HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-4-15, Page 8.1 RC'UT AT, Anes. 15, 1915 THE 1;IGNAL = ('=ODERICH, ONTARIO New Dennison Crepe Paper It hs. . s•,ft and shiny lustre due t the velvety, finely Crepe ,ur fs, e. 14 color u K i, s 'eh and exquis- ite. It+strength and st,etchingquali- ties make it exceptionally successful for frilling. sewing and plaiting. Done up in fol: packages instead of rolls. NI It. k -ng, 20 inches wide. Price 15o per pkg. or 2 for 4114o. Wall Paper „rue special itoliteements in e Wall l'sper Department. Runt y little stripers and floral '-Ifects,d, A, and 1Do per roll; borders to match, very ren - s enable. 1 and 20 per paid. selut one and plain backgrounds, ranging iu price from lSo per roll up. With and without plelly cel'-'HII Borders ,,to match. as pee yard up. The Goderich Book & Stationery Co. PORTE N - 1 Spring With the coming of Spring there is the us- ual routine of house- cleaning, packing away of %sinter clothing, furs, etc. THIS necessitates the use of moth prevent- ive. MOTH BALLS MOTH BAGS Disinfectants, etc. We have a full stock and our prices are right. C. L. COULTIS, Phm.B. DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST. TELEPHONE IP 1iiacEwan Estate • Exclusive agents for SCRANTON COAL for Goderich and District Egg Coal, $7.75 Stove and Chestnut, $8. oo per ton BE -ST OVAL MiNED Any quantity best all Maple Slaps. Mixed Wood, Hemlock - and Kindling (Cedar or Pine. i TELEPHONES. office 98 residence :'ti or 68 RUPTURE Ishii LATFS AT SOTTGM NEW 1915 INVENTION RETAINS RUPTURIE WITHOUT RNIVE. HARNESS, DANGER OR PAIN. COSTS YOU NOTHING TO INVESTIGATE. Mr. E.r.n'• w S ensu,..sag MI sees, ly Ink ins Illo d tvu..r• 11, sus seder. Th.,- new% .qeN a•.iel entomb sorted of - - Me her Area eves, remtle esems si tr :.tr Mn how ed with 'ss sewtort .Rale Croyeet stn b. ... the a MMM Meat... .4 i.ry M an end at ,s,c Vert will enjoyhat ab..dntr emit. art of bents aide . , anything at any time anywhere the Inert mak - �n escape nutMMr,, . . abdomen, TbI. relieve you M Mental unrest and Tbh eels make ym Mel ler a T'Ms kind a/rryallrq is In - amidst natioes rinse Ow ninn- ies TwNC► now leveaYsas ere 1.. dlegsmt hew* of Mesta r n eed• of everysoda Vann er 1.rthry ..speness slytg inn o ttanews .•aall rnW►rwe'�}ia�t ars mallow.wpts.etatkd. new vs rt daagereso /•- Her net reopen noes THIS FIE RUPTURE COaU��PONst sure seer r sills aches ass- et ss - dee. `gem ns Meta Mem ssmies. Art rtd[IIrIM. RTR: Surat. z.i. LIQUOR LAW ENFORCEMENT. To The Editor of The digs•&. Bea, -The remarkable prosiest' being made throughout the world in the sup- pression of the trent- in strong drink must he eocourag iog u, &II leaders in moral reform work and the fact that the people of Huron have „one as tar as the law will allow in prohibiting t he traffic should br a source of great satisfaction to the electors of our fair county. We are one of 8.e counties In Os- tario where the ttaflic is outlawed and 11 our people are true to their convic- tions that day will never dawn when this licensed evil shall again receive our endorsement. To say that there is no liquor being sold in der county would not be speaking the truth, but we also say that in the places where liquor is be- ing sold the responsibility for al- lowing such sales may be placed at the doors of the local constables and local officials. There is not a municipality io the county where the sale cannot be stopped if the constables and officials so decide, and if our temperance friends do not demand this of their officers, then they are not entirely free ft ow some responsibility. Do you know of some violation Tien give that information W some• one in wbon. you have confidence and let it be reported to the proper official. We believe in abusingour inspectors Irma and using them noire. During the last few weeks evidence of violations nae been sent to the unepe 'ton by local workers and over one thousand dollars have been col- lected iu fines. It is regrettable that most of the Anes have been collected from the men who are running our hotels, a business in itself as honest as any other, when dissociated with strong drink, and these teen ought to be told in no uncertain sound that a jail ("eaten -As awaits them if they persist in law nreakiog. As we are passing under the Can- ada 'Temperance Act on May 1st it should he generally understood that the magistrates have toe power to send a person who sells or attewpu to sell liquor without s license to jail for one mouth on a first offence, it be so decide?. The Ane for selling in a no -license district for a Ant offence now ruts nom $U) to $346 and no doubt our magistrates will try to keep up with the spirit of the Ontario law by increasi=ng the minimum C T. A. Ane accordingly. We hope that it shall not be aetes- eary for anyone to be fined, as neither the municipality nor the Province is anxious to get revenue in that way, but if men will insist on being anarch- ists then theymust take the conse- quences and te sooner such men are hehind ..the bars the better for the community. Our principal object in writing this circular is ;o appeal to our botel- keepers to cut out the illegal traffic and we have reason to believe that some of them have already done so. and have wade their hotels comfort- •hle homes for the travelling public and also to say to the officials through- out the county, it is your business to ser that laws are administered ; to remake it easy for men to do right and bard for them to do wrong. To the members of the local and moral reform leagues. we say it is your business to see that your instruc- tions are carried out. "Huron expects each man to ilo his duty to uplift the moral lone of the col pinuin it y." Yours for a div county and a Dry Dominion. A. T. College. President . Rev. E. G. POWELL, Field Secretary. .1. A llstrts, Secretary. Clinton, April Lith, 1910. FRECKLES Don't Hide Them ilWith a Veil; Re- move Them With the Otbine Pre- scription.. This prescription for the removal of freckles was written by • prominent physician. and is usually so successful in removing freckle. and giving . clear, beautiful complexion that it is sold by di uggista under guarantee to refund the money if it fails. Don't hide your freckles under a veil : get an ounce! of othine and re- move there. Even the Ant few appli- cations sh',ttld -how a wonderful im- provement. eorrte of the lighter freckles vanishing entirely . Be sure and ask the druggist for the double strength othine; it is thin that is sold on the money -back guarantee. NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Annual Presentation of Medals and Poses to Successful Students. The Ihtity-fourth annual presenta- ti in of medal+ and prises took place at the Not the, n Business College, Owen Sound. on Wednesday afternoon, March 31st. The College has bad its usual gond attendance and the r30 - taste were vet v keen. The judging wad do•'e by Town Treasurer A. F. Armstrong and Mr. W. P. Tefford. manager of the (trey and Bruce [.r.ao ('ompany. In many in- stances they bad eonaiderahle dim- culty In reaching a decision. and the work was a rred•t to the .tntlenta and their instructors. The prrieertations aads by the principal, C. A. Fleming, 1 C. A . and meaihrt• of the .1.1! ssll�� re a. follow. : •Sp.cimens of writirg- 1.5, MisOiler Corry: 2nd. Mies Elsie Ste, hen; Srd, Miss Lillian Perks..-; 4,0, Mr. J. C. kisOwl. P. K.ap'd wri i• g -I t. Mire Rhoda R. -s-. 2 di M. ) e far. n h: 3rd, Miss Libels P skin -;4 t.. M'. J 1' K. ors les. (1.. 'eel 'a p'. •r,..r. it writing -- Bo, Mr W J. MOT. a.; 2 d. Mr. Roy Ben.., in ; A. d, M t . i.e. r*. Ledingbaa; 4th, Moe Janet.. H S•nelair Ap.11ing, Anal IMO -la, We. David Doyle; 2nd, Mi•s A,•n'. Stark: ard, Mss.. iAII an P.r►to.: 4,0. Miss Jean A rntst rrtn. . Np.hint, week) resod - flet. Miss Ansae Stark; Ind. Mie. J.nnle May n evi; J.r1, it, David Durle; 410, Miss Olive C....y. Raped c- ice letine' - 1.. Miss Lillian Perkins,: !m', Mr. J Munn Mr. O. L..d.n h ea; tiro, Nis Rhoda Mr. J. C. •wsest,ph, Mr Gan. 4A OUR Specialties Plumbing Heating Eavestroughing Metal Work Electric Wiring Prompt attention to all small jobs and general repair work. - - - W. R. FINDER Phone 130 Hamilton Street weiertaftraisMAPsetaMPOMMOSPaPeealthebe Mr. 8. McDougall. Best -kept set of commercial books -- 1st, Mia Lillian Perkins; 2od, Miss Olive Corry; 3rd, Mian Jean Arm- strong: lth. Mr. J. C. Knowles. Letter copy:ng- 1st. Mian Jennie Maynard: 2nd. Miss Ida Dunn; Srd, Mr. Clarence McGirr; Ito, Miss May Minor. The successful dealer gives his cus- tomer, promptly, the article asked for but there are many always trying to substitute something that shows them a larger profit : that is why bulk tea and other packet teas are ()hen foisted on the consumer in place of "8AL- ADA." S 100 Rgwar•d, III 00. The readers of tile Paper will be pleased to learn that there is at toast one dreaded disease that .cieoor has been able to cure in all it. stage-. end that 1, Catarrh. Han+ Catarrh ('ore 1, the only posttave euro now known to the medic+l fraternity. ('atarrh.nt a oos- witutfooal dlraase, requires a o�tltutional treatment. Hall'. Catarrh Care Is taken le- tereailT. acting directly upon the blood dad mucou- perform of the system. thereby de- stroying the foundatfen of the Mama. and giving the patient strength by betiding up the bon.tituUon and sedating nature In doing It,. work The proprietor. ha, a +o mach faith In Its curative power. that they offer One Hun- dred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. Rood for 11.1 of test montaL. Andrews r. J. CHEN kY t CO.. Toledo. 0. Hold by all Druggist.. 73c. Take Hallo Family Pills for oon..tlpattea. A cynic suggests the three quickest ways to rend a mesaite-"•Telegraph, telephone and ' ell•a-woman.' Supercilious Youth (to tram cnn- ductor)-"I. that Noah's Ark full yet '" "Yes, all but the monks y. Jump in." The high quality, the rich flavoring, the line appearance of our choice con- fections, together with the moderate price. account for their popularity. If $you haven't tried them.•do so. T.J. Aylen D, south side Square. Phone 64. The Master Tire fills the bill by reducing the bill. You see' Tractions' on every style and make of car ---on rear wheels. front wheels. T ism DOUR TM it RUt1WEt MOS COMPANY. LIMITED HEAD OFFIt C : TORONTO Bit .acMCP I. Ls. anise CVTTE. 11.Len W Tire- for Aatonmtalt, Meter Truck, Motoeryek.. Bi. .Ir., 1. Rn(1t1,'Mt�,,'•r Reit Ina. Pa, ktnC.I� Hak., I(m a. T, Tins end l: -n.•r.1 Ititbb, r Sprrtenle4 The Ad vantages to the Estate of having a Trust Company administer its affairs are many, yet the charges are no higher than those allowed a private individual acting in the same capacity. This strong, conservative Company, unlike an individual executor, will not fall 111, go abroad at a critical time, be- come a defaulter or pass out of existence, neither will it neglect your again for its own, because its v‘ry life de- pends upon its fidelity to your affairs and those of others. Consult us regarding your will and the administration of your estate. The Wise & Wetter. Trutt Cs. United 282 Rlehmssd St-, Leaden. Ont. of Oaw. Olierree.liekb Li ` er CHURCH NOTES. Re.. Wm. H. Wrigbtoo will morning and evening in the church on Sunday lu the evening the last sermon of the terries on "The Prodigal Seo" will he preached. Come and hear this message. Rev, .john Kolesnikoff, a native 01 Southern Russia. and an es -priest of the Greek Catholic church. wilt speak in the Baptist church on Tuesday, April *kb, at a p. w No admia- loon charge will b made: ao offering will he taken. everyone is wanly Invited to this interesting meeting, which will include several mus[cal items. The annual husinees meeting and election of oMcers of the North street. Epworth League was held last Tues- day evening. After the reading of the reports of the different committees the following officer, were elected for the comingear' Hon. president, Rev. W. K. lager; president, Mr. C. L. Cookie : 1st ace -president, Miss M. Aitken tt'briatian Endeavor,: Ind vice -presider t, Misr R. C+oupe r ( mission - e 11 Me - Kew s'(lite ary vice -and idsociall)f u 4th v c l president. Mr. C. McCartney (citizen- ship) ; secretary. Miss Wootton ; treas- urer, Mr. W. Bern ; pianist, Miss I.. t'ballenger. The adj uirneo( vestry meeting of St. George *church was held last Mon- day night. Resolutions of thanks were passed for the various gifts which have been made to the church during the last year. including new choir stalls and screens, prayer desks. hardwood floor, memorial window. brass lectern, etc. The stipend of the rector, by the unanimous consent of the vestry, was incresaed by $2)O. The various oMcials for the incoming year ate: Judge Holt, rector's war- den ; Mr. G. L. Parsons, people's war- den ; Mesar, Eliot, Holland and Holmes, envelope commit'ee ; Mesas. Seager and Pi est. auditor J. Mr. Hodge, the sailors' missionary on the Welland Canal, was in town on Sunday and gave addresses' follows : Morning. at the Baptist church ; after- noon, fternoon, at Victoria and North street Methodist churches, and in the even- ing at Knox cbur-h. In an interest- ing manner he described the work of the four missionaries who are em- ployed by the Mission to Seamen, awong,tbe .fi,1t*) sailors engaged ou the Great Lakes. Mr. Hodge is • good singer as well as an interesting speaker _and Bang a solo at the morning and evening services. SPRING BLOOD IS WATERY BLOOD. law M let New bake ltd New Straight at This Seams. Spring ailments are not imaginary. Even the most robust find the winter months most trying to their health. Confinement indoors, often in over- heated and nearly always badly ventil- ated rondos -In the home, the office, the shop and the school -taxes the vitality of even the strongest The blood becomes thin and watery and is clogged with impurities. Some people have headaches and a feeling of Lan. gour. Others are low-spirited and nervous. Still others are troubled with disfiguring pimples and 'kin eruptions; while some get up in the morning feeling jest as tired as when they went to fed. "these are all spring symptoms that the blood is out of order amp that a medicine is needed. Many people take purgative medicines io the spring. This is a serious mis- take. You cannot cure yourself with a medicine that gallops through your system and leaves you weaker still. This is all that a purgative doer. What you need to give you health and strength In the spring is a tonic medi- cine that will enrich the blood and soothe the jangled nerves. And the one always reliable tonic and blood builder id Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Theme pills not only banish weakness but guard against the more serious ailments that follow. such as anaemia, nervous debility, indigestion, rheuma- tism and other diseases due to had blood. In proof of this Mrs. D. E. Hughes. Hasenmore, Sask., say, : "About a year ago 1 was badly run down. my nerves were all unstrung, and 1 could not go upstairs without stopping to rest. As i was a long wac from a doctor 1 decided to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and in the course of a few weeks 1 felt like a new person. As an all-round restorative i can neartily recommend this medi- cine." If you are ailing this spring you can- notafford, in Tour own interest, to overlook so valuable a medicine as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at ;i(t cents a box Or six hole. for $'l.titl from The [)r. tVIlliams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. RED CROSS NOTES. The demotion of filo credited (In The Signal 11f April 1st) to Victoria .Crest Methodist Morels was given by L. O. 1.. An 1812, being the proceeds of a lec- ture and soonest given under the aus- pieee of that lodge. The following ladies bare sent con- trih.ttioes to the Red (roes Society. and hearty thank. are due the gener- is dooms: Misses WhitaIy, Mn. its Sell, Mrs. Geo. James, three ire works each; Mrs. Gordon. two pairs. ooeks: Mrs Graham, Mrs. O. Carey. Nee. Pro,dfo ot, Mee. U. C. Whitely Mr,. Howie, Mrs. John ga��) fdrs. B. Burkholder, Mrs. W. llleli Mrs. Robert Clark, one pair eoeka ee,.k. The impression seems to have goes abroad that heavy knitted socks would aot he r•gnired for our soldiers at the front during the warmer weetbse. They ars. however. the hely knitted articles urgently oohed for at present, a.d will be regdired as long ss the war lasts. Our seek -knitters in (i1ed Oh and vicinity have does wond well, but the work has hew oggimed to romparatively few. Wmnal some others now etap In sad hslp algin ibis good work 1 Assam, bale was shipped to the Red these Srn.hty at Toroeto hoes the Gdeviek bslasele en April 1st, eosiet- isg orf ioembe growsA hospital WOW shirts, . , w.1 sheds ,kl+aa. 'T' kslla - �a��aa,. nes.. vslsei •t MLati. The 410! l.40.tew to this h.1. l-slai-i ,ira Both Style and Good Value Are Combined in Our Suits ! it is really wonderful the style and value that clever designers can get into Suits to sell at moderate pric . All our Suits, whether plain tailored or elaborately trimmed, are planned 'th the same individual care by designers of the high- est standing who are expo s. This illustration shows one of the popular styles we are showing for this season. It is, however, but one of the many „stylish and at- tractive garments to be seen in our showroom. The materials most in favor are Serges, Gaberdines and weaves of like nature which we show in navy, black, grey, copenhagen and green. Ever Suit from the lowest -priced to the highest is tailored with the greatest care. We show these handsome Tailored Suit, at $12.50, $15.00, $17.50 up to $25.00 In Separate Coats We Are Showing Exceptionally Stylish Garments at Very Moderate Prices At $8.50 and $10.00 we can give you garments that will appeal to you in every way. And at $15.00 and $16.50 Coats that cannot be beaten either for style or value. .. The Millinery Department Offers This Week some very attractive and dressy shapes that have just been received from the fashion centres. We have a record for high-class Millinery at moderate prices and would like you to visit the showroom at any time, when we will be pleased to show you the latest styles of the season. Have You Tried tioleproof Nose ? The tithe has come for the changing of heavy Hosiery of winter to the lighter weights for spring and summer. When you do so, consider the merits of Holeproof Hosiery. These are the Stockings that are sold with the absolute guarantee that the makers will replace any that wear out within a specified time, Arid that time is long enough to satisfy the most ex- acting buyer. Sold bythe box at $1.00, X2.10) and Mi. 00 the box. it is te cheapest and most econ- omical way to buy your Stockings. Immense Showing of Rugs We are making an immense displaytof Rugs and House -Furnishing Materials in our Carpet Department. An almost endless variety of Tapestry, Brussels, Wilton and Axminster in patterns and colorings suit- able for any room. Almost every wanted size from the small hall runner up to sizes for rooms that are much larger than the average. \-alues we are willing to have you compare with any you can get any- where. If you have Carpeting to do this spring let us know. We think rye can save you money. Special This Week! Three or four Speciale for Saturday selling that ought to be attractive. Embroidered Waists $1.10 Ladies white Voile Waists, front handsomely embroidered in one of the season's new styles. Specially attractife designs just received. Really worth considerably more. Saturday $1.10 Special Children's Dresses $1.10 Children's Print and Gingham Dresses light colorings. Will wash and wear welL Sizes 6 to 12 years. Special in dark or MAO Corsets 69c An extra good Corset made from Ane white eoutil. heavily honed. strong hose supporter*. One of the new styles of the season. Special co,.. per pair. .. 11.9•01 We re-cover Umbrellas. We make Window Shades. We recover OM Awnings and make up new. We upholster Furniture. If iuu want anything of this nature done we will he glad to quote prices and give estimates. HODGENS BROS. DiRECT IMPORTERS, GODERICH, ONTARIO TELEPHONE 25 Taylor, Mrs. Wier.Mrs. Coulthurst, Mrs. J. Yates. Mrs. Griffin, H. Knee - sham, Mrs. Montgomery. Miss Aaftel, Mrs. Colborne, Mn. Aitken, Mr.. Phalen, Mrs. Jordan. Miss Chandler and Maple Leaf Chapter. D. U. E. The regular meeting of the Red Cross Society will take place in the town council chamber at S p. m. on Monday, April 19. All members are requested to attend. The Society acknowledges with many thanks the following contrihu- GREAT - Optical Sale We have been fortunate in securing Doctors from the staff of the De- partment o t Ophthalmology, Royal College of ficienc., and members of the Ophthalmic Doc- tors' institute. Toronto, to take charge of this 2 DAY OPTICAL SALE Tuesday and Wednesday APRIL 20th and 21st Their equipment comprises the lat- ent and best instromentr that science and ingenuity can Merles Inc the examination. diassese and enre of simple, intricate sod dreapoued seam : no ehiM too Teams oe toe too difficult Rendre& have eoms to them as • Met resort and recovered the rom- ped. ne 1hbam of their sight CALL EARLY ANO SAVE YOUR SIGHT Spectaacles, Eye Orwes and all Op- tical Werk st closest city prices. C. L. COULTiS, Phm. B. DisPIlISINO 05131151 Optimal Parlors open 10n and 24 Evenings 741 Orme : Ladies of St. Paul's church (Dungannon), 1() pain socks : Mrs. N. Ellis (ahepperdton), Mts. A. Andrews and Mn. McDonald. 3 pairs mocks ; Mn. Nelson Steep. Mn. Thos. Naftel, Mn. Alex. Si11ih (Shepperdtoo), Mrs. Connell IShctford). Mrs. Wm. Bogie (Colborne), Mr*. Baker, A Friend, 2 pairs socks each ; Mks Cunningham, Mn. D. Harrisoo, Mn. Cunliffe, Mn. Luscombe, Mrs. Thos. Bell. Mn, Wm. McMath, Miss M. Galt, Mrs. Gold- thorpe, sr., Mrs. Proud foot, M, s. Walter Kelly, Mrs. L a.ham, Mrs. Jno. Hunter, Mrs. Jro. Horton, Mrs. Ed, Shaw (Colborne). Mts. Lauder. Mr,. Jos. Wilson, Mn. Burritt, Mins M. A. Burrill, Mn. Holt. 1 pair sock. each ; Mrs. Burritt, 4 pain arbiters ; Mies Holt. 1 pair 'relaters. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. WENT WA W ANOSH. Council met March :1181, at call of Reeve Murray, es per adjotrrnenert of March 2nd. Members all present. Reeve Murray presiding. Minuses of last meeting read and ronin med, on motion by Councillors Purdon and Mallough. Reeve Murray reported that an agreement had hero arrived at between Mr. Reed and his fellow - ratepayers of 8. 14. No. 3. This agree - meet provides fot the payment of is amoral school rats to P. 8 No. 3, where Ida children are being to e Mr. J. J. Washington waited on coos ell asking that • windbreak he swotted opposite lot 24, e0nesasion I. also • grant foe • piece of wire fence oppoo- Its lot 14, eOOC.ssioe 2. The former re - 1 quest was left with aommimos isre Yallougle se Jobnstoa to art. TO. latter revisal wee aoosidered at length • ei • moths by Naylor and Murraythat so more bonuses be gives kw whe draws was pommel. Letter read hoes F. M. Roberts. C. L. re botldhg • larger culvert on award ditcha i s • 111, excess 4o.. 1 e R.t4 ne ad Nay- kr that ioe PuriJd.slea and Mal. sad 8. lough lock ren trio warner with power to ea, Carried (waste YMeirta teem drab bylaw mei errs bb Naylor and Mallough that clerk answer this letter forthwith. Carried. Notion by Johnston and Naylor that Your, drain bylaw be now read as revised and amended by court of revision and that the findings of His Honor Judge Doyle in appeals heard by bim be ig- nored for three reasons : 1st, failure to deliver decision within time limit; .end, failure to readjust assessments t 3rd, the unfairness of his findings. By- law re Young drain read b clerk and 0o motion by Purdon and by was with unanimous vote passed, sealed and signed. Clerk wad authorised to advertise Cur tenders for this work in due lime. • Accounts amounting to $11.23 were passed and paid on mo- tion by Purdon and Naylor. Council adjourned to meet May 215th at ten o'clock as court of revision of aasess- dtent roll. W. A. Wiliam Clerk. Seeding Time Will Soon Be Here. Use Formaldehyde To Prevent Smut on the Grain Recommended by the Ont- ario Agriculturist ('ollege. We sell time linvern,n.nt Standard strength. 25c PER POUND Jas. A. Campbell, P0.. R. Censutrnj Dr.ig More, Corner North MI..d Square 'PHOEIS {`idsnee