HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-4-22, Page 5THE SIGNAL t GODERICH, ONTARIO TIfURMDAY, APRIL 'a. 1915 BICYCLES We h(ve • eowplete stock of new Bicycles awaiting your l.ups•. tion. Get one now so as to have the use of it for the whole seaaga. Priers Ranging from $30.00 to $55.00 A full stock of Accessories and we are prepared to quote close pricer oo them. These goods are all new. Your old Bicycle is no good laid on the shelf. Bring it in and have us put it in working shape for you. Good job guaranteed. We have two gcod 5 -Passenger Automobiles for sale at very rea•onshle prices. We ere going out of the Auto livery b usinees, so have me further use tor them. If you want a good second- hand t'ar call around end here a look at thew. A sure snap! Aden Motocycie East St. Garage I 0 1. BROODING Be sure and see the display of Brooders and Day-old Chicks in Lees window this week. Goderich H. KEITH REVELL RIDGCRtST Ontario Western U-iversitv LONDON FOKW.tllli MOVEMENT (ireatlr enlarged Feculties in As to aret Medicine. Vastly 1•npr.'ved Equipment -- library, 1,leir•at ,ries. etc. Seven urw schelar-bips. Record en- solwent, 19yulrire solicited. F. E. araithwaite. M. A.. Ph. 0- Presid',n t Have beautiful window decorations Nothing gives so much pleasure as a well decorated window. Your windows will be the envy of your neighbor if you use the .. .tse4 Flat Rod -for aseie and irpwiM Guaraab•d not to sag or tarnish There is a Kinch net Rod la a color tomat h ver ea draperies. wrktea guarsotee rod fiat it will sot sag or tarnish *'S se race' de hese w atesdedkie Wader erne eke lareas Fit Are ('one m amt GEO. HOHMEIER LOCAL TOP St. Georges High Tea Both from the financial standpoint aad Iron the social point of view the high tea Riven by the ladies of Ht. George's church at Oddfetluwi Hall Ind Thursday ',veiling was ail uuyuali- Ned success. A great number partook Of the excellent tea provided. and the taMee of fancywork, candy and other dainties attracted many patrons and tbe articles found ready sale at good Prices. A program of musical eeleo- Lions, both vocal and instrumental, was well rendered and fully appreci- ated faeard of Trade Council. A nesting of the couoeil of the Board of Trade was held at the oltloe d lbs American Road Machine Co. no Monday evening. Among the matters discussed was that of the Hydro-rd/al project. The memorial presented to the Provincial Government waking for a 80 -eddy for Hydro-radi•1 lines was en- dorsed and et the Fame time It was de- cided to ask the Hydro authorities once mote for the long -promised re- port upon proposed electric lines in Hurn county. Several other matters of various degrees of importance are before the Board but have not reached • finality. Government Position for Ju. Mitchell. Mr. James Mitchell, editor of The Godesich Sar. baa been offered and has accepted a position with the Ontario Archives Department. His accept• ance of the position involves his retire- ment from newspaper work, and after May 1st the editorial chair of The Star will he occupied by Mr. Walter F. Nate', who has purchased a partnership interest aril will be associated with Mr. J. W. Vanatter in conducting The Star. Mr. Neftel was with'1'he Signal for a good many years as bookkeeper and reporter. and ham sine. been in newspaper wor k to S:. Thomas. Brants ord and Perth. Ten Years Pastor of Toronto Church. Rrv. James Wilson tali. C. I. -old hoy•'), who recently received a call from a church at Vancouver, has de- cided to remain in Toronto. His tenth annivrreary as psa.tor of the Darer - court Rodd Pwehyter•ien church was celebrated on Tnerwlay evening of loot week. He was pre•eotel with an il- luminated address by the menthe's of the congregation as a token of their esteem for him, while Mr.. Wilson was presented with a deeeert set in a handsome oak cur. and Mise Ruth Wilson with a Ierge b.sket of flowers. 'Mr. George Graham, H. A., was in the I chair, Mr. Roger.. inspector 'of public schools, read the address to Mr. Wil- son, and Mrs. Carlyle. convener of the committee. presented the dessert set to Mrs. Wilson. Rev. A. L. Grggie, of Perkdale, and Dr. Stenhouse, the , first paetor of the church, also ad- j Crystal Spring Dairy dressed the congregation. lo M. C. C. Smoker. PURE MILK We have slatted s new Dairy in Goderich and are prepared to supply the citizens with milk and cream that is guaranteed ABSOLUTELY CLEAN AND PURE All milk is produced from our own herd and every detail from the milking until it reaches the consumer is under our con care- ful inspection and managenient, and no Netter milk can low had anywhere at any price. We :an take on twenty more custerners in a few days now. Write R.R. S. Goderich. or Phone 174, Benwiller. J. BENSON COX •.A Man's Ability Is His Passport" FRANK WEAVER Professor of Music and Peke apsc.ahsli Teethe. V..c. Culture end A ,..< S..se e LONuON. ONTARIO Sow•shes .. Control En,a,c,a,wn and I.,.,.e.. Fee lawns and Inform/doon apply PORTER'S BOOK STORE The Menesetune Canoe Club held a smoker in t he club rooms Friday even- ' ing last. There was a Targe attend- •nce, including w number of visitors. and a most enjoyable evening was spent, The Club bad the pleasure and i • El profit of an address hy Archdeacon gi Jones -Bateman on Mexico, in which country the speaker 'spent number of ears. A review of present conditions in the distressed country was especially interesting. The speaker thought the solution of the problem should be it.- tervention by the t'nited Siete* for 1 the restoration of peace among the various. factions that are striving for ascendancy. Mexico woe desctibed as a country maivsllously ri.h in natural resources, bolt owing to' lack of !capital. the uneducated condition of • the people. and other condition,, there tesources wete only very slightly developed. A cordial vote of tbank. was rendered Archdeacon Jones- Betetllan for his illtrminatingad- dress. Other features of the esening's program were monies! efforts by some of the member", a turn by ' Messrs. P:tr•ons ar d Sturdy, some speech- making and a light lunch. C.hddren s Aid Society. The monthly meeting of the Chil- dreu's Aid Society, held on 'l;uesojay. April 13, was not as largely attended as usual. The treasurer's rennet showed a balance on hand of $427.t1:. Accounts amounting to Ill' i.O2 were ordered to he paid. Amounts received sine last meeting: J. el. McClinton, 91 ; Mrs. J. H. Leech. L. Some in- teresting reports were read by the county secretary, Mr. 0. M. Elliott. A complaint was received regarding two little girls living with their par- ents in the country, who were not get- ting • fair chimer. The secretary was instructed to investigate the case and take what action he deemed advisable in the natter. A communication was read asking for a hone for • Finlander boy, eight years of age, who war left an orphan up north and ie now in Tor- onto waiting fora home on the farm. He is a strong. sturdy boy but not able to speak Englwb. Homer In the coun- try also are wanted for flue healthy boys now in Stratford shelter, of the following ages : Peter, sigh, years old, Henry seven, George five, Edgar six, and a nice little baby boy one and a half years. For information comtnun- irate with the county secretary, (i. M. Elliott. Wedded et Chicago. At Chic eau, nn April 3 .1, a yes y pretty wedding look piers at 'be resi- dence of Mr. and Mis. Joseph Tanner Ashland avenue. the hride hoeing Mies Elixaheth J MeeCormick, • f Bel/e•', ',rebind. and the groom 'Ir. John Wellington Murray. mai •nee, 'd ()frisbee street, Ouderieh. The Elate wore • very attractive ovulate of white creme� utete,rr, with bridal veil of white merlins., re•.ly eml, o nered, and bridal wreleth of Idlee' f the valley. Ahs carrie.l a les Igor' '•f h. -.eta) 'ream The bridesm.id wee Mr. Tenser, wises wore a lovely melon.- - of pink nreeea- line, trimmed wi•h "lack velvet and aoeordinn pleated rs.efles, anrleaevieet a bnnguet of plak nesse. 3/r Joeepb Tanner acted •• grrxrm•man. Two little girls, the Mises Alice Plwwhsg and Isabel Tanner, looking like little fairy gneee.. c.rried baskets of dowers. The m's gift to the !ride was •.nbstantlal cheque. The eking!. dean who tied the knot wa. Roe tar sill of Drexel Park Presbyterian ',Much. Ulmention tol- 1 Wada and at 9 p. ea. a grana etepoer 1 wale served. fifty strode beteg preset Patent Solicitor WI. S. BABCOCK, Lawyer .C.5 l and flea d Patent Attorn-y. Fit teen year. exreriesee 1n Canaria and l'.e. In scot los. poolootlywitantag. Trade starts...ad tk'.lgann..-awUderad. IwMeges.eet and vanitdy seers., Evidence .!!entad to patent salts. nrporte prepared for co n.eL Expert witness in patent suits. Pat- ents obtained in all countries. 99 St. James Street, Montreal. le` Mr. Builder HAVE YOU MADE ARRANGEMENTS for the Flooring of Your New House! We have a good stock of 3-S Veneer Flooring in plain and quartered oak and birch, grades and prices to suit *11 purchasers ' We also have a number of well -made Rookcages in oak and birch, mahogany finish, which we are selling at • very low price. Get our quotations on Lath, Shingles. Pine. Hemlock and Oak Lumber. Estimates Cheerfully Given The Paget Grain Door cot TELEPHONE 273 GODEAICH-ONTARIO 1 1 1 SEM LYRIC THBATRE TIE PRIMER PICTURE HOUSE SHOWING ONLY THE H1liH- ESTCLASH OF PROTOPLATM Special Attraction Monday and Tuesday APRIL NTS AND !7TH. 1915 The Parsons Payers Co. presents William Farnum The eminent dramatic mar, in "The Redemption of David Corson" complete in 4 parts Every THURSDAY •'LUC1Lt.E LOVE" The Great Mystery Dselal i Every SATURDAY The Strand War Series Authentic scenes on the filing line. A Arst-class programme of other photoplays each night, with • complete change Wed• edey, Th Sat Strong and Brother Sauoders, the latter being oue of the charter meta - here. Brother Strong reported the total membership el,•ere and a surplus ua hand of over s5,in(I,tIW. After the speech and songs and wusic and the usual vote of thanks, the members ttiarebed over to Hlackstuor'• for luncheon and after .11 had taken of the good things the gathering was brought to *close by the singing of (hod Save the King. Souris seventy members were present. No. :-C has about :bill member*: two special meet - logs have been held to take in new mem her r . LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. Mothars:ue asked to sot their babies ready for Meader. May 3rd. whb► w111 1.. Baby Day I ►t bellow. neineirra 'b .hale, .t free sittsioa and ewe boto to .,1 haute- under eltthteeo mouth alas Then. •lot of licking over oho a wt, tan •t asps. but everyose .10wean one of Pre! bas's sal'. to w well plowed with the world that he has , .role for any fate. Try P$d ham Lb* Tailor. s orth side Square. for your -print .ult w over,oat. Mr. O. F. Wetmore bas orad* ar- rangements to open a moving picture theatre in Godert:h and will wake an opening announcement next week. Mr. A. Farrow. collector of custom* at Goderich. is the honorary president of the Western Ontario Customs Mut- ual Benefit Association, which bas re- cently beet, reorganised. The regular meeting of the W. C. T. C. will be held Monday, April :kith, in Temperance Hall at 3 p. m. Mrs. Aitken will take part in the educa- tional half-hour. Visitors always welcome. The big light at the lighthouse is again :evolving, with Capt. Robinson in charge. The foghorn. too. is again in commission, with Bert McDonald as operator. Huron Lodge, No. era, 1.0.0. F., will observe the ninety-sixtb arniversary of the Order by attending divine ser- vice at St. Gemgr•s church next Sun- day usoreing, when the members will be addrereed h,• Rev. J. B. Pothering - Unfavorable nfavorable comment is made again this spring upuu the condition of the G. T. R wharf. It was understood tut year that the Grand Trunk people intended to put the place in decent shape, but so far no:hiog has Leen Anne. 'rhe Ontario Clothing Co.. which closed out its luteins,. in liodrrich alter a few weeks here, ie now doing business at Zurich. 'The' field here in [bis line of business was already pretty well occupied. This is clean-up time. With the promise of early summer comes the natural instinct to wash, sweep, paint. destroy rubbish, end put the house, lawn and alley way into flrstrdars trim shape. "Spic red span" should 1 e the watchword. One of the meet successful dances of the season was that arranged and eel lied out by the wewhwts of the Blackstone Oiche.tra un Friday even- ing last at Oddtellowe' Hs11. Upward, ct fifty couples were present and all thoroughly enjoyed -ttiewarlees. The muei.' supplier! by the or. hestra was particularly tine and many expressions of rpprrcisti,n were h>•ud es to the whirl. conduct of the rceieng'a pro- ceedings. The annul meeting of the fiederidr Curling and !Mating Association was held on Apr1 Lnh and the foaertag (Moors we.. elected • P...idsot. Wm. Lane : vice-- prim.Jent, .1. B. -i Coira.rlie : sectetary- -reaeur.r: Km..I Campbrtt : auditor, Mbrref Keynoting' : rnaaagioa censure. War Wallace. C. A. Nairn en 1 H J A. tlecEteao,` The financial-t*tro.ent w.. presented as &Nlosys : Her•«par troll w. ttaisene fro.. pees...,.. rear 9 . itt, Niall 9rct1 AM Eapen.}.:uies Parasol* am4.41 ; leaving araiser, et K • Moo. S6,tre1 iA (.iNttu.w : nort- �•g• yt-on, ooze mew 1 redo bel tree IEL twl.tn. 71. *bees••',e are the seer ae se primmer, years slab the ose•A- tioa that Mr C A. ears ,w 4aces Mr W. L Hurter.. . Etna:r.e Organ «',wee ►..e:al d. A. electric c.egeartlnwev wee Ries -rd in Nu. 1 h dress' Meshad►s epee. A ora weer t.y Mr Lr .rd I►,wary- et London. On. : •ed wee uw-.l lite the first lime .'n nreadey A few ow, n.lie ago" Mr Downey installed a sardine machine in !it lies.rjr'• cite. • h, turd It worked et, stti•lect. ►.1v teat lbw lard of North street 1/. b..J.s. el/weft nr- ✓ i.ted to rat• one in Sere .4 thew at. r w.•t.r Mr I /owner esaiew • eye, tilt, of f.srossh.ne electric hkiwiug sa.arbsa- ery ter pups orient. He has r.vee.tly ch.eed contracts 1,.e Nt Paw'. r-rurcb, NI rat ford : Holy Tensity rhu!►b. Chat- ham. anti a W•llareburg Asserts Tb. electric blower has the aaheategee of economy. si,ent turning qu.litie. and simplicity New Machine at the Lyr,C. Mr. Geo. Bugging. proprtetot of :he Lyrir '1 heat re. is this week ios'allir g a new Powers ,:.t picture machine. of lb.. very latest type end with all iwprnvenlents \Ia-hine.of this tyle whi.•h ehuw abs lurely tlickerlase. an.' rook -steady pirtui ca. are al present ha ing recd in all the !arae city picture Amer, having • sale of about 7' per ...or. et the entire pi:ture bueineee, Weare informed also that the man- ager of the Lyric is sego: eat ing for an ex •lusivr line of photi plays of ibet yrs v higbe-t standard, lull particulars of which will 1e given shortly. • 1 1 areday, Friday and1 arday Admission aa uBeal 1O0 and ail \Ve Lead- Others Follow. rtinsnell•=no SPRING Footwear in the neat and comfortable n e w spring models at MCCllnton's Repairins Promptly A ttended to - I The drawing and g mien ware hsseiniagly dssoretediIda Sbwere and l 11 ii 1 ■ ■ Th is Space belongs to the New Theatre Look for, Opening Announcement next week foreign plants Mr. and Mrs. Murrey have *ince arnv.,1 at the gtowm's home, Quebec et rra t Forests',, are Flourishing. Orksni,er Mcl'lincb, of Parkhill, has been in town the past two weeks in the interstate of the Canadian Order of Forester. 14..1 ha. Weil red eons.. fifteen applications. On Thur. dey of lasr creek r special meetinc well held and Brother W. O. Strong, superin- tendent of orgroma,ion. of Br.ntiord, came up end wan met is the .'.tion by Bro.. Nit -Clinch, Dat id Sproul and Thos. Burrows, and driven *Looe town in the afternoon. Mr. Strong speaks very highly of (i.etericb for having such clean and 'vide steee'.. He syn it is one of t he fluret towns h - baa visit -d for some time. The same night he vi.ited the local C. 0, F. 1.•dg,., No. V2, me emir were to join the, nigh:. A load of firm her Forr.lera r'me in frons Hrnnoll-r end ssisted hy p..tt.n[ on A team for initi.t.en alter whien aJdr•ea.es were give. by W G. gRaNDM OA CANADA i Are Your CkMrtb Learning to Save Mosey ? Each maturing son and daughter should have a personal Savings Account In the Union Bank of Canada, with opportunities to save regularly, and training in how to expend money wisely. Such an education In thrift and saving will prove Invaluable in later hie. Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCONIBE, Manager. 1 11 the urine is hes Wiest-, free or too seen book ,l -t deposits or mncuy-.151 Gin ['ills they d care yourself of Kirin, 1lRsrler troebles. •'Node in ClisAd , we. boa, a for ide0. tree trent me-,• i .l ph write )Motional Dreg a Clemn•oi Cha ed Canada, Limited, Tomato. no • CiODERICH MARKETS. were 1 IV 8.1.%I. April IPA wheat. ter ',nth Ofit•, per ho h Raney per h., -h .... lamas 1..s lou -h Ruck* hear, p r bn.h Iwo family. pe, cwt so. trate .'. per cwt sn, Parte., • ''.u. pet Inn . ay. per I.a, + , s.. Own... porton Wend, per b...d Potter. pe -it`.. Kee.. freshper at, P data's. per h,nh That Tired Feeling The tired feeling that so often cusses with spring weather i- as likely to result from thio wearing of winter shoes atter they hive kern -idled in a. from any 'of the other rause. to which it i, usually aseideed. Many Remediesare Suggested i Try crraw. but we !relieve. you will find A Pair' of,our Light. Stylish. Corrfcrtable SpringShoes• Stift Clore. Have ton tried our , new Bread y - Cre-O-Malt r ---the tastiest in tow'n.A Nice soft crust - close -grainer! - made from - Fleiscltmann's Yeast. Evervho dy 'lays it is the best yet. Try a loaf. There is thorough eatir feet ion. for those who buy our Cakes and Pastry. If you do not know how gesd they are, we should like -you to try them.' Smith Bros• The Old Reliable East St. Baker) Phone 1st. S H ARMAN' T111•: ',H.q., \IA\ t 1. ba to S 1.1: to .Ss' .t, to ..e Lot to 1,:0 to 3.3 re 1a, LIS lo 414 sail, to nen, to win. 11.5) .0 I4.$ ret to Rac .\.r, r.. . i S ,la to 14 to ANM•. perbbl 1. •ll to rattle. hist -her ch,.les. Local. Kr t• ''title bu rhor-'me., lain. " " ^.-.1 to N tgr. Mes wN,tbl. pro ewe•, a wt In �nreta P•,,r cwt Ant to 1 +111 Cwt l.,p to Kne•pek.7.4 re Nene. Ire lb .11 to TN..w. rsa4...d. pet 11 to Psalm I' /er Ir ok i • .111 In M ,o t] sass. per lb a .... ig IA T lotto,.. woe lb. ... Id to Marvellous Accuracy. The electrically balanced +rale. that weigh the fresh young leaves for Sala - da des are accurate to minute pre; rasion. 11 you err in the habit of buy- ing tee in hulk yon will have noticed the (resumer in weight,. R.snem"-r' )net • teasp'o'onful makes' two cups. Pull wesght •.f • Iran fresh Ira in•iJe the wrapper is whit yon get when I heying'yALIi)A Toe deny 'sermon' are aimed at par, IItbooks in•teas of at its arts. Bhtckrtone's for fir'h sweet CLARETS Better time Butter Uhl In Jas fes. Ile., See. fall in as.ss sr if yes get Clerk's yea get the beet. GROCERY rFl.sying still itt our ptsscsion a tlemeu.lous stock of rat Our CHINAWARE and CR1)C KERV. vie have decided to'o:cr the sante for FR1DAV and SATURDAY at HALF-PRiCE. We guarantee these clays to be. without .doubt. ,1.., . of opportunity, specially in this line. To The Buying Public Grocery Department }[at ing an tr.-err stock of groceries urn hand, on FRiDAY add SATURDAY we will allow .1 ten per cent. discount on all credit orders and a fifteen per cent. discount on all STRICTLY CASH ORDERS. D11) IT EVER OCCUR TO YOU, That there is a mighty difference in the quality of GROCERIES? T e ,Maple Leal Grocery bearshe reputa\ion of h ing the home of, the real homo of, Pure and -to-Date Stock. •"ROVGN ON RATS" clean Rate, Mire, etr. Don't Die in Boom V,r and 2Sr at Drug Onetry Stores. • .11 .0 .Is not the aad O'NEILL & COMPANY (SUCCESSORS TO S. J. YOUNG) Opposite Colborne Hotel Hamilton St. 'Phone 52