HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-3-11, Page 3WITHIN THE LAW By MARVIN DANA FlOM THE PLAY OF BAYARD VEiLLER Ceevrlgbf. MI by a. if. !G o0atpaay. CHAPTER *VI. Continued from Inst week vt'i "tie told me that be had never seen one. Surely, It he had had anything of the sort, he would have shown It Iv me." Burke pressed the button on the desk, and. when the doorman appeared. ordered that the prisoner be returned toher cell. "I 'oppose' Mary said, "that It's metes' for me to claim my constitu- tional rights, and demand to see a lawyecr "Yea." Burke agreed, 'you've gneeeed it right. the first time." Cassidy came hurrying In with a grin of satisfaction on his stolid face. "Say. r•Met" the detective said with animation. "we've got Gerson." Rorke asked Gilder and the dt•trlet attorney to withdrew, while he should have n private conversation with the prlaoner. "Now." be said when they were Alone lbzetber. "I'm going to be yonr friend." "Are your' Mary's tone was rem - comm ltta L "Yes," Burke declared. heartily. "And I mean It! Give up the truth about young; Gilder. 1 know tie shot Griggs, of course. But I'm not fitting any stock in that burglar story -not a little bit! No court would either. What was really back of the killing? Was he jealous of Griggs? Well, that's what he might do then. fle's always been a worthless young cub. A rotten deal like this would be about his •gelt, I guess. Tell me. now, why did be shoot Eddie Griggs?" There was coarseness a -plenty in the Inspector's pretense. but It possessed a solitary fundamental virtue: it play- ed on the heart of the woman whom be queetinned. aroused it to wrath to de- fense or her mate. in a second, all poise fl, d from thla girl whose soul was blossoming In tbe blest realization that a man loved her purely, unselfish- ly. Her words came stumbling in tbelr haste. "He didn't kill him! He didn't kill himr she fairly hissed. "Why. he's the most wonderful man In the world. Ton shan't hurt bite! Nobody shall hurt him' VII fight to the end of my life for Dick Gilder!" Burke was beaming joyously. "Well, there Just what I thought," he said with smug content "And now, then. who did shoot Griggs? We've got every one of the gang. They're W crooks. See berg" be went on, with a sudden change to the respectful to his manner, "why don't you start fresh? I'll give you every chance In the world. I'm dead on the level with you this time." By now Mary had herself well In hand again vastly ashamed of the short period of self betrayal canoed b) the official's artifice against her heart Aa she listened to the Inspector's as- surances, the mocking expression of her face was not eneonraging to that astute individual. but he persevered manfully. Just yon waft" he went on cheer- y fully. "and i'll prove to you that I'm on the level about this, that I'm really y your friend. There was a letter came for you to your apartment 51y men m brought It down to me. i've read It t Here It 1s. I'll read it to your fl He pkked up an envelope, which had been lying on the desk and drew out m the single sheet of paper it contained. c Mary watched him, wondering much more than her ezpreselon rerealtd over thla new development. Then. as she ae listened. quick interest touched her features to a new life. "Who killed Ortggs r There wen no reply. Aldi Presently. s egret on, half aabamed over W ewe Intrigue against bar. "Say." he said, and, for once, his rake wan curiously sappremed, "yon tell me wbo shot Griggs. and 111 show thIs letter to old Glider. Now. listen." be cried eagerly. "1 give you my word of honor that anytbing you My in here L Jost between you and me." Uncon- sciously itis eye* darted to the window, behind which the stenographer was busy with hie notes. That single Involuntary glance was enough for the keen Instinct of the woman to make a guess as to the verity. Just Up me off to the truth," Barks went ou Ingratiatingly, "and 1'11 get the necessary evidence In my own way. Now. there's nobody here but Just you and we. Come on, now -put m• wiser "Are you sure eo one will ever know?" "Nobody but you and me," Burks declared, all agog with anticipation of victory at last "I give you my word!" Mary met the gaze of the Inspector fully In the same tnstant, she flashed 0o him a smile that was dazzling, the smile of • woman triumphant in her mastery of the situation. Her face was radiant. lurutnous with honest mirth She spoke to a most aaual voice, despite the dancing dellgbttin her face. The tones were drawled in the mat- ter of fact fashion of statement that leads ■ listener to answer without Beed to the exact Import of the mime Wm, onleea very alert Indeed This Is what she said: "I'm not speaking loud enough, am 1. stenographer?' And that Indnetrton• writer of short - sand entre. nbanrhel In hla task ins were! !wormi r from his hidden )lace to the corridor "No, ma'nm. net Quito." Nary laughed aloud. while Burge sat dumfounded She rose swi(Uy, and went to the nearest window, and with a pull at the cord sent the shade flying upward. There was revealed the busy stenographer, bent over his pad. A groan of distress bunt from him, and he fled the place In ignomini- ous rout The smiling Mary was returned to her cell CHAPTER XVIII. The Confession. BI'RKE pressed the button all and ordered the doorman t• send in Cassidy. When the de- tective appeared be asked: "Does Gerson know we've arrested the Turner girl and young Gilderr And, when be had been answered la the n -valve: "Or that we've got Chi- cago Bed and Dacey berer "No," Cassidy replied. "iia hasn't been spoken to since we made the col- lar. He seems worried." the detective volunteered. • "He'll be more worried before 1 get through with him!" be growled. He regarded Cassidy speculatively. "1)s you remember the third degree hn. Spector Burna worked on McGloin'? Well," be went on, as the detective nodded assent 'that's what I'm going to do to Gerson. tie's got Imagination, that crook! The things be don't know about are the things hes afraid or. After be gets in here. I want you is take his pals one after the other, and lock them up In the cells there 1:: the corridor. The shades on the corridor windows here will be up, and Garsoe will see them taken in. The fact 01 tbelr being there will set his imagine tion to working overtime, all right" Burke reflected for a moment. and then issued the ftna1 directions for the execution of his latest plot "When you get the buzzer from me, on have young Gender and the Turner' woman sent in. Then, after a while, onil get another buzzer. ' When yos hear that, come right in here, and teal e that the gang has squealed. 111 do he rest Bring Gerson bere in just ve minutes. Tell Dan to come tn." As the detective went out, the door. an entered, and thereat Burke pro - ceded with the farther Instructions necessary to the carrying out of hid beme. This wag the letter: m 'There c "Take the chain out of the once, Dan;' he directed, "except mine and ne other -that ones Ile indicated a hair standing • tittle way from one rad of lila dealt. "Now, have ail the hadta up." He chuckled as be added: "That Turner woman se. r eda 7o the trouble with one" ile returned to his chair, and when the door opened he was to all appear- ances busily engaged In writing. "Here's Gerson, chief." Cassidy as eonnced. "Hello. Joe:" Burke exclaimed• wits a seeming air of careless frtendllneyR as the detective went out and Garsoe stood motionless Just within the door. "Sit down a minute, won't your the inspector continued affably. H• did not look ep from Ala writing as he poke. Garrotes usually strong face wax hewing weak with fear. Has ads. pleb bas commonly very frm• moved little from enemy twitching' of hag fps Hie clear eyes were eighth" loaded, to a look of apprebensloe as y wined the room furtively. He de no answer to the Inspector's greeting for a few momesta. but re - Med standing without movemene, poised alertly as It sensing some coo- led peril Finally. however, Ms uzfety found expression In wotd0 Is tone was pregnant with altars.though he strove to make It newly Weaning. "/ay. what am i arrested fort ie oemtem d "i ain't de anything." Rorke dad not loot up. and Ida pee I tinned M hurry over the paper. "Wbo told yon Ton were arT�tedr 1 can't go witnout telling you how sosor- t"'1 aere won't never be a time e that I won't remember It was me got you s place. sent up. that you did time 1n myace. I ain't gotng to forgive myself ever, and I 'wear I'm going straight •Iwaya Your true Mend . HELEN (MORRIS. For once, Burke showed a certain delicacy. When he bad finished thew reedlne. he said nothing for a long\ minute. Mary'* 'yea were luminous in the joy of the reatirntlon that for her. after all. rehabilitation might he in a mea- sure posalble, though nothing couldrn ever repay the degdauon of years se Infinitely worthan lost Burke's hang voice. cadenced to a singular sympathy, broke In on her • reverie of pleasure and of pain. 'You knew tater be inquired • 'Yes, two days ago." , w "Did you tell old (111dorr he sulked. • Mary rebook her heed in negation. I 'What would be the Doer She re- e minded him "1 had no proof. No the one would hetlevei ma" ilia 'They'd believe this. Why. this let. M ter sets you clear. If d Gil should ma see this letter. there's nothing M wouldn't do to make amends to jfA test He'. a square gay himself. If it MIMS to that, even If he was hard on me H Whys this letter wipes out everytlting,w Than, the In.tatent emotion beedlitig tear at his twain forswl hien to speak eesNbly, bonding hope on the letter', Ins tamable worth to the woman kith IMO THE SIGNAL : GNODKRICH : ONTARIO WE'LL SEND THE FIRST few doses of Gin Pills t•• frier ---if you have any isle.•. or Bladder Trouble. Altte • see how good they ar • , the floc. size at you: dee' N•tleaas Dreg • Choral.•,.' eICaamia, Limited �.. BOMBARDING FORTS OF THE DARDANELLES Huge Naval Guns Hurling Shells Into Turkish Pos t,on. From a Great Distance Operations against the principal fort* of the Dsr •ineltes, which are situated un Doth sides of the Narrow&, about Half -way through the strait, aro being conducted by a strong detaca- went of the Anglo-French (feet. 1111 b) the battleship Queen Elizabeth. ( from a new vantage point in the U,lt 'at Barns, where their objective is bidden from them by the tifl!s cf tb. • Gallipoli Pes'nsuta, which is about six and a belt nines in width. Ar•nordinq to the latest oMc!al information three Freneh warships entered the Gulr or Biros and opened ' au indirect Are across the peninsula upon Fort KILd -- --- Bahr. u•. ;I:e ia:ropeau 1:de of the Nary Oth he remarked cheerfully to his blain voice. Gerson uttered an ejaculation of dls• gust. "I don't have to be told," be retorted humly. "I'm no college president, but when a cop grabs me and brings me down here Ire got sense enough 1e know I'm pinched" "Is that what they did to yoh. Joe? I'll have to. speak to Cassidy about that. Now, just you sit down, Joss won't you? I want to have a tittle talk with yon. til be through here in a second" He went on with the write Log. Gerson moved forward 'fierily tis the single chair near the end of the desk and there seated himself mochas - lc -ally. Ella face thus was turned to- ward the windows that gave on the corridor. and his eyes grew yet more clouded as they rested on the grim doors of the cells. He writhed In hie chair, and his gaze Jumped from the cells to the impassive figura of the man at the deet. Now the torgel'1 oertotsanesa increased momentarily, It 'wept beyond his controL Of a mai- den he sprang up and stepped close to the lnepector. "Say," be said, Ina busty voice, -re tike -Td like to have a lawyer." "Where the matter with you. Joe* tbe inspector returned, always wttb that imperturbable air, and without raising his bead from the work that so engrossed his attention. "You know, you're not arrested, Joe. Maybe you never will be. Now, for the love of Mika keep still and let me entad this letter." (eintinned next week) SUFFERED With Biliousness and Sick Headache. l'.lgary, Alberta, July S, •1914. i was a great *envier for • Imre time wit biliousness. Lick headache and liver trouble. Nothing seemed W do e.r good I had erinto.t given upin deapa.r when i decided to try FIG PiLL.S After taking about half a box the headiehiss stopped and my appetite improved. i bare just finished the fifth iwx and fee as well as ever, 1 ran heartily teenti mend. Fig Pills for• .tomach and liver rrootle*. MRs. MART ELUSON. &Id at all dealer in .S and 50 -cent bozos or nl••ailyd by The Fig Pill Co„ St. Thomas, Out Sold in Godericb by E. H. Wigle, druggisr. iw.rd Lovat, the head bf the famous 1.orat Scouts, telly a goe•d story in regard to a very h ruffled private who w•.ts under arrest for some offence. Lord Lovat inquired of the sergeant as to what' his offence was. ••tie i • very itoubleeome fellow, sir;" the ser- geant replied. "Got too much Hp, goes nut wdbout (rave, comes back when he likes, and get. drunk wben he likes -just as if he was an efila•r." TEETHING TIME TROUBLES. Bahy's teething time is a period of anxiety for mothere unless baby's etoutach ie kept r.weet and bis bowels regular. No other medicine hes been found Lo valuahle during teething ,s has Baby's Own Tablets. They make teething mettles* and by their use baby gets bre teeth so easily that the mother scarcely know., they are mining. Concerning the Tablet.. Mrs., F. G,•kbmith. Nelson, B. C, writer: "Babe's Own Tablets arra her'' greatest help doting the teething peer- teal." Thr 'Tablets ate sold Ay meds• tine dealers or be nail ar 'L; erns.' a lata room The Dr. ‘Villiaru.' Medicine Co., Brockville. Oar. A doctor who bad heen . ed hastily elighled from his raniece to find a woman awaiting him on the doorstep and with"rat the anxious Inok be expelled under the , it •um• *Nueva. '1 under. tend he said, "'that your boy has •wallcwed w snv- ereign. where ie he ?"e Ile air." was the reply. " I'm glad to tell you we made* nehateke ! it wasn't a *or- mittgn ; it was only a Irti If penny !" Maryellen* Ceve•-".Algid you say that Rrnwnley was cured of a had aft irk of insotoni• ray anttgeetion?" "Yes -purely by Rua s e.tinn. Hie wife suggested that gine, he could not sleep he might as well ell up and *Mace the i.ahy. It worked like a charm:" • lJ QUICK NAPTHA THE • WOMAN'S SOAP .a a. er cruisers ►l allotted in the entrance of the Ilardeentile i:ohserve•1 and dir.+eked the Are by„ k;re' t The bntt.es.iln e,,,, -en Elisabeth with h• -r eight Ifeii,.:h guns, (fired 21 rounds at "Fort 1.," 0:le of tbo Euro - even fort: at' the Narrows. ' This operatic,• was cr,rdactid uy indirect fire by meanie of aeroplane r.•••on lai'aance. Fort L is sr::'e1 with two 14-tlrch guns, wh:Sh :culd hardly Nath the Queen ries, th, and the' two'•nelgi•b,;r;ng fret, , 'ss" s three 11-in.h. and acme yr.'s:. r =tr..s. Ot- Satutdst the Mics -n ::;icat>ech de paned fror4 the • ntrar(•e straits and joined the French aqua•' tett fn the Gulf of iiaroe. From ti.! point th-t British sup.r-lira• aiicg t bombarded Forte }'::midi, h and Hal:.! silo!, l 1 h:nleb, tush on %the ,tlai3Nc siu,• e' this Narro::s. Th:.., her shed:., were ant acnes• the a:.ah of tie Galtipoil Penir.sula Sad t.. • Nidt:1 of the Harden Ales. it, adelt ,.a. 1 ships taking ,,art in the bom- bardment from the Gulf of Suros may be pr. tum d to be iramune front serious return Are, for t sere are no fortifications on the .Egea.1 side of Cie peninsula. and It to stat d that r.on, 1 of the ships has suffered damage: Late despatches from Near -Eastern points indicate that the eituatiou in Coaatanttnople L becoming • incre aa. ugly serious am..* result of the suc- cess lot the attack on tae Dardanelles, which has dr.ven hundreds of fugitives from the Gallipoli Penipaula. and toe Asiatic side of the strait, in terror to the eapl'al. Foreign: ri. not etea excluding Ge: mans, are in a precarioss position ane: massacres of Christens are feared. • PROHIBITION ASKED FOR Sweeping Change in Liquor Matters Demanded ty Alliance By a u;tanitncus vote mir Deminton Mliasce Convection la retito last week calied upon the Federal Govern- ment to intrlducc 1,o the House o. t'ommo: tt a re.-oli:Lon favo-i.g the' total prohfb!tion o: the manufacture and colt' of n:otlra::rg ;lquur to: beet:age. pu: tos=s. ' .. T''t• r-'70',::' i was 'pro^Hurd ` b; Rc c. Lr. " Sibert • Yoare, Sept o the' Met!:o.i:::: S•r,1a: Service Depart- Cleht. and was Y, c:.nd, d by .Rev.- Dr. J. L. Sl:ea-er cf Graf Social Service lelar m,la of (:1,• i'res',yterian thee. h. `?cnle d!a^t:sale : toot:. place bafcr• ti.e r :' a i, a x•tc ^dor.•. d. !.f r. J. H. ade a strong tt'e' ::1 for co^Ilei::: t reeaest fo: l'ro 1.btiion 1.0 IC. ! ••*°ud of VI., Nur. Hr ::•e3 t+i,tt 1 ..s charged by t :• T reed 'temp y, opl.• of fr•'ehe.• 1' . •'! t'. •.. i', :.:i u .!. at t. at t', W::: cat r,, uj 'for to:al pro , but: v:. r'• re-'dy to support .t...1 from" . the a .1 peeirbit'o,i u -,r 4. '••:. 1 _ .: ,. ra e'?eted: ,.. .o•.orary pest. �• Principal Llov,t of Saeka tr tent; t.. Sale, .. !1r. 11. A. tar)'. J. 11. (.. n.r- a:: ' rumor Ondine , 1. v. _••;i if. Lace. r W CAh'_ADIAN OAMP Flit: Catch ,of Second Contingent Located at 8horncliffe icier •hoaaand men of flu. e • .•• ('noadtan tapede:onary • . '''••" ileus• 1'e�ehcd h.«� .•;A will :e' ' .• . , d at Sher...i:to , amp, which is• big :n:proye,n,•..t ovcr Salisbury and tee nun w111 11.• niore co:o- 1,:r::.••••1/ elca`tcre 1 tientthe t e (nasi . t. a 17` . came :.croea in Octob. r, Th,: c.sn.,r at ,u,"acliae Is within • mile e,' tl.e railway statin, and is located o . dr): soil. i lot re are pared road+ s.'d s;dewarks, and there are brick ::.:.o qua: ;r- the •ru::.:a. The camp 1.: a: o wit.11n 'say trach of Polke• st .t.•, ono of the most pleasant and pi• tcresque - et .iso resorts in England. Promotion Fo Janice* V ce•Admtral for J n Jellicoe has been promoted to the rank of Ad- miral. and Admiral Sir Hodwortil Ileus appointed Admiral of the Fleet In Sir John's stead. Sir Hedworth bas leen ('ommander•in-chief at Ports- mouth. It 1a supposed that the exceptional talents of Admiral Jellicoe ars re- quired in an ad%.taory cataeity at the A miralty (birth,: the enfor'c'ed ta- u of the •Tome tent. dor', Turtle Stopped Water Supply A turt,e "slimated to weigh Son pounds. was drawn against the in- take pipe of Leamington's water supply-, cuttirg the town ..R for several hours. derma.* Short of ,read 1 he Gepnen army bread ration hag been reduced from one loaf a day 1100 two men to one loaf for thrown mew* •rrnrding to the Pettish ofbeial Eye. witness at the front. 7lrotrs.aT, I/aat'a 11, 1013 a j 1LI,AP&SON New. Silks and Dress Materials ! 1)t'R SPECIAL PAILETTE SILKS, --48 inches wide. extra heavy quality, beautiful finish, E100 black and all colors, per yard e(JV SPECIAL H.' BT'TIA SILK. -.:Is inclus wide, black • and white only. A. splendid wearing olid washing Silk, per yard/ % JACQUARDS SILKS. -Newest design., : extr.•�- quality, 34 'inches wide, per yard• 75c BLACK -ANI WHITE. STRIPES in glaring designs are the season's newest novelty and should prove exceedingly popular. 34; inches wide• her Far�1.75 • r', Novelty Trimming Silks in all the newest designs. Special Values in Navy, Black and Cream Serges• -1 Skirt Our special D. M. Serge. extra fine weave• made faint selected Botany yarn $1.00 in black, navy and cream, 51) inches wide, per yard V Our special W. M. Serge for misses', Suits, dresses and separate skirts. We have . never shown Netter values: than these iu blacks• navy and creast. There ,........... WkIs only alimited auaPtit> of this line; 40 inches wide, per. yard Carpets Linoleums Curtains Our spring shipment of Carpets, Liuoleums, Oilcloth. and Curtains has arrived and is all in readiness for the spring cleaning time. now almost here. We have made furtheralterations in our House Furnishing Departnteut *hich give us much needed room to meet the demands of our steadily -increasing trade. MCCALL'S PATTENS AND PUBLICATIONS FOR APRIL I.N STOCK MILLAR'S - SCOTCH STORE TELEPHONE NO. 56 CLARKS !f you get C_lark'• you get the best. 5• - Good for one it'eek only Two packages of him Som. blued Carnet lacks for :s ('eco Poor Mats. regular ti-, for 111'. Four -blade huekhorn-handle, [neve-lined 1'orket Knives, 4 for r.;r•. • All our regular eh.locket Knives for lie. Sri half-pints, ready -mixed Paint, ilk rarh. RAZORS:-$1.(sl line for 'biz S1.2.; line for s.:.•, 1.:rit .. „ $1,*11 ! IMI •' I N1. :Lost „ •. line -third off o>ft all Skates and snow shoe.. Heating Stoves With Shake Aral Duplex urate'. blow, 81t1 for 8111:.$1 7 Inc %11 811' for 81:1: • ' Extra goevd valuer in Gr,hitewa're, See 011"'b---` LUCKNOW. 1. tcndnl :or in -r .r.. 1 Me.NRtY, M*reh let. 'NRws NI.TE..--11. v. J. S. Dirtiest, wits at Mh•itnt Fee. r• et Ie. -1 we* k atter.d- ing tt,e funeral of his Irtother Thome-. who died at (:ravenhetn.t Th. 1. 1 i r t a funeral cf the lite Kerrie e f Lncknow, 1' ,.k pia.:r nn Fri. dal afternoon Inst. All the Laziness plsces•were closed as a tribute , f re. .nest bi the dcres.,d . ..Mier A. Iloyd is visiting at 1'h1rrq,, rind ether pinc....,.. Mr. and Mr-. T. Pierer left last week fur lb, West after upending the winter herr. W gnh1N1i8.--On LVetine•aday. Feb. ruaty .'lth, at Parkdale Preel yte►ian ' chute/. Rev. A. L. liregte tad le matt -mop Mary, daughter of Mr. and hire. John Hahhiek, of lan•knuw, vied John 'Schein, of Toronto At the Lncknow Met h.'d•at p,r•ona'•• .m $atmday last HMV. (lir.'. McKinl.y perfern.rd the welding ceremony uniting John McLeod. 1. inlrrly o1 thy- 2nd he2nd entenonion, Rinks., acid Mss Flnrrnc [.avis, of Pt. Helefls. Mt. L ec d lis now a,neeessfnl fatmer at rs,nsiak.. and the y.•nng maple let on Mondayfor their Me th to The on Toronto Glob.• of Fehrnary 21th had the following : A few intimate tripod* witnrr.,,l *,.l,rdav .filet.oun 111.• war:limo ••f Mary 11•• ,4o ..en, of Lurku.N*. 1., Joh,. 1:0,'' f Itt4ey, Ly Rev, F. A M••L eerier. '! ut the bomr of the gtew.IiS easter, Mr*. MacDonald, Pwlmrtttnn avenue. The bride we.ne her travelling suit of navy Lbw, , with a modish hat end veil. Among the �gtusm•pt from nut of town were Nis* Henderenn and Mise. McKay. of Lurk new ; MM* Mclennan, of Laurier : Mr. Heedersnn, of Lneknow ; Mr. Sad Miss Mowat and Miss Bsateh. A patty weddlsg was, solemnised et BEST PLACE TO BUY HARDWARE - PHONE S7 1 h • 1 • of (ae.rge Tiffin, i.uigsote, when Mk. N -1 r i + la Ur B 1 . tk 1.n. naw. 1, canoe th:• wife- .•1 Enure Alton, rat Ashen kl. Thr eerrmony a A. in- formed by Rev. ti. n. Mekioley in the per eI ve of a large ptlurhrt' ..e ferrets. Many tteautiful and rosily Rifts were received, among them a ehetfue• fur a:yl hum 1 h groom's father. )Ir. 1). Alton. The young couple will reside on the 11th ce•nrrrwio n .4 Aahlleld. • [town broil -•'Never (rite let let t, my boy, that•ybu'll regret in After life.- Dewtell+"You speak al from experience?" Uubntr.st -"1 do! In early correspondence with the lady who is now my wife I signed twyself *Voile obedient *.'roan!,'.' MCUie.- M� ilnh••r rte. tt•,c:wr, whomhe has ror.•n.!v mad •.. '.-lees 'to rrprimen.( sere.r"Iyt-"'Why did t.,.1 n...-atulc} Trooper --**1 •h.,.... e• - ,u. t.,u visna on .tr.•a► In' tot -, in. lite 1,, r,. STRATFORD. ONT.. Alt 'trio.. brat p.wcthwl ew ini>'a AIWA. we have t Aroma,. and ,peri.•ncert In•trertot* n melt of Nur three depart menta ('ow.nneee.'I. -! orthand and Telegraphy. tier area ,.nu. :^feted end row ehesM read O.' • 're. free evel. r1,. Welts twit .."1"r kik 1• A M, I.A1 HI, e\ Principal. Retirees ctiffnees and Sorniccs• Swellings and Wounds, Sprain.. Neuralgia, Rheumatism, &c., &c. Ir .s also fine fa Horses and Cattle Soo &eorrol rte Ser Noowoo. The Turner Co. Unwed • Toronto