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The Signal
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When Major Gengral Sam Hughes
Occupies the Spotlight the House
Develops a Sense of Humor -The
Bluenoses Do Some Sniping, but
the Major-General Brings His
Machine-gun into Action.
Ottawa. April 1. -Sam's estiruates!
Meaning Major-General Ham Hughes,
the Minister of Militia, whom .owe
untied porno has dubbed this Cocka-
too War Lord. The reason M.jor-
Ueoeral Sam ween hie uniform to bed
is that he may be ready, asleep or
awake, to answer the call to arms.
but the habit bas ted to misunder-
standings among the envious. Sam
likes bright colors. brass bands, shin-
ing armor and things like list, hot
merely as aids to recruiting. It pays
to advertioe--such is his rheumy.
Sam's estimates are on tonight.
The Press flallety fills up, also the
Speaker's (Hillery and .11 the other gal-
leries. The ladies bring their knitting.
They knit and knit and keit and es.th
every .titch they knit the Brni-b
Empire is knit closer together. What
tbey knit is docks for the sold.ere.
They like to do it under the Mejor-
Oeueral's eye. it shows they're with
bis in socking it to the Germans.
The House settles down fcr an even-
ing of more or less innocent merri-
ment. In the past, Kew's estimates
have always been considered better fun
then the moving pictures, a .ort of
joke that costa the country fourteen
million dollars annually but worth the
money if only for the mom of humor
it developed in members ot Parliament.
This year it is no laughing matter,
but the Major-General provides good
entertainment just the name.
There is nothing in comic open to
beat Saw Hughes. The gentleman
who has .at for hie picture in The
Pirate. of Peotaoce. who "i0 all
things animal, vegetable, mineral, was
the very model of a model Maj Jr -Gen-
eral," wasn't one, two, three beside
our Minister of Militia. It takes a
Deputy Minister, who is also • Major-
Oeoeral, and • chief clerk who 1.
doubUees an bosorary colossi to act
as smmuniUon wagtail for his knowl-
edge. Wises I man to say i. that
"Melo olber Fabt4ri Yisntars have
oee tlepas tmeot °Oklal to ooach them
in their en.were, t:be M.jur-General
has two and keeps them jumping at
It ha pens to be Blue Mose Night
for Major-General Sam. It will take
perhaps another night to finish Sam e
estimates, but 1 choose Blue Nowa Night
as • sample, because tbe:fellows from
the Maritime Provioees filve $►m the
best run for bis Mosey. They go atter
him bard and Sam is strong with the
come -Lark and altogether there is
plenty of good fighting.
Tbev tell a story that Major•Oener-
al Haw was wakened up the other
night by a thunderl tg noise in the
steam 1iues. "What's that knock-
ing said a voice, from the next
-Go to sleep !" replied Major-Gen-
eral Haw. ' It s probably Sinclair, of
Uuyshoro." All of wbich goes to .how
that Ham re¢013013 s the Blue-no,ee as
foeeien worthy of his steel.
Tbir narrative doe, not pretend to
report the proceedings. It just
touches • couple of i he high spots.
Kyte, of Richmond. start• the attack
with a Iona fyle of letters relating to
the misadventures of the Seventeenth
Nova Scotia Regiment, of Halifax.
which suffered from the displeasure making, undet the capable charge o
of the Minister of Militia t) the et-� Mian Cox The men's claw in mechan-
BIG Line of B.C. and N.B. Shingles
UNLIMITED Supply of Lumber
C E M ENT, Lime, Brick
AND Paints
NOW Carried in Stock by Us
AND Really 'y
No ORpER too Big
SEND for Prices
JAM1S, BUORANAN, j ., monsDinrt AND mavwwan.
"'bond 47 A 1'. U. Box 18
A Few Calendars
The Signal still has some
Calendars for .ub.eribers
who pay their subscrip-
tion MOW for 1915. Hand
in your dollar and get a
THF: SIUNAL PRINTINU ('u., L1M1TLD. Priusaaaan
The Collegiate closed at noon today
(Thursday) for the Easter vacation and
will re -open on Monday, April 14th,
at 9 a. m.
t3everal of the members of the stag
will attend the Provincial teachers'
convention at Toronto, which will be
In session next week from Monday l0
Thursday inclusive.
Evening Classes Are Successful.
Th. evening coarses conducted by
the Collegiate board under tie Indus-
trial Educatiig�n Act are being well
patxoniz.d. There are three classes
of about fifteen each receiving instruc-
tions in cooking from ,Mrs. Taocottb
who is making the lessons very help-
ful. Then are three dames chid) ot
the same somber in sewing and dress -
tent of losing ita identity and its
c Acne: and being reduced to • mir.er-
able remnant of eighteen privates.
All obie happened at Valcartier.
Colonel Simla Robertson and the of-
ficers had resigned in a body. seeing
that Major-Geoeral 84w was deter-
mined to give them the wont of it.
What Kyte wants to know is, Wby
So does Carroll, of Cape Breton, and
Macdonald, of Pietism, and Carvell, of
Carlton. Wbv? they ask in cies-
rendo. I1avidsoo, of Anoapolia, dues
not want to know why, because he is
backing up the Major-General, and
that isn't his cite. Nut believing,
however, that & .oft answer tutus
away Wirth, he calls C..rvell a jack-
s. and lets it go at that.
This language being almost s"
strong as that wbich Major-General
Sant bas used et Valcartier brings the
Minister of Militia to his feet with the
necessary explanation The Major-
General Wks like a machine -gun -very
rapid. very staccato. Yes, it is true
that the Seventeenth Nova Scotia
wanted to go to the front a a unit -
that was General Aldeisoh's business,
aol his. it IA also true that Colonel
St.ruan Robertson and certain other
°Ricers have resigoed-they were
caballing, trying to make the regiment
a close corporation, and he wouldo't
stand for it. Troe.tbat he had used
heated language to the aforesaid
officers ? Yes. quite true. He bad
given them a piece of his mind. But
he hadn't spoken that way to the men.
He hadn't ragged them. The men
were fine fellow., aone Goer.
The Major-Oeeersl u an adept at
warm language. so warm sometimes
that it melte snow the kind of
that Bas t - be baked u •
Ase eatllsatlf. Ili tery%iddy 'herswe
what the da jorOeneral can do .long
that line when he ruts loose. He may
n ot tree many adjectives, but the few
be dose use are crisp and well chosen.
Yes, the officers bad come in for a
little of this hot duff. The Major
General rather implies stat he does
not regret hie [,marks, whi7b were
unparliamentary but to the point.
The Major-General is cool under Hre,
particularly when the fire is bis own.
He repeats that be did not slang the
men. This proves that the Major-
General is A brilliant tactician. He
knows the best people to slang. The
officers represent comparatively hew
votes, the men a great many.
But this is only a skirnii-s0 out-
post affair. Dr. Pugsley. of `St. John.
opens up • larger question. What
about that seventy-five million round
of point :44( ammunition ordered by
tbe Minister of Militia for the Br Web
Government last August:' iVill the
Minister bring down the correspon-
dence with the imperial authorities?
No, the Minister will not. That cor-
respondence is in the War Office at
London. It is not his secret. The in-
ference is that it is not 1)r. Pugtley's
htsiness. This hanks like Muff honesty
in Majoi -General Sam and Cr. Pugs-
ley proceeds to call the bluff part of
Pause here to observe that Dr.
Pugsley. -if St. John. is the beet cross-.
examiner in the House, chiefly be-
cause he never gets crows. He has per-
fect control of his temper. He is suave
Continued on page v.
Creee..t. Ands to Mas.' C. IL RAM
LOUR BALE OR REPT -TWO win Nen M pelvic auction at her restdeow.
r houses on heat street. Yoe Information Newitate .tnet. Uoderica. an
apply to CHAR. 0 ARM W. MONDAY. APRIL Rh.
eomtoeoanig .t 1.T o'clock .harp:
/mo LET. -A COMMODIOUS .rt{OcOT- Au t.ae content. of tbo house. const.t leg of
1 tag, on the so 6.1d r„3.1. Yor j North f parlor. dining room. bd..em and klteb. fere-
%A 11141 N. tare. (Tina. crockery and wase. ( 'se -
street. b MICS. .1 AMEX) 87ttf. pat. putting rag., oertatO. billed.. cuttery. A
street. - - - new coal o tore. I geed esRan. 1 Pendent
UUBETORENT.-TWOSIGH EYS, ranee.neerlebean, IArt Countawreal neater
.and ..cereus other entire.
eeNht seem., all u heelers the Square. Eeselthing will b r .old. ►, Mn. Rivals lo
w gain throe ROMEr• trait d the S9; • leaving Ooderk•h. t
Aright* W. K RUHICRTSUN. Tamen -Cash. THOMAS OU2(DRY.
LIOR RENT AS PASTURE. ---FLATS _ - Aesttsesst. Wars' A quantity of tamer seed. Record cat
17 in Maitland River, r>Nprhang� e. R+ee farm. t%.e feel earl+ned that this M
.tel M I air e• For 'swooshes .spar '• tai Itartn it ape ha.etdrvesting we did not ee same. ssnMng harm.
fdA RALI.. (. P. it Agent. !3t I AND IMPLF:Ma:MTuC Ttasn All .um+ M 41•• and under. casb :
TWU-rhluRY BRICK overtheamount...•Yenmonth+'creditwillbe
given an tarn l.hhig approved iolnt note. .1
house Mumbling all modern wives- nromter. discount of / per Dent. +[Fes ht allowed to ash
Wien, East street. convenisa to O. T. R. will ..11 al Pubile emetics et hi. g
statism. APO/ to DOM W. A RH YW `-It .2 l 2 smiles port K. l5srn eo. of on urbane so A It. credit
M ATB THU\M Art 01 N lilt V.
�p WRDNItNOAT. A,rll :tn, PropriItSr. Auctiew,ser.
1 RENT. -BRICK HOUSE WITH eau m•noln &t i.v uaoa, p m
1 •11 modern 'Improvement.. loirltdtng hot One mareIn feel : 1 gelding. riming t
water Mathis -e�.tem : +iz renew. Situated ) .,a old . 1 al, y, on. TSSr aid; 8 sow.. Ona In
ter 'rgeFaQ•. AVOty to Jolt_ ('. .y& now. lir a 1 row. with
ical drawing has an attendance of
th,rteen, with Mr. J. A. Fowler in
charge giving good practical work.
111 the audrnta are delighted with
Chir opportunity of increasing their
efficiency- and no doubt next Septem-
ber will see • great rush of both men
and women to join the various classes.
Prosais t &$lthWaite's Visit
President E. E. Braithwaite. of
Western University. London. who
addressed obs Canadian Club at its
noonday luncheon on Wednesday of
this week, also addreswd the students
cf the Collegiate in the afternoon.
setting forth the advantage of a Uoi-
versity education in increasing the
efficiency and the usefulness of the
citizens of a country availing them-
selves of the opportunity of obtsiDing
He presented a brief outline of the
nature and scope of the work now
being carried on at the Western Uni-
versity, planted near to us in the
garden of Western Ontario.
MR. 8. R Mar) ATH
w4n an by pahne auotlea at lot le,
Galena te on
=raitwat L1po'oIock p.m.. sharp
se mai Mead sows. two with pigs bs
tkmtr obs.. The eleven remaialog ones. will
Mttot w Olt about tbe lith of April. They &m.21
elk cad bosltay One improved York.hlro
1855 owe years old. Pure bred. Came frets
41. d Meinarmid a betel. Fingal. (Mtarlo. We
have .1.0 • nil,. rides three year* old. We
will beteg Cwt two and melt the choice. Broken.
0.. general purpose farm wagon. rebuilt and
strong. (hie ILateka combination stock rack.
glee baht singte hone w One top bairn,
la gaud oonditlo.. with almost new top
Portland trotter. only treed • few years. Thirty
Isesaele potatoes. smooth and sound. One hun-
dred babel.. seed oats grown on hose fel,
will make tatrly goal +ample : Name. "White
en. 4.
Exhibition of Pictures.
The Collegiate boars, the teachers
and the students have joined together
in a most laudable effort whereby it is
hoped to accomplish a double purpose
of high cultural value. A Targe exhi-
bition of pictures. reproductions of the
great masters, is to be held in the
a.ssmbly room for five days -April
3t)tb to May bth-which will give the
,citizen. ot Uoderlcb and vicinity a
splendid opportunity of enjoying a
rich treat. A small admission tee will
be charged and witb the proceeds
copies of thew pictures will be pur-
ls and class roonss of
tbe hmed fCol egiru, soor the l that present and
*Wu* sesar.iiaos -ot-1Wliallal
become arquainted with some of
beet in art that the .Id world has
Nu. one can afford to mise this golden
opportunity. J. P. Hoer,
Pm iodised.
The results of the weekly examin-
ations held since the beginning of the
year are published below and com-
plete reports are being sent home to
the.p.rents for their perusal and sig-
nature. Some forms have made $
splendid showing, while others have
shown a somewhat ,erlous failure.
Promotions are to be made on the re-
sults of this present term examina-
tion and the final series held in June
and the standing requited is 40in each
subject and (4) average. Parrnu are
asked to ^,,.operate moo beitrtily in
bringing those below the standard ur
too pars requirements.
O Martin 70 AL, Armour 59.7
T Glazier 69 M Vanstone Sti.:4
M Jones 4144.8 H Wilson 57.6
R Million 68.2 B Down .54.6
I Thompson 66.3 0 Clark 54.3
V Doyle 64.6 W McCluskey 54
1 Searle 61 H Symonds 512
A Wiggins K4.3 L Stewart 50.4
H Sanderson ,114.2 H Leonard 444.5
H Webb (1.4 G Currey 444
M Spain 61 4 H Austin l$
H Pbalen 61.4 B Noble 4'2.3
1 Dickson 60.5 A Stewart 41.0
R Levy 60.4 F Dryer 40.2
M Halliday (11) A Barker 38.5
Stuart Aldous was absent from
most of the examinations through ill-
ness and his standing is not given.
There are still • number of subscribers who have not paid for their
Signet for 1015. We should like to get these iuttecriptions in and credit
Ten Cents for each one to the Red Cross Fund We had intended W
close our contributions to this fund at the end of March, but we should
like to make the amount a little larger, and we ac,•ordingly extend the
time to Aptil I:th. After this date there will ptositively be no further
extension, so that if subscribers wish Ten Ceuta of their Dollar to go
to the Red Cross they will have to pay up within the next fortnight.
The other day Mr. Hector Hays. of town. abuse sutactiption
was already paid w .lune next, banded us Two Dollars for his subscrip-
tion to June, 1917. so that the Red Cross bund might he benefitted to
the extent of Twenty Cents. Remember -for every Dollar of advance
subscription received we paw Ten Cents over to the funds of the Ked
Crow Society.
What about YOUR Dollar
Clifford Williams was present at half .
the examinations but made 61.4 per lie the Miter of Toe Signal .
cent. in these. 1 DRAB St*, -At the meeting of the
en Oloune. -"-'
ORIrTiN. .• U. call M her aids: 3 Wears, rielnir-
__ old : i heifers, r4 •tog : Dear. old : i ` E W DAIRY. -HAY ING TAKEN
FORSALB OR TO LMT.-ONI AND •�s+e' t sow. due March 71st : 3 .neer to crit . dote tloensa. t a. prewred a
FOR 1.�► . ^umber of hen. oogM Iver milk and err.m to on..•eter* In oderlM.
e•►Mlf stool lteaek Mss.. w, 1 spring tooth rah 1 and guarantee peso vr.tge sad •,ht Is.NI +- - Mssael mower Mow / Hazel"1 on the Godwin Rural +T emingle
w harrow. 1 +rellen.; heav7 har-
gswdsrs e•, (t
p�. lvatrn, Heart +new: tssiev. to ill ell.
ventsee•s• tan lot. with.tote, a pnteMm n I wed drill +comae Deering 1Nnd.r 711; new tans,, 11 that wMb to to rail. 10 (0 01 /Or l
Md. ala A o,. r me neatl t m. I MF21 Mc
avwF,er of Cttssron and �l.�Sao atresia RAonus ng M,. light
rig of box hep wagon -box MARC". Maltford
to MRS. JOHN HALLIUAT. reed wane bnb.IMga gnv.l-Dox, wagon -hoz.
OW lee hallo w hatro.r. M
LIOR SALE. THE FARM ee,r, abrtte harness ole y rack.
ir- b tie l.teJoh. H.Iliday on (be ltd elm" batons mill, net palter Vie Ib .calm. 2 lad-
ww./as of Colborne. eesta1steg tu4 eon% 1 den. one M ft : eolith rack grindtone.
bean with [mise eilfiiea ,. �.esa, kettle. stock -root new : water t*rn.n
wr,a.hM tarmes la bran : hydraulic age i soaking stove. MN& b,geins rMlru, whi
• • ether arUcla ter
rtmid Ceaveniest to chetah .rd
Ballad' geed bra )rwwag web." . Ha OM neem, aesklokaa, elahi
iti.a 1
at ata tan ter ttq.a0Mte MM.
Rol flALLII)AY. Camsrw eu1M,
to AWa
°Went& P. 0. 4.W Tia1rw-A41 .sale of WOW sad ander. 0111.1
ever that wevent, mem Beata• tvedit wM ka
1ARM FOR SALE glvweafu fumigate. agerev,M joint Behan A
at 1 Per what e. allowed for
Need bo�.t�(( et let 1fp, Labe Read West. twwa-
.Atop of ('.Ibose. 1T se.., •cwt time aim
ws tir
w W boem ths reda •0r/ Baha sad es vaned
terms of pym0st tit swage bovine
►•s sofol kedge Iaea.
will be .old. as Irl,.
p„ totals osL
j gl 1 k tMlClepetOsi{gel�
wAim; 1- J
to 1141111r1010.11="1".•••••• Am* Ams
W A vA�g EAp,a/ to 115
I t Basi agave 1 ne wad eteva
• t Pf Tit welMwTN a•W5 -sAmiee= of llt...a emote. •aha ,
T .•eege eses Ties epi ratio M•pPstsd M tnem •
ghat sepses of t pge melt etesMlt snowed tar
WAyNT�EgwDpr-MgAiIDD �FP05 AEIIERAL I es 40 � positively bo et►
re MY J. MAiTiM� ' py,f,T, THUM A5 OU,.
MR CON. 03R21 Y
k(ywhile �aus ilea at t. lake road.
T'Hl.'tt 1>;f A IIIMR Rb.
•t Lie s'dsek w shay, :
��•!e' 10 years an : W vy ant., rains 4
rears W ; 1 heavy &raft Fiera, .se year
=grotto, grotto, Masa.1 rear. : Lageod.teen.
ajmisg ! yeses:1old : M geed ►Naw.. mala, 1
OM 1 ssw calved..w: f .solo, des le
1 to Aped . 1 tap b•sam s wattle. ebows.
CUM MlHe IAL FI/R%t, 1 Citizens' Social Service League held
on Monday evening last it was de -
E Dunoadge lxt.E H Edwards 70.:1 cided to draw up and publish in the
H (4mifAtb NI L Price 60.6 local papers resolutions tenanting the
JP( Hurley 701 HL McCluskey fi/•3 work of Mr. W. T. Pellow in soforc•
E Watson 74.3 5 Brophy >d ing the beano laws in Uodencb and
F Baechler 7t2 L Bates • l the decision of the wagiatraes in the
Foto' II{ B. 4 MacDouta d caw of Ube J4th of March.
U Newton ;474).3 P Johnston
:7.iWe therefore ask you to publish the
L King77.3 L Howatt following statements.
L Macklin 74.3 B bums 4 Knowing that revere criticism of
KFDuugber%HBbactleton.b I,f.be work and methods of Mr. W. T.
U Wootton 70 D Has 65.'2 Pellow ie bring made in town by
L Werk 0
.4 U McNee b4 those opposed to temperance legis -
J M Uraham 65.3 D HcMwnw 513.7 lotion: and it .owe cases i. bring� re -
N Whitely 61.3 0 ardeld 68 Iseboed by mi.iotormed or prejurdioted
J B Ross s#46 R Hamilton 52 friends of temperance. we, as a Citi -
B Parker tr3.5 1 A Mobs 55 sena Social Service League. express
O li, Boss trr3.4 M W UsJWn 6U our bears v appreciation and entire ap-
U 5 VWilllamr(ii A Sinclair 6t1 Preva[ of Mr. Fellow's efforts to se
Bowler tlo.t1 L Watson 4Y ' etreconvictions of violations of the
L M Wagner 111 1 V E Williams 45.8. liquor laws. and endorse his metbod•
E McManus 44) as fur, honest end aboveboard, and
assure Mr. Pellow of our confidence
FORM i11 A. and support in any further work that
M Clare 74 8 J Cott
57.4' he may, undertake in this line.
j O Bowler '70.6 W Cunningbans57' I While gratefully recognizing the
E Naim 70 M Redmond 66 fairness of the decision. of the police
M Rogerson tt8.4 P Sullivan 60.6 asagistrae io newly all the liquor
M Galt 114.6 {Moss 54.6 eases triad before bim since the Ant
B Pridh•m 6:4:32
4 3 E Mclean 54.5 of August last, we express our coin -
54.8 Young 68.5 B Boyd 54.8 plete diaestufaction with the decision
R $(.odd.rt AY 2 J Nairn 5:4 l of Mayor Heid and Pollex Magistrate
I) TicbhorDe tD H Hartwell 52 Kelly to the cos. known as Lbs Mar-
Webb 61.8 M Yuill 61.4 Donald ease, whish came up for trial
H E Walters «)7 M Welsh 61.2 no Saturday, the :10oh inst In view
E Ualt 60.8 W Cox 50.7 of the fact that it is generally believed
AE McLean 60.3 H Curt to 40.6 that most of the ilieggal selling of
M AII•s 50.7 lamas 40.4 liquor sa tomo ft dose io obs b
tieeeb _ ....au. -•aJl osrM - • . i'i)Mt! t?M► zoos:
l -,ret loae•5r tMfll..
kal.ominteg ted graining,tinting.sora4
Mg and E^Wing floors. -It will 1 yew to see
se Meer* bating rout weft. .nas-
ties sen to all work. Orden may lie left at
Mast asset. T. H. CAZMICK. (1a. M David's
as LoT9IFL
•T18. annual sedan[ .f the above Agile atter.
a.. be held In the e/loit of DvHolmes, (art
ob: on Mailer evesleg. April sigh Mat., at
Siete/h. badaR ter dlrsetwr ..d et Mr
oetle1teh. April 1.t. 1WS ark
Raising Fund to Provide Bed m
A Red 4'roe* hospital containing
1511 bed• has l.'.•n c.tahli+lied at Clive -
den, Burkingliaulahire, England, for
the Canadian .,,Idlers wounded at the
front. At the request of the British
War Office this is to be enlarged to
600 beds and made the base hospital
for the members of the Canadian con
ungenL T3 do this the Society
rvquiltes Mt,410), of which 11140,tax) has
Mill to be raised ; and subscriptions of
M0.110• the sum necessary to inetall one
ted, are asked for.
In •iew of the fact that one ex -
teacher and nearly twenty former
Misdeal's •nf the Uoderich Collegiate
Institute are seeing the E nipire at the
trout, or preparing to do so, the Liter-
ary Society is undertaking to ridge
the money nemeses y to donate •
G. C. 1. bed. Foe this purpose • Red
Orme benefit , at the suggestion of M n .
George Mar E.* an sod oiler the
management (41 the studts, took
place of the t ink on I4atury night.
lr. Goldthorpe very generously gave
ibel building for the evening. and nine
Mre.twre of the Blackstone hand
doomed the let "band night" of the
season. Through the kindness of
times gentlemen. whom the pupils
.ieeeeel tbwnk and the patronage of
the pis k, the Literary tiociety stir
1 am sals4. 4. tams J.10 M5.w► 1 ban ss
Mesh. waatr.er. 1 Bay Tieper ewe M all
amiss eel !abbeys 4e per Ib.. bereene ire
per Ib.. mine and Ow lead, e.pMr
.aid wen. ,ks4esp �p,� st lati
awl beam
Basi As' sR . ani
Ielm Aseriele• Meeet. Aeawarli►
Na�sSUpk '". of the steamer
hae bean to town for
Home thee pSili,azatioss for
the nkat d r •
A McLebztie 6C.4 R Orden 47.6 our local police, at any rate) to
0 McKenzie 50.8 H Powell 47.4 evidence of ouch allege! sales, tb t can
H Arm.troog 50 8 Brimiouwbe 47 :: be produced in a court of law, we are
11 [Shackleton 6N L Brsdwin 43:4 greatly disappointed that eneourage-
L Cowan 57.5 merit should he given to lawbreaker
Parte i and 11.
FASmith ani, MITom
Parc 1.
by a failure of tuagietrstes to convict
when such strong evidence of guilt
was produced.
I(0 1. there w.. -re no outside detectives
employed to secure evidence, there
was no o.:ca.ion for prejudice against
Hess 71 W Dancey Cbl obs methods used or against the
Garvey 643 M Johnston 50.3 weight of .the evidence offered. The
Oilkinnon 67 R Bisset 51 witness. a local man, swore that be
G MacEwan60.� J K Plunkett 49.3 asked for liquor, that a bottle was
produced front the hip -pocket of the
Part iI. accused, from which he got a glass of
Griffin 72-5 A L NV ark 70.31 liquor which he believed was whiskey
H H McKay 72 land water, and that he paid for this
J..P. HOME. Principal. I lie No contrary evidence was
LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. ' puo_ured nor anything to weaken the
evidence ru.anitted. Yet the magis-
trates dianti.sed the case. The town
solicitor, who was prosecuting, ex-
pressed his surprise and his feelings
of disgust are shared by A large part
of the titizenN of the town. Unfor-
tunately no appeal can he made or
steps would bare been taken at, once
A Hume 81 E Murney IMi
E Wallace 76 7 V Hamilton 611
V Kerslake 75.5 i Laithwaite 30.3
EGoldthorpe 72.4 M Bradwin 58.5
H Williams 72.3 A Anderson 58.2
E. Wilson 72.3 M Leddy 57
Mt1'asbington71.4 H Buchanan S6.2
14 McKay 09.4 C Happs 56
A Broqhey 1118.2 R McPhee 34.li
W McMauua 37.8 5 Davis 53.6
M Kelly (i6.4 H Clutton 51
Y McNally 65 P Fraser 341.8
M Baker Iki M. McNevin 444.5
(4 Ba,chier 112 R. Clark 48
The following were absent from the
number of examinations indicated by
figures In brackets after their names :
Tr) our -pecW order *iota. They are for men
rid boy. who wish to u+e economy In dn•s..
'hey &remade to your nie.aure. any style; we
guarantee everysarmeot 1a, Rana '1 dollars
1•NI &iI iN THC 1.1105.
Non -jury cases in the County Court
will be beard before His Honor Judge
Holt on Tuesday..tpril tkh. to reverse the decision. The Citizen
Aa the regular meeting of the we'll League protests again'at this decision
council would fall on flood Friday. being %lied as a precedent in any
the meeting is P''"tponed to next future cam,.
Remember the date of the high tee
G J ffrey (H.3 J. Moes
pm pigs; b.VM/. 0. A. C.. Ma 11 ; Das-
Tffltatter wMp vat iett deka.
OT7 'ONMa{spRD'.Ma P. O.b� �.
1`l ...t last .at 7 5U... t4lt41
mho clow mem Slit= e
Bended Is clearing SW. .
To raise the tmlaaee of the .um
relebled• G. C. I. journal. "Tb.
E.bo,e le to be printed during the
. 1`.e friends of the
sed of the Red Oros, •r+
to giro timer ge.erots,
gps rvtailge to this est.., sire .
S �t.e�h(3)73:4
J( - MI16167.1
B 8 dart (61 65.2
M McLeod 13161.4
L fautenslayer 1054.6
Fomes, II.
M Sullivan 144 :4 B Longmire 60.5
(4 Pinder t42 M Baschler 60.4
J MecF.wan Fe Y Cox 6n
,V Ludob 76.5 A Saundets 611
E Sallow. 71 :. M Griffin 611
A M.cEwan 72 2 M Walter 69.1
H Worsell 70.2 0 Black f6
J Howie 6.8 U Sault' 66.3
✓ at, I4onsgb 6R R Hicks fit
1 Ci.tt 67.7 G Porter 57.4
K McArthur 67 W Washi.gton 66
R M Ler Si N Roberta 56
K Weston 66 E Hays
14 Pridham 66.3 E Rutledge 48 7
B Cutt 66 1. Adams 46.2
C .ltim 64.3 J Nell
We appeal to the magistrates. as
well as to our town council and citi-
to be given by the ladies of St. I zees generally. to use their utmost en-
George'. Chin .•12 Guild, at Oddfehows denvor to secure a just and ads -quote
Hall, April 15th. I enforcement of the temperance leais-
letion that our voters have so often
and so emphatically eudo,r-ed.
A M Huneierst s.
Secretary of the (:ilixen.. Social
Service League.
Go lerich. >Iareh abet. 1016.
T h e supplementary estimates
brought down at Ottawa this week in-
clude an item of $3,01111 for repairs to
the piers at Bayfield harbor.
The sum of $.24.:0) ba. been collected
ny the children of Vittoria school
towards the shilling fund of the school
rh'klien of Canada for the children of
Hell' .
A Mir of socks, with Cha Hair neatly
knitted In colors, ba. (•own on exhibition
in Porter's bookstore. window and has
attracted touch att-ovum. .Ve le.rn
tbat the knitter wn. Mts. John Got-
ham. of the Huron road. 1t is pro-
posed that these unique socks be pre-
sented to Captain Sale, to he used as a
talisman when be goes to the front.
Before purchasing your Faster nor•
pities see Blackstones window display.
from le tip.
Try Edwards for your Easter candies.
cream fatties. glazed fruits and
nota, and caramels. Orders delivered.
Phone :Sox►.
-Stratford Beacon (Monday): Mies
Flrnenre 14x11 left today to visit friend.
n G.aierich and Dungannon
HARRIS( 1N In ()Menet. on Monday March
.•eh. to Mr. and Mn. F. 4. Harr, -on n
BIPI•y:TT. On Norris Ieth. et Al.r•indm, 18.0
ppeal, Ooderi•b. to Mr an.i Mr•. un•WMe
14--ett. Newest. street. 1 roe
Me LI'.QI'. In Detroit. on Stonier Starch rrah.
cattllOHne Mclkenrle. widow of the late
An u+ McLeod.
TRI'IN:LUN Al IYO.terttv tukalebewan.
on The y. Mania :xh. Harriet Hoven.
relicts( We Ih. Wonham Trudges..
REDMOND. In East %&w..h. tin Toady.
M•reh John Redmo,.d aged C year.
and II mouths.
sarCNnAT. April 3. Sete of DKrk dwelling.
Wambold fsrslttra etc.. property of Unnaog
Owest peemB
nea. eton eit1Ml. at 1S)
admit. Tress. (>lowoNv. aaetieeeer.
VovoaT. ARU l- Asetlse male of hose
Mid fersitste. property of Mak es.,,, blew
gate street. 1 wow Me vont. auctioneer.
T rasp&T. ALAi ILSale el farm week crow.,
l et
UM fMet of 3.. p'.mj},y.. Aman wei�tee
ran onomdeg . Lae N��• Twnt► 0V111107.•set lenese.
%antiatt•r, April 7. - notion sale of farm
. leek and Imelemseta u Ia 7. eon. 4, un-
horse tow.aml,. Lunen Artie. prortetee
TINA tie etter..eetto.ser.
mad. A
Yet -mew a1ae
sat Apprra♦--Auction mole et Wei
S desk OL Om. O t arse 1N s. tem reol. -
plea iet: Ove-
aa -
007. ausamm r.
SaTVeoa•. AAAI In. ('tests •.etfon
cal. A Mayne. (ares .torr. Implementa hag
sea, of MN. Ro.rd .4r l st,gaie'
o the King Edward hotel .tall..
Itvgeytkine mud be mid. se Mr.
Me ass has gives tap the At tell rams. Tena
O1•LDST ea basses.
R Proudfoxot 66.8, D Me aid 46 4•M.ok.aoser. 114 p,AenprstrlfI,�.1 a. R Y*
N Driver 617 A Clark SLR Mara 00Mto leesdili. Two. Monier.
0 O'Connor MLR K Olen 10.7 a.etbiser.
Corning to 0 -rieh Tl,. ibrenwend t o. •
An-t toe SAle 'on U Keith .... 1
Reader H. T. Filward. 1
Notice to the White Deal 14rs..n 1
Olrl tt anted -Mn T. L Prost . .. t
P►rm for Sale -C. Wager 1
"Rough es Rale .. .. . ...... 4
A net ion Bels --(t. R MaeleaiM . ... .... 1
Aoetlon Sake-(. A. a p. W Andrew 1
Aer•ties hl. - Robert Metas 1
Maid Wanted Men J. l'. M.et4e ... 1
M.44 Wanted MYa Dorn 1
Window D0.sr.tls.o-Ow.f .18.5.lsa....... i
5erlsty Weal CMOs, W. E. Maas 4
tutu,.,. eta -Demise Oa. ..... .. .. 4
Dart Wait Far TMwkmm. Can,
Anneal Resales -Culla Massless i