HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-4-15, Page 5BICYCLES We have a complete stock of new Mentes awaiting your inspec- tion Get one now so sato have the use of it for the whole season. Prices Ranging from po.00 to 155.00 • full stock of Areemoriee and we are prepared to quote dome prieee 00 thou. There goods are all new. Your old Bicycle is no good laid on the shelf. Bring it in and have us put it In worLing shape for you. Good job guaranteed. W. have two gcod 5 -Passenger Automobile' for sale at very reasoetible prices. We are going out of the Auto livery business, so have ru further use for thew. If you want a good second- hand Car call around en.1 have • look at thew. A sure snap ! Motocycle East St. Garage - .o.... OUR BABIESARENOT retailed over the counter. I They are hatched to order. Place orders now for May delivery. H. KEITH REVELL, "RIDGCREST" i PHONE 10)0 255 - GODERICH P.O. .•••••••••••••.• Western Il!iversity LONDON FORWARD MOVEMENT Greatly eril4rged Faculties in Art.. and Medicine. Vastly Improved Equipment -- literary, Is hoe. oriel.. etc. Seven new scholer-hips. Record en- rolment. I uquiries solicited. E. E. thraitheraite, M.A.. Ph. D. President. 1 Have beautiful window decorations Nothing gives so much pleasure as a well decorated window. Your windows will be the envy of your neighbors if you use die eXtAeof Flat Rod -ler eoreafas wad minotopisa Guaranteed net to sac ar tarnish There is a Kirsch Flat Rod in a color to notch yaw woodwork or draperies. Every rod commies a written ratertoto the it will not sag sr taswisk. lea sr orior to tem ow grItseriese wkatker odds the Sareed PIM Rad GEO. HOHMEIER um. .aatheto Crystal Spring Dairy PURE MILK Ws have btu -tied • irew14,4:47 to in Goderich and ant pre supply the citizens with milk and creatu that is guaranteed AllSOLIJTELY CLEAN AND PURE All milk is produced from our own herd and every detail from the milking until it reaches the consumer is under our own care- ful inopection and management, and no better milk can be had anywhere tit any price. We -an take on twenty more customers in a few days now. Wroe R.R. :+, Goderich, or Phone 171, Benuailler. THE SIGNAL GO. DICIRICJI, ONTARIO LOCAL TOPICS.. thestoine Clehectiena. The meioses reodpis at Cioderieh mad LW earwig aerial the fecal year le14-11easellate4 to 8111.119L1a. a do- trasio of PAMIR! frega biet year. The lboderleh sielleetteste Mem mere 1146.- 750.115, an ieeresee ol $11.11171.17 owsr last yew O. C. I Art Exhibition. • change is to be loads In the date of the G. 0.1. an exhibition and &II will C=Dote that it will be held front oty, April 27th, to fisstarday, May 1st. inclusive. This collection of r" - Productions of some of the world's great eisieterpiscee has been exhib- ited is Tomato, Weirton, London, Usolltb. Bealin Ingersoll, Oshawa, Pktne aad meat of the towns of On- tario and everywhere has delighted the crowds that have takes advantage of the opportunity. The authorities trust that several of our generous citi- zens who have an appreceso ion of the value of pictures upon the character of our young people will be kind enough to dooate imam of these repro- ductions to the school. Water and Light Commission. The regular meeting of the water and light commission was bald on April lith, with all the members pres- ent. A letter from Mr. Willis - men. C. E., enclosing blue -print of Use proposed intake crib, was presented and laid over for further consider's. tion.Tenders for lead pipe were re- ceived and on motion the tender of Fred Hunt was accepted. Tenders for water meek* goods were received and on motion the tender of the Can- adian Braes Co., Ltd., Galt, wax ac- cepted. Two applications for water service were received snd acted upon. The engineer reported that the eedi- tuentat ion basin bad leen thoroughly cleaned. A large number of accounts were ordered to be paid. Miss Dancey Goss to the Front. Mies Alma Dancey left on Tuesday morning for Ottawa, having been ac- eepted as one of the nurses to accom- pany the Canadian tnoops to Europe. Mies Daneey. who is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Daneev of town, is & graduate of St Luke's hospital. New York illy. On the day before her departure Miss Proudfoot gave a lun- cheon for ber, at which the members of the young ladies' Reading and Knit- ting Club were present and presented ber with • handsome pocketbook and pieee of gold. Mite Hodge and Miss Clifford, of the Collegiate Institute staff. presented Misa Danotoy with. fountain pen, and Mre Eliot. Mrs. (Dr.) Whitely, Mrs. J. H. Young and others midis farewell atifto The young lady's trims& trust she will have much opportunity for usefulness and abundant success in her ministry - time to the Empire's fighting men. W. C. T. U. Work. J. BENSON COX • "A Man's Ability Is His Passport" FRANK WEAVER (Professor of Illosic and Voles Specisiteti Teacher Vacs Cairene and Artroc Simone LONDON. ONTARIO Seecalt.e. - Breath Control. Enunciation on4 Iraeroreav.on. For teems and information spiky PORTER'S IBOOK STORE Patent Solicitor WI. S. BABCOCK, Lawyer it .B.) and Rep d Patent Atterany. teen year. experfeeee in Canada sad U.S. le• coati/et. pronnety patented. Trade marks aad In*nigo. milliatered. Infringement aad ealUtdy amareba grldettee collected la oaten snit. Reports prepared for conn.ieL Expert witness in patent -sults. Pat- eMs obtained In all countries. 99 St. James Street, Montreed. re"' Mr. Builder HAVE YOU MADE ARRANGEMENTS for the Flooring of Your New House We have a good stock of 3-8 Veneer Flooring in plain and quartered oak and birch, grades and prices to suit all purchasers We also have • number of well -made Bookcases in oak and birch, Mahogany finish, whil we are selling at • very low price. Get our quotations on Lath, Shingles, Pine, Hemlock and Oak Lumber. Estimates Cheerfully Given The Paget Grain Door"▪ . OODER ICH -ONTARIO TRLRPHONR 271 LYRIC THEATRE ra newt SIMI IMRE 1 Cosy aad Comfeetable s Special Attraction Monday and Tuesday APRIL MTN AND IllYTH. 1911 Jesse L. Lasky presents the odebrated Dramatic Star Edmund Breese In the "srlaster I'llnd" 212 Scenes. 5 Parts. DON'T MISS THIs Tevinomt, Amu. 11, MI • OBITU A RY. Man. JON N WOODS. Alter a liagerierat Mesas, bores with Et patience &ad reeigeritioa, there at 119 Defeat Wrest. Tomato, on needay. April 7tb, Jessie Me- °roma. beloved wife of Mr. John Woodir, in her fifty-seveath year. Be - aides her husband deceased leaves her aged fattier. who lives in Milwaukee. two eaters -Jeanie, who Lives in waukee, and Annie, who lives in Colo - I redo sad • brother, Wm. McCreetb, at Goderich. There were many beau- tiful floral toilsome front friends and n eighbors. Mr. MeCreatb went to Toronto for the funeral, wbirti took. place on Friday. WM. JAMES rowrItiL At the gond old age of eighty-six yearn, .1&ne Edwassi, widow of late James Porter, peened away quietly ern Basurday last, at her home oo Reynold road Mrs. Porter was one of the pioneers of Shia district, having come to tioderich township seventy-fivS years ago. She was born In Keith, Bsuiffshire. Scotland, and when a young atirl of about ten years of ags came with her perents to this country. Her father purchased "Honey Hill," the old Edward homestead on tbe Huron road, where the subject of this notice was married ic 1SZ3 to the late Jame" Porter. With her husband .be continued to live in Goderich township until on their retirement from active wotk they removed to town, where Mr. Porter died eight years ago. false in survived by fur eons and three daughters: John, of Godericl, town- ship: George, ot town; James, of Grand Rapid., Mich. :Joseph. of Spok- ane; Mrs. (Dr.) Blacks, of Manistee, Mich. ; Mrs. Wilson, of Wausau, Wis- consin, and Miss Porter, at home. Two sons -Dr. W. B. and Allie-are deceased. The funeral, which at the wish of the departed one was private, took place on Monday after000u to Maitland cemetery, the funeral eel - vices beiog couducted by Rev. Geo. E. Rose, pastor of Knox church, assisted by Rev. J. 13. Fotheringhani, rector of St. George's. • THURSDAY, ems ivisode of I"LUCILLE LOVE" riagrieeritmal now running Every SATURDAY 1 The Strand War &rite or London, Ihighuil o,Pity us • visit and be more than satisSed. 1 Prices as Usual-lk 15c limmmsommi, 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••411411 The W. C. T. U. met at the Temper- ance Hall on Monday afternoon, with the president in the chair. Mrs. Leech gaVC • Bible reading from the '..ncd Psalm. After some discussion as to ways and means of raising money for the lumbermen's missionary it was de- cided to sent 51010 that work. The sum of 11111 Iota been forwarded to Mr. 0. Erwin, the W. C. T. IT. chaphin the front. A letter was read from Mr. Broder stating that the Dominion Act governing the salrof tobacco was very definite and should he enforced. On Tuesday nine ladies met the superin- tendent of sailors' work at the home of Mrs- G. M. Elliott and filled comfoet begs for the sailors. They then vis- ited the fifteen boats at the berhor and presented the erew of each with • bag of comfort*. The sailors showed much pleasure in receiving them and one young man 'dated that he had promieed his mother thiat if he had any money to rove away it would go to the W. C. T. U., as the members of that organization were the only women to come near the sailors. Public Library. The usual monthly meeting of the public library board was held on Sat- urday evening, April 10th. Mr. J. L. Killoran was in the chair. The other member* preeent were Rev. Jos. Elliott, Mr. J. A. Fowler, Mr. John Galt and Dr. H. I. Strang. The SUM of 52.00. membership fee in the Oti- tario Library Association paid by the secretary, was ordered to be refunded to him. Mr. Fowler reported on the replan needed on the roof and the house committee was instructed to see that the rep•irs were made along tbe lines of his report. The librarian re- ported reeeipta of $6.34 from cards and fines, during March and also an issue nf books aod magazines amounting to BOB. The board is contemplating the purchase of another supply of books and would SP glad if readers would 'neatest the titles of books they would like to see in the library and also the names of the publishing Items. Such lime could he handed In to the librar- ian and this" the hook committee would have "tune idea of the popular wishes when making a selection for purcham. A Fine Program. ilk Only a eomparatively small audience was prosent at Koos churchlast Thursday evening to enjoy the seered concert given under the auypieen of the choir. ThIs probably was do. to tnm many other attractions ....ming In the mese +rose. the public haying teen Invited to participate in tiem enjoy- ment of various entertainments cm four consecutive nights Those whn did not atteed on Thero'sy everting mooed it Mel 1111/1111deld tree,. Ts. pro- /) gram promoted bad heron ~shill, &emend and was skillfully preeeseed. The ehmr of thirty voices. under:the leadership of Mr. W. T. Sharps. oegaaht of Knox church, rare five et the aanshereton the progrtm. •na all were recelbed with aeopmeistion. Memos. Goodtwin, Thomenri Kitts and Bilaeketane. In a nneeher of solos duet,, and quartettes. added mut* to the miloyenent ca the eireeing. and Mr* Neerpo aad Mr". Botland very MO Seek the soprano sad alto otzte hi Iteeeral aeleetiewis Outside tat sew d oted ef Mr. A. R. Ooot. Mien R. Mr 0•11 aat nattate (loom* Brenton. aB 1 atNie.. Mr Oeeph Rare a aorperb leassetas of -dant Motes Loommte 1 sad was boartRy ainitenel. Mr 1111.0411. ono it re airmen. to the pee* at likoirrion. was he wheat *aim and noponloll to am seem. at „moplama aegnereaso. Illootat lartessza. 1nns woo payees lb third obit to SPRING Footwear in the neat and comfortable n e w spring models at McClinton's Rep/Li ring Promptly A ttended -- to - Goderich, delighted his bearers with four soprano woke. whii•h were rendered in a finished manner. The program closed with the ninging of tbe National Anthem. Mr. Sharpe was the accompanist for the entire pier/train. The Canadian Club.. Next week somber" 04 the Cana- dian Club of Goderich will have the privilege of hearing Prof. Edward Kylie of Toronto University, on **The kListorical Causes of. the Great War." Profemor Kylie is professor of histoi In Toronto University and bear beconie distinguished among University men in Canada and the United States. He is a thorough master of his subjrct. He has published some works wbich have received wide commendation. and notable anionir ‘rar hooks his "Diplomatic Causes of the War. This meeting ot ttie t lUb will prob- ably be held at MI5 in the evening in- stead of 1 p. m.. wbich will afford the members a better oortenity r' at- tending without moidng any intsrfer- ence with business. By polo card the members will be nuoried of the day and hour of the meeting and address. A large attendance is expected. as this will no donor to one of the best of the high-class aeries of addresses pro- vided by tile club ti. •-4500. For twenty -a.* rem-. it has oond the tesQ Use Blackstone's ice cream when you went the best. Always Keep Them In The House That's what Mr. 11 I. Rastnocsi, of Carleton Place, tint., says about Gin Pills. 'I have take. Gin Pal, and 5..1 du.. good for revn am dee ••eronee !lands and Ankir-..aad all neneetern. of Keloe• •i•J Bladder Inmate. We &lees, bees there ia dot hour. Ginths POW Tieseassirre If you are feeling badly, perhaps it is your Kidneys Of llladder that is clanging the troolsk. If there is Fain over the Bladder -if the urine ts bot and sodding -too free or scanty -if the urine shows brick dust deposits or mucus -if there is constant pain in the back -restless sleep and lose of •ppetite-then you certainly seed Gin Pills. Get them to -day and feel better 10- 1110ITOW . Gin Pills are sold bY all d= at Mc. a box, ft boxes tor Pres trial treatment if you write NarmaIaDrag and Chemical Co. 01d.Limited, Teeoeto • • 4 C3 I NI PIL • Wiramm 1 1 OF CANADA A Valuable halm et a Joint Account opened with the Union Bank of Canada in the names of two persons, Is that lf one dies the family funds are not tied up lust when they are likely to be most needed. The survivor can withdraw the money without delay or fThino rmakt 0 llity. ver—then open a Joint Account. Goderich Branch—F. WOOLLCON1 B E, Manager. •••••••••••••••••••114111111144101 1 Have you tried our new Bread ?- Cre-O-Malt -the tastiest in town. Nice - soft crust - close -grained -- made from Fleischmann's Yeast. Everybody says it is the 1;cst ya. Try a loaf. That Tired Feeling HARRY L MONTOOMERY. Tbe hte }lorry Montgomery died at Elmwood Farm -the old Montgomery homestead on the Oth concession, God- erich townibip-on Wedneeday morn- ing, April 71h. Mr. Montgomery was the son of the late Captain Ctira Regi- ment ) Montgomery, and his death is keenly felt by all who knew him. Sev- eral weeks ago he caught • heavy cold, which ultimately turned into la grippe. He took a relapse about two weeks before his death, and neuritis with complications set in, from which he died. Mr Montgomery was ,born in Godericb, arid shortly afterwards the family moved to Elmwood Farm. He wits for several years in Saskatelie- wise, but - finally caane back to the old homestead to reside. He was a run:ober of the Farmers' Club, anti at his death was captain of the (yodel ich Township RtIe Association. He bad three sons. Normand. the eldest, met a tragic death in Saskatchewan. He is survived by his wife and two sons, Harold and Edwin, and a brother, George. A few minutes before tre passed away, being unable to 'peva, he wrote hi. dying wish and command to his boys: manly.- The funeral took place from tbe old homestead on Friday afternoon, April 0th, to Mait- land cemetery, and wits largely At- tended. Rev. J. B. Fotheringharn, rector of St. George's church, officiated at t be funeral service. The pallbear- ers were Moser.. J. Johnston, Leith - waits, Laninhrey. Driver. Ginn and Et' iwaxds. Mit.. Montgomery desires ti. express her sincere thanks to the neighbor. and friends who were se kind and considerate to them all in their hours of ' trouble and bereave- ment. When little ones are peevish, give R-rall Orderlies; tofl4.lp.tion is oft., the cause. Sold only by H. C. Dun- lop. The Itexall Store, Ibe.25c. and Noc. boxes. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. The tired feeling that so often comes with Spr ing weather it as likely to result from the wearing,of winter shoes after they have been elated iu as from any of the other causes to which it is usually ascribed. Tern is thotough satisfaction for thoee who buy our Cakes and Pastry. If you do not know bow good they are, we should like you to try them. Many Remedies are Suggested but we believe you will find A Pair of our Light, Stylish, Comfortable Spring Shoes Jack Jiilinnon bee 16.4 the eberupi• ii.hip of the peOlt-tie world. but Pi idiom the 1.110. n ever law. hi. pre-e.aineoce as the ntaker of the Pewit en rment. for tone. Up to :tte-trinute • lee :irearanteed ttt : prides not too bleb. It R. ',arias'. the Photographer intend. to reria• Unbi year Baby I 'ay. which wee •io poys, ular in year. gone by. On Monday. May be grill glve A free •Ittlop 10 .0 bable. doe eighteen months of age. The be., r cold el previous you. was IOU bsbl.. ln otin day Mr. Saigon woold like to break the record Utile roar. Each baby will be presented ',Oh Coe 00910f his 'or heel pbotadraoh free Ahmerk Chapter, 1. 0. D. E., will hold it regular monthly meeting on Monday afternoon, April lioth, in the court house, at 3 o'clock. At. a meeting of the congregation of Knox church, held last evening, it was decided to proceed with the pur- chase of a new Organ. and a commit- tee was appointed to carry out the wisher. of the congregation in the ma. - ter. The coet of the new organ will be in the neighborhood of fri,orsi. The card party and dance held at Oddfellows' Hall on Friday evening last. under the auspices of the Brio.. . - Ilia branch of the Red Crows Societe, was eplendidly patronized. The Black- stone orchestra furnished first -class music and all present apparently en- joyed themselves to the full. Mr. Frank Weaver, voioe specialist of London. Ont., wbo has been teach- ing voice (-ohm.- and Artie, ir singing In Ooderich fee the peat two or three month*, trees to announ 30 a grand re ci al tn risen hy his pupils, from Godetich, Wingtion, Clinton and Seas forth, on Tit...day evening, May 4tb, 410011111011 MARKET& A Sure Cure.' Smith Bros. TINt OW Reliable East Si. Bakery Phone l'4. SHARMAN THE SH0E MAN APril Lk& W heat, for bark ....... SUN to L3.1 laprosabeila ir. rot be.* ... ... AIM .74 _ . Lea to 1.70 4E1%yPir • Skier. . 111 te .75 71.95 to Ma Weems. pee ewt WS= par eme . . 1 ' • 1SS . WOW. par tea Tins ito te ASS le 17$ •••••••••••••••••••••4104144141 .111 to . to .111 .. . . 1.1510 1.• " 4.73 00 •• wi.Pr WK. .... at pie owl . .. • •• ..... . • ese fb reedienetest ib .. its ........ plK.. ••••. in the town ball, Clinton. Mr. Weaver has a high reputation its a teacher of the voice, his pupils being soloists in various churches in Ontario. He in prepared to accept pupil3 in voice cul- ture and artistic singing. For inform- ation apply at Porter's hook store. — -Mrs. J C. Carrie will rereive for the first time since her marriage et her hoine on Cambria road on Wed- nesday after000n, April 21+11, from 410 d o'clock and afterwards the first and second Tuesday of each month. A -Miss Lottie Polley irft on Satur- day foc Alvinston, titter the Earner vacation. -Mrs. W. J. Morrow, who i -pent the winter at W•lkerville, has re- turned to town -Mrs. P. Lynn and Niles Jenny have returned tioderich after 3 five months' visit with friends at Detroit. - 1/r. Aro }Id (''wan, late of W ni- peg, was in town on Tuesday. He ban been +-pending a few months at his uki home in Ashfield. -Miss Mary Clunis, of London, are rived in Goderich on Tueedev, and is the guest of Mrs. Hector McFailyen and Mr. A. M. Polley. -Mimi Annie Gruruniett left thin week for Cebri. Mask., where she will spend the eurumer with her brother, Mr. George M. Gruminett. -Mien Olive Goldthorpe, of The 4,e- nal's office staff, has been on the sick list for two weeks with a severe atta k of tonsilitic She is now on the mend and we hope to have her weak' in th* office next week. THE A F ROCE RY To The Buying Public Having still in our possession a tremendous stock of Number One CHINAWARE and CROCKERY, we have decided to offer the same for FRIDAY and SATURDAY at HALF-PRICE. We guarantee these days to be. without doubt, days of opportunity, especially in this line. Grocery Department Having an over !stock of groceries on hand, on FRIDAY atd SATURDAY we will allow a ten per cent. discount on all credit orders and a fifteen per cent. discount on all STRICTLY CASH ORDERS. DID IT EVER OCCUR TO YOU, That there is a mighty difference in the quality of GROCERIES? TO Maple Leal Grocery bears the reputation of befing the home of, the real home of, Pure and Up -to -Date Stock. O'NEILL Et COMPANY (SUCCESSORS TO 8. J. YOUNG) Opposite Colborne Hotel Pia mina' St. 'Phone 52