HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-4-1, Page 2I
= Taua.o1T, Arum 1, 1915
a.eeaL to m) M saw la 7aant
14. m■
asset. Gaderie• •
acaaCent.oa.•arrurnow '',suns• sad Lamer
Ibl wul bye r M
naiad Mute. tae rate Is M Ows sad who
Coot. etrk•tly 111 adios'►
fou 1+ ,'silts TMs ateaaL Metall
t MOM at as
• bass k( /
ch•oae of Wdre.i le tvu,
w be io
t fir neer eddreee mewld be ,trt 6aslllraaae,l
may be suede by bank dran+iittM• teensy
order, poet -owe order. or r,adeSsed
S ul..c•rupnut. okay nommen'' at any time.
ADVIKTlsl y/. Tea>.e.-Hale. for display and
contract ad, e•rtecut-fit. will be even on eppn-
enttan. Legal and other similar ad Yen temente.
ten Dent. per lir.• for ant nwertWn and four
mine per Ito tor earth eutorquent inwrttoa.
Meaenr.d by a scale of .0114 nonpareil -twelve
f hoer
and undeer, hie I1•j1wr. per
wont. of 1 .-l. Fon e.1. `[brayed. 140 0r,10414
Vacrnt.a,tuaUon. wruted, Hour. for tla1e or,
to bent, Vertu- torr Male or tnHerd. *ionise
tor Mate, etc., not exceeding eitht line•, Twenty.
AveCook each h'.•nlou: •roe (dollar fur flet
month, Fifty tent- for...eh,Ub" auent moth.
Larger ad semi -omen"., e, presort to��n�t..orr An -
C ntainer 4t .nNoo ro orary 1reading
flee Ornta. Any epeeist no ice, the oblw•, of
whiebl• the pecuniary beta -tit of any InAh'id-
ual or a44.oeiatWu, to be p .o77ldrnd .o 4110f-
t4ement apt charged or Dotingly.
Tu Coaer.ta,'uisn..-The cooperation of
onr.orb•-'rib,•r noel trader. 1. co'1I.Ily ti n11 -
ed toward. m.,kie•.• 1111C1.4:. %I. a M.147 record
of all kcal. county and di.' Or' dols.Na. sun,
,nu"frwnon will he .leaded to nobs+ tt con-
tain. the Dame nod addre-. of the writer. not
neeenurlly foe emblem' toe. het a. an es -Metter.
of good faith- New- ,vena .nnuiei reach THIS
Sios*eofar+• not tare tb•u: ..e•tne.4uy 00011
of seen week.
THLRSDAY. .11'I:11. I, I91a
In an article on Culadian politics in
The Westminster f tr March Principal
John \lackey. of Y-a'•r •ttvrr, tells nT
the dnutic law •gain.[ p titical eor-
coming more rind more • system of
arbitrary cent►aflaed control, in which
the people have mighty little to say.
The Provincial Government pro-
pane.] to put all soldiers on the "1n-
diaD list,- Met public irndign•tMMo was
w pronounced that Mr. Hanna de-
cided it wouldn't do, and even pre-
tended that he had never proposed
any such thing. There used to he
Conservatives whew boast was that
the% "relied on Hanna," but their idol
is now badly cracked.
Thaw would have had one trial, would
have been pronounced sane and have
leen put to death. or be would have
been declared insane and eooltned for
life. Thst would bave been the end of
It But It be very different here,
thanks to lite- multitude of law -wade
courts and court -made laws.
Howell Is Satirical.
k: ine.too Standard.
Willi -um Dray Howell has written a
most satirical letter a. The New York
Sun on the question of America's neu-
trality. His final question is :-
"Eupp.uw the Allies should Li -Oomph iu
the battle which they believe they are
fighting for free wen and tree minds,
It hardly required any Rift or fur judice and'• honor among the
prophecy to forecast the reply of Prem- betiune, for [sate riot g• ..twill un
Prem -
kr Hearst to the request for a whole- earIl., will not it be, shwa
glxxl thing for
sale sub+idaing of HyJt o -electric rail- us 10 e•uloml.er thst we once did cur
way 110,1, The 1?oviuei:el 1'r.asur wont to wnitu, rasa them, .ince n0th-
y ing could diseomage thew
it empty, and ptojec•.+ involving new
obligations are .i )t welcome. The
town council mo Id have raved 111 Dry
by staying fit home and reading the
participation by sIaead* in this, war
sport of the tepu[attou in the
nitwit are 104 a Hooter of pride to oda
posers. serval.t l'ahadians. The individual
ICanadian has Iweu tplentid--hr has
While women ate we•rking their Berta rr*dy, given protwr leadership.
fingers numb Making sucks and other 1 tor env suet Rice : hut' i[he limen who
'mi'l's for the soldirrr at the front, should hair led the people have not
and people in all 41 rides of life -some had it iu thew to rise to the ureas' .
All 4bry coul•I ser In it was an oppur-
nl them out of very scant incomes-- (,miry, nut to sere.. the• 441 the.
hue ter
ate giving to the various fund. for the eel ve theiusrlere and thrix own
carr of soldiers and their dependent., rt••1 ..1 Personal 1newest8, touter
cover o1 discharging s pito tot is duty.
s:uundrrle aro taking wlyantsge ^f 4t iarolhit *pied, nnnning down (nun
Polities! '•4.111' !m snake big profits , members of the G..vernnrre't through
fenm corium -Ls for army supplies. If ! the line.* of pot organizatiee., tint
the authorities r'. Ottawa fail to makewit owe three .'isgtrceful supply .catr-
dala, which 1411 patriot ie Can:ul'
example1414.'10racy( the grafters it
The War Supply Scandals.
.,,tba Freet'r'ee.
There are many thug. 414..11f the
with "'bin"
it and a sense of deep
will go ill with them when the voters ;11 l• •"'bi C.rn44tdrr, tor instance,
get their it.nings. 1 the molal degradation inyol.r•.1 in
grabble* an ilitgitiulate profit from
While the militia estimates were iw- i supplying bandages for wounded ...l-
ion. Parliament ►ries week tl►r \linkier i diets ! Yet a member of I'arli uncut
of Militia, Ms j t, -General Sam Hughes, w -al. privy w this infamy.
raptiort which ter tarn inir•d.aee,l in I psi 1 e tribute, to the part that is hying 1 _ __
China by frr'i.I'nt Viten $hi. Kai- taken in the wee try otor French -(,unit'
The Minister
This law provides that anyone in pubo ellen fellow -citizens. iris er
lir epee who accept* a lu•ihe 0f Ave estimated that smite 10,4414 French -
hundred doMar* ..r tame shall 1e Canadians had already volunteered
punished with death. end 'hose guilty
for servlet or goer to the front, and
of lease crimp. ` this ust.w., shall he when opportunity' offered they had
punished with great severity One :,f Proved thetrieelaes' efficient and
the first of ender was a very profl i- 'heave. "Our French-Canadian cit-
izens have time their full share and
morn," declared the Minister.
neat official who wail a Melons friend
of tae President. Alter goring' him a
fair trill, though mooed to tears in
sympathy' for lits friend. Y.an MW
Hsi or•ierr•I him away t • ilumrdi+ite
execution and rrfuesd to be seen b'jr
anyone till ail was twee, lest he should
fail in what he believed. and rigb.sly
believed. to Ise ar life and death' matter
to his rount1y. •
"%Vitt) rill seri nuroe..," saps Prin-
cipal \lackey, ••i beg to commend this
law to the people of t'anodic, deal"
The New Stamp for Letters and Post -
The I'•wtatlice Dep.t•tiuent hos ia-
surd the following notice:
- Re one -cent war lax on letter+ and
postemile. mailed. in Canada for de-
ivery in Canada, United State. or
1 Mexico, and on let tees mailed in (att-
atiiafor delivery in the United King -
I dots and Brit i,h• 4a.saeesiona gener•Ily
, and %hereveer the two -rent rote ep-
Ip1iPs :
A War tax of one cent hay been iau-
po-ed ml r,l.•It letter and postr.11
mailed in Canada for delivery in Can-
ada, the' (-oiled States or Mexico, mid
•u► each issue mailed in Can*Ja for
delivery in, the United Kingdom and
British Ixt..,..ion•. generally, and
wherever the two -cent rate applies, to
become ell. a Ivo on and flow the 13 h
IApt d.1910.
l This war tax is to be prepaid by the
sender. by 'grans of it war %tan.p for
tele Itv po+turasters.and other postage
' stamp vendors.
Wherever rxlsaible, stamps on which
1 the word "War Tax.' have lwen
printed should tie ii -rd for prepay-
ment of the war tax, but should or-
dinary pilotage •tampe be used for this
purpose they will he .r:epted.
That war stampor additional sten
for war purpaaes should be affixed to
the 1PP'right handP0r'•n of the
as:drree side of the envelope or poet -
card. elo.e 10 the regtilar ,postage, so
that it nifty 3 la- readily cancelled at
the same,)i•ite a+the po.tag.4-
In tete event of .failt►re on the part
o•( the sender through overnight. or
negligence to prepay the war tax ten
earl' letter er(Iv note rlt4 1e'•s
such •iett.'r or postcard will to rent
immediately to the nearest bt,t,:tl
do td letter office.
It is eseentutl that postage no all
rhosre* of mel Matter should te
1)y Means .of (willow y postage
stamp.;. The war tax •1 mop wily nut
he weep: in any iter for'the pie -
payment • f p »stage.
- The blacken. are- again at work in I
the public accounts committee of the i
Legislature. Mr. Rowell wished to '
have the Provin ial auditor answer
certain questions, the chairman of the
committee -who of course ie it Von-
+eryative-ruled. that the ' queetione'
were reationahle, but ate Hoo, G. H.
Ferguson spptsdrd to .the Conserva-
tive majority not to allow the epics-
tinaall" "Thr highept things titins and they were accordingly ruled
pen Y i out. There u a I'erge-sized-suspicion
in our nation il life are being done uy sitar the• I'i.•cincial nceonnts have
death by political eorruption and low
leen ouLrJ,' and Mr. Ferguson'.
political ideal., and nothing Mat brag- tsacticsare slrrngthening the iwpres-
ically drastic penalties can rouse the
dormant conerience of•nur people and YN)D.
asrr into dcency these who are now
•t week the Hearst Governmentomen[
ae of the moral - s fattening at the expense I introduced a itnaw liquor license ,pro-
"e•hh u
our young
nit, inn."'
=ala.Ti..Tlocal boards o
f licenr
The revelation. tt'l,t'wa viocethia I.rnwmissioners
are to, be done away
article wail PUbli'1,.e1 .1"0"4,iis th.! with, sod in.tead r celtral emends -
meet of drastic ret: -tae-,. Hers' i* a • sins of five riven is to administer the
yodel.: drug c....1 L. employed by_ a., Heroes. law for the whole Province.
ttember of'P.itll:unet, . wit • i.. intro'- - Liquor ship. Ince bar) are to close at
diced by his employer os a .ch••oar , :7 0.4.11ack.esecri night instead of at ll
whereby lee. makes $44,1411 of profit..., fit -loci in cities and 10 o'el'lck in
tree n'ley lies a goalie! w.'. , . tr to this sale; towns. The sale of liquor on le [nor
1 ecce: . n e
, i a G r the * [doers. •'a ro M'prohibited.w 1 .
0 1 odic d t , Ila •1and more
tele f1. T
,►not her min restive. $1.'J14) for his,
"influence with I'oleare' N tm Hugise.,
Mit,istrr of Delta, tw•-tit of Mibtiw and
Defence. in seeming [root the Depart -
mem Sit •.'ler (.r, three fir/RIM
severe penalties :oar provided for vi-
olations of the law. It wasaloe pro-
poerli toe' the sale of 1 gone tar sot -
diets, in *warm in shoiihl tw, pre.hibit-tat.
but in the printed hill rurimitted to
broke: "1'••. teecipt f:n :h- meu.eyagar the H,teie this week this pr)yi+inn is
produrea It.Gire tb•e inve•+tigating n. t ineIu. -.I. The new proposals fall
c.mimitter .1111 sews arknnwledgr.I far short of.eati.fy ing the temperance
by - the [ re'c'ent. These •re but maple, who - are tedditlg indignrtttim
samples or Lk.. •tianyacthins Lisa. are ti►e.tings in many pari, of the Pow -
being uueovr(ed almost daily at ince: he the Government ran pint
Ottawa. Isn't it about liars We ter-. t,Ythe WPanttaof the general electi m
called .urroiaiuosrirs.fronsChiba and last year as a vindication of its policy
asked China to .end no a' man 10 'how tijt the liquor glee -don. if the temp-
us bow to get rid of grafters mut prune, p.et'ple want '*hat they want,
corruptiouists? - they will h.v-. to 81143 t7 11 in *rune
other *fey th .n by bolding indigna-
tion meeting-.
The wresth of resign%tiott would up
the moat fitting garland for the mem-
ber for C at teem). -
Tho term "!Stott Act" will have a
new signiflcan:e when the Sa.kalche-
wan Premier puts his sur esters 00 the
statute book.
The YVwehingtoa. Oweevwtrent has
decided to give up Ito •feats to *bow
Britain and Germany how to run their
w!�r, and w
ill now have Mot, t..
attend to M. tiro.
A Montreal keit manuftermer de-
livered * '•loyal" .perch to hie rn.-'
player. before starting then. on the
making up of an order foe army b iota.
After the boots ,tele detiii1tld there
were complaints about their gn•lity.
Lip-ie'ywlty t• w.•rth [leant as rout h aa
t i roe
The Brook.
Hayek. .44. 4., rtrplr,
(tars thr!lit Mhr.-'.l.,
smut,. [dept'.
Icy Lwwtd oast. 110 b..4
on throngh vale end amidlard.
And flowery Meadow. grce•n,
iStwyi•.e net Its Kane.-.
To erre or to hewn.
!tipple. droit, ripple.
tlubblior on fir way
It:pl !r, ripple. ripple
Hark • 14..•.i 1t ass
it rootleh man. why dw.•lleei t hoc.
ala [48'111.. d knees. '
I'ar M the •IE M!• n p tee new,
Ttetes Mediae let tee ¢n!
tophi* V.liobert tee.
Mandsrturers Will Get Most of It.
Terence afare
The White tariff will only raise rev -
it reel n" i-. t Mor. fu • frwrtin11 of the extent that
it will rat-.. priers.
('^lone) V,'. 4 Huntie., a brother, of
MajnrGrnerwl `ism Hughes, testified Criaada's linens( Women.
Hatnn,at Tem•
before the the Pariiament•ry committee at The 1'afya•4ian wo ,•, ref 'tee . f0
Ottawa that 50111• ex
of the tt• supplied Bites 10 paae• pr..pw1. auntil the
for the Canadian edition ''re.Mnhlsd Kaiser is ..n hie knees. Meantime
wet moeeaaina more than military they tree h).) knitting.
boots." Which ..ggpate that ...al ping Would De a Scandal.
wooki he the appropriate punishment T..eateIrat.May'fgh4.
Of the guilty rootrertcrs. The bringing about of w general
- tion In the mklat of this war will mark
The Proviwrlal H,drostleetrie Onto. Dur Federal Gnvernnl a. a Parcel 0f
mloeioo is taking pewee to onnlinate tyrac'ical tx.11tleiawa ttm'u/tarty devoid 0f
the Arlt lxineiples of etatramanshtp.
the bleat Hydras-•leeteie in•p.e1. rw. J
U. S. Jamie".
Ne Hydro policy was 1ngurat.d as q 5. Hev*M
• meawre of Public awaes•hip and in Great Britain, In Germany. In
•'b ust t bat Itsstead d SMs it is lea- Prance, and probably even in Mestere
Canada's Gift of Flour.
Ottawa, March :)i.-CanaJa s gift of
one million hags' of Hour to Britain
co.t the Tr ,dr and Commie ort 11-1 art -
merit lki..*B.3M0. pureha'e•r having
been made es follow).:
W. -Stern Canada Floor \Idle, Ltd.,
i)ominiou Flour Mills, Ltd.. $58,914).
Lake of the %Vends Milling (bur
pony, Limited, $:'.1,'1)at44I.
Maple Leaf M.Itirg 1'o„ R1,1134,842
ML L*wt•?ncr Flour Mills Company,
()allele Flour Mills (;n
Oman freight and insurance took
H311.S•-la; rent of has bur and shed,
:PM: printing bills of lading, check-
ing,.t•tc., $44.
li '..,'t'he Private
4 _.:tiom give: ti:.' beet ref his
.:to to an estate in 1143 care,
. '.ref 're it frequently suffers.
'A Estates have teen dis.sip : d
1 ;h inefficiency, neggfect
1 sometime. art:tal dishon-
11 ,. on the part of private in-
•1 t.i'.itluals acti::g .. executor-
Tri- strong, soundly man -
.l 'feast Company ix ala:
a' e, !lever ill, never
its.om.er. arc expert
.he ,anagement of este:
faitltft•I csecution
,abs Ia their one concern.
Censplt us regarding the
handl+, of 7:1ur cstaIe. Ali
information cheerfully furn-
The London & Western
Trusts Co. Limited
3(2 IUch[wood St., London. Oat.
SI. (See. Onslow. b.C., Pentane
1^b a. Mews, Moises.
Mainly Extracts front Leading British
and American Papers Relating
to the War.
GERMANY'S NEED OF COLONIES. •swindling point. 'These recta are *p
(irrwruy'.rbronr• complslntagaiu.t parent to the people thrmeetrrs rod
England. uttered with extrrordinriry qtr r ,ken ur to marry he pet. .,•
" W tiro 1 newt made the prchibitinn,
bit 'ernes., in season and tint of real m, by command of the Emperor. I av-
is that we have played dog in the, Ixerred to wyerlt like • Don Quixote
manger, and piti .44.111 Iv opt.o.rd that wAichC1,::I,4tiot.11ela n'. the iratu• f
.-xpsnsiun which WAS the natural Lt'- ; realit7. Hut now 1 u• -ore you 4bat
tras4ty of so great and glowing w na- • even If I desired 40 rem IVO the pro•
lion. le th..tCbarge true. end can it hibitiuu .hou1J sol he permitted t
Ile drfinitrl •, Al" to tet "I. P. to X111Iwe gwuiusel t.•
P' allow chi. real tapihio wutd a,efm a i,n
b• false: The too -t r ple!r and l /hem attain."
'.110 01 het it,. aneeer that we couldl The Hoodoo Minister of Finanre
pta.rhly desire appeared r scent ly in I s eke r[ a hr Chancellor of the Ex
the •• New Stat.+titan " from the etletuer with toe kreatrat edwir*t
pen of Sir Ha'ry Juhe•.tun. For ten I and the way in whirb hie eyes lighted
years past. as one of the foremost 1114) rhoweel hi• ri' c ri; y. ..Mr. LIoyJ
.,uthorette, ou Ahi en eubjecte, - =lir George reveal, the uu.tr astonishu.g
Harry has been eo..rtantly in uireet elertnr.. of ,Buri," 'alt M. Here,
utfle al connnuutea•iun with 1110et of "and a p.a,tiral ability which is dol
the. stater of Etttotw, and we hes with nttretHe It ie• rtttirel)' .bur to hit*
a tomes, '•f knowledge p .tarred by I that the eenfereuce Ireeca fluty thee,-
v e, y few. tie tells ur 1 hat to the pr.'s- I drys. He has an int uttlou which
est A11i -r t here have been four cardinal
pontos ,•1 policy : the inviolability of
11 Ign.uo and L11zens.i turd, the inviola-
bility of France within her present
I311te, 'it 1114% M•noce•'." suit the
petuu.neut1reed of the Dardanelles
for Hood.. These conceded "we de -
mired to put no obeitaclr." in the way
of Gerwan'expansion. Each of thew
ptintr war vital for reasons that will
he apparent to all, end in regard to
thew .11 1lie pre,.::t tithed !towel.
wet a 1 'salute and intudy•, gest dr. But
while building to 1111..', Great Hl Train
e'1 ri V rd el eon 1.1114101:4•1,41111(4 touching
the Baghdad railway -which would
have masa• Get mal y mistress .)f two-
thirds Of Asiatic Turkey:. :1a G1
Africa, "hint.* of the plainest natttre
were deoplwd by French etate•tiwn"
t hat no one simple coedit ion diet many
In'gbt have tirade over to- her the
greater part of French l'ongo'and for
French right of ppre--mpthat over the
'Belgiatl Conga. !f• reover, Sir Edward
Grey petlltrly antimereeti that any it-
artaogen.ent. of ('.hunt Attic.. to
Germany'- ndvartag.i, and obtained
by n-q•'tirlinne o' her Powe►..
would not be opposed by Great
hots['. ,
The "simple r•ondition- on t which
F, ante w•a• willing to Open op terri-
tory in Attica Was that (ierrnany
should cede t • her Metz and French -
sleeking 1.01 rains, and should allow
Luxembourg to maintain her inde-
pendence, 1 het is to .,y, F [store
a•Led,for the retrocession of 1 Astriate
mile's of territory, Inrludi•'g Metz. w
:1. to hays a guarantee .'gain+r future
WAS 14`441y..gt;trss„'n, and in 'return.as
gene.ou>ly to tarter away '•hrr rights
any a here save in North Afro -a.” `So
far France. q
As to Rus-ia, she was willing to
eanetio:. an arrangement giving Auk
trot an II ltIet c,n the Aegean if she
could 1. err pr. per guarantee. Alwin(
,i nellr-.
l'oostan:innple and Dat a
'.And as to (heat Britain we had ad-
mit In
1 0 (ir ma
n'iurd lheaggal tigh • 3
Chios, we turd given way to her in
S wntoa, we hod cede 1 Ileligola'•el, we
had even Ji.eomset the ce's$t 0 of 1. u•-
zihar "W. had .dune everything in
Mirp ,her." Sir Hairy Joh
chide.. "to content Germs, v end to
peep tie the way for the building up f
a pre tuaneot Anglo -Berman friend-
'dup." It is jto;'d for us to he as.tl,4d
r substance in .
err no obit
itis th i
plaint which Germany has reiterated
et) often that her people everywhere
' 0 •nib; •!!v twit -uv it. ,••It is not
taus.".:r, Sr N:1.ry bluntly, "chat
sb'• w .. being •'- iwt the legit IMttl'e
1.11' 1..1 s :1ltd gunr.,1 t •e* for her world -
"isle c,immetee that she was 'entitled
ta'abentand." The editor of the New
Si at -.man- hi the nail on the• i•e,..l
a ben he rrmarke,"It is' mMctently el. ar
that alt.• . toggle wee not nrec•ipstat-d
ley Getanan*'* nerd-fnrtolemieet. It Is
n oar, not for Ine4thing.space. hot for
peewee." -The Methodist Recorder
(l.•irdon ►.
M. Hat's, the Minister of Fin*ser
of ltuseu, who has recently horn in
4'.s, i. to voider a, it Mr. Lloyd ( ;rot ge
and M. Rib t, the French Finance Min-
ister, on the fltl.nclal aspects of the
wer, gave an into view to a special cor-
respondent of 'l le London 1)4ily
Chronicle which ,••eds in put tos fob
armee at once upon the '.,.'mist p .ant,
and a latrines. like habit of mind
which puts all irtelevaoir. 00 One
• • •
The l':ess Hntein which the (4.I-
111a1l, hay.• tstablisttrd a1 Comtanti -
opts sperms 40 ho spewling its tune
telling the Tusks the story of the
great war in terms. of "The' Areht..0
Ac••unting t 1 one Asia Minor pullli
cation, the !unser has already kept{
hie appointment in Paris. Thin news
Paper says on the authority of the
Frees Hnr-'.n :-Thr discourse• tleliv-
eri 4 l.) his I-la,uic Majesty \V Illiaw
I1.t wil• n t usta:led on t he t benne in t he
anctent Fiend' Parlieniept. Halt, will
live er an unforgettable evened of his
11,agnifieete exploit,,. ser.ountied by
yatiqui.8rd foes, he o1T• red the Iqe
prral halal to be kir-ed by e11 the
former 4leputi-s of theFtere_b ('Iwaw-
I.rr, whew heart* were touched by the
snleudid u.,gnaniwity .. his Weenie
Au. lyJwr j burnt prints this story:-
According to A d,-.p.',e•h by %Shelve's
ret -rived frown Amster dace by the Ger-
man Press Bureau, the whole popil-
14•ion 0t the new t.riinty in Iielgittm
tt h
r ,ngcetea -, the Germans have lak.•n
rhr.tath ^f !oy*1t♦ to bis Islamic Ger-
manic- Maj -a•): People of all class..
are 11 .ek l4l 40 (7,1 ettl•diet presided
over by the 14. swan*, :enders. ,,'i.,.-r-
ing'heir ronvrrsi.tn to the tale 1.•
kink faith. The Brlginnk have volun-
tarily formed their doodler it:to
Mohammedan templets.
The Germ in HIrr eit• too,
publobrl th, information :-
A wire -
le.. 1114.4444**..- fe.•t.. • :\mete elan, .t %tr.
that the lbio.1. li oe•-rnoner,t has of-
fered ors Iso in l • Al , j••.t y a train of
•• east J •nor -. la 1.•n with ole! if he
3 g
R all1rft 111 from ten
d1ng his power -
fad deet +'g+int• Loudon. --The 1) aily
Chronicle . London 4.
Abominable Conditions Revealed - by
Ottawa la k
Ot,aw,, March 21. -Moved by the
revelation., brought out befZre the
pnloli•• areol , 11 co 'ttee in corm«.
tion tetth the pie 004.0 f`wat supplies
theuugh p ditical widdlemeo. a The
Ottawa Cit•z'n, (conservative, i•y%
edit.' billy today :
"Ther.• i• a maggot rally ,.t the
heart of Canadian national life.
Young men,) ••ung snldirrs, ere vnlun-
tarlly giving ,h••ir all, their lives, in
defence of British freedom, 11,itish
honor end British tradition, and for
pole ical maggot !i eating into the
health of the citizen army through the
soles of it rotten boot-.
"Raving eaten into the health of
the soldier+ who wet a st rung end well,
the tnnggnt is now fattening on the
rick and' wounded, broken in the
Empire. W.r. Field tlrps-ing., even
the salve and halm and Iwndsgr., for
the poor bro4••11 hulls and shattered
bodies of Cauala'e wounded men and
hock, here been made a mrdimn for
the cursed maggot to ply its I,eth•ome
bunine.•. Where are 4 he upholders of
Hritieh tradition, the loyal order... the
Sone ot r:ngland and the Sons of
lows t Honor in Canada ? \Ins: they remain
forever silent while such damnable
M. Birk ripe • keit the hope that inaggotry is heing laid Mete ?
the ispitit al Ku -ala would influence "Here it has lwen drnlonrtrated and
the intellectual character of the %Vest- confessed before n ^mmiltre of mem-
hen of Parti intent that a Junior rletk
in the Carleton Drug Centime.) of
which William F. Garlend, :11. P. for
l:srleton, k principal owner -has
made it profit of gl►,I4 4 on an order
for 9444,114) worth of field dre*sings and
other neee••itios intended for the
brave men at the firing line. The drag
clink, • mere inexperienced youth,
paid about 915 a Witt 4. is impale'
to the Militia Department under the
econndrelly political patron*gr system
tolerated by the pinchbeck political
practice of this country.
"it is pretended that the junior clerk
of the ('*Aston Drug company is
allowed to ApMvpnen. chi*
begotten tR1I public money wit -nut
hint or-ititerferenae resettling 11s
diapowal by hi. political master..
"The Ked ('rows fund in having to
appeal for more help, and many guild
pr01414• air giving of their ..rant earn-
ings to do what little they ran for
'•.. Allies as weal I 1 they would act as
aif influence in Tussis. "Until now
there ha. leen n :real gulf of ignor-
ance between the ltua.ian people as a
whole *nil 4bt.,, , ! more western na-
li"ns like Foanee and England. We
.lid not under.t wd you -I *peak mf
the great mass'•. • you did not ter -
and tie.'.
(hue thing it. already at work in the
soul of the Ku*111411 people. namedpp - a
w,vr of t.mperauee."The prohibition
of *mike," said ht* Excellency, "has
already hail the most wonderful effect
11t1•n somal and e•edporwic rondiltnns.
Take the economic side alone, and
frilly the rs►ii..It i. astounding. Mine-
Hi. M.jesjy the Emperor permit
ted nip to 'pmh,lit this *pmt, IM
figure. of the savings hank• h.ve auto•
mrbted by leaps and hounds. The
total amount in the *awing- ',rinks
gems thir,yaour nullimn• of rouble* in
191:4, and more than eighty-four mil-
lion* in 1911. Threes figure' leap to the tender nursing of the Empire'*
the eye, They do ttiit deeefve, but poor, hmken men. For the sum of
revt•al a eplendkI and a.tnaishing fact. MOM eighteen Irained nurse* could
"Bot the wnral effect is more con- hay. hero *put from Canada and
• alterable• bine. the prohibition of maintained at the *caving line for •
vodka the people hays developed whole year -perhaps. till the end of
'mater energy In 'heir work, eo that the wet - to wash the wound. and
the output 0f the 'ee-tor ... is emir. soothe the pain -racked htdies of Can -
inanely increased. Horne life hoe hie !aliKeinjured soldiers. But the 99,(1(1►
romp more Natio Hot and more seem", -pit one Inetanee of t1M wort of the
riothat 'h. wei, e•e p.paetally haw. imesest sating at the heart of Can -
beerier oi i4 has ereat.d *4o -le flow deposited to the account
n• w • 4•,„ r• of health, and through- of a NOW dark tri/ the Arm of the
t R o•1i* otters brie dimlaiahed to tits Carlota, Du. Olpkay, of which
New Silks and Satins
New Black Taffeta Dress Silk, 36 to 38 inches wide,
guarau4teed quality, per yard
$ 1.75
Satin Ditches., finest quality, heavy, and quality
guaranteed, new and very correct, at per
$ 1.25 and $150
New Printed Silk Crepes and Crop. Ripples, 3$ to
}.' inches wilt, in all most %[lted shades, neat
patterns, at
50c. 75c, $1.00 and $1.25'
Dress (foods Cambric Prints
New .hip111P,( 911 r • " a I'•''1•1
Ave.. % e••, Ii 444 11- See• 4 -. • 4 i ' l ser=
dine., t W1...oul-, at
75c, $1,00, $1,23
Towellings and
We inti•;' you to taller, '►.•tial
bets to 1.r• y ,Y feetory C •[-
11111 fir- Solitude and \Int day.
:V :n :111-i1ch t'.r!nl y '1 ;nal ,
line *•41 free from .til dtesing
►t d good Weight, a per ) and
bc, 7c'and 8c
1; i ••1' • rtes. li ,s' 0.' line..
s „
1 4
)...14 , ,.t '1'•:•• ort: 14,..eels, W• •,1
%1 It .o Sp'e'w ui every e:,
I •- • L 1 i♦ i \ It l!.+..
:84j v •bels, in tneh••s wi le, light
hose[ --it odors -Mg 1.inla in neat
stripes and pat erne, regular
price 15c, at per y•ed
kugs ;'nd Carpets
floe short ,.e f ('.ertet• and
Koge i • ' • 7 . .o,t•:et.• and no
Aileen: • i,• ••1 t. e - While te:1
Stu ing oti ► 1.1.!
7'.\b'1:- : 1 t .1K1'E'CS
50c. 60c. 75c
IIRI. *4F.I.'i ('ANl'E•i4
859 , Q0C, 51.00, 51.25
Wiliiaw 1'. tiatland, \I.1'., is p.ind-
pal owner, •
"Within a few t t -4s tt.r poli' tool •
pacte w ill hill r .,•i: ureal Art' ,'[# Ph ' ' •
, ulntr•y, end if the ringleaders, hey,
their wily Cal'adel will to 'plunged in.
to the swirl and •will orf x c'•n:e'al •
election. ?itself whim gentry i.. 11..'
brad of the 4'taboo" Drui't C••iuiwy_
and the .•'piei-4 member* of the c •
nlittee 'nvt•.tiga'dug the molt-. over •
the hielies'bf 1',Ytmue*d *oldie! - " .l t -•
esp•ndieg.them else: lip .11 '1.
plat tonne a1N1 .+ppr::ur.{ 4. !.••. sui -
00e1 ••t -the joya, rid, re t1b11 initis[,
h riti Hr
tradition and hun,rl: They
will wow thrmerh.•- t,. 44' 111.' ..c‘10•:
Of the Ki,'pir.. What will the leeriest
^r•'err.::,id-ind.gtrnctMlt .e tizeo. ant
Britain would .0rely *titan , and r 4)1'-
diate such pinta -seri aid. Will it seem
wrliio, ,br richt +d th • t• it .trcl'i-
tert 0f tttr ttt•iterne?'
Easter -fret bay F tori Canavan Pari
1 1 Ise 1••'n•a I e•
Wilrt .• . .in .'1 I.. 44 I.
8 tilt 4't 51 I. '1. i , Nit: •r Fel
and buffalo. N 1.. .?o!L i\.-
tangle• fare lie .. + c *Fri-
day. Arr12n4. r -'•:r•, 1. 't te.1'2nd,
191.9. For er and erne• thi,•i :•e: :;[yell
gditie April 1.'.. 2n.1, :1x1 at' i 4•1,, re-
turn lfnsit Apr:tnth, '11+1:5.
i'atfrulariT not any Canadian "Pa-
cific tiekr' :'.serol or write \I. lb
\Inrphy, 1)i'tr:h• Peaeen ser % tt,
Toronto. Ont,
113cE:,1n &stat.:
rx• Susi,',• .gems for•
, G .t,...t_'
f o r ., h and nl ,act
Egg Coal, $7.7-
Stove and Chestnut, I
A • . quan i r beet all \L: pia,
4,a• \fit••1 W.•.t.•,.Hemioelt'
,r. Kin1 flan .�r
l 1 .ear rI'tH .1 2zjz
per, t on
resider).' - -i cr 68
Gerf to -"Is l'i I.'- .ri'e v•.1 -
.se wish biter 1, ..•t• ry
Si s.,-11 •.-•o v'- 1t M the •til -r - tel.
lane's f.,.'t ••,.•n' -_..1, . .• 1st•• fit
No advanctt in the price of the "Made
in Canaria"I Ford will he made becattve
of the additional 7%.,- Car Tariff. We
as loyal Canadians wi11 glafilc al•snrh
ivitatever increased duty we arc forted
to lay on such raw materials as cannot
i, ol►tained at home The RV is
manufactured iti Canada not asse pled
in Canada. -
The Font Woods wt i. $5411 : t he Town .'.r
SAW ; •h.• i.;elet 9(454); the 8e tan 811311
all fol'y • quipp••d, f. n. h. Ford, Ont.
Peri Imyer. wi41 *haat in our p-nette if we
...II al,•k11) ca,-. between August 1, 1911, and
August 1, 1914..