The Signal, 1915-3-25, Page 6. • • Tnui"DAi, Memos 25, 1915 THE OII6INLL AND ONLY 6 ENUiNE BEWARE OF IMITA- TIONS 'OLD ON THE MERITS OF I1NARD'S LINIIENT i;o 0 KBI N D1N6 MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and I.IBRARIES bound or repaired. tiOLU LETTERING on LEATHER GOODS .,Jtotder' .178. aa1 Y •tteedad to on leevtng huu, et'1'H}. y1ON. L. Uode ich. A. E. TAYLOR, th1fATnoRD. t MEDICAL i IR. GEO. HEILEMANN, OS1'E- 11 PATH. specialist In women . and chil- .ren'. demons. acute. 'hronicfund nervous dis- orecen. eye. ear. no.... .lid throat. lumbago and rheumatic oolydu ionsMice Nun ch. h .tle,et, third th Suor from e 8p . 'tit. F. J. R. FORSTER-EYE, EAR. 11 u .e and throat only. Hours summit. New York Oplalbaltulc and Aural Institute. " lin Yowl A.. i+t-. Fir. No..e And 1 brwt Hospital. Gulden eieunro. and Moorefield Kye Hospital. I„melon, }:upland. Ud1x, S38.Wsterlast Street. s' Milord. opposite Knox Church. Hoot+. K • e 1! . m . 2 1 1 p. m.. 7 toe p. w. Telephone WH. AND bfINNiE M. GREEK, D. C.; Chiropractors, some and nerve •pir.ali.t... Chiropractic is the .ciente that cure- without drum. or knits. Frew essmula• tion. (Mice over Sharmai• Shoe More. en- train -eon Kb oo usa .eet- l'hooe rt. AUCTIONEER. THOMAS GUNDRY AUeTIUN CLR: THE SIGNAL 3ODLRICH ONTARIO ii.,v 67. Urwlerich. All instruction. by mall left a1 t.+i.nal oases will b. promptly at - ended TO. Kead0floo telephone I l'4 LEGAL It U. HAYS RAIUtI1TF.R, $ +LI('iTUR. NOT.\RV t'tifLU. tt1❑. - eeing Hail. Block. Hamilton S.r.et, .. t.. n Telepbon.• 'CC .lc:A 1.0.14- and In-orane . 1'ttOL'fi!*UOI, tCIL1AlRAN A I'itul' 1►FtN )1' .o.;.k {TUt:-. N4T.11tI1.4 - PCItl.It', 1.1t'. tidier 00 the Sgnare..ecoud door from Hanr- Uton drtet. lioderich. etItate nod. to loan at luwt.t ratc- %V. Punt tivr rt. K.C. J. l.. KII.'OKA] W. 1'11ouDro• T. Ja, 14A 1:1:1 411 County and District 1 The, barn, with all ire contests, of faro act one launderd aces on the %Vw. Patterson, et Whiterburcb. was :ird concession. ['shorn,. to Samuel destroyed by fire un March lath. Parson., of Easter, foe Stt,its'. John Jarobe, of theleaubte line, Ha% One day last week while l'. T. township, died at London on Marro Brook. was unlq ding eggs at the 12th, (soul pnrumonie. He was io station a truck, upon which were piled his tl(ly•(ourlh year. eighteen cases of egg•, ran offthe Jaurs Mutbrrland, „hire( .on of platform, with the result that 131 Denial Sutherland, of Constance, died dozen were smashed or cracked. sin March 10th in his tbirty-drat year. A story was circulated last week He had been unwell for some time. that Karig 0. Ce.+kaon, son of Mr. and The Hayfield Patriotic Society her MF. Thor. 1'ox,k+aro, of town, had w: been kill forwarded a cheque for 1':, W be ap killed Detroit in a street car plied to purcha.iog tobacco for the accldrnt. Later word came (roto l'anadien .oldirrr now et for fr int. l':x)kson himself that br was alive and well. at loi.don. Miss ('aerie .Ierdine, of (iorrie. be Mrs. Kicbard liidlry Palmed away at MsIe . on bride of Illth. Bennett, 3. her biome here on March 11th, after Kalem, Marsh 111th. Itrv. A. H. Mat a few days' einem. She wail with - Dobson, of Foni,vich, toed the nuptial in a few day. of her ninetieth birth - 1 knot day. Hee husband and two 'aro- The roe( of the engine robin of R'ros• children. Mr+. Elston, of town, and (rtes saw will was burr.ed off one evrn- \I!. M H. (Wiry, of Hl'tb, survive. ing recently. Prompt action on the part of the torr -lighters saved the rest BRUSSELS. of the building. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McIntosh left SHE (10T IT BACK. Miss Mabel Patterson, of Harristoo. hut week for their home at Wes: war merited, uu March loth, to Wee. Hope. North lMkot t. One Way to Deal With the •'N'lidera" Mclean, ief Wroxeter. The ceremony U••vid Shi.1. of Hillsdale. Mich.. who took place .tt the home of the to file's was a resident of Brussel% nearly thirty parents at Harri.tun. years ago. wes c.11inlr on former George Town, of R'roxeter, received friends herr recrntl.. several ftacturrd ribs and other in- K. F. Downing bas purchased the juries when be slipped •ni fell down r-eaideuee at the corner of Mill and his cellar mops recently. John streets from B. Berry. Mr. While repairing his windmill one (ferry. who u•ed to reside here, now morning last week. David Breen. of lives At Fort William. the 10th concession. Turnberry, bad The poles of the Bell Telephone Uo. one Huger token oft in the cogs •nd Darr been removed from the streets his hand badly mangled. and were hauled to R'ingham recent - John F. Krueger. of the lith con- ly The Rural Telephone Co. now cession. Stephen, has sold his fifty- does iatsiner. for the Bell herr. acro farm tat Wilfred Desjardine for Mn. Young of Moo.omiu, Sask , 1/*,00o. After having a sale Mi. Kitty- and Mrs. P. U. McKinnon, of %Vinci• ger will move to Exeter. peg, who had been with their sister, Mrs. Joseph t-prball, an aged rest. Mrs. J. IAe kir. for the paat four dent ot Hibbert, died at the home of months. have returned to their home• her daughter, Mrs. French, of Tucker- in the West. wealth, on Friday, March 12th. She A new 1u11horsep)wer toiler has was seventy-three years old. kern installed in the AILI•nt factory, The trustees of S. S. No. 4. MeKil. It was built by the Hunter Bridge k lop, are offering the old school build. Boiler Co.. of Kincardine. The engine ing for sale and &irking for tenders for room at for factory was extended six - the erection ot 1a new building. The teen feet and the factory ie now run - present ',hoot ,building has been in ning again after being shut dean for use for Hfty-t wo years. iwpmveuneuts. Mrs. James Laird, of Ethel, died al Sundays. April Atli and 11th, are the the home of ner daughter. Mrs. lei.' dates'selected for the special dedica- ('atuptell, 3rd concession. Grey. on tory services in connection with the March lath. She was born in Scot new Melville Presbyterian church. lend seventy-eight years ago. Two Rev. lir. Roe. of Toronto. will be the suns and four daughter. survive. special speaker on the nth and. Rev. Mi. and Mrs. Finlay Anderson. of Ik• Sh will be present on the Eset \Vawanosh• celebrated tbe lift.- 1llh. soh annivealy of their wedding day SEAFORTH. tw on March St h. Mr. Anderson has held Mrs. Tho.. Patton fractured he - the position of township treasurer for a ,Ilerhone by falling from a chair uu the past !went)' yrAto. wbieh .he was standing. Mrs. Murdoch McLean died at her 11 wglas C'alier, a sun of Mee. A. home near Ripley on March 12th in Calder. of town. has been appointed her fifty-eeventh year. Mr.. Alex. manager of the Union stock -yard•, Reid and Mrs. J. O. Vanelekle, of Toronto. \Vinghatn, are daughters and with t•tptain W. H. Holland, of the Sal. their husbands attended the funeral. vat 1 u Army, ba.; tavern transferred to Harold Elliott. the eight-year-old Tdsoubutg. Captain Ward of Tilscat- son of Mr. and Mir. Charier Elliott. iturg will tome here. of Bluev,ele, ha.l two fingers taken off Frank G. Habkuk, of Winnipeg. while playing with 10me lads who eon of John Hebkirk, of town, bar left were cutting wood at hie home. He for the front as a member of the 8•. WAS taken to iVingbam hospital and it Jelin a Ambulance Corps. progrea.ing Iwvurably'' Rev. We•le. Casson, a retitpd Meth- • •list minister• who was eft' ioned het( 1 O. CAMERON. K. C.. RARKiS TKR. solicitor, sot nay- poblk. dtce. �U d1U•n .ittrr-0t. k.4erk•h. third door fes '}purer. A) Clm:on Thilyday of each w'ee'; e lir otdu• •. A•,1 street occupied by .ether) Th'. P. a.m. 10* I CHARLES (4ARKO\V, LL.B., BAR , H}tr1'lilt, attorney, .dreitor. a:c., Uode- rict Mono y to tend at (ossa rate- d 1SEAUER. BARRISTER, SOL- ic411-r. Norary l'ublir and t'onv y)n er. •Rt.r !'oust tions. Uoderich. INSURANCE, LOANS. ETC. five years old. The widow and one daughter survive. Mr.. Joseph Midair's passed sway at the home to her sun -til law, Joe. P. Wellwoed, un March Idtb, aged nin.ty- eve yea'.. Mho was born in Ireland and salute to Canada sixty three year* ago. tier husband prrdreeesett her twenty-two year.. One deuehter and two eons survive. At the la•t sitting rf tyre D.vieion Court here tbe caste of linitis vs. Grey was head. hlr. Grey had e°ntracted with Mi. Lilt'e lar th • del'vrry of twenty tens of hay at $W p.r ton. Part .•f the bay erre delivered and Mr. Little would not deliver balance sinters 1113 per ten tees p.i4. fart of hey was pa;d for and Mr. Little eucct torr balmier. Owing to fellers of delivery of 11As &eper roll%riser Mr. Copy wee forced to pay from ill l to 815 f.•r hay ar,d e, t. fed a counter claim. Judg- ment for defendant was f:3111a. Howrsei mean )our lite 1.; inert it and live It : du not -t 1. sou call It bard amus.. -Thoreau 11.0 •tt,.u\luli tt.a. her. hot tie duly, 1ls meat, ty.s• lust,-. tK. 4.tie.i 1.y ail) 1.411.-e.•l1)14. 420 vV 0 'Z.'A10FUN, 1;D. SlA]O itRUN Dant-ter Huainan street, Ooderlrh. W R. ROBERTSON, • 1NIACRANCE AOKNT. Fine situ LIORTNI?n: British. Canadian and American. Aa, uti rt Slrasx++e San PMPLOtxna' Luau, try : The (wear. Accident and Unarautee .'orr.prwt fon, IJmi:ed. of Loudon. Etat. ht.at.ITT ArulirAlt . ' Humus : The C.S. Fidelity mai U,taranue Company. •)ft4.r at n,•lrtener, nmthea•t conic' of Vic - to is mad et. t)..vld. atrial. -Phone 17tt LICMILiOP MUTUAL FiRE IN - .11. SUR ASCII.: CO. -Farm and 1s1twat I w', Nowt i•wurel. 1,ateerw-J. It. McLean. Pre+., iieaforth P.O.; J•. l.Oonotly. Vice -Plea. Uuderleb 1'. U.: Teomas L Hayr hse•.•Ttra+., neefonh P. U. Director. -11. 1. Icllregor, Seaforth . John 1.U,1.v.. Winthrop' N spoil Kinn.l on+tare*: the 1latlae.wels, Itrodh.►en : JamieEa ani., •hwwd, Robert Feral, Harlock : Malcolm Mckwes. Sroo.ned. Amer. J. N1y.l I. iet,cl7WnWChe.nec►turth : k. nnrh1.l,Is*e(ottlIsl/ey to�„nown pay a.se•wteete sol fel their CAr1• ree011..•1 at J. Mst"lsk•s 1 ha hind atom.. Lnton. or at H. K. usu.. Utone, 1 . ...vston .t rest. Uo.terich. MARRIAGE LICENSES • IVAl.l'lt 6. Rl(M , J. P., INOVEIt U leARR1AOlt LHC101810(. Brophey Bros. OODKKiCH The Lading Funeral Directors sad Embalmers Orders carefully attended • M all hours. night or di S tail Caroline, daughter of M-. and Mrs. Henry Ueaeoi. of Belgra.r, wa. .,,at. sewn ago, died at Toronto on married at the M• .bod d ptrworiap'. March 1_tb. He was eighth five year. Wingham. on F'ruisy, Merril 12 h, 1', old Allen Victor t'nttis..n, of Eau \'arta Rohl. Bell hAs secured a contract fru no -1). After tis h n•-viuoon they well the making ot shells for the Brit i+h rr.ldr in Edit ui, ,'t r.osb. army. The neve m.ary machinery i. l'rederie1 K1i+L•rdir•1' . .talc rat 1!eing in.talle.l .04 a busy time is ex - Bolin w11i1•• W1116114 t h1store "0 petted, u.'h 1:G h. lir w.t. a prominent -hoc • The engagement is announced of merchant .and yawl. ago conducted • Norma. Roberta, daughter of Mr. and shoe start at Dashwood. re liseriards for Mrs. Samuel Dickson. W William Mel- mo,nte to eIers. ,whirr he used for sine Corlert, of Fort Saskatchewan, ePventeen }mere. He was sixty years the wedding W take place early in old. Th.• home of Wn•. Wilson. of April. the Ith cottceesioti, Htlllett, was in- K• Chat of Tucker innate ham pur- vxded l.v some seventy of hie neigh. chased the resider:err of Mrs. Burk in boll o..• evening recently, who pre - forth North ward and will come t° Sea- 101 him and his niers with as ad - to to reside!. Mr.. Burk is leaving dress and a parr of handwrite rocking to reside with her daughter at Ot- ^hairs. Mr. Wilson is moving to Sea- taws• forth to reside. Mrs William Johnston died at her F:dnn, daughter n[ Mr. and ]ale hove hard on March 11th. She yea, John Duncan. of the l'hanier road, born in Ireland righty four years ago t•.horne, WA* team led en Marsh 1. th t'nt had rrs,(1etl in l'rnada for up - to Charles Borland. of the same stein - band n( sixty year". Wattle her hu.- lie The reremo)iv, which we.' -held band sewn daughters mourn the loss at the Theme. Road I'rret i tester. of • lv'"d one. manse, wits cnndu.trd hy Rev. Colin .lams 1'. La.dIew di.,i on Tuesday, Fletcher. After the honeymoon the 11i 1in■t., as the age of eighty-one Young r-,% )Ir conrtnMe •d h.•nsa•k.ep- year., aft.' • brief illness of mom- ing Pit the (rcanm'm form. S roonie. He was horn in Ayrshire, ret- l'LINTO\. land, coming to this country when a Bert Langford has rented the lot voting own. He www one of the pi- Bert by Ur. Evan... next to Jos t 'nr.r merchant. of Seaforth and re. tired only • few years ago. Besides Cook's reiidenra, and will .rest a gar- the widow, four daughters survive. age on it. Mr.. John I(chnonhal*. who had W ING HAM. been visiting friends at Port Albert. Wesley Patterson, having mild his was ( In Milv.rtnn, where her farm on the 12.h line of 'tVawanneb, father, Mr. Schstfrr, is i11. The Plincese Theatre has ehangeel Robert McGee has disposed of hi. hands. Mr HA''''" has «)Id his In• dilating hlsin•aa to Tindall Ritchie, terestr to Mes-r+. Lee And Hnngb- who hos already taken pouseeion. ton. After being closed a few days R A. Tailor, who ha. resided her • for repairs the theatre was reopenedIt ties pout morn years, has put - last week with A full houac. chased a farm in Howick and moved and Mrs. John Steen and little to it. daughter, who hail spent the winter J John F. fir )res has received 10. •p - with friends hem. telt last week for restatement of ironer of marriage It- ('•lifoInia. They intend visiting Ran cases b. aro.cfi Postmaster (crit- F'ranrlecn and will prolrMy ep.nd lin, whoin recen tpltly ,*signed. anInr time in the Southern Mat.* h.- Mrs. John Iwmosthy, • farmer resi- dent tinnily returning to their hame in dent of obi' vicinity, and mother of A is coming to town to reside. Real Estate Man. A story which is being told with great relish by investors in Ontario will interest those who have put money into a realty deal which• to nay the least, 1s not as profitable as represented. It shows what can be accomplished by a determineti cham- pion, who has the law at his finger ends, and who is righteously indig- nant into the bargain. The lawyer in question is guardfaa t4 a young woman In Ontario, who his the support of a blind brother on her hands. He acts as guardian on the request made by the young woman's father, who has been dead for some years. She was Inveigled into hand- ing over the sum of 12,500 cash for so-called town lots somewhere In the region of a Canadian qty. Certain circumstances In the deal aroused bee apprehension, and she finally went to the lawyer and explained the whole matter to him. The legal man promptly went to the telephone, called up one of the partners who had put through the deal, and spoke to him In this wise: " Tou procured Miss So -and -So to boy lots In a certain subdtrfsion, for which she paid yon the sum of 12,500. This is Thomas Caveat speaking. I am her lawyer, and her guardian. I want you to come up here to my omce right away." "I don't want you to spook to me that way over the telephone. I have no intention of coming to your of- fice," said the other. "You'll either come or I'II send a policeman for you with a warrant, and that mighty quick," declared the legal man, with sufficient em- phasis; "and when you get ftp here I can promise you I'll talk to you more to the point than I am now doing." It may be surmised that the real estater was scared pink. At any rata, over to the office he went, where be was handled without gloves. "Yon have taken advantage of the Ignorance of this girl to sell her teal estate In the Weet that isn't worth a dollar. Sbe has given you 12,500. I don't want to talk about this rase at all. I am her guardian, and I want that 12.500 back again." "I haven't got the money." replied the uncomfortable -party of the second part. I.11 give you thirty days to get 11, and at the end of tbat time if the money is not In my hands I will get oat a warrant for the arrest of you and your partner ein the charge of conspiracy to defraud," declared the guardian. The real *stator made haste to get the money, and the amount of 12,500 Is now safely invested to the credit of the young woman. - Saturday Night. Tskn. Mrs. Wm. Holmes, of town, dial at The death ncturlewl no Tru,sday. Tnront i. o0 Mwrrh IIRh. in herninely- Marr•IiKith, of ld�•a t+, H. Kane., new evened yew.. The remain. were in. t'linwoo nldi.eli resid sig Mrstotted in Wingham cemetery. Rwnrr, who wws arvenh eight ear; Captain l'hwmpke and Lieut. Old. rani. U) Ma de frith Mr a Hetsr. 1•Dta M iIN1. Her Maiden names wee Har• e/.al on who had haven In charges of riots' Ilatt.nb it family of flue nor lbw, RwlvatnArmy *grit here for rive : Mrs. '. *rkerm, Mrs. (1).) •"� re -nth., left last w k, Captain th Rhaw real Miss Al re Kane*, of Ion '. Thu.. Rance, of Winnipeg. and Mrjnr Ranee, of the ;Red Battalloe, now pewit -red at London. EXETER Rev.n hews* for artillery purposes were purchased hers by ml tarp auth- orities. Thr town rotnnril held it. first room- ing in the new library roam on M•rrb 12 h. TO. future meetings will dee beheld there. Mn John Nosthrote wee rewdeved o.1 c,esetous es* day Irl week by a Mock of word wOM•h fell from • p(M near whisk Mae wee *funis*. �s has now reeswesed. Frenele iNaM. Lord abs sold Mom pa en wiU take • oath r ware - term end Lieut. Roberts takes up work at Sara i a . A former resident of Wingham died at Re.k•t,Mei on March 10th In the person of Robert Drearier. While here Mr. Dreamer war milord In the Alarkeasoh h1..slswss. 11. wei efts. AFRAID SNE WAS DYING Uttered ,.gin Um SIN Took "Fm+mn° ST. Jsart DI MATHA, JAI. 27th. 1914. "After suilenng for • long time with Dyspepsia, I have been cured m"Fruit -a -fives". I suffered so uch that I would not daze eat for I was afraid of dying. Five years ago, I received samples of "Fruit-a-tives'. I dtd not wish to try them for I had little confidence in them but, seeing my husband's anxiety, I decided to do so and at once I Tilt relief. Then I sent for three boxes and I kept improv- ing until 1 was cured. Willie sick, I lint several pounds, but after akin` •' Fruit-a-tives ", I quickly regained what I had lost. Now I eat, sleep and digest well -in a word, I am completely cured, thanks to "Fruit-a-tives' . Manem M. CHARBONNEAU " fruit-. tives " is the greatest stomach tonic in the world and will al way scure Indigestion, Sour Stomach, •' 11marlborn ", Dyspepsia and other S:.)mach Troubles. i.•c•. a box, 6 for ia.so, trial site, me. all dealers or sent on receipt of e by Fruita-tires Limited, Ottawa. A short time ago u gentleman asked w johbing gardener what he tbocaght of the war. •' %Vr 11 ' maid the man, "1 say that them Germans air lick- ing dr all the time'. Whet are the Rren^h doin'r Nothiq! And the British ain't the tighter -a they was in the olden day+. And the Beigilns they don't omens, ens, 'ems there ain't enough of 'rut. And the Russians ntn't worth auylhirg. Truth. sir. if it rownl't for them there Allies we'd simply get walked over." How's This? N"e oder t )a Hundred Dollar. Itcward 10r any rare of catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall". Catarrh cure. r'. J. CHKNI:Y k CO.. Toledo, 4). We the undeodaned have known F. J. ('het,ey for the last l ; year-. and believe *4111 pwfrcay honorable In all bu.lue.. tout. rt..ai, and ansociall)able 'to cArry out any ebbe+ t Imo nude by M. 0, 0r. NATId'AI 0, C0,1,11..144 a. Toledo. 4). Hall. Catarrh lure is taken interned, act tut direct( epos the blood ani moron+ sur Hee. ot the 'Tatem. Te.tlmowl .14 a rat free. l'e'ak* Ha It. Family I'tllm tle. oreoonstlpacioby all u. •t PRZEIMYSL FORTRESS TAKEN BY RUSSIANS After Ciao of Months Austrian Ow fenders Had to Submll-Weeken- sd by Hunger and Losses The. Austrian turtre3s of Priemysl on the Oaltclan.Russlaa frontier, re- garded as one of the strongest In the world, surrendered to tan Russian arn•y on Monday. . The capitulation came when Gen- erals Pitlk von Rudan, commander of the Infantry forces, and General Her- mann von Kusmanck, commander o' the artillery and the forts, signified through messengers through the Ilnee that they had exhausted their means of defence. Depleted by disease, subsisting on horse flesh and surrounded by a super- ior force of Russians. the garrison of the mid -Galician town laid down Its arms after a defence lasting many mouths. The hotst!ng of the white flag over We fortress, which was said to be on the point of surrender on a number of occasions, caused tittle surprise, as it was generally known that It was in a terribly weakened condition, with- out food or ammunttidn, and Its endur- ance was only a question of days. Russian War Office advices report that nine Austrian generals were taken, more than 300 officers, and 50,000 men. It la officially announced that In consequence of the joyful event of the surrender of Priemysl the Grand Duke, generalissimo of the forces, has awarded the Cross of the Military Order of St. George, of the second degree, to General [rinitrie!, com- mander of the beslcgtng army, while to his assistant, General Sltvanoff, he has awarded the same cross of the third degree. The position of the defenders of Prsemyst has been hopetest stnee Friday, when the sorties of the best Honved division was cut to plecta eastward of Prxemysl. where the Rud - elan guns from behind a crest /tit) feet high were smashing the inner citadel. Deaths, wounds, sickness• dest!t'.rttan and loss In prisoners reduced the ger Orion until It was unable to defe :d the 26 mases circ umference of th forts. An amusing incident COMPS 11 out Petawaws camp. An armed gusi'.l was standing over n number of pri.- oners who were cutting wood. Be- coming disguste.l with th.• indifferent wee the foreigners handled the axe. the guard exchanged hie loadrd rifle for an axe and proceeded to show them the proper way to chop. The ►totvgoes that the sound War kept chopping fora longer time then bar- gained for. - T_- $100.00 iN BOLD. We will give one hundred dollars in gold to any 01111, wnni+nor child that cannot to hrnetil-.I by Magritte hair tonic. We are Sit xiut.s to have evely- one tryPiagerne. fee. w, know it 10 the creates! hair tunic that has ever been discovered. Sageio. will positively cure an itchy scalp, bring life into dull, faded ham and add inches to O. length. S.geine is now obtainable it Goderich and is sold under n guar •i- ter to please. A large bottle o( Mage- ine coots hut fifty err to He sure to go to C. I.. Omit's' drug *tore, for other stores don't have Sag.•ine. The Order of Rt. John. Every large town in Canada now has its corps of St. John Ambulance men for service in tbe•„mllitary and naval hospitals. This is an ancient Order, which owes its origin to the year 1050, when a few wealthy merchants obtained sanction to found • hospital within the walls of Jerusalem, the object be - Ing to succour the poor sick pilgrims who made their pilgrimage to the Holy City. Many hospitals were founded by the Order, and after the Holy Wars we lind them established at Malta in 1575. gibleh hospital still stands. Eventually, the banner of the Order wag planted in England at Clerkenwell-at that time a small village near London -where the Or- der still has its headquarters at St. John's Gate. They were not long to enjoy their privilege in England, for in 1540 King Henry VIIi. decreed the aboli- tion of all religious orders and monas- teries. The Order of St. John shared their fate. to be restored again when Philip and Mary came to the throne. Again the Order was dissolved by Queen Elizabeth. Then, In the year 1827, came a great detaaod for the no Oval of Olt Order --commencing In Prance, let It be noted -and King George IV. became Interested, and ap- pointed a Grand Prior of the Order, and sines. that date it has gone stead- ily on. and Its ambulance dep•rtmeat to -day Is one of the greatest humani- tarian movements of the ante. A Double Promo( km. L1.ut - ol. L. W. Shannon, ot Loa- , don, Ont is reeetving congratula- tions fro Ms friends upon &Dottier promotion which came to him as • great surprise recently. Only • few weeks ago, Lieut. -Col. Shannon, who le acting eommandlag omrer of the first division, was pro- moted from the rank of major And now be has been made a full colonel In hie own division by the depart- ment at (ttawa. Having hese so recently elevated from his majority, It Is no wonder that there Is surprise and heartiest eongratalatlons at the news of the authority to w.21 another "tar with kis former designation of r•ttk "Pc," said Tommy. setting hi, bfty- fleet question that evening, "i+ a res. IN -1 • boat "Well, yr. " said Pa, trying to reed hie paper : van can call a vessel • boat. certainly." "Well, n hot kind of a boat is a blood vessel :+" "A lifeboat, of course. Now tun off to hell.'. WHAT MOTIERS SAY OF - BABY'S OWN TABLETS. Once a mother has u•.d Betty's Own Tablets for bet little ones she will acme no other medieine. She quickly real- ise* 11. tablets etre en ahsolut••ly safe remedy and one that will give sure re- mits. Concerning lh m Mrs. R. 1.. Wright, Penn that, $a.k . write.: •'1 h..ve used hafts'. Own Tableim for my • hree habies and think so much of •hem that 1 alw,..* keep 1h0t1 in the house." Thr tat te.s are ...Id by medi- crne dealers or by mail at ") cent* w box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. Be ebarltable before wealth makes thee covetnu•, and In -e not the glory of the mite. -Sar Thome. Brown. Politeness has indeed shout it mome- thing mystical: like religion, it is everywhere understood and nowhere deAred.-Chesterton. The comfort whi -b pa )r human De - in r• want in sw•h a w •rIiIas t.his is not the romfert of ease but the comfort of ttengtb.-King 1.7.,or A BACKACHE ith burning, bigbly colored t'. .-;.,e-.n,te sure cissaof weak or i •. a .:rne.I Kklaeys. Gin Pills t :rt• ell Kidney *ad Bladder 111.110. Itl� ZEPPELINS RAID PARD Little Dam. ge Dore by Their Bombs -No Citizen Killed Zeppelin alrahips rald.,•1 -Facia ear:y Sunday morning and dropped a dci: a bombs. but the damage doze we en= Important. Seven or sigh};, were injured, but only odb aerious'y Four of the aircraft started for t .: capital, fo::ewing the valley of •1•. Oise, but on:y two reached the.r'toa! Missiles aiao were droOpud t'o.. plegne, R.h_`ourt and Dreslin.. i:.. but without serious reaubta. Paris remained calm while t •. aerial lneaticn was 1n prep . kesldents of the city evhib:; . d oor curie. sty thra tear, as to the reed Trumpets gave the signal t'ia: lights r.;-_ s. ' extinguis • ., as s . as warn:n; - received • :he 3epr.. Tins' aptrosc'. Search'oo.s ::er turned on . clouds. ... ra guns open;' "re, and a.-'•, : ;i r r. to attack t... Gcrma-a, t t-. - operattont -r• Kamp-. i:d try 2 moat - The c. •:ai cc::: i.:'e -. c . Ing the raid dec:ares it served u: to show hcw well the defer lve a-- rangements wou:d work out elle i 9.1 to the test. The star -m' et deo:-r•, the one Zeppelin app.eato! t _. been hit. "Summing up," says the officio: re- port, "the ra:d wet a compl.te ure. it ori:y a.r.ed to demons:rat how well th,.• defensive arrange m.nt; work The pcpul2Jio0 sac cola. 0,. their way b:c', the Zeppelins dmppee a dozen inc.-ed ary or explosOo bo b on Compieghr. doing nays un alf.o t t damage. Three bombs wen. circ.p •d on Rib.court and Urssancstet :c t north of Compiegne without result." Young Clerk's Big Profit Testifying before the OLIO! \c counts Committee at Ottawa ., Pon ell, clerk, 111., Ottaw atcre of W. F. G:'.rlard. M.P. :or u - ton county, said that he made 1 i 19.000 by ...1're to t::e parhrent rsrglcal tiresargs ada's wounded scidiers. 11:: ...• profit, he s.ac!, was' p -• tIe money bi !;aged -to i.1:.:. not have to glue en arcuur, Mr. Garland er anyone else, i Iceland. A Bc 's Double Crime A (;o;:b'• 'ra., dy oec-rn4 miles from Ortr,g •till* lest wee:; y. James Steven . a Hnrear.:o Ho Le to in t.i. t..::)::; of Retool Araatr.• • murdered th- w y 4srt(h1:r c' and .' - . rJ.ig tad tee.) out own throat. The farm is 1n Cilet: townahlp, In "eel meaty. Turks Massacre Christians Tbe Hrittsh For; tgn 01 c; Les t:; advised that Turkish soldiers recent( wild 1r. the 1'remhh dlitrtrt' of wt ern Perla and Wiled several bl�u civilises The Turks are s((�+id to bare burned several villages •°ter looting t11P-r.. Satldisr For Fire Chief Cot. Joseph G. Langton t M111(I* i)epartment at Ottawa I,a, been nomhated .by the Board of Co. trol far the position of lire Cmm� is stoner for Toronto at a salary or 85,WM per annum. General Stools Hurt Major-General Steele was throe from 01. horse and Injured when about to start in the big military parade at Toronto on Saturday H. bad bees meetlooed as passible mom mender of the Second Contingent Private) John A Jets of ((alt died Of 'ammonia mistreated through get Wag kis feet wet ladle at Oeelph The Signal's Clubbing List 1915 The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe -$3.75 Thr Sign11 and Daily Mail and Empire • 37S The Miguel and Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star i.BS The Signal and S•buday Illustrated Globe 1.85 Tbr Signal sod Weekly Sun (Toronto) . 1.85 The Signal and Toronto Daily Star • 3.10 Thr Signal and Toronto Daily World 32S Thr Signi1 and Toronto Daily 2 News ...... .... .... 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The •trove publication• may he obtained by Sign,' suMcrihera in any cnrnhination, the prier for any puhlicxt on being the figure given above Ices AI I"1 repreNenting the pi ire of The Signal. For Matinee: Th. Sona. and The Family Herold and Weekly th it 51.x1 The Farmer + Advocate 111111 le.• eL'••• ... 1.35 tt11" --making the price of the three paper- COLO'. The N.ans.. and The W esely The Tom,'. Dell) Star ($1.64 a; kat done ....-... 1.Mn gins -:he thr'•e paper, for M3.tVi, If the publieetion you want 1. trot in above 1i -t, let es know. We can .Apply almost any well- known CAT adnnn pelt lirahnn. Send •Iih'(•ti(1!ionm through local agent or hy pnst.'Mre or expres. ...der tent by bank ebequeito The Signal Printing Co., LIMITED Goderich Ontario b • 1