HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-4-1, Page 3THE SIGNAL : GODERICH : ONTARIO
His Ileart's
An Menial Call That Had a
happy Ending.
DOnee. He toothed 'gala. Null
fleetly tbey did Dot hear bimau be
turned the knob and entered tbe foe-
bIddeu chamber.
Surprising WOO On the floor in
tree Turtileb style sat ibe stately hiss
Trevor. Om bar lap were a big *beet
of cardboard and sundry brushes •.d I L Health In L
paints. Her balr was dlsbeveled, and Finds
several daubs of color urnameuted ber
Pinklmnes Vegetable
cheeks and nose. Over ber shoulder
Ina state of great excitement leaned
the truant Hastings hardly koew Man.
His cbeeks were dusted nod his eyes Creeks. Iowa -'e1 •ttffieed with fie
were dancing as he cried, "Now, that mine t ruebisi from des One od me WM
weemehountil l
ltd lawn Lydia L
tint__•* Vegeta-
ble Compound. I
wined wow pins if
I overwork ed or
Ilfted anything
!heavy, and I world
be so weak and Der -
vans sod io so much
bprprostrated. A
friend told ma what
The chimes were still rtngtng as Tam
Hastings est down in the half dark-
ness of the little church. Ha had
strolled In hoping for temporary re-
lease from his bitter thoughts, but the
quiet of the place only seemed to rouse
his brain to greater activity. Yet be
could not think of his dory, the story
already due at the publisher's. In-
stead be saw only a girl's face, now
sweet aud gracious as it bad been be-
fore the quarrel, DOW cold and repellent
as the past two weeks bad "bows It
A strain of musk broke the Mimeo.
The cboit was filing in. Hastings
glanced carelessly at tbe white robed
procession. The face of tbe fent boy
caught his attention for a moment se-
rious, spiritual. framed in an aureole
of golden hair. an ideal face for a
cbolr boy.
But again his thoughts ran back In
the old channels to the quarrel and its
consequences. Her work had seemed
to go on as usual. She was a success-
ful minluture painter -at least tine car-
riages often stopped at the doorway
of the big studio building. and ber
room rang with feminine voices. That
was the maddening part of It She
lived Just across the hall, so be must
see her many times u day. He bad
made up his mind to move. But. then,
be hail such a beastly lot of traps. or
perhaps it was some lingering hope
that keit blur there
Suure familiar chords on the organ
startled bim Was it (be offertory al-
ready? de -s, stud the local choir boy
was clueing alone. His handsome face
was flushed. and In Illy earnestness be
waved his sheet of nntafr gently to and
"Oh. rent in tbe Lord." he sant;.
Hastings leaned forward. The words
were apparently fur him. Tbe abso-
lute certainty of the buy's tunes car-
artied conviction.
"And he Shull give thee thy heart's
The tender voice went straight to
the i••in's heart and comforted bim.
Yes- L,•, ton, would waft patiently, and
perhaps some day be. ton. would bare
his benrt's desire. Till then be would
.watt and work.
The next two weeks went by very
differently. Under the press of a new
enthusiasm the book seemed to write
Tbe last sheet bad gone In to land ice of Greenland made use of Ice -
the publisher and he bad ulways worn landlc ponies, which he found to ds t interesting city but prohebly the ex-
t smile when he met the girl on the. well adapted to 'arctic travel. When poait►un is the greatest +.ttrectton at
stairs. Hre
Her bow was still as freezing. stops were made the .horsiet were .bat- she ptwstht time. Of the numerous
Ii the ice. Three Ica buildings the Ausericauy ant All
but be only smiled sgnin and hummed tend in boles cut Wes claim that of rhe Doof
tbe few bars from -Elijah." "And be stalls were quite comfortable mid iD (:seeds is thebyndeomest and thewiuton 1
shall give thee thy heartis desire." severe weather were covered with tar- ,ittractive, while theexhibita from all
L'st1 out snow- 1101 wind. over the werld are interesting. A
Again Hastings sat to the little Damllne to
The small horses gave a gored account visit to Victoria and Vancouver,
church. Perhaps his chum boy would
sing for bim. But tbe ttgure of the of themselves and will doubtless be thence throu.th the Canadian Rockies.
smell leader drooped. In the glare of used extensively las future *retic expo- is the most megniflcent of all railway
Popular Mechanics. •journeys, whsle the Cotn espy s haslet
the choir lights his face showed white ditluts.- which are built in for most attractive
sad buggard, while his ryes were — scot••, have everything that the trav-
swollen from weeping. A wave of pit? Torpedo Nets. eller can desire.
went over the watching man. It might Under the direction of Commander
now be his turn to comfort Tbe sweet John K. Robison. U. S. N.. command. Scotsmen claim that the bagpipe is
soprano voice was low and-brokeu. Ing the naval torpedo station at New- til erre wiw*t t xpt *sivevi usinitnndwrit-
Hai•ting. determined to find the port. 11. 1., a teat was recently mad* tort .-
could be interpret, d by only one
meaning of the change. so be lingered which seems to prove that tbe tor- i•ompositor of the :-tare, A Sa ,t and a
atter the service, and a kind faced cu- pedo net is no longer • secure defense piper. One day rams a .IID of copy
rate told him the sad little story. against the torpedo. In the expert- which puzzled even, expert.
"You mean Jack Haines? He has ment a torpedo with a heart' charge of -Can't you reed it?" fie was asked.
just lost his mother-consumPUon-and guncotton was fired from the torpedo "Nee," said he, but added enthusias-
the poor little fellow Is left all alone. boat Morris while .be was running at t illy . con d hpad
pipet, though, 1
He 1s being cared for by neighbors, eighteen knots at a steel net wThe
Is the way the little monkey swung off
by bis tall!" Ills cbeek wen pressed
close to (he girl's, and his arra. nested
lovingly ou ber shookler. E, identih
sbe bad won his beset too.
Hastings felt a swift pang of limb
ousy and started forward.
Then tbey beard him, and Jack
spring up, with a cry of delight
The girt was too loaded down to
rise, and so she sat there. Perhaps It
was the sudden flood of color to ber
cheeks; perhaps it was the upward y� *wakine bad docs for bur and 1
glance of her eyes. At soy rate, a sod- tried it It mads me strong and healthy
den iigbt came to Hastings. For • and our home is now happy with a baby
mumeut be stood there blluded, dazed boy. 1 am r glad that I took Lydia
Tien his customary coolness came to E. Ptnkham's Vegetable Compound and
his aid. It was his turn to carry do all I can to recommend it"-Mrs.A-
things witb a high hand, and be must B. Boecehr, eat E. Howard Street,
make the most of it. Creston, Iowa.
His eyes cballenged hers as he said: Tons of Roots sod Hems
"How long have you been a receiver are used annually in the manufacture Sand or Scouring Soap Should Not
of stolen goods, Mesa Trevor? l am of Lydia E. Pinkhaee's Vegetable Cocks- ha Used.
glad to see that you have the grace to lend, which is known from ocean to X11 plate anti .liver were which Di to
blush. for your sins, even under your ate, as the standard remedy foe regular use and nett stored las such a
paint." female ills. nay as to protect It from discoloration
Jack son+ Suite shocked "She did For forty years this famous root and should be carefully polLshed once a
not steal me," be protested. "1 was herb medlci is has been pre-eminently week It is beat to have a regular
lonely. and 1 was wafting for you in successful in controlling the diseases of time for thin purpose.
the ball. and she asked me to come in, women. Merit alone could have stood Never use sand or scouring soaps,
and 1 came, aud we've bad a beautiful the test of time pumice done or ;;racy washing powder
time," be ridded to a Joyous outburst If you have the slightest doubt for silverware .�r ally other polishes the
:that's just as bad." Hastings ad that Lydia E.Plnkham'sVegeta- nature of .wbii•I, )ase do not under -
steered severely. You mese tu'ea, blcCompoundwillhelp yoe.write ataed- ]fee, ee Ii.ut WUl 'crutch the
that she enticed you in here." toLydisE-P(DkhamMedidneCo. silver and others „Ili dHscolor It be -
Jack was speechless. The Ciel had (confidential) Lynn.Maas..torad- pond repair.
saki -nothing. vice. Your letter will be opened, Articles reeomuu•: '.rd for tbe polish -
"You migbt at least invite me to tit r^ad and answered by a woman, Ing of diver, -it nut much stnined., are
down since you are *o comfortable." and held in strict confidence. whiting. either fluid. dry or moisteued
Hastings went on. "and let me Juin in I with alcohol or sweet oil; prepared
the beautiful time. thought I don't —� chalk. cream of tartar, milk or a.soln-
know, on second thought. that 1t isn't Panama Pacific Exposi ion. tion of alum.
pleasanter atapding. It is so unusual A trip to ('alifornia will afford the To apply these use chamois skin.
to see you at my feet:" I traveller an infinite variety of attlac: velveteen or pieces of old woolen or
Miss Trevor started to scramble up buns. The C. P. H. i iii keting ins- dantiiil underwear or pieces of old linen
but two strong bands lifted her gently sri.gers vis , Cbicago it 11 i tee 10 sn7 tablecloths. An old toothbrush or naU-
into W rig choir. It was a new ezperM sten . s chriee to u. Ftancvr•o, return- 'brash with 'soft bristles might be used
Ing via Vanerrov. r * .1 their •awn: lids..
enc. to her to be either commanded or or .arwenaeteenm o• vi. C. P. H. •.nd
helped. Hut tube did nut seem to mind return via Cbic .tgo. Tele quick trains
it nor to utilise that he was still bold- ,,,Chicago vin the u. ei. H. and the
Inc her bands. Both bad forgotten MicbigeuCrntral have the most mod -
Jack as Hastings bent over her and ern C. P. R. tq i pluent, so that curt y
asked. "Are you glad that l have thing neveemity to make tt*vellinit,
i comhut*ble is ntsuted. las addrtiun"
comer to the visit to Chicago p.s+engers can
Jack is delighted with it all. but be travel via Omaha And I)ehvei er via
never con understand why Tom al- ' Kansas City. The route via Salt Lake
ways calla the girl "Heart's Desire" I City or via Williams, whence the
when her name Is Alice. I Brand Canyon of Arizonais visi'ed,
can be chosen. The orange groves at
Los Angeles and Nin Dirge air well
worth a visit. at this season of the year
and the Coast Line to San Francisc i
i au he taken tbtnugh Mantra Bat bare
a..d Monterey. San etaneison is en
Regie are • few "don'ts" for
those who lure pretty eyes. val-
ue them and would like to retain
Dost go out with your eyes
exposed to very cold elude.
Don't work with a strung Ilgbt
facing you.
Don't leave • hot nam sudden-
ly fur • cold, rats outside tem-
perature. Try to break tbe *bock
in some way.
Dou't open the eyes under wa-
ter. especially whet, bathing 1n
the sss. e
Don't use cold water to bathe •
* inflamed eyes. As hot as eau be
i# borer is far better for them.
* Don't sleep so that tbe morning
sun falls directly upon your face
end awakens you.
Dunt be too vain to go to a
good oculist and wear what he
suggests in the way of glasses, or
you may risk losing what eye-
sight you have very quickly.
Prevention is always better
than a cure, but a cure is better
than blindness.
T=VasIDAT, Aran 1. 1$16 ti
Keep Penis's In las Stables. ,
A Danish explorer who has just re-
turned from a Journey across the in -
but we must find him a place In some was moored to protect the target
charity school" torpedo went through tbe net, struck
That delicate child is a charity the target and exploded.
school! Hastings could not bear the
thought of 11 Tbe face of the child
and his own lonelineea helped bim to
Ube to a sadden resolution. 111* voice
was very eager as be weld. "Let me
have bim."
And so Jack came to lire to the big
studio billeting. Slowly the roses came
back to his cheeks. He did not forget
the pretty mother. who bad gone to
sleep so quietly. but be haunted thls
sew big brother like a shadow .and
crept into bis anns to cry away the
grief that time wan trying to heal.
Rut It worried Ha*ting' that the lad
sbould be en solemn. When he came
in and found the boy poring over some
big book be would half laughingly
scold him for turning into such a little
bookworm. "You need some one to 1
play with, Jack." be wonld say. "It
is bad for jou to be always cooped up
b f now like me" Tom was
with aft u
*sly thirty. but somehow be bed felt
very old and settled since that nigh
But Jerk always declared that be
didn't want to be with any one else►
tad he was each a sty child that
HaMlags foibote to press the Niel.
He was therefore mach
sae ■fteroeon on coming In to end
rooms empty. Where coiled Jack be?
Aa tbo minutest went by. bringing se
boy. be bereave really anxious. The
janitor bad not seen bite. He was
/stamina frees fruitless tagnirtes WIND
be stagged abort st t buret of eke&
tat leugbter. Could tt be Jack? He
fever Itegbed lite that But. yea 1t
was hit rete., and It muse from the
glee romms.
Hastings !militated And now the
g.i laughed. it was tbe name sooty
tittle ingb he had loved so muck is
tke den gotta M. it derided Nm. She
bed .tales his property mid tkms1d
sawwe for tbe theft He teseksd
WNW an the tams.
Panama's Caisson Gate.
A floating esteem gate tbat Is be-
lieved to be the largest of 1s. kind ever
built has been completed at Sin Fran-
cisco and towed to the Panama canal.
were it is to be used when required
as a dam semen tbe entrance to any
o: the locks when the gates are to be
repaired or painted or when a lock is
to be unwatered for any reason. -
If preferred.
To wash silver prepare sudswith
boiUug water. in which dissolve about
an ounce of bard w!iite soap to a quart
of water and add a teaspoonful of
soda. Into tills put the diver pieces
and boll them for a few minutes. Pour
off the suds. pour -over the silver clean
boiling water. wipe dry on a clean
towel without draluing and polish with
a piece of chamois '.kin.
Rheumatism, Lumbago
and Lame Back
can he cured by the great ft tilt kidney
std liver remedy.
Br*ntfovd, Ont Aug. 1s. 11111.
medicine, Fig Pills. ha.
worked wonders far toe. The rheu-
niiutic tains have entirely left me and
i owe everything in your remedy.
Yon are at liberty to pnblieh this.
R. H. (;.AILIrA'.
At all dealers 2t and 5r1 rents or
mailed by The Fig PiII Co., St. Thorn -
a+, Ont. Sold in (lode'ich by E. R.
Wigle, druggist.
Backache is seldom due to dis-
ease. Great fatigue causes it or
w rest strain. as from lifting or
tugging heavy weighta Expo -
e mu to void end dampness" will
make tbe beck oche. Tramping
about the damp streets wttboet
having the feet ptote ted by
overebaee will give one a back-
•ebe which iso as reined as s
throbbing tooth•ebe. Backache
is often dos to exereses. The
commaseveryday home treat-
ment of the ordinary tteekaebe ls
all that Is required. A brit hath.
• brisk rubdown wttb a rough
towel. followed by • ten boor
rue in bed. vanlabes the aching
and pain of nearly every bact-
aebe. Tb1 is eapet'tslly tree el
the tied reeved by exposure. if
tks eensetes to the hark have
boons strat.sd fifties. ete•i the
bath, rest eel s ballades* plas-
ter over the meet painful portion
of the back im a good trestmest
If bsrkaeM la perel•teet ht spite
of all steeple se•sures taken to
relieve tL it 1s dvisable always
to red strife free a physician.
Jeweled Ornaments Which Are Suit-
able For the Evening Coiffure.
Pins and hair ureann•uts may cost as
much as you can a.^,or1 ur as fittic as
you wish. There are simple ones 1n
very fair imitation of tortoise shell and
adorned with artificial gems that are
comparatively inexpensive.
The high back comb has wott great
favor. Tbe faq shaped. four pronged
The doctor told her that what she
needed was a gond hearty meal ar
night and then to stop thinking about
her stomach. "Rut. doctnt, orals two
monthe ago you told me to avoid din-
ner at night. and to take a light sup
per instead." "Oh, del I:'" replied
her medire! adviser, reflectively.
"Weil, that shows what mwrvellotu
-Irides medical acienee is making." -
Bootee Transcript.
r- :ytttj
New Spring Coats
The New Spring Coats are very stylish this season.
They come In Covert Cloths, Serges, Tweeds, etc.
Prices ranging from $8.00 to $15 00
New Raincoats for the April Showers
Just to hand a splendid showing of women's and children's
anteed rainproof.
The Btythswnod women'( itain-
enMiM made from heavy cash-
mere rloth. Perim' lilting. hush
collar. set-in sleeve., I ret At
reek. Fawn and grey. Specie,
The Renfrew women'. Rain-
coats in fawn, grey and green.
High collar, belt at back. Ail
, i zee , 'special .. ... 55.00
Raincoats, materials are guar -
Children'.• Intern.•a Hain Capes.
extra smart for Spring wear.
Hoods lined with tartan,
.izee in stork, in fawn aid navy.
Prices from 55.00 to 55.00
Your New Easter Gloves
Notwithstanding the great scarcity of Gloves, almost all Kid Gloves conning from France,
our stock is most complete in all colors and sizes in our well-known Perrin lines.
Petrmia French Kia facers. Perrin'( Meteells Kid Gloves, Perrin'. Savoy Kid (clove.,
nwlit TuN `tt1*vanteed. site' 'virility, a very drw+y
black and calorevery pair extra quill"' y glove, will give every wet i.fae-
Bleck, tart and white. Per pair lit,,,, track :,ud tan. .Per p.ir
guaranteed. Per pair 51.00 51.25 i 51.50
Perrin's eN otv'length Kid Gloves in black, tan. white and grey. Srecial per pair, $'-'.:it),
Easter Neckwear
The daintiest of the -new Neckwear is here ready for your choosing and never was such a
-ldendid assortment shown hefore.in the nett-i.ily Collar. in ail styles. From2:.c to Sl .;.!Tt c.ich
NIiIlar'S - Scotch - Store
.e •ee•co••seeee•eie••eeeeeeeeeeeoeee#
Your Floors Need Paint
Paint preserves the wood. Paint keeps
floors sanitary and healthful. Painted floors make
the rooms bright and cheery. Painted floors are
easily cleaned—a damp cloth keeps them free of
dust and germs. Paint your floors and thus have
them always Spic and Span.
stein mules aim sehasrra
jewel has an air or daring individuality
about it that imparts to tbe coiffure s
eogaettlah freedom.
With it tbe hair is drawn smooth and
high. away frog+ the brow as well as
from the nape of the neck.
The attractive comb* and barrette
ttdnatrsted are in tortoise shell d.corat
ed with rhinestones
FancyPowder So..
A very pretty yet inexpensive gift
can be made by covering a hot of or-
rdenary face powder with • scrap oe
cretonne. A delicate pint mei growl
pattern or • Wee design ea • white
ground would be stereeUve.
The cretonne shield be ,tret I I d
Ma over the Ili and a ee there
very tittle fullness. Amy eats good@
can be disposed of by fermatas It r
very tiny plait• TN esw edges are
pasted to the edge *t the bras whew
they are covered with a very straw
(told braid or any gimp whirl' wt•MO
lank well with the cretonne met
Brodklee to sal. the parting meet0
vary carefully Ilene. as the WNW
tip. miss bey wtU Ilepeed epee sail
w.st.anabtp sad tagreeabis seism.
is all ready to brush on—anyone can apply it
evenly and smoothly. And it gives a hard,
durable, lustrous finish, that stays fresh and bright,
and wears, and wears, and wears.
It costs less to use than other floor paint,
because it covers more surface and wears longer.
We have Senour's Floor Paint in 14
beautiful colors, suitable for every floor in the
house from kitchen to garret.
Come in for a color card, and a copy of our
entertaining book, "The House That Jack Built".
Written for children, hut "grown ups" get a lot
of fun out of it. Free to our friends.
F. Hunt, Goderich, Ont.
• JOB AND COMMERCIAL Visiting Card. and
Printing? • Wedding_ c t,c, %igli a t a Specialty