HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-4-1, Page 7r l l .; MGP: A L GODERICH ONTARIO THURSDAY, APR!! 1. I1r15 DON'T WAIT ! Do It Now HAVE YOUR HOUSE WIRED BEFORE THE SPRING RUSH BEGINS, AND AVOID THE RUSH s • • •All wiring done by the latest Hydro•Electric rule. All work guaranteed. Electric repairing of all kinds promptly attended to, at rea- .onable prices. We carry a complete and t.% -date line of Electric Fixtures and .Supplies at all times. ROBERT TAIT Eleetrieiss $LECTRICR.J.VGF.Sand !MAXUS .f SPECLfLT}- Office. $2 -JUST PHONE -House 193 WOOD FOR SALE Ei 1 have • number of cords of gond for sale, aMo a quantity of Mixed' Wood. Hard Wood11 )shone or 'Gall (mire, les, delivered at your hour. ROBERT WILSON T Pee, 16i HAP -m_ 5?w(Ri • SOUPS Hight" concentrated ; one tin Ulm a inna:l family. rarest ant best ingredient, (leder w.c . ate'.. a HOW TO CURE A CHRONIC COUGH • The fact [.bat corporal pubiehnien, Is d;8cm:raged in .owe public 'chisel.. i. whist led Harry. teaeher to address !hie role to the fad's mother : ei,egret very ouch to have to in- form inn thatsyour eon Harry elle* away hi. [lore. is di,.ohedient, quarrel- some, and distnrhe ibe pupils who are trying to atady .theirlee-nns. He nerds a good whippin,t• and 1 strongly rec- ommend that you Rive hie one.' Whereupon Harry's mother res. pon.'•ed en follows : "Dear Mis. Jeneg.-Liek him year-- sett. ear-self. 1 ain't tial at hirer. Yours truly, Mrs. Smith." Visitor -"Y, •u, mother is veru strict with you.'' F,.pper-"(Ih. yrs :.he is bringtnj( me up in the way she rebould have Rone.- H.+well-"lire vuu believe to beret ity%" Powell -"I elmuld stayI die. I men led the Jsughter rpt a judge, and abs i. altos)-• laying down tote Jaw tsk Don't � �' ai t; For Business - Work For It! Working, not waiting, will make your business prosper. It is often a long, weary road to busi- ness success, and the goal is seldom reached by waiting for opportunity to come to you, Perhaps you have a nlan in `rind foe promoting business. Why not turn to your Long Distance Telephone and test out the possibilities of your plan? Your perso appeal will go far towards making it 1 success. Put the power 'of your personality into '-our efforts! It coats little t4 f.: -.d out by L.: n; Distance Tele hone ho• you can get mc:. butt ._rs- the telephone may give you •iut - ;he '-'.:p you need to pull piosptrity -r ••Rr.-.w r; f rl. '.e..e' r. • none Meteor* Mati..n: The ` elepitone Co. Told in the Following Letter by a Jackson Man Who Knows from Experience. His Word Is Good. Jackson, Miss. -"I am a carpenter, and the grippe left me not only with a chronic cough but I was nm -down, worn out and w eak. I took all kinds of cough syrups but they did me no good. I finally got so weak I was not able to do a days work, and coughed so much 1 was alarmed about m condition. One evening 1 reed about Vital and decided to try It. Before I had taken aquarter of a bottle 1 felt better, and after taking two bottles my cough is entirely cured, all•the bad symptoms have disappeared and 1 have gained new vim and energy. " -Joint L DOORS, 711 Lynch Street, Jackson, Miss. The reason Vital is so successful in Bach eases is because the active medic- inal principles of cod liver oil contained in 1, tete rebuilds wasting tissues and supplieastrength and vigor to the nerves teel muscles while the tonic iron and wine assist the red corpuscles of the blood to absorb oxygen and distribute it through the system, thus restoring health and strength to the weakened, dis.ued organs of the body. - If Vinol fails to help you, we return your money. 11. ('. tow/lop, Mtn H., .1t i glut, Hrdfor1 Mace. God.ri.+h Ontario. BIRO P OTECTION. With tb it .ter..in:: knowledge of the vainest( w.1-1 t.ir.ls has come a demand for s la der utr.t.ur.- of pro- tection fot them to t h. ir pasaaze to and trout Cabs In in :heir anneal migrations. as .-Il ••...fusing their anjourn here. Nunn frota4 .'.r,tenisa- tions are at work : • this end. and snore Alf our hrighre-t t,•.u,ts are• Jrvn'intr their tint- and energies un behalf of. the birdie Farther,. ani fete; Growers., almost as a unit. have (tom.. t . reet+gnise the value of I.e.," 1 nen, tee of deet rote.. ties- inverts..,c*'t d ..t tives!igat i..n. have shown that by 'a the greater number of our hint.. -.ih.i.•t On a diet „f jnsw•• e, last.1 ..n11' t -t+ .flare• ..ceeei,tnis drithey LAI ark f int. btilt fnrttser eh+te*1i ,'' 4' pEyair'ed *mon¢ the Young, however. for the i'eoterlinn of hied• and their nests. The ' Smuts •h'.v leen -doing valued work to thi dire- i .n. Tbe city and rural s^bond. -an in a l.,r'R, rtMa.•1/Y-ikrei6nte (%tier a...treliil(1 mmong pethils 3.e hoid;ng Ito tort.. --sink( ctassr•r.- S;i. •iii hsy- might. iia• apaet.f••r.•t.c•v. if. tits fields an.i woodlands to are the titda in their haunts. 1••..rrt the 1 wee: Meir h..''1 end then; n-rful .e .. In this wa 111 rhikl:en will art .n•t•• intimately sequel re ell with the .'iffcr.•nt epecira, wit beer ..n.. m, r.• iota[...['-[ in them. and cense itearl heoef elvr. protectors of the birds, Int the children b.- t .ugbt to watch few the 'art ival of the .hintsitt the .p' in{. to ke p r erord of the 4 t'ea of at rival of 'the various species, the dates et needing, tie it hoof. and other inie7e•'init dare. incl ting this they will I*• inn too appreciate 'that bird life +sienna to .the reentry Iron' an «con, (Ifni • ct-uulntingest well pot frutu•the aeeti,nentel one i,f entrrpesnin•t-hip of the h'rls.--D,. in C'•neervat..•n. 'THE LATEST WHETS I Toronto Cattle Market Representative prices are: - Easter stet rr 37.75 to =s.' dblpplug steers 7.55 7.•.. Randy cbol^e • terrs 7.35 7.:. butcher rte: re, good 6.75 1 •JJ do. medium 6.25 4.i s do. cotuaou 6.0 6.'c.. Heifers, cato:ce 6.75 7.1': do. goou 6.26 6.7.: do. uu 1:ori 5.50 Butcher ce.'• cheice6.00 6.51 do. god 5.50 6.0'1 do. r•.(S:..et 5.13 L.1.1 do. co:.:.%.till 4.".. 5.:. Butcher rows, taster.. • G.2., ti•?J Butcher bulls, rl:oicod.2; 6.1. do. good bulls 5.:5 G.15 do. medium do. routth bolcg::34.:.0 5.: Feeders, 950 to 1,10. !Cs C; b.: do. bulls 4.7: w,7. Btocke,ra,.7S0 10 900 lbs G•,: do. med., 650. to 75 • .:5 c.2. Canners .ro 4.S Cutters ... 3 4.7 Milkers, chole;, each,." ,u 90.t do. t'one and med'I • UJ rb Stringers . .. .. . • 0( 9)-0 Calver. veal. eto.Cit ... `..0) 10.: do. medlere e.00 6. do. coutn:on 4.5) 7.t do. grass . ...1. .. 5..;0. .4.5 Bob calces. each ... 3.00 7. Lambe, ii;ht 1.30 21.7 do. do. heavy ' b7 . I do. culls Spring lambs. each .,:.00 Ewes. light - 00 Sheep. heavy and bucks -60• Culls .. 3.00 Hogs, off cars ,,75. do. ted and watered-,'.50 do. f.o.b. :6 Farmer's. Mar•<et Following are the tat 'st quotat'c•; for farm involute at :t. 'I:aw r ... • i Market, Toronto. You'll have the satisfaction of KNOWING you're well dr°ssed as soon as you slip into one of the suits from our Targe range of Spring and Summer styles. Our range of patterns includes about fifty different tlesigus i'1 medium-priced anti tine imported fabric-. and we guarantee the fit, just as we do the fabric and workmanship of every garment we sell. The range of price, will tit an,' pocket. $15 to $25 (kir stock of Furnishings for Spring %Year is complete awl right up-to-the-minntc in -tale and variety. HATS AND CAPS, NECKWEAR, i'NDERWIAR. HOSE, SHIRTS, Etc., Etc McLEAIV BROS SEMI.R ADY TAILORING THE SQUARE, t:UI)E:ItI('I1 11.t, tt 1 I •_- Wheat. bushel • Goose w•1 est . 1. Oats Barley Buckwheat . SS t �5 f) to:17. ••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• U 55 JD 145 i CANADIAN ►T nlN STEEL WIRE FENCING • SEPA1tAT): SCHOOL -TEACHER SPEAKS.' Tells of the hoed :3ndd's Kidney PiW Have Done. t+rates ('rave. Tri it a Bey, �itici„- Match% :9hh.-iype,•t>,It.-Awo•ig the 1 h.•n:,yt t. in Newf. •>nAlytlJ its•tqtn pin their faith to f).lo . Kidney Pi'Ia is Mies May le -elite' ‘Yhelen, teech"r in the R omen C*: hope -eh,e 1 here. -'•1. :ant etreedtnaly er.stefnl to Dodo's Kidney. Pine - Oil int Ireton'. "1 Wan very h non down in health. Close elm- linentent t;, my work Nought on env tl ouhlr• "Rending of the meny esti.,. by MOW= Kidney Pill= i began t., fiat them >tnd 1 main es -intern with very little faith. '•Bef..rr 1 had taken one hoz i a •a. not only cnied but my strength w.a. Rr,,win,r*pidly, end 1 felt a greet ins provrtnrnt in Berry way." Ontario Library Association. Tier fifteenth annual mee'ing of the Ontario Libra,y A•twwlatinn trf11 t•tke pure on K tetrr Monday and Tined sr, April Sand d, in Toronto, at the pub tic library, corner College and et. Genre.* 't»-.. a. C;lief topie : K divine.- Papers will be seas by belies and 11110,11•'n nn different pees. of the !Rine • feetetlon a. they affect Canadian lite from educational end soci.l standpninta. The library htnldin. in nil it. ,'e- pertment• will he nren to th- 11.rnr irrs of the A•tt.w•iatien Amt their friends] The hitt ,rir*l ro.m, c„n-.;n- inr the --•rinnhle .lnhn Hoge Role, toot rolleetinn of pictures ilhtnnitins; (''anadian hi -1 oty. to which '441i i» lasts heveheel, addrdaince tier meeting in 1014, i= r.pwa•inlly weirdly 0l inspec- tion. Thr nnnn-.d ••chihitionoftee (i trio I .4 riety or Alt -'. will he kept . pen specially for :hi. meeting an 1 Chu- an npt,ort 00.,;r ill 1A *ffordei1 t t..• delegates and th it o 'ends of seeing one of the un, -t n. worthy of the ('an.diee tort rxhiiNt.. e. The rr„ular I•.*Mer rednrnt sal es will prevail. ''to anno iced in the o.w.p.p •r•• For any e'en wish to gra earlier and rr•+o sin bog, r, it is *d• visaed *het they join the O static, ealinnel Aa.,wintion. The fie 1. :ori 1 ern and r,- ,filar •mseentinn rates may 04 secured through toren. Mr. R. W. i)cwn 14 th A. eretary, 2141 Carl- ton street.- Ter -nen. W,;t, hitt» fur program. whi h rnntain+ (1111 partirn- lars re tra•ell ng arranr.n.enis, and oort•ult ton risks. .rent for details. KIDNEY '+EAO*CHE is caused from t i • hlnrwl :Agog thick- ened with uric . i,' n.,i.n..scirrulsting rn the head. Ant, Uric P.O. cur. all form• of kidney rr•.nM. They are so rr+.•1 and an envy I' 1,. t'nulll• R• ram tiros them. R.. mare ens. get Ana-lfr(e P111.. R V. M*rtnn no eery hnv. Mold only at (7. i.. (:o,ill.i; drug store. Peas ... .. 1. Hay, timothy. No bitted and c1ovtr..:....le Straw, b tolled 1" do: to 1u. 1: • • We have just received a carload of CANADIAN Farm Fence, 1-j..gg Fence' 01) •�.1s. • and Poultry Fence. This Fencing is of the yery hest wire and he;l‘ily •gaiVanized. • 00 • 1 • We bought this Fencing betore the•7.1t; war tax was put on and we are going to • • • give you the benefit of it while it fasts. Butter. c h 'Oe: Eggs.' n.. t :Cid, doz.... 723 Chickens, •u -eased, :b.. .2;.' Fowl, lb. .17 Ducks, ib. .13 Turkeys. lb =ti (.stat; iS .1t; Lite ell ^_ken;. -lb. .16 do. 5e s .L. .13 do. du k `Ib. .1.. • do. se..Ib: .13 .', Appiert. b :-et dc.: bur::1 3.00 Pont La, :lug .0,1/ Onic:s, metal! basket.26 -1 • (liven oett, a 2 b n,:.05 • .00 • Lettuce. " ::} 0:. .0 1 arsntpa » h, ,,et .15 ' , :• ('ar.-ots• bas.. . t:3 t'abl-a c+ 1' ra. 1` . .15 ..arti. i .36 .l" • • No. it and 12 wires, 20 inches high stays 12 inches :mart '22c.a rod - • I'• 7, No. it " .iii .16 a rod. • S. No: !I -ill . •, .vo. .. ..c a rod • r,•No. 9 .. 42 " ; ' ' 22 ' :r:e a rod No . a Coi1ie, 1 Sprint; Steel Wire . - ..4c a n." • 'x.r.inclt 13arbed Wire at •- 83.00 per -.pearl of y) rods • • . 2xil inch , . at _ A:1,15 per spool of �) rod: • If you require Fencing now is the time tobuy if you want to save money. ;,0 •: •• • • • •� _ _ - • • ;. ''.n Crain P -rices ale prices me :Durr+ of Trar. eA -`0• 1.71OT11`:e - $1.Ssy{; - ,theI more ., 1 2 C ., e.ck. bar poet ; -le oats. t:4e'a. dot ler car lo: i ---No. 71 show a:I Gia _: .r•ets..0 !1st w to 405. ear tuts, $1.1.5 to )L1: .ctrg barley, out os;' per b::R o• • to sata7lrr •lot ,or to Sloutreil. o t4c, tar 101- p:r tun, brar. 32:' t0 t3'; mit. ; .i;ood fe.;t IIua: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ; • • • • I•• _ ! at Maltreat :U ...c.-.:,}.t) • w35.2 • � . i.. • Agis •. 3.75 4.1 .,. 5.14 • M:11::.ra - - e^^R. .70.00 7u. ' • do. eosu 'd Med.. -1111.00 66.0,. • Springers N..63.00 K • •0• dace .. r t 6.75 6.0 ' fucks ate 1.36 1.S1 • 1a ,F .... 1.56 Co Aft et, .... .......• •900 • 2.6' 10.0. • • ('ail �rtme st. ens, • E.^'e $a'rle cattle , .g 7.60 to $5.2..: rot • r belt*, 17'. to •;.• `1 .s, ;sobu to $6.64 s " :; rl-' (4.'0 to p.• A•:6. �'rais-- Active; 67.•80 to $;2.1e. HORS-.%eties: !mall' and t.d 37 45 to 4.4.,iboriters and pigs, AO; I >uSb. 16.23 ti^i)i. '; sue,- lc 6.60. Sheep cad isnen-Active: !grub•- 7.60 to 3110.90; yearilais. 37.50 to 610.(1); wet, res, $S.75 to 39.00; cwt... 64.60 to ":. s; sit, co tatted. $» 25 t . 31.50 dt,1 t le abs, SAM to 39.25. Chicago Live Steck Cagle --Market .:n'e.tled: hervee 28 be $14.73; Cows aid heifers, 33 to 3,.76: eatves, 67 to 610.26. Naga---Mat::ct higher; light, P1 At to 3)1.90: MIA. 31.00 to 36.00; beery • • • • 1'doYi test Slnngles? A roof is not a thing to be chosen lightly, You are bound to choose metal as sure pro- tection from lightning and fire: But how can you tell which is best ? Let tat tell you how we test PRESTt1N [late• lock 5Itl•\(11.1e$1, Admit we have as much at stake as you. We, think we have more. (oar whole future dct,,•nds on the Iron w.• put on your Ari.[your rieighhur.' horn.: The life .of • our t.usin•.-s. is the farmers' good -wilt - Po our own :e•it. 1a it is ..11r ..ton w•aa of • • ' hvslneag against P kr • Th, r:.»Ieanisfng whicltfnrmt that Itt•t Coon trim rust :it. l . 'itis t the British • ^t to t. its Th r mixing [tarn :h l the heat. th. • %rs:. • E S -•• r stet »5141\ TON Safe -lock S /1 .1'1: t, Elf S rf.r tt•aftrr•d \ray - . = t11 -,4L S'ii'iCL' . C'- CC. Lrn.:o., 0 sten. 0,10.0.1.... r le': t:)OK ii } :% Sit'tR s, ' tri. •• • Are you going too... FERTILIZER 7 1f so call .incl get cur priors, whi. to , ...love Intere. lug.. • A ea•Mad ret PORtLAND CEMLNT 4 j ut in. Mf you require any, Ito[ is ..ff the car ,t save •the tea of exit* teeming. I • • it will soon be time for spraying. Ih. 001 foryp*t list we have *'suap fel' you In LIME SVLPHVR Rt $b.00 per iorrel. • Are you gots eve any Pt.umstgo Anne q We have two prartient sou . A e and guar*ntetl • every j .h 'Artie.; Anil L. ii MAY, w.• inti a ioep. ..tie., nod fan All were pr. ,y *'tensed t0 and fully guaranteed. The .,me applies to He ,tine, EI -'.•r c• Wiri tg and `t elm lei 'i • Have von ennttgll COAL tocarr• %-•+n th. .u,h ' , the. warn. w••a'he ? •' have jest received • see feelrntlnad.of Rvshly alined flereet,o, l' a1 a. ,1 g,..,.an g,p'".es ,pt t t, dere. All Coal • weighed on mar ket sr*lei. MAPLE SLABS. M1'ILD WOOD AND KINDLING. Ct-IAS. C. LEE Phones: i,i • •••••.•••••••• ••••••••••••• •o 3440 to 34 9%; rough, 68.40 to 66 66 gigs, 65.410 to 36.60; balk of sale. 36.76 to 6646. elbetp- Market flrm; native, 67.16 1 16.35; yearling., 311 to 39 25, lam*. tlauvw 37..1 to 310. 22 112 i•••••••: • • • • • • • • •• •• • • •• • •, • •• • 1 • 1 • • • • • •• • • • • •• •• • • • • • •• • • •