..( t. en tem ss 1*
i.•,d•d a. seal.. paler.. h. claw 18" orr1-
oat. Time new sseenwes are adapted
4. dlrrrrnl Laws et bernie to Neel the
'redo et every ran Inman .'r rand Mop
Meller eig,rinwl
.Lt( mita 4 wetzvnn
�s+11s•aee sag earl ran resew- v"nhie. o
7rae11 rest by a sand nag a 0sh •den rape menses. ep.erialht tHeli. nisi Ise
eawa eeMs les► el teems sews
R lana t. .1. T. leap, *adep1ss�
e}MtMeK Twsb. wan ens lith
amiasetl f11r'wan magyll.' Nw aiNia
(q,UNrtet. Mol • FUST No at.
AOY .D f e .
.wt th..tart. No wore crape
M*.. -r row, t.. en end ay,.
.it11 . n n, that aM.lnt.• emit
able i. s•. any Vnns at any
re whtr'.1• ar A,.•' maa
-alias Anna Hayn bas returned to
bet butte on so. David'. street after
an exte..ded visit with tr=ends at
tt-uodetnek. 1Mttolt and uthet points.
-Mr. Tboivas 'Tilt. of Guelph, was
in Luau on business fur several days
last week. Out turner townsman looks.
well and his .:Id triends were glad to
see him.
-Mts. Wanton k has reins tied hone
after a trip ef .ertiai wt.nths during
If barb sbe , ailed her daughters. Mrs.
Hack el Pasadena, t'alitornie, and
Mr, NWsrnnrk at t'atgery. Atte rte.
-Mrs. Petri M Failene and her
niece, Miss Ethos. have returned flow
a three menthe' ,test with telecoms in
Detroit. l'lne.igo anti La), Angeles,
('al., tebieb tae) enjoyed very touch.
-Mrs. 1. T. Leckie has been Lid up
tut %aerial weeks with a severe dhow*.
Mr. Leckie was ut1' wotk tor a
week with an attack of the prevailing
epidemic. the "grip,' but is now able
to he about 14010.
--Theengagement is announced of
Miss Leta l..d.r 1a• bear, daughter of
Dr. and Mrs. 3:4. Le bear, .t Kala-
mazoo. Mich.. to Mr, Frederick Wilcox
Duty, of lbodericl., the wedding to
take place in early June.
-Nits (' filet*°. after standing sev-
eral months et Clinton, returned
bore on Saturday last accompanied
by ber son. Mr. John Halliday, of De-
troit. who will remain here tor some
Why . Mrs. Catlrtun has been quite
ill, but
we axe pleased to train that
elite a now on the mend.
A meeting of local lacrosse enthusi-
asts was held on Wednesday evening of
last week, when orgauiration was
completed and the following officer,
elected : Honorary president, Mayor
Reid; president, Wesley McLean : sec-
retary and manager. Ytank Doty:
treasurer, Lorne Young. The sebedule
for the season has not vet been drawn
up. but the testy has leen reinstated
in the 0. L. A. and there is every pros-
pect of a good showing. as most of
the team will be -nen. blood
The annual meeting of tbe Ladies
Aid Society of Victoria street Metho-
dist church was held In
the church
parlor oo Thursday, April Stb. After
the general business the treasurer
reported 11'o.85 received during the
rear,- Election of officers then took
place. the following being elected :
President, Mrs. R. C. P.sttethwaite
vice-president, Mrs. (deo. Drew : secre-
tary, Mrs. Thos. Millian treasurer,
Mrs. Ben Hoggartb.
At Victoria street Methodist church
next Sunday. A ria 25tb, will be anni-
vereary Ida'*. Rev. George N. Hazen
(formerly pastor of North street
Methodist church), president of the
London Conference. will preach morn-
ing and evening. The choir will give
special w'.teic. 'Mete will be no
tea -westing this year, but a liberal
thanksgivioc offering is solicited for
general church maintenance. Sunday
school at 3 p. m. Pastor's adult Bible.
etas in the church. All are welcome.
Rey. J. E. Ford, pas:or.
Lendoo Conference.
The thirty-se'ond erosion of the
London Conference of the Methodist
church will be held et `it. Marys this
year. commencing Thursday, June
3rd, at 2 p. is.. the ministerial session
to meet oo Wedoeeday, June 2nd, at
8.45 m.
Among those who are on the Con-
ference program is Rev. Witt. ('on -
way. of Auburn, who is to give an
address befr're the Theological Union.
Rev. W. K. Heger, of Goderieb, is to
occupy the' pulpit of the First Presby-
terian church, :t. Marys. in the morn -
dog of Conference Sunday-.
Rey. Jobe Koles°ikolt's Vu*L
A congregation which completely -
filled the auditorium of the Baptist
church was present to bear Rev. John
Kol.stnkoff tell the story of his lite
and work on Tuesday evening. The
speaker. who was formerly a priest of
the Greek Catholic church, was coq-
verted to the Protestant faith in Itt80
and since then bas been engaged in
missionary work. He was imprisoned
nine 111nPe in Russia for preaching the
Gospel end was then exiled for twenty
♦care- He *pent four year, in Rou•
mania .end ten year* in Bulgaria.
preaching wed organizing churches.
Seven years ago he came to America
and afret orgenizirg the first Russian
Baptist church in New York be came
to Canada and ..{tiled in Toronto
arbere his greatrwt work has been
doce. Since coming to Canada mis-
•icn cbuucbes have hien foraged at
Toronto. Montreal, Hamilton, Berlin
end Port Arthur. Mr Kolesnikof
can speak in ten ditterent languages,
and atter speaking for upwards of en
hour in English be ,peke in Russian
to the wen of the (' P. B. con-
etructiun gang who were present.
He else sang several hytuno in the
Russian language, which he had trans-
lated from the Engli.h.
Vocal .oleo were given by Mie. Mc-
Coll, Mr. Moore and Mrs. Mair. Rev.
W. K. Il ager assisted in the devo-
tional exercises and also moved a vote
of thank» to tbe •peaket at the clam.
of bis eddrees- The freewill offering
taken up goes to assist in the work
among the fnreignerw in the cities.
Rey. W. H. Wrigbton presided during
the meeting;
A meeting for the org,rni-eatioa of a
baseball club for the brawn cat 1915
will be held at the town hall on Friday
evening of this week.. at ti'o'clock.
There is plenty of material in town
for • baseball tram, and it is hoped that
this popular game will have • good
season in I:odericb this year. Toere
is talk of organizing w town league
and also of reviving the old L.ake.ide
League. composed of teams represent-
ing Kincaidinv. Lucknow. Wingbam
and other town. in this district. tat
everybody interested in the game turn
out on Friday evening and give base-
ball a boost.
Not L'se Flank Purgatives -4 Iisk
b All 1N led.
Not exactly sick-- but not feeling
quite well. l'hat is the wry most per' -
pre feel in the spring. Easily tired,
appetite fickle, alnretinles headache,,
and a feeling of depression. Pintples
or eruptions any appear on the skin,
or there nifty i.e twinges of rheuma-
tism or neuralgia. Any of these indi-
cate l hat the blood Is .tut ..f order -
that the indoor life of winter bas left
its mark up•.et you and may easily
develop into more serious trouble.
ito not dose yourself with purga-
tives, ea so many do. in the bore that
lieu can put your blood tight. Porgy,
oyesgallop through the system and
weaken instead of giving strength.
Any doctor will tell you this is true.
%%list yeti need In spring is a tonic
that will make new blood end build
op the nerves. Dr. t%illiwms' Pink
P1115 is the fluty medicine that can do
this speedily, safely and surely. Every
dose of this medicine makes new Mood
which clean. the skin, strengthens the
appetite. and maker tired. depressed
men, women and children Might, ac-
tive and strong. Mrs. Si E. Stephens,
Pnnoka, Alberta. esys : "I suffered
severely from headaches. and was
badly run down in health. I had
tried several remedies with no benefit.
until 1 was advised tett, Dr. Wdiauw•
Pink Pills, and these ,Care fully re -
inbred my health, and I can recom-
mend them with confidence to all
weak women. -
Sold by all medicine dreier* or by
mail at 50 tents • hoz ne six boxes for
SLlfti from nee Dr. Williams' Medi-
cine Go.. Brockville, Use.
-Mr. and Mtis. Alhrrt Edward Ilond
Ilhr latter formerly Min McCracken.
daughter of Mr. and Not. ,lames Me-
tre...ken. Victoria street). late of De-
troit, are the gats of the lady's par -
eat.. They will hurtly remove to the
('antelon farm. near Holmesville,
where they intend to reside L-
ie, iuw•• loft went to Tor-
onto at Hester and is now taking a
MUT', in pianoforte Instruction under
Edouard Hempelberg. en eminent
musician who hold. the poeition of
senior professor and etlmineer in mese
.ral moldiest colleges.. She will be
mimed in Iciest moonlit citclms+until
her tenure ie June.
=The 'the friends of Mrs. Robins Jonas -
sway Mimi Jes,fe Straiton), daughter of
Vr. and Mrs. Alet.Mtraiton, Mt. David's
/beet, will he intereted in lean=ing
that she and.rweet an op•r*tarn at
the gement hospital at Rocboetee.
N. V. a few days ago, widen was a
moat asecvestul nee. and the overview
is cleft* certain of her speedy recovery.
- Mre keel Ms r.terwed (rem a
vela of several days at (:listen.
Skin Sufferers
Yaw Relief is Ouaraateed.
The 1t D. D. prescription for ecre-
ms. a mild. antiseptic weals, stops that
•wfsll itch hesitantly.
lhttgReds throughout the city have
witness/al such remarkable cures with
this rem -ay that they now universally
recoesmeed D. D. D.
As proof of their confidence. they
offer you this Gest full-situd bottle os
gttaranUser unless it lova the
SAME F R YOU, it coma you not a
mist. A roe trial hnttle for •hie.
Deng Store,oeaeriet•
U. D. D. N made is Caaada.
Dories • tear of keotlaad an Amer-
icas, obia*M5 tO get a rise rot of as
old BigtMd minister, remarked :
Dtss't you Wok If a slaw isft
meso! to year thane that he
set late hamar ••Alveoli" was the
asntious reply. 'i weans say that. for
• (set. A We west worth tryin .
The nodes board 1s treat o11 an East
Clev.laad share* one Readayerrausitssd
ab fnilosrht items : l i -Sts a- eaI.
Aank lila Orwell : 720 p. m.. •As - i
otitw Pool"
We are rtady for housecleaning time with an immense display of Rugs and Cur-
tain Materials in our big Carpet ,Department upstairs. Both Rugs and Curtain
Materials art: bought direct from the mills and we are satisfied that, quality for
quality, we can give yon values you cannot duplicate We show a wide variety
of designs and colorings both in the small conventional patterns that are so
popular at present and the larger effects as well. In many of the designs we can
give you Carpets and Runners to match if desired.
This week we just passed into stock some very attractive designs in Brussels
Rugs in 3 x 3! and 3 x 4 yards. These are neat small effects with wood and tan
shades predominating and can be had in practically,any size on a few days' notice.
TAPESTRY RUGS FROM 21 X 3 TO 4 X 41 YAK -lit -S11.50 -TO $2S.00
BRUSSELS RUGS. ) X 3 TO 31 X 4e YARDS. $16.50 TO $30.0
VELVET RUGS. 211 X 3 TO 3; X 4 TAROS. $16.30 TO 1130.00
WILTON AND AXMINSTER RUG*. 3 X 3 TO 11 F1'. 314. X 4; YARD*` S25 TO I143
Any size in these Rugs procured on short notice or made to order in (toss two to three weeks' time.
"Everwear" Linoleum
This is a genuine Scotch Linnieuw noted for
its exceedingly good wearing qualities. We
import it direct from the Scotch mills and
show it in a wide range e of
In elth
block or rile effects. It is a Linoleum we know
will give satisfaction- There are designs suit-
able for any room and we lay it if desired
without extra charge. Price per L`(1,�.
square yerd �J{•
Novel Deskgns in Dainty Neckwear
Our Neckwear Department has made a name for
itself this season. We are now showing the new
and novel designs for early spring weer. We
have made arrangements for repeated sbipweuts
of novelties as they appear and you are always
sure of getting something new and attractive in
Neckwear here. Prices range 25c 10 75c
New.and Attractive Blouses
for Women
Just opened up this week, direct from the maker,,
soot* very attracti,e styles in Silk and Crepe de
Cbene Blouse*. These come in black, white and
some of the season's best colorings. Of some
lines we can have them made for cittein;n5ye5shadoe
you wish at • few days' notice. thhest not
alike �� . nrtwo$3.5
Penman's Hose for Spring
Ace dere
Penman # famous Hose for spring and wnimer
have arrived. These are the Stockings made
without is seam. properly shaped and bare double
heels and toes snd spliced knees and ankles.
Penman's "No Seam" Lisle or Cotton Hose in
absolutely fast black, per pair 480
Penman's extra quality Lisle Thread Hose in
black. per pair......................35.
Penman's bigb•grade Lisle Hose in black, p.•r.
Prnwan's Silk Boot Hose in black at per pair 800
Penman's "Booster" rihhed Cotton How for
toys or girls, per pair
Penman's "Kewpie"-the best Stocking for
small children. very line ribbed and,,
extra strong Per pair .... ......... . 480
GETTING NEM ONES? We will be glad
to take measurements and give estimat n and
sell them to you at facto, y pricer,.
Here is a little list of Speciaks we have
for this week. Every one of them
undoubted bargains that are worth
taking advantage of, for they will
save you money.
Embroidery Ends 2Sc
1011 ends Swiss Embroidery and Insertions, 2 to
it inches wide. These are mill ends and each con-
tains tl to 5 yards. Sold by the end only r]R'r.
at your choice. mall.
These goods are worth front 7c to lye per yard at
Children's Dresses and
!Middy Waists 55c
Children's Oreses made from blue and tan linette.
laced front, *leo another style. buttoned front and
trimmed with ted piping. Very nobby little
Dresses for girls from 5 10 9 years of age. Also
white Middy Waists with red or blue collar and
tie. On sale Saturday morning at each 550
House Dresses S1.10
House Dresses made from hest qualite navy print.
Full skirt cut in one of the season's best styles_
A garment that is really remarkable S1 10
value- Choice Saturday morning.. . 1 • 1
Embroidered Waists $1.10
New white Waists, Bost quality cotton vale
handsomely embroidered. T1 iwnLed with white
or (anti colors. Waist. that are worih 81.25 to
11.50 at least. A special purebase at special
price •enables us to sell thew at eacb ..
Corsets 89c
Here is another Corset Bargain. Corsets made
from extra quality white could heavily boned and
extra strong hose supporter'., One of the best
Corset values that bas ever been on our counters.
Sizes 19 to 116. Selling Saturday at per Q(lic
pair ��7
Bleached Table Damask 7Sc
Tan ends only heavy Bleached Table Damask.
genuine Irish make. Neat and •ttractive pat-
terns. Just received this week. You will pay
double this price for it before losg if the war con-
tinue,. ;3 yards to sell Saturday morn- 75c
ing at per yard..... ...
"You never know what you can do
till you try," said a writer, "and then
you are genteelly entry you found
Special ties
H eat�ng
Ea estroughing
Metal Work
Electric Wiring
Mysterious Lady • Myth.
I'be st try published in Maele•n's
Magazine, and ree.ted at a meeting of
the G. C. 1. Literary Society, in which
Major -teener ed Sam Hughes was
warned by a mysterious lady at
Quebec of a plot to silk the transports
c.lnveying the Canadian troops to
Europe, is now authoritatively de-
clared to be ectios. Maclean's Maga-
zine prluta lbs following announce -
The story was written by • Von -
&teal newspaper man and was pub-
lished by Maclean.' Magazine as fiction
purely and simply, and wail listed
under ''tctba' in the table of contests.
Nevertheless it was so realistic sled
tilted the actual facts so convincingly
that readers could sot help wondering.
was It really tree after all t Hence
the wave sod interest that
is epi
over Oas•da sad resulted
flood of enquiries."
Though Meeks sway it will pay you
ort visit our its cream parlor rite de-
licioos quality of oar cream and eats.
foetalde-.M/isja will make 11
worth while. T. 3. aaLesLti, phone
There see same %laptl4Mr• wise
sitter ne tags. et rtsjo0.�
dowels pr f virt.
Liverpool. plated 1a a
as ovllserarM's a' m
el •osot'
the twa.Uaas _ "wshe
apt Tem NWRah/ voustry Harped roe
An honest Sunday- school boy has
explainers "suffering from righteous -
nes sake" as "having to come tr sign.
da y school "
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ario Agricultural College.
We sell the Aoverwment
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