HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-4-22, Page 6Tetliteriav, AMIE *2415 •••••=•••••10M1•4=10 ••••••••••"illool".- MR SIGNAL GODRIUCH ONTARIO THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE BEWARE OF THE unsr Termite Cattle Market Representative prism met.- Shipp:ng steers IT• 14 to $7 .86 liandy choice steers-7.40 7.44 hutLher steers. 110011• • • • 7-10 7.41 do. ineilltom 4.66 7.10 do. common .......-. 6.00 11.66 Heifers, choice 7.00 1.36 do good 4.10 7.00 do. medium 6.76 6.64 Butcher cows, choice- 4.26 6.75 do. good .. 6.76 6.25 do. madium 6.26 6.76 IMITA- do. eornmou .. 476 6.76 Butcher bulls. choice.... 6.26 4.76 TIONS do. good butts ........ 6.76 6.15 do. medium ..... 6.118 6.76 OOLD ON do. rough bologna...4.50 6.26 THE Feeders, 960 to 1.100 lbs. CH 7.04 MERITS Or do. bulls , 4.76 6.76 Stockers. 750 to 900 lbs. 6.116 6.16 do. med., 650 to 711111 6.16 6.25 . 2.76 4.26 IINARD'S Canale Cut terril s 4.25 4.16 Milkers. cholas eacts65. 00 14.04 LINIIIENT de. emuand med40.00 66.04 .11pringers 96.04 Calves, real. champ-. 7.60 9.64 BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES hound or repaired. iri./1.1) LETTERING oo LEATHER GOODS AuVttatndr° t T1nilLseetei. A. E. TAYLOR, 131RATTORD. KILDICAL ikt. (iEO. ligILEMANN, OSTK- 14/ PATH. evert...WA in women. and chit Oren'. theorem.. acute. doonic and OOTTOWI unarm eye, err. now and throw.. partial deaf i.lumbago and i heamatic condiucio.. Ade nolo- rell101,- without the kolfe. odic* at re-mence /mover Nelmn and St_ Andrew . at Icel.. At home ofitor Mooday- 1% edt,r.d.Y. ADO .SMUTDILy• •ny eTPOOtt h) .PPODWaeC". R. F. J. R. 1,015/3TER-.-BYR, EAR, red target sous Beam saremo, aiYork ophthalmic rod Aland Umlaute, h.ar. Somas& 1 treat fleselool. equate. sea Moorefield eye ilemitel. Lodes. England. 41111ws bib vi.Watackvo Waft. Seniased, opposite Moos Chards. Hours 11. • es 15 s. ts. 6.IOIp.. T is Teteseone ar• - - W H. AND MINNIE M. GREER. 11 . Chiropractors, sulne and nerve e pecudiete. Chtroproctic the ecience that ctae. without drug. or knife. Tree examina. two. Dike over Sharman . 81sse lucre. en trance es gao wrest. Phooe 30L OS tin AUCTIONEEL THOMAS GUMMY A.CoTioNLER. Nos 67. Ooderich. All inunitsioas by mad ten at &suet Ake wal be prompt -1Y at ended to. Iteturi•noe telephone 119 LEGAL 1,1 C. HAYS ""haillthotetpitt.;:dtiCIToo, isooaRe timer suier461164..m•llsrek., Ilatailtea 8 reet. - Kea berme Losio• 11411-1aesesiove. PROUDFOOT. 'CILIA/RAN & Pltut:DFOOT RA ItitISTEL.n. S01.11 ITORS. NOTARIES PUistio, ETC. _ Oillieten the Ssaare..econd door from R&M O wn Asset. tiodlerieh. eft wow fundto loan et lowest nite. W. Pwot nroor. J. L. Liu ease W. Peoutwoor. Ja. --- 0. CAMERON. t. C.. R4J5RI8- 181TEL saunter, sews Mahe. Mess - #1,.....ause trreet. Ooderich. Wei Item Ire -oiler*. At t'llr.tor. Tborwlay of each week entre we Albert met ur,uMed by .31, Heaver. OWhour.% a.m. to • p IHARLES ()ARROW, LLB.. BAR art.uroey. etc-. Gale- ▪ llaaeY to Wed Illorent WO. " SEAGER, BARRISTER. SOL- etil-e"tr. Ngri .latevr,cvd • HIEURANCE, LOANS. ETC. 120,000 PRIVATE FIJIODet TO loan. 'Apply to M. 0. CAM. &RON. Barrivar Hamilton .troet. °newish. - - W14 ROBERTSON. INSURANCY AGENT. boo: •Nn CIDACD&U and American. liZunarrr. SICIEN-laff AND Itseetovans' rro The Oman Anrideut and Guarantee ..'urpoesuon, Lituli.ed. of London. Enz. triDat.ITT •NDUCAR.ANTKII HO1US. The U.S. V.delity end Ouarantee urnotny. loam at radd.,e,.. nortboa-t turner of Vic. Levi. and St. David . et -sets. •Irbovie 176 - :RILI OP IlliTUAL FIRK IN• 14CRANt E Cc.`. Fsnrand t prtrysrlif mourn& 14. Meldein. P154.. atederte P.0.; VI Oonsolty. ViemPre.., Godwin\ P. 0.; Theentle 1. Hera tiec.-Trena. flerdoetli 0. r. arGregor. seametk Orbs 1) °neva Winthrop; Willman Wu. Cordons% . 14eunevre4. Ittro..:Mieen AMIN. /▪ twit woa;: Irt0b.v. feria. Heeselt:g alieavree. tirstreseid. ; 3. W ; Al... 1.eite warns. . Beiderth 1110010.7. t15at modarierag h evre=thvved. ROM t (.*S Orelery. gemesesestesst. MAIIIIA It LICENSES IMIND WALTRK g. KLLY, J.P., 001) on, ONT. HOVER Of Ma1tlaa06, UCESsIs. otheleasmoldloOsal• Brophey Bros. OODERICH '.e Leadisg Nora! Directors am/ embalmers Orders eiseedally atlawded ea at all hours. night ere day. do. medium . 8.00 7.0) do. common 4.60 7.04 do. grass ......... 1.60 4.64 Bob calves, each 1.60 7.04 Lambs, yearling, light9.50 11.01 do. medium 8.00 9.54 do. heavy . 7.60 8.04 do. culla 7.00 7.64 Spring Lamle, esech6.00 11.00 Ewes. high. 7.00 8.04 Sheep, heavy and bucks 6.60 7.00 00 4.25 Hogs, off cars s 9.10 9.26 do. fed and watered8.85 9.0d do. f o.ti 11.60 8.66 Fermer's Market Following are the basest gootations tor farm produce at St Lawrence Market, Toronto. Wheat. bushol 51 40 Goose wheat 1.35 Oats . .65 Barley .83 Buckwheat 86 Rre 1.15 Pella 1.25 Hay, timothy. No 118.00 Nixed and clover 14.00 Straw. bundled 17.00 do. IoosP 10.00 Butter. choice dairy.33 Eggs, new laid. doz. .22 Chickens,, dressed. lb .22 Fowl, lb. .19 Ducks. Ib.' .14 Turkeys. lb. .26 Geese, lb. .16 Live chickens, lb.16 do. hens, lb. .15 do. ducks, lb. .13 do. geese. lb. .13 Apples, basket .25 do. barrel 3.00 Potatoes. bag .60 Onions, small basket.25 Green onto is. 2 bun.05 Lettuce. 2 bunches .05 Parsnips, smal; basket.15 Cabbages, each .06 Pork, lb. .15 Dressed hogs 10.00 1.ar4. lb. .16 to $1.41 0.01 .6; .84 0) 0.0; 1.35 21.04 .160) 18.01 12.0) .37 . .23 .21 .21 .11 .28 .18 .11 .1i .1i .15 .4i 4.0.1 Toronto -Grain Prices The following wholesale prices are quoted at the Toronto Board of Trade: Manitoba Wheat -No. 7 norzhcr 51.68, late pert.:. No. 2, 21.67; No. 3 $1.64%. Manitoba Oats -No. 2 C.W.. 721.c; No. 3 C.W.. 708ec. trAk, :ay pot.. No. 1 nod, saruple cats. 60c. Ontario Oats -White, otitaide.-61c t 1 Etc. Ontario Wheat -No. 2. per car lo'. 51.48 to 81.53. American Corn-C.I.1:. bay ports to • opening of na.lgation. No. 2 yellow, blieC. No. 3 yellow, Silvio Peas --No. 2. 81.75 to $1.80. car lots, outside. Rye --No. 2, outside 81.00 to $1.11. Barley -Good malting barley, out- side. 73c to 75c. Roiled Oats -Car 'lots; per hkg of 90 pounds. 81.40; in smaller lot' 53 50 to $3.55, %Vindsor to Montreal. Buckaheat-80c to 82c . car lotv, outside. Mt:heed-Car lots. per ton, blots He to 527; shorts, UR to 829; min dlingo 833 to 134. good feed flioir, 538 to $39. Cattle at Montreal Butcherscattle, tho:te.$7.75 do. med:um 6.50 do. common 1.110 Canners 3 50 Butehers' cattle, cows6.25 do medium 1.51 do bulls Milker; choice. each... 65.00 do. tom. and med ...55.60 Springers 45.00 Sher p, 'era 6.75 Burks Eli :tiffs .6.26 LAmbs 3 26 Hogs. off cars 91 roves 2 6/ 1 to 53 7.25 6.01 .fi 1 6.5) e.o) 5.75 70.")) Eos' 11.:ffalo Cattle Cattle -Ht aloe end s1.a47; otheOl ; prime sn-ers. 88,25 $11.50; sh3o ing. 87.60 to $;.17.; bu chers. 65.00 to 58.26; heifors, 150o te 8776; 3 etro $3.504 to 8700, buils, $4.50 to $6.:e Veals- actlie, 54.544 te 614.50 Heel- Art a e and steady: heavy. We to 8S.O5; miesd. 58 415 to 88.10; yorkvvri. 58.10. Ism 8804) tn 52.10; r; %as $6 71 to $6.86; stags. $504 to 56 OS Sheep a :.t1 Iambs -Active; lambs. $$04) to 814410; rearltult#. $6.P to as 3S. wethers. 87 21 to $7.501 ewes, $300 to 9410; steep mixed. 57 00 to 5715. ad A".•••••••••••••0.edhd‘.040001,40%.001/1004.1.0•0 illhafWW•Of••••••••••••••11/%0110%.101041010% County and District Ell. M., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Elliott, of Bellmore, was married on April 21et. t G. N. Johnston. of White -church. %Vm. l'errie has bought the 100 -acre farm, known All the Coates Vann, on the 1414 concession, Grey, from hie brother, Alex. Mr Kanto), of Toronto, has leased the tan. of Thos. Poll/std. near Win- throp, and intends going Hato the bog - rasing businese. Mr. 11'etister. of the 614 concession. McKillop, is preparing to erect • new house OD the farm be recently pur- chased from P. Kerr. The house ma barn of Joseph Shaw, of the 3rd concession, Motris., were struck by lightning on the Ilth init. and daniaged to the extent of PO BRUsSILLS. Fred liurehill bas one to Simone to take charge of the lightning -rod busiireqi of It. Trench of Teestwater. Mrs. Herron. who has not been en- joying good health ot lato. is let MOO tog to %Vinghans to live, es she owns property in that town. Owing to the prevalence of measles Lb e public school was cloard a week longer than u3ual at Easter and the building was thorcughly fumigated during tbe holiday Mk.. Margaret Jane Whitipg. a former well-known resident here, died at Brandon. Man. on March Istla. Sire was the moiber ot [hitter° childien, seven of whom survive. Elva, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Lamont, was married on April 1414 1., Samuel Bell, of near Teeswater. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Addie have The ee rein( ny was perfottued by Rev. rented their fariii,3in the 13th conees- A. .1. Mann. Theo will reside near mon of Grey, to Mr. Blinco, of At. Teeswater. wood, and will reroove to Stratford to live. Eveeett 0. Walker. a former Morris townstop boy. was married on April 3rd to Ella Franres Bate, at Brandon, Manitobs.. They *4* reside at Regina, Seal. Janie,. Leslie. son of John Rime of I.eadbury, died on April 13th after undergoing an operation for an affec- tiost of the ears. He was twenty•two years old. Mts. %Vto. Patton, who for forty- five years bad lived at Ethel, died at the home of her nephew, at Hespeler, on April likh. She was seventy-nine year* old. Alexander Edgar died •t his home on the 304 concession. Howiek. on April 1st. He was eight -three years old and is survived by iris wife and five sons. J. J. Irvine. of McKillop. has leased his farms to Thoeues Pryce and sons. Of the 331erree Mr. Irvine retains 36 for his own use, es well as the dwell- ing houee and orcbards. ViOnsJohn Rowchtfe died at the home of his parents on the ith concession. tisbortie. on April 12th. The decesied had been unwell for Witte time. He Was in his thirty-fifth yeas. Wm. Bender. proprietor of theCons- asercial.hotel. Heiman. was fined VW recently for a second offence of selling liquor without a license. Inspector Tort ance laid the information. Annie, only daughter of Mr. and Mts. Thoo. Richerdron, of Kipper]. we. married to Atchie Noakee, of Godes ,ch township. on April 7th, by Rev. W..1. Doherty, of Henson. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Lake, of t be 411i conceseion, Grey, announce the engagement of their daughter. Olive M.. to Me. Arthur C. Remy. ot Ethel, the marriage to take place this month. Mrs. Wm. Aikenhead Passed away after a long illness at her home- near Brucefield on April 9th. She was in ber fiftieth year and leaves' her bus- baod and eight chikiren to niourn ber loos. iticluad C. Llodgins passed away at his home on the south bounJary of Usborne on April 6th. He had been unwell fur the part two yea's. The widow, five daughters and twn sons survive. .John Jackson died at his home near Hensel! on Sunday-. April lith. in his aventy-eighth year. He 0.50 4041) in Ireland but had lived in Huron county many years. The wife mud a grown- up family survive. The barn of Thos. Adams, of the Oth concession, Hullett, was struck by lightning on Sunday. the llth inst. Terre young calves and a number cf hens were killed and the building con- siderably damaged. The banns of marriage were pub- lished in Zurich Homan Catholic church of Emma Ducharme. of tbe Bronson line, end Louis Brisson, of Dryedale. Also of Agnes Chairette. of the Siluble line. and Frederick 8ie.. mon, of Zurich. Mahe! Annie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Btown.of Hullett. wee mar - On Apt' 13th to William Herbert Hoggarth, by Hey. C. Keine They will reside on the teouthcombe term oh the fith conceniou, Hullett. %Illicit the groom recently pirichaeed. Or. April Edward Rando an aged resident of Hullett, answered the final summons. He was horn in York county seventy-two years ago and hiul lived on the Lsrm on wbich he died for forty-eight years. The widow, six sons and two daughters sui vive. Isaac ;Metcalf, a pioneer of Turn herr' township. died at Wingharn on April loth, in hie eighty find year.. The deceased was born in Yorkshire. England, eniloame Canaan, nearly sixty -year* ago. Sips I435 he bad lived in the vicinity of Winghani. Wotil has leen received of the acci- dental &ell) in British Columbia id Geo. Bucbanan. son of Mr. A. Buchan- an. of Hensel). The deceased was en- gaged in tunnel work for the C. P. R. when w rock fell on bite. kith*, hitn lo-•tantly He was twenty-nine years Outage Live Meet Cattle-. Martet beeves 14.76 to St eows sad totters. $3 10 ta $11.116, eafree. 26.76 to $11.26 Hoge --Market weak. Hitt. $7 44 ts 57 $8 • Wised. 81 35 to 1771; heavy $7 te $7.0. rough. 57 to $7146; Mot 1414 as $7, hit of vales. MU te ••••/_Yermoills, Jos*" e 17.0$ sad MM. Newer. of Mama barna{ . 11110.0 --Market strong; agrivw min es• sipouber Goo doter ell the sg $$ ye; was*. astilva, se ee is seen The Illimposi Malt Maim se Poe Neer 1=*a sarviewiltatageeridloetad 3.111. notherfeed. old - Mabel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Culbert. nf Dungannon, wise mar- Mro Edwar Monte 4 at her ried on April 14th to Geeirge Glazier, 1st me here on April 81.13, in her eight - of Ashlield. The ceremony. which beh year. She was born in Renfrew took place et tbepenronagesistekocw, county aod cause to Clint -in with her was performed by Rey 14. Bridarette. husbeind thirty -eve years ego A Th. roving couple will reside on the family of We survive. of Ashfiekl. here with be lira contingent. bas ar- Private os. Haadslev. who lat. groom's farm on the 6th eoneesrion rived hotels, having home invalided oot Samuel Chamber*, an aged and re Directed resident of Rthel, died on ef the arasy. He wee twenty-ooe days April h He wise been in tokens' in lb* tomedies in Femme and is wilier - seventy Ave years ago end came to mg with en 'Owed wrist aed what - Caned. in 1954. He had since made herves• two tripe to the Old met Hie wife The Clinton tvairnag club hes bees and one daughter our •i Mrs. Ram. rersegpsaimd with the telbewing Rathwell. of Doderieh township. and were : Hos. praidleet. D. A. rtieteeles: Aire MelLel vey , Grey township. are t. W. Jealkatto t rice preseident, Meters of the deceased. . J. W. Stow t ernrwtary. F. T. Woe Margaret IlleDowald, (if the J.46.°111: tresawilme' J. a- 116""7 4.1.,5441r o( Ashlield sod Heron tams- wilw6Ser. Jobs Walla- ninsity-two yearn Th. deeeeeveri haelle Twinkle. twialde, little Mar -we to Horan limeraehip from Sentland know rgoet1T whet 704 are 115 0411•6 MIMS ribriell t10. bat sleeve we've • Wag nr two. °What ewe yam *dog mow, HIS r "roe eoltooting " "Oalleetliest wbist r "My theregista." "Oadi I yea were always hrehy lo MOUENM logy EXETER. Philip Blake has purchased Win. Choeren • residence on everting mired. Elizabeth Jean. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Hardy, of town. was married at Toronto on April Ilth ot James George Stuart Stenbury. barrister, of Exeter. . Rev. J. F. McLaughlin. of Victoria College. was tee officiating minister. Ches. Lindenfeld. who has been with J. A. titewart for the past twelve years in the geonal store business. has purchased a hardware business et Parkhill, and hoe already taken poin session. He has sold hie residence to Francis Bletchloril, 1 Csborne. The home of Mr. and Mr,. James Frayne wa• the scene of a pretty - wedding on Apr ii 14th. to ben their laughter, Margaret Jennie, was mar- ried to %Van. R. Parson*. Rev. W. 0. H. McAlister performed the cetemonv. The young couple will reside on tie farm the groom iecently purchased on the 2nd cooNvesion, Usborne. SEAL-OW:H. Miss &nth Neelin. who is to go to the front as • nurse, has gone to Ottawa, in readiness to sail with the next nut's,. contingent. The Seeforth band has purchased a double Beat bass instrument- for which $75 was paid. It is said to be' the cnly one of Ka kiod in Canada. Mrs. Maty Cernochan announces the eng.gemeot of her daughter, Eve Gertrude, to Jame- Lille, of Sturgeon Falls. the weddirig to take place quietly et the end of the month. The Seaforth flax mills are to com- mence operations again. There are two seasons crops on band and a repre- eentative of the company has been securing land on which to grow flax this year. Wm. M. Gray. a native of Seaforth. died recently at his home at Toronto. While in Se-Mora:1 Mr. Gray engaged in the salt ioclustry. He tetnoYed to Toronto sixteeu years ago and had been in the insurance bueeness. An aged resident of Seafortb. in the person of bins Geo. Hudson, died at the home of her nephews. Alex. and Geo. Lowery. of Mcksillop. on Satur- day, April loth. She had been unwell for some time and her death was not uncap* eted She was eeventy-five years of age. WINGHAH. .1. H. Beemer, who has been C. P. R. agent here for tharty years. has re- signed and will go to the front am a sergeant. Miss 5Iebel Oowse was married on April 710 to Arthur Edgar. of Culross, Hey. W. .1. Hihbert petrol med the ceremony. Word has been„receiv ed that Private Richard Edward had been killed in France. Mr. Edward was • British reservist.,and while bei -e worked for John Putland at the Brunswick hotel. On Wednesday, April 7th. Margaret E . deugbter ot Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Reid, of Winghaui, was quietly mar- ried at Stratfool to Hem W. White, of Detroit. Rev. Mr. McLean °Mei- •ted. Margaret A. Cerr, relict of the late Alfred Cody, died on Monday. April 1214, in her sixtieth year. Two daugh- tere, Mrs. W. J. Armour, (31 town, and lira. J. A. Dey, of tiouthempton. and one ,on. Frank Cody. of Toronto, survive. Alfred Galbraith, a foimer resident here, died recently at his home at Flint, Mu -b. He was engaged in the newepaper business and when .here W&5 on tbe staff of The Times. He was a brother of the late S. %V. OM - breath. a former editor of The Times, CLINTON. Frank Morris and Jame. Crich bare gone to London to join the thitd con- tingent. D. end Mr.. Gunn and Mrs. Don. Gunn are on an ezteodled trip through the tiouthern Staten and will visit tbe exp./minion M San Francisco. The engagement le announced of Cora V.. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Rathwell, to 011ver M. Valen- tine, 01 Brebdoe, Mao. 'The marriage is to take place III Yionlp.g about the end of the month. ships, died un April Mb at Ow age of For middle-aged and elderly people the ideal laxative is 'Lexstti, Cculettio The gentle but sure laxative Their effect en the bowels is erode. sooth- ing and strengthening. With advancing tote comes inactive bowel movement and aluggieh liver; through weak- ness. nature is unable to perform her proper functlwis und needs assistance. RexM Orderlies aid the secretions and 101,dettioo ivut-isair - ma& rvrivaainva •-!..t.' :::, =I: .2t4.11741.12 Made functions of the liver, stomach and bowels, ussur- Int a senile action without griping. They are the pierfec t. laxative fur roiddle-aged and elderly people and beteg so plea:ant to take are a boon to chili:reit. 8IP1111111 SIMMISA eserywhere eel! adman Orderlies. ant wall refund your mosey dim ...Ay reeeoo they fall to...tidy. In Canada and sold In metal boxes at 10c. 2k and 50c each at Reza/1 Stores only. Get a Bo: Today from 11. C. DUNLOP, Goderich. Ontario. 1 Buy the Modern Way Direct from PAGE FREIGHT PAID) You want the BEST FENCE at the LOWEST Palm The biggest real value for your mon,y. THEN -Why go to tbe dealer ? He doesn't make fence. He only tells it You pay him • profit -but he can't add a cent to the WORTH of your fence. He only adds to its cost. WHY -bele to pay tbe Organizer $70011 year. He WHY -help to pity t be Saleemanegerce EEO) salary' doesn t make fence. He merely sells it to the He doesu't make the fence. He merely hosoes Dreier. He gets • fine living -by raising the the Organizer -who sells to the resler-who PRICE (but NOT the QUALITY) of your Fence. finally sells to YOU. You pay him well. 50- to 76 of all the money you pay the Dealer for the Fence -goes to these three men, Yet the three together can't add a single day 40 44. 441. 04 your fence. But they can -and do -add many cents per rad tvi its price. When riso boy DIRECT from P A 1.1 It. you shre ALL your -fence-in on • y to the man who really make* the Fen - oe. Who put. Into It all the tjl: A LI TYand v. LUZ eau pay for.Therne only on* woman Profit bet worn you and ova The rest of your mosey bort H I II (WA LITTand • K -T 1 M K ISERVICK. PRICE LIST IlEAW FENCE maw 5 etre" eon ell= bre mmtee Mar 04..1 Owerrle 22 S. 9, 11. te ___ .... ... ss.st • 7 7 Se 41 22 Oti, T. 44. 9,1k....._.............. .. 12 5, 54. 7, 7, 9 ......... .J14 5 ll 32" t..5, 64.44%71.44.44. 4 -I* _-_-_- :re $ u $ 47 VMS 1. 1. .14!. 6. 6. 6. - .31 is 72 4. 5. 5 7, IT411 . . 11_.. ..... .35$ 47 1114 4, 5. 5 , 7, 5 , 4,4,.,.,., ..1J 9 1 451 1414 4.. 1. 6. 1. 1. 6. 6. 6 __ 12 22 6. 1.1. 4. 4. 6. 6...... _ . :um 9 53 4. 4. I, ett 7. 11 11. 9 .14 MI 49 111 12 U II 144 5. 3, 3, 3, 4,1 . v. 14,9.1 .41 AI 4.3. 1.3. Ks. 54. liniu.7. 5, 4.9 9,. .36 14 S. S. 3. I. 7. . f14. 5 as a* is Nay 04411111Pdsw 00 Baena. ALL Na. • cAuca SPECIAL FENCE Ne 8tee efte Meese 11•••••• Ma 1111. Uprielvve• WM. III. he e . easeek SAS 311-bee.40-incle .51 13 -ft. 4.35 Usft. Gate 4.114 14.44. Gana_ 4.55 See twels RIM 25Iles. Ream .75 FREIGHT PAID ON 0410e1S Ole Mee OR OVIR WHYsnore rt •he ewer WHV P A ill p res for fen not hall a. WHgjs.. the 4404y for Ye!4rThink his en er' Mall your • order .44 ca.b. cheek. rtmney ..pre'. 0. ler or hvnk draft to the nes re. t PAIVE Wanda tier vo• 131:47, VIENce: at the Lowe.; nine- Prelirht PAID 11. order and over. • 1M I 87 Church St. TORONTO PAGE WIRE FENCE CO., LTD. perT 1137 King St. W. WALKERVILLE 1 'PAGE FENCES WEAR-USTI SIGNAL to January ist, 1916, 60 cents Let's interest the man next door snd the man across the street in this "Clean Up and Paint Up" Movement. If they will do their share and go after their neighbors, you CM all makes glorious success of this practical, helpful, sensible gam of civic improvement. Whole -hearted co-operaion is what is needed for Do yourpsrt carefully and loyally. If the House looks MI, or the P9rch is worn, or the Fence is scarred. a coat of "IOW Pure" Paint will put yourphice in the Spic and Simusless. If there is any freshening or brightening to be dolma** tbc4house, we have the Paints, Stains, Varnishes ana PasTolli bulb the work easily, satisfactorily and economically. lainet. w• awry EVERYTHING yew weed se "Palm Op" with OM, MOM. lifiewsla-Serawar Priem sad Varolehae--MADS 1NCANADA- - odd wish ewe arameaaf awirmase et seeislieselea. S)