HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-4-1, Page 64MW... •
fil TISCistiDAT, APMIL 1. 19Ib
bound or repaired.
Annelle.- promptly attended to on Moving
• .t ki.tUL.OUtt0tetti.
l' AT H. .peca..11-t in aromeu • and cbil-
v.ro. deal. tient, chronic and nen ou• dte
014er.. eye, sAr. cunt throat, louebeiro nod
rheumatic col csi t Kn. -. Mies Not th .tteet GAM
loot from the &mere. I.:pd.:tau
kr moo ae.d throat only. Swam eulamte.
Now- York Ophthalmic arid Atrial Institute
71:towe1 VAT. andlhroat
Golden Square, rod Mouretteld "-ye lio.pital,
Landon. "Jutland. (Baum. 53 6. Waterloo Street.
etc ratford. otaxi.ite Knox Chan*. Hauer.
tj LAI 1 P. W.. 7 tuIP.S.Telephone
11 . D. C.. Chirooractor.. masa and nerve
etpeciali•te. Cbiroientic 1. the' seissee that
Cure' without drugor knife. Free eminuna
lion. °Mee over blusrurso Snag store. ee-
usear on East street. Phone mane
Boa 67. Goderich. All ima ruction. by mail
ea' at Banal date will be promptly at-
endeci to. citteideace telephoic, Ire
County and District
Mrs. Manny, wife of Thomaa Mc -
Clay, • former Mayor of Mitchell, died
at Chicago on March 19th.
D. Hay, merchant at Kippen, has
mold his story ;Hid stock to Robert
Browolee, who tekes pooseesion this
Audi ew Mittelholtz and Wellington
Johnston. of Zurich, have purcheated
tbe butcher business of 41. C. Petty at
Howesil Hall has sold his filtv-acre
farm on the 7th concession of Morris,
to Thos. Bird, of Orey town•hip, for
the sum of $2,war
1) C. HAYS
le k`: .1- LS PLICIT R. NOTARY
- ',hog lay k Block. Hamilton S reet.
Teitanora Ss.
.'Istr• Loin- awl IrcAlreirCe.
PlIOC 1/1.410-1. K I LLORAN &
(Tut:, Ne • 1'204E4
°Moe on the Suila.c. second doot f Ham
Mon Arrest. Godrrieh.
Olivia* hind. to loan at lowe.t rote,
W. Peouterooe, K.t'.' . J. L. Kurt:Mae
W. Pativorocrr. JK. „
111.. TER, solicitor. notary public Offica.
Hamiltoo atreet. Goderich. third door tr..
.aonare. At i'l,ncon Thur.day of each week in
Mace m. Albeit s:reet occupied by M:.
Hooper. °Mee hour. 11 a.m. WS p.m.
/ Pitons y. eolicitor, etc., °ode
rich. Gone) to arid at lowent rate.
t.? • tel&-niirtiriNfilteour.L.Publii.be• cattle.' Conveneer.
torarorsfir Apoly to M. 0. CAL
r RON. barrister Remitter, street. Ooderich.
WIWI •Sr. LiOrrrs001 • thither, Canadian aced
&cumuli:yr, •ND K.IirlAffeRS'1.1•1111.-
ITT Tee thrown Acridene and Onarautee
•Airporation. Limited. of Londofl. n(.
FIDSLITT •Protil••1U0rTiri. BONUS : The C.8.
Fidelity and Guarantee( company.
Gam at resid rtne. Der1hessi. cgrner of Vic-
toria and M. Dal fah streets 'Faorie 17e.
Miss Mee King and James Ward
)4hai•pin. both ta Turnherry townohip,
were married at the rectory, Gorrie,
on Wednesday. March 17tb.
E. Merrier. of Hayfield, purchased a
fishing tug at Port Stanley end will
engage in the fish business at Hay-
field duritig the coming semen:.
Louis Brisson, of St. Joseph, has
purchased the general *tore businew
belonging to the estate of the late
Jerry Cot.rivreu at Do -fatale. and bee
taken possession.
Annie Gibson, wife of Robert Miller.
formerly of Wroxeter, died on March
2Ist at her home at Toronto, aged
sevepty-three yeturr. Beeirlee the
husband. three daughters survive.
Mrs. T. Cita-beet and family have
hold their farm on the 6th concession
of Mullett to J. 11. Quigley, of Detroit.
and will tem...re to Lliiiitoti o live.
J. R. Muoloak, of Stanley. shipped a
cat of oats 1 ontaining 1000 hushels to
Nen Ontario tor which be received
75 yenta* bushel. The oat, were to
tie used for reed.
Mils. Duncan McKellar, of Cm:p-
arty. died en Nlarch 17th, aged we-
enty-fout years. Besides her husband,
mho 11 ne.. lying ill. six sons and rout
daughter* stir v tee.
John P. l.u. of Zurich, has sold t he
Critunwrcial hotel tiroperty to Artie'.
ti. Eilighoffer. who will teke 111,../...1161. .11
on May 1.t. 'The put-eh/eater. who runs
a barber's Atop. will continue his busi-
ness at the new premise...
Percy Bridge. Who is report -LI &shey•
ing teen killed in tenure, enlisted
with the first contingent from Emcee-.
dine., He wa. young Englishmen
and before treeing Kincardine was em-
ployed as (enterer on R. R. Nu. I.
•The 150 -acre farm of John Hutebin-
P-ith concession of Grey, hat. been
sola to Chas. alcDonalii, of Itirnholin,
Logan tewnship. • for iith.eal.
Hutchinson has been farming at
Okoterk... Atherta, for the last four
Win. Bender, the new proprietor of
Die Couseuer vial hotel. Herman, was
tined g1111 and mists for senile/ learen
without a license. Inspector Tor
ranee laid the aria !nation and Police
aleigistatte Andrews, el Clinton, ariett
the caw.
A letter hae been received frutu
Thomas E. Welsh, a former teeident
et Giey. now a Nletbctlist iniseitmery
Austria, stating that he is well and
living comforteb15. This as the lint
news his family has had of him since
the wee cot iiii i enced
. Alex. theme' or, of ('alr..ihe die
am .4111s0her Lomat y oar,
Dr. Ammo died at hie bowie oa Thurs-
day last. from aa attack of pneu-
monia. He wee in his fifty-fifth year.
l'he widow aod two children survive.
Jack ilhittick, of the Bank of Com-
merce staff, has been transf erred to
Lindsay and Bert Grilles, of Lindsay,
has taken up duties at the branch
Milanese conditions Ms improving
at the foundry of the Exeter Manu-
facturing Cu. and Ale:. Twit, of Lon-
don, and Victor t'analtityne, of Park-
hill. have been added to the staff.
Daniel Hardie!), a former resident
here. Mho was charged with setting
fire to the plant of the Cleveland-Har-
nia Sowntills Co. at Sarnia, last
August, was acquitted at the Sarnia
assizes. No evidence was taken
for the defence, the prosecution fail-
ing to make out a case.
The John Casemore property on tbe
Ftluevale road has been sold to It J.
McKenzie, whose land adjoins it.
W. W. Hough has sold his grocery
tnisinees to John Brooks, who will take
posseseion at °tree. Mr. and Mrs.
Hough are going to Toronto to reside.
I'. Walsh, of St. Augustine, who
underwent a iserious operation at the
hospitel over three weeks ago, re-
turned home lest week fully recov-
The Wingbam Automobile Club was
reorgemzed recently and the follow-
ing ()Meets were elected : Honorary
president, A. H. Musgrove: rresident,
Geo. Maein; vice-president. J. A.
Mill. ; seeretara -treasurer. Dr. J. P.
Ni11:1 Ethel, youngest daughter of
ND. end Mr.r. Robert ,Lockhart. wes
married iecently to aVilliein Olieer
McCarthy. youngest eon of %Ifni. Mc-
Carthy, Mnyor of Ketiora. The me -
m % o'swar. performed lay Rev. Dr.
1 la Val. of Winnipeg
Mies Mary Coate. has sold her house
and lot on John street to the
Holmes and will go West shoitly with
eter and brother.
James Gittson passed away at his
hone. here on March 19111. in his sixty.
fifth year. Ondaughter, Mrs. Tho'.
Kellington. Nloreis, survives.
Percy Deeper left a week ago the
his hones riiEugland, where he int•onis
enlist mg for active ter Sire. He servea
in the Sown Afriean campaign and
e. twier wounded.
'toy Currie died at hie home here on
NI 'natty, the 2•2na itist.. aged eeventeen
tar.. Ile had beeti ill of pneumonia
tort WAS thntlight to be recovering
when it relapse occesioned hie death.
A b input WAS held by the men's
Bible chore of the Methodist church ou
March Ith.h. Alter the g hering bed
p trt eken at a bounteous repast. sup-
plieetby the ladies of the church. the
evening wag vent in proposing and
replying to numerous tritest& The
class is known Al the "Catch My Pal"
The, lorge flour mill owned end , op-
erated by- %V. and It. A. l'ryne for the
She wa., i,notee m.,. ,01 ptc. niee Friers was completely des-
ttoyed by the on alaturd .y evening
Mr-. Jemes Sue. -101, 01 the. Tom -
lest. The fir.. originated i the upper
t y and Celross bourt.lary. I liter-
-11 rOt 'took pine.. .t. NVinghatii a me- 4U-')IY and " t 1" have la'n
caused by a defective chimney. Th..
lety. IOW woich Is heavy, is fairly well
'rip. dwelling Iniii.e of Morley Hatch- covered hv Insurance.
mere,. nth thole...lee of Grey, wars
burnt a to the wound 'crew ly. Tite SEAFORTH.
fire caught front the chimney . Very Mr. and Mrs. W. Stoddert left hist
little of the contents was saved. week for Lethbiidge. Alberta, whelp
Thet•e WAP some insurence. Mr. they will make their home.
Hutchinson will probably cebuild this Thos. Dickson tour read hisresidetire
on North Main street to Mr. Porter -
Two former residents of Mitchell field. of lialfriston, it former resident
have recently Leen wounded in tbe of Turkel -smith.
fighting in France. They *re Sergeant R. 1'. Bell tied his leg fractured one
1'. 11. 01 ver, 'who to.ed to woi k for day last week while working et
the.T. S. Ford Co., and Private T. 71. ArnenCs sawmill. A chain flew off a
('. Moetzen, who we. employed by the tog he was sswing and mimed the. in
Bridge Works Co Both were ineue jury. '
bets of the Anglicen choir. Mrs. frame Millar died on March 24th
Cpwieas of one hundred friends and in her tight y-flfth year. Her himbend
neighbors gathered at the home of predeceased her fifteen years. One
Mr. rind Mrs.. Msleolini Framer. of the son. law, ef Vancouver, rend one
arid conceesion. Obey, 01.e es ming daughter, Mrs. N. T. Adame, 01 Blyth.
ree.ently anti pre.ented them with a survive.
fine oak rocking chair and • eouch I)Arcy Prendergast and William
and their daughter. Elle. with* brace- (iiheon, both former residents of Mea.
let The family ate removing t Brus- forth. are among the utudents of Tor -
self. onto University who reeently went to
Ottaw, a to join a battery of field artil.
John Routledge and John Thyne,
lip_ left- for OferSet14 eel vice.
two youth" of Morris township.
peered heforr the wilier. magistrate at Mrs. Stephen Downey, en aged resi-
Walkertoti on Meech lath, charged dent of this vicinity. died at the home
with 'dealing Rome harness front An oi her daughter, Mrs. W. Devereaux.
thony Schnurr,hotel keeper at Formosa. on March 22nd. She was born in Ire -
They were let off on sualsended own- land seventy-eight years ago. Five
tenets providing they paid t hP co•te, ?Ore and two daughters survive.
in. $ee A s C F (' 0.-F•rm and lactated
t win prowl, moored.
Olicen•-J. 14. McLean, Pres.. Sodom PM.;
Jut, Connolly, VineProk. liedetich P.
Tisanes 1(.. Hay., Sec.-Trsan., kiestorth P. O.
1i*estor"-D V.McGregor. tleaforth ; Joan
S. Grieve. Winthrop; Witham Rion, ('onntance;
I. 11•11,111•••••, 11101111111[110 ; Jamey. Lyon..
. etc Har
fa Wet. tit,490110141.
Miceli) 4 * Metilarerflhe; Alex .
Lein h. , Cheney. ito*fotlIi;
ett.chley, Seaford' Policy -holden. own pay
• wesmnente e :heir cards romanced at
a. J. IderrielV. c Ittore,Clintera, or at It.
S. Cott . 43 ....v. Wrest. tiodertele.
vv •• ores
MINUgh .1 l itit-IAGK LICKNItale
Bropticy Bros.
The Leading
1-nartfal Directors
sad Embalmers
Order. oarefelly attended to
all broom night or day.
Amounting to 1141 iT,
A pretty wedding took pleat. at the
f NI Alex le Irmo It line of
Arne 0 to.
Mortis. on Mar 11 17. h. when her
youngest daughter. Merl E., Was
united in mottrignotiy to M ortin Kerr,
The entered" of the militate euchre
party held recently amounted to 1101
ind this *mount was heeded river to
the tied Cross fungi. The dunce which
followed netted 113. which•will be need
for mirchaaing tobarco for tbe Can
the Boy Soprano
who will sing at Knox Choir Concert
Thursday. April Sth.
ALFRED COOK, of Tororto, also will
of Hi, ch Run, Mich. Rev. D. D. adian soldiers at the front. '
Thompson lied the knot in the pm- CIA Nl'ON.
prier of seventy -nee guests. Mr. and
Mee Kerr have t ken up their real -
at Dir.+ Run.
Mr* J oaeph Sellers mewed peareftilly
Iaway -it hee home at FlItleVele on Mon
day. 22WI ill, elle. war horn in York
rowdy anti came to thi. eritinty Witb
1101 leonliand forty-tero yenta 510.
' ee ti titer. sur -
emir anon and thr
•ive. in addition to the bereaved
he•hisnri, to whom the riernhowei hted
been marred fiftv-thnee Teeon. Mrs,
rs wail In her s a•enty foul th year.
Jere-. Clateke• di• t his home at
on Mere+ 17t m It eighty-
• gaol.. rani. T. 6. 11 I ad been
• e-ra n 1 M r 1 oen.aie foe
meetly fri le yeare n el I hose years ago
▪ hi. ea em and -v it'ile•ale.
re 010• el tom .1 eight • • - etrvlee.
They are John, nf Wineham, mew
Ho dr •ed Mrig. Oran • et Gorierlell.
and Solomon and Mary Jane. at hawse.
sed Mtn. John Dougherty. of
the PAh eneeeseien. Grey, eelebrated
the flfii• 'h anniversary nf their wed -
,,n Mareh 17.h. ties flermithert y
w•• et...entre' by her ehildren with'a
soda watch and chitin, anti the father
meeived an .hon• enld mounted ease
and a pearl tiepin Mr and Mre.
lintseherty were marrleil in Holland
towesbip and cam shmely arteries,*
10 fiery townehip.
one of the Toronto branches and
'Doc' Johnston, who had been jiatior
clerk, has been trensferrel to Belle-
ville. Lloyd Wilkin, woo hail been
wita the Owen Sound branch, has
been transferred to the brench here as
successor to MT. Jotaiston.
. I
Just now you are feeling "out of
sorts" -not you'usual telt. Quite ex-
hausted at times and cannot devote
real energy to your work. Sleep dor•
not rest vou and you wake up feeling
"all tired out Perhaps rheumatiain
"Fruit-a-tives" Have Proved
Their Value In Thousands of
Only Remedy flat Acts On Alt Three ,
Of Tile Organs Responsible For TIN"
Formation Of Uric Acid In The Blood.
Many people do not realize that the
Skin is one of the three great elimina-
tors of waste matter from the body.
As a matter of fact, the Skin rids the
system of more Urea (or waste 'natter)
than the Kidneys. When there is
Kidney Trouble, Pain In The Back and
Acrid Urine, it may not be the fault of
the kidneys at all, but be due to faulty
Shin Action, or Constipation of the
"Fruit-a-tives" cures weak, sore,
aching Kidneys, not only because it
strengthens these organs but also be,
cause h Fruit-a-tives" opens the bowels,
sweetens the stomach and stimulates
the action of the akin.
"Fruit -a -tit -es" is sold by all dealers
at 50c. a box, 6 for $25o trial size,
2tr. Of Will be sent postpaid on receipt
of price by Print -a -tires Limited,
je Hying through yoor muscles and It weuld worry a miracle -worker to
f.,hocielres Cruelty of German Sub-
marine Crew -M ordered 140 Non -
Combatants and Shelled Beata
Nearly 110 lives were lost In the
rattans by German sul‘marines of Um
Eider-Dempeter Africau liner Falaba
1.1d the BrItlith 'teenier Aglaia, bound
m Liverpool for Lisbon The Fels -
bre which was torpedoed in St.
UtOrgeI Channel eunday afternoon,
carried a crew of 96 and let passen-
gers, and of this total only 143 sere
rescued. Of those rescued eight died
later from exposure. The Asulla had
a crew of 43 and three passengers.
and of these 23 of the crew and all
the passengers were lost.
The captain of the Falabawho was
Joe of those lost. was Risen five
minutes to get his passengers and
crew Into the boats, but. according
Lo survivors before this was possible,
a torpedo was fired. striking the
P06100 room and causing a terrible
explosion. Many persons were killed
and the steamer sank in ten minutes.
Trawlers which happened to be in
the vicinity rescued MOSI of thoee who
*ere saved; others got away in the
boats which *ere ready for launching,
and which were quickly lowered when
the order was given to abandon the
Those who were still on the steamer
when the explosion occurred were
thrown into the sea, and it took the
ftshermen in hour or more to pick
up the people in the water who man-
aged to keep theniselyes afloat.
Survivors declare that the crew of
the submarine looked on and laughed
and jeered at the passengers of the
Falaba strureling in the water after
the steamer had sunk. .
The Agut:a was attacked off the
Pembrokesh re coast. The submarine.
which in this ease was the C-fti.
opened tire with her gun. shells from
wbl h killed a woman passenger, the
chief engineer and two of the :has
Even after the erew had commenced
to lower the boats. according to th •
story of the Fa:el:ors the aivrinan4
kept up theta flre, and some of tho
boats were riddled win bullets.
joints. or may be your skiu is (Bette- preserve in good coaditien, for trent. a PASSEB!G WAR VOTE
tired ley rashes, twit. or 'monk-.
Headaciree, twinges of neuralgia, MS
01 nervousnese, irritability of tamper
and is diaordered stomach often in-
creeee your discomfort in the bluing.
The cause -winter has left its mark
Ott you. These tioubles are signs
that your blood is poor and. watei y,
that. emir nerves are exhausted. You
must renew and enrich your blood at
once and restore tone to your tired
nerves, or there may be a cotuplete
hreakdown. The most powerful rem-
edy for these spring ailments in men, interest in the state of the roads. If
women and children is Dr. %Villiatna' the highways are bad hi. expenses are
Pink Pills for pale people, because higher every d .y he teevels.
these pills cleanee had blood end Hear in mind that a road will not
strenethen weak nerve.. utaintein iteelt. Vhat folly to spend
New. ricb, red blood -your greatest thoturand. of dollars tit making a stome
need in spring -is plentitully creetedoutfaced road and then perinit it to
by Dr.. Willimus' Pink Pills. ar.d ; fall int.) rain for lark of a few timely
wit* this new, pure blood in your repairs to theruta!
veiny you quickly regain heelth and At this seron of the year the nom
in'eeme your strength. Then your with the splb-log drag or plank road -
skin becomes clear, your eyes hi altht, grader is a puhlie benefactor while he
your nerves strong. and you feeI is suloothin.4 hts own wey over this'
better, eat better, sleep better and 1 eartby road. A few well-timed Ring
arable to do your work. with one of these iteplemente drawn i
Begin your !spring tonic ttehatment by a onii 1 team .ti 1 isork wonder. in I
todav for the blood snd nerves with eliroinnting moist ur •, letting off pools 1
Dr. -William.' Pink Pills-trie PUls of water, filling rut., and melting A
that strengthen. crown that will save a lot of suttee -
These Pills are sold by most dealers. fluent trouble.
hut do not be persuaded to take Nowhere else do we find wcrse ewer -
"something just the same." If you pies. of Municipal road mismenegeinent
can't get the genuine pills from your than on the halm approacbing rivers
dealer they will be sent you It mail, and streatne. Very frequently there
post paid, at 50 cents a box or six are no draies or open dit aies to carry
boxes for $2.50, by writing The Dr. off the water, which rushes in torrents
Williams' Medicine Co., Brock•ille, down the roadway washing the
Ontgravel heck to its original heti.. It is
the nearest spproach we know of to
Speaking of Roads, perpetuel,mui ion, and the gravel man
is the only le.n.,ficiary. Everybody
The Farmer'. Advocate. elre Puffers. This sort of folly has
been perpetrated in men not a few,
en a long stiffer i og puhlic for a ivarter
of a century ,I 5 stretch. In feet as a
heritage of II • -re and diecornfort it
has detwendet from father t .on,
even to the third generationatop it
now !
road bed forty feet wide end Hat ear
a pane ike.
In the old stet lite labor day. A goo,1
many nf us theueht we were gouging
the King or the path:wester when o e
were only gouging oungelves.
In the makine of a good road the
fine thing to Or done is to lenitive the
water 11Cti the eecond ie to keep it
away. First drainage; then a proper
The man who broils whole milk to ,
towver • d av in I he week has .1 big
What is your "beat- or municipal•
it y going to do for the local highways
thie seamen'
For the year 1015 something more
than the old "as usual" program of
local road work is wanted.
The autotnobile man having taken
possession of the highways, it is his
"right, fit and bounden duty" to main-
tain them.
One way to hewn the coot of pro-
ducing cheese and butter is to improve
the roads leading to factories and
Storer's) Agnew and Mee. •Gorbleigh
went to London Islet week to join the
334d Bettrilion.
Win. Acton, of the Motor Coltman
staff, (lectured his right wrist while
cranking a gear one day bud week.
Roy Cantelon. son of Mr. and Mrs
David 01111teltlft, who had been teach.
Ing in the West. has joined the thini
contingent at Edmonton.
Robert Holm..., of Toronto, form-
ed), editor of The N•w Kra,
preach et both eervices in Wesley
church on Easter Sunday.
The engagement ia Annotineed of
Mary A. J.. daughter of Mre. Thor.,
R. Mitchell, of town, to J appn (110..4,
of Wingham, the Wedding to take
place nti April 5th.
Wm. MeGire, who mane yews two
was tersolikseper for the Doherty Or-
man Co. bore, died on Man.+ 112nd at
Windsor The remein• were interred
he Clinton cemetery.
Aubrey and Cecil Brewer. natives
of Clinton, and sons of Mr. H. C.
Brewer, • former manager of the Moi-
eties* Beek here, are with the first
reasistim:an rontinspent now serving in
Creel Wilkie. who bee hem am the
staff of the Nelson. Rank Iwo for Os
pasi year or go. boa bass prams's& ,Is
A Man of His Word.
"Don't wori about Jones. old man.
He'll pav up. He's e man of his word."
?Yee, rind his word is 'wait.'"
41=1. • inn OM.
43iatre6 1-C1 to 'route
.1•10. •
The highly "kulturel" Germans are endeavoring of late
To teach the (german midiers the proper way to "hate."
Of comae, it is the British who are favoted in this way,
But in spite of all their "Odes to Hate," I think I'm eafe to say
Thet. altbo' their animosity to Britons is so great.
It. really French's tacticu that they
Hate ! Hate!! Hate!!!
The Germans in the trenches ere instructed, so we're told,
That the more they "hate" their engeuies the lege they feel the cold.
Their officers instruct them just how to do it right,
Rut velem the British come alma; thee have tn gait and fight.
Thin' their hatred for the nation may sometimes carry weight
It. Tommy Atkins' bayonet that they
Hate! Mete!! Hate I!!
The German sailor. on tb.Ir shim. in manner niosi refined,
Peewee their li:tle "(Idea to Hate" just to Improve their minds..
And when the weather's Nagy. if they do not feel afreid.
They meek out in the North Sea to try and make a raid.
Tho' they "hate" the British Salpire, yet II think Wooed* to stele
It's the way We 1111111 their Crtiteere 1 het they
Hate I Haul!! Halt.!!!
Mo from lowest German peasant 'tip to "Rainer Bill the Had.
They're working or their "hatred" till it almost drive* them mad,
And little Crown Prince ' in excels, for what he steals.
States that be does it just to show the "hatred" that be testa.
Bat when Germany is presented with the right np to dote,
It's the *ay well make her settle that she'll
Hat.! HM. I ! Hate!!!
Ooderich, Feta 1111, lill
.11111•11111m. •••• owl • GEM an. ••••• mom
-F. Pitavonson.
Parliament Acts as WI ; For Deere:
of cmpire's Hoiscr
The rromielon Parl•arnent pass d
one hundelal million additional w..
approprietion in lees t" an • n
hist week. When ta Geveretrea t
presented the refolutto - r 't.:
Laurier MSC 10 tehil-e •
hticoartnatflegauliV1tre.%:'rd1 -lins'.ft ' r
taken lookine tievard tle.
the Dorniehin Much of t
mation, hr. obsereeil. •Na -r. •••
say, connderatal tn chara t r .
not elk for t' 's.
Premier •n, In replying stated
that he would be pleased to co -.mond
este era ately to ratentleal a'slts
Information •upon any pohat d. sleei
Replying to Mr. A. K. Maclean. t
Prenlier added' that ele ilovere . •
woub! I. • to co- any
gesti ti: by Ia. ,ositioe r
sardine •. :erance (*. t •
This as the di., .
the bill b oval h non v A J
reaolutioh thssed
given a first reading.
Ottawa Clerk Handed Over Prof ts
fasaical Sapplas
During a eession of the Public Ac- I
counts Comm:Hee at Ottawa last week
Mr. W. F Carlind. NI.P.. produc d a
letter from his dreg cierk. Mr. E
Powell. enclosing $6.30ebeing the
profits which the latter had to his
credit In the bank through the gale
of the *Knee worth of medical *9
plies to the Militia Departmcnt
Just previously, Hon. Dr. Reidon
behalf of the Government. announced
that it had Cern decided to take icgal
proceedings to recover. Po far ns toe
table. any profits which had been male
unduly In conm ction with sales of
war supplies to the Government.
Troocs Lander From Allied F1'ips -
Heavy Bombardment itec.med
- -
The operatiohs cf the allied
against the Dardanelcs have become
intenoilltd. The eirips are biers-
santly bohthaaling. The Narro'ae
forts have been partially sllenred. Red
-Alleges nearby a•e. hitt:Mg., The
alros, hist hn lentil:4 tee), a at I crn.
noe, have el -o landral tr. one •••••4
occupying T• ncicl 1.1vc actio4
on the vat t Feels 0 taiMinrnth A
de.tratch treat .1.heris Fart a heal*,
1;c -rag rt1 taine-swezecrs
of the allied fleet mitered the D.tr
datelles a- :erley.
Englishman at Owen $ound AdmItte
ter o Little Boy
Henry Thackeray King the Frig
nehmen al Med at Owen Sound on
a charge of muraering twelve -year-old
elite Nicholson, ha;lconfessed to the,
teitdc Ile ett•-e no (Mee other than
an unreason:na, rage with his brother.
William Etaa, alleging that he turned
him adrift. and that he was refasci
employment at a tactor7.
Spiendid Patriotic Offer
Mrs. Fulfordwidow of Senator Fel-
feed of Rencaville, and her sondn-law
and dear:lire Mr and Ur*. A. C.
Hardy. 'lane offered 1100.600 to the
Government to equip a regiment for
overseer service. The offer will be
Prenner's Mother Dead
Mrs, gardenmother of Su Robert
itoriela. Premier ot cased*. Mel at
her Mae at Grand Pre, WS_ es Mon -
ter at the wti or study veers
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