HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-4-22, Page 74 THE SV;"' A i. _ GODERICH INTARIO TNOMIDAT. APRIL L' 1916 7 ECONOMICAL—Heats the house well without burning all the coal you can buy. Suns Myrna CieGives steady, even heat on least fuel. See Cie McClary dealer or write for booklet. Sold by W. R. PINDER DONT WAIT! Do It Now HAVE YOUR HOUSE WIRED BEFORE THE SPRING RUSH BEGINS, AND MIMINMREW AVOiD THE RUSI1 ' All wiring done by the latest Hydro -Electric rule: • All work guaranteed. • Electric repairing ot all kinds promptly attended to, at rea- .onable prices. ▪ We carry a complete and iup- to-date line of Electric Fixtures and ,Supplies at; all times. ROBERT TAIT Electrician ELECTRIC R.4.YGES and HEATERS .4 SPECIALTY_ Office 82-4UST PHONE—House13 Mute* every... has emehig Me dlas ..s I . s ee eats t. Cheers Weed relict �►u►erlaie's Rpss Seswaek ase Luer Tablets. wienweli ape bowies eiati ]a iwadw . Sae- se W wail hemf p.mkolala MLsifli.. C... Terme, Caen Down. The great specialist's patient. aft er many weeks of treatment. had at last been declared cured of an ••incurable" dises.e, and with • grateful feeling be asked the physinisn the amount of his NIL 'rime &speeds. err> Jeer sir," said the .peelalist."Whomever 1 treat a man 1 .ways make it a point to deist - mine hie occupation and how large a family he has to support. Then 1 make out soy loll secordingly. May 1 ask what you do for a living?" "1 ani a poet," replied the patient solefully. "In that caw." raid the physician. "if you will give me the money in mita now, it will be a dollar and • half." 4,114‘..: o' I iii ‘ iv 1, (.04-,.N..--- c • r Don't Wait For Business - Work For It! Working, not waiting, will retake your business prosper. It is often a long, weary road to busi- ness success, and the goal is seldom reached by waiting for opportunity to c_ c to you! Perhaps you have a plan in mind for promoting business. Why not turn to your Long Distance Telephone and test out the possibilities of your pian? Your personal appeal will go far towards making it a success. Put the power of your personality into your efforts! It costs little to find out by Long Distance Telephone how you can get more business --the telephone may give you just the help you need to pull prosperity your way -f.... nett 7. Mit Dewey M • Ley flestooro Newt a.m " The 161 Telephone Co. of Canada. :.0" riV GOVERMENT NAMES NEW UCENSE BOARD J. D. Flavus el Lindsay le chairman of New C.mmlealon—Dutl.• *tart In Few Warks Tie Ontario Government announ:•d ea Saturday night the appointment of the pprovlaclal board of license tote- missloners. who will henceforth ad- minister the liquor license law In Ontario, and w1!I have absolute- con- trol of the regulation and restr cion of the traffic- 4 The commissioners are as follows Chairman—J. D. novelle of L!ndsay. Vice-chairman—W. 8. Dingman of Stratford. Frederick Dane of Toronto. George T. Smith of Hailcybury. John A. Ayearat of Tor.,nto. In making announcement of these appointments the Government was particular in stating that no ,appli- cation had come from any of them, but that eech was c^ossa in of h is fitness for such a position. The new olfcers are well known throagb. out the province. and according to the Premier's statement "were ptcktd for qualifications, experlt nee and public standing." The appointments take effect on May 5, and a proclamation has been issued bringing the specie! act of last session Into force at one.. This will not Interfere with the workings of the local boards for this year. and they will accordingly issue the usual licenses. but this will con- lade their responsibilities. After May 6- the new board will assume compete contro:. The salaries to Le paid are as (o' - lows: Chairman, $6.5(0; vice-chairman jg,WO, the other membtrs race:; :u; $4,1100 each. The present license branch . organ- isation will be taken over by the board and re -shaped to t: .t tit new conditions. Although no anuour.ce- ment is made it is semi -official -7 In- timated that the present chief licens officer, Eudo Sahnders c.1 1 l .come associated with the commission as secretary or in sane capacity where his exceptionally wide knowledge o: the license laws and his long ex- perience in administration will be of the most service. REBUKED TWO MEMBERS Premier Borden Promises Prosecution of All Who Defrauded Government As the outcome of the investigations of Public Accounts Committee at Ot- tawa Etawa the Dominion Gov'erument -has decided that henceforth the centre' of the purchase of all war supplies «hart be placed in the hands ofy a single commissioner or perhaps a commis- sion of three men. The Premier, speaking just before the prorogation of Parliament, dealt impressively with the cases of Mr. Garland, the t'onaervative member for Carleton: and Mr. Foster, the Con- servative member for Kings. N.3., who' figured largely in the invest!• Rations of the . ommittee. He said a was his painful duty to say to th Hale and country that their conduct merited :Led met with Ws grave uis- a:'protal. ire rt•v:ewed the two cases ••. which tie se n:ejttte-s were in- - ed. and as:d that their sta:e- lo. ate were not satisfactory. sir Robert. In the course of a long and ct'efully-prepared address. an- :.o.:nced :ac d. t rmL'tat on of th., Govern:, • it to !o:!cw up the work ..f the T C AC( Ones r. rt'int on in the civil four', (rr all moa -•y of which the Dominic.. Go. taera:nt had be. n d�'taudcd, a':1 ems.. i:c c':raiaa'ly a1 pers;: ,s wt..) a.. d. ! a:.0 d t,.e G, ezt:ment. -.r a.-,.1:rid Laurier bi way o: tom - 1,t Laid t::at the 1 rime Mtnieter rias very severe its metn.t out Lave. punishments to 0-.v'ure horse traders in Nova Scotia wile had tut the t.ov- ernment in a hole by telling the truth to the Public Accounts t'..mm*t're. but be- .:as far more ;xarded when Le came to- discuss offences by people higher up and asso fetid with him .silt eal!y. !owev.r. S:r Wilfrid .iopeJ for Scud results. SAFEGUARDING THE VOTE Six ticrutinee-s to go Overseas to Take the Soldiers' Ballots The official prorogation of Parlia- ment was J.layed for three hours last Thursday w :!le the Senate considered :he hill 'to g:.e votes to soldiers on •ct1rc service. The measure finally .gas passed. however, after two amend- -.pets bad Lan added In the Upper louse. One of these provided for the appointment .:f six scrutineers. three 1 y the Prime Minister and three by :he leerier o: the .Oppcs!tion with :thorlty to go overseas and appoint ..••pity ecrut neers at the front. The second amendment provided that the measure should not come Into effect o far as .sting ot:talde of ('anadi 1, concerned except upon the certifi- cate of Lord Kitchener that the law would not interfere with military emclency. This latter provision t' d not suit the Premier and his co agues. but a compromise was reach. I providing teat Intlteed of Lord 1(1tth•ater. the consent of the King in ('otmc9 should be secured. Germany's Insuflnd Dais tae Rome correspendrnt of Tie Ttjd newspaper of Amst. rdam says the German Embassy In Risme has asked the Belgian Government through Me Belgian Legation to the Quirtts& whetter 1n the event of the German MAtm evacuating Belgian terries", llsiglee would continue neutral dim Ing the rem•Iader of the war. The oorl. po.deat adds that ileiglem'. Waver 1s masons. IhIN Magi wee Mel sod two ether Maass mauled le as eh Meeks whirs wrested a been r .sMkstetr. The appla.tve was d► Phretuly parses a plesss eed.wm 7fe Od+•ses re stew Ming Was IOW 'RaiM le eat• egret es mom OWES HER LIFE TO other points assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Shaver to show Weir: love and regard by heart first congratu- lations and good wishes. During the evening while the friends lingered «Fail, fivis„ I►bout Le festive hoard, • couple of fifty years and in expressing the wishes (bat the remaining Dost might. be spent in well-earned rest anti happi- ness. with the hope of a glorious lrwoslatloo. It was much commented upon that while aims hours of sadues. bad come thraugh the lose of friend. yet in the family itself no break had curve in all the years. There are two sons --Herbert H., of Hamilton, and Albert M., who represents !be third generation on "Rosedale Farm": and three daughters -Mrs. (Rev.) W. X Hayward, of Toronto ; hint ( Dr.) J. R. Smith. of Grimsby, and Mrs. F. W Reinke, of Hamilton. Mrs. Name is an aunt of Miry Minnie Harris• of town. CSN 110 Staid) Tre*le Issischos TALWISISTow, Oren, JUN x icth. tgte •'I really believe that I owe my life to '•Praia.-.-tives". Ever since child- hood, I have been under the care of physicians and have been paying doctor's bills. I was so sick and worn out that people es the street often asked me if I thought I could get along without help. The same old Stomach Trouble and distresaiog Headaches nearly drove me wild. Sometime ago, I got s box of "Prud- e -dyes" and the fret box did me good. My hn.band was ted and advi- sed a continuation of r use. Today, I am feeling fine, and a physician meeting me on the street, noticed my improved appearance sad asked the reams. I replied 'I aim NktagPrint-a-fives" Hemel 1 Fruit -a -fives are =akin you look so well, go ahead and take Men. Teey are doing more for you than I cam".. Yea H. & WILLIAYB. Pruit-s-tives " are sold by all dealer s at 5oca box. 6 for Iles°, trial sift isc. or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Print -a -uvea Limited, Ottawa. .sOurs were spent iu nvie•.ving the A little girl,wae teaching her little brother the Lord'. Prayer the other night, and when she had said, "Give us this day our daily bread," he sud- denly called out, "Pray for syrup, too, aisles': pray for syrup. too... ST. AUGUSTINitn. TrEtwDAv, Atril 13. Nirr*W.-Mr. and Mrs. John Shan. ahan, of Clinton, visited their daughter, Mrs. J. W. Boyle. this week ' Mimes Mee Redmond and A. Brophy have returned to lioderich eft and Mrs. John Elliott visited at Wu,, McAllister's last Thursday Mr. Gilbert Greaves is on the sick list thio M. G. CAMERON AT LONDON. week Mr. and Mrs. Hugh King visited at John Redmond's on Sunday. Mie. Lottie and Mr. Victor Johnston have returned to \Vingharu. Miss L. Welsh returned home on Tuesday after visiting her friend. Mies B. McAllister. "The War and Canadian Patriotism" Subject of Fine Address. IFrun. The London Free I're..,, April 1-o "War and Canadian Patriotism," an address delivered to the Canadian Club last evening by '1. (i. Cameron, K.C., of liodericb, proved to be a rousing recruiting speech which Mr. Cameron himself prefaced by the remark that it might be more effective before a mired audience, jt dealt, however. with the Dominion's place in the Selling Electrical Supplies. ('ollingwood Bulletin : In St. Mary. the water and light commission realise McLEAN BROS. Semi -Ready Tailors •NOW IS THE TIME to order your new Spring Suit. We have a large var- iety to choose from and can fit anyone from a two=vear- old boy to the largest man. McLEAN BROS. e the unreasonableness of crushing out other apparatus that will conflict with the local dealers in electrical supplies, that supplied by the commission. hence have reached an agreement with They are to have a margin of '3J per deceit. The merchants agree to "eery vent. for handling the goods. e a sufficient stock to supply .the de- agreement is to continue for a term of :wands of the existing trade. provide- three months from date, after which eptly displayed in, sbow windows and time it nuty he cancelled by either stores ; and advertise extensively- in party without notice. This Ml.1111.161 the local press. They agree to sell no like good business. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••. struggle for freedom against Prumialt • militarism. with an eloquence which won the speaker frequent and hearty applause. President B. C. McCann' was in the chair. "This war is not merely one agues but of ideals as. well." said Mr. Lamer- , on. "It is the principle of liberty on one sideand dominance on the other. It is whether might is to be regarded as the moat potent (actor or democe racy shall prevail. "Now. what shaft Canada's attitude be Britain's sovereignty over Canada u not constitutional hut of the heart. The law does not compel a man to leave these shores to tight for any- body, not even Britain. No force can molest him in the quiet ot his home, unless it be his own conscience. But ' • there is a responsibility. With Ger- many victorious in Europe Canada would, no doubt, be attacked and sub- ject to the outrage and pillage that prevailed in little Belgium. The na- tional existence of Canada is at stake. "Why do w- hesitate % The war has only begun. Yet there does not seem to be an anxiety—to put it mildly—on the part of Canadians to offer them- selves. to their country and go where : CANADIAN STEEL WIRE FENCING 11 • • We have just received a carload of CANADIAN Farm Fence,. Hog Fence 0 and Poultry Fence. This Fencing is of the very hest wire and heavily galvanized. $ We bought this Fencing before the 7 war tax was put on, and we are going to • give you the benefit of it while it lasts. .. • 7, No. 9 and 1'2 wires, 26 inches High, stays 12 inches.apart. '22c a rod -- ` • •• •• •• • • • No. 9 •" 49 „ No. 9 No. 9 Coiled Spring Steel Wire 2x:. inch Barbed Wire at 2xt1 inch " at 16 " " 2Mc a ref '22 " 32c a roll • 22 ' ` 27c a rod - - - - i.calb. l3.00 per pout of w rod's $3.15 -per spool of NI rods, • • If you require Fencing now is the time to buy if you want to save money. • •• •• danger is. Of coprse we are not wait- • • log for • repetition of what has taken • place in Belgium. Bleeding, weeping Belgium loots out ever the sea to the western hemisphere arid warns us of what our fate may be if we tail to do our duty. Did there ever exist • bar- barian horde capable of more refined cruelty than was practised in that peaceful and Iovefy Land by the Germane Don't let it he said that we propose to remain quiescent until the Germans invade thew shores. •'1. our patriotism purely k -el in its character % it cannot be doubted that a man would tight to the last on his own soil. hut we should desire to were wherever the cry of mirroring huruan- ity is hesrd. 1 mos safely ray we are not willing that deeds committed in the name of the King of Heaven, but only properly *tit deniable to the king of hell, should be condoned or forgiven. "The days of Canadian chivalry have not depute.] W Are proving that Canada bleeds men as brave as • ever trod the soil. Native-born lana- . diens, however, have not up to A re- cent time volunteered as freely as ex- j • pected. The call is not less distinctly beard than at the commencement of • the war, hut on the cont,ary more • argent. it is not, however. a were •, question of men at the front. it is beyond the region of d,scu.- • cion that those who remain at home are just as powerful • factor in their • various spheres. Three who do not go to war are just as brave as those who do. They give their loved ones and possess the spirit nt the true soldier. Think how they sutler ! "ie it necessary to emphasize •ire fart that the enemy is the meet for- • midable Britain ever enuagwf % The war is ter from being over. The (ler- twins are still nearer Paris than ee are to Goderich, say. An alarm has been sounded that should awoken to action the moot callous and unoose corned in this fair land. And when Prnssiao militarism fails the people of that nation will he treed from the spell under whkeh they have Iona la- bored and demncrncy will rale. The twentieth century must be devoted to the higher nnnoerns of life, the amel- ioration of the elseeea, and those things which really matter when the last analysis is made. Then thee* will be reason to expert unlver.sl peace." • • • • • • • •• • • • • • •• • • • • • • • Golden Wedding. Fifty years apo at ('ransford, 1. Ashfield township, two young people commenced a united Mie that all the time eines ha, bees .pent on the bome.Mai lectern as "Rosedale Farm." • {e Ammeter township, 7. coot rata- Mg Wseti.. were Jet -oh A. Shaver and Mies Nary A. Harris, and the offleIat • Ing siw*feias wag file lot. Rev. Wm. • Dryers, who panted table reward saes. Mae year. ego in Narseee at the tips I. ads el debt tear. The only penes • present et the coeds. wedding who .s iered the bride sed vomit et Nty years ago wee Dee eI fie 4idasesid.. • skew of the bride, Mrs. Wm. fINaeer, of Aeeester. On Monday, Illereb MIR, some misty relatives mad Moeda t..m Aae.eter, aren . caM..11l t HaYtoar fbroate sad A roof is not a thing to be chosen lightly, You are bound to choose ,petal as sure pro- tection from lightning and fire. But how, can you tell which is best ? Let us tell you how we test The galvanising which forms the PRESTON Safe -lock SHINGLE,. Admit we have as much at stake ea you. W think we have more. Our whole future depends un the Iron we put on your and your neighbors' barns. The 11t• of our business. la the farmers' good-willft our own teat 1s wvrre. It i* our own way of insuring our business against failure. protection from rust and ruin. we put to the Britiah Government tests—add tests. This is harder on galvanizing than the storms. the wind. the heat, the frost of twenty years. But, when we send .,01 PRES- TON Sate -Lock SHINGLES we know that they mal gtvs the best sen n.. bring new friends and new business. PRESTON Safe -tock SH 1 NGLE S Manufactured by THE METAL SHINGLE a SIDING CO.. Limited. Preston. A RIG ROOK FOR FARMN.Ms -Better Rsddtni, " Note to woe metal to the best •dt•awtage on the feria Itow't bell/ before gee see 1t Ark for o FREE. copy. Are you going to use FERTiLIZER 7 If Lit call and get our prices, whi, h are quite interesting. A carload of PORTLAND CE.ME.NT is jest in. if you require any, stet it off the car and save the cost of extra teaminv. it will soon be tie.. I, ' • tnsying. Do not forget that we have a wap for you in LIME. SVLPMVR at se.00 per 1.r'rel. Are you going to lave any PLUMBING dome? We have two practical plumbere and guarantee every job we do: and what ie more, we invite inspection and test All work pro.sptly attended to •ed Cully guaranteed. The same aslpltes to Heating, Electric Wiri ig and Steam Pitting. Have you enough COAL to carry you through to the warm weather' We have just received several re llos& of freshly mined Scranton Coal anti can give prompt wombs to orders Al Coal weighed os markt scales. MAPLE. SLABS. MIXED WOOD AND KINDLING. CHAS. C. LEE Phones: HOSE 12 • • i •' • • • • •• • • • • • •• • •• •• • • •• •• •• •• • • • •• • • • •• • I• • • a •1._•U•••••••••••••••••••• •••••••amaikei