HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-4-15, Page 41
TnvestAY, AF.jL 16, 1016
Follow the
Wearing of
Oartstg *nob Clothes
Different `from
other clothes in
style that depicts
youth, activity and
up -to -lateness.
Society Brand is now
being made in Montreal
far the Canadian trade.
W. C. Pridham
A simple, sale and elective traumata sreid-
fte drags- Used with success for 35 years.
The sir carrying the antiseptic vapor. healed
with every breath, males teestales east.
soothes the 7.orethroai,
and stops 0.2 cough,
asarl. g rest. _ 1 n igtts.
Cresekne a n.shohke
or mothers with young
caddies and s torn to
s'e'rer. from Asthma.
Soot we mora/ J. i
dernphrr ko..itGt
.O.o.canoe sv se wti n1rvs
h• esat.irretir.sisreel
TnaaDAY, April 13.
Norse. Atlas Ida Trueoner, of Hen-
sall, w waiting with her ..ter, Mrs. J.
C. Durst, this week ... Mr. John
Moser, ot Waterloo, 'pent • few days
renewing old acquaintances in this
vicinitylast week .. Master Nor-
man ttie spent • mew days witb
friend' et Auburn last week
Bucker -f shiug is all the raisins' now
From t he alas of the o•tob Sunday
seamed to be an especially good day.
TUESDAY, Aptr418.
Nares. -Mr. Wm. Elliott, from
Washington, has returned home eller
spending a few days with his father.
Mr. Wm. Elliott Mae Luella
Ticbboroe spent beele rand
erouod Clinton ....Mies El
elide visited her sister, Mrs. Cox,
last week Misr Lilian Potter
spent the bolidays •t her uncle's oo
the Huron toad .. ..Mts. Wm. Mair,
of London. returned home oo Satur-
day after spending • week at the
home of her parents. Mr. real Mrs.
John (:ox Mr. Wesley Vander
burgh war in Kippen fax a few days
List week on Minnow Miss Sadie
Wood., of Bayfield, is visiting at Mrs.
John Blair's......Mrs.. Jas. Harrison
and Mr. Peter McDougall 'spent • few
deys et Seefortb last week.
MONDAY, April 12.
BairFs.-Con. O'Reilly bad • sac=
cement auction sale last Thurdey ..
Mrs. Charles Moss, Annie and Joseph
C. Moes and Thomas O'Conner, all of
Goderich, visited here last week
Michael O'Connor and Florence Mc-
Carthy delivered some fat cattle to D
McDonald et Ripley last Friday
Mr. Michael Henniger visited at
Itiversdele, Bruce County, last week.
. Mies Stella Dean, of St. Augus-
tine, is visiting at her parents' home
here We ere pleased to report
that Mian Katie O'Reilly, who has
been ill, is improving in health
La Oripps is still doing a big. business
here. His latest acquaintances are
Not man and Lennon O'Loughlin, Mrs.
John Hussey, Mrs. Edward Flynn and
Mrs. Charles O'Connor.
AncleMrrAL SHOOTING. -A serious
aecident befell Wilfrid, the eight-year-
old stat of Mr. William McCarthy, on.
Tuesday, April &,b. According to Use
statement of his young companion
who witnessed the accident, Wilfrid
was playing in the been of John C.
Dalton, 6th concession, when a loaded
shotgun which WAS hanging on the
well fell to the ground and discharged.
The charge pierced the lad's left leg
above the knee, inflicting • painful
and probably serious flush wound,
.bettered the bones of his left hand
and giszed hie stomach. Drs. Simp-
son of Kinteil and Emmerson of
Goderich, who were summoned to
tbe scene of the accident, found it
necessary to amputate the hand. The
other injuries it i. hoped are not ser-
ious. Murh sympatby is felt for the
McCarthy family, as Mr. William Mc-
Oartby, the father, is et present veru
ill front an attack of poeumonia and
Gm, the wounded hoy's brother, is
aha sick. At the time of writing,
Money morning, all are in a favor-
able condition and we hope for their
speedy recovery.
TUEODAT. April 13.
News OP THR WEEK. -Mr. Roy
Stonehouse be. returned to Stratford
leonine' School after spending his va-
cation at home Mr Jaynes Red-
mond, who has been living at Milwau-
kee. ie home at present and intends re-
maining foe .one time ....Mr. Hobert
L'bamnny pu.ebased A heavydraught
horse at Mr. McGowan's sae a short
time ago. Mr. A. Cemphell alar pur-
chased a ho, se AL the same sale ... .
The gasoline wood saw bas been in the
neighborhood Mr. Walter Mason
has hired for a term with Mr. Thoma.
Bamford , . The farmers are begin-
ning to till the land in prrper.tion for
sowing Aire Ada Nttu-khouee, of
Blyth, ha. b -en visiting friends in the
neighborhood ... Mrs. LindlayWalsb,
formerly of this community, died et
her home at Guelph lately. The re-
mains were brought herr for inter.
'tient ..Mr. Han dirty has bought a
fifty -acre farm near Hamilton, but
doe. not get po.•eeaion of it until next
autumn.... . Mr. Cherie. Wightman
lies recently purchased a one-hundred-
si re farm from Mr. Woodley. The
p'a.e tot Knotty belonged to John
TvhssDAY. April 13.
NAYINo FAasw.L1..-Mr. and Mrs.
A. F. Carr sad trimly left os Satur-
day with their household effects to
MAO alai! boos' at Berlin. Before
their departure a nes bee of their
Methodist friends met at the home of
Mr. and Mra. C. H. BMW W tee 8u0 -
day school officers and teachers pre-
owned Mr. Carr with a well -worded
address and • beautiful umbrella. aid
the W. M. Spromoted Mrs. Carr
with a piece oflei ver and an addrees.
Mr. O.rr thanked the donors In •
well -worded speech. Mr. and Mrs.
Marr will be greatly missed especially
In churcb work. in which they have
bees very active. ra
It is otq sed duty to record the
death el aDot,her of our old residents.
In the person of Mr. Robert Slater,
who passed away oo Tuesday after-
noon atter • lingering illness from
anaemia. The deceased bad reached
the age of sixty-four years •s4 bad
been a resident ot Blyth for many
years, conducting a wagon-maktog
shop until a few years ago. He wee
married twice. the first time to
Miss Wright, who at ber death left
one daughter, wbu lives at Smith's
Fall.. Mr. Slater afterwards married
Maw Carr, who is left to mourn his
loss. There is also a brother who re -
skim at Mimico. The funeral took
place on Tuesday and was under the
auspices of the C. O. F., for which
Order deceased had been secretary for
• greet many years. The decwsed
was an active member of the Metho-
dist church and to politics was •
OENEEAL NOTE/IL-The 'directors of
the Blyth Agricultural Society met
on Saturday night for the purpose of
appointing a secretary -treasurer to
take tbe place of Mr. Wm. Jackson,
deceased. Mr. Jas. Coming received
the appointment, and we think the
society has made • good choice
The public school opened on Monday
after the Easter holidays with the fol-
lowing teaober. Prtecipol, Mrs. Jas.
Barr: Miss Morley, Miss Bisset and,
Miss Black There has been bad
feeling among some of the eubecribsre
and the directors of the Rural Tele-
phooe Co., ever since the directors
bought out the BeU Telephone Co. in
Blyth, and we now understand the
matter is to have a hearing before the
Ontario Railway Board on Monday at
London, when we hope this question
will be settled Mr. E. Watson
shipped a ear ot hogs to Peterboro and
• car of cattle to Toronto last weak.
Mr. Tho.. Oosmen received tbe
sad intelligence this week that his
brother Harry had passed away et the
borne of his son at. Portage La Prairie,
Man. The deceased was well known
here. having resided in Morris and
Blyth for • number or years Arturo
going West The . C. T. U.
beld a very vucces.ful'eocial in the
Oddfellow: Hall on Wednesday eveo-
iog last Tbete was • large attend-
ance and all present seemed to enjoy
tbemwlvre. A good program of
music and gators bad been prepared,
after which a Tight lunch was served.
The receipts amounted to over tit
which i. to be fotaarded to their rep-
re.eotative at tbe frost with the first
contingent from Canada Mr. F.
V answne shipped two can of maple
rollers from We wwouU here last
week The bowling club has se-
cured • first-class caretaker for their
howling green tbis year in the person
of Mr. Joseph Carter. There- is no
doubt the green will be brought beat
to .its do. mer first-class coodition,
which it has not been in for route
time.... .Mr. endtMr.. W. F. Me
Caugbey have issued invitations for
another dance at their botel on Friday
evening ..,lire. Breen, of Cliotun,
visited with bleeds here this week.
Mr. Isaac Browu received three
more Ford automobiles from the fac-
tory this week, this being six that be
has. r'ecrived already. No doubt he wilt
soon dispoae of them, es be is on tbe
lookout for prospective buyems, but at
present the roads ate in such a condi-
tion that, people will not talk automo-
bile the wluter is dying hard
and this weak we bad another beavy
flurryof snow and some very cold
weater .. .. Mr. W. Haines, of
Haines B. Mason, left on Monday for
a trip to Montreal, Ottawa and cities
east, where be expects to make some
large sales of the famous Wiltshire 0.1,
whicb is gradually getting to be •
faintly word in Canadian homes.
Where Paint
Value 1Count s
THE difference between good
paint and cheap paint is the dif-
ference between a suit of clothes made by
a crack tailor and one mide by a bungler.
The cheap suit looks all right for a
short time but it hasn't staying qualities. •
The good suit holds its shape and
color in spite of wear.
is good paint that gives lasting service. It is not cheap
in price but certainly the moat economical, since it out-
wears paints of lower cont and bids so much better
that fewer gallons are required.
We sell"High Standard and the entire Lowe
Brothers line bemuse we have satidied ourselves that
we can give our trade mast for their money in selling
these tdisble "Little Blue Flag - paint products.
Let is talk Ower with you your paint weds.
\ Mat Place es Say Hardware. Phone gy
A woman% a.pdective
organs are in the most in-
gress a.d costiseoss sym-
pathy with her kidneys.
Theslightest disorder in the
kidneys arises about a
correspondiag disease U
the reproductive organa
Dudd'a Kidney! P.Ut, by re-
storing the kidneys to their
perfect coeditlon, prevent
and cure those fearful die -
orders peculiar to women
Pale young girls, nomad
soothers, slog wives
and women eatenivr upon
the Changs et Life, your
best fry is
place they removed to the village of
Auburn forty-five years ago the 0th of
May next. Seven sons and three
daugbters were born to Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur. Three eons are deceased, and
thete remain to mase t be lose of a
loving mother Charles, at Dewar Lake,
Sask. ; Andrew, at Saskatoon. Seek. :
Robert, in the West : Mrs. Geo.
Cowell and Mrs. Fuller Cowell, of
Pickford. Mich., mod Mrs. John Jack-
son and John, of Auburn. When in
health Mrs. Arthur was ever ready to
answer the call to the bedside of the
sick or to minister to those in trouble.
The funeral on Monday wee very
largely atiendd by those who gath-
ered to pay their test respects to the
memory of one who had helped so
many in their time of need. The
pallbearers were A. Asquith, John
Fingl•nd, John Ferguson. Jas. Mulch,
A. C. Jackson cud R. Stalker. The
sympathy of the community is with
those who have been bereaved.
CAJID OF THANKS. -We take this
opportunity of expositing our thanks
to all who through maul, years helprd
to aelievend betghtas. the long bout■
of our mother's invaltdism, as well th.
to those wbo so nobly assisted at the
time of her last Meese and death.
Will .11 sorb kindly accept our grate-
ful thanks
Mate. Jam JACKSON.
J. AEritue
WEDNka1DAY, April 14.
Some or cur citizens attended the
funeral of the late Mr. Slater at Blyth
on Tuesday.
Mrs. John Clark. of Toronto, at- live for Huron ccuotry. Mr. Lane the funeral of her graodwoaber spoke on the advantages and dined -
and is spending • mew days visiting her vantages of city and country life and
uncles. was of the opinion tbat the rountry
Mr. and Mr.. Geo. Cowell, of Pick- provided the 'treater advantages. He
ford, Michigan, arrived in time to spoke for half -en -hour in a most inter-
Mrs. W. J. Maloney Teti! Inch's
Kidney Pills for Baekeehe.
Baracbois West, Oaspe Co., Que...
April 12tb.- -tepecian. -Mrs. W. J.
Maloney, • well-known resident of
this plane, is tecosnmending Dodd'i
Kidney Pills to those who suffer from
kidney ttoubles. in an interview Mrs.
Maloney says:
"After 'wafering for many years
with backacbe, and trying man rem-
edies without ohteining relief, I read
about Dodd's Kidney Pills end decided
to try them.
"After using two boxes I was greatly
benefitted, and recommend them to
other sufferers. I also used them for
my little girl for kidney trouble.."
Mrs. Maloney got relief from her
backache because Dodd'. Kidney Pills
cure diseased kidneys.
WEDNKUDAY, April 14.
The United Pati lube Society of
Goderich towa.bip will rseet for sew-
ing at the home of Mrs. -Henry Cur -
wen, Hurer toad, on Wednesday,
April 210. and at the house of Mair,
Richard Chamber*. Huron road, on
Thursday. April L':id. A hale con-
taining .lay shirt., nightshirts end
so.ks will be ready for shipment Ibis
THE ('LosrNte MKS -TING. -The final
meat ing no the season of the Farmers
Club was held at the home abbe presi-
detit, Mr. H. 1. 8elkeld, co Wednes-
day evening ot last week. The prin-
cipal speakers of the evening were Mr.
Robt. Elliott, Reev. of Goderich, and
Mr. We., Lane, county clerk. Mr.
Elliott gave an address on general
topic, of interest and was reminiscent
of days gone try. fo answer to •
question he said that be did not ase
the need of an agricultural repreeenta-
ka.i The Colborne Store Q
attrod the funeral of the latter's
mother, Mrs. Arthur.
Mr. Oliver Lawson has purchased
and is busy repairing the implement
shed of the Young Estate. to be used
as a livery barn. He has purcbased
two new buggies from Mr. 0. U.
Rev. K. G. Powell preach d to tbe
Presbyterian church on Sunday morn-
ing to • large congregation. hie tbeme
bring temperance enforoeweuL All
were well pleased with his presenta-
tion of the subject.
bas sold bis farm on the Base line to
Geo. Beadle, taking tty poesegeslon today
chaprice commencing was plowing.
'fie Geo
Beadle has sold his hoose ani lot to
Murrey Patterson, C. P. R. .ration
ag-nt here, who get n
shortly. Purchase price $1, ).
DaATH or MRs. ARTeva.-After
fourteen years of invalidism, the .pint
ret Smith Keith, widow of the late
Andrew Attlee. primed peacefully
away to the Oust Beyond on Friday
last. April 9th, at her hams in Aoburn.
Mrs. Arthur was within • few wee►!,
completing her eighty -With veer.
Kb* was bora at Leagside. Aberdeen, -
shire, Noottaod. rad eame to Canada
with her parent la Ift63, arriving a
Mo*Igeal on May ltt.b of that y.ar.
The family beamed in Oxrotd musty
near lageteoll. la the year 1111 the
seb}set of this notice was salted 1.
=I to Andrew Arthur, who pre
bet twenty-eight and $ half
Telugu In the year 18M Mrs. Arguer
with her bsshaad arrived la Bast
W au sash. and after a sheat time
eureed ea the farmee
etrpied �y
UMW* Harvey Me L Prem time
eating manner and botb speakers wen
accorded • vote of thanks by the
members of the Club Music wns pro-
rovided by Mr. Dave Wkwer and other
Goderich friends. Attars arta informal
discuseion by locals the meet-
ing closed with the singing of the
National Anthem. Mr. Alex. Cooper
has informed the executive committee
that after this week be will not be
able to furnish seed to the members of
the Club at the redu.ed prices.
No man can do effective work If oon-
stipated-i s:all Orderlies ate an ef-
fective laxative. Sold only by H. C.
Dunlop, Tb. Rexall Blore, 10e., 86c.
and 60r. boxes.
and at all times in every department, we
aim to give as good, if not better, values
than you can get elsewhere. Do your buy-
ing at this store. We can help you to save
money on your spring purchases, particu-
larly if you call early.
This season our Dress Materials have been coming
along rather slow. The last few shipment', bow.
ever, have made our stock In good shape. A flue
range of blacks, blues. greens and browns in suit -
Inge and some very nice materials for evening
A second shipment of those 15 -cent Crepes to
much sought for by so many. In lovely small
patterns, 33 pieces to choose from and only 16•
We have the best money's worths in Corsets
that can be found anywhere.
if you buy D & A make you will fled value
for every tint you pay. Examine the new
front -laced Corset.
J. H.
A new shipment this week of Linoleum. and 011 -
cloths at old pica. Linoleum* up, to 4 yards
win.. Oilclothe 2/4, 5/g. W4, 4/4, 6/4 and 8/4 wide.
Selected nolo maks'.' 1915 catalogue.
Lace Curtain., wblte and cream, 24. 3 end Sj
yards loos, curtain � muslin, scrim, voi1., plain
twine, plain and ex>ibevd madras at from ISo to
hoe a yard.
We aro now showing the best assortment of Rugs
we ever offered and at prices we know are right
and in small, medium and large sizes.
New Spring \Vhite Voile and Lawn Waists.
up to the moment in every particular and at
rockbottom prices too.
Tb. Colhornajtownsbip oo.oeil met
in the township hall, April Mb.
Members all present. Minutes of last
meeting reed and adopted on motion
of Young and Hetbsringteo. The
followingsot-ousts were p weed and
orders rawn on the tteawrer for
!C 1
e. 1
in the bathroom after we have
pronounced it all right.. There will
be no danger of leaks or any wait-
ing for water.
put in by real sanitary plumbers
will save its cost in d..ctnr's hills
every year. Let's put one in for
you while you are renovating your
Fred Hunt
Hamilton Street Phone 135
sumo : Wm. Ask with, refund statute
labor, $4.00: John Jenkins, shovelling
snow and breaking roads. 56.00:
Robert McMillan. discing Division
line, 5300: Jonathan Fritzley, cutting
brush on Kuntz' bill, 54 51) : W. P.
Reid, Ashfield treasurer, Colborn''
share boundary line work, *348:
Charles Ostrow, Division Court coats
re telephone accounts, $16.9(3: J. J.
Robertson. refund dog tar, 51.00: C.
U. McN.11, pert salary as assessor.
$J).00. Mr. Stephen Andrews was
present in regard to the township
council's buying the scales at McGaw
station. Councillor Hill presented a
letter from the Partners' Club asking
the council to try to secure the scales.
Moved by Young and Hill that we buy
the scales for the sum of 11000 (carried),
and that the check be made payable
to Mrs. L. C. Andrew.. Moved by
Hetherington and Hill that we
adjourn to meet on Saturday. May let,
at 3 p. m. in Goderich. Carried.
R. MCILwAr', Clerk.
Test for Tea.
The only positive teat of good tee ie
in tb. cu "SALADA' tea is all
cleats, bright. fresh leaves, and Iberia
is genuine satisfaction in every oases.
fin many cheap, dusty. old tame are
sold for the make of extra profit that
It Is necessary to always .ay "SAL -
ADA" to ensure oomplete satisfaction.
8. S. No. 4 COLBORNE.
The following is tbe report of 8. 8.
No. 4. Colborne, for the month of
March. Those marked • were absent
for all or part of the examinations.
Names are In order of merit: Sr. IV. -
Wilson Rath, Wilson Million, Wlnl.
N•egele, •Alae Moore. Jr. 1V. -Bee -
trice Mugford Russell Hill. Nr. i11.-
Beneos Mugford. Harold Monologs.
KIgla Fleeter •15.111. Mogfnrti. *Rosa
Hasher. Jr. IL -Laura Nngf..rd. 8r.
Pt. 11.-Bealah FMeber. Jr. Pt. 11.-
sm•asel Mltebell. First °lase -Gladys
AIM. Nemlwr on roll, 16: average
atbeed•aes 18.64. Luta V. Pasoan,
8. 8. No 6. COLBORNE.
The follewieg is the reealt of the
Baster e.aminotlose of N. 8. No. 6,
tborne tow.salp • V. - Terence
ater. Adele McCrs■, Wee*
8e. I V.-Bee/aim C ighalm
Mary Rosie 411, Otlee MMus
M. Map Bogie 815, Mame Thorlew
%Was4 Pairbadars
Registrar. Mss. Bac. (D'e'ist Principal.
Addrsas:- -354-6 Dundas St., London, Ont.
Our own three more, building sed 1
.sooa.tal year. of ex wiener*.
Levert lostrectore p oduoe t.tt..ars
bast rsrelb..
Catalogue tree.
C. A. FLEaINo, F. C. A., Pr incip•L
O. D. PLUMING. Secretory.
live Toeonto la! p.m dally
Attrartive Torry ,
PertIeelan from Jo.. Kid.1. t'.P.R. Ticket
Assad. orwebs M.0 Morphs D.P.A-. corner
King and Toasts Street., Tr.
Double track all the way
POR clocAoo
Lsys 1eaele fa m w.ia., /.M P.n.
and ILS., p.m. daily
I.rw.o Term.tn ear ►s.. e.0 p.m.
awl 11 a punk daily
Renonth rcarth.rl and Mgheet rear d
n bra '"d brtk rewwvatim" ki
(trend rank tk-ks ..0au►
r. r. LA WRKNt'E t SONS. row Pare..
airale ream Assets, Pte..& •. N. 1.at"Q
swam Tkeltot Arend Pes.e N
SU. Rr. 111. to Jr IV. -To pees 4211.
Lilian Norris 486, Ir McWbInee
445. Jr. i11. to . 111. -Tri peas ST&
Heirs CWholre 414. Rr. 11. tole. 111.
-To Mm 110. Agar« Ramis Y0. Jr'
11. to Sr. iL.-To sea. Charles
Mot r1. 11111, Rnde 4ik eagle 571. Rall
Bogie NM Lillian Thorley 1111. Roble.
Bogie 5111. Sr. 1. -Orem S.Rle. Willie
M n.
Bassam Chisholm.
Mee Horton. Latium -re S. [ttnza,
Many Colleges dose for Vacation at
Midsummer Our College does not
user apt (:earls. St.. Tsrsaro, le stttrtly
aro-ease Nees Mier M Q..eas. hater
new es as is apt • p.r Uoe to the warty Aa,
Catatonic tree
Often mea.• lie somata It. kali ,u ant
cared= to teeeeaods of mane people
who wrote for our oatatogoe sa the
ant step toward • good salaried poettton.
Take the rep today. Address Central
Bs-Inew.'ollsgs. 315 Tomes Street. Tor
W. H. SHAW. P,e.ldsnt.
WE feel the very least we
can do for you when
you come into this store is
to give you Shoesor Rubbers
that will be absolutely com-
fortable and will wear to
your satiefactlon We want
you to realise that your wel-
fare is our 'fret consideration
Our prices are most reason
(leo. MacVicar
Nortb side of Ren lie
Spray Your Orckards
Nothing Pays better
1 •m .gust ?oaten MIguy
Material, Use Rnl tar,
Dry Rotohl. Ralpbur,
troth Dry and Paste Ar -
resat a of Load.
---each power and hand
we have the beast breads
and at all prime.
Co.ar1a end ase ase be-
fore Me•ieft your order.
Ooderlah, Oat.