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House Unanimous in Favor of Giving
Fighting Men an Opportunity to
Exercise Their Franchise, But Op-
position Fears the Ballots Might
Not Be Properly Counted -Lord
Kitchener May Object to Politics on
the Battlefield.
lt'elpyrigbted. i
Ottawa, April 18. -Both sides of
politics agree that the men wbo are
good enough to do the lighting are
good enough to do the voting. but the
Voter -for -Soldiers hill received luke-
warm suptent in the House of Cum -
mons just the Name. Neither Liberal.
nor Conservatives were prepared to
pledge their common -settee that the
treasure was practicable.
The sexy goes that Hon. Charles
Doherty did not exactly treat the hill
as a fawn' its child when it was being
"drafted" in committee, and certainly
when he introduced it in the House he
indulged in no wild transport. of en-
thusiasm. He avoided purple rheto-
ric. smothered the thing with long
sentences, and one way and another
took most of the nip out of it. The
beet be could do was to •'esrne.sy and
sdncsreli commend the principle of
the bill,' wbicb was what you alight
0.11 faint praise from an oelniel
sponsor. You see the Moister of Jus-
tice has a reputation for level-headed-
n ess and he doesn't want to lose 11 by
etylog up leaky tubs.
No doubt. too, Mr. Doherty consid-
ered that they had gone far enough In
treating it as a Government measure,
Instead of putting it in the bands of a
private member on the Government
side and treating it as • public bill
e ntitled to the usual amount of sup -
whish the Government gives it.
riends. Perhaps this was the reason
the bill was held back until the closing
days of the wafo.. The Government
may have been pondering -under pees -
,)tura from the outside -whether they
would take the bill under their wing
or not.
As a metier of fact tb• bill would
bar's made mon stir If a private
asaasber Mks R. R. Bennett had started
it a dei levet to dwell M
- ISI we—Oho I.
Athens k Ob.
that psror* ot-.11 fishes and thun-
der! "Meg or Kaiser. which r he
would exela'm at the proper mome.L
Whereupon be would draw • Union
Jack from his tail pocket, wrap him-
self in its folds and the patriots would
break into the National Anthem in-
ste d of into the National Treasury,
as has been the case recently.
As It was, the Calgary man came in
somewhere near the finish when the
debate had crawled into the cellar and
the beet be could do was to provoke a
burst of wrath from Frank Oliver,
who asked among other things :
"Why shoukl we trust this Government
With the soldiers rotes' when we can't
trust them with the soldiers' boot. r
Well, there may be something in that.
At all events it will give the reader
pause. This was the only flash of heat
in the discussion, both aides seeming
quietly confident that the bill would
not get too far. That is to say, it could
be stopped this side of the ocean, bythe
Seoste, or the other side, say by d
Besides its good feeling toward the
soldier. the Government is credited
with three other motives in bringing
in the bill. One is that it might whip
Into line • certain influential .Montreal
newspaper which makes • habit of
foaming aC the mouth on this subject:
another's that every Ilttle helps in the
campaign of super -loyalty which the
Oon.ervtives are shout to pull oR;
and the third is that it may oonstitute
another grievance against the Liberal
majority in the Senate. In fact, some
mreons go so far as to say that the
ll would never have been thought of
if there had been no Liberal majority
in the Senate. The bill, inspite of re.
posted tinkering. by the Mnister of
Justice, is as full of imperfections as
a ketchup -strainer is of holes, and
then is • grave .u.picion that it was
built that way to lure the Senate on.
The Senate is an expert amender of
obnoxious clauses and It just netur•
ally can't keep its hands off • hill like
that. Al least, -that is the theory.
Whether the Senate rises to the batt
or not it's • safe statement that. almost
anybody could make that bill a great
deal better than it stands now. He
would be doing a good work at that,
and if any Government supporter
yelled traitor at him be could get hack
by retorting "Boots" or "Binoculars"
or "Horses," or something equally
relevant. lodeed, then are plenty of
good •rowers to those wbo way he
using the old flee at the next general
election to rover • multitude of stns.
The objections to the bill were many
and Int.re.ting. Otte was that then
were at teem four places nn the way
there and back where Ice b•liot.
�igbt go wrong. Considering buse•n
frailtythe Opposition was not in-
clined to ask the Government to incur
this great temptation. The limits of
Sites .huh not be etraised. Coked
Heigh Clark blurted not the troth
when he said that the bill was trained
with the Idea of • gee•ral eleetlon
•dad that a general slasher whish
did got ballade the Vents of the
elibty-nine themed soldiers wbo are
sow oversees r r C ushi.g
emirs would tet he • 114' 1' expose
alma of oplMmml. Wil set goesto
clew that Ms Ouut�aglma1 Sow got
Mtaad te wait mut missy the war le
ever be bald • Wamld elseV but
Crassest. Apply to MRS. C. L SALE 11
FOR BALE OR RENT —TWO W W '.1* blit S�all'..Brla elo eat la 15, coo. 2.
horses on East street- Per information WEDNESDAY. APRIL tetb 1s0S,
poly to CHAS. OARRO W. at I.J) o'obok p. m.
moo LET. -A COMMODIOUS OOT- I heavy drlvise MM. In years old : 1 cheat -
1 We ea the Ba field root For nut mare, lJ year. rid; 1 hooey tally. rising
apply to MRS. JAMES WILSON. Neetb two year. old : 1 heavy filly. rising three years
,, M -U, .id ; I driving reading. rang three year* old :
Ves- --- – - -- ► [wore' purno♦ mit rielr. one year ofd ; 1
/�D RENT.-DISiRABLE R R 8 1- ! heifer, doe to freshen in May : 1 cow, milking
j Saar•, pulped with modern eeevea-;well. toodes In fall; 1uoe.milking well. not
leaass, situated ss tot tygs set. Mob MRS. 11le 3; .1htoad Acesri.insteers. two year. rising okl 5 'Nod
P. LY N. ! .sive.; 2 brood sow.. due to farrow June Wt: 1
TO RENT. -TWO-STORY BRICK 1 yearlh. H.refcrd bell: Ito bushels of good
1 bones osstafalsg all sodwn awn sea- than aced old.
hires. East nln..e ooaveaieot to o. T. R Mr. Mugfird list had the hem fretted for
watts• awls N MRS. W. A KHYNAR we yew' It ha. bees sold this soros. roe-
tr.,: __N U esquently everything ad vertle•d most be sold.
- 1 Tura. �h month: reedit will be glue& on
MO HENT. -BRICK HOU81 WITH furnishing approved Joint
ome o..h. •t at
1 all modern . sprov.m•nta. IaolMlag hatnot Pee
water heating msyetes; six moms. Mteated MARK MI'OFORI). THICK OUNi►RY,
en Ohmmeter Terr os. Apoty to JU& C Preemptor. Auctioneer.
a_ s
r easttait eery hefek hoses, seats ems -
mileages tw.Mtawt$t t Mer.- 11ERGODBRICH ELEVATOR AND
Mle• d ted matt tea 1 TRANSIT' COMPANY. LIMITED.
�p p�...,. take ..ties that the annual general
1 RENT. -TWO HOUSES ON ,imoe' et the shareholder. et the oade'ich
1 Braga ersst: Ore tsarina; hard sat nth or mid Tra�aft Company. Limited. will
water. Roth Muses were oils oersted Yat' b. Mid at iri tis of the saoag.r. North
tall awl eat. resembles 10 fa.Iorin arse. Od.tioh. ea
and G R. station. 8.01 releasable A► I WEDNESDAY. MAY Sth. 191.*
Ns ED AHD REIU, Elgfs Avw•a mV at 12.'mMeekk .550, taw Me election of director.
RENT. -OFFICE AND ROOMS 'fw1ahs McYeiiosrMwat I.ay opeU be
by far. O.s i101amama. es 1 ht been tot s..tl.g.
bwt* geese. core $q.aew Well bested by' mon,,, W. L HORTON, Manager.
Walled. ltd. Wpsdapted►t• tors
a , srr..d lectric 1101 and water o O.ab• AprU l5 link 5* -td
irmtesAredireesenaling reeme, shove W.
. Cberelli
.wig set yy d.ks .• t&. gri .w -
wet atom beam
weedshol :.aeras to
U.eMarbarksOtani ass ss�ewe�.,
to •r Ism sea ala. et
M G\Mea w
rslwtsb P.
N.rf - -
a et Mi5 st MS d s. sa Labe sheet leer masais
MN wheamer I pay
ta Ms
be said, "I etre not who does the vot.io'
as long eel do the eountio'." lt'e in
the mater of counting that mistakes
are liable to oetur, particularly io the
counting of the thirty-five thousand
overseas vow which are not subject
to the usualrestrict ions. To the fifty -
tour thousand Voters encamped in earl
oue parts of Canada the Opposition
does not streenously object, because
three voters will be fully apprised of
the issues and will be provided with
the customary apparatus of Canadian
el.ctlous in the shape of polling
booths, scrutineers, deputy returning
officers and eseb, but the thirty -Ove
thousand overseas vetoes are another
story. The popular majority of the
Government at the last election was
only fifty tbotMand in a vote of one
million two hundred thousand, and
with the ebb of Conservative sent --
'Dent what it is the Opposition does
not feel like Ming track of thirty -fire
thousand votes which might tip the
scale one way Cr another.
Dr. Michael Clark laid his finger on
another weak spot when be pointed
ort that the Canadian overseas
soldiers were mow entirely under the
authority of the British War Office,
and that Lord Kitchener might not
tolerate .leetioneering In the trenches,
much lees taking the soldiers away
front taste work to vote. Socha thing
as voting on the h.ttlefield is coutrary
to all imperial nreeedent, the soldier
being regarded tor the time awing as a
man apart with a higher, sterner duty
to perform then mere voting. Dr.
Clark, wbo has a son at the front, did
not follow big argument to the hitter
and, else be might have shown the
trencher flooded with campaign liters,
ture, the creation of party feeling,
anion* those .wbo sboukl be .tandiog
shoulder to ulionlder in the defence of
the Empire, the nMrm electioneering
according to their political Predilec-
tions, tad many other foolish and
dangerous things.
As a atajttity of the officers are
Conservative and look to this Govern-
ment foe peoOotio . It might not be
too much to expect w Tory colonel to
draw up his regiment and address it.
briefly as follows ; "Men of the
Umpty Uvpth. there is an election in
Gonda on which we are asked to rote.
I have only a monorail idea of the
issue. so i will tot osmose your minds
by going into details. The regiment
will parade et 11 o'eloek sharp tomor-
row morels" when all those who vote
Oosesrvative will band their ballots
over to me. Those wbo vote Grit will
speed for day in the (reecho.. I have
no thein f& becomes their =keg
haste tree/., or b the tt..dd.. le perter-
eid ee..r w�eherer. M Meanie" say kind of
need. AUNT
itis= Brea..ese,lte tttMMM Voir
maw Meet surest. Massie& Mit
kehesblss sed asateleg, della,. eery
sad Meader Assn. -It will pay 1te ase
me blare Mules year work. Prompt-
frees be sl1 week. Orden K. be li: at
Stem r 1E. OARRICK, at. Mold's
stweet Mit
as head la W rusk
verY wog
.seetad M ea.
A bg aN'M
atw at Ma OMNI Aelw,r
OALif,.- 111101113 @Iwtlmo
TINia rAl. •tss•'t ..heap.
w hes beets Very Nish leri
th'.last week."
Of verse, this is reducing it to an
absurdity, but there is an element of
reason in it even at that. it would
never do. for instance, to have the
politicians in Canada scanning the
easralty lista for weeks before an
eleetloo with • view to checking off
the votes lost to their opponent.
through death or taptnre by the Ger,
mann The heart's blood of Oaoeda is
in those casualty lists. Any Act of
Parbament which causes them to be
regarded as a sporting event by rival
seta of politicians is an insult to the
Tee•hnieal objections to the hill are
numerous. Perhaps rho mat impor-
tant one was reined by Sir Wilfrid
Laurier, who pointed out that the hill
created a new and separate D
franchise with such loom pro'risions in
regard to roving the voter'. age that
it might lead to grave abuses. But
the moral objections on which this
article bas dwelt are the mart serious.
Perbaps not the least of these moral
objection. is that under the hill the
voter votes not for the candidate, hut
for the party, the ballast being marked
(overnment, Opposition, Independent,
without further identifying labels. it
ie conceivable that some of bur Brit lab -
born Comedians who hsee not resided
Isere touch longer than the thirty days
specified by the hill may be in doubt
u to whi-h is Lateral and which is
Conservative, not to mention the fart
that the word Opposition is open to
mi.ennutructi,n by the soldier. wbo
may get it into his bead that one
party °poems. the war. whereas thin
is $ w.sr on which we are all unani-
mous. Moreover, the Independents
feel thnt they should be more strictly
classified into Socialists, Lahor, and
the like. and an independeht like W.
F. Maclean. who is Conservative in his
vote. in the House, cannot he con-
vinced that the ballot doesn't deliber-
ately give him the wont of it.
Taking everything into ronsidPra-
tion, it is s poorly contrived ballot,
which reverser M•cauley's famous
couplet :
'Theo rose were for the party
And all wen teethe state."
H. F. OADel;r.
Mr. Cyril Carrie Writhe of Some in the
Country Deedbd by War.
The following is an extract from a
letter written by • Goderich old boy,
Captain Cyril Uarrle. to bis relatives
h ere. He writes front England,
where he had been for a week'. rest.
"Coming through Paris last week we
found it not ver gay. 1 think most
of the rich people are out of it yet.
They still have fears of Zeppelin raids;
there .was one there the Saturday
before we were there. Needless to
say there are very few rich Ameri-
cans spending 'Suter in Parti this
year. We paid • hasty visit to
the scene of the tattle of the Marne.
We saw the 'ground nearest to
Paris' no wbicb the Germane were
allowed to step. The trenches in
which the French Made their last
desperate stand in their retreat are
still there as they left them to charge
the Germans, forcing them In their
turn to retreat. There, too, are the
German trench.. from which they
tried to repel the French attack.
"Behind the Fteocb line. are being
built new ant. modern trenches, in
case, by any chance. the' Germans
should force their way back. They
ate very well built and give one • good
idea of what the trench of today is.
Here and there io the ditches, and
more numerously in the fields, one
thea the little wooden ^r.le.es erected
to show where the soldiers are buried.
We visited the village of Barri, in
which a fight bad raged for seven
days before the Getman. were driven
out. The churches and all the peptic
buildings are entirely destroyed.
However, the natives are beginning
to return agaiu to their home., and
trying to repair the ruin.. in all it
was a most interesting trip, though
not • ver pleasant one.
"I left Paris on Tuesday and, stop-
ping for a day at Rouen, sailed from
Int Havre on Wednesday at midnight.
Several of our staff from Havre were
also on the boat. One of them abeo-
lutsly refused to undress or go to bed
for fear of s submarine attack.
Another passenger stayed on deck all
night, I presume to assist the watch.
It fact, I think the ship's watch had
several 'insistent. that night. For
myself, I slept well till about 6 o'clock.
when 1 heard .om.tbin bump, and
the engine stop. Needless to ray
everyo.edressed ea quickly as possible,
and we could not help thinking that
It would be a cold night for a `plunge.'
No .se knows yet whit the beat
.s4 erriwd safely at Roo -is oth.
sespton at 7.511 a. m.
''Today(Gold Friday) i went to
Alpert all to hear the Memiab
rendered by the Royal Choral Society,
with Sir Fred.' Ick Bridge coodecting.
it was one of the finest thing. 1 ever
heard Tnere was a chorus of 2110 and
an orchestra of seventy-five.
"1 hope to return to France nett
week. We bops that even .o .bort
h rest will help us to hold out, when
the great conflict that we are on the
eve of begins, as everyone's energies
will then be taxed t o the utmo.i .'
Mr. Carrie is connected with the
Y. 111. C. A. corps, with the rank of
bni�res. i Miceli
Ib.. errs.
:r x
From The Signal's Mail Box.
Goderich Furniture Co. Ready to
Proceed with Its Building when
Weather Permits- Who Is to Pay
Lawyers' Bill in Connection with
O. W. S. Railway Investigation 1
The town council wet on Friday
evening last, with all the members
A communication was read from Mr.
John Ranstord, setting tont his pro-
positiou with teased to the salt in-
dustry in practically the same terms
as reported io that week's issue of The
Signal. A deputation front the Board
of Trade was present, consisting of
Messrs. M. G. Cameron, H. J. A. Mac -
Ewan and Wm. Campbell, eaeb of
whom spoke endorsing the propoei-
tion .red asking that the electory be
given the privilege of voting on the
matter. 1'he deputation reoeivrd the
promise that the matter would be
taken up later in the evening.
The quarterly statement from the
Bank of Montreal was presented,
showiug the standing of the several
town accounts es on March 91st, u
follows: Credit of town of Oodericb
account 51,E-87, to local improve-
ment sidewalks account 5550.66. On
the .ams date the bank held notes of
the town to the amount of $ii1,760, as
follows: Town of Oodericb, 581,000;
local Improvement account, 510,000:
O. W. 8. R. account, 5'3,750.
A letter from the secretary of the
Hydro -Radial Association was reed,
asking the council to i l n • resolution
to be presented to the Provincial Par-
liament endorsing the Hydro -radial
program ea outlined in the memorial
preeented to Premier Hearst and the
Provincial Government on March 20tb.
The oommunication was laid on the
table to be taken up later in the
A petition signed by a number of
residents of Maple street was pre-
sented. asking that tour street lamps
be plaited on that street. ' It was re-
ferred to the water and light com-
A e gesnunicatioo was read from
the 5th1le library board, asking for a
greti► d X00. 1t was sent to the
lirs.aeaeainsaut a
A letter woe- -rIpl heti -Ma►
tory of the Baird of 'rude. •skt�lft
that • grant d 5100 be made to that
orgaaisatiou to assist in its work. Tbe
finance committee w111 deal with the
An application was received from
F. H. Wood for • renewal of his bil-
liard room license. It was sent to the
special committee.
Mr. J. H. Lech wrote to the council
ststiog that the increasing lite of
hydro -electric power was injuring his
hustne.s, and asking that the li.ense
fee be i educed from 510 to $.25. The
special committee will revolt.
A letter from the Goderich Furni-
ture Go. was read, stating the com-
pany was prepared to go ahead with
its building as Mein as weather per-
mitted ; also Unit to comply with the
demands of the fire underwriters the
sawmill department and the engine
and boiler rooms had been com pies ed,
one and one-half stories high. The
first story of the main factory was
up and a lot,of material was ready
to -go on with the building. It was
asked that the water mein be extended
Amid a great ovation from the
sirens and whistle% of practically all
the craft at the harbor, the steamer
Drummond left her moorings on Mon-
de and steamed out of the harbor,
only to be frustreten in her attempt to
leave port by a big infield which ez-
teuded for about two mile. nut 'tato
the lake. After battling for several
hours with the ice the boat was forced
to return to the harbor and is 'now
tied up at the south pier. The steamers
'lcotti.h Hero •no Inland have also
moved out to the south piet and will
depart as soon as a favorable wand
moves the ice out.
Marine insurance comes into effect
Nonan Brion, one of the Brew of
the steamer Yorktoo, received a pain-
ful injury to his right arm on Sunday,
when he dipped in the coal bunkers.
While no hones were broken, the arm
was so badly wrenched that h. will Iw
unable to use it for several weeks.
The American Road Machine Co. de-
livered today a new scoop which the
company hes built for the dredge
Goderich .
The steamer I'aipoonge was moved
over to the Goderich elevator, where
her cargo of grain has heen diecharg.d.
The toot -tout of the tug whistles
may now 1.e heard at alwo.t any hour
of the day, as these craft are busy
moving scows and getting things in
shape for the spring work.
The steamer Scottish Hero has
been ordered to Asbtahul•, where she
DRAB KIR,—Find enclosed the sum will be cut in two and towed to the
of nne dollar for my renewal of sub- �.I, to operate on • three tsar
eoriptlon. We enjoy the weekly visit
of The Signe. We have had roost de-
lightful weather here this winter ; In
fact we anaot realize it has been the
winter mason : even the rainfall was
.11gtIL Yours truly.
W. C. Mimes,
W honnock, B. C.
Mr. J. B Hawkins write. from Rd.
mouton. Alberta : " We are all well.
and still Haley the country very well,
Hn.lnese is quiet le many lines, espec-
ially in the eity, hilt we bad good
evops last rear and gond prices, which
teems the farmer well deed. Tb.
prespnet. ere good this year. as the
spring has assessed early and so•sdine
will eoometos eery shortly. io tact,
sassy et thortarsetu ars May privatise
the land." Tiis was writles April lth.
ie addition to sp-toJete emits*,
Aga es harm many of this old-fash-
nsd dandier -.thew that +assail ygsr
also that the preieinIsest party 1e sbildhoed days. T. J. SA1.111ILD, Phos.
wary mash of Mr. Deejq'a salad when K.
Ing these accounts, and, while we ap-
preciate the services performed, we
must recommend that no action he
taken. tai With reference to the
Crown attorney's account we recom-
mend that be be paid for services
when rendered at the request of town
officials, amounting to Oat (4) That
o.rtal° small accounts be paid.
It was moved by Councillors Wigle
and Proudfoot that the report bet
adopted. and moved in amendment by
Reeve Elliott and Councillor Wilson
that Mr. Pellow's and Mr. Stager's
se:mints be paid in full Moved by
Councillors McClinton and Moser in
amendment to the amendment that
clauses two and three be referred back
tat the finance committer. The amend-
ment to the amendment carried on
the casting vote of the Mayor. The
report with the two clauses excepted
was then passed.
Moved n Reeve Elliott, secouded
by Councillor Wilson, that a cetoeot
sidewalk be constructed on Harbor
bill. The matter was referred to pub-
lic works committee to report on prob.
&hie cost.
Councillor Wigle wanted to know
what the duties of tbe.street inspector
were with regard to Installing sewer
pipes, and was inforuied that the io•
•pector's duty ended at the street line ;
he did not supervise the construction
on private property. The Mayor
stated in aoswer to a question that a
pluwblog bylaw was upon the statute
hooks and he would see what provision
could be made towards enforcing It.
Deputy Reeve Ltitbwaite was em-
powered to purchase :1110 shade tress.
Tbe council then went Into eonimit-
tee of the whole to discuss the Rens-
ford proposition.
While the council was in commit-
tee Reeve Stewart and Councillor Dal-
ton, of Ashfield, who were present,
spoke on the matter of the lawyers'
fees ,n connection with the O. W. li. R.
investigation. They felt that the ac-
count of about 51,001) preowned to
Asheeld township should he partially
paid by the other municipalities toter-
ested, as all bad been beneetted by
the lawyers' investigations. it was
suggested that either all the accounts
of the municipalities be pooled and
each pay an squat Amer, or that the
accounts be paid on a pro rata bels.
The committee of the whole on ris-
ing presented the following report
That the proposition of Mr. 3. S ens -
ford be referred to the special com-
mittee ; that the matter presented by
Reeve Stewart and Councillor Dalton,
of Ashfield, be referred to the Buttons
committee; that the resolution pre-
tlai k. �17riRai►/aras4.
charter. it is just ten years since she
arrived nn the upper lakes. having
been brought out from Knglend, cut
in two at Levis and '..wed to Buffalo
where rhe was riveted up again, and
has plied on the upper Takes continu-
ously sloes. The Scottbb Henn is the
largest of the tits ret class of vessels on
these lakes.
Just arrived -A fresh
floe chorolatee, asenrted
at B1•ckston� s
shipment of
fruit flavors.
New electric prones for drying the
hair, bot nr told air used. Electric
m•.ssge-epeeist engagement roads at
tot shop or our home. 6O tent. W
G. LtrtV, Hairdresser.
Owing to IUnt..s arena* i he. •toff and
other eatt•es. The Mien/ has Men an -
der a haltdleap the I.st two or three
weeks. Readers and patrons will
kindly overlook asy taupe or della
e council then anted.
Football Meeting.
A meeting of football players and
supporters will be held in the council
chambers at the town hall on Thurs-
day evening of nett week, April tend,
ata o'clock. It is the intention to re-
organise the town league and all pros-
pective teams are requested to have
representatives present on Thursday
evening. The Big Mill and the Grand
Trunk teasue are already organised
and others ate teeing completed. A
good season is hoped for.
'Lawn bowlers.
The annual meeting of the Ooderich
bowling clubswas held on April lith.
Those present were Messrs. Edward.,
Tape, Shearer, Humber, Doherty and
Luna'. The treasurer. L. E. Doherty,
presented the financial statement,
which showed : Receipts-memher-
sh ip , fees $2-ltl, tnnrnawent receipts
5161, balance from previous year 57.16,
to the taut as as Bible, and it total receipts slat 10 Etcpend.Wres-
P lw caretaker SIM till, lighting and water
was further asked that the town per- $46 66, paid for prix, $112 t11, numer-
mit the company to complete there. our other aocuunta$74.14. total 5372.412,
maining two stories to the satisfaction leasing • balance on hand of =sit.
of the council and that on completion I The following officers were appointed :
the town transfer to the company de- Honorary president, R. S. `Williams ;
ferrtd as won as further condition. of Doherty; secretary, tVnt. Lane.
for bylaw are met. I Messrs. Nairn, Hunt and Griffith were
It was thought bythe council that. appointed to art with the officers as
u the company had already ezoceeded m �zecutive oommlttae. l'. H. Huhn•
the time limit eat in the bylaw, an ex- I Ilse eras appointed ground manager.
tension of time should he applied for The ,nrnitwrebip fee was lilted at 5G
and granted before furthet concessions 'The appointment of • caretaker was
were made. The company will to no- I left with the PzerutiVe committee.
third to this effect. Messrs. Tig.rt. Yates and Rumbsll
were appointed bonorery tnemh.rs.
bentures to the •eetuet of 51 IIIc►, the presideht, H Rewards ; vice ppreri.
balance of the debentures to be trans- dent C. H. Humber : trearurer,
L. E.
Reg. R. Elliot tendered the sum of
515) for the use of some town lots near
'1'trtoria ach'.I. The public works
in response to a complaint from the
ronimittee will report on the matter. ofH. ars of the local branch of the
Councillors McClinton and Patti' Ige l,ord's I)ay Alliance, ('hies Posteleth-
moverd that the t,ewuret be asked to waits paid a vow to the harbor on
render a statement of ell fines col-
I'cted andel the Liquor l.ieense Act
since August I.t Carried.
The cemetery and parks rommitles
presented the following report: (1)
That the present gates and fence et
entrance of Maitland cemetery he re-
paired and painted under the super-
vision of the chairman of alis commit-
tee ; (2) that Ju. Bowman he engaged
as caretaker of parks at 51.511 per day
for any work during the month of
April, and then at 536 per month a:
the pleasure of the council ; CO that
the matters of piecing an inscription
on the sailor' monument. and pur-
rbasing gram seed for the peaks be
left with the rhair',,ar. of the commit-
tee with power In act. The report
The finance '-ommittee reported as
Sunday and 'topped the men from
working who were Pitt/sited on the
Various haate undergoing repairs. —
HARRI'.I\.-At the Ales mere hn.pital.
Oaderleh. n.. Ther.day. April 1:.te. en Mr.
sad Me... %%Alter H. Huri,un. a n (John
Hanley •.
ARTHUR. In Auburn. en ►rttlay. April ash.
Mena Keith. relict of the late Andrew
minim. aged et years. 10 month* and alt
MIDDLE/41N. In ttoamieb .ewnshlp ea
Mende kprtl rot. Jetta W. M1dietoa.la
hi. , Ye.1 year. /�
PARR, At Ram1a on Thur.d• April as
F:liesbeth Jardine Fere. beloved f
ved wht.
Jame. Pan. !brat fend toreneety w fid►
PORTER. In ti arise. es Saturday, April
Mab. Janes Edward, rain et the fain
Jess Porter. aired SI years.
follows: (11 We .eromm.nd that the
clerk write the Paget Grain Derr Oo. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -APRIL 15th
advi.ing them that as they do not P.
agree M OUT trema of payment we will Ruptere-J. Y. Egan. .... .. ........... s
be obliged to instruct the meinwinch or Pint Mlsgr.p seas -A. t Asset Oa-e
10 °oiliest the full amount. 11, bow- Ileuss h dent-Mwesd Meld
ever. they prefer to reconsider offier of Metre es Mee -Wm P. Leas 1
eettlement, the •ase is still open. PttrahgMa nweve-Aayr.tewp. 1
in the mat ter of the accounts of vv.v. permed Mnesaa - Weems C.ireidtr.
Pillow sod the polies oaagiatnte foe Leen............. . 1
ease la eosresetion with liquor Bessie Ord etTteste-rlirk J•.Jsd•e#J.Artier fi
men where nn r'stele ion•, we have m•wtwgMaraasefig /Y►-aso*lbelleoY1
carefully rnmldered them and, eller r)ptlsal ante 4'.l.tMM e
nig. losing • he .nlleitnr'• opinion that Renter w'. O. Lambe ... .... d
there is no liability oft the pert of th. Ahab Cant -them Weaver� e' 5
town. we feel that It would be octan. latish MsstlttF dleaNN/wtella lr .'
liehleg a dasgwoue prosodist by pay- I t ho 11Yd. .....