HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-4-15, Page 7CNE tiIG;r'A 1. . GODERICII 1 )N'rA RIO TIOa$DAT, APRIL 13 1913 7 DON'T WAIT ! Do It Now HAVE YOUR HOUSE WIRED BEFORE THE SPRING RUSH BEGINS, AND ININIMM AVOID THE RUSH �. All wiring done by the latest Hydro•Electric rule. All work guaranteed. Electric repairing of all kinds promptly attended to, at rea- sonable prices. • We carry a complete and :up- to-date line of Electric Fixtures and Supplies at; all times. ROBERT TAIT Electrician ELECTRIC R.4,VGES and NE 41 F,RS .4 SPECIALTY Office 82—JUST PHONE—Horse 193 ••••••••••••...... f� WOOD FOR SALE 1 have a number of Words of gond Hard Wood for sale. also a quantity of Mixed Wood. Phone or call for prices, delivered at your home. ROBERT WILSON Meow No. sea Hasess.Tow STwtcev es.estertetell s. The Great Ship NSEEA/ms Tim Vol y�was obi nae ter ower . ea w wr w�.rM Wird .eof as l& Maya. ..... 'CITY OF iMil`- 3 Marefilleset fitesears - "CM' OF atr/?ALO" arnrt7N is BUFFALO—Daily,==t...." ,� r• tat Lo .. ( - - ;y: E D u I..t n.a...o= mels m rt..'iot:a, Da ea mi a peat. w..t sad !pea t r.a* *rest f as C. Vert!'" ted tar tr.ar�,rvoea ...... n.w.. A.a pear trbl stmt cls trims •W 14 I ori rd ..et...l pa -•L .111101. .b.a' 4,.a . ..re. ear Wane N Tb. t.r..t a.>. NDaLL • earl as reaelpi et Ow se ,s to owls ;waive dad m ibt. Ake Is oar ��•...�.+e.W�1 .sad dr.l.►,.. be.e/1 tr++. N TM lt C cLAtIra DUTFAL0 Tx.tuarr C0.. Cl.v.t.ad. Oii. Ivara. A Rinse* showed that the ci.- i tern cover had been raised. The two hastened to the opening and. looking down. esti the heed of the man just under the eitrfare of the water. The holy wa+ pttll.d out almost instantly. hist death had already resulted. Mr. Kerr, who w:as u retired farmer, had been a minden, of Kincardine and the surrounding diptrirt for many years. A staunch Preshyterian, he came to this country with his f.r1iily h'om A•synt oriels, Sutherland. Sept - land. and +Poled in Zorra, Oxford county. DROWNED SELF iN CiSTHRN. Aged E.Mcariiae Man Could Not Stand Paean Suffering. Kincardine, April I1. -Suffering from an intense pan that was making his life nee of perpetual misery, Don- ald Kerr. aged seventy-nine, got out of bed at hie home about m°dnlght and drowned himself in a cistern near the hoose. Tb. Maty was found by his homgaheeper, Mrs. Onne1, and a .ext, JoN. 11, w a stated tonight that no ipeeet would be held. 'The house- keeper declared that late at night she had heard Mr. Kerr mewing about. sad koowina that be was not well she had goose to hie room. A hasty search sowed that the moat and adjoining velem were empty. Alarmed by the sada'• strange disappearance, the wo- man t,man roused the sae, who, occupied an adjoining roma. Together they went through the house and the. into the Our Great Lakes: Traffic. 'Nevigatinn is open and this annual event directs attention to the great trails which passes through the canals at Sault Ste. Marie and down the Detroit River. A comparison ha. been given. hawed on the latent figures, with the vessel. arriving and cleating from the world's leading seaports, excluding Pasts engaged in roast- ed** trade. The following are the twines : Place Reg. Net Tons, Detroit River (111131. ... . 61092149 St. Mary'. Canal (1913) 87,989.715 New York 119131 41.188,911 Antwerp (19121 77.461.643 Hamburg (19191 26,188,672 Rotterd►m 41912) 24,084,217 Hong Kon. (1912) .... 21.614.993 London (1912) Mh+n/hal (19121 '18.611$888 Singapore 11912) 16.444.216 Marseille. (1912) 16,444.346 Uverpool (1912) 14,699,1169 Tee peer -or. ► - -w Ott* v -tome of the Great Leaves tonnage and that of tba big world poet. is even swore ortik- InR, nays The Windom. Roe ird. wham cassid.ratleim is given to the fast that weather condition, limit the Great bikes navigation season to approxim- ately reins. months In every year, while the maritime commer a of the Degan ports co.Unuea throughout the year. A PAMILY REMEDY FOR MANY VERS I�M'ftrN+ws" /111 Tie led d hub. ttlMlaa Mew Cow Kn'e* r, O1.T., June 17th. 1913. "I have been win`"Fruit-a-tives" as a family remedy for many years. They are the best medicine I have ever tried. "Fruit-•-tives" do me the moat good -they never gripe and their action is pleasant. "I have used them for Indigestion and Constipation with the hest results, and I heartily recommend them to anyone similarly afflicted. These troubles have left mecomplete- ly and I give"Fruit-a-tives" full credit for all this. A nicer pill • man cannot take." GEORGE McKAY. Tbe enormous demand for "Fruit -a, tives" is steadily increasing, due to the fact that this wonderful fruit medicine gives prompt relief in all cases of Indigestion, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Rheumatism, Chronic, Headaches. and Neuralgia, and all Kidney and Bladder Troubles. 50e • box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. Sold by all dealersor sent on receipt of price by Fruit+Uvea Limited, Ottawa. THE NEW STAMP ACT. The Dominion Government stamp Ac: come, into effect !.day (Thursday, April 13th;. A memorandum explain- ing souse of its provisions has been issued by the Finance Department at Ottawa. The person issuing a cheque, note or hill must affix the two -cent stamp. The bank will have to cancel. A cheque must be cancelled at or before tate time of payment ; a bill or promis- sory note at the time the hill or note is transferred or delivered to the hank. There i, a penalty of $34( for failure to affix t rte +tamp to any of the instru- ments named. "The bank bac no authotity- to •fllx a stamp which the maker of any of these instruments has neglected to amx 'l'o do so." says the memoran- dum, "would be to encourage laxity on the part of the teeming public, and W begin 1t would result in trouble Inc the bank in collecting the two cents." Stamps for to purposes of the Act will b•• found in the hands of collectors of inland revenue, postmasters and other officers of the Gave' notelet and other persons w bo may he appointed by the Minister of Inland Revenue to sell these 'tempo. if. however, none of these special stampe are available, the tarty issuing the cheque, note or bill may use postage .camps to the amount of two rents in lieu of the stetupe prepared by the Inland Res- enue Department. It is not expected that cheques and hills of exchange on which have been iwnteased a stamp of the requisite value by mean, of .. die will come into general use. Postage Stamps May de Used. The Poetoffl.e Department issues the following notice : The Postofice Department, having given notice a week or two ago, in connection with the War Revenue Act, that all letters and postcards mailed in Canada for delivery in Can- ada, the United Sates or Mexico, and letter, mailed in Canada for delivery in the United Kingdoin and British possessions generally, or wherever the two -cent stamp rate appli.-, should in addition to ordinary postage carry • one -cent stamp as a war tax, and also having notified the public that such war tax, while it should be paid pre- ferably by the postage stamp marked -War Tax," could, if such sump were not available, be paid by an ordinary one cent poet me stamp, is now issuing further notice to the effort that poet - age stamps spay be used for the pre- payment of War duties on Lank cheque*, bills of exchange, promissory notes, tepees, money order.. proprie- tary or patent medicines, perfumery, winee or champagne, at well as upon letters end postcards, postal notes and po.toffice money orders, the Intention befog to provide facilities in theta por- tions of the country where excise stamp. are not readily available. This, In view of the fast ,het pate,* sumps say he ohteinsd at ail points nye • the whole count. 7, in many place. wh•r•e there is no e'•lIector 01 Ialand revenue and no lolaed r --venue stamps could he obtained, io a distinct sonveuien' a to the public, and n, doubt will be lar Rely taken advnta,te of. The Cslleus Repo tor. Of an old Scottish reporter i e at tendance at one of Led Roeebery's nseetinga this Iaeideat ie toll :-Lord lintehery was very solemn as be •p• prcrrh his petoret:on ; and Itte a -•tiny, ander the •lan►rw of his eloquence, sat huabeel It. coneentrated attencinn. All nt once • drop of moi.- taredetarhed Itself from the glues roof and fell with • epla.h en the held head of Ow old ret... tar. • • W ba a that WstUn'r h. demanded In a Lind and Indlgwant Reottieh seems, Thus nidi. awe hunt int . such a roar of laughter that It was some time before the notate lord could proceed. This story affords as lllestratk+n of the Indifference to the moat waked aMa of our political orators whirl 11 4)larlty rifles heads ld the otM sad warmest epeeist. 'l4aaher-"Rhes le a pedewrists r Otaassery PRB-"A trans wise gees res mer W a tmdsr. 1 FOUND NO FRAUD IN BOOT PURCHASES Canadian Footgear Sutatant:ally Up to Sample Sat Rather Light For Wct Weather -A M'-••rit. Reeert Thr commute a; poi Ltd by Parti_ meat to conduct an eta.;.:.ry nto the boots supplied the Can Man ccntir. gents placed its report Lpon t':e tib! of the House of Common : last Frld ;' n ight. The commltt: a ret ort:3 that th boots purchased after the war began were substantially according to 11:. samples which were givcia to the con- tracting arms. A large numb -sr of condemned or discardei boots were examined by exp.:ts a7potnt^d by the committee and th_ io'lowlag are their conclusions: Of a tttal of 1,-13 In- spections there were 1.4.8 cana!de ct being repaired. 112 were retdered as • leas by being burntd apd :fi wer3 unrepalrable The caaret of the un - repairable loots were: 4' cut 1.y tc • nails, 22 out by knife o : pt.r and tt. the 83 remaining 61 had n't tees Is the first plate equal to sample. They were too light in the baits. Tho expert inspectors declared ;he, saxp • to he a good boot and fully up. to d partnent*' specifications Ac:orJia b they male their find.. gs. !:kin; the samples as a standard The total uumber of butts c midelell- ed by the var.ous ,w Plttry 1•card. throughout Canada was 7.:;. 7 snd o these 6,599 y: L r. repalr.bh, Lis In -ru- ed. 319 mutl!ated by cultl.g aed 3'J useless owing to other cau+es. In view of the fact that in the otht1 months of training no r.gia.e .ta1 c (' • biers or dubbing had been provided b the department, the committee found that the report of the experts tort - berated the view that the brott sup - Plied by the manufactur.r we au.; stantfally up to sample. The boots in dry weather gave fa!: satisfaction, but when subject to drll • Ing and marching in ..e: and su=b without an opportunit' fur crying o: dubbing they gave way mor, rapidly till the men were supplied with second pair. The committee was satisfied that n boots under the conditions at Salts bury Plain would remain water tight The rommltt.'e came to the cot.• elusion that the standard Brlt th aro:. boot 1s not a sufta'sle boot for adopt• ion as the standard army bo.t of Lanada. No paper or other fraudulent nts- terlal was used In the co:etr;:ctioa of the soles or uppers 'of the boots. A minority report was prseetted tc the House of Commons, which de. Glared that negligence and want of care were shown In providing boots for the soldiers. and that the sample boots were tuferior to the rented pat- tern. LAST OF KAISER'S FLEET GOT ta,000 LETTERS ! Za.-oak U.•auaously Endorsed A prominent Woman's Journal re- cently asked its lady readers to give an opinion, tweed ..n personal experi- ence, of several widely -known Can- dido prcducts. The puWisbrre recently wrote the proprietors of Z•at-But 10 the following effect, -•'In cuonec riot, with our onupetitioo, we have received in the neighborhood of 14000 lettere. We du not know of one in- stance where the proportion e/ satis- fied atinMed users of anyat was so great as proved to be the case in regard to 'Lam -Bak." Herein Iles the proof of the superi- ority of 'Lam-Buk-the proof of experi- ence ! No amount of adverti.ing, no men assertion on nur part could create such unbounded confidence in Zam-Buk as these Cazadiao house- wives bare expressed. Only the plain, straightforward test of Zara-Bua in the home could do this. Zara-Buk is entirely different to all other ointments. Most ointutenta coutain coati animal fats. In s({,te eases these tau clog up the pores of the skin and retard its action. Zilm-Buk is purely herbal. Many ointments have no antiseptic properties, cannot rare the pain, and in fast cause pain when used. 'Lam Buk, on the other hand, is antiseptic. As soot, OA applied to a wound or sore it kills the germs, thus banishing all risk of blood poison. and ends pain Zam-Buk, unlike many ointments, eontaina no poisonous coloring matter, no harsh minerals. Zaw•Buk is superior to all other ointments, because it is purely herbal, and is healing, soothing, and antisep- tic. If you suffer from any skin disease, injury, or chronic sores, remember the 1:1,015) letters from housewives who have prnved "Lam-Buk. Do no; waste time and money experimenting with inferior remedies -try Zam-Buk firer ! All druggist. and stores sell Za'm- Buk, or Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, will rend you a free trial box on receipt of this article, Hume of paper, and lc. stamp o pay return postage. • it it II McLEAN BROS.II 3esi-Ready Tailors I/ II NOV IS THE TIME to order your new Spring Suit. We have a large var- ! iety to choose from and can fit anyone from a two-year- old boy to the largest man. McLEAN BROS. The golden age is Indeed ie the future, and not in thepast.-l►r. Doug- las White. Genuine Grief -Ifunseal director to gentleman -"Are you one of the mourners?" Gentleutan-"Yes, he The finest thing in the world is a owed me MR." beautiful character, and one of the pr a- e., m} son, it most wonderful things about char- P you want to atter is that the more it is expended learn anything well you mutt begin upon others the re the giver be -at the lfottom." Little Boy- How comes enriched. -Sir Henry Junes, about swimming. pa?" (••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• CANADIAN STEEL WIRE fENCI.Nfi •. • • • • • • •••• •• • • • ••/ �a • • • �t a - • • • •::y •�'' :t. ..' • • ; . �.. �:. ` - fir+( j��'./y�]� _ � . r s : s w � s • : : • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • g •gad fife. But how • • h h b • • • We have just received a carload of CANADIAN Farm Fence, Hog Fence • and Poultry Fence. This Fencing is 'of the very best wire and heavily galvanized. • We bought.this Fencing before the 74% war tax was put on and we are • going to • give you the benefit of it while it lasts. • 7, No..3 and 12 wires, 26 inches high, stays 12 inches apart, 2k a rod • • 7, No. fl 26 •' • • . 16 ' 28c a rood • K, No. 9 49 " 22 •' 32c a rod • 7. No. 9 . " 42 " 22 • ' 27c a rod • No. 9 Coiled Spring Steel Wire - - Sic :a'lb. '' • 2x5 inch Barbed Wire at - $3.00 per spool of 30 rods • 2x6 inch " • •' at • - - - $3.16 per spool of 80 rods • If you require Fencing now is the time to buy if you want to save money. •• High Seas Now Completely Cleared • of German Cruisers • Tbe last o: Germany's sea raiders the Kron Prins Wtlhe:m. scourge - swept. her crew tacitg starvation. he: bunkers deity, barred from New Perk hirbor by the perp.tual glazed of British mesas, taught sanctuary at N;wport News Ta. cn Sunday. The enxillare cruL-er had been at aro 27i; days. t:arlig xalch time she 1.n'% fifteen mereb•. toren. Targe .1 these ware Pr.:':h. twR Fre_ch .rad one Nof'segla".. The ai )n a:ince o! the !-'ron Prinz Wi!he'm jut cne c,a7 after the In • rnncn: et the Pr!".: E:tee Fr,edtic:r • rented gr.nt strpr.�e. When las' • !.,ard from the Kr::Y Prinz was in the South Attester. the !tad teen sported et.r.;; half a dczea times. RELIEF SHIP TOR:'EDOED Fifteen Men Lost With New York State's Supplies For Belgia^a Th• PelIian rel.. f sh'p Herpa yrs of London. the te:.:er of Mew fork State's first c:r.o of gifts. was Bunk north 01 Hinter Lightship on 8 itur day by a Cer:ran Ptl' m'_r.n^ Ch.' was flying the nag f the Anleric in • ('on mission when she we: torpedoed • according to the testi:aony of ('aptiin • Matron+. of the Dutch eteam. r Eliza Kehl. which rescued 22 men,bcrs ..t • the crew. • The Constance (' Uterine. 3110 Dutch craft: p.ckcd t.i `five of the met: • It is fca-td that all of 13.- rzrnalntng Llteen ct :he crew wt r: .est. • ow do You test Shingks? A roof is not a thing to be chosen lightly, You are bound to choose ,nota/ as sure pro- tection from lightning n can you tellwhich is est ? • Lathering For ft -.J on Serb :a • • A te!eeram 'rt,-:: H me says 40,1 Alhnn'a^_a led by German and Turkish • officers ere collected 1. v an attack o . • 1 it ratio and rc')Pequ' ..1(7 on 8c r .� • This moverent tog .he. with t • resent attack on the Serbians 1s h. lleved to form part of a concerted to r • for dlatra-tlrq :he Balkan States fron united action agalntt At.'rin and • Turkey. • • The ■'ltrd fleet ' a . se-ord'nig to • cno6'e a' r. I'n-•s h en bom'araleg • the Dar! r. 1'es for:. from the Gulf of Baron This doubtless is be.tg : dose to t t the Tarts from t'e pairing the forts. for it la not be lt'si • here that the big attack will be re- sumed until tieo lard fete's aryt , Borst twain, Turkish Potations Attempted to Kilt Sultan • An art min was male last TAW*. • day to a'stesNaate the Sultan o: • 5.4741, lieeesln K•rrsl As the Ito'. • tan was leasing shat n Palace a nativ., Need a shot at him Tb:s wont wldr • and the native was Iamedlatel • seised. • Royalty In the Bread Lew hereafter bread ticket, will be I.• • seed to Ey>ernr Francis Joseph add • laeaM» of the Royal 9esseathold of Austria la the same maaaer as to • ordinary tithene.` Tim Mart of OsaWRerd has just ea. head as�wte la the Mama Armpt • Let us tell you how we test PRESTON Safe- lock SHINGLES. Admit we have as much at stake as you. We think we have more. Our whole future depends on the Iron we put on your and your neighbors' barna. The life of our business le the farmers' good -wilt 1' our own ttst 111 severe it is nur own way of Insuring nur business against failure. The galvanizing which forms the prop etlon from rust and ruin. w• put to the British Government tests -acid tests. This is harder on galvanizing than the storms, the wind. the heat, the frost of twenty years. But, when we send out PRES- TON Rafe -Lock SHINGLES we knew that they will give the best service. bring new friends and new business. PRESTON Sae lock SH 1Nf[G LE S Manufactured by THt MITAL $HtNOL& a a1OIN0 CO.. Limits.. Preston. A RiG BOOK FOR FARMFJR, "Better Buildings" Hose to she metal sot r best edrewfmge ow Ise •errw. Don't 1tell before yes • see 8. Ask fur' a t'RF:f: ropy. Ara you going to us. FLRTILIZLR ? if so rail and get our primal, wan, b are quite interesting. A eaiload of PORTLAND CEMENT is Jest in. If you require any. net P. off the ear and save the cost of extra teemeter. it. willn be t i.... r• -r .praying. Do not forget that we have a soap for you in LIME SULPHUR at 54..00 per rrwl. Are you ening to bas- any PLUMBING done? We hive two pear -timid plumber* end guarantee every job we dn: and what 1. more, we invite inspection and test. All work promptly attended to ansi fully guaranteed The .ame applies to Heating, Electric Wird ,g and Steam Fitting. Have you ennngtt COAL to carry you through to the warm weather? We have just received several miriade of freshly u.ined Scranton Coal anti ran give prompt attention to orders, All Coal weighed on market MAPLE SLAWS. MIMED WOOD AND KINDLiNG. • • • •• •• • • • • • • • •• • • • •• • • • • • • CHAS. C. LEE Phones: swat ss • HOUSE 112 •••••_••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••z