HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-3-11, Page 6111M TEOBwAT, MAllcli 11, W THE ADIi1NAL AND ONLY ENUINE BEWARE OF (MITA• TION$ `+ OLD ON THE MERITS Or MINARD'S LINIMENT 1-4 BO0RBI ND1N(i MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and 1.1BRARIES bound or repaired. GOLD LETTERING on LEATHER GOODS Alt order. remotes attended to on leavini Ire ...THE, 8IONAL, Uodertch. A. E. TAYLOR. S1RATrORD. MEDICAL •I days ago is said to have unbalanced Ihis n.:nd. Neighbot.nre looking After the !!.e stock anew io ewiaee. On Friday evening, February 2Otb, a hot ,upper was set wed at the home of Mr, and Mrs. C. 11. Knight, of the 10th concession, O.ey, the proceeds of which, amounting to 817, were turned over to a fund for improving the horse shed at ('ranhrook Methodist church. Mary Katherine, elder daughter of Archibald Kerr, of Mot ria. won mar- ried nt her home there to James tl. Knox, of Tuxfotd. Sask. Rev. A. M. Boyle, of Belgrave, offi •iated. . The young couple left on March 1st for their borne in the Nest. Mrs. Credit- Stanlake, of Hay town. ship, died at her home there nn March 1st. She had complained Of tettling un- well for some time past, but her ail- ment was not considered serious. On Sunday. the :Nth ult., she became much worse and on Monday she passed away. She was in her fifty-sixth yew . Edwin Kennedy, the seventeen year- old eon of Mi. and Mrs. Hugh Ken- nedy, of Kincardine, died on February 27th as the result of a gunshot wound in the -leg inflicted from a gun in the hands of Alpert Wilson, a t• ,mpanion. The boys were out together for * hunt and Wilson's gun was accidentally dis- charged, the charge lodging in Ken- nedy s leg. It was found necessary to ampetate the leg and the young fel. low cud i, am shock u'+d loos of bi,.d. WINld1.\'J. Mise pith of Jetty writ 'ire crlellra'r r1 in tV.ugham this year he the L. 0. i.. ar..'. irep•rstion is ..lreadv heisoe WA '., Tor a big d owe... I'll ion. While -.l tho home of her son.in- l.l•• one doe tree stiy Mr-. T. Ilrerdb u blipped on the tee and brtMe her agar. Word- hat Iseen - received- nF---- death. in Illinois, of Mrs. 'Thos. Dav- idson, formerly of Wingham, aid metes -in -taw of Mr. John Davidson. Mary Elwin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, ('artwreght, was married On Wednesday,' February '21'h, to George M. Jacques, by Rev., D. Pertie. Print to his marriage Mr. Jacques was tendered a banquet by the young men of the town and was presented with • leatherls,und rocking -chair. Eddie Hawkins,'who played on the London !aero -.e team Iasi wagon, has ascot -eel a pu.itiot. in town and to e*. pected to play on the local team this Peaenn. Mina P. Powell left Inst week for San Francisco, where she will spend several weeks. She will return home Ly wnc of the ('an*.lian Wer.t. SbAFORTII. Representatives of the ali'itla De- partment wet.. in Gown recently, hut purch.rsed only fix horses tr the great number offered. ('has. Hnlmee. son of Mr. and Mrs - S. 1'. Hulwe., has been gesetted trans. pnrtation sergeant of the 31.d Battal- ion of 'the third contingent and is now in training at London. Mina McCu1L•., is returned fniseionary from Jatatn, give an addresur at *meet- ing of the Woman's Mi.siorutry Soci- ety of the I'reehylerian ehurrh. A 1hankoUering was taken ■ g t ids►. rim SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTA RIO County and District Clarence Blake, of Bullet t. Itte gone Ito Winnipeg, whore his brother hae secured a p.sition fur him. A Toronto firm loaded three car- loads of plank at Blyth recently for export to Liverpool fur the British liuvernweut. Tho.. Savage, manager of the N'rox- etre skating 1 ink, gave the proceeds of one evening.* earnings, amounting to $S, to the Red Cross f 1. John Ravage diea at the home of his brother .loaeph an the (lth concession, Grey, cm -February !.thm. He wee tlfty- oue yeArb cid and uumarrted. Jame. Dougall. who wad employed on the faro of Win. Bell. near Reo- pen, died ...soddenly on February :16th from the burblin,t.d a blood -vessel. .Mr. (Asher end family, .,f Golden Valley, Party S.,uud district, have wovrd 10111e firm Ieceotly purchased from 11ogh S: -wart, concession 1, Wein Wawano, l,. 1lr•. James Nichol died et her Mune nn the lith line, Morris, on February 27th in her thirty seventh year. Her husband, one daughter and an infant bon inryiye. An oyster ',tippet was held in the Methodist church, Crewe, on Monday, March 1st. After supper a musical pro- gram) was provided. Me proceeds from the evening's enjoyment amounted to Mr. and Mrs. Archibald ('lark, cf Walton, *nominee the engagement ot their daughter, Agnes K., to Ar- mour B. Dundas, I.oth of McKillop, the marriage to take place during Meech. John Jacobs, of the Sarible Zine, has been removed to the London asylum. The sudden death of his mother A few i.> Viz. CI Et.). HF.ILb:MANN. OSTE- i.J PATH. +.odslr.d /u woamo+ and chit iron dt.e.. e-. acute. 'bronlc gad nervon+die Mars. Cyr. 5,tr. tar -u end throat, lumbago and the.usruattc cundttion, )f to,, North -tryst, third Seer films the Square, 03d.rich. It F. J. B.lf'ORATER-BYE, EAR. acre lead throat only. Hoare .urweon. York Opbtbshn,c and Aural to.tltute, r••t'•et An -oat, liar, Nos. rod 1 hro.t Hoopltal, n Syunre, and Mooreneld Kyo hospital. u, Kngiand. Uln.e.:.38. Waterloo duvet. .:fora, vppo.re Kraa Cboroh. Mono. P. It ` a►, z to t•p tw. I m a p sae Telephoiv Q/ H. ANDMINNIE M. OREER, TI Al:btrooractoi.. etdue and nerve L trvpr.tette 1. the science that Ours. without drug. or knife. Free examula- Msa. Olaei. ever Sharman* Shoe More. ,n• nonce on Kart sweet. Phone MI. (Oar AUCTIONEER. TiilmmAS GUNDRY - ACCTIoNlllt; . • Baa Q,Osderlcb, Alt Instruction, by mat Left at Wena) eace will te prouluay et - .sided to .eeldetto• telephone lit LEGAL R O. HAYS 'it Itl:l,fa•'.:,4 LICITUR. NOTARY ' Yl:1.UJC. E:TI. - ., ()etre -....ling 11.,:k Block. Hamilton SOMA. Rawl ).-'ate Iron- rind In 'truss. 1'Rv. DFW 1', ILIA MAN g • PROUDF001' BARl.lilTl:a:p. SULltItillt,N NOTA1tlh:S Oboe on the Ktuar•...00hd door from Ilam. Ines :treat. ti•drrh•h. (?orate fund. to luau at lowest rate*. w'. rtan•nrurnr. KA'. J. L. KnIOWAN W. Paovuroot, Jr'. G. CAMERON. Ili,. C., BARRIS Tf;Et. solicitor, notary /nblld: ()Moes aaantor Mtrenr- O.rlerlela mlyd door fe' `Amer,. At UI.ntop Tbnrday of Bath week in °Mee on Albert istreet *DM pied by Mr. Hooper. iMl«e hour- A am. to s pent. (IHARLMB /JARROW. LL.B., BAH l i It1MTlttt, attorney. solicitor. etc.. Oode rich. Money to laud at lowest n: t. V, bEAGER. BARRISTBR. SOL - ll bitar. \negro Public and Conveyancer. •dloe-Court Howe, Ooderlch. w-1fm,_ INSURANCE, LOANS, ETC. 1. 1t 1iI.PRiVATE ,FITNDH TO V1111 iosn. Aptly ie M, O. CAM- C1tON. Blsirlrter IIso.Uni ctro.t.Ooderioh. '. R. ROBERTSON. iNSUItAN('k; AGENT. ✓ ine Lan LteeTAlao : brrlr,.h, Canadian and Aserisa. !loon orolhosrrww ann RMYLorsea' LI.etl. rrr: The Ocean Accident and Uuarahtee ,Arpor•non Wetted. of London. Klug. ✓ tosmJTr AND tdt•Annrell a Boss.: Tbr U.$. leidelity sod unat+ntret'ompen r. olio. at reeldrnee. northern toner of Vio- to-in and 8t. Ilaear. nino'te 'Phone 176. kVlcliILIOP MUTUALFIKE &A- 8 C It A N Fe (' O. -Vann and Isolated t res' property Ineorrd, txacor.-J. B. McLean. Pres., l eatorth P.O,; J a. 1 onnolly, rwV be -Pow.. Ooderich 1'. O.: Taoaw h. Heys, Ore. -Taos., Meetoo1. I'. 0. lMrectere-D. F. Lcltrng,n. SosfOrth : Jelin Orfcvo. w'rrW-rop- w• it term Halal, l •nn+Lance; aha donne , arrk Onh::ren: Jame* Kean., 'h wood . Robert Ver 1 i., Ilarbck ; Mabols Keret.. Hruoetield. trent-: J. t. Yeo. Holme+vllle; Alex. Leu, h.1 ,tnt,.n . %'. illlau, 4 hu. ley, 8eaforth ; a. run«htry. trnrtottl• Potley•hol .rs eon pay ...r..m«n . Wel ,os their ward. reosipted et /, J. Morrish'. I'I.,t Alar Ptner.l' lint.,,, or at it IL Ivan - U --►a•.. s.1. .r -.":.+tree!. Ood'rlch. MARRIAGE LICENSES �\ ALTkn r.. Ip.l.l,l, 1 uossitUu R. uNT. IMNUE.K oV ht.KWAUK la 1fa1s% eroweemelostroeseiseemessesseworesseolleeskoese Brophey Bros. t;x)DERICH The Leading Fu..ial Directors gad Embalmers Orders carefully •headed to at all boors, night or day. =pee�ented with au addrea. and • gift girl Iter girl friend, of the Wesley Sun- day school before her departure. Burke Holum.. • live -year-old grandeur' of Mr. and Mn. W. Do/wily of Clinton, was drowned at tiaskat«,u ou February Lltlib. The little fellow war. the only IOU of Dr. E. O. and Mrs. Holmes, formerly of this town, Walter Arniet roue. • former ('lin• tun boy, who went trim Toronto with the first artillery contingent, was thrown from • boner recently and broke his collarbone. It. b making good progress toward recovery. A quiet wedding took place on Wednesday, March 3rd, at the home of Mr. Jame. Munford, when hid elder daughter, Ma1.e.l Beatrice. was mar- ried to 1Villiaut 0, Moffatt. Rev. J. O. Potts oft -toted. On the preceding Mouday evening the girl friends of the bride gathered at her home and gave her a shower which included many useful present,. Tqe employees 01 the Ooheriy Piano ('o.. where Mr. Moffatt is employed, presented him with a cabinet of sliver on the eve of bit wedding. BRLSSELS. Mr, Querin won the appeal in the lawsuit with 31r. Graham ever the sale of the Currie butcher business. The case was tried at Toronto. A. H. Mustard, ot Markham, is the new teller at the Standard Bank and J. F. Rouhan, ut Belleville, replaces Oleo. Grieve as judiur clerk. O. F. Maitland. who had been a resident bele for the past four yoats. has gone to St. Marys to engage in the photography Matures with hi. daughter. John 11. Mann, a brother of Rev. Alex. Maus, of Brussels, died at hie home in Stratford oo February 2li:h. Deceased was the first of a family of thirteen to depart this life. The widn:y, one daughter and four sons eutyive. • Dr Frank lt.wbie, "Situ until twelor years ago was ,. resident of Brussels but now resides at Midland, Mich., was a visitor in town last week. He cave over to attend the funeral of his old friend, James Duncan, and was eccumpanurl In his wife. A. (t. McDermott, who in removing to N bithy after being teller in the Standard Hank here for some time, was presepted with an address and a club -bag by a number OI the business then of the town at a farewell meeting held in the town hall on March 1st. James Duro-an died at his home here on Februapy 'lith. Hi- wad born iu Scotland seventy nine years ago and came to Canada when twent y year. old. In the year 1S7" he came to Grey township and afterwards bought the farru.of the late Alex. Stewart on the 4th line, Morris. He moved to Brute sell, in 1912. Deceased was twice warmed and is survived by his wife. six eons and one daughter. EXETER. W. J. Smith bas opened a shoe- making and repairing business in the north halt of Bedford's store. Peter Moir has purchased 130 acres to land from Andrew (lIb ioo'tin the North Thames road.* Mr. Moir now h..+ it tarty of 280 acres. J. Orin, who has been euafiaed to hie home for some weeks, progress. Ing slowly and is able to be around the hoose a little with tbeaid of crutehee. Mies Kathlyln Matins was married at Trivitt Memorial church. on Wed- nesday. March 3rd. to Mr. B. S. Lead- , -of- Purr Rowan: Rev. W. D. Colima ofleiated. Mr. and Mr,. John Broderick were the recipients of an address and a purse of gold from their children on Febru- ary 27th. the occasion being the fiftieth annivetsary of thea wedding day. Thos. Newton, a former resident herr. died unexpectedly at Windsor recently. 'While here Mr. Newton was engaged in the tailoring One son, Roy, is now a corporal with the first contingent in France. Word has been received of.the death at Detroit, of John Veal, a former reeidentof Exeter. The deceased was killed by a falling +scaffold. Twenty. five yearn ago Mr. Veal held the roller skating chewpionship of Western Ontario. RinionCampbell, an Aged resident of Exeter, died at hie home here on Fri- day. February 28tb, Until seven years ago he lived un a farm or; the Thames road, t'.Ixorne, but since his retirement from active life he hail 'resided in tow,'. He was born at Dalhousie, N. M., seventy -tire years sgt,. Mrs. John White, widow of the founder of The Exeter Times, died at her home here on March 2nd. Mee. NVhite wa+ horn in Ireland in MN. Hhe Came t . Exeter with tf►r husband in tell. the year in which the Times newspatwt was established. She is survived by two eons : Will .1.. of the 1)epattmeor of the interior, Ottawa, nd John J., at Out Irak, Sank., and wo daughters Mies Matilde J. White and Mrs. Wickwire, of Reefer. Fire, of unknown origin, completely a destroyed the stork of furrtitrn- and t upholstery heloeging to R Winter, rwi thmtley nlgb', Fetrruar y •M h. The fire when discovered at midnight had . good start but was confined to the our building, though .wankand water it did some d..mnge to Bell's Ijilliarl pet- lor and Box's'•unfretiopet store. The e damegs to the building is eetintlted at t $1,21811.h On Turedny, Meech 2nd, et the i hnmeot Me. end Mr.. Wiliam pie. their daughter, hells Mend. was 1 unilsl in marrow.. to Harold HBost, .st, of Herrin.. The non' ial knot was t led by R•'e. F. H. •1. rkin In' Ih. ((oreeenee t ih.- .mm t,st . Ia•ivev. Mr, and Mr-. It.., If f robe rereniony for Regina. where the groom holds a re- .pon.ible p ,.leen', in a large mercan- tile Examination Oates. The time tattle, for the annual ex- minetim(ra mf the Department of K.dudtion have been announced. The xaminaulnos tot middle school on- etime- into Normal PO -hoot will he eld from June 724th to June :Meth, nclusive , for t he upper school en - ranee into the bacilli 'ea of nlucetion, r .lune Pith to June 111 h; over uatrieulation, (nom June 11th to Jon* Math ; hot or and ,eholarahip n,atrten- lation, from June le h to Jon. :krth : lower echrtnl enhance into Normal Rchorl mod farolttee of ?duration. Hon. ire 111 h to June '21.1 ; model eche d err+renee, Iron, June 14th to June 21st ; senior high school entrance. from June 14th in Jun. 21.1 ; senior pot"' e sehool gta.tustion, from .tune 14111 4e J"oe 21•t ; jnni.w high .rhool entrance, from June 21st to Jen, Ztrt and tb.luoi 4r nitblie school graduation from June Ilkh to June Z4•r1 Th. supplemental examinetlona for peas junior mail trunnion will be held from September 7th to f(eptemher 17th. CLINTON. The apec;nl Provincial tsx of one mill on the do lar wi,I mean ti .1 (Min- ton will ha re *hoot *kit extra to pay In taxes Ili- y. a,. Dr (leo. A. Williams died at Tor onto on T•n• day, March tot His father was i h lite D. (t i lame of Allrnford, at one time Mayor of ('lin- ton Miss Irene Gould, who has gone to Wingbarn hospital ae a noise, was There aro men who are most aernp- ul,ua In deh.e of boner, brit who owe for everything els.. DIY DYSPEPTIC CAN GET WELL By liking "Nit -a -tires" Says Capt, Sm Lite is very miserable to those who suffer wttb Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach and Biliousness. This letter from Captain Swan tour of the best known skippers on the Great Lakes) tells bow to get quick relief from Stomach Trouble. Poor Bcat•xt-r2, ONT., May Sth, 1913. "A man has a poor chance of living and enjoying life when he cannot eat. That was what was wrong with me. Lew of appetite and indigestion was brought on by Constipation. I have had trouble with these diseases for years. I list a great deal of flesh and suffered constantly. For the last co:ple of year:. I have taken •'Fruit - a -Lives" and have been sofleased with tl.e,yesults that I have recommended them on many occasions to friends and e _quaintances. I am sure that "fruit- s -Utes" have helped me greatly. 137 following the diet rales and taking Fruit -AA i ves " accord ing to directions, any person with Dyspepsia will get benefit". II. SWAN "Pruit-a-fives"are sold by all dealers at soc. a box 6 for $J.yo, or trial size rs or sent postpaid 00 receipt of price by Fruits -trues Limited, Ottawa. Generous with Advice. Toa young man who stood smoking a cigar at the street corner the ooh. r evening there apptoidled, the imper- tinent reformer ct immemoriel legend. "Bow many cigars • day do you usually swots?' asked the licenced meddler in other people's Altair=. "F. ur," replied the youth as pat i• ently es he could. Tt:.•u the iprjui•ition ecntinurd, "H•,w mdelt dryou pay fur thein:" "Ninepence oech,' coni,ssed tit young men. "Do you know, sir," continued the sage. "that if you would Pave that money. by the time you ate as old ae i am you would own that big building at the corner?" "Do you own it r inquire.( the smoket. "No," replied the other. '•Well, I do," replied the. toung man. - -Ex. Constipation-- UN onstipation-.tks bass sf sle air I' not to be cur, ,i by harsh purga- tives; they rather aggravate the troshle. For a aea,:r. but aura laxative, u..- CbamherLain', Rosner' aid Liver Tablec,. They stir op the liver. woe the serves and freehan the stasis► and bewail :Mat Oke aa internal kith. Woman's bast frierd. Fn'wn r+rthod te eld non 4144-4. lint* red health r.. toren are an untaititla l-Llde to an ar •, R il-: er and a r:sn. hr.atthy. Normal stomach, Take a r•nnThr-!clave Staraeeh at s.rbt and the • trieh and fee- s entalimL and the header's. have all rune by corning. A;' :. •ryL.a 2te.. nail frv.,n C)'e Arno Mearaw Co'*',.,. Teresa t: Neck and Nut. Mrd. Youngirride--I want to get a hat for my husband. 11'.4 a surprise for bila Clerk -Mat size, ntadnm ? Mr+. Y.-Iteelly I forgot to find out. But he wears n I; (toiler, so I suppose he'd want L4) of 22 in a bat, wouldn't he A SHORT STATEMENT. It Shows that Dodd's Kidney Pills Are No Faith Cure. Venhrugh, Ont., March 8t11.-($pec- iall-" I watt laid tip with sure hark," says Mr. E. Handke, of chic plate. "At times 1 wan not able to get up in the morning. But by the time i had taken one box of lhidd's Kidney Pills 1 found that the pain was getting less, and by the time 1 had taken six Ixoxea 1 was all right ant able to gr' to work again. 1 want to sac to any man who suffers front sore rank that Diold'a Kidney Pills are the only remedy 1 would tecommend. They saved me it large doctor's hill And much Inst tinge " B ukaehe, rheumatism, Inrnhngo and bear:. rllw'•ae Are r•a11Mid by ilissmeed kidneys. The not ural remedy is to cure the kidneys by using iteald's Kidney Pills. _ Me Knew. =Jerk was a enuntry lel, h he had ambition+ to he smart and j arp like the townsfolk. au he went to the nearest I.Ige town and took armies with it etnrekm,IM-' Ja"k was very cautinuc. Perini. h.d warned him the elle folk might tt t to poke fon at him h.cau.e he war green. A ,raid nM maid enteral the attire one mot n• 1 want some bird nerd, please," veil. pleaaantly. "Nos,. now. mai art : yon rant Pleb me." said .lack firmly, though re- spectfully : "birds grow from eggs, not seeds! ' GERMANS LOSING GROUND Trenches Taken In the Wees-fly Battle Shaping up in East The French official report still tells of advance's in the Champagne die- triet in the vicinity of Perthes There rd•', yards of German:: trenches were carried oa Monday. Bet ween Mesalt and tleaassjour a German counter- attack won back some ground rap- tured by the French on Sunday, but to make up for this the French Rained a ,;rep of the crest of a bUl north of Mosul' In Flanders the threatened ' urman general attack is stilt delayed. . our ltritlsl' ..vlators made an attack on the German positions In Ostend Olt Sunday and returned safely atter damaging the German headquarters in the Kursaal and other points of mili- tary importance. A great battle Is developing on the Mica River, to Poland, to the south - tweet of Warsaw, where the Germans more than once In the put have at, tempted to break through the Russian defences and get across the Vlatula so as to threatea the) capital city from the rear, but'where comparative quiet has reigned during recent weeks, while Marshal von Hindenburg ani Archduke Joeeph have been katriving ralnly to crush the Russian wings la Northern Poland and in the ('ars path tans. Latest efficlal statements from Petrograd, however, give no deta'Is of Lie new battle, merely stating that the Germans have htade Important attacks. and that the engagement has eseumed tient proportlone. It Is not clear whlc4 ot the htst!le armies la oc the offensl.e. DR. ROBINSON ACQUITTED Popular Verdict Returned In Case of Young Physician ''Not guilty" teas the verdict given in the Robinson murder case at Naponee aft: r the Jury had been out three hours. De. Robinson was in- dicted for the reorder of Blanche York at Taulworta :ant July. The brood broke into cheers w;:en the foreman made his agnoupcement and brougnt a severe rebuke (r,.t Mr. Jostle', Sutherland. Th. young doctor spent three hours '.n the wit- ness box, staking a general statement of the whole' affair. Ile pro;ceded to describe the various measures he r: - sorted to td save the girl's life, whic', were the usual obstetrical proctices. but In spite •of all :he treatmeat he gave her the patient quickly passed into a state et coma and death. She had tome to him in a serious con- dition. he said, and he tor,'- on:y legitimate mtaaures t0' sate 1 Il'^y "When I saw the patient went dead." said Dr. Rob user', "1 can hardly telt what happetf.1, The Idea came to me that I must get rid of that body. and without knowing just why, started to cot' it up. i only cut cR two et the limbs when I realized .t wait be tattle, and went upstate - n imbi to try to get rid of what wad lett I worked all that ntgbt tryia t to clear t61ng,1 up. and concealed the body is the cellar. - Dr. Roblstson a: -.d bis relatives 1'eft for Kingston Iminedtatt'y after be was set at liberty. la CANADIANS PRO:4OTEp Row Office 7sAttached taHaadqualters' Staff as Brigadier -Generals The following Canadian officers are now attached t0 headquarters mitts a^cording to an official a"nouncement trade In London: Lieut. -Col. Burtall, of Quebec, to be Brigadier -Genera': Col. Turner, V.C., of Quebec. Lieut.- Col. le.it-CoI. Mercer,,, Queen's :Own Rites. Toronto. and Lieut. -Col. A. W. Currie, of Victoria, Ret!, to be Brigade "om- manderr and temporary Brtpoler- Generals: Brevet Lieut. -Col. G. B. Hughes. Major H. K. Beatty, Major J . R. F. „ Hayt r and Capt. Can.Li..o tine. to be Bngade Majors; cap:. E. S. Clifford becomes Assistant Pro- vost Mars:a1. $ubanar:re Blockade Faits' A correspondent of The Berliner Tageb'tt declares that since the Lc - ginning of the blockade se.en Brltis:t' merchantmen hive been soak, but admits that more than sever. German submaffnea %are been sunk during the same tweed. The utter failure of the German auburarlae warfare against BrtUs7 ..hipping Is now• establiah.d. It is *peaty stated In : erHn that the stmt.' put on the crew% of the su: merle. u has been so great that soma w'eel•s n.nat *lapso befcre fre.b atteupt: wi:1 be made. Canadian Casualties The following men with Can:tatan addresses aro reported wcurdcd to the latest casualty hats: Lieut. W. J. Dossee, Canipbellford; Lieut. H. R. Alley. Toronto; Pte. D. R. McQueen, Mount Vernon, P.E.I.; ('or;,oral G. S. be Mesnrter. oronto; l'te. W. G. Joyner, Mone, aw; Lance -Corporal \. G. Meets. i)igb . N.S. Col. Hamilton Gault has been admitted to the Shore- cliffe Hospital with a bullet woes/ in the right arm. Explos'ves Being Peddted Advice% to (Line samples be wary of agents M "lubricant" officers of all red - has been et to the e vincial Institutions by Dr. Hence Scott inspector of Prisons and Charities. The circular deeeribes the "lubricant" as a high explosive, and the con- trivance le so designed that when the e-ntainer 1s opened the rontenta ex- piode with violent force, damaging both life and property. MAGIC READ THE BAK I NG LABEL ALUM POWDER N 0 at rr] TO THE BUILDING TRADE! - WE have a large attck of lots -grade Lumber suitable for sheeting, at attractive prices. Also a well -assorted stuck of high-class material in Buildet; Supplies.' in the rough and itt interior finish. We are offering this, in quantities, at prices ttrttT-wili appeal to the builder and without the addition of the so-called war tax of 7It Iter cent. Lath and Sbjaifies.-Pine.'Hemlock and Oak. CALL AND INSPECT ()UR STOCK BEFORE LFT - TING YOUR BUILDING CONTRACT. The Paget Grain Door ec. Phone 273 GODERICH ONTARII► The Elec tric Sho P 1 have opened in the stand on Wast street, next the PostoMre a complete new stock of Electrical Goode, and invite the people of Gederich to come in and inspect them. The stock include, : - Electric Lamps. Globes and Fixtures Electric Light Fittings of all kinds Electric Irons, Electric Heaters Electric Toasters Electric Cookers Electric WarrningPad s, etc Electric wiring and fitting done in the most competent ant up-to-date wanner. i have had yeate of experience iu electrical work and give ni attention exclusively to this business, and patrons may rely upon the satisfactory and workmanlike execution of any order entrusted to we. Plans and estimates furnisbetl for any desired work. MY STOCK IS ALL NEW Come in and see it whether you need anything in or line just now or not, 411/t>M • ROBERT TAIT Tottiaoxxi No. Et WIO•T STRRVT. 1 WOOD FOR SALE h 1 have a number of cords of good Har I %Vre..1 for sale, also a quantity of MIxed Wood Phots- or «all for pr ices, delivered at your home. ROBERT- WILSON No 165 WILSON HAMILTON e Next in Importance is making to Making a Williprovsisibeinong toProperly ensure it carried out. The interest of this Company in any estate which it is em- powered to administer is strictly impersonal. Ail things are done with the sole aim of fulfilling its trust with the highest degree of efficiency and faithfulness -in closest conformi.y with the expressed desires of the testator. Consult with U3 regarding the administration of your estate. All information cheerfully furnished free. THE LONDON &, WESTERN TRUSTS CO, LIMITED. 382 RICHMOND STREET, LONDON, ONT. ata GttO. GTh8011S, LC., Pres/drat, JOHN S. MOOD Maassee JOB AND co z*Cg*L Prim til�� • the Signal B . N. B . best Olin', yOU ever . d William Snider_ • prominent bi)Lgb' noes man and es -Mayor of Waterloo, is dead Rritish Colombia Legislature was dissolved nn Monday and it new elec. thou will be 11.14 1n about a mouth. 43