HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-4-8, Page 6T1IInaDAY. APRIL R. 11118 Iris SIGNAL ac,DERIClx = ONTARIO THE ' AUSTRIANS CHASED OIIIINIL FROM BESIID HEIGHTS AND ONLY Li ENUINE BEWARE OF IMITA- TIONS MITA- TIONS ',OLD ON THE MERITS Or IINIRD'S IJNIIENT IMO KAINDIN(i MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bouud ot repaired. I'� ,OeLle LETTER:l1 on LEATHER GOODS Ali order promptly attended to on tearing ss... at 'r H F. a ION AL, Ooderlch. A. E. TAYLOR. 81.ATFORD. MEDICAL ILK. GEO. HEILEMANN, OSTE- 11 PATH...pecialt.t In women. sad aW- seeevnn''..dtgres..sr.acute, Atronhttc oodroaL � caricas a/► efsematie eM01i w l�llloe North ,v tt..&Lttdid :see raw the sinews, U odortch- fw. F. J.R. YORSTER-EYE,EAR. ems and throat. Meow erete.Weeek O tbatsad Aura I1.Utate Hospital. 0ee inmate. d Muoreaeld Lye Rapltal. W t. 8i fid. Nae.ue Enos Church. r floor. loo s. W Lx a. m., r to t R n.. 7 to 6 i. w. T.ispkooe C. TVH. AND MINN'S M. GREER, • D. to Chiropractors. spine and nerve Chiropractic Is the science that curer w�hout dresser knife. Free examine use. oboe over tlbarman's Shoe store, en trance on Kast'stlset. Phone NI :•Jae AUCTIONEER. THOMAS GUNDRY AUCTIONEER; Boa (t.O•.derich. AL ioatrucUosr by mall left at Signal uface will be promptly at. ended to. /Weld/ace telephone 119 LEGAL Di s C. HAYS l*BARRISTER. SIILICI T`R, NOTARY • .)oieri • 8teriing BeBlock. Hamilton . a 8.r..t, MMI Estate Lela* and liwur•oce. • PROUDFUOl, ICILLORAN d PROU DFOOT BARRIS] r, bOLICITUIt_. NOTARIES PUBLIC. EPC. (>Mor on the Square. weasel door from Ham Moo ..freer. Uod.rich. en vote fund. to ban at lowe-t rate.. W. Paol'uvoor, KA'. J. 1" KILT oRAN W. Psiotnrocrr. JR gi G. CAMERON. K. C.. BARRIS • TER, solicitor, notary public. Mee. Hamilton Mee.ilton Bueet, tiudrrtCb.. tkIM doer ft -vinare At t'bnton-Tbur•dsy of each week 1n attire an Albeit e.rret uecuded by hit. Hooper. Oboe him.. t. a.m. toil p.m. 1HAKLES &JARROW, LL.B., BAH KIST KR. attorney. soirdter. Mc.. Glebe - glib edrglib. Mot.er u. lend at lowest rate I SEAGER. BARRISTER, SOLr V, iclt r. Notarr Publl• and Conveyancer. •dice--t:oart Hoose. Uoderich. tarlmt ti INSURANCE. LOANS. ETC. $2 (1PRIVATE FUNDS TO ]. dU lean. Apoly to M. 0. CAM IRON. Barrlator Hamilton street. Uodericb. W R. ROBERTSON. V1 • INSURANCE AOSNT. iter sun Limn luso : Brittak. Canadian and Aaeaican• 4.0711112aT Sick:(ces ren F.nrlAreru' L1•1111..rev : 7rhe Unman Aocideot and Uuarautee oruorstlon. Limited. of London. lar. ioeutr AN t:r:aru.Tb:A Boar* : The U.B. i1debty awl °n.notescompany. tenor at rea:den.c, oorthea..: corner of 19o - to,. and 8t. La.vtn a street• Phone 17.:. i.1oKIIAOP MUTUAL FIRE IN - .71 IURaNCL CO. -Fern and isolated t two propane mawrsd• U11rme.-J. P. M'Lsaa. Pees. s•aftwth P.O.: J r t onoell , V t.s-Pea. AMertch P. O. n : Taeia It liar-. Iter--Treas., nsafeetk P. a. Dittmar. -D. F. McGregor. nMtartb ; Joie 0.Orlr'e, Nutmeg; union Lea .recons ; Ma newness. biedb.goe • Jemer Kea., smart: Rebeet Ferri. Mar1Mk : Malcolm Metwen, Brsssa.kl. Agwt.J. w Yen. HMmeartll.. {ler. L'fteh. l lnotch ; N'dnao, l homey. Buataetb ; K. tlt0Aley. as.ttorth Paley-beiders con pay •.ostrnn.. s..4 les their card. rocelpted at fit, J. Meineke. C Wising ator.Cltatan, er at R M. eters UrMsr y. KNw+tw steer. Oodwleb. MARRIAGE LiCENSES IV ALT), hr K. Il b.LLY, J.P.. isomeRI('M. ONT. (malign "e N tRRIAOE LICENSES. Brophey Bros. &JODRIIIOR Tbe Leading Funeral Directors cod Embalmers Orders carefully attended to al all boors, night ar day. • Russians Won heron, Position Mee Heavy fighting--Inemy Retreat - Ing Into Plaine of Hungery Driven from their strong fortified positions In the pause of the B.ekld range of the Cnrpathlaas by the string army of fresh Russian troops brought southward from Peremysl, the Aus- trians urtrlans have commenced • retreat tato the pliant' of Hungary. This flet la officially admitted to the Anettles official statement and oflo1•1 inter matron from Petrograd indicates that the scene of this Russian success Is In the Ussok Pass, to tits north of Bertfeld. one of the o11et strstsgle gateways to Hungary. The Russians also broke down the Austrian offensive further west. near Lahore:, which is south of the Lupkow Pass. At Laborcz, bowers,. the Aar trians renewed their efforts. sad. socording to their own saconut. rias needed In re-setabliehbm themselves. in soma of the positions on the height:. The Russian angled statement genes ao details of the Austrian defeat. bat sonounces that "it great monoses" was pined by the Czar'sp�000 north of the roads leading to Sarttapld. 1t Is stated that over L000 pitliosew. three cannon and thesefns nail ere taken during the • link ttll4• ere says sled t the ' cess extended to tb4 °pens ons h e Iaborci region, Where the Aga - Was claim to have later secured the • vantage to Lite engagement. It is also announced In the Resales Statement that the gghting in the itlemen region is devetoptag very favorably. the Germans being expelled from the positions they were occupy- ing In North Poland atter a stubborn *aviary engagement. The *Emmy is said to have 'ort heavtly by the sabres bf the Russian horsemen to • dash- ing charge. BULGARS INVADE SERBIA Frontier Incident May be Prelude to Further Declarations of War Serbian territory was Invaded early on Saturday by a force officially dr scribed as Bulgarian Irregulars. and • sharp battle ensued The raiders eventually were driven back to tho frontier by the Serbian troops, whose casualties. exceeded a hundred, Includ- tag at least fifty killed. Serbia has protested to Bulgaria because of tho incident. While couched In moierat terms, the protest Is said •o r.'queet the arrest :end imprisonment of th persons responsible for the raid. This attack. according to inform ation from Romeo.la generally known to have been instigated by Germany with the boo of bringing on war be- tween Serbli and Bulgaria, art thus making a complete Baleen' alliance Impossible. in view of the fact. how ever, that Greeoe and Roumania are determined to intervene to behalf of Serbia, Bulgaria. say reports from Rome, would naturally be lunth t commit any hostile act towarl Serb u, and thus incur, the enmity of 'or .:'s altlee War Intl: Serb's woiel 1 dee Bu'garia In complete .aolatlon.,th_re being no posy billty of help iro:u Austria or Germany. Latest retorts trod) tie Balkans indicate that a rentral clash Is i:t:- mlr.eut at any r:oment. Bulgaria 15 practically on a war faring.. tat UN general hatred telt towards Serb:a and Greece throughout that country is be- coming rapidly intensified. It is the impression that unless some untie- p.cted event occurs to prolong peac3 Bulgaria will :oon be up in arms and fighting for tient:any. JCILITARY DOCK WORKERS Delays to War Supplies to be Over- come by Making Use of Khaki Lord Derh - announced last weelt that the Br tish Government was p1nn1ng to crgantze the dock worker. pf Lherpoot. cndrr tbe name of Ftrrt Dock Batteelon of the Liverpool Regi- ment. The men are t, he dressed is khaki °Termite. Iles plan is to bo adopted to prevent further dilate lu handling war supple -a. Labor troub a among the •.corkers on the Mersey re- cently has cau-e1 seri(,us embarrase- meet Tho bat:a'i- n wl:l be made up of shout 2,000 ii.don men. who will b , enlisted ur.der th•• ctbttary' law with army pay In 511!1.on to a guar•::teed minimum warp of 35 shIlltnga weekly it 1s said :hit Loth shipowners and nnio,c oiflcl'l• favor t!:e plan. Th, men are to .nee toluntarfy, with th' •tlt'ulatIob Viet the 1attello.t will be for home service o0'y Soldiers to Hove • Vote Part:amerit has decided that soldfcn should vote. Tb.' resolation declarin; that soldiers should le given a vote was adopted oy the comm.ttee of tho whole Houle without discussion. Tim bill prorldea for the tektmg of the votes of soldiers at the front Or in England. In the• event of a general electlan They will not vote for condi dates. but for the party they desire to .uppnrt-Cobservative, 11 a1 or independent, Pensions For Soloed d Teachers A provincial measure of gaper. Snnuatfon fo- the scboal tae hes of Ontario was Introduced In th Leila Wore last week by H E. D.. Pyre. Minister of Education. 11e bill. the Minister elplained. was not Iateaded to be made • Iwo this sesab.o. cwt WAS merely Introduced n order that It might be printed and circulated throughout tie province. Alleged Genesee Spies Carl Schmidt and Geste, Atepbesa pleaded guilty at Port Artier to rarer leg loaded revolvers, sad were glee, three months' .enteneea• atter Ileal they will likely 1e •barged will ea,lonag•. Daniel Martin has purebased Francis Doyle's farm. at Fordyce, for It1,IIW. A project is on foot for the r•is.tiUsh- ing ot •n electric bgbt plant at Ripley. Alonzo Foster has sold his Its) -acre tarns on the Babylon line, .Hay, to his sou, Philip Foster. W. H . Keeler, of Hibbert, is in • (lilies! condition as a result of being kicked by a borer. A petition is being circulated asking to have Lanes postof ice kept open and is being tteely signed. The Thos. Haley 100 -acre farm, 7th line et Morris, was sold to Heffrole Bros., of Blytb, for ileitis. William O'Brien was appointed police constable of Zurich at • teceot meeting of the police trustees. C. H Dopler, who for about twelve yean was U. T. R. agent at Centralia. has been tran.4erred to ildertoo. William S. Johnston has purchased fifty acres oa the Babylon hoe. Hay, from Henry Vollaod, jr.. for •1,:•t(1. Gertrude. daughter of Mr. and Mn. James McGee. of BruceAetd. was married recently to Mr. Roes. of Toronto. The 1110 -acre term of Wm. N. elc-1 Michael. of the lith concession McKil- lop, ham been sold to Alex. McMichael, foe IKi,rsM, Mrs. Geo. Rainey. of Orange Hill, died at her home un Sunday, March Meth. after a few days' illness. She was seventy years old. Cbz.. Meyer*, of Blake, recently shot :t brown eagle which measured six sod one-half tent from tip to tip of I wing. and weighed foul -tee° pounds six ounce.. John Hawkins, of the London road, near Henget', died suddenly on Starch Seh in hie fifty-fifth year. One son survivee. His wife died a little over i two years ego. James Squire. of Whalen. L'aborne township. bad his leg broken and war otherwi.e injured when his teens tried l+) run awes. He was jammed be- tween the sleigh and a poett The Hensonspring s&lck show. which was held on Mareh 31st, was ,(rote successful Tbe display of both cattle cud borer compared vet fav- orably with that of other years. George Ladd, of Holtneeville, sec- tion foreman on the G. T. R.. has been in the employ ut that company for forty years and will retire in the tall on n' pen -;nn. He has purchased a house in Clinton. Jacob England and wife. from near Swift Current, !Sask., have iunved back to Ontatio end will make their h at Lhaebwood. The section they Lied rat out We'd had a complete tatlure of crop. last year. Sidney Frisby. of near Belgrave, was married tecently to Miss Florence Cbaffey, of Novae, Parry Sound dis- trict. The ceremony, which took place at the home of Cyrus Scott, East ttiawanosh, ase performed by Rev. J. A. Ferguson. of Norval Misr Margaret Templeton, • resi- dent rat Brucefield for a number of years, (Weed sway on Wednesday morning. 'ilia ult., after a abort ilnew. She wsa .eventy years of age and since the death of ber mother had lived alone. Two sisters reside at De - tenet. Mrs. Thompson, widow of the Isle Rev. T. G. Thompson, died at her home in Ottawa recently. Mr. Thompson was st one time pastor of the Brucefiell Presbyterian church. Mrs. Tbomp.on's maiden name ase Mary Spence and she was s sister of the late Wm. Spence, of Ethel. An early settler of Huron county p•eM� airily on Tuesday. March :ilsth, • the person of %Vali ant Kyle. He was born in Ireland seventy-four years ago and came to this country when live yean old. He settled in Tucketsenith fifty years ego and foil many years kept the Red Tavern on the Kippen gond. He died at the home of his son-in-law, Geo. M. throng, on tee lith concession, Tucker - smith. Two „ons, Thomas and Hugh, both with the tbitd contingent st Lon- don. and t n o daughters, Mre. Strong and Phewia, of Tucketemith, aur -rive, alio his second wife. George Joynt, one of the leading citizen' of Hernial!, passed away on Tbureda morning, April 1st, after an illnesa of over a week's duration from pleuro -pneumonia. He bad Ween a resident of Hensel' for over twenty years, and did an extensive business in ..hipping sabre from various points in Western Untatio. He also ran an NIS HEALTH IN R TERRIBLE STATE "freta-tives" Healed His I(Iduys sed peed Him Haosmernzs, Owe , A019. 26th. rely. "About twso years ago, found my health is • ry mays were not delay their ��work sad I was all ran down in condition. I felt tbe seed of sew good remedy. and havfegsees "FruM-•-Nves 'advertised, I dseided to try them. Their effect, I aired more them estletactory. Their .coon was mild and the malt s11 that coald be expected. My Ride,' is. -.4 their seems' action after I had takes inwards of • deem Doves, end i tegelnedosd- time vitality. Today, I r est' the hest health I 1sns ever bed '. B. A. LELLY " !rano-twee " b the grr.eaest Eder, Rsonedy r itis wand. It sets so So bowie sad rade as wan se es Ifs Iddlse , reed tboreby mobil and ANY say hep •wswaay� "Pndtatesee" Medd dl dealers eke pee. s lest d Mr Raja, Iffel sin shill•.Ova LLbe w.4 '`al l>�•'�`,► evaporator, god .agesed in farming, and dealt extensively in cattle. H was twice elected to Htaosall oosaoil, and was a asish ar of the Maaaejc, Oddfellows' and Foresters' Orders. He was as satbl•isstl' curler. In Itis death, Hassall loses • citizen of great enterprise. He leaves a widow and three little sons. John Jnynt, Reeve' of Lucknow, and A. P. Joynt, of Sea- 1orth, are brothers of the deceased. W ING HAM. Col. MacEwan and Dr. Tamlyn pur- chased • dozen horses here for military purposes. A new Canadian ensign has been purchased for the town hall. It is 10ft. Sin. by -eft_ sin. Albert Lloyd'. property on Leopold street has been sold to Wesley Pat - clean, of hast Waw•nosh. Captain Pricer is the new oRicer in charge of the Salvation Army work beret. He came bere trent Tbedford. Mr. ('baries Postson celebrated his nicety-fitth birthday on Sunday. Marne Slst. He is enjoying excellent health. The contract for watt -ring the street. of Wingbau, has he. it wow ded to Aaron Pointe?, •tjst5 fut•six months -April art to Octobei 151 Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Crewfdrd have reformed tion' as extended trip tnrougb tie Eastern end Southern Stater and M•sir: While in Csli- fornia th.-v c.lied url Mr. Hall, torm- etly editor of 'the Wingham Advaooe A quiet wedding to..l place at the Queen's hotel on Weduei(ray morning 01 last week, when Exon Knox, daugh- ter of :11r. and Mrs. J. E. Swazis' be- came the bride of Arthur J. Bosch. Hev. E. la. Dymond performed the ceremony. SEAFORTH. Miss May Wightman, nurse, has gone to Ocderich fur • few weeks. Ed Jackson, who spent the winter herr, has gime to the Peace River dis- trict to engage in railway sutvey work. William McLellan, having rented his farms in Hibbert, has come to Sea - forth to reside with his sisters, lire Misses McLellan. Miss Minnie Best, daughter of Mrs, Frank Beet. expects to leave abortly for England as a Red cross nurse. She received ber training in Toronto. A new hand seatctlight with a penetrating capacity of two hundred feet through dense awoke has been purcbr.ed tor the fire brigade, and also a pew smoke helmet for Chief Bell. A dog supposed to be affected with rabies was shot ■t Harpurhey last week. The deg belonged to Seaforth and the Mayor has iseued a proclama- tion ordering all dogs in this town to be tied or shut up. Mr. and Mee. W. B. McKay and child left haat week for Toronto. where they will visit friends before ing to their home et H.Ufax.r.. Me - Ka had been with her parents, Mr. aodMrs. J. Dodds, store New Year's. Wm. McDotagall, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. McDougall. of F.gmoodville, diet •t London on Monday. March 3)th, in his forty-sixth year. He was a member of the Seaforth fire brigade and that organization attended ,the funeral in a body. EXETER. Elmore Harness has joined the third contingent at London. Mr. and Mts. Michael Eacrett, after • rewiden.'e of ..everai years at Brant- ford, linve returned to Exeter to re- f .id.. it is expected that the new Masonic lodge rooms will be opened on April Stith, when D. D. G. M. Dunlop, of Ooderich, will be present. Wm. Ole, • native of this village, died from the injuries received by being struck by a street car at St. Thoni•s. He was sixty years old. R. E. Pickard and two eons, Clar- ence and Allan, left last week for Frobisher. Soak.. to commence spring work on their section of land there. Fred Shaddock, of London, a former resident bete, whose father cooduct.ed the old Leath ern hotel, has joined the third c<-utingent as steno• grapher to the paymaster. Miss Edna Dow, graduate nurse, of Toronto, is visiting her father. Alex. Dow. Miss Dow has been accepted as • nurse to go with the Toronto Uni- versity corps of the third coountteot. On March 26th Mn. Wm. Hollins died at her borne neer here littera pro- longed illness, in her seventy-sixth year. She was torn on the farm on which she died. Her husband, two S ons and one dsaghter survive. Mrs. Johanna Singular died at the home of her daughter, Mrs Was. Bagshaw. on March :nth. aged nine- ty-tbree years. She wss born in Eng- land and came to Canada in the year 1842. Her husband died twenty -ons years ago. MIs eons and two daugh- ter, Gorr tee. BRUSSELS. Mts. D. W. Kennedy. of &Juderich, la it "letter with her sister, Mrs. George Colvin. Mrs. (Rev.) Poole, of Dauphin. Man., paid a brief viett to relatives hen recently. Mrs. Mallory has returned to her home at Belleville after a month's visit with ber daughter, Mr*. Wren, Mre. Wm, Jamieson and soma, of 'tVinnipett. are visitors In town. The lady is • daughter. of Mss. James Per- g u.ob, of town. John Brown has returned to his home at Brampton after speeding .eyelid months with bis daughter. Mrs. Harry James. John Ritchie, of Deckerville, Kiehl - Iran. a native of Morris township, paid a vlsie to leods to Brows . lark week. it leforty-bras yean sine. ass was tart Sere.fr The Pewit, 1• Its report of the are which deetaoyed the Prins 11•111. .a P fire seer The ideal lax2tive for women and children Gentle but sure No ingredient in Rexall Orderlies is in the slightest degree harmful of injurious. Even the most delicate child can be given Rexall Orderlies• for they are safe, easy to ad- minister and mild In action. No other laxative Its w good for children. Pleasant to take Resell Orderlies are a specific for constipation for people of all ages because, having a tonic effect on the bowels, their we tends to restore rheas organs t0 their normal ectivity. They are particularly recommended for wom- en during pregnancy and after child -birth. Made In Canada and sold in metal boxes at lac, 2Sc and Sec each, at Reall Stores only, on their guarantee --"money back it not satisfied." Get a Box Today from H. C. DUNLOP, Ooderich, Ontario. s chopping mill of the cavae rise. but leis bright, fitted up with at leant two choppers, oat roller. ate., would find a veru large trade N' do, if properly L. to what the props ietors lanrieltning or the attitude of the town toward eroding some .Jristaoee is not yet known to ter but will come up for review later. No unnecessary time should be lost, however. The Prynes have litany dollars invested in the fine cement dam and flume aril these plus the steam power iwt•ct will give them flat -class facilities sa far as motive power is concerned. Mn. Kerr, widow of the late Rev .1. L. Kerr. died at her home here on March Math. The deceased lady was horn in 'retard seventy- eight ears ago. her maiden name being Margaret J. Rutledge. la the year 1863 with her husband she came to Canada moi loyally supported her husband in his work in the Methodist ministry. Thirty years ago Mr. and Mrs. Kerr settled in Brussels, where Mr. Kerr died seventeen years ago. Two sons and four daughter. survive. They are W. H. Kerr, editor of The Brussels Post ; Res. W, E. Kerr, of Welland : Mrs. J. J. Gilpin, of Brus- sels; Mrs. IDr.) Cavanagh, of Owen Sound : Mrs. %V. A. Mathews, of Dolpoys Bay. and Mrs. May Turnbull, of Brussels, who had lived at home to look after her mother for the past few years. Rev. (Dr.) Rutledge. of Clin- ton. is a brother and Mrs. H. Metcalf, of Toronto, and Mrs. H. Harley, of Swab Lake, are sisters. CLINTON. A new clock has been installed in the postottce tower by a Government official. Captain Violet Heodersoa, late of Forest, is the new natter in charge of the Salvation Arruv work here. Mrs. Wm. Murray, Clinton's oldest resident, celebrated her ninety-third hirtbdav anniversary on Monday, March .9th. 8he was born in Scot- land in the year iS i. Mrs. Joseph Grigg died et her bonne in North Grimsby on March 28th. 8be was a sister of Mn. A. Hooper of town. and resided here twenty -live years ago. Amos Osbeldeeton, ' a twelve -year- old boy. received many cuts shout the face when he exploded a dynamite cap by placing it on • stone and hit- ting it with another stcbe. lobo W. Hessian, of Bridgeport, Conn., whn ie termed '•America's greatest militaty and sporting rifle shot," is a ratter of Clinton and a ,on of Mr. Thos. Hessian, of town. Carl W;lkin. who wag connected with the local branch of the Molsons Bank for some time, and who left re- cently for Toroutn, has been trans- ferred to the t'ancouver branch Mary Bennett, widow of the late Arthur A. Bennett, died at her bon'. in Toronto on March 80th. Mr. and Mn. Bennett need to reside here, Mr. Bennett being engaged in the furni- ture business. F. F. Gillies has sold out his inte t est in the auto repair shop and garage business which hi. been conducted under the name of Paxman & Gillies. Mr. Pasman will continue ie the buv- me•s, James Reid, for manyyears • mei dent hove had four ngerss severed from his left band wbile engaged at his work at the Globe Casket Co.'s. factory at Stistford. Mr. Reid is a brother -in law of J. Bayley, of Elul - lett. MurphyOrange Lodge. No. 7111, presented Mr. David Beacom with a line walking -cane on the occasion of his eighty-eighth birthday. His birth- day tell on Sunday, April ttb, and the presentation was made at a special meeting held the previous Wednesday evening. Frank Perdue, of iioderich town- ship. has purchased the livery busi- ness of T. H. Cook and will take pos- session about the middle of the pres- ent month. Mr. Cool still retains his mail -carrying contracts, with which be will combine the tilling of seventy acne. BLYTH. F. S. Henry has been engaged as the leader of St. Andrew's church choir. John Carter, George Cole. Wilbert Ntvens and Bert Pieter left Isst week for the West. Alvin Niven., who has been with his parents in Morris for tome time. left last week tor the West. D. J. McCosh• postmaster of New Liskeard, who died aboard • train as It was palling out of Toronto a few days ago, was some years ago • mer- chant of Birth. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. McGowan, of East Wawanosh, who are removing to Blytb, were wailed upon one evening last week by their neighbors and pre - [tented with a farewell add resit and two comfurrable rocking chairs. At the bump cf the i.ritfe& sheer, Mrs. Richard Hoy, on Wedne..f.J, March :tIst, Rey. 1'. H Ferr united in matrim.•ny. Mere Al c-• Cusick and Hrtry Skiun. The happy couple will reside no the farm of Henry Young, in Mullett, where the groom is en- gaged. Mr. and Mn. C. F. Lyne left last week for their new home at Hepworth. We understand it is Mr. Lvne's inten- tion to go into farming. The harness business which he conducted here bas been taken over by R. H. Robinson, Who is no stranger to the people of Blyth and vicinity. (inc son killed in action at the battle of Mons, and another Tying wounded in hospital, is the experience of Wal- ter Carter, sr.. of Blyth, who has just received a letter from the wounded mac, telling the bad news. Tbe ton who met death in the trenches was William, aged thirtyyears, who spent five years around Wiugham and Rip- ley, working on farms, and then re- turned to England, where he married. When war broke out be joined the Yorkshire Light infantry. having bad training with the Canadian corps dur- ing his stay in this country. He leaves • wife and two children. Walter Car- ter, jun., aged twenty-eight years, lies in en unnamed hospital, reeoverinngg front • wound inflicted I.y a bullet. He bad previously been wounded in six places by shrapnel .hells and had just got back t) the trenches when • bullet entered his hand and passed out at the elbow. There is danger of his toeing the limb. Walter served through the `South African war, wbere he was wounded in the hand. Sons of a fight- ing father were both young men. for Walter Carter, ar.. served in the Im- perial army foe fourteen years, and went through the Egyptian campaign.., He carries the mark of s sniper's bul- let across the back of his neck, and tells of much desperate fighting in which he took part. He has been live log in Canada L.tabout ten years. and even now is ready to answer his coun- t tey's call if the time conies when be i• needed Mrs. Carter takes the loss of her bite with d fortitude expected of • soi,liet.. wife and a soldier's intoner. Your Pocket or the Middlemen's? Between what you pay the dealer and what ecu get in fence, there's at least 8)'. "selling -expense.' Which esn't add one cent to value -Mit does add several tent. per rod to cost. You put that several cents PER ROD in the' n's" pocket, when you buy fence through the dealer. You put that saving in YOUR OWN ET when you hey PAGE FENCE -DIRECT -Freight Paid Because yon buy direct front factory In firm. You pay m only • single email profit over and above the actual cost. Yew save the SW *emitting rxp.'ner." In the shape of RIUHEST QLALLTY PENCE. When you're offered "other" fence at PAGE prices -Lear thee fact :n mind. YOU HURT PAY THE "SRLLINt gXPENNE.- Ho fust fence, sold throngb the dealer at PAGE prises or Ism, -most be of low., goallty to make up PRICE LIST SPECIAL PENCE HEAVY FEN(M Pa al Awe etmaMs Ria t• ot. r. MANN .era. at ML.mr O.MeY •M n.31 a. m,7.'44...Se .__._._.. ~.34 7 M 23 K , f.911.,r13.--- .34 1 M a3 a kg! . - .1M 43 INf ems. �w- 4._ .. i n In A I Vii- y, a� �-� •n • 41 ttfe4 t. 6. i.��A • Nt �i JJ•s le t1 a• :4419 a. s, •, a~� ��• a lie t7AtlIA Mss Oearss Perrin ea skeins. 0. s'a l seas... YAW er r e.tmM • W sews s►bsr. m►hek .._. fn M lamer. Nears tl-rt. oeM..._ _.__._._ 3.11 4.111 tete. ores '� y sae atl.f. OWNS 4.n' OM Web -� tea IS lbs. Orem letre-.- I1 as. gessaea JM p11sORF PAO1 ON 055woo Or WM a OSS PAGE WIRE FENCE CO., LTD. ',:' ( wrist win neN t+MUt, see :slaty- S daj of the small mile �s M Wyre l ass LIDGE m 51 MOP �i 15tattll+the boomw:.1 101 Ore " iag sapo.se " PA(as: FENCE rolls at t1• LOW IQIT PRIr'E Inc LISA MIOMORADF. FENCE sea 1» .ale. It nprpMaM bMae.4artwl dNlar.terAs�j. •rials is lie led 1n tea. trey pe. Ila '15.50* the tdle�tS�Lyer�-�le�r sse55 5f tws 2ta,rOIt LW tVE if yen most maks s�wn� for MOO YOUgsge URSELF EMaet =tie YAW PATE BRA NCB. gemlt to aW. obnA. w_ seder w d�r•att r•I i .Fwaa sl151a1t« AID w jN a5( evm. NST theta R W. TORONTO 87 Obwef St. WAutanvILLE EAR •BEST 1