HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-3-11, Page 1}gob Printing 1f you want your Print- ing done promptly and In up-to-date (&.bion, let us bate your order at The Signal a11TY-iLYE.NTH TEAK -Ne, NIS 011 liana 1 Dee 114 Botheseel 'THE STERLIN6BANK OP CANADA-. SAVE, Because - The housewife who saves her money and pays her bilis by cheque will find household economy come easier. PROTECT theme dependent on you by taking a policy in The Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canada "('•na-ie's only Mutual" A. G. NISBET REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE IN MASONIC TEMPLh, WEST STREET. GODERICH Paowss : OFFICE 3) : Hosea 150. P. 0. Box :1114 Dressed and Matched Lumber Sarah, Mouldings, Doors. British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles (tbree grades), aleo New Brunswick and Ontario White Cedar Shingles. Builders' Hardware. Fibre Board. etc. Practically eve,ytbittg required for building to be bad at closest prtces atthe old -established Oodericb Planing Mills. 1t you are thinking of building tkI►i.s.let tie have a talk wiib you. 05bIERICH •ice , . .. JAMfa B VCHANAN1 Jut, ItflB t ire AItrie MANAGER. MORTGAGE SALE. - - MORTGAGE SALE OF SMALL FARM AT PORT Al BERT. l -oder and by virtue of Use power of tale om- tained In • certain registered roartgadr which will 1t' produced at the time at rap and upon width delimit to Daytona W bee. made. these will be offered f.., eel* by pithily .argon at the Colborne Hetet. in the tows of Mode - rich. by Thomse Gundry..ect.lo.eer. on Mon d.y. the I.kb day of Mare\ rils..t " o'raock In the afternoon. the following lands sod premises: -All loose certain parcele or tracts of lase sad premie+ .Itsate, lying and being In the village of Peet A.bert, In IM township .1 Ashfield. In the comity of Huron. lot. ■um - Wes -1x and neves oo the earth Ode of Mel- bourne Kteet and hes n .mbma six and seven on the south side of Melbourne street Iles. three acres off the .moth part of .aidtut mentioned lot heretofore eseeviryed t0 oats 1\ edam T. Psbwl, oontalnisg twenty Ivo arrres of land room or les., and exceptlet .lac 1 1• feu of an ave field and ems. Ted to John R' nN t . Mdeed dated MayMR M Metres by ! the .boyo prop.. ly Is erected . d: rimmed frame bou-e, and a frame Dern. roc. honor arid granary, all .aid to be In . fair state of repair. the erchesd eunlat0. ab .t one bun Mad sherry tree. sad aim apple and other fruit trees and small fruit-. and the fences. are In grind condition. The .rea of the land is .uppow.1 to be abets' eighteen .ere. a.d 1. as -itn.ted within the v411 tge of Port Albert. Teems I.. of the put chase money to hepald doer. at the dere of ..Ir and the balance with- out Interest In thirty day. thereafter tarfurther particulars apply to HATS, .E$Q . (:oderfch. (h,(., Va.00r'. Solicitor. or to THOMAa Gl'NDRY. MAI_ Aged hear, (loderich, th., Inked .t Modern* tht.:Ph d.y of February wt . era FOR SALE OK TO RENT LOT FOR SA LI .-•ON ET. O DORO Ell Cre.oe.t. Apply to Hits. ". L HALL LwR RENT AM PAS r u KK. --FL tal 1t'' In Malas&. RI.er...omlatdng a pr i. i WANTED. -MEN AND WOMEN stA77 at t nae• P. ..mini tr. •DD y J- . to represent u. In Introduring the mod MARl+HALI,. t'. P. Ft Agent. yi Y Depute, hou .hold article.. on the market. Ex periwigs u n sone es to y. THE K IRK k -MOOR L COMPANY. Trenton. OntaHo. 011. FOR SALE C(reOE SALE. -AL N, UMBMR (OAF b brown born he, dM-1N1crI Ct. Loyal. Out. C'd- bers. Mttsetpal Tslep1s. 111-7t t:-Im VOR SALE. - HOOD TIMOTHY rwed weiLakaaed. M. K. RLV-Bbl.. Ools- /7-r R MALE. -MEED GRAIN. -BAN - r NKR oats: b.resy, O. A. C., Na ti : Mu- ttmime me ony .own "easiest. threosta. Tao latter e heaviest Fired! A. 11.41.0 rTON, Dealt" P. O. Nett GWK MALK.-TWO-SEATED CAR- •untert suitable foe posy or small L' reign Kuhl** ( obs* Urea and canopy top. In good coedition. WW be .ofd cheap.Apply to MR. F. WOOLIA;uMHg. et the Polon Reek, Modem h. nItKKI) GRAIN FOR SALE. -THS 191H bulletin of the 0... C.. not lamed. report- the improved earl? Hsnner oats the Met all round oat In ('snails today. We has, them. -.c per Ducal. AIe Meat eat. and Pore hold at term mu osy. livaranteed tree from rasa and .m.1 germs and noxious weeds, •ho0. A. SALE Phone or write II .111.R g.11 CARDS OF THAMES I ilastrar THANK8.-1 WISH TO Vi ammo me heartfelt gratitude to the luring and ies sympathy who tendered ueh tilos..tied Inset,d • -fpathy during the lin u.t.e.imst death of my be - wife. SAM [ALL CADE. LARD OF THANKS. -WE BEG- TO • t.ke tot. nppo.tenity of thanking our mime ear -tosser. and Ih. public In general foe the lib.•nl patronage accorded u. foe the past three year. at the Maple Leaf Grocery, and we bespeak a emtinu.nce of the same gen 0.eoe treatment for our .i.00....ors, M.•s... O'Neill A l o. S. J. YOUNG. WARTS!) LIOR SALE. - A MEDIUM-SIZKD r some, het water heating. all modern con vo.Mnces. ?Hoe yard. A very comfortable Mau- Alder. bolt es. THE $I(INAL I7.Im MO RENT. -TWO-STORY BRiCK 1 boos containing all modern cowrie. lases, tie.1 street oe,eet to O. T. R station. apply to street, RAs W. A. RH THAN _ _ Il -11 IRENT. -BRICK HOUSE WITH 1 all t.red.r, •baeegver.enta. lneleding hat ingot heollet s Ate; .fx rats.. .honed ria Olnoseter 'fLfgnsa Amity to JOs( C N. 04.f. 1111•10RSALL.-THE FARM OWNED tbe an Weltese- Ger Mwbeam . awith hsas kttr)rm .niest 104mad w'eed.br :Gsums la Mow : h,di he watersgaglf:g'.i.4•111 ; yeses ..r Ilkt'd'.' tm .geese _(1.e O ventewt r .•split agd sebwl at • harn.I r y l tlbots tate. Apply h HAI. ADA Y. Camde. er 11. ievich P. Q041 PUBLIC NOTICE J()TiOE.-WE HAVE MEN •D - Heed tIllme it.o by .gem le Metteg coats that • meetly W galas ewe mums Wi wi o et.1e rhes we haver ewes w a alus m ea 1M reed ...swarm awed.-.. ilauss to am is ea ear .ate• HORSE MARKET GODERiCH HORSE MARKET. 6LODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1915 A Feet, Calendars Left The Signal still has some Calendars for subscribers who pay their subscrip- tion now for 1915. Hand in your dollar and get a Calendar. a a e411. THE SIONAL PRINTING eo..I.Dtrillie PtatJnve t . rppp 1IJSD i yS LETTER. Rvr not ac. lively engaged in cite Allis.' FOR THE BELGIAN FUND . renrokot got May with tAe ills jointed returns submitted by the vae- K t that PROFESSOR SHORTT THE CAUSE OF A LONG DEBATE. Government Side of the House Doesn't Like His Reference to the Vultipli- cation of Civil Servants -Sorrow- ful Tale of a Horse that Started for the War and Landed in a Glue Factory -Hon. George P. Graham Hits Out a Hot One. sous d rtlsreota be tl ui ed ear A there had been eleven ihoueind dis- wissals and twenty-one thousand appointments, whirl' make. the spread between dismissals and ap- pointments two thousand more than the Professor's estimate. And at that there are several Cabinet Ministers W bear front. Bubeequenth', Dr. Pugele calculated that eleven thousand civ servants at tut average of one thOW- and dollar, each meant eleven million additional dollen a year at • time when Canada should be pinching penoie.. Altufeetber. Profs or Shorts weenie to have a good tuar^r,io to conte -- land go on. (Copyrighted,. Ge erosxat Humes. Ottawa, March 11. -Well, whatever Alt bough the Government hasn't else happens in this dreary waste of Put sli the facts on the record yet words, we had one lively day. It oc• curred lest week, but it dwells in the memory yet like an attack of acute iniigestion. This Parliament is suffer- ing hem large emotions, sternly sup- pressed. Although it talks some, it says little, because the good e:uff will keep until a general election, and &leo because the public isn't listening any- way, both its ears being in Europe. Consequently when a genuine old blood -and -fire debate. in which plain streaking and bud hitting are tue order of the day, take., place it acts as r wu.tard plaster end greatly eases the paint' and aches of the body pol- itic. booking back over the area of dile turbaoce one sees now that the trouble was due in almost equal parts to the freedom and independence of Profes- sor Adam Shorts,- the ingrowing na- ture of the party truce, Tum White's sense of humor, and Geoage Grab&tn's gift of repartee. incidentally, Georg. Graham had the Iasi wbrd and it wee a scorcher. Professor Adam Shoot is chairmen of the Civil Service Commission and his duty is to place the civil service on as.high a plane is the abstract prin- ciples of emciencyetruggling with the time-honored patronage system will allow. Admittedly tbe Ptofeseor has a bard job and be is often between the devil and the deep see; that is to say. between the pr'een:re of the local mem- ber backed up by the cabinet minister and his own conscience. The Profes- sor node it necessary to summon all his *philosophy against the diemand UMWet bee pled to Hake • hot answer. Beteogg rebsoebbie, like the Auditor -Geared, only on • two-thirds vote of both Houses of Parliament, be understands that his office is out of politics as much as any office can be and that it or is his fate to fret. the Government and t he defended by the Opposition of the , ro day to the end of the chapter. At , M least, if the Professor doesn't under- stand it, he doesn't know his job, and 1 have no reason to believe that be lacks intelligence. How the Trouble Started. The moral so far as Professor Shortt is concerned is to hewer* of ° because truth Is precious and met not, be parted with wholesale, the Cabinet Ministers answered Professor Shortt in various ways One atter another they got up and said, These bands are clean. Much beat was engendered u the idea that it took flve Tories to supply the place of one Grit. The ir.cre•.ee had merely kept pate with t(%r general ezpansiou of the country. Al.0 great play was nude with "re.igneti.ws." Professur Shorts had not differentiated between resignatiooe and diswir.ala. Perhaps be hadn't. Pet haps he ..lidn't for a reason &ptly pit. by Sit' Warid Laur- ier, who said that resiitn..tion was a virtue and tort people often made virtue of a urcearity, which might have been the case with some thous- ands of Liberate, wbu got out from under before the axe fell. At all events many high-mioded Litiers's, feeling. doubtless, that they couldn't work under • Conservative ti'overo- meot, fired themselves while the tiring ergs good. There was • regular epi- demic of bare-kiri among Liberal office -holders, particularly to the out- side services, In the postnfce, public works and customs departments. Professor SborLt mey have made • mistake in overlookiug this delicacy of (seting on the part of Grits holdioi down government jobs. but 1 don t think he did. It be bap it would bate Dade the figures that much heeger. Prote'oor Shortt is • just man and be doesn't want to give any government more than the wont of it. Probably because their figures in re- buttal were not wholly convincing. the Cabinet Miotsters went atf- essor Sborti from aroun3 the coriver. Owe amused him of being a Grit sip- ; aaetbir alloo papers for landing waiters ; a third with being an egotist. The argu- ment was Codlin r our friend, not Sbortt. From that it wandered to the broad question of spoils venue Brit In civil service appointments and hat sere and yellow field was bar. wed by shot and shell. Sir George urray's dusty report, being trot- ted out and unlimbered, did good work. One way and another the engagement lasted nine boors. The Professor's name may be Shorts, but be made a deuced long day of it. However, he was only a peg to hang bigger matters 0. statistics. It was almost a month A Ego that he strayed into figures at The People's Forum in Ottawa, and, o the day being Sunday, he told as be much of the truth as was revealed & to him. In other words, he stated tr that eine* 1911 there had been 2,0011 u dismissals and 10,0110 appointments Th in the civil service. His words were: "Two thousand were re die nit ' awed and Pe Preca: ions Truce. Galloping around the war zone with ut the aid ..f a horse, several mem- o touched on the subject of loyal. nd its silent side -partner, the party uce, which. like •harity, is being sed to cover a multitude of sins e biggest sin of all. some think, w..s boosting the tariff seven and a hal r cent. enAiv' gt mR the British ['ref bow many took their place -lust ten er thousand." Naturally these figures w and the exact inflection the Profemot tit gave them received a wide circul tt ion at the hands of the Liberal peter&, herau.e they proved that the Govern- ment wag "going mlome." Just as naturally the Government resented a text with so much edge oo IL They I put up • boiler that the Profeeeor, didn't know hie multiplication tables. As a matter of fact the Professor didn't. He was under, rather than over, the mark, for when Sinclair of Guysboto, who is the best little dig -1 ence • pill while the Oppositio as holding ita breath, but naturally i, was out mentioned by the Gov- ernment overntnent supporters. They did, how -cation 1N Smuts Charge. Judgement wit. delivered by Hie Honor Judge 11 'yle on Tuesday last on the appeal trout the decision of Police Magisrate Morton of V Mg - ham in the r.tae of John E. Swarts, of Wingham, charged with tbe unlawful sale cf liquor, On the :110th of September last Wil- liam' Hunter, of Tutonto, a special offi- cer fif the (),,tare. Oovernmeul, bought it "jug of cider" at Swans' bar and took it 1n his room in the hotel. where. tie says, he put some of it into a ls.ttle which he corked, sealed and labelled and •bunt four days after- ward • dei iveird to the inspector at Tor unto. who fill the :ith of ()owner bad it analysed by the Government analyst. The analyst notified that the .•ot1- tents nt the battle contained 9.3 per cent. of proof .piriL.. The sale of any beverage containing over ti per cent. of proof spirits with- out a license is prohibited by the Liquor License Art. '1 be prosecution was not cnnuoencrd for nearly two tttontb, after the & ample was taken sod analysed. at which time the defendant had none of the cider left, and he rotnplained that by the Crown's delay he woe deprived of the opportunity of defending bite - ' elf by cnropariwon of the cider in hie possession with the 'Ample analy.ed. The case was tried before Police Mag- istrate Morton at Wingham and watt dismissed, and the appeal war taken against the magistrate. decision permission of the Attorney -General. The point at ieeup in the case was what was ib* proportion of proof spirits In the cider at the time It was sold in the delendaot to the Govern - silent official. The certificate of t`e U Government analyst showed what waa in the h.ttlr on the .1h of Oto - i her Evidence wee given at the trial concerning the condition of the eider while is the defendant's preevesiob; there was also evidences as to the Ma- poeeibility of fermantatico. The opnion of .hedge Doyle is that when the defendant relieved the nider its altobolic strength was under 24 per neat., and that tbe increase of perceet- age towed by the analyst was due out 11111 R + to fermsetetloo but to the addition of 0 The Signal has remitted to Mr. Hector I'rud'homme, of Montreal, treasurer of the Belgian Relief Fnnd, the .um of $14.10, being ten cents appropriated from each of 141 advance subscriptions to The Signal. The 141 subscribers represented in this payment are as follows : A. B. Potter. Laogbsnk, Seek. Y. R. McMath, Goderieb. Benjamin Witmer, Witmer. Alex. Stirling, Goderich Wm. Crozier, Dung.nnon. Mrs. A. Sbotte, Wingham. Levi Snyder, Clinton. Jame. Curron, GoJrrtch. John 1`iouotoo, Auburn. Richard McWhinney, Kingsbridge. Jobe Levy, Cerlow. Geri. Hates, Goderi.:h. MIN H. Suwerby, eiuderich. Thos. Anderson. Rayfleld. Eu,,nsnu.i Mitchell, Godericb. Time. Gunn, I ing.bridge. T. C. Cox, (iode,ich. Mrs. R. Jennings, Gralericb. James Gordon, Oodei ich. Alex. bavidson, Godericb. Mis. Porter, Goderich. Jo.. Di iver, Ooderich. Rod. McKenzie, Kin:•il, Philip Steele+, Dungennoo. W. J. Roberton, Auburn. K. Auderson, (iodericb. D. C. Bogie, Nile. Bert Holmes. Clinton. Mrs. E. Shetler, Santa Monica, Cal. James Stewart, Goderich. Rev. J. Urs Stewart, %Vhitechurch. A. Hislop, Brus.ele. Mrs. Jos. Salkeld, Goderich. Mian Washington, Godericb. John McLeod, Auburn. John Phillips, Aahurn. James Jackson, Four Ways, Alta. J. .1. Washington, Auburn. Geo. Woods. (iuderich. John Douglas, Kintail. John Cameron, Kintail. Morgan Dalton, Kingsbridge. Mrs. Win. Tighe, Goderich. aVm. Straughao, Benmiller. Wm. Hay, Holmeeville. Alex. Campbell, Endiaug, Alta. Wm. Warnock, Oodericb. J. J. Wright, Hamilton. Alex. McDougall, Atnberley, Donald McLean, Amberley. John Robertaun, Auburn. Miss Laura Jeckell, Uxbridge. D. McLeod, Kintail. John Lacey, Goderich. . ( baa, Wtgbtman, Belgrave. Jobe' yproul, Goderich. A. D. (lasoer'oo, Goderiti. t Sheres.1h C.H. wn, Deadwood, N.D. Oban. fianow, Oodericb. Geo. Been, Carlow. 8. J. Brimicombe, Oodericb. W. J. Beimicowhe, Detroit. Wm. Walter. Saltford. Wm. Dew, Seltford. Mrs. Percy Nattel, Goderich. A. Curzon, Goderich. Joseph' Baecblet, Godteich. W. A. Coultbutet, Ooderich. - J. A. McLaren, Toronto. Mrs. J. H. Leech, .Goderich. Rev. W. P. Brophy, Lees Summit, No. Mrs. Soeyd, Goderich., M. J. Morrish, Detroit,. Jar. Logan, Wiodwor. Jno.•McPbee, Nile. F. F Lawrence, Goderich, Mise A. M. Clark, Saskatoon, L E Pentland. M, Buxton, Ont. W. D. Cox, Leamington. Jou. J. Kaithby, Auburn. Alex. I )sbakirstoo, Goderich. .lobo McClure, Heomiller. John Steep, Saltford. W. H. Mcf'be'e, LoyaL A. W. Wise, loyal. W. G. Hawkins, Sheppardton. D. O. Salkeld, Hwbford, Sask. ('..1. %Vatter, Beomiller. Ww. Stewart, lioderich. Clement Newton, Porter's Hill. J. H. Leech, Goderich. G. H. Green, Goderich. Allan Bowles, Kerrisdale, B.C. Mrs. R. A. Culver, Kisney, Bask. John Roberton, Auburn. J. W. Sowler, Ingersoll. Jas. Linklater, Dunlop. Robs, Sttsughan, Auburn. Mies Tiffin. St. Thomas. John McKay, Kintail. G. L. Lamb, Saltfo,d. J. P. Brown, Goderich. M. Tobin. Dunlop. t Miss Eva McNee, Winnipeg, Man. Jas. Ritchie, Lucknow. Win. McDowell, Belgiave. Miss Reyttett, Goderich. Dr. A. T. Emmerson, Goderich, Jas. Orr,•Gudericb. Rev. Father McRae, Godericb. Wm. Jewell. tioderich. Miss Nellie Harris, Hamilton. Thus. Burns, Carlow. P. Kilcallin, Goderich. C. 11. Schultz, Saltfnrd, R. A. Carrick, Sovereign, Sask. 'W. E. Stotbere, Goderich. Jamieson Reid, Goderich. Neil McKinnon, Lake Valley, Sask. David McPhee, Vermilion, Alta. Mrs. H. `Rowe, Onderich. 8. W. Stevens, Kitecoty, Alta. James Motels, Auosro. Geo. W. Dawson, Auburn. Mrs. M. J. Symington, Auburn. J. J. Bowler, tinted. Wm. MMlaliotigb T a . T. McCarthy, Kingsbridge. - Mrs. H. Dodd, Alton*. A. A. Horton, Ardrossan, Alta. B. J. Seethe, Ooderich. J. W. Malian, Saltford, John Johoeton, Goderich. Will Anderson, Auburn. J. C. Stoltz, Auburn. Wm. Dobie, Auburn. Jacob Wagner, Auburn. Wm. Robinson, Auburn. Thos- Robertson, Auburn. N. B. -It is to be observed that a great numbe,' of Signal subscribers paid their 191:1 subscriptions in the Bermuda voting contest conducted last summer by the previous management, and those now being paid by no means repre- sent the number usually received at this season of the year. The Red Cross in -advance subscript iou the Red Cross Fund. During the month of March The Signal is setting aside ten cents of each yearly paid - received and will contribute the amount to WINGHAM LIQUOR CASE. Judge Doyle Dismisses Appeal by Prose - ever, dig up an item in the Littoral Monthly which asked Sir George Furter why be didn't get busy and land some of the British Goy. ernment'• war orders for ('anada. They cleioted that this was a dastard- ly deal. not unlike that of the Ancient Mariner, who shot the albetioes. it was one poor little item in seven months absolute fidelity to treaty l'ontmued m pugs N i TUZED•Y, MARCH fed. (1t M. we. asd Drrami.. V. S., era be at this .rase ellerbet to H sems. Omsk, wap newer►h an the tee Nitom • w bens t will will Ltd a r g Pe+am sae banes te ear M tow Imre say Mesar, • • • l n,/,4;,ff nnoa, ce for Oue.)day afsd iZnnfsrrj (kr an exlreiffle& ra/ere,>'/sny new Styles in Spring 22illinerY to w14'IC4ou are coreh4 riltvded. `.Miss C. 1U. Campbell KINGSTOX STREF, T • • • THE TOWN cOUNQL. CEMETERY MATTERS DISCUSSED BY SEXTON ALDOUS. Affairs in Connection with Star Theatre Ventilated --Finance Committee Re- ports on Difference with Paget Grain Door Co. -Thanks and Cheque from Dungannon for the Goderich Fire Brigada. The regular meeting of the town council war held on Fr iday evening, with all the members present, %Viten the sexton's report was pre - rented, Mr. Aldous, the sexton, was present and was granted the privilege of addressing the council. He asked that two new 'gates he secured to replace those blown down last fall. He then spoke at some length on the proposed *Ailon,' mon u►uent. He con- sidered the one that the cemetery committee proposed to buy was entirely inappropriate for the purpose, being intended for a family monu- ment. He would like to see a three- piece monument of rugged native granite with hut one face dressed for the inscription. He also considered the separate walkers a superfluity, as the names were unknown. Mr. Aldous &leo mentioned the tact that he was constantly being "chewed et" by outsiders as to the elate of the walks and rioted that he had twenty- eight miles of walks to keep in order and thought there was no better -kept cemetery outside of a city. It was useless to talk of doing awry with the walks even if the council could afford to buy sod or seed them down, for there was • large amount of gravel left from each grave dug and he util- ized the walks to get rid of it. The sexton also asked the rouncil to pay for the erection of the stable which be bad built at • cost of $190, and said if the council would do that he would keep the sailors' plot in good condition free of charge. He paid a tribute to the .work of Reeve Elliott last year as chairman of the cemetery commit- tee. Both the verbal and the written report were referred to the cemetery and parks committee. A letter was read from Tho.. O. Allen, of Dungannon, tbankiug the council for the proferred assistance Iof the fire brigade at the time of the gburrning of the Ma lough bottle, and trio cad bgtad' . a moots bad been sent nitioo of the good intentions of the men from Godericb. A report from the Uanadian Fire Underwriters Association was soot to the fire commitipm. It was reported that the Doty Engine Co. had not paid anything on their mortgage on :he 1st of March as they bad promised to do. The clerk was instructed to draw their attention to the matter. The Mayor stated that a number of applications had been made for milk - vendors' licenses and in looking up the bylaw he found that the license fee waspayable on the 1stnf May each year. He recommended that licenses be granted extending from the pres- ent time uqtil May 1st, 1910, at the rate of 25c per cow. On motion of Councillor McClinton, seconded by Deputy Reeve Lailhwaite, the recom- mendation wad adopted, The Mayor reported [bat a transient tr'ader's license had been granted E. trip for the sum of gt111. The Bell Telephone Co. asked per- issioo to place two poles on Colborne treet. Reeve Elliott, chaittuan of he public works committee, said the tre.•t inspector and himself had con - ere(' w•th this telephone people and he pules were being properly placed, that they were not a nuisance to nyonc^ Councillor Proudfot wanted know why the Cotupahy bed been Hewed t.. pine'' via pales on Church crest, 41,14 •ed that the matter he steered to the public works commit- tee to report. Nerve Elliott said the ork was all ready ter completion anal he motion would held it up. The lots' n elfried, An .p111icrti •b for a license to over - Se a moving picture show in the star vette premises was re -rived front ('ontlusrd en page BORN. -- - CAMPBELL Te Fw•t ii'.w:uus.h. Ort Mse-b Eh. to Ni. end Mr. W. Albert Campbell. • 'laughter IMotorlc Amrlr.fi RRRTNGTo,, At Duns 1. nn. at, e.unday. Match 7th. to Mr. an.t Mr.. Alfred Err ten. twins own and daughter. TREw.ARTHA.-At lite cru ,unld.y. Meeh 70...o Mr. and \1r.. I1.r1 1 rewanha Itbe letter tonere% lei•. "trite McMath,. •eon Ken neth Clarence. MARRIED It.Ki\P. Ali . ndrrich, n lLr .Mar. lett Rth11. byIn Hr.ii(ion. P; Iter, Lodi... M,Martr to k. ertnn 11. Erskine. PAII+H\KN-Hll,l.,.r ti, -In by ReIlM«rl ll -Mn. -•Lr, M.n-h 111th, v eh J nKn. Fort, Lo inn, tuunn-t d•nehter of Nr. •.«I .lir•. Fresnel. Hillock. to sunset Fay hare. of Newmark..'. DILL/. ARM2rRONC. In Mote, ich. nn )const&) March a h. Irl.i, Thome. J. Armstrong. LtXToN.-In t:Mrrieh on Fraley. March .Ith. tin& Samuel ',num, aged 79 years. CADIZ. In On.lerlch. a., Mnn41•1. Marshal Ib.rptnp Ellen full. -d. wife of raeei m.r ('ads. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS MAR. Ilth Page (bderltl.cretary.eh Horse Marker Jams. t merely. proof spirits. His Honor holds that. it was equally within the power of the w informant, who had the liquor in his s possession for severel days, Ad it Waal t within that of the defendant or his s nun -in-law, the bartender, to tamper fe with it. In order to convict the de- It tendant he would have to find that he sc or his son-in-law not only put in the I a extra spirits hut also committed per- 1. jury by denying it. Flom s boohoos a point ..( view the informant and the s defendant were equally interested, "as r rich live. by hill *melte.." His Honor finds that the charge has not been w proved against the defendant "beyond r t a reasonable doubtand dismisses the n epprai. The defendant receives a pot. tion of hie Cults. • County Grown Attorney Seeger, Th who prosecuted the case, asked for • reserved case on the question of the . Ilrci nt the analyst': ceetiticate. Thle was granted. HOW FORD CARS ARE MADE. Special Exhibit at Lyric Theatre for Three Evenings -Dont Miss It. Manufacturing process..s ate &twat 8 interesting, and the people of (lode - rich will surely appreciate the oppor• entity they will have for the next few days of seeing the processes l.y which that very popular and fawibar article 11 the Furl motor car is made, The Celebrated Ford manufacturing plant at lee roil -the most remarkable ntor car plant in the world, turning ut 115111 cars a day is to he exhibited n operation by means of mooing pictures, to he shown at the Lyric Meetly oo Friday and Saturday even• Ings of this week and Monday eve of nezr week. The film, win t taker eighteen minutes to tun, the .manufacture .1 the car from t t to finish, and i..n instructive aro well as rntere.ting •ghihR which nobody should mise geeing. '11)is.pedal Also will he in addition to the regular attractions of the Lyric Theatre, and there will be; no extra admission fee. Remember the nigbte-Pride and Sat.tiday of this week and Monday of Deet week. Have you dent1111 w "Society Brand Cloths." dl1 W.U. Prldham'. Hoot better WI* Reileirwbere, .. ..... 1 ('&self. for halo F. .% polkaed]. 1 Pardons le Rent J H. Seaman...... „ t (spray Veer (kvuhaM. 1) F Hamlin! 5 (lri►OMalt- mitb Ito. ... 1 NNJce - t# . ltehf n. 1 '.0401 TAanae !A J. Yeegg ••• r I Spring Mllllaeer -Idles C M. Citeb010111 Readmit C. P. k ..... .. 1 card of Thanks a rade . ,,r 1 Peel Runabouts -W. P: 1410111..... 4 Reader. -w. C. P7Yham enema II