HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-3-25, Page 4ThvttsDAT, each 26, Hula IIHE SIGNAL GODERICH : ONTA Rl O 1811181.4111011114111041184041181111011104111111411.4111118110811141101/100811401.1.101.818( How To Do It._•.There are various methods of starting a flock of poultry, or of introducing new blood into an already established flock. The most popular methods today are by the purchase of eggs or day-old chicks. Eggs mean setting hens or incubators. Skill is required to run incubators successfully, and when a setting hen balks you may just as well quit, too. The purchase of day-old chicks is blicoming more popular each year as an economical method of accomplishing the end in view. Nature has provided focal for the youngster in the yolk of the egg which ma) be found in the body cavity of the chick. This yolk will care for the youngster for at least two days and it is not advisable to feed before the expiration of this time. It is on account of this fact that the chicks are shipped when one day old. They are usually left in the incubators for the first day to harden off or to become accustomed to the outside atmosphere. I have had pullets at seven to eight months old hide their nests and bring out a hatch of chicks. Two generations in one year --good evi- dence of early unaturity. I have had cockerels which weighed over five pounds at four months when dressed. This is the class of stock from which I amofferingday-old chicks. I expect to set 7,000 eggs this season and as the demand is coming in fmm many parts of the Province this supply will not last long, "THE EARLY BIRD GiLTS THE WORM." so now is the time to Mask your order. 1 shall be glad to send or give full particulars for the care of baby chicks to all entetit ere H. KEITH REVELL, Goderich Choose Easter Shoes Here! No Easter Outfit would he com- pote without 'Clue regard to the gneatinn of FOOTWEAR Aside from its greater Signifi - cancr. Easter Sunday is the chosen day for the exhibition of Spring Styles. It's the beginning of a new season: a change in nature's habiliment, and • in the raiment worn by mortal: Make your Easter Selection from our large stock of Spring Stytes. SHARMAN T11►: Sll,ti; %IAN \esu) • man se unh) .terve if he had nothing to live on hot hie 1Pputatioo.' 1met nr-"Ike you talk in your sleeps" Patient --'•No, 1 talk In other re'e ale's. 1 am Aeler•gynlan." "1 Am doing my test to get ahead," a.sert.d 'ht AO-. "%Veil, you err- tair.ly nerd one," sa,r itrd Dollie. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. SLY tees TorsuAY, March 14. Fives. -The citisene of Blyth were greatly stsrtled on Saturday morning, shout 10 A. w., by the sound of t e Aro alarm. It was discovered tbat the Inside of Mr Alex. Hernia's residence' was on Att. but with little delay the fire was extinguished. It seems Goal Mr. Hamm had placed • can of print on the stove and gone away, and it had exploded, uendlug the Mimes to the ceiUug, when they ran along un- til they got. Into a partition which had to he broken w let the water get at it before the flame was put out. Mr. Ritehie, of W inRh•m, who c•rriee the insurance, came down on the after- noon train rend we expect the elates will he adjusted this week. Tull Lewis Bowtstu -The Blyth lawn bow fes% held their annual meet- ing on Prtday night, and there should have been a larger attendance to bear such a good report. Dr. McTaggart as president occupied the chair end the tlrat husioem was the secretary's report, which showed tbat the howlers were clear of debt and had a 1talance of t12•L The howling club has been its existence for eight years and this is the first time it has town clear. The following officers were elected pr.ident, J. Coombs; president, Dr. U. .111isun ; vi-e-presiJent, T. B. Mc- Taggert ; secretary -treasurer, Jae. Mr - Murchie; executive committee: J. Coombs. J. M. Hamilton and Dr. M Taggart : tournament committee, 0. McTaggart and J. M. Hamilton; uj •wMoship committer, T. Stewart and A. W. Rnhinam. Tus 0O,n RnwinRteret DRoprino OFF. -Death has visited Blyth with more force than usual the past week, taking from this community four of the old residents., namely, Mr. James l'loekey, who was buried on Satur- day; Mrs. James Taylor. who had reached the advanced age of eighty - t wo veers and was hurled ort ytlndiy ; Mr. Jae. Bentley, who was buried on Monday and who bad passed his eighty fourth birthday: and Mr. Thor. Rose, who ors on his was U1 eighty -Ave )•ears. The deceased were among the early tether in this oOm- munity And could tell great stories of the early days when this fair count)' was all hush, hot in a very few years none of these eatly ts•ttIers will remain, as they are dropping off very Mr. Emri Snyder bas left for Moose rapidly and this winter seems to be Jaw, Sask., to take a position on the taking them off foster thao former C. P. R. staff there, otter a visit of ones. To acertain extent, of .coupe, several tnonths uuder the parental this is natural, as they are Retting roof Mr. and Mie John Stevens, oiler and cermet stand the cold of Goderich, spent, • few days with weather. ft lend. on the Maitland this week.... PH RliOY.\L AND GENERAL. -Messrs. The assessor is making his rounds this Bainton Bros. expect a large shipment weok. of sheepskins for slot it tannery this ('ALA.oRN6 FARMERS' ('LCR. -Thee week Mr. John Ik ,holm shipped meat ing of the Colborne Farmer three cars of turnips to Massachusetts Ctuh, held in the Temperance Hall, this week Nils Thomas and her Benmeller, on the Nth inst.. was little nicer, Gertrude Thomas,. visited largelymem- withattended, over twenty me - with the.latter's father beret's:* week. bees ing aided. A petition was Mr. K. B. McGowan. who re prepared to to presented to the l'ol- ceotly sold his f+res in Ent Wawa- borne coatcal waking them to nurcbaae nosh, has rented the residence t,f Mr. the weigh -scales at McGaw if they Jess Cuntipg, who intends moving to rnuld he secured at s reasonable price. his term. Neither will mote until The other topics dlscueeed were : The snot rive 10 April Mr. J. M. shipment of produce by the Club, cul- Hrmilton spent a couple of days of tivtion of growing alfalfa, the corn the past week with Toronto friends. crop.The next meeting will he held Mr. T. 3. William. was confined at the same place on Friday, April tp the house the past week with a 2nd. when addresses will he delivered severe attack of the grippe. ...Tran- hy Me. R. M Young, ors "The Farmer's sty church was closed on Sunday even - Place in Public Lift. 3n.ophIMailough ing on ace.nmt of the rotor. Rev. T. president of the Partners' In-titute, on H. Farr, h-ing on the risk list "Care of Or,'hardv.'and Den ste.-hwanz, Mrs. %V. F. Met,aughev spent • few on'• The Growing of Beans." days with her niece, Mrs. Jas. Key- ItiatigR S,n,DER -A very pretty nolds, at Guelph Mr. Jas. Cutt wedding Foe solemnised at the hoose has been huefly engaged buying of Mr. and airs. L. B. Snyder on Wed - Potatoes and chipping them to the needAy last, when their eldest daughter. Western Provinces, where therereems Mabel Estella, was united in marriage to be a good demand. He shipped to Fletcher K. Fieber, of Bennriller. sheer ran bus' week Mrt W. M. Rev. F. J. Rntherfurd, of Benmiller, EAST %%AWANOSH. Minutes- of council meeting held or. March 15th. Members all present. Minute, of last meeting read and con. med. The following patbwasters were Appointed : (aro. Sturdy, J. Stoltz, A. %V. Smtlith, T. Beadwork. R. Patterwtn, J. McClincbev, W. Ruddy. J. Nicholson, (Keo. Snell, Jos. Jobnston, W. Me(iowan, 0. Caldwell, %Vine Fear, 0. Potter, Jas, Wilson, %V. %Valden, 0. J Ammon, J. Woods, Geo. Wallace, R. Buchanan, W. W. Taylor. M. Mason. .1. McGill, M. Bell, N. Walsh. Fred (',sok, jr.. J. T. Bell, W. Howatt, M. McDowell, F. Camp- bell, D. Cook, J. W. Masan, P. W. Scott, J. Wight man, J. S. Scott; T. H. Taylor, Wt ihinher, Juno. McMt, .1. W. Bone, FA. Wwlsb, N. Bolt. C. IWightman, Alex. King. W. Scott, .Goo. Irwin, Thorns. Montgomery. And. Ferguson,' .W. Salter, J.. Coch- rane, .I. Menzies. W. Wightman, J. 'ethic'', Isaac Walker, K. %Valker, J. Young, C. Carter, J. Elliott, W. And- erson, I. Stewart, R. Stapleton, H. Taylor, J. Gillespie, Chas. Sandhurn, J. Morrison, A. Cornelius, J. Mmettzer, H. McGee, F. Doyle, J. Gibbons, J. Jamieson, Sam. Thompson, S. Mc- Burney. %Vm. Robineon, %V. James. H. Chancey and Wm. Nixon. Pound. keeprts-J. Hoare, R. C. McGowan, J. C. Stoltz, B. H. Taylor, G. Cunning- ham. Geo. Itet.erison, D. ('lows Thew. Robinse'n, J. Campbell, J. Cochrane land J. C. Currie. Feuceviewers-W. J. Parks, Gro. Sturdy, F. fit Stalker, 1John Menzies, K. Mhiell and A. Rotr- ,etteQn. Sheep valuawre-D. Mc(iill, i J. C. Stoltz. John T. Currie and J. J. Kerr. Bylaw No. :3, 1915, ratifying the shove appointments, and By - lar. 'so. 4, 1915, appointing J. E. Elba Collector fcr the present year, loth read and Passed. The ,•,'uncal then adjourned to meet age:n 00 Ma)• 35th, se a tempt of revision on the assoa.ntorrt roll and for other town• ahip business. A. PottTgitelet D, Clerk. There r411 lw no real happiness in the heart where self is enthroned. •'Oh, mother! How 1 wish I wee an angel !" "Usrling! What makes you say that' r" "Oh, hreanse, mother, then 1 could drop tombs on the Get - mans." Butter Wrappers GET THEM PRINTED AT The Signal Office ATTRACTIVE WORK MODERATE PRICES Ideal Fencing Why sed yourR.q' r money away when you ,-an get the Br F BNI'R frt its .1. no moor cost then you psy the outsider for en INFERIOR PKNCK? "IDEAL:" Fencing i* made.io last from the very beet duality of High /'ash n, GaIvanised, Hard Steel %Vire, and is accepted es the standari fere by all the leading railways of ('aneda. 4. in fence, .5 wires, all No. 9. foe EOie per rod :19 ii " " 9, for a$o 4o „ „ 7 „ " 9, for !S ., .. 4i( " " 7 s• " " 9, for lea " 41 „ " A ' • 9, far $O. " ' • 47 " 8 ., " " 9, for SOWN " 40 " " a •' No. 9 •tad 12, for 1 ff/s '• ,. Best prises on Fame and Lawn Doti., Lawn Fencing, Poultry Pencing. etc. Howell Hardware Co., ub. BEET PLACE TO BUT HARDWARE - - - PROMS >E • houmatism.. is Clic Acid in the blood. Unheakhy kidneys are the cause of the acid bring there. If the kidneys acted as they should they would strain the Uric Acid out of the sv.tern and rheuma- tism would, t over. Rheu- matism is a Kidney Dis- ease. Dodd's Kidney Pans have node a great part of their reputation curing Rheumatism- So get at the cause d those karfuI • hootinginand stiff, aching joints. Th re is but tete sure way- Dodd's Sidney R11R agents in the future. Much interest is rnanifwtrd in tbo work of this flour- ishing Club and a number of fanners are entering the field crop competition in connection with the Goderich In- dustrial and Agricultural Society. L seal and instrumental music was furnished hy Mia laitbwaite, Miw Willia,ur and Mr. Jas. !sterling. which was much enjoyed by the large as- sembly and atter a dainty luncheon served by the ladies the meeting broke up, all feeling that an enjoyable and sociable evening had been well spent. COLBORNE. TersDAY, March :3. Nxws Norge. -Have you got the grippte % . Marisa Riese and Edith Direst are visiting with their sister, Mrs. L Orme, of Mildmay Mr. liusL4ve Kurschenski and MrsC. Fess, of Berlin, are visiting with friends in this vicinity this week . Scott intends leering this week -tors tied the nuptial knot. Promptly at trip to CMliforniA. Mexico and other 4 ti clock, to the strains of the Bridal parts of the South, obese he bar re - Chorus from I.nhengrin pl:syed by Iativee. It is his intention to he away bio Bentley, the bride entered the par- e few months end he will attend the for Iremni( un the rim of her father Panama F zlicx inion.. \l r. J. A. Taylor, and carrying atwoueluet of cream roses. inspector of schools •for Ht.s,Tbom►s The ceremony wee .formed under an district, and Mr. Alex. Taylor, of Pn t I ceremty evergreen art ti Mimed with carnet- Stinley, attended the funeral of their mother this week . . Mt. John Rose, of Edmonton, and Rev. %V. Roar, 01 Halifax, were here this week in at- tendance at their tether's funeral,arid., made a very dui sty Hower Hart which took PIACI' nn Tuesday, ( dreesed in white voile. Atter con• GUDERICH TOWNSHIP. I gratulations had been received the n.\Y, March 22- 1 company repaired to the dining- NI"re,rn to partake of a sumptuous repast, Rano Tittle; PART...- A very pleas. after which the tvening was devoted ant and successful event funk place AL T the hoanilabir and commodious homy of Mr. J. %V. Salkeld on the evening of Chuerday. March 11th, the occasion being a "hard times party in which the two hrenches of the Patriotic So- riety of Goderich toweship took p irt. The "bard times" fee of ten cents was charged to aid the Society. There were about seventy•flve present, in varying costumes of poverty. A very enjoyable but short program was pe- home. Their many friends join in ..suited, consisting of : Duet, Mn. Mc- wishing them every joy and success Clink! and Mr. Oliver Edward ; read- in life. Mg. Miss Janie Yuill ; solo, Mr. Geo. PORT ALBERT. Sturdy: dialogue, entitled, "The WEDNESDAY, March 2l. tion+. The bride wAa exquisitely dressed in * gown rf cream duchess statue trimmed with •red pearl and fish net. Mira Leola Snyder, sister of the to music and games, he hridr was the recipient of many costly gifts, ahowine the high esteem in which the young couple ere held. The groom's ,lift to the bride was a gold' pendant set with pearlsand to the flower girl a gold bracelet. The bride's travelling dress was blue diagonal ladies cloth. The young couple will spend their honeymtvon in Toronto, Niagara and other places before returning to their Grandmothers of the Patriotic So- ciety." by five ladies in costume; solo, Mr. Get. Laithwaite; reading, Miss Alfie Johnston ; solo, Mr. Edward. Mr. Harry Salkeld acted as chairman in his usual graceful manner. After lunch was served the remainder of the Evening was spent in roclal chat, to the music of Mrs. Ross' gramophone. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered tc this host and hostess and after sing- ing God Savo the King the gathering dispersed well pleased with the Petri - otic finciety's effort. in a social line, Tux LAMPS HAVE THEIR MAY. -A very pleasant event occurred at the residence of Mr. and Mn. G. Leith - waits., Huron road, on Mt. Patrick's night. when • number of theie friends and the members of the (todetieh Township Farmer. Club met then ant, were cordially welcomed by the genial host himwlf. The president of the Partners' Club opened the meeting In a brief speech and informed the audience of the possibility of Prof. Reynolds, of the 0.A.('.. coming to epeak at the Orange Han, 4th t-troees- s nn. The program was large) fur- niehed byte ladles. Miss M. E A•1- keld amid Mire. 0. Lsitbwaite both gave Roe addresses, elaiming ladies did not have fair play in the nae of labor- saving claviers on the fares and stress- ly remissness/in, the nae trf .ass= aims/ens breaded and Mbar bandy contrivances, all to be ma co armlet by toy or nae power. la 141111110111111 to the chairman's .mill, sad she ile +im- =of• the ofmi.ipls 4144.1124110,11112001/ re�a AndronA _Labb, Jaime o. S M alb.seed Mien WHIM is gar. their •4miw., ase/ It Is arta to pews— that this ksieity WO be s trots BEM ter THE COLBORNE STORE �I► M TheSpringn am aip � Begins with New Fresh Goods at lowest prices which Spring Merchandise can possibly he sold for. DRESS1100D5 More new blue, all -wool Seegers end cream Bedford/ this week. SILKS , also • tetter quality ad t a little more money, in black, white annew spring colorings an.. a oke In these goods we are still in the lead with • good dependable 36 -inch h Milk at tj1.00 lot of black and white stripes for waists. CREPES Over IWO yards of white, pink, blue, mauve and white grounds with small colored rose- bud and sprig patterns at per yard 1 Re VOILE S White, and white with small colored patterns, buds, spots and stripes, at ROG and !w CORSET S Be sure anti ask to seet the new Spring D & A Corset, laced in fronL per yard. 1 SHEETINUS and PILLOW COTTONS Our stock of Sheeting and Pillow Cottons was never so good value as just now. 1f in need come herr. J. H. COLBORNE 11111111111111111111111 MO MEI GM J sixty year... and is survived by a family of four --a daughter in New York State ; Mrs. Garret, of Mullett Mrs. J. Woods and W. J. Parks resid- ing here. Mr. Parks was a member of Westfield church and a much respected ritizen. He was eighty-one years of age. News Norais.--The ladies of %Vest - field chutch are bolding a s.cial even- ing on Wednesday With the coming of spring a numlwr of farmers have tapped their trrs and intend making syrup. We know of one 'nen who has six hs ndred treys tapped and another with four hundred. Both bops to have a good ren of sap .... A number from here attended the "at borne" at Auburn on Friday evening, and hal a good time Mies Emma Campbell has returned from visiting her paster, Mrs. Gordon Ainslie, of Simco. ...There are w number of cases of illness in this neighborhood, more or less serious. xwit Norse. -Miss Btbel Brown is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. J. Linning- tnn, near Oodericb Miss Win- ona Stevenson has been visiting her sister, Mrs. George Ashton, at Loyal.... Miss Ida Sillib, of Mheppardton, spent a few days with Miss Joie McMlllao. ...Mn. ida Mmale, of Goderleb, was the guest of Mr. end airs. J. A. Breen over the week -end Mr. Boy Fritaley left on Tuesday for Erieau, where he wfll spend the auto - mer fishing with his brother, Capt. John tYttaley Miss Ethel and Mr. Lloyd Bell, of Lumen spent • few days with Mr. and Mrs. )•coh Coeds* last week are. Jas. McWhinney returned home on Tuesday Irmo Gode- rich. where she bad been visiting rela- tives . Quito a somber of our young petit,en • surprise at Mr�ttl*ill enjoyed s last Friday evening n. A Quaid i• M Ood.rich visit a bar mother. Mrs. Thomas Millin wbo has hemi 111 Mr. Jacob Me(iee, jr., of Windsor, is visiting retativpe in this vicinity . Mr. H. Hayden has again eseured the agency for the New Bopira Wall Pa- per Co., of Toronto, sad has • MI range '4 .smpMct os view In his *este, ....Mts. Alfred Oases sad little daughter, of lied sea tM guests of Mr. and Mn. W. J. lydoek. WEBTffiRLQ., rebs lab 14lasi aaek.t Telliglit. Meech K Dearit o1 Jrttaiong Paaf(M.-Omie of Www•a.sh's oleesi reddemita passed away last 1bsrellay searaleg 1 Mar'eh 11) Is the roma of Jeremiah Parka. The dmiseawi bet Eyed &bars for nearly AUBURN. W EDNxsDA Y. March 24. John Medd, ut Dungannon, shipped a car of Lorars to the West on Tburs- daOur doctor has been kept very busy attending to his usany'patieots suffer- ing from IA grippe. Howson k Lawson rhipprd a car of r tilers on Monday. air. Mitchell, of Lucknow, inspected them. John Reithhv has told bis stallion, "Sir Matthew," to John Medd, wbo shipped him in his car to the West. Edwin Robinson, of St. ."ugustine, left for his home in Saskatchewan on .112 ursdry with a car of stock and bes• element s. Meat (aero. Rowe•J, nl Winnipeg, a former resident here, it visiting with alre. D. K. Monro. She looks as if the Western climate agreed with her. LOST VITALITY Caused by Kidney, Stomach and Bowel Disorders, St. I,•hn, N. t3., September IStb. 1911 -My brother was a great sufferer from kidney, stomach And ts,wel troubles and was given up by two doc- tor*. He wee advised to ti y your Fig Pills, which be did, and after taking live loxes was completely restored to health and is better today than he has liven for years. You can't recom- mend Fig Pi11s too highly. J.W. Mans vers. At alldealers. 25and :alt cents, or The Fig Pill Co., St. Thomas, Ont. Sold in lioderich by E. R. Wigle, druggist. GRANS TRUNKSY', EM EASTER EXCURSIONS SINGLE FARE Good wins sad returning April .'sd onlr. Fare and One-third Hoed twine April l.1, Ind, id .d CIL ttetnom 1im11 Aprfi Ok, Mer Roars tickets wlu bs boned bet woes all statclo.. b Pends 'set of Port Artksr sae to p.taNt and Pars Hares, Melt. R.tt * Meek 15oet Manors Falls sad t+sepesdw Sesser. N.Y. I1 Tickets sad fsrtaer partic.lan at Ortid anima tleket aa 1 F. F. LAWRENui & SONS. Tow. Passes - IM and T%ek« Ansate. Pismo a O. H. LAUD - ER. 51.0.. Teets. Agent. Pews Mk Iimproved Service TORONTO MONTREAL OTTAWA Via "Lake Gtassrss S t Line" PIM dare to Whitby, Oshawa, �Fort Hops. Colman"; 'h.ntes.�me�., ► 1 st kars se ems n. iresakr. RFA_ for The The individual aye the Log Kc• al estate to administer is forced to give an Administrator much time and attention 1► to trot. The anxiety hi is ceaseless, the danger ii :r.: through inks, arience is great. 5 beet'.cn;•our friend will' onerous duties that can be better ::::-.-.1c.1 by this Comnar.y? T'•e fees are nu greater and the • .r,-trce.^.t ratt:h Etta.:upable than can be expected of any pn- t. ccu.atir, ac.. -.70:_r .:ri.i/ ;. Lth4135N &r WESTERN TRUSTS CO. LIMITED :.;.cal administrator to appoint. its sole business is t'' yrefct., c: i.ient fulfilment of every trust committed to its carr. in a.:d consult us. 382 RICHMOND STREET, LONDON, ONT. •1 GEO OmeOlfts. Z.C., Prtsidest 4 Iona 8. MO011. illsemer LONDON CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC SCNWL OF ELOCUTION, LIMITED - :.^AND-:- SCt1OOL OF LIMITED UNPRECEDENTED OFFER OF SCHOLARSHIP AND PRIZES. Write for Particulars • LOTTIE ARMSTRONG. F. LINFORTH W17„LGOOSE, Registrar. Mus. Bac. IDoadmJ Principal. Address:—.354-6 Dundas St., London, Ont. THEY RE FINE FOR KIDDIES — , .Tss should stoats keep a tattle of Chamberlain a tlaesasek and l-n.r Tablets en the Mott Th.little folk se seta need a told ani cafe estk.rue sad Mot de yrs+ ebb ossa.asasike ells sad tt bks. eo+etwtlRglvessolsst Won eras r We. Aa drve isM. Me, er sed to 1ttllt t>R.1(Obgte 10 CHAMBERLAIN S . TABLETS JHacEwan Estate exclusive Agents for SCRANTON GOAL for Goderich non District Egg Coal, $7.75 Stove and Chestnut, $8.00 pr ,e n BE.MT COAL minim RD Any quantityet all Maple Mlahe, Mixed Mood, Megelnek and Kindling (Cedar or Noe.) TELEPHONES, sou 0 mile., tl!te er lis YOU CAN ARGIN ANY DAY at THE NORTHERN BUSiNE$S COLLEGE Owen a.uteo, OwTAMO lir awe %breednrer bandies .ad u smsssa 1.4 years of npae(saea Welest laomproduce aduce 11. very remCsealopss bee C. A.PLEtrnso. P. C. A., Principal. Y. D. iharrtrls, Sseretary. ammo P! 1 OUR Specialties Plumbing Heating • Eav'estroughing Metal Work Electric Wiring Prompt attention to all small joha and general repair work. W. R. PINDER Phone 155 Hamilton Street Seasonable Footwear WR feel the very least we ran do for you when you come into this store Is to give you Shoes or Rubbers that will be absolutely com- fortable and will west to your satisfaction We want you to realise that your well - fan is our first 000tdderation Our priers are moat Melon able. REPAIR/NG (leo. MacVicar Nortb side of Square Ooderich A woman esiffs them she Ihl.1. of hoe d itg�bt-b-law'. mirb d of rosaries babies.