HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-4-22, Page 1)To Januairy 1st, 1916 SIXTY CENTS THE SIGNAL win be sent for the rem•lnl.g mosthe of 1911 w lacy sew subscriber 1s C:aseda ur Great Britain for Sixty Unita. To t•nited 8tatee addrem cr tit O M ...tn. Id 'wail if aewiam et ' • ional $lxrY-WYNNtU TLtt-`4..Iwlt 001)11RICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. APRIL 262' 1915 Try The Signal Job Department with your next job of priotieg. Accuracy, netnews and des- patch assured. No slovenly work turned out at this cMcs. TUB IYOMAL PRIS MN0 CO., LIMITED, Poeta0s tj JH ESTERLIN6IW4k _OFCANADA SAVE, . Because To the rising young business man the savings account book is the door to Opportunity. PROTECT those dependent on you by taking a policy in The Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canada •'Canada's only Mutual" A. G. NISBET REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE IN MASONIC TEMPL1 , WEST STREET, GODERICH Prom=s : Oi ice 20; House 160. - P. O. Box 884 • B U C H N A N S SPRING SONG ! (With Apologies to Mendelswivti When In the market for lumber stock, ?here me some that can and some that cannot Ole you the asses that you require, Or give you the =that os det*s. We a dead sere Using that l egja Me firm Cam 4ea ea both, sod 11'e olelto learn Tbr' H11N1aw'm Ylanlog 1611 l..J tray. there, • M -Yr. i tl?>r aa. altaelki telt[ wMMD Pool!; Our Moak d Spruce is fairly complete. And in Bblaglei' and Hemlock we can't be beat, Planing Kill Products. we handleehhem all, Aped we very woe\ bops Toe will give is. a stall. w GODERICH PLANING MiLLS, LIMITED. JAMES BUCHANAN. Jr*., l itaF. AND MAN. 'Phone 47 A P.O. Box 18 B U C 11 N A N THE TOWN COUNCIL RANSFORO SALT PROPOSITION IS APPROVED. Town Employees to Be Brought Under Workmen's Compensation Act ---G T. R. to Place a New Bridge Over Track at Maitland River Hill -Other Matters Dealt With by Town Fathers. license in thio case. The motion weal carried and Ibe report as &wended t passed. The Nuance committee reported as foliose: That 1h.• treasurer's state- ment for the month of March Ike an-, doted he flied; that the requests for spprte/eiw1 i0w e (rein the Board of Ti Ade and t r`jg public library board be laid over f. Xonsidsretion with any other! requests 61 -fors striking for tax rate cur the ysu ; tient the statement Dow the Houk of Muutre..I showing its standing of the ee•vrral town accounts as on March 91st it referred to the ■ uditors to oolspare with the town book• : Ibat a t.utehrr of accounts be p..id. Ibs reps pared. Councillor McClinton presented an • pplic•tibn feotu Mr.. J. Shaw to re- move a tree In front ut her property. Permission was given Councillor Pelts idge wanted co know if anyt hing had 'wen done In connec- tion with the Installing of the police 'Mos' holes ma 1e ..nnorndrd be the fire committing. The Mayor minted Mat the wetef slid light conuuiesioo had ordered the Nixes to replace those that bad been removed. ColincilIor Wigle enquired if any steps had bees taken in the matter of placing the town's employer. under the paovisinos of .he %Volkmen'o (*otn- peneatiolr Aut. The Mayr said the .desk had prs.tically all the data on hand. Councillor Moser dr -w attention to the bad stare of Nnpwr street, and suggested that the hospital board be asked M resnnve some I re... on their property wbieb pir.ent the r..md from drying psupe. ly. On motion the public work. ouwtniuee wa.,n.tiucted to grade the street end the perks eonr- nrittee eves asked to look into the matter of having trete removed. The followint( suotioue were pre- treated by Councillors \\lgle and Proudloot : That the.pecial commit- tee take necessary steps to have the different town employes insured to bring them under the Wotkrsen's ct; that the auditors andel report for 1914 the collector prepare t he ..nc lie ted taxes up to May 1st. Alf these motions were cart led. Enquiry was made as to whether say rept% war fort becoming 110111 Mr. Willis Chipman nn ibe proposed in- take extension. The Mayor Bald oi re- ptant was in the beads of the clerk and the public committee could in- spect 1t at : acme of the council msetisg. Councillor r want.d to know iho was Alter the MOs& 9f O. VII: i» had sees • Wilt.* • lead of rants away rood far= might be stern in sorry of ibe far s' Lards. The Mayor stated that Mr. Thos. St•ithers was trustee and was responsible, sod erquirim would be sonde .a• to whether peresis.ion had balm granted to remove rail. and Lim- ber. The May or introduced the matter of the Beli Telephone Co.'s franchise, and front correspondence read it ap- pears that a bylaw will have to be submitted tit the elector,. The matter was sent to the special committee. The counrtl then adjourned. The regular meeting of the Gown council was held on Ft iday evening, with all the mruiIwri present. Councillor Pali ridge moved an am- erd'.rot of the minutes of the previous meeting, asking that his came as'sec- ooder to two motions he snuck nut, es be did not aeo•ood those motions. The minutes were amended •ccordiug- y. The 'Mayor asked that all wotioos las future be promoted in wntiug eo that nu dispute could arise. The treasurer's statement of the amountoi fines that hid been collected since August 1st was presented and sent to the finance committer. It snowed $421) collected since August 1st, of which one -third -5140 -ins. set aside tor. law enforcement. A communication trove A. M: Rob- ertson, secretary of the town toot hall league, was mail. asking for the I riv• liege of using Vieto.ia Park "n the saint tei ins as in pi velum. year., and that some improvements Ise made. The matter was scot to the parks com- mittee. An application from the Bell Tele- phone Co. fur permission to erect pots on Nelsou street and Gloucester Terrace was sent to the pudic works committee to report. J. W. Craigss applied for a renewal of his pool -room license. The applies tion wow relened to the special com- mittee. A communication was read from the 0. T. It. Co. asking the council to ap- prove of the plane presented for a new bridge on the tlaltford hill. It was re- ferred to the public works owwwittse with power w act. The public works committee re- ported, reoommesdio that the offer of Reg. R. Elliott of 515 for the use o< town Iota near Victoria school be ac- cepted. The report was adopted. The special esmmittee pewe tad the feiswi.g : (1) ltist A. K. Weabitit • 1w lase at be cgs wstMlMs that be M the lees.e of the , (21 that the billiard and room Be - erase of F. H. Woods be renewed; (g) that the proposition from the North American Ob4mlcal Vo. to *MamSe their salt plant, if granted exemption from taxes, except school tae, for ten years and free electric energy up to 12 h. p., be accepted and the bylaw be prepared and submitted to the rate- payers, the company agreeing to pay cost of submitting the bylaw ; (4) that 0o action be taken on the request of James H. Leech for • reduction in pedlar's license ; 15) that the time for completion sod operation of the Baechler factory be extended to Jan- uary 15th, 11918. Councillors Wigle and Proudfoot moved that clause 4 be referred back to the committee (pr reconsideration. 1'hey were In favor of reducing the FOS SALE OR TO SUT /11( RENT. -GOOD FRAME HOUSE 1 as Brum sorest. gdopd with an modern weal' esus Appy J. e. CMIllflul.M, mo LIT. -A COMMODIOUS COT - 11 lade ea tM Bareald ref. roe shy to MRP. JAMob M ILB( i, Noss Amer. apo RENT. -DESIRABLE R E 8 1- pl poi sswshs wit realm" asave•- es eM l.'reseswt. MN7 Mas. P, GTMIf sy x MO MEL -BRICK HOUSE WiTH .L an +•d•ew . iev.m.ita. wlmdtmg kat water beans. pygstem • .ix res. 8Ite.ted en OMtramter Ten es, Appy to JON. C. GRIFFIN. 3341 LCR SALE UR TO LET. --ONE AND F w.rhalf 14%11.k twee•, modem ewe- vwa1a.e.; teeith ben, In SerteMa re paitr r«tLlr. a._- asmutt dt. 1deay t ]I[MeAlI MAL.LIDAT. tiff MO 1lXNT.-TWO HOUSES ON L RMso street: owe Werke; bard .lid sett water. Beth Weer wereem .d.o ,ated Met aseedl 1 ll stat.t. Wet re.ro.as Ae- I ply Ei) ARD BEID, idea Avesus. 50 1.. r11O RENT. -OFFICE AND ROOMS ) 1 sow .asapi•d b lir. ooa tfallemene, on North .trait. sear tlesarw, wall bested by bet water mown; Memel. tight and wear 1n staled. WMld.ptedtor a Wrister.wdonlesa Ali.S4inssemsk45. Who 64a Atte J.laP ORO N. Churchh 9949 - --- -- 'ARM POB 8A1riE LET r'of PAeCU FOR TUE SEASON. North half of let 1fi Labe Reed Wed. tear. rhte et oeibsrsews rf .. LY &bent ?..r ssr tell very 'asap Ned at re= borer pepetent. th. mew %writ* peesasew y te the est C. ai0E1L mat u the Chart Yeas, aim. WAm'to WANTS- -.-AT OMR. TIDE OR sp..ad„ meesease FiRS. TIBI. TUN TOUR FIATS- in. ew Mptiockti4Y sere er. PES $Ati PUBLIC NOT ICI / 1 ODERiCH INDUSTRIAL A N D 3 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. STANDING FIELD CROP COMPETITION, »1A Pslovixcw. Uovaaxn=ttr Rctaa 1. CerepaUW M Ilesild to one seep prat• anathema for is vein. Fistds for e(espst1tton man be net isr thea ave Dor mere than twisty •cra.. 1. Competitors or oady mom ons entry in ewe sseletr, and mesa he se become member.. emwwdthe G.d.rinh INwstrlDl mid Agricultural aeet.tl • ed Mfg. rem be set mere than 0f- teso .ae. fro. Godwin". 1 Not lee limn ton entries oan he accepted. sad 1.. .aperiotendent most be notified not later than 1st Nay. 191 4. Form• for I .dtvidaal entries. to be ob- tained from the .eer5.aey. most b. 1111.' in and returned to kiln on or beton May f3rd, ISS, for forwarding to the Deportment J. ADEt( FOWLee, secretary. Roderick Indu5rW and Agrloohor.l sacker.. P. 0 Ito. I T L lioderia". Y MOWN OF GODBRiCH. 1 PUBLIC NOTICE On and after M4 be. an dews oust wear at heeb.d to • roller a Oderk► dew linen., rag. 1..•eordanoe with Sisley No. s of 1. Asy 4.a .t lasts. contrary to the po• ens of t bylaw may be oao:bnd. Mod or °therwls dl.peeed s1. rVppeenn . d rpgYtersd. numbered. 4. i5. .nd la the Whet of the ranee- ' tar et taxa. Taws .11.. tag will be limed. Dated phi■ SR day et Atrtl. Ig1A LL Ktjnx, sac lti Clam. IPHROODERIOB IL/WATCH AND 1 TRANSIT COMPANY. LIMITED. Pismo mho settee obs .seW IGas.wl et et t tts0aam.r, tied 1 WICORI AT, MAY ah, MIA et tats a 45 •ass the et ee aa.•estr estes a we•A the .•1. TAT= 1s 0= Apra M ML N' Warr. AUCTION SALES AUCTION BALE OF FARM STOCK, I M PLSM ENTS. IRC. MR. FRANK NAILGL.E will soli by public auction at b.s tars. he lit, 000resdso J, 11 U., Colboree. one. maimed d Ball's bridge.. on WICDN1t:BD.1Y. MAS :.ti, commencing at 1.30 o'clock w n,.: Horses -One heavy- draught mere. 10 mar* old. an foal to ULalevtt ; 1 leery mar 10 oro old • 1 beery-dr.egbt Atty. 3 years a by wdebi ; 1 retains. 1 year els by tlankw barberry. Cattle. -- (broom, reentered. dos to astve. t• l.ported boll :1 fte.b sow. pun -bel abort - horn. 5 years old ; 1 sow. a years old. dee to oil. e ; 1 grade pow, 4 years cid. dos May li : 1 bailor. .uppned to .e in calf ; Y stew.. rbdsg 3 mien old ; 3.teare. Seise Irma cid ; Y Wi- en. data. Y yawn ord : 1 bolter. rbisa 1 70.r old. sllg.ble for reinetraum : 1 heifer. Aetna 1 yin Old, psr•bnd Pbortborn ; 3 opting *Jlvpa. Hexa -Use• Ywkeidr. Mood Win, 10 p/. due July i 1 Yeri.bin brood ow. du. May .3: s liters hop : 5 pip•. 2 ears Md. Poultry. -40 bb., 1 wobblier Ia M wata--flaw Ma.eq-Harrls binder. bioet out ; 1 Deeded .owe, 6QMt oat ; 1 pea Mr meter wad sewer. 5 -toot out: 1 sped drill. 1 silky rake, 2 tele wows, 4 wattle/ plow.. 1 Mod n4Mr, r ..e 1 real ealpw. 1 tuber wages. 1 transit maps•, 1 dpesperet. 1 bay rare, 1 boa Sam heat, 1 rot of beb.lelgh•. 1 tanning mai. (1subsea wad McTseg.rt .wkr: 1 W arta bre. 1 enema hes. 1 outer, 1 buggy. 1 G et feeble b•ewrr-.wr cut sew. basket r.M. a 5...tltl et hay. WS* easier. end ISS fest or 111440116 reps.1 Germ ll.mtp,.. sad Ober u. t17 1( w es f .Wwbewasrsweslydwt Ne. M dotsisi of wSbsst 'Very. Y1elr meet nom& -AD geese off 61t ..d seder, mob ever that .swat eta swtha' endlt .Ol M vas w ter*MYag wnpd Mem sites A et rate of iII / m met Isar se- ✓ 5. INA M .wet tessaM► PRAlglgAR4LR TYOd IONaRT. lns.MGe Awrttmss• AL'O1'10.1 RAI.s OF ?ASM STOOK =why MaAa* MUM r'ORIR =why E m.a.t u let a sea. WIimuf6OAT. £.esu. bb. mu. d 1.54 eltdsN 3.0.1 1...., Mees.» %LI.= ttw -ss wWilt _1 s .41 . Elle- I LO•745,1% 844-WirseoPIANO, SUW1N0 sin. .flews. w-iCaZ erb ira / a .e psiesaw s i ps sles bee sow is.beeY d dssm, asejle leer k tiseesYmd ars es lt.(erssd. wIts .1ss is xe/M.aftaea rslog♦ emthe{ hrM, ,T. wmpens•lion bring in the forthwith ; th • statement o REV. JOHN EOLESNIKOFF. the Russian exile, who gave an int 'r• eating addre.i at the Baptist church on Tuesday evening. AT THE WATERFRONT MISS ALMA DANCEY. (cod«r icb girl who is one of the sec- ond Canadian contingent of nurses for overseas service. Huron Lodge At Home. The members of Huron Lodge. No. 02, 1.0.0.F.. held their annual "at home" on Wednesday evening with their wives and friends present. Cards were played until midnight, the first prizes being secured by Misr Lizzie Gibson and Mr. Roht, Craigie, while the consolation prizes went to Miss Irene Thompson end Mr. Geo. Fisher. After lunch bad been served dancing war enjoyed to the strains of music supplied by the Blackstone Orchestra. The party broke up in the early morn- ing hours well pleased with the suc- cess of the minuet social evening. Polley -Campbell. A pretty home wedding was cele- brated at the home of the bride's sis- ter, Mies Annie Polley, East street, et .high 0000 oe Wedoraday, wbeo Miss Mary F. Polley was united in marriage to Win. F. Campbell, of West Wawa - nosh. The bride, who was unattended, was dressed in s pretty gown of white crepe voile and carried a bouquet of white rosee. The parlor was prettily decorated with an abundance of ferns and evergreen planta Rev. J. IL Ford officiated, and after the ceremonya party of fourteen sat down to au eb- ca to wedding dlon.r. The happy .eo/ib Isfa dssio dha/dtaeMsn Mea. toy- e.e whom tbagenosthla • Ransford Bylaw to Re Submitted Tax on Railway Tickets. On Thu,.day left, along with other especial taxes levied by the of taws Government. a revenue tax on railway tickets came into "neer. as follows Tax to tie collected is Where the fare le : $ 1,01 to 510 6 cents $5-01 to 10.00 10 $10.01 to 15110 15 '• 51501 to 10.14) .......... .... 20 '- 119D,01 to 2E00.... ...... ... . 26 " $26.01 to 7/).(10., 80 '- $d0.01 to 86.00.... 36 There will be no tat on railway fares of 51.00 or lees. Pm- parlor car ..at an extra fee of 5 cents will be added. and foe a berth in Pullman car, Se., 10 costa will be the extra •mount charged A war tax has oleo been added to stessleldp tickets, as follows : Tickets from •10 to 640. 51.01) will he added ; trim 5401n 516, =AM will be aided ; and os amounts over 935 the heft of 55 will hm the meek' tax. For $haropeukig Ladies' Heir, W. Lweseby, tits Sedfsrd Mock barber, It's added :o his equipment a new alma% h•i1•iryee eepeeielly for rlhsllupsah g Mess' hair. This •ppar- a•tss wt11 the boar 1s • taw s_MMsasn1 will he punct- ually sassidei as the homes of pat - reels between cls Were of 10 a. ea. and 6 p. ss. Tapsell pries NM. Mr. Lwmby Me dime wort loos seise of the leading Make et in tows. with heel emeseft that y Immo dale bele lisps 1s p regert arma- das. "'N The town council has decided to submit the p.opowitktn of Mr. John Ran«ford. for the development of the salt industry here, to a vote cf the ratepayers. The bylaw is now in ,the bands of the town solicitor and e special meeting of the council will probably- he held shortly to fly a date for the polling. The propoeitioo has been .innrwhat eimplifled. Instead of ten h••reep.wee, electric light and writer. the town is t. furnish Mr. Itaneford with twelve horsepower to cover Mash power and light end he will 'flake hi* own arrangements for water supply. in addition the town gives exemption from taxation (ex- cept (shoot Lases) for the period of ten years. Lick, Lick, Lick. 1W'ith.pdogia.. to Tenn, •mil Lick. lick. lick. nit 1 haven't say more +pit. .\ud 1 would plat my tongue could utter The thoughts that arise in it. U well for ole Uoccriiment That it spends our money like water 11 well for 'ham}ihoen et al. That they don t do things as they ough' er ' B et t he tares still go on. .t.1( 1 were owning a wont, .1 ad the thought. that 1 think as 1 lick there stamp. wo.Mn'ltlook well in print. 1.1ot. lick. lick. 1111 money and patience . are spent . 11•.11 ower get 'hoorah with l$013ng Till we re Robed 1M Uovenment. WINTER FLEET GETS AWAY TO COMMENCE SEASON'S WORK. Collegiate Art Exhibition. This exhibition of 4110 reproduction• of paintings of t1.er great masters will he held in the assemby hall of the Col- legiate Institute, beginning at 7.71 p. m. on Tuesday. April 27th. and continu- ing each afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock and from 7.91 to 10 :s) each evening until 14aturdpy night. Few collections of pictures have ever been brought together which so complete) rover the history of art of all times as this. Talks will he given on the mon important pictures which w111 eery* to a better understanding and appreciation of then. The oh)eet of the exhibition is two- fold -Bret, to give the students and citl- ttens of town sod townships o poe tunity etf enjoying the bract and Ie e p(retios of these great ro loss of the suet ere ; secondly, to the school ant ho rhos. to purchase eo/404el some a thee.. to adorn the mole ofof the Collegiate, so tbat from them. it le boped, will flow out • wholesome rwen- ing influence on emcee -ding students. The ptetnrsg eons. free of charge exempt fee the cost of fr.tfthtage from the lamp pities of exhibit. The only re - 'talesman ie that all floe money mind meet be used in purebasing pictures frost the owners of the collection - Admission to aay one period M 15e asci to any enheequent period bet. O•talog.us giving Dames of subjects said artiste will be on male at Nle. The •utherltiem of tike echoed bops that a great many will visit tbe•1biM- tAae fear their nwe pleasure sod profit, am well as fee the other gno4 purpose. Z11s more people who attest, the more plasm ems be perebm•ed. Fourteen Big Freighters Have Cleared in Last Six Days -Steamer Paliki First Boat to Go Through Soo Canal This Season -Other Notes of the Lake Marine. The harbor presents a somewhat de- serted appearance this week. Nearly all of the large fleet of freighters whic wintered here have left for other ports. The drat boat out wax the' Scott i.b Hewn, lab ch cleared for Ashtabula on Friday, followed by the Drum- mond. which cleared for Port Arthur, the Fleshing and the Kaministiquie, which have gone into dr Jock at Col- lingwoold, and the Inland. which sailed fur Sarnia. On Saturday the Acadian cleared for .Vallaeeburg and the Em- pr.ea of Fort William, the Keno. a and Neepawah left for Fort William. The 1'urtet Crown also stare d on satin -- day, for Chicago, but just outside of the breakwater her condenser gave out and she was compelled to put back for repairs. The steamers Paip000ge and Winona both cleated on Sunday for Fort William. The Turret Cape and Yorktou cleared on Tuesday. the former tot Detroit. and the latter for Fort William. After completing re - pain the Turret Crown gut away on Wednesday evening. The followiog i. • list of the cap- ntium and chief engineers of the boats that ,wintered hen : Drummond, Capt. A. McIntyre, Engineer Rennie ; Neebing, Capt. Swart. Engineer Foote; Scottish Hero, Capt. Simpson, Eagioeer Hat Boon ; Inland, Capt. Laing, Engineer MacRobarta ; Pei- pounge, Capt. Foote. Engineer Moore; Kammi.tiquia. Capt. Stephens. En- gineer Young ; Turret Cape. Capt. Mc- Carthy, Engineer Asdrew.; Turret Crown,Capt- Ryan, Engineer Camp- bell ; mpress of Fort William, Capt. Moore, Engineer Nichol.; Kenors, Capt. Albinson, Engineer Neepawab, Capt. Allan, Engineer Carr; Acadian. (:apt. McKay, Engin- eer Burton.: Yorkion, Capt. Alexan- der, Engineer McKenzie ; Winona, Capt, beatty, Engineer Brandt. The lollowiscie a list (probably not alt• complete) of (ioderieh b7 are .ailing with O.osia'a ftwsaafdle ttee isq thee ses••wt Oeple N•86 114‘ J. Young, A. 5M. McInnes, D. McKee- zieand J. Molitattie; Hod. McDonald, J. W. Murray, F. Ba N. McLeod, sr., N. McLeod, jr., W. Duckwortb, F. LituecbiH,C. Littlechild E. Prlttatd, R. Welly J. Mas.uret, Nei. hNewell, L. McCartney, L Carney, M. McDonald, J. Outeoe, Wpm, 81ack. R. Black. C. Fraser, R. Hunt, R. Lumpy, E. Jen- kin., E. Thompson, 4i. MCGratton, E. Kemp, P. Kennedy. J. Reid, B. Mc - Lea.., L. Elli..o, T. Tufford, l', Rios, L. Burrows, R. Smith. W. Mel/warned, A ('t , H, Warrener, D. Kay, I.. McMillan, H. Henderson, R. Wil- han.., 8. Williams, D. Corbett, '1'. Bogie, A. Graham, B. Letson, G. Let- son, H. Meedel..1 Maritz, A. McClus- key. D. Marwick, H. Marwick, G. Mc - Clay G. Cockfield, G: Oracinell, J. Spain, D. McMillan, 0. Thurlow, J. Austin, W. *tutus, M. Irwin, J. Cousins, J. Heek,'A. Jardine. The steamer K.minisuquia, which has been sailed he Capt. E. L. Stephens since .he entered upon the Take trade several seasons ago, has hoer. char- tered bythe Canadian Shipping & Forwaring Co. for six month+ to en- ter the ocean trade between Canada and South America. Her insurance permit* her to run between the Straits of Belle Isle on the north and the Or iu- oco River on the south. She will prob ably carry coal and iron ore. The boat is now in dryiock at Collingwood be- ing painted and inspected. Capt. Stephens will remain with the boat, although be may not be in command et the outset of her ocean travels. Paliki First Through Soo Canal. The steamer Paliki was lha that to pass through the Canadian locks at the "Soo" this year, going through on the Ibtb. Last year the steamer J. A. M^Kee *as the fleet to pass through the locks. Captain H. G. ti.asett was in command of the McKee last year and now has charge of the Paliki, M. for the second memo' in .ucceeeion his boat bas hien first through the Can- adian canal. The Paliki was Monod for Chicago with a hill cargo of steel rills. The McKee was the first host to ar- ✓ ive unbound at Sault Nte. Marie this year. She arrived on the morning of the Itlth. llotb the Paliki and the Mc- Kee hetnng ro the Algoma Central Steamship Line. The -steamer Paliki went ashore on Nimmons Reset, et the west end of the Mackinaw Strohm, on Monday. The horst le in dbarge of Capt. Reg. Bassett and a large part of the crew are Gode- ricb .Deo, esnotsg whom are Chief En- gineer A. M. Melons. 1'. Tufford, T. Bogie, D. Corbett. A. Williams, E. Thompson and Nor. Mcleod. Nb. was released tifactically undamaged on Tnefaday. - From Th. Signal's Mail Box. Mr. A. B. Davison. a former Gale- rieh o1110sa now at Maple Creak, Mask., amide his resewel subscription to The Blgaal gad adds leader date of Aped 14): 'Rb inseame in this district have bats busy for the past week pre- illil soli, and seeding Is now in Ittll iwlM. The land Is In So. condi tlen sail a good• crop is looked for, pwvidiveg we get the necessary amis. tarsi' • A RED JHOSS APPEAL TO THE FARMERS. Our country, with its allied, is wa,t- ing • great war for jostler, for the protection of small nations in the en- joyment of their rights, for continued and growing freedom. and for the maintenance of its pledged word of honor. Much de.truction and drools - tion are being caused. Lives nee be- ing lost by the thousand. Canada'. fleet contingent is now in the thick of it. Souse will (all sick; many u.ay be wounded ; bonze will pay the lest full measure of devotion to their country and it. reuse. The Red Cruse Society exists to succor the sick and wounded in wee. It needs mote mosey to provide more beds at hospitals in (creat Britain and France; it needs more money to pay wore Red Crows nurses : it need. mon money, and more tbtnga made by wo- men. to supply to clearing hospital*, base bo apils:a and recovering hos- pitals. I appeal to fernier* to .end ti.. sums from 11 to $50, during the first week in May. Every 550 provides ones additional hospital bed with the giver• name Over it. By seeding me about $10,l4)O you would serve your country well, bring ctedit to yourselves, and make .11 of us very proud of you. For the sake of the wounded buys, make the gilt aubetantial. It will be an in- vestment towards the recovery of some Canedisn soldier who stood in our stead that one cause might be upheld. Faithfully your friend, JAS. W. Rob=kTsoN, Chairman, Red Cross Society •t Ottawa, Try Milwesds for homemade candy asd fes manna. 16 will he good. To Hsorganizs Farmers' Institutes. The announcement was made dur- ing the recent session of the Leg's/a- lum that the Provincial Department of Aviculture will shortly reorganise the system with respect to Farmers' ln•tiWtes. The present system has not'produced all the results expected, and the change will he made almost Immediately. The scheme Is to amal- gamate all local creanirt•t one and en- list in some way the co-c.peratioo of the municip•litiea and the local boards of pride. A I.rger Proirawof 141= with ko fieGrope srii istrodsed, and a farther revival .of interest le agrieultrd education is plan. Mr. Lettabridgs'i Werk at Gast The London Advertiser says of a former organist and choir -leader of Knox church. (iod.rich Gsorge Lethbridge, who for seven years has been the orgaebt asd choir - leader of Knox Presbyterian church, Galt, ham announced his acceptance of that position in the First Presbyterian church in this city. Mr. Lethbridge studied for • year with C. M. Widor, of Paris, conceded to be the world's greatest organist. Dunng that time, Mr. Lethbridge had the privilege of sitting at the organ with the great moister every eionday, in the great Cathedral Saint Sulpice. The Galt Reporter, of recent date, says of Mr. L.rtbbtidssis: "The work of Mr. Lethbridge thn.ugb his choir and his large class of students has been recognized in Galt as of • very high type. He carate to Knox church from St. Thomas end hie won for himself during his stay here tnany friends and adluirers, personal. and also from • musical standpoint. A year's leave of absence was spent in Pine where be studied the higher art 01 piano work and accompanying with the head of Paris Conservatory of Music-' Consumers should look:lowly at the weight of their tea and me that thej are not paying for wrapper at the tea price. "SALA DA" 111 packed in Aluminum parket and there is full weight of tea inside the packet. It i■ easier for a gir l to throw a young man over than it is for her to uitwhat she 'brows els Th.t real good ire cream 1. Black. stone's. i'hone 240. Orders delivered. AUCTION SALES. Wsortal,A T. Ap0111.-tbde of farm .tock of Mark Moroni. lot W, crnee..ion ± I •niborne fat Hall. Widget. .'o . enrtng •1 1 to . lock ,. n.. The faro has been soblso es.rything advertised inert be disposed of THoe..e til!III/11.1111C' loner w i0'CM.A,, May S. -.iueUnn rade of farm Nock, Implemeeo sea. at lot 13. ereorsele. t ('atutras. res. Naso1s. peerrietor: Trek s Ot•.ay. sac . MARRIED. CANTWELi.-P 1t.l.EY.-sr* Uuderlob. on Wdrtw.N*31,1 11.3, byRev. J. R Ford. W MMary M,.f 0.4.rice. to Wm. F. Campbell. et Weis Wawasedi. DIED. NIVVIA -Is Geier. r. M 'ala) .1pri1 tit 1r Nhsea 4..abwr et M to V i. oa NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -APRIL 22nd Rod. 1411 T.Nphfte Co l 4 Arena nate rrmnk Nardi, New Timmins F. O. Wetmore ... PIM Crop Cemwtluw -Oiseer th Liles trial •M AFtruMessl ss.lsty 1 I...bbd Yea. Wasted -J. W. CreigM 1 Noise le Dap 111 --Town sf Odwteb 1 Remote Raaf -J. A. CN Moder-W. Lamb 1 Reeder -torte Tla.t,... 1 Rsdpeuh sneer - (earls Yew -.leis e lims•es ..... .. • mactur's a ehleo ht.mss t ss ser- P. T. tilgsa • I