HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-4-1, Page 5Still in Business at East
Street Garage
We are now in a position to handle all your Auto,
Motorcycle or Bicycle Troubles. We have a complete
new stock and are able to talk prices with anyone.
Our Day -Old Chicks
Will you help to supply Great Britain are here in full force, ready to do business
for 191 5.
with EGGS ? This year the Motherland will be
too,000,000 dozen short. Last year Canada sup-
plied Iq,Soo 'dozen. Help the cause by raising
your own this winter.
Call, 'phone or write us for quotations on Day -
Old Chicks.
H. Keith Revell, GODERICH
Lawn Bowlers.
The annual meeting of the Goderich
lawn bowling club will he bald Friday,
April 9th, et K o'clock. in Mr. Lane
Former Resident of Goderich.
Oeorg• Albert Chrysler. whose death
took place March Sind at bis bowie st
Braotford, was many years ago •
resident of (lodericb. He was aclerk
with the late R. B. Smith. drygoods
merchant, and is r seembered by some
of the older residents of town. He
died at the age of sixty -.ix years.
Customs Staff Does Well.
Thr staff of the Goderich customs
office have remitted to the Commis-
sioner of Customs at Ottawa the sum
of $44 as a contribution 10 the Cana-
dian patriotic fund and have under-
taten to remit El I month' until the
cessation of the war. Well dooe,
gentlemen ! Other Government offi-
cials are invited W speak up.
The Sailors' Tangle.
Retuember the big Easter week at-
traction. "The Sailor: Tangle," to be
given at Victoria Opera House on
Tuesday and Wednesday, April tub
and 71b This is a delightful bit of
mu..ic•l comedy, affording two and •
ball hours of continous merriment.
Meyers) novel features will be intro-
duced and • good time is in store for
all who attend. Prices :rOc. 3oc and
2c. Book your seats at Edwards
Jimmy Reynolds in the Baseball Game.
"Jimmy" Reynolds, who formerly
conducted the British Exchange hotel
here and who is now proprietor of the
King Edward hotel at Guelph. by be-
come • baseball magnIte. He has pur-
chased the franchise of the Erie club
in the Canadian League and will put
Guelph on the baseball map of Ontario
for 191.. The sura of g-2,SfUI was asked
for the franchise, this to include sonic
eight players : but the player" were not
considered worth much and another
offer ofl$1,300 without players was made
and accepted. Mr. Iteynolds hes signed
"Knotty" Lee as manager of the team
and players are being secured.
A Good botcher.
The many friends of Mrs. Reynolds,
the aged but active mother of $ne'itf
Reynolds, who so recently- met with
the great misfortune of the complete
and irrecoverable lose of ber sight,
will he pleased to know she is again
tit the beet of health• and is proving
herself • good soldier, in meeting her
misfortune with brave fortitude and
cheerfulness. She is thankful to be
still able to give assistance. and do
her share in the Empires fight. Since
ber blindness Mrs. Reynolds has
knitted over a dozen pairs Of socks,
besides other knitted necessaries, for
ToKuNTo. LiI1TEn, Canada's
foremost hair -goods establish.
ment. will display and demon-
strate a sample stock of the
latest hair -goods fashions for
lades, and toupees and wigs
for bald men, at
"The Rotel Bedford"
Wednesday, April loth
FOR LADIES:--l►orenu'end'x Trv:,,sfornruti.ari by overcom-
ing every defect of your own hair will assist yon to appear . at
your best, always. Switches, Braid „ Pompadours, Wavelets,
etc., of the finest quality hair add utriurpas.ed workmanship.
Yon are invited to inspect these goods.
Gentlemen! Are You
Bald ?
A Dorenwend Art Hoe
toupee will make you ap-
pear years younger and
will prove a benefit to
your health and comfort.
Indetectable, Feather-
weight, Hygienic
Have a Demonstration
of what it will do for you
THc aDaT, APKIL 1. 191b s
t,sry and Osnifin3silee
Special Attraction
Monday and Tuesday
A Splendid British Drama 1
in 3 Acts.
THURSDAY, one episode of
Tgreat oerial now running
Iat its
The Strand War Series
of London, Eoglanl
Pay us • visit and he more
than satisfied.
Remember the date: Wednesday, April I4th
Mr. Builder
for the Flooring of Your New House!
We have a good stock of 3-8 Veneer Flooring in plain and
quartered oak and birch, grades and prices to suit
all purchasers.
We also have a number of well -made Bookcases in oak
and birch, mahogany finish, which we are selling at
a very low price.
Get our quotations on Lath, iiemlock
and Oak Lumber.
Estimates Cheerfully (liven
The Paget Grain Door C.
"No more headache for �--take these-
Dss t ism -.iiutrtb.r" W b ►sads.widen" roewlae se
baa am*
C1 -
Take iaaw
's a.sa sad Us They ev ase asks ease
b w
rut. Mensubut rtes yes s neest bw$b enbas
si teams es lbw
bow tae lies.. ww wa
esark. sasb sod .Mr
ais W. best. a
7rsrbsAM 1110.01% or by awl
Prices as Usual•a10; t 3a
One of the moat noticeable activities
at the hairier th•s week is the flsbtng
industry. On Wednesday no fewer
than t, rty fisherman were counted
with book and line patiently endeav-
oring to Induce the members of the
finny trite to bite. Some of these
mere take big risks in thein effort. to
catch duh std a number hese already
broken through the thin tee.
A new two-story boathouse bar been
erected at the northeast eorner of the
harbor that, will aceomm',d•ts most of
the pleasure craft during the coming
Many tons of rock, shipped in from
tit. Marys have been placed as a re-
training wall along tbe foot of the river
breakwater to counteract the effects of
tee washout by the current.
Contractor Berwingbam has a staff
of men employed getting scow. and
cranes in shape and generally prepar-
ing for the work on the br•eskwater
Most of the boats that have wio-
teted here are being or.erhauled. On
the steamer Nesbing • gang under the
direction of Chief Engineer Foote is
engaged in makiog necessary repairs'
and alterations to the macbinery. On
the Drummond • number of men are
at work helping Chief Rennie with
general repairs. The Karuinistiquial
is receiving a tborougb overhauling
and is being fitted for ocean service, •
Chief Engineer Young having quite a
body of men under bis control, and
printing and repairing are being
pushed v•igorously. Harry McDonald,
who bad been in charge of the repairs
on the Kenore, bee returned to Tor-
onto and Second Engineer C. J.
Strachan is now in charge. The work
of fitting lilt the Neepawah is in
chatge of Chief Engineer Char. Carr.
Ties Yorkton has a gang aboard en-
gaged in scraping the boilers and
making general repairs. On the
north side of the harbor the Empress
of Sort %Villiant, Turret Cape, Turret
Crown and Scottish Hero are each re-
ceiving necessary repairs. The I'ai-
poongr is the only boat with any con-
siderable amount of grain on board
now. It is reported that the steamer
inland bas been sold to a New York
What Peter F. Pattersoo Says of Dodds
Kidney Pills.
Haldimaod. Gaspe Co., Que., March
lbtb 1�{eeisll•-"I have just opened
the third box of Dodd's Kidney Pills
and find they are doing roe wonders
of good for the kidneys and rheumat-
Wan,- so says Mr. Peter F. Patterson.
• well known resident of chi* place.
••My troubles came through a cold and
strain," Mr. Patterson continues, and company.
1 suffered for many )rale. 1 had The appointment of captains and
headache, backache and theumatirw. males has herrn slow this season,
My sleep was broken and unretresh- owing, it is thought to the fact that a
ing. 1 had • hitter taste in toy wuutb greet many changes will have to be
in the morning and 1 perspired freely made. as some of the boats have been
with the slightest exertion. 1 was chattered for ocean service and the
often dizzy ; I wan troubled with heart masters who have teen with them for
lutterings; l was nervous and my skin a number of years do not possess the
itched and burned at night. After necessarnualifications for salt water
using Dodd's Kidney Pills I reeour service.
mend theta to everyone who wants to CHURCH NOTES.
be cured.-'
.--------"`JI Mrs. Marshall, of 9tratfori, will
-Mrs. Cassidy left yesterday tor assist, the choir of North street Metbo-
Detroit, where she will make het, dist church on Easter Sunday.
home it. future, The Goderich Ministerial Associa-
-\tree Ina Cunningham, of \Velton, von will meet in Knox church on
our brave soldier toys at tbe front. was the guest of her cousins, the
Monday, April ah, at p.m.
She desires to thank her friends for Misses \\'elle, Bayfield coal, last ondaer s -Crucifixion' was rendered
the many expressions of sympathy, week.
and kindnesses she has received in her l -Mr. F. A. Harrison, arrisn, late of West by the choir of St. Georges church
hour of darkness. I Montrose, has been transferred tb last evening. The chief solo parts
Goderich aur operator est the C. P. R. were taken by Messrs. G. 1.. Parsons,
Address by President Braithwaite. depot. Jas. F. Thomson and Melvin Tyndall.
About fifty members of the lana- I -Miss Irene McCarthy, of Kings. , There was a large audience and the
dian Club listened after luncheon at 1 [ridge, Las returned home after a i production was much •pprectated.
the Masonic Temple yesterday , vist betfriend, Vise Annie Moss 1 An Easterill be held in the
RIOCash k ie Ralik
Yee Cu kyN
You know how everything
costs more when you have to
buy on credit. Why not
practice self -dental for a while if necessary. open a Savings Account
In the Union Bank of Canada, and with the money in hand.
buy at Cash prices? The discounts vtll help tc swel your bank
balance, and you will have made a good start tcwards financial
Goderich Branch—F. WOOLLCOM BE, Manager.
Have beautiful
window decorations
Nothing give. so much pleasure
as a well decorated window.
Your windows will be the cnvy
of your neighbors if you use the
cXc4� Flat Rod
-for curtain, and draperies
Guaranteed not to .sag
or tarnish
There i. a Kir .. h Flat Rod in a
color to snatch near w•oodw.rk or
draperies. Every rod contains a
written Wit: ramie tlut it will not
vg or tomtit.
/es so (surto stave an aferecties
window tenth the Kinch
/ lot Rod
Crone in .incl -er theta.
Patent Sol;citor
teenteyear. experience n (-w sadaer it .0. and Reg d Patent +and t'. .'10
motion• promptly patented. Trade mark -and
li..igns .real -teres. lntri,..gement and valiitdy
,.archba I videnoe rolleeted to talent +ult..
Report. prepared for coun.et
Expert witness in patent suits. Pat-
ents obtained in all countries. 99 St.
James Street, Montreal.
Have von tried our
new Bread ? -
the tastiest in town. Ntr.
'oft crust - close -grained
made frons i•'lelschmann ,
Yeast. F.veryho(ly says it is
There is thorough satisfaction
for those who buy our Cai.es
and Pastry. If you do not know
how gond they are, we .hnuld
like you 10 try 'hero.
Smith Bros.
The Old Reliable Ernst SI. Bakery
Phone 1,1.
,oleo mean* -o much. it bas mtlant
-rare..+ to thou -nod+ of fowl./ veer*
who wr.te for our cotalorrte a- the
tint ..cep toward a Good sat. rlcd eo-tt ion.
Take the•teptoday. Addrt'• ventral
Ha-ire--t'ollyte. Tit, Yonne street. Tor
\ nic rut a 0000 i i t(1 rte , - teretes w e - -_ . --
was Canadine Ctpzenebip, and it visit with friends at Detroit Young Mar. This will be the fifth
to an address by President Braids- of town. Baptist church on Sunday morning. QO�i��
Waite of the hems rn University, ; -Mr. Wtu. Mandel and daughter In the evening Rev. \Vm. ft. \Vright-
London. The theme of the specter Greta, telt this morning for an baster nu will preach on The Honored
t it and Ann
was developed in a well -p anned, ad-
dress which was braid with close
attention and many expreauons
of approval. President Braithwaite
pleaded for high ideals and for a con-
es. tion of citizenship that would allow
for diver -green of opinion on national
questions so long as the general wel-(O'Connor. Bruce street. returned aecu : •'A Put'- Heart flakes a tiiog
fare were kept In view. this waa.tbe this week to her house at Quincy, Eye." Evening subject : "Easter Mee -
and mars, •segs Ne. 1 -Froin Joseph's. Toch."
speaker's first visit to Goderich,
the t the head of the (;duh were glad to There will be a sersice at 11 a.m. on
siert the of the Western l'niver- MOTHERS PRAISE • Good Friday. when the subject of die-
sity, which is the centre of a forward TBI.
rnovenient fcr enlarged educational
opportunity for this portion of the
Arbor._ ' !sermon of the series on "The Prodigal
- Mrs. S. A. Webster has returned Son.' The nerd's Supper will be ob-
to t•iwn after a visit of a couple of screed in the morning.
mouths with her daughter, Mrs. D.
Johnston. of Preston. Rey %V. K. Hager will preach at
- Mrs. John O'Reilly, who spent the . both services at North street Met ho-
w' ter with her fatnrr. Mr. Thos. dist church on Sunday. Morning so'
G. C I Literary tie Soc ty.
1 he • -Earner Message No.
LTC • Ctrn sae will
• r.7• 3 -From Calvary. -
In Knox church on Sunday the ser -
Mrs. S. E. LA111 tiraftor, Ont _• viers will be in keeping with the feaster
'res: '•i have used Baby's Own Tab- 'season: in the morning Rev. Geo. E.
A meeting of the G. l'. L Literary lets ever since my baby was two weeks Roes will speak on the theme "1 know
Society want held last Friday evening oldand would nut be without them,
hest ns that ray Redeemer liveth," and in the
in the assembly hall of the Collegiate 1 consider them the ' evening. •'Art Thou a Stranger r" The
Institute. The musical part of the the world for little one.: medicine in \\ hat Mrs. tat
of baptisms will he observed
program was well sustained hy Miss Laurie says th eurands of other moth- at the morning servit'e. The service
Simply because they have, of praise dialing the day will be appro-
Gladys Field in instrumental selec-
tions, Miss Esther Hams as soloirt and
tbe Glee Club in vocal choruses. Rev.
J. F.. F tell gave an address on pioneer
work in which he appealed fur high
moral standards. The following gave
declamations : Mies Grace McKenzie.
an "Actual Red Cross Work ;" Mia
(Christine Welsh, on "Patriotism
Miss Muriel Johnston, nn "A Nation
on the Water Wagon.- Mies Marie
Welsh gave *floe rendering of •'Caleb'■
Courtship' as a recitation. The U.C.I.
Journal was read by Hector MacKay.
Towards the close of the program Mies
Clifford, on behalf of the executive of
the Literary Society, awarded the
prises for the best declamations
delivered during the term. Miss
Christine Welsh won the prize for the
upper forms, and Miss Jean MacEwan
proved to he victor in the lower forms.
Each of the prizes consisted of three
volumes of selected works from isvery-
man's Library. Dr. Strang gave • few
words of encouragement and advice
and the evening diel in the u
manner hy the singing of the National
Anthem. Miss Ethel Nairn. for presi-
dent, presided in ber usual efficient
ms nner.
found the tablets safe and sure and pirate to the occasion.
pleasant for the little ones to take. I The Easter Sunday music at North
They are sold by medicine dealer,' Thees or street Methodist church will be as
h mail wt'bi cent+a hox from rte.
Williams' Medicine l'o., Brockville,
Broc r 1 rey, (follows :
0121...E 1.1 La�a v10µ\I�t•.
— -- a IA
New Use for Aluminum.
Aluminum is now used to preservis
the fragrance of the natured leaf it
parkin[ 'Salads' tea The height,
clean sheets are clover in terture than
the old-fashioned lead coverings and
enters perfect protection to the fresh
young leaves.
-Mr. W. T. Pillow spent Monday
at London.
-Mr. and?Mrs. W. 1. Horton re-
turned from Toronto last week.
-Mr John Parent. of iQlyth. was a
visitor in town on Saturday last.
- -Mrs. Vneyd has returned from •
visit to her daughter. Mrs. J. Heals,
-Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Rntbwell, of
Tomato, were in town for a few days
last week.
-Mir Lillian Whiting left nn Wed-
nesday to spend a work at her house
at R•inla.
-Mrs. .1. T. Ooldtbot'ps V
. week with relatives at Ott
i. Htslleit.
♦•v -R,
This is the Box
to get if you have
any Kidney or
Bladder Trouble
There's nothing else like it -
nothing just as good that will do
you as much good There is only
this one prescription known as Gia
Pills. You an get it at all dealers
in the tort shown above.
Se sure to ask for "Gilt PILLS"
and see that the box yen are offered
bean the legend "GIN PILLS",
together with the name, National
Dreg and Chemical Co. e( Canada,
Limited, on ban,' armed the box.
At all dealers -30c. a hos, 6 Inc
91IO.-bin P111s may alep he had in
the United States and the same
VINO' Pala --trial f11> t sent
fleas if yes write National Drag and
't �falea , Co. of Canada, Limited,
nthem-'•Hallelujah".... . . ...,
Solo -"The Resurrection Moro".. .. .
pistil Rodney.
Mrs. King.
1't- KN1](i.
Anthem -"Death's t'onquetor. " Parke.
'Solo --"By Babylon" . ...... ..... . .
Mies A. McClinton.
!Anthem -"Hail to the Lord's Anoint-'
• Nichol.
The R. 0. N. Club of North street
Methodist church entertained the
young ladies of the Sabbath school at
w social evening held in the lecture
room rot the church on Monday even-
ing. An Intl rompt a progratn of musi-
cal selertinn• was provided, at the
elute of which refresbnrnts were
sri ved. The boys of tbe club not only
provided the edibles hot acted as hosts
throughout, attending to the needs of
the ladies and afterwards washing the
dishes. The girls, while professing to
be shocked at the awkwardness of the
boys, thoroughly enjoyed the situation
and everyone apparently had a good
Tn H.n.,April 1d
Wheal. per bush t.1. n 10 • Lal
().t.. per bn+h . in 10 . 33
furter Per
limb rah .err is . to L71S
Lor 3
Mirk wheat, , 1,1.1 70 to .73
clone. family• per cwt 13to to 170
Fleur. tat..,r. per cwt 4a011 to (.113
gran. per ton C.0' t. 'AA
Awry.. per ton a• r0 to 10 •
Rev. per sero •14.10
rrs.., lone porton ISM
Woes ter load k.t Sys
hatter. parlb.. Rte
a . 1*
F. Moab, par dot -
P•.tate. per bosh . to
A pylon, para" .1.M to
( 'at tlo, butchers'Astrro. per cwt alt u
(rtt*belabor. 'assNoa• •. " 8.13 10
Hags, 11811 h per cwt- . . 1.10 ant s M
tar two , 0 to
? 11 le
..• )impar lk .....�tl' ::':.:": as »
Raiiis".reel. ib
wimps, por \b, 1 in .13
To the People of Goderich : --
Ever remember we carry a rimier flu have ••ter line of
Eggs. Butter and all produce. \Ve carry a line of pro-
duce that we t eureantee, and should any be not satis-
factory, do not fail to return the sante.
To the Public in General :---
Ever remember that we have a choice line of Groceries •p
and that our prices are right. Like unto all other, it
is necessary for us to [Hake a margin of profit in order
to meet all ordinary expenses, but bear in mind that
our Oestri is simply to make a living, not to make a
= =
Chinaware Department
We still have an abundance of Chinaware and Crock-
ery on hand, and should there be anything in this line
which you desire, give us a call and we assure yon
satisfaction at a riblet prise`
Ever remember our motto
Satisfaction or Money Back
Watch for our Saturday Specials11
Opposite Colborne Hotel
Hamilton St. ' 32