HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-3-11, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GfDERICH • ONTARIO
at East Street Garage, Wednesday, March 241h
Sale to bommence at 12:30 sharp and as there is a big lot of goods to be sold
no time will be lost.
While Foods are all so far as is known exactly as represented they will be sold, subject to examination before
' 4. b the sale -and without guarantee of any '!rind.
Terms will be cash on the fall of the hammer.
All -goods to be removed from the premises before March the 31st, as our lease expires then.
bility will be assumed for anything left in the barn after the day of the sale.
No responsi-
1 McLaughlin -Buick Model 17 Touring Car, practically new tires •U
rotted the machine bee just been repainted and overheated. elec-
tric Ilgbia all round, full equipment of tools and spares. 1t has
only been in two hands and has received the best of ettentloo.
Thu is • machine that will give all kinds of satisfaction to Loves'
who requires a strong. husky machine and one that will go over
any road.
1 Model H. Russell Touring Car. This is a well-known [Hake, and the
wools machine is in good order. For •mons requiring • good
lamest machine for bard work and who is not particular about
bating the latest design in body work, this would prove • splendid
machine. Just been overhauled and painted.
16 b.p. Gasoline Engine complete and ready to run, this engine ran all
our equipment in the old barn.
About Li feet 01.2 -inch Shafting with three Universal hangers, two
with ring oiling boxes and one wish greasers.
1 Kyle Lawn Mower Sharpening Machine and Skate Grinder almost ate
good as new, ettacbmebt for hand or power.
1 self-feeding Drilling Machine.
1 Powerful Air Compressor with tested tank. long line of pipe shut-off
cocks, long high-pressure air bole to reach cars with unions, et,.
This outfit in the open market would cost about. 5I5).00 at least.
1 34 Marine Engine ouly.
1 7•b.p. two -cylinder Marine Engine only.
1 Coal Heater wit!) stove Pipes in office.
1 Wood Heater for workshop.
1 Wayne Gasoline System with self -measuring pump and :-barrel
tank. The purchaser of this system will have to excavate tank
himself and attend to removal of pipes.
About bale-xdozen second -band and new Bicycles left over from last
season will be offered.
A quantity of Bicycle Tires.
A quantity of Auto Tires and Tubes.
s new Gasoline Engines ranging from two to twelve H. P. will be
offered for salt. -
The whole of our stock of Sundries lett over from last Beason, which in-
cludes all kinds of Tire Repair Material, Lamps, Spark Plugs,
Wrenches, Igoitior. noire, Bumpers, Chains, Jacke, Packing,
Toole, etc.
I000 gallons of Gasoline
To make the sale attractive for the private owner we will oiler, in lots of 2. gallons, 1,1)00 gallons of Gasoline to be delivered as required from
our regular supply tank or in barrels immediately. Our usual 25 -gallon ticket will be given to the purchasers who desire to take it as re-
quired. Barrels will be charged extra but full amount allowed on return of same.
We will also sell 200 Gallons of Lubricating Oil in 5 -gallon lots on the same terms as the Gasoline
The stock of Sundries and Supplies will Include a Bost of things
bicycles and you will do well to attend this sale and get your
required every day by persons owning automobiles. gasoline engines an
reascn's supplies at rock -bottom prices.
Musical Comedy in Aped.
lo Easier week the people of (lode -
rich will have an opportunity of hear-
ing • ruumcal cowedy, 'Tbe testators'
Tangle.- to be put on an Vkwria
Opera House by •n amateur company
wader the direction of Mr. F. W.Rob-
inson. Tuesday and Wednesday, April
eth and 7th, are the datre,
Lake Boats for Ocean Service.
It is reported that about thirty Can-
adian lake frsigbters, of the oceao-
glype, have been chartered for
ow the Atlantic for the coming
summer. owing to the scarcity of ship-
ping on the ocean caused by the war.
Among the vessels so chartered are •
number of those sow lying in Codes
rich harbor, including the Kaministi-
qui• Inland, Turret Cape, Winona
and Nespawab. Full particulars have
not been given out, but the news has
created great interest among the 'Par-
ar tnere
1)n Wednesday, March IOth. at the
home of the bride's eider. Mn. Wm.
Blair, Wolfe street, Lovina, youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis
Hillock, of Goderich, was united in
matrimony to Mr. Ernest Fairborn,
of Newmarket, Oct. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. J. E. Ford.
Tbe young couple were attended by
Miss Edith Blair, niece of the bride.
and Mr. Frank Jones, also a relative
of the bride. After a sumptuous
dinner the bridal couple left via Grand
Trunk Railway for a wedding trip to
Toronto and other points. They will
reside at Newmarket. Their many
friends wish them every success in
their new life.
Military Notes.
At Christmas Time
Fresh eggs are at a premium. Why not raise
your own --Our bred -to -lay Barred Rocks will,
do it. The cheapest way to get good stock is to
bay Day-old Chicks. Prices reasonable. Book
orders now -
Goderich, Ont.
imitwo §011101000.602
Cosy and Comfortable
Special Attraction
Monday and Tuesday
MARCH 15TH AND 16TH, 1915
Daniel Frohman present,
Iin Mrs. Melee's Limon. ,ucce..
in four act.
This will be exceptionally gond.
featuring two of the best stare in
motion pictures at the present
Itime. Keep these dates open and
don't miss seeing this soprrb
Also one episode of
Lucille Love
•Prices as Usual -4111 k
Friday Night's Hockey.
Three games of hockey were salted
at the rink on Friday evening. The
first was the last of the town league
games and was played between the
lro,tuuis and the G. (,. 1.', resulting in
a win for the former by six ,goals to
one. It WAS Hoe of those reculiar
games in which the befog team ap-
peared to play the better hockey.
Most of the play was in the region of
the Iroquois' net, and when that team
had drawn the G. C. 1- defence away
from their goal they would make a
rush and "cote easily. During the
second half some of the players
dropped their stick" and had a short
boxing bout, but the gainer was re='
soused without any serious damage
having been done.
The "econd game was between the
O.H.A. intermediate team and an All-
Star tram selected from the various
town teams. it remitted in an easy
victory for the O.H.A. players ,
The closing game was between
teams represent fog the Barbers and the
Tailors and was somewhat of $ burles-
que show. some of the players being in
• sitting position quite often during
1 the game. The final score was 2-0 in
favor of the Tailors.
By winning tbe gams over the
G. C. 1. the Iroquois become the win-
ner. ,.r trio ••'sen 1 .i ;ur s,•, les and re-
n ew their right to hold the Harrison
sup for another year. This is the
second year in succession they have
won it and should they be successful
Pest season the cup wi 1 be theirs for
wed. Following is the standing of
the teams at the Hoes of the series:
Won Lost
Iroquois 4 o
G. c. icb Township 3 1
G. (` i. 2 2
paooe Club — 0 3
fie Club 0 i
County Temperance Association is to
he held In the Presbyterian church,
Clinton, on March Igth. There will
be three sessions, commencing at
10 a. in., '-r p. m. and y p. m:
••Society Brand s-lothes' for the
particular gentleman. They are
Messrs. C. A. Nairn and J W.
Smith. representtug Huron Lodge. No.
K--'. I. U. U F.. were at Guelph ',ester -
day attending the Iiea.rel of limey
Bolton. a futmer residestof Gods" ick.
The deceased was eoee+esgee of the
Bank of Montreal during than manages
•hip of Mr. Finlay and went web lir
Finlay to Guelph, where b. bad lived
ever since. He had bees a member of
toe I. O. U. F. for a great many years.
glees =ease se -sea. it W resent
erre$ be limen seas of treed peek
wke wow ter err e•talsrse ss the
Int wee toward agent salaried 'edam
ran tbe step Isday. AYr'_ CSI
ilei—Os111sRs. - U ssL 7b
W. tl. MAW. IMseeMeees
At a meeting of the council of the
Board of Trade on Mosday •'esisg,
reports were given by members of tea
recent deputations to Ttwonto of the
proceedings at the Fleetsrtal Ryden
radial convention and tea unseal
meeting of the Associated Boards of
Trade of Ontario. At the Hydro-
ydroradial gathering the Ptovinee was
divided into districts. with en organist.
•tion in each district for the puree's
of furthering the movemeet for pub.
lic-owned electric railways. Perth,
H uron and Bruce count irw are resets
ated in one district, with D. A Me-
Larblan, of Strattori, as president.
Mayor Reid is one of the members of
the district organizatioo.
TM sew .r r Iane a.' meterW. for 110n'. rag
-rata wino. beim .hese. to Prabaw us
lercell and we tea a.4 wagre
wit esstertabls a•d prem '
wens sen warmer. Tbe veer hew la taller
We at rr4Altaa e.
Call end sere the sew spit( at lea
1s millinery at Mies propbdre,
Kingston street, os Tiseeday.
The rerblar oethly stseatin of
hm«k (7b.pwisI. O. D. E., win be
teethe famed sty Dairy les held at th* court bosse es Monde/.
tlrM— ismagie and maple wawa Marsh lath, et 4 o'sloek p. --
aeabi ,seavetOMa d tea Often
Capt. R. R. Sloan. of Blyth, has
been taken on the strength of the :Lard
Battalion at London.
"We stilt, have room for about 15o
good men in the :Ord Battalion, -
Lieut. -Col. Wilson is reported as say-
ing. "The work is going along steadily
and the men are taking keen interest
in the training."
Capt. Rougvie, who is musketry in-
structor at the London camp, was in
t)wo for a few days the past week.
He expects to remain at London for
some months yet.
. Capt. Sale was borne again over the
week -end. He looks very St and bas
Reined about twelve pounds since be
went into camp.
Children's Aid Society.
Tbe Children's Aid Society held its
regular monthly meeting at the court
house on Tuesday. The treasurer's
report showed the following contribu-
tions received during the month :
'Town of Seaforth, 515, villege of Bey -
field, 55 : county of Huron. saw:
village of Blyth, 95: Mrs. J. L.
Aitken. 51 : Miss Mallougb, 51 : town-
ship of East \Vawaooeh, 45: Mrs.
Oraigie, 11; Chas. Newton, 41. Ac-
counts totalling 1122.05 were ordered to
be. O ianty Agent G. M. Elliott
is Lia eaport showed tbat two little
bed been taken over from the
'Aper to Society and made wands of
the Huron Society and placed in homes
kb this county. One child from
DMs•it bad beset placed with relatives
it Goderich. Correspondence was
red from • mother who wished to
have her three children, wards of the
Society, returned to her, promising to
make a good 'home for them, Mr.
Elliott stated that he bad promised to
ley the metier befogs" the Society and
abide by its decision. A motion wee
passed that for the present the children
be bit where they now are. Mr. Elliott
also sought advise and direction with
regard to the case of a young Goderich
troy. a mental defective. who bad been
• . ward of the Society for the past
three years. it was moved that steps
be taken to bate him placed in Orillia
•.y.luni. A vote of thanks was
extended to Sheriff Reynolds, the
treasurer, for the capable way in
which he presented the claims of the
Society to the I ounty council.
—Mrs. Mager has rrimraed from I a
week's visit to Toronto.
— Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Heetostare
itpandirig • few wanks an Toronto.
Capt. Wm Rnbiraies was at De
troit last week emoting his eon Bea.
Mw. Martha Edward has returned
from a two 'wombs view at Chicago.
- Mr. William %nate. of Hamtlt.rn,
tippet Use week rad at aa home here.
Mt.s Jee•ase Taylor of London, i.
vesting Mrs. Cha.. SIMIAN. Se. Iiavrd s
—Mrs. Geo. Verrptbar. of &Aimee. le
vieilreg her water, lire. J. T Goad.
1111111111111 -
;ammet fey T. J. 161keH's. Theme S1 The
▪ alnera Maruld W ars neer seed
Mee Bwr•ts were radar" at Tomato
thin week
— Mr Trues Aweearook sod Mus
Auwareok 1.41 ten week to vent
frees& se Pior+da
— Ilrs. J. Brea' eft ridge and Mr.
Mases-, sr.. of the Bay9sid road are
eras the dsrtor • Care_
-Miss Effie !bolt s. of Clinton, was •
visitor 'at tap bone of Mrs. Aodrevr
El1•aiday over the week -and
—Mr. sod Mrs Fingrised. of Au-
togiro, were visitors •t tbe boos of Mr.
sad Mrs. A. Hallices' last week
-Mrs. Lewis Hermon. of ('levelers'.
wbo bad been visiting her ant bet.
Mrs Wright. of Kingshridge. left for
her honk today.
Rev. W. K. Hager will preach at
both services, at North street Meth°. 1
dist church on Sunday. Morning sub-
�t: "The earth le the Lord'. and the
repress thereof." Evening subject :
'Tbe Supreme (Mod."
Rev. A. W. Barker, of tdeaforth,
will occupy the pulpit at Victoria
street Methodist church on Sunday at
both morning and evening services
and will conduct the pastor's Bihle
clam in the afternoon Rev. J. E.
Ford will preach special edu tstional
sermons at Se•forth.
An evangelistic service will be heed
in the Baptist church on Sunda
night. Rev. Wm. H. Wrighton will
ppreeea�ch on "The Misery of the Far
(counts ." This is the second sermon
smite a s�ee on "The Prodigal Son."
Bright hearty singing makes these
servloew iocrwsingly popular
The weekly calsoder of Knox
church now contain. .tn "honor roll"
with the names of members wbo bays
enlisted "for King and country" and
are In active Deni«. or on their wayto
the front. Tbe roll as publishein
this week's eal.nder includes the
names of Chester Macdonald, Wil-
liam Palmer. Charlet Inkster John
McLeod, John McL.od, jr., Russell
(butts and Walter Johnston.
There was a splendid congregation
in Knox church on Runday evening,
when the pastor. Rev. Goo. R. Ross,
delivered the speeial erml-•naresl ad
dress to tis sailors and fishermen.
The Marine Club attended in a body,
slaking stoat erwdiiaMe showing of
lane, stalwart seamen. The hymns
were.epeeially appropriate an Mr.
Mom gime an Umpiring. uplifting ddeitea
TOCILIMAT. Mia ■ 1), 1915 S
Money Orders
lewd by the
Wien Bask ot Canada
can be conveniently se -
I cured, safely forwarded,
readily dashed, and are inexpenatve. Issued for any
sum up to $50.00, at a cost of from 3c to 15c.
Payable at any branch of any Chartered Bank in
Canada, Yukon excepted, and to the principal does
of the United States.
Goderich Branch—F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager.
r==■ =10=i 0 L'[ 1==i%
— M i.a Jeanie I. ret d has re! urntd
bowie front Toronto, where she was
etodying for several ni otos et the
Ontario School of Art
—Mr. Tons. Bc ie, of Colborne, left
thin week for Result Ste. Marie, whore
he joins his boat, the Paliki, for the
season, as second engineer.
--Mr. H. W. Ball, of Brandon. Man..
is in town visiting his mother and
sister,. Mr. Hall, who commenced his
career in Goderich, is now one of the
prmninent merchants of the Manitoba
—Mr. and Mr. J. D. Murdoch, of
%ealandia. Sisk., have been spending a
few days in town and Mr. Murdoch
bas kern renewing many old atq lain-
tanes.. He reports Anoint*. quiet in
the West at present hilt with the pros-
pect of renewed activity with the gond
crops which everybody hope. for this
that we have taken, full possession. and having trade a
second review of our entire stock, we find it necessary
to reduce the same, and finding our Chinaware Depart-
ment overstoehed we are placing it on the market at
Cost Price
A Letter trorn Elwyn Long.
Mr. Harold Walters, who is attend-
ing the Colli• iate Institute has re-
ceived stetter from his friend Elwyn
Isms. who is with the 1st Battalion,
lit Brigade, of the Canadian Expedi-
tiotsery Forst on Obs Continent. Tbe
letter has permed through the bands of
tbe censor. The date is February 15,
the place le not given. Mr. Long
writ el "1 suppose you will know
h afore t his letter teaches you that the
First Cansdrla Battalion bas arrived
•t the front. We landed here (cen-
sored) and are at present within a few
mein of the firing line, just close
enough to bear the roaring of the guns
end este the Hashes of hire at night.
Was Just outside • few minu.tes ago
watcbing the scrap from a long range.
We are in a rant camp at present and
have only an hour or so of drill to d°
per day. We g.' out through the vil-
lage in our spare time. and believe nee
we have some time talking French toco
the native.. Haven't hetee much of
a F . enehman yet, but 1 ■m snaking
pret. v fair progress. 1 wooout to
church yesterday along with some of
the rest of the hoys and the pre -et
made us a little [woken English
address and told I/5 how glad he was
to see us out, etc " The next para-
graph a partly ohht-rated , the
writer evidently expected in • few
days to toe "dodging the Germans' leads
ration' and Jack Johnon $Hells.
Well. let then. come : a fellows only
got to die °nee."
Mr long is a brother of Principal
Long .,f Victoria achod and his
home is at Henutiller
Enforcing the Milk Bylaw,
not milk supply question by horn
year. a suhjee' of general comment in town
—Mr. A. M. Maclnnes, who baa this week_ On Tuesday Mr. Samuel
been ehief engineer of the steamer .1. Hissed, proprietor of the Saltford
A. McKee 'for several seasons, hes Height+ dairy, appeared before Magi.
received an iipbnintment to the same I Ire.e Kelly and was fined 11.1 and rostra
post no the steamer h'aliki. ani left for now-.-ompliance with the town'.
on Monday for Rattlt lite. Marie ti) I milk bylaw. As a roneequrnee Mr.
take over his duties' for the season I Bisset'. cuit•mers were informed the
He was aeeomptnied by Mr. Thnai same day by his dries,. ,t that
Tuffnrd, who will be engaged in the would be their last call. as ti.. tiiseets
*nobleman of the same toot es oiler would quit business in town rather
then conform with the hylaw, As
Smith Bene. of the Bast street hale- Mr. Blest and his sons have con-
ducted probably the largest and beet-
ery, are having gnat success with a 'quipp• d deity in this part of One
new bread, Cre-O Ma11,. which they country, and supplied two-thirds of
bsve twee making lately. flo well i■ the people In town buying milk. their
tbe Dow arse', Lking with the poop Ir derision to tllit en suddenly wee rel
conaider•hle import. The four dealers
that their daily swiss haws leers/mad who among them Inked after the re-
weeliertully in the last few weeks. oainder of the milk trade in tows got
We have overhauled the entire department and all is in
readiness for the sale to begin on FRIDAYmorning,
March 12, ending SATURDAY evening, Murch 21).
Those Who
require Chinaware or anything in this departmeut,
now is the day of opportunity. Ever remember onr
motto : "Satisfaction or looney refunded.''
Grocery Department
Bear in Hind that we have a choice up-to-date stock of
Groceries and will be always glad to fill all orders on
shortest possible notice:
\1-e are !fere to make a living; not to make a fortune..
TO 5. j. ‘ta•Nr.)
0pposiee C$itlrwse Matt
Hamilton St. • 'Phone 52
bus is
at once, sod tic Wssy
made an effort to supply as Beaty of
Mr. Bisset's clot toners ae possible. but
it will be it few day before arrange-
ments can be completed for etliag the
The bylaw in question was p
by the town council in 1N13 to yureu-
ance of the Ontario Milk Act ft pro
vides for supervision of :he deist'
supplying milk to the town and .•f this.
handling and duru
trittton of the mile.
and requires that every person selling
milk in the town shall take tut a
license, paying for Poch horow at the
rate of :Scper cow. It to understood
that the Weary. Hisao tt,ek no .`Os-
ye•eti°n to the mope !thin. tut they did
not like the hosts on whirs Ib. liceoar
fee was bard : and they said repeated-
ly that they would go out of the boot-
ee's rather than toy it, The town
council was not in a hurry about en-
forcing the bylaw In its entirety, tett
recently instructions were given that
the licensee mast he taken out, with
the result as stated, The four other
dealers Messrs. Geo. Bisect, Beatty,
Porter and Maskell -all peid their
license fee. Mr. Sam. Bisect is mak
ing arrangements, we understand, for
wing his dairy products in other
imVSeDar,• are h 11.
to .33
Ito .7 1,
1.51 to 7e,
V. Mat. per bo.b ...
Vats. per torsi,'
torte, prr trona
Pewee bleb
Reek wheal per
pleur, family. peered
neerpretest. per iwit
Phe, per ton
Manna. per lee
Har. per ton
'ire... wee. 1*?
mooed. Per Iced
Renee,woo, reekst
reae�e•l �flea
�tNl I, jroto 113
OMs, /er
7ti to j3
• 1:+110 d
4 or to t
.,moo .% 1
. G4 > to AVO,
him ,0 14.0
3.ta to let
illI*)to 113
.tb to .M
tato .0
be. .rn�'.. • ls'Jai bus 1JIs
ver m, weset�,,39sr M I' 1
pre cwt
VIP M e1
-errant '� •• .is M 1.M
lesMem asse .0 u .111
per 11lb.
e .. — u le .M
Kaye you trreti tier
new atrrs+f '—.
the trstie't in town: .\Ica
soft crest — close grained --
made from l''tei•chm.unn'S
Yeast. laverylksily says :t u
the best yet. Try a loaf.
There ie thorough natisfaction
for those who buy our Cakes
and Pastry. li you do not know
how good they are, we shout'
like you to try them.
Smith Bros.
OW Reliable Esti Si. Raker/
l'hnnv '44
Our owls three.teny bending sad lel
etweee•tsl years of espsrMsee.
tapert trtrsetaw ',redness Oke veer
twat weskit
Geek$$. tree
C. A. Fumu.e,F ('. A..Prioeipal.
G. D. Ftpfinis, Secretary.