HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-4-15, Page 61- • ?SUMO* AP.IL ti, 11111 THE OtIi1NIL IND ONLY ENGINE BEWARE OF !MITA- TIONS SOLD ON THE MERITS Olt IIN4DD'S LINIIENT BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. GOLD LETTERING on 1J A.THER GOODS All order. promptly &t.od.d a an leaving kto at TB F. d1O' AL, Ged.rack. A. E. TAYLOR. tkISATvowD. s MEDICAL 1IR. GNU. HKILKMANN, OSrE- 1l PATH..wci+Wt I■ Wane. • sad sill - mgr., dqiesaws. Aetna. *hr.nie P. nereses dl rhem•.acita.sar. she mi throw. sad aondltlo... Jdos ''ortaA wren third i.or trots Use dosis••, Oodwisk. PeR. F. J. R. YORSTER-IRR, EAR. J aim sad throat wily. 16emo .erase.. ew York Oph:kaltnic and Asci lastltula. ^ti.ioal.tad+t Lar. Now sod lariat Bosptui. bulgier, Spasm. row Moorefield U. BlloWlAL Loudon. kadsed. Whoa ill elWaterloo Street. Stratford. olopo.it. Knox Ckarea. floors 1 to lY a. n.. Y to k p. s.. i tat p. T.MDa000 s'. H. AND MINNIIh M. GREER, WIC W. L. Chie.oeaoters. spies sed sorra o pacsalin actic Is the wawa Mot • wit dre thog• or kilts. Pros saaaina- boa. °Mee ono a amines• Shoe Stare...- txanoa on hast street.. Phe.* yet. 013 -is. AUCTIONEER. THOMAS SUNDRY AUCTIONEER, s boa ion m.: 816,• once will be proomp:ly ans by t - e, Sed to. lar -.deuce tetept.oua11 y. LEGAL K. u. HAYS BARRISTER. $uUC it .TOR, NOTARY Pt. If 3=3 wing Sank Block. Hamilton 9.reet, a e s6 !tial Potato less. turd Insurance.; PRGUDFOUT, IUi.LORAN 3c PROIJDFOOT HARRIST1tas. 8111. CHVRd. NOTARIES PUBLIC. RTC. (Moe on the Square. second door from Ham - Una street. Oed.ricb. r•rbiv.a..te fund. to loan t lowest rano W. PItot- DrOOT. ILC. J. L Kittcomss W. PaowDroOT. J0. if O. CAMERON. K. C.. HARRIS J.L. TER, selie4tor, notarytp Wit. Mow - It oalltoo titre'. Ooderlek. third door fro "moue ue- At t'bntoo Tbundsy of each week hi Hooper. OSa't hor til p by Mr. m. to 6p.m (,IIARLES GARROW, LL.B.., ., BAR W_ r seas Wren rates I1 MEAGER BARRISTER, SOL - Mae \H Dederick.ea y Pt aCooWeienosr. INSURANCE. LOAMS. CTC. ;LiV,000vTO AATE WAY to M. 0. y &RON. Rambler Hamfits. street. Oelarsa. W'. IL ROBSRTiON. 1 •INSURANCE AO [NT W. as Ades 1A.Rrensw : MtW. Csnadiw and Amor/aaa. Annpag ' srtxsaas LCD I.MrL0Tttaa L.sc ITT l 'IIs Moan Acelebeat. and Usareatae erseeasiw.. Lia.lud. of L.os4es. Rem. ✓ to.uny LCD UQAALXTaa.orrta : The C.S. 414.11ty and Oa emotes Coss posy. Oben s4 re.edes-u. sort ,.est corner of vie tarts sad at. De rids surra. Phew Ila. 1c&ILLOP MUTUAL FiRK 1N- 1 1 6 C R A 1: C R C O. --Tann sad twisted t tea rryP= t IR 1'M. Oaken -J. A. sod.roai. Pr.t•t.. 4t+forlk P.O.: J o.. Coasdl . Yloarr.... Oconee\ P. O.; Towne. C H.T. see. -Tor• . doefortb P. 0. Mreetor.- 11 4. McGregor. 'Waratk ; Jean 9 ernes, Winthrop: Wiliam Kies.Caartasies; JAM Hsowweb. Phedasesin : Jane Kress, wseehwsoe ; Reboil fawn, Herbs& ; Mdeslm Y_Kw.n• Hr.eetteld. Arses-. J. W. Tim Hdse'vUI.. Alex. l.ellrb. ("dates : Wpaen Chs.ner. forth ; K. Muscatel. esafsata. ,q.ap • na" ▪ asst. ]he sst. ease est t,IMu Ret R.wee J. Mes'he's C It4hlaN H . Celt's Gramm • i:snrrro'sereet. MARilAOI LICIIMSER `(JALTKI h. k►1CL.1.2, J.P., uM•►:RI( fl O1(T. IeaUi R ler W. ROIAOS LIC11171111011L Brophey Bros. GUDERIOH Ise Leaflet Flows] Dkectgrs add Enol lfae r s Orders mss faay attend& to at ail boove, sight er day. PH.R 810NAL GODERIOH ONTARIO TIE LATEST MARKETS Terme* Cottle Markus Representative polos are:- iktpping steers $7.4041127•711 Handy choice steers7.11 7.76 Butcher stern, good..,7.16 7.4e do. medium 6.71 1.16 to. common Heifers. choice do. good do. medium Butcher cows, choice... 6.36 du good ... 6.76 do. medium 6.36 do. common 4.76 Butcher bulls. choice1.14 do. good bulla .. 6.76 do. medium .. 6.36 du. rough bottoms . 4.60 Feeders. 960 to 1,100 lbs. 6.16 do. bulls 4,T6 Stockers, 740 to 043 Ihs6.36 lo. med.. 664 M 7116 6.T3 Canners 11.71 Cutters ... 4.36 Milken, choice. s.r«.00 do. com. *Ad ast44.00 Springers ..... 3g,00 Calves. veal, c1M11141 7.60 do. medium' 6.36 do. commas 4.11 do. grass ...... 4.110 Bob calves, each 4410 Lambs, yearling. light4.00 do. medium . 8.00 do. heavy 7.00 do culls 7.04 Storing lambs..soh 6.61 Owes, light .. 7.00 Sheep. heavy and bucks 6.60 Galla .. 3.04 Hogs, off cars 9.16 do. fed and watered6.60 da f.o.b. . «' 8.66 6.01 6.76 7.16 7.46 6.00 7.11 1.611 6.76 6.36 6.711 6.71 7.04 6.36 6.76 6.36 7.04 6.76 6.76 6.16 4.36 4.76 14.60 66.00 66.00 14.04 7.60 7.00 4.00 7.04 13.00 9.66 6.60 7.64 9.04 6.60 7.00 4.36 9.36 1.00 8.76 Farmer's Market llolowtng are the latest quotations tor farm produce at St Lawrence Market. Torunto. Wheat. bushel 41.40 to 41.45 Goose wheat 1.35 0.00 Qat .65 .66 Harley . 83 .84 Buckwheat .16 .0) are 1.16 0.04 Naas 1.25 1.35 Ray, timothy. No. 111.00 22.u) Mixed and clover 14.00 17.01 Straw, bundled 17.00 18.01 do. loose 10.00 12.0. Butter. choice dalre.13 .3; Eggs. new lalt. dos.23 Chickens, dpMsdd, Fowl. lb. - .16 Ducks. Ib. .14 Turkeys, Ib. - .26 Geese, Ib. .16 .13 Live chickens, lb. .17 .11 do. hens. Ib. .14 do. ducks, ib. • .14 do. gees,. Ib. .13 Apples, basket .2i do. barrel 3.00 Potatoes. bag .se Onions, small basket.36 .eo .23 .24 .20 .13 .16 .15 .15 .15 .41 4.04 .76 Pork, 10. ..... Dressed hogs Lard. lb. County and District Wes. Hall died at bas home at ithel 0o April Sib, in his eigbty•fiftb year. 111. Hudson. of Zurich, has «.Id his Sour and feed more to Louis Jeffrey. who takes poeeeesioo at once. D's `thaoaban, of tyeafortb, has pur- chased the pasture farm on the Ad eosee.snon of Tuck.remitb from W. U. Bruadfuoi. Samuel Peter, of Atwood, received 1.114 postcards, letters sad bookima In cwuweruoratroo sit hi. seventieth birthday recently. Wm. Digitiser, • lad in the employof Geo. Turnbull, of Grey township, at Isis shoulder biokeo by • fall Irom a bores be was riding. Mrs- McCartney. who forswore years conducted a lUillinery business at Wroxeter, was found dead in bed at ber home in Palmerston ou April 8th. Helen.. daughter of Mr. and Mn.. W m. Trewatha, of W iutbrop, was married on March 31st to Jack Mc- Spadden, of McKillop. Rev. D. Cara - officiated. The engagement is announced of Mattel. eldest daughter of Mr. rod Mrs. E. Brown. in Hulleu, t.. Wm. Hoggarth, the marriage t 1 take place at au early date. • Miss Bell S. Rockwell and John Stewart Buchanan. of Walton. were quietly married at the Methodist par- sonage, Seaforth, on March 31st by Rev. A. W. Barker. John Allison and Geo. Monteith, of the Thanker toad. Usboror, have pur- chased the grass farm on the buun- druy, bear Fuquhar, formerly, owned by Robert Garuiurr.._. - laaac W'akeford pawed away at bid home at Fordwich un March Slat, aged eighty years. Deceased waa twice married and bs survived by his Wide And fire sone and two daugnter.. The Wm. Perdue homestead. on the Beytteid line, Cioderich townsbii•, has been sold to Best Lindsay. Is con- tains 1211 acres and the price wan 17.1J0. the Perdue tatuily are re- moving to Clinton. Etta Pearl. daughter of Mr. sad Mrs. Wm. Colchougb, died at her boom on the l lth coocer.000, Godertch town- ship, alter an illness extenduug over eighteen month.. She wee twenty - live years of age. George McClenaghan, an aged resi- dent of Whitechurch et.iniIy, died at Wingham on Sunday, April 4W. He was born in Ireland via b.y four years ago and cause to Canada to the year 1840. fa., daughter* and one son *m- aim. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Davidson. of the 11th concession of Grey, celebrated ase attieth anniversary of their wed - drug day on Wednesday, Mar, ti 31st. They were married at Scarboro, Out., in 1863. Their family presented tbeni. with an address' and many useful gifts ma memento of the occasion. .15 .36 Ida Victoria, youngest daugbter of 10.00 11.40 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Evans, of Stanley 1t• 18 township, was married on April 7th to Toronto Grain Prices The following wbclesale prices are quoted at the Toronto Board of Trade. Manitoba Rhea' -No 1 la rthtr $.til, lake bons. No. 2, 51 60 a; ':o 3. $1.574.. 3'anitoba Oats -No. ' C:w. 70'- c No. 3 C. W'., 6Sr, tr. r , tai pint . No. 1 feed. e7.. san;plo cats 181. Ontatiu Oats -While, outside, 5•c to 62c. Ontar'u \V1:e..:-No. 2, p_r car '41.33 to 11.45. American Corn -No. 3 yellow. all rail shipments. Toronto freights. 82'.c. c.i.f.. bay ports. for ore'ing ,-f navigation, No. 2 'yellow. 7S%c; 3 yellow, 771,40 Peas -No. 2. 81.75 to $1.84). car lots. outside. Rye- No. 2, outside 81.00 to $1.1'1. Barley -(food malting barley. out side, 73c to 75c Rolled Oats -Car lots; per bag of 90 pounds. 53.40; In smaller lot'. 1350 to 13.55, Rindsor to Montreal. Buckwheat -80c to 82c. car lot-., outside. Mlllfeed-Car lot:. per ton, bran, 826 to 827; chert., 826 to 429; Mid- dlings, 133 to f34 good feed flour, 338 to 839. Cattle at Montreal Butchers' cattle. (ho , e.$7.75 to 38 0. do. medtom 6.50 7.00 do. com:no-1 4.75 5.:, Canners 3.50 4.00 Butchers' cattle. cows6.2S 6.51 do medium .. 5.25 6.7 i do. hulls 5.10 6.75 Milkers choice. each. -65.04 70.60 do. corn. and credS5.00) 60.0* Springers . Sheep, ewe, Rucks and culls Lamas .... 45.00 60.01 6.75 1.0) 5.25 5.51 8 25 9.21 Hogs, off tars 0.50 4.40 Calves .......... 5'1 13.0 Race Siffale Cattle Cattle-Actty, , prime stern 811 15 to 88.50; skippers. 17.26 to 38.0); butchers', 14.04) to fib 00; heifers. P.0 to 117.50. cows, 83.50 to 86.65; baps. 8460 to 16 76. weals --slow; 8440 to 86.50. Hogs --Active; heavy and mixed. $7.65 to $7 70; yorkers. 87 00 to 47 75; pigs. 17.:.0. roughs, 84.40 to 16.40, stags. 85 00 to 16.00, Sheep and lambs -Active; sheep steady. lam h.. 4600 to 80.66, wool lambs el 00 n. 811.01: y.arlirgs. 86 ou to 8g 24; wether.. 47 00 to $7 16. ewes, 83 00 to 84.75; mixed. 56 76 10 87.11 Chicane Use Steck Cattle -Market weak; beeves. $11.00 to 68 70; rows and heifers. 41.04 to 13 06. calves. 14.00 to 84 64;. Hop- Markel weak; light, 87.116 to 87 44, mused. 3711 to 87.41; heavy. 16 se to 17.371%; rough. 44.84 be $4116 pigs 81.04 to 44.00; balk of sores, 87.14 to 47.116. e Msrtet Ins; native, 47.66 to 8t Mk; lambs. eat, s. 46.00 to $10.66. Two German stations Is southwest Atrtea were eeeap6ad loot wltsh lt+ timers" Bashes vwop& James A. Cameron, tan ot Mr. And Mrs. Thos. Caa.sroo, of Bayfield. The ceremony was petfun rd try hew. A. Macfarlane. They will reside at Tor- onto, where the groom is engaged as a teacDer. Mew Carrie handers, of Ethel. waw married os March 24th to Gtu. Vp esley Love, of Mourepark. Man. 'I'be cere- ruooy was petfoimed at the home of Mr. ani Mn. B. Pis rue. of Portage km' Prairie, who were former re.ideuts of Grey, sod intimate friends ot the brave. The young couple will reside at Moorepark. Eugenie Maude, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John entitling. of Teeswater, was marded on Apt it bit to Lambert H. E. Stenson, only .00 ot Mr. it Mrs. Wm. Stinson. of Gorrie. Tres ceremony, which took plat. at Tor - unto, was performed by Rev. John Coburn. Tax newly married couple will reakde at Toronto. Mrs. Jessie Winfield, relict of the late Edwin Winfield, et Whitechurch, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. D. Smith, of Saskatoon, ou March 1Ab, Deceased was horn in Scotland seventy -wiz years ago, but had leen • resident of White- church vicinity for forty years, until August last, wheu she went West to vuit'ber daughter. One daughter and four sons survive, all being in the West. Kincardine Review : Two men, both over sixty years of age, met last week for the first tune. They were brother., and they came to see a sick brother, (:apt. Hugh McKinnon. When their parents came to this country from Scotland they left one moa. John, with relatives the... Shortly after their arrival here another son, Donald. was born. Donald grew up and went to Madison, Dakota. where be has made a success to mercantile business and farming. W hen John grew up he came to Canada and went farming in Manitoba. H., too, has done well. Th, two came to Tiverton on news of their brother'. serious illness and met for the first time. WINIHAM. The standard wage for day labor o0 municipal work has been bet at 31.111). Mn. Wm. Goy slippei and fell on the verandah of her home one day re - easily. and fractured her lett arm in two paces. Geo. T Robert -on has purchased the frame house on Victoria street end the frame house on Minnie street, the property 0t A. M. Robinson. A water main M to be ttonstAseted on Patrick street frusta Catherine street to Coling r -reser. The water- works committee has been Rives power to proceed with the wok. 4JC ITER. Mlles Clara J Davi* was married its AMU to lien. O. Ohp.nn, of Inger- soll. The eeressew , watch took Weer at TrevNU M thereh, was re' - Gres d by Rev. D. W. Mollies. After thehesaysooi, Mr. and Mn. O6ipson will rebus at iageesoll Jolt Taylor Aad at his home her. .. April Sri after sewers/ weeks' M- ains following • iall in wealth be broke his hip He woe within a few day. of ble rthday. Me wee twins eighti wad le mwarlarell by his wile aid two MsaMMso. Sabi $...M ani Clow Cleddr tIgured in • nmaeray accident on the Sed barl Thiry were drawing a load of iron rails when the comm ran away and Mr. Nort400tt was thrown from 1.s Ltd, the wages wheal pea' over and badly cres.tag beds wale •.6 ba sabstwbe injuring him. Mr. Geddes was unhurt. SEAM RTH. The town council baa agreed to settle the claim of Mn. Hugs del" - Doh. of Toronto, for injuries received by fat on the icy alder/elk, by pay- ment of 010111 D. D. G. M. Duelop, o[ Goderiob, 'baited Britannia Lodge, A. F. and A. M. bare oil April nth in his officialopacity. After the lodge work was oompleted supper wee served and a social hour spent. Mrs. Thomas Govenlock died at the home of her coo here on April 'lad. The deceased lady was bore in Pena - sylvania ninety -live year. ago and WA/ a daughter of the late Mr. Vito Egwond, the blonder . t igoiundville. Tnree .oils and our da+.,fblrr .or'b's. Her husband died seer: di years ago. Ciul+. Eberluart die i at his hwue bete oil April 5 h, aged sev.nty-three years Ile wee one of the rear Iv sett- lers here and in his early days drove the mail stage between raeaforth and Brussel.. He afterward. farmed in Hlhlort township and returned to Seat.rrth to live two wear. ago. CLINTON. Mee. Thos. Archer fractured her leg when she %lipped at bet. borne on Tues- day of Iasi week. Gro. Tedford, w) , twenty-six years ago was cl,ief r -f police herr, died at his home in Chicago on April 4th. His last viet to Clinton was made about flee years ago. Mina Sarah Smith. of Toronto, has offered to fornieb funds for the erec- t ion of a drinking fr.uttain in memory of the tate Sidney Herbert Smith. The town couocit bas accepted the offer. Mary A. G., -daughter of Mrs. Thos. Mitchell. was married at her home here, on Mnssday, April 5th. to Joseph Guest, of Winghatn. The ceremony was performed I. Rev. F. C. Harper. They will reside at Wingbat:i. Margaret May Campbell was utar- ried'ou April Sid to Simon McKenzie, of Btucefteld. The ceremocy, which was held.at the Presbyterieu manse, was performed by Rev. F. C. Harper. The young ccnple will reside at Bruce- (feL'. The spring show held on April lit was a .pleudid .odes', the exhibits of troth horse. and cattle (wing most satisfactory. At the annual banquet held in the evening 125 persons .at down. Dr. J. W. Straw acted as toast- master and several visitors from Tor- onto ,and other outside points were amcog the speaker.. BRUSSELS. After an extended illness Mee. Joseph Kinney died at the home of her deugbter. Mn,. McFaduan, o0 April 7th in her seventy -fleet year. The insurance adjusters bare settled the claims of Meats. Piyne caused by the recent flreaod they get $5,700 on the mill ar.J 33,000 on the contents. Mrs. W. H. McCracken died at her home here on Saturday, April 3r.1, in ber sixty-nintb year. Otte had been in poor health for seine time and re- cently had • limb amputated. Three sots and four daughters survive 'Wm. P. Bray. of Grey township, has purchased the "Dunford" property on Turoberry street. south, from Joseph Bohr. The property includes a house an six acres of land. The price was 31,114). Mr. Bolger is re- turning to the West, where he owns land. James Cuthill died suddenly from heart trouble at his hems on Friday, Apt il'2nd. He was taken with a pain at the heart whils,wc.rking in the bush and expired within half -en -hour atter reaching the house. Deceased was born in Scotland seventy-seven years •go. He tint carpe to Canada in 1882 and returned to Scotland in 1818, where he was married. He came back to this country the following year acid bad been a conti00ous resident doer His wife, one Cnn and nor daughter survive. Large congregation* were presynt at all the eel -vices At the new Melville church opening on Sun.lay. April 4th. Rev. Dr. Bons. 01 Torouto, was aha special preaehei for tax day. The of - WHEN THE flEO MOTHER GIVES 0111 What Then? -The Family Suf- fers, the Poor Mothers Suf- fer -Mrs. Becker Meets This Distressing Situation. Collinevine III. - " I mattered ban • nervous break -down and t.rrtbie head- aches, and was tired all over, totally worn oat and too dlaeoaraged toaajwy life, but aa i had four in family mod soasatlmes eight or Moo boarders, l kept on working drepito ply eafering. I mw Vino l advertlaad and decided to try it. and *814.4. two weeks I N oticed a decided lmaorovnest h ray and now i m's_ n a well woman." -• lira Aim Baczot. Gtlfnavtlle, In- ner* LLner* aro bom ed@ of nervous, not - dowse overmatt.dwomen In this'{lyti orbs are b.rtdly able le drag arn..d aNa Ida wet aro sore wuald be wonderfully bem'sdbd by Thud es Mrs Dasher wan Th. reale. Vital le r eatlaemebel r budiNg op heath and altrougtb ki each mos b bemuse it eosNloa media - limas banding gaand 'aa esthe rho NewiM witb poipsellot taro.roc. WO ilk,`m =74. b try s bob% 84 jligr efdta to bweK *dr mow M It H. C. Denlop ?• 8.. *saw. B edford di=j .. .daaleb. O■ orae. • We eats and tier /or salt, al j"96t.90 and as reed s.1trent /or each ti.0oo Yielding 61/2% First Mortgage 5% Bonds of London Street Railway Co. LONDON, ONTARIO Li salted Interest 'arable hall -yearly, 8th September and ,Marek. Dcsominatron o/ Bonds, $t,oao. 1 -The Bonds constitute a first mortgage upon all the property. real and personal. of the London Street Railway Co, Limited, and rank ahead of the $556.000 stock of the Company. upon which a dividend of 6 , to pad. 2. -The net earnings of the Company are over three and a half times the interest on the Bonds. s. -One -halt of the total outstanding it.,nds will be redermed by, yearly drawings by lot., at their face value, 11.000, between the years 191:. and 1924. (On the bah March, 1917.. 3 %'moo were so redeemed.) The remaining one-::alf of the Bonds w1i1 be repayable at their face value. 41,000, on the Stb of March. 1925 4 -The operation of the redemption feature referred to not only substantially In- creases from year to year the security of the ren'atntnx Bonds, but greatly enhances the Satarit yield rate (51%) to the purchasers of t!;ase bunds which are redeemed. /srrest,vent Bankers Farther part:odors furnished on aopheatien. A. E. AMES & CO. Union Bank Building, Toronto Established 1889 tering* throughout the day ammonia ; to 3885. At the ass -meeting on Mop -I day evening nearly one thousand sat' down to supper and the proceeds amounted to 6400. The total cost oat the building was $87,500, of which *co has been provided for. The build- ing is constructed of red premed hoick on a stone basement and is & x 93 feet, wills a tower at the southeast corner 18 x 18 feet and fly feet high. Mr. Roe - sell, of Stratford, was the ar:hitect and John Hunter, of Ur.nbrook, the coot ractor. ST. AUGUSTINE. Ilntendod ter test week.) TBUMIDAT, April 8. Nanta. -Rev Jas. Wilson. of Tor- onto, visited in this vicinity this week. Miss Ina Welsh, of Kincardine, visited her friend, Miss Betsy McAllis- ter, this week Jas. Cummins left on Monday tor Chicago and intends balling on the lakes thle summer Mire Gladys Grubb is spending the Easter vacation • London Mir A. Brophy and Mies M. Redmond, of Goderich Collegiate Institute. aro • borne for holidays Geo. Jefersow, ainseleraewarterseenskeemmesidarlarisrimelassaseammerm of Fordwieb, is home this week Mr. John Redmond returned from• •JOB AND Co1 London oil WednAmsted 4. r . John G. party oMJEMAL y treated Db friends to a the %` \'aI party on Monday... Mimes Ellen sad ■ Eliza Thompson attended • weddino sOC reception at Bromide ou Tu..diy evening. ourerieseisasimarweasariewareseerawar _.M=1•111. OBITUARY. CAPT. HCGH MCKINNON. Kincardine Reporter: The deist's of Copt. Hugh McKinnon, of the 10th of Kincardine, came ss a shock to his Targe circle of friends and acquaint - anew, The sad event occurred on Thursday evening, the 2501 of March. He had been ailing during the winter. soffering severely from gallstones. It was believed that an operation would be beneficial and on Wednesday he was removed to Kin:ardine ho.pital, where he was operated upon. He was unable to stand the shock and passed away the next day. Capt. McKinnon was sixty-nine yeah or age He was horn in the 1.1e of Tyree, Seotlaod, and came to Canada with his parents, the late Donald and Margaret Mc- Kinnon, when a lad six years of age. They landed at Stony Island, and from then went to lot 11, concession 10, Kine•rdine township, where he has raided continuously ever since. He was one of the beet -known sailors os the Great Lakes and for over forty years he has wiled in and out of the porta in American and Canadian waters. He was a most suceeesful navigator. end knew no fear when it came to facing a storm. This may be said of every Tyree man. Born on an isle that Is storm -beaten, its inhab- itants take to sailing readily and many of Item have made names for tbem- .elvee in this connection, hut none have stood with more ruggedness than that of the late Capt. McKinnon. Among the ind ell be wiled was the Midland Rover, the Niagara, the Fannie Campbell, the Bavaria, the Carter. the Lily Smith and the Sophie. He was part owner of the latter boat, and it was in the Sophie be was dur- ing the hig Norm in 1013 This boat was built byCapt. Marlton, of Genie - rich, with te intention of being used in trading in the south sea. Capt. Me - Kinnon sailed the Sophie previous to purchasing as interest in the boat, and 1t was his bast that no storm war tow severe for his gallant @chooser. A e ras of kindly disposer inn and generous to • fault, be made friends wherever he went. in a long carter ae a sailor be cards a nesse for upright's= aid honest deansg that stands pm -mai - moat. It will be with deep revert tbat many la bennes for whom be carried reare.aadhs and freight will learn of we p- --g away. However, all will feel that as be ...seas the River hey: he will eater that tmknown harbor in safer y. hie life bevtl having been one 0f nprigbtnees of purpose. Capt. Me. Kinnen married Aussie Mel lance, dater of the late Neil McKinnon, of Ream The wines was hlesesi with • finally a einem ebildren, .il of whom are aft with the sorrowing wife to mooro hie death. it is reeds y the ease who desert • 'bisdnes who kaolin bow to be grate- ful tar It. --Arnold. 1 It Multiplies Power. The telephone, like the crane, multiplies power. The telephone increases personal efficiency and enlarges the volume ofbusiness by extending the field of the merchant's activity. If the modern business man had to travel every time it was necessary to have a personal talk with a customer or business associate, he would be in the position of a builder without a crane. Are you using the telephone as you should -systematically applying it to the needs of your business? • The telephone, especially the long dis- tance service, makes possible real economy. and with it a greater, not a lower, efficiency. A careful study of the subject will repay you. "Owe M rhsmbn3 it • 1S IMew•. arwni - The Bell Telephone Co. of 1