HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-4-8, Page 4LEEBURN. • Ttosense . April Amb. Ls nrRN L4N .t IA.—Mn Clifton Me - Manus is visiting her parents in Gado- richfor a few days Mrs. Raon. of Blyth. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Cook Mies Joon. Ji. Link - later is home from her sebool Inc the ' Easter holidays... . Misses Alberta and Hildr.d Horton, of Exeter. are the guests of thei�randmnther, Mrs. John Horton . Rimer Lem ten - slayer and sister Lillie spent Sunday with friends at Ripley Mr. Rmitb and sisters, from Nr. 1•Ielen., viaitpd at the home of Mr. Perry Stewart over Sunday . Mrs. Lawrence Grey is under the do -int'. ^ire this'laat week. Mii.es Winne. and Huth Shaw are visiting their parent•. Mr and Mrs. R. N. Shaw,'over the holidays. Misses Anna and Etta Stewart, Lillie inu•enslaver and Ina Williams, of the O. (' 1., are at their respertive homes for the holidays ...Mr. Bahh. of Ooderirh, has the contract to de liver the mail nn R. R. No. 3, and . started last Thursday. KINTAIL MONDAY. April 5th. News NoTEN.-The Women's inset. Lute held its monthly meeting at the home of Mn. Catheart on Thursday' last. ...Mrs. R. MacDonald bas hien', visiting at her sisteris, Mrs. R Mac- iver'*, for the past week ....Miss A. Beckett i. *pending • few days with her grandmother in Gr.dench ... The change in Our mail sees; e is greatly appreciated by many Mr. Yel- land, teacher of nor •rw-nl, left on Friday to spend Raster ei his home at Exeter ... . Among mu- Easter visi- tors are the following : Mr. Chas. MacGregor, of Sebsi- aville: Mime Pearl Drennan and Mi - (hare John- sen.of Rtratfnrd Norms' tad Miss A. MacKenzie, of tb. it. O. t. THE FIRST STEP (Mea means se mock. It Ism meant menses .. to theesde of area[ Proms .bo wr a Wga for our e.os se the not step toward aimed soared merle, the step today. Address Central s t' Hadsatts S. is Yeses Street. Tor .sato. W. H. SHAW, Peeedsat. a TioMDA Y, Aran 8, 1916 THE SIGNAL • : GODERICH, ONTARIO w CLOT H ES of distinction, refinement and good taste—in- cluding Wciettpstanto—better known throughout the United States and Can- ada than any other clothes. a' tet! ]Brans is now being made in Montreal for the Canadian trade. Special measures taken for Society Brand WALTER C. PRIDHAM SOLE AGENT - - - GODERICH CI Many Colleges close for Vacation at ••••..������� Midsummer. Our College does not. _1_1..1OT T sae• Choose Easter Shoes Here ! No Raster Outfit would be com- plete without due regard to the question of FOOTWEAR Aside from its greater Sign fi- cance, Easter Sunday is the chosen day for the exhibition of Spring Styles. It's the beginning ofj a new season, a change in nature's habiliments, and in the raiment worn by mortals. Make your Easter Selection from our large stock of Spring Styles. S H ARMAN THE s11 E MAN Yooge sod. Charles St.. Toronto. is strictly first-class. None better in Canada. Leiter now so u to get a position t,. the early tall Catalogue free YOU CAN BEGIN ANY DAY et THE NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE OWEN aOUNO, ONTARIO Our own three-storey building and i sucesseful years of experience. Expert Instreetees protium. the very beet remits. Catalogs. free. C. A. Fra Mneo.F.C.A..Principal. G. D. Ftenneo, Secretary. SLYTIN. TUESDAY, AMI 8. A New C. P. K. 01110111 1.-00 ac- count of hard times the C. P. R. oa this division is curtailing expenses by not hoeing their agents meet the even- ing uatn from Guelph to Gude.ieb. The agents have received word that c mewing April 7th this order will go Into effect. Of course the com- pany will wive the overtime allowed their employees, but it will be a great inconvenience to the travelling public, as they will not be ebbe to purchase tickets or hen their baggage checked or be able to lift their baggage. We think that before this experiment baa been tried very loog Were will be such, a protest froth the travelling public that the company will call backits .gent'. f DEATH OF WM. JACKetiN.—Ao- other of the pioneers of this section passed away quite sudden) on Satur- day, in the person of Mr. Wm. Jack- son. The deceased was one of the pioneers of Morris township. He settled in that township in the fifties and resided there until about twelve years ago, when :te cane. to Myth and wstb his widow had resided here ever since. He alway. took an active ill - tarrt in everything ter the good and welfare of the community end also in church work, being • worker in the Methodist gburch. He was secretary of the Blyt i Agricultural Society for a number of years and was also repre- sentative eprosentative of some wind and fire in- surance companies. The people showed the high regard they bad for •him by turning out in force to his fun- eral on Monday. HORSES Bot'oar.-Altboagb the roads were very bad and the weather very disagreeable. on account of the drizzling rain, there were a greet many farmers in town on Monday with horses to sell for war purposes. Col. McEwan, of London. was here to purchase them but although a greet many were shown very few of them came up to requitements. Out of thirty horses shown only seven were taken. Of course route others would have been bought, only the farmers asked too much for them. Naturally some of those who had horses to sell were disappointed and some went so far as to say that the men would vet buy the same horses that they had re- fused ; but judging from the number of horses being offered it will be some time before there will be any scarcity. Those who sold hones wen: John Galbraith (21, John Barr, Arthur Jamieson, Frank Little, W. Mason and T. Dexter, five of these being riding hones and two artillery. PetYtONAL AND GENERAL. -Tete Easter holidays passed away very quietly. Good Friday was almost like Sunday, there being no travel on the roads on account of the mud. How- ever, the railway travel was up to that of other years and quite a num- ber left here for other places and a number visited here from a distance. Trinity churcl held service on Friday mooring, which was well attended. Then on Sunday ell the churches had special music and bad a quantity of very fine flowers Miss Welsh, who had charge of the second room of the public school, has resigned and left for her home et Elora, where ebe will spend the holidays before taking a po•iulon on the teaching staff of the dt.. Catharines school. Miss Morley. Of Elmira, has taken the position va- cated here Miss Gladys Cutt is visiting this week with London friends Mr. John Leith and son visited friends in Stratford this week. . Mrs. R. J. Barr spent the h3li- days with her parents in London Mr.. Fawcett, Mrs. John Leith, Mr and Mr*. Howard Bruneden, W Dempsey, Pete Burchard. Mr.- A. H Tierney and Miss Dorothy and Miss May Butter attended the Clinton horse fair last wrek Mr. T. Taman shipped e cur of ashes to New York lest week Mr. Jobo Moser, of Waterloo, was here last week as- sisting his daughter, Mrs. F. Carr. to ck her furniture to ship the same las For WINNIPEG and VANCOUVER leave Toronto Me pm. daily Attractlre Tours to PACIFIC COAST POINTS Particulars Prem Jos. Kidd. C.P.R. TIeket Agent. or write M. G. Mersey, DAP.A.. corner King and Ynngr Street., errata — --- GRAND TRUNK SYIS EM ••••••••••••• Double track all the way TORONTO --CHICAGO ,TORONTO — MON fREAL FOR CHICAGO Leas Toronto x on x.111., 4.40 pew and II.aS p,o. daily CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT.. Ontario's best preotleal training school. We have thorough memos and experienced Instrnetors in each of our three departments — Commercial. Shorthand and Telegraphy. Our grad nate. .noceed and yon should reed our one. free octal gas. Write for It at once. D. A. IC-LA('HL.AN Princtpal. Ful MONTREAL Lea*. Torontoa0.ant. Pi.3D pow and ILO p.m. daily Smooth roadbed and highest rle.a of .luhment. Full particulars and berth reservations at I;rand Trunk ticket edea. F. F. LAWRENCE k SONS, Taw. sse ger and Ticket Agent., Phone & O H,paLAUD- ER, Station rick. t Agent Phn letralgui is Rheumatism of the face. Uric: Acid left in Ile blood by disordered kidneys lodges along the ner.a which branches from the eye over the forehead, and acrom ilii chest to the side of the saes.. The coax is the mance as in all Rheumatism- disordered Kidneys. The cure is like wins the sams- Dodd's Kidney Pills they should and might exert In four different spheres -the eduoatiooal. the financial, the political and the relig- ious. Be onn.id.red it to he the farmers' duty to revolutionize the prevent .duoatio•el system, as the tendency now was to xdueate the young people away from the fare Nether than to it. It the financial life of the country he said Chet the Termer' influence was very largely felt. as it was only wben the farmers were prosperous that the country as a whole was so, and t.be flnenciere were always desirous of keeping informed of the farmers' P ta. to the political life be was decided in the. opinion that the farmers would never exert any influence until they were organized and refused to be hliod partisans se they had been. Relig- musly. be considered that owing to the qulet life that fernier' ked they bad largely influenced reiigiow lite, and be urged ail to exert more in- fluence in this, the most important phase of public NI.. Mr. •Jan Mcbwenz gave a very iostructive address on B.aa Growing," emphasizing the need of planting` seed tree truer pod spot on thoroughly prepared ground. using about titres pecks, sowing very shallow and cultivating early aodoften until the blossom form., He cno- sidered beans a very profitable mop and the straw made vlueele feed. especially for calves. President Hugh Hill reported oo a trial shipment of cattle that be bad consigned to the Toronto Intrtst. The cattle bad sold for $7.10 per cwt.. but owing ty the fact of his cot baring enoegb to All • car be had to pay a drover for the privilege of sbipping with biro. ems - sequently the expenses were bigber tban they should have been. How- ever., he was well satisfied with the experiment and would advise the members of the Club to ship their stork. Th. secretary wet io.tructed to write commission mess on tb. Tor- onto and Buffalo market. to obtain market reports sod terms and con- signments will likely follow. The next meeting will be held at Carlow on Tuesday, April 13th. at 7.311 o'clock, when the .election of seed. tee prep- aration of the seed bed, and corn growing will be diseue.ed. The con- stitution and rules of the a.eociation will also lee coosidered and a large attendance is earnestly requested. Waterloo, where Mi. and Mrs. Carr intend making their home in the future . Miro. Lewis, of Mount Forret, visited with her niany friend'. ben during the past week Mira K. McCaughey) spent the holiday, with her sister et Seaforth Misr Annie Taylor, who is engaged as one of the teachers at Sarnia, spent the holidays et her home here ....Capt. R. R. Sloan, who is in training with the Pied Battalion at London. spent the week -end at his home ben and at- tended a meeting of the council on Monday evening, returning to his duties on Tuesday Mrs. Tunnry. sr., visited friends at Whitechurch this week Mr. Archie Bell re- ceived the sad intelligence on Monday that his mother bad passed away very suddenly at Ripley. and he left for there at once. BEAUTY OF YOUR HOME, DEPENL THE FINISH Campbell's Varnish Stain Makes old things new. For refinis it4 floors, wood- work, furniture, etc. For sale by COLBORNE. MONDAY, April 6th. Nares. --Mr.. L. Groos it visiting with friends in Mullett township this week .... Mrs. A. Walker, of Col- orado, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Cha., Oke Mr. C. Mobrtng is tenewing old acquaio• tames on the line this week Mrs. L. Baker, of Michigan, is vtsitiog with her sister, Miss Agnes Flick Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pennington, of Gode- r Ich, spent the wee k- .rod at the home of Mr. 'lbo.. Pennington Mr. and Mrs. F. Fisher .pent Sunday at the home of Mr. Levi Snyder Mles Miriam Schwann tread a number of her young friends to a toffy pull on Friday evening le.t.... .The horse fair at Clinton ■ttr.cted quite • num- ber from this vicinity on Thursday last. A number of exhibitors from this vicinitysecured prize., aiwonp them being ick Bro.. and Mr. J. C. Duret Mr. Levi Snyder bas pur- chaaed another farm, known as the Homier prop.rt#, from Mrs. James White. Ibis Is ea .scelt.et fruit fares and should be • prefitabts investment. Mr. Was. Strauikea had the misfortune to have bis delver badly kicked a fess days ago, which will lay It up for some the. Mr. Albeit Mayne bad Me breed badly eut while working arowod the aurae Nosh on Moseley. WaDenton*Y, April 7. Howell Hardware Co., Ltd. WEST PLACI TO BUY HA*DWARI - - - PROM p Tee FASCISM,' OLa, r -♦ m number attended the mostly of tee ll h Oolborne Farmers' Club bethe T empersorse Hall, Bpneelllar, eo Frl- Mr- N. 11 Yetg,OaAew, g�tive a vary ,hiwre address eel R' 'be reamers' ',Seems' Ie Petite Lite,' N and eseaar•d the germane al thole pelmet Milesses and the ioss wese THE COLBORNE STORE t I This is tie Day When y Mone Talks Cash with its mighty power of buying and selling has a grip on the helm and the net result is MONEY SAVING for you. i 1 i GLOVES . SILK WAISTINGS Wear* offering today the hest SI Kid Glove Wet pot atnta market. It will strongly 'p- 10 ally rm buyer in fit and finish. You w1111 end hers too a r]i.YS glove that hes no au - WAISTS New swag Wblte Voile and Lawn Waists, op M as titglSssat in every particular and at fisihettese pekoes too. CORSE rs We have the beet money's worths in Corsets abet can be found anywhere. If you buy DA A make you will fled value for every cent you pay. Examine the new front -laced Comet. A new lot just in. :111 inches -wtd* no two mike, In black and white and oolosvd stripes. The very latest la Silk Walstings. Prim $1.00 SILKS Our 30 -inch dress silks, In blank and ooloes. can't be beaten anywhere. They will not cut and ars good to wear $ 1.00 and .1.41E DRESS GOODS This meson our along rather slow. The 0rees . Materials shipments,tbow ever, have made our stoek In good shape. A Bne range of black', blues, greens and browns in suit- ing' and some very nice materiels for evening dress. CREPES A second sbipmeat of thous I6 -cent Crepes so much sought for by so many. In lovely small patterns. 33 pieow to among from sad only 1 Se HOUSE FURNISHINGS Rugs, Linoleums, Oilcloths, Lace Curtains, Curtain Nets and Scrims- A big ship- ment of Linoleums and Oilcloths expected in a few days. -- J. H. COLBORNE _-- T- — '_ bospital ....Messrs. Michael Bowler and Joseph Griffin, of (3oderich, at- tended the funeral of the late Patrick Long on Thursday of last week M'r. William McCarthy it ill with Peasomonis. Mn. James Dolton, Mr. aaicbael O'Connor and Mr. William Hackett also are on the sick list. Mies Julia O'Reilly has recovered from bur regent illness Mr. William McCarthy loot • valuable horse last' week Mrs. John Martin has re- turned to • Ooderich The Raster visitors bore are as follows : The ,Misses Alice Dalton. Laura Griffin, Rose O'Reilly. Josie Dalton and Mar- garet Garvey, teacher. ; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McKinnon. of Detroit,: Mr. Thomas O'Connor and Bernadette O'Lougblio,Goderich ; Melvin O'Reilly, Stratford; John Clarey, of Stratford : Genevieve O'Connor, Patricia Sullivan, Madeline Sullivan, Eleanor Joye. Hermins Griffin. Walter Dalton and Joseph Ganey. all of the Ooderich Ccllegiate institute. PORT ALBERT. WEDNESDAY, April 7. Miss Pamkv Murray visited friends at Goderict over Sunday. Mies C. F. Hawkins is home from ter scbool at 91. Tbomea tor the holi- days. Mia Hazel Johnston. of Sheppard - ton. has been visiting her cousins. Misses Eliza and Jane Young, for • few days. Tommy Gray. of Godericb, is spend- ing the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Quaid. Miss Maude Cunningham -pent last week visiting her sister, Mrs. W. J. McLean, at SelNwd.- - Joe McMillan, of Detroit, is visiting bis friends and relatives In this vicin- ity for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Walls, of London, visited friends in this locality over the Beater holiday. Unsworth Jones, of Goderirb, Is the guest of his friend, Wallace Cunning- ham, for a few days. Privets H. McGuire, wife and son, of London, were visitors at Thos. Wil- son's for the holiday. Joe Buckingham left beet Saturday for Staffs, wbere he will spend the summer with John Olver. Mn. H. Hayden has been in Gode- rich for the past two weeks, the guest of her mother. Mrs. Yates. Albert McGee arrived home on Tuesday from Windsor, where he has been working since December. James Olver returned home last week from Staffs, when he was 'tint- ing his eon, John, for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mn. Grover Cline, of De- troit, are the guests of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. 8. Brown. The Ladles' Guild of St. Andrew's church were entertained at the home of Mrs. Angus Gordon last Thursday aft.roon'. Miss tttab Dunbar returned- to the Crow.tend Mission at Kamsek, Sask., last Monday. after spending the last three month with her sister, Mrs. Angels Gordon. Rev. A. W. Richardson, of Luckoow, will preseh in Christ church next Sun- day, April 1lib, at 3 o'clock and at the clow of the service will administer holy communion. KI NGSBRI DUE. TvelIDAY, April gib. RURAL MAIL DCLutEtY.—The Oode- ricb-Arnherley siege made ite last trip nn Wednesday of last week wad rural mail delivery between Oodetiek and Kintail commenced the following day. Mr. Babb. of linden:b. is the courier for this rouse. The mall al vivre at the Kingshtidge postoffIce between :i and 3.311 o'clock. Mr. Michael Benniger is still the Kings- bridge pt..tmaater. THE LATE PATa1Cg LOIN; —The re- mains of the late Patrick Long, whose ,•each was recorded in last week's Signal. were interred io the Kings- bridge cemetery on Thursday. April let. The funeral was largely attended showing tb6 esteem la which deceased was held by his many acquaintances. The pallbearer were : William and George Drennan : Timothy. Patrick, Percy and James McCarthy. Mr. Long leave. to mourn his loss cow brother, John, and one sister, Jnh•nna, both at borne. His younger hrotber. William, predeceased him by only a short time. We exceed our sincerest sympathy to the bereaved oras, (loon Me*1... -A rare treat was re- ceived and eojoyed by the eonlrrega- tion bete on Baster Sunday, ie the hors of extra special vneal and Inatru- rneotai musk rendered hy the ebnir. Under the able leadership of Mins Lizzie Martin, the choir always acquits itself in an admirable meatier, but on Sunday all previous records were broken. Much time and attention by been spent, not only by the lewder, hot man hy each and .vary owe of ifs y members, le the• .tMeavor to raise the choir to • high standard of porta,- Goa, erfectfloe, and it is distinctly obvious that their efforts have not been in vale. Sunday showed .emistakably that th-y have aceomptisbed their worthy object In tbe most creditable wanner, We nosgratulate them on their success. PEM unset Mamma.-Joeept Grim.. Jr., left. ymterday fee ffaltford, where be will remain 1M ps1 Macao In tie em- ploy fploy of Mn. Runts, Seltford Bsigbia. Mr. Morgan Dalin "mot a Mr days of last week as London Mr. T bore sGenw left lest week for Leaden, whire he will undergo a couple of weeks' treatment IN St. JslleplifS X.Chitak QUICK NAPTHA tMt e WOMAN1S SOAP AUBURN. TUESDAY, April 11. Mise Annie Jackson spent the holt• da s with her parents here. Mrs. A. Arthur ie confined to her bed and continues very low. Miss Armatroog. of Listowel, is visiting her uncle, Mr. Geo. Dawson. Mr Ralph Gravinstefo e•me neer. from Listowel for his Raster vacation. Mrs. R. Lawson spent the Kuper hot ay. with her parents et &rfortb. Jcbn Dingwall Is keeping house 4 abs.ne* of her mother in tlltudpb. Mr. and Mrs. W m- 1 n were *Medto Guelph on Raiurrl •111.1so sb• illness of their daught.,, M✓A Werth. Mr. Forst Car Mer has moved to Mn. Olin' bonae at the °bopping mill bad like waken the armory Inc the Me( . .ask tw•ebiner . A. C. Jerk e's ebopping btllr was eloesd down for repairs to IgM meter wheel the first of this week. It r rimming agwln as meal. Mrs- J aka Fleet s/A tont la the beM- rate to visit her rhllares at Tor• sad ally farewell to bar fele beim* as k depar.., to w LLLONDON CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC -:-AND-:- SCHOOL OF ELOCUTION, LIMITED UNPRECEDENTED OFFER OF SCHOLARSHIP AND PRIZES. Wnte for Particulars OTTIE ARMSTRONG. P. LINFONTH WILLGOOSE, Registrar. Moa Bac. (Deselm) t?riedpal- Address:-354-6 Dundas St., London, Ont. HAVE YOU paid your subscription for The Sig- nal Inc 1915? if you have, we thank you. If you have not. will you kindly do so at once? See an nouncement on page 1 of this i.eue. UOOERK;H TO WNSNIP. TEMPERA ref R OW; ISIZATION.—Three meetings will be held to Gnderieb townsbip, to organise Imo three die - lei ins so as more off.^Uv01r• to stimu- late the strong tememonc.• seatiment of the township. Tb. ,J j -et Is not only to secure thorough - nforrem.nt of the Canada Temperane • AO when it unmet into force on the 1st of Mey. but to see that 'men are alerted to Parliament who will thnrnughly rep- re.ent the views of the people nn this que.tinn. Tb. Meetings will he held as follows: Bethany cburch, Wed- nesday. Ape it 14: Rnlme.vflle Meth°. dist eburch, Th.trsd•7 Amin 15; CO. ion ehur'eh, Friday, April 1A. 4 Seasonable Footwear WF. feel the very (east we can do for you when you come into Ibis store is to give you Shoes or Rubbers that will be absolutely com- fortable and will west to your satisfaction We want you to realize that your well - fare is our first consideration Our prices are most reason able. REPAIRING (ieo. MacVicar North side of Square Ooderich 1r• Spray You Orchards Nothing Pays t voter I am agent for all Rpray Materiel, Lime ferelphur, Dry Soluble Sulphur, both Dry and Paste Ar- senate of Lead. SPRAY PUi'1PS -both power r nd hand machines. FERTILIZERS We hare the best brands and at all priors. Come In and Melon, be- fore placing yon order. D. F. HAMLINK,' - ( lodes . pot.