HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-3-4, Page 8• TartuaaT, MARCH 4, 1913 MB SIGN (+,L : GODBRIOH t ONTA Rl!► i Wall Papers1 price pmt p.�..r. i +.3���W tl6r. �M� �,�.f I.rJJq Suitable lot.11iuwt u��. pl�i�..fwrw .u��� That will {•Sea►. you in aplw.•1 .tu•e, qualit y' anal price Stunning papers at and S5c. that you wool! expe,•t to pay c.{llsi lerahly more for. Suitable *Intend allay ro fir. Very simple and pl on, some with strap- •pi'l;•• miters without. '1'..pe.tty. self -tone and all-oveI floral effect*. Less expensive Papers at In; , lis- and .lk• per roll. Suitable tar small pat tors. living rooms. halls. Also a line of inexpen- slve Palladian papers at r: • and •e per rill. TheG oderich Book Stationery Co. (o.:(0 Ku. POIt•1'ER Jest What You Need For that irritable. cough . Syrup of Tar with Cod Liver Oil Compound Acts like magic, try a :mac bottle . C. L 60ULT1Se Phel.B. DRUB(.IST and CHEMIST if it`s a prescription take it to Coulti.', where accuracy' and q tt:(1it ,'COtlnt, 0ODERICH MARKETS, Tee moose. Man* 1. Wheat, per bu.h •4.1110SL3. MI.. ler bit -i. .. . .. .70 to .I1 Harley e•r 1... -I, .70 t0 .71 I'.... 1••► bu-h 1.01 to 1.720 Hat•►wheat. Ver 1.u -h 711 to 73 r lour, feted,. eel set . :tall to A71 Plum. tote.,!. tet cot tee to lye mar. pet !on .. . 1:...1 to lop, ',hurt., per ton... . loin to :still H.y_ per !on .. ... 12AI to I`w =tree. louse. porton kat to ten Wood. pot (owl .. .tat to :a,a Nutter, p.rt4.. ... .31 le .lb 3srt a trsok, per dor ... .f to .L le/ed.... per Nub . .., .. .. , .N to .43 eyelet. per bbl. . .. . (ee to 1.73 tattle. betl,.r: choir,. prrr wt. Kae 10 ret tattle. bu,cbrt. methane - .,see to Kai li•MO•. Nle %Akirkt. per oust. 7 ZS to -."t :sheets ler ee 2 . .. ..... .. I.Y• to .SW Iattnb•,p.•r ret ..... ....... . 7.w to 3.1,2:sheep..ales .. 7a to l.oe Hear-. per Ib..... .11 to .1: Talln.v, rendered. ler Ib .... .. . . ti to .34 Duck-. par Ib ..... .12 to .12 . melee-, pet Ib ... .Ia to .le tire»•. per Ib .22 to .I2 1 nese)-. per lir .le to .1. Maple Syrup Call and sec whit arc clef do for vol in this Zinc. Fred Hunt Hamillon Tree, - Phone f35 •••••O♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦***NON*** Time will soon be here. W. oat about y our Sap Pails ' NOW 1 the tine to get them ready for use as soon as the sap 1(111.. 111.11101. 1 Trusses and Sickr6om Supplies 1 1 We carry a good assortment o f these. Phone ea Jas. A. Campbell, Pbta B The Cewilrvrl Drug Mere. NEGLECT To clean.e the system ref undigested fowl, find gases, etr.o. hilt {h the liver and waste matttt in the bxewels will Impair your health. The hest sy. tm Orgoletor 1. PAH PILLS. At all dealers Y!1 and eti cents or the Rig P1!) on.. Bt. Thom.... Ont. Rnld Is Oode- rkh by K. R With. druggist. SCHOOL. REPORTS. '. S. Nt1. S, Vi KST WA\VANOSH. Tb'folltwii,g is the tepturt :of S. Y. No. le West % '*wtttiosh, !seed on Weekly :est.for January and Febru- ary : N. H,azel Finigan 211. IV. - dFtenk \\'ashiugtan `+1, Hennas Flukey ', Luella .lohnrton 714, Benson Finn gait Oa. Olive Craig :Ai, Pearl Finigan ;a;. •Lillie Huto•hine. Sr. III.-L•Ethyl Weshiegt on el, Olive Finigan All, Has- . r'• I Has- sell Mill. o_ 'erre 1•'ni xn & Everett 1 g •Agar; Cousins 35Ir. Ili. -Nina .1•.hustou 201, •Violet Moss 75. Erni* Finigan 1;., ritewert Plunkett at. 8r. 11. • %Neo new Cousins 73. Lrslir Hal- lam u1', •Edith Scrimigcr. Jr. 11.- lforvee Andrews 724. Miriam Johnston 63, Willie M.wa t)1. Charlie Hallam 61, •I'ddie Johnston. Pt. II.-My-rtlr Finigan ti,, Lula Bruce 74, Hervey Finigan Ill. Arthur Johnston CAI. Pt. 1 H. -Wainer Andrews 75, Johnny Finigan 7u, Charlie Hutchins (11. PI. 1 A -Elwyn Young 7u, Johnny Hal- lam 60, Carl McrimigerlF), *Eddie Mills, *Jack aloes. Those marked thus 1•I tn,esrd .one or wore of examination.. Number on roll 37. average attendance for February 'S7." I. H. BAKKLttY, Teacher. S. S. NO. 1, GODERIrH TOWNSHIP. Following is the repot t of S. S. No. 1, (3rdrrich, for the month of Frhru- ary: standing based on general pro- ficiency : Sr. IV. -Arnold Laith• wwitr, Jock Johnston, Orval Steep, Edwin rlontgomer-v, Maitland Driver. Sr. I11. -Edna Drover, Bet nice Shaw. Jr. II. -Dolores Laithwaite, Howard Hocks, Helen lull, Charlie Shaw. Pt. 11. -Howard Jsrdinr, Beulyh Jardine, Morley Limngton, Walter Hicks. 8r. Pt. I. -Jean Moore. Hilly Lailhwaite, Helen Land. A. F. tawniest. Teacher. SICK HEADACHES PERMANENTLY CURED Dr. Williams' Piet Pips Correct the Caere of Tkis Trouble. There are few ailments that cause more genuine misery in the home than attacks which are generally termed sick headaches. The attacks are often periodical and when the mother •f x f -ably is pt -twisted at int'• vels there i- not only 1, -, ooh st'! •roe.; 1.. ....made., but ,! . .1 scomh•.. o -..•.rd t',.' otli• o mernb r - • f the h .u►rl. •Id. Sisk header be. e.:..• from a Tae! 47 a caurete ate" nn. „f them co.. be .«tiered or et0' 1 • i0 -nugh the -•nie t -swore opt w,!i, 11.. 5'illiams. link I'•II..• !11•. thigh i' .home. I:.•,•s- vitl.-, ' ..k.. -:It's: • I sgfiel.•, 1,.20 yews with what ler des•tots celled nervous prostrat i.,n and sick headache. When these spells came on i rould- lite work nor wopik, end the pains in' the heed were slwtst unbearable. At times the pain in m, head was so dreadful that 1 feared it would drive mr mod. 1 tried f „r diITetent dor lora et ,lutes, sn.lnot only tock bottles of ruedi. in', int unslt..,( it, but to no *Tail. Then 1 quit taking medicine alrogrth.•r and 'tied di• tied, but it nettle to di1T-r'n,'.'. 1 was still an ag- (nicing sufferer. Finally my li,o and urged no• to try 1)r. 1Villianis' fink Pillsrand Kot me a supply After tak- ing the pills for some weeks I felt w Mlle bet tet end 1 gladly root Owed their use. My nerves began to feel stronger, the terrible hrada'he cam. wish 1.•-• fretwen'v, .and after taking th.- pills for s. • months disap- peorr.l ,lt..ge-th'r. Fr that day to this 1 have hod no return of the tr eine, at d all who knew tf ,rev nrs tcgaeled fie, cure a* m,irerilolIP. i rennet Pay tots much in praise of the pills, as they eert:ainly saved ate frau,* life of wlnuost constant agony." I' is by building rep end enriching the blood end strrngth'ning the nee vea that Do. %Villt*ru.• Pink fill* wt, k seemingly mai vellous cures, and who they hev'.lone for others they will do fn, all :ailing people if given w fair trial. If yon do not find these pi11s et rtett medicine .•niers you can get lb, in by *nail et :'s1 rents w Mex or six it etre for $2,.4I from The 1)t. \\'illiams Medicine Co., Brock- ville. Ont. GODERIC . PTatriotic of TheUnited Taylor'. (metier. will meet for sewing ort 'rhureley, afar --h l lth. at the homy of Miss I..mphr.•y, hurt road, at 2.a1 p.m. ,all 1.di.'..,1 the icinity are corteotly invite) to attend. An enjoyable ....-iel evening woa aro waged end ei.rrird not by the ntrm- h-o7 tf the• Bent is, Volt. P.' ,pie'. !'mon on w '•-reset even tg, The hit -•mom ••f the rho eh ed heels rt., lily dernra'e'I with flus• hunting rend room••{ es see piper The guesU we,st, ng.d i.o groom. *.,,I prime we It�r. • d f . •r the twat peere of p s ry e••tepo.. el within too npb,utee and re.d f the ppI*tfo rat. The (II... prim was ww*rd.' l Mr. E. A. \\ erne, for six Terns nn 1 he assembled Kneen ; the second prise went In Blit Clot, for three verses on the Kanter, and the 'hint p.iw. we* given te the anth•.r of • single stanza dealing with apple pie. A program of addressee, recitations, 'earlier". and choruses was enj••ytd and refre.hmemri were erred at kb. et*. of the evenings fun. Frw the faesfastaed Sty (lairy toy cream. netters and maple woln'tt flavors'. try T. J. Salk 'Id's Phone Rl. THE BLOOD IS THE STREAM Of LIF[ Pure Blood is Absolutely Necessary To Health "FRUIT-A-TIVES" PURIFIES These Wonderful Tablets, Made of Fruit Juices, Are The Beat Of All Tonics To Purify And Enrich The Blood. Pure, rich blood can flow only in a clean beady. Now. a clean body is one in which the waste matter is regularly and naturally eliminated from the system. The blood cannot be pure waren the don action i - i is weak, when t k the stoaiachedoes not digest the food properly, when the bowels do not move regularly, wheat the kidneys are strained or overworked. Pure blood is the result of perfect health and harmony. of stomach, laver, bowels, kidneys and skin. "Fruit-a-tives", by their wonderful action on all these organs, keeps the whole system as clean 6 -Nature in- tended our bodies to be clean. " Fruit-a-tives " tones up, invigo- rates, strengthens, purifies, cleans and gives pure, rich, clan blood that is, in truth, the stream of life. '•Frnit-a-tives" is sold by all dealers at 5x. a box, 6 for Ij3.5o trial size s5c. or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. CHURCH NOTES. Rev. J; E. Ford will preach at to nth .rtvices at Victoria street Methodist church next Sunday. Rev, %V. K. Hager will preach at tooth services at Not t h street Metho- dist church nest Sunday. Morning subject: "the Far-off interest of Tears." Evening subject : "Christian- ity 1s Greater than Csaracter." The Lord's Supper w ill te observed in the Haptl•t church or. bunday roorn- iig. An evangelistic service will be held at night, t,rgmuing with a *one service at 6.540, Rev. Win; H. \Vrighton will preach the "Old. Old Story." VOung people ate epccially melted to alt end id Knox church the sacrament of the 1.w -ifs Supper will be dispensed next bat bath worni)lg. The prrpala- tory service will take place this Fri- day evening at b o'clock when atm new member% will to received. On Sabbath evening ltie ream -annual *er: vice fur the bailor* and firbermen will be held. l: vetyonc iulerested is Invites to attend. Mi.. Marion Irwin, of Clinton, dis- trict superiutrudrnt of J u. t or Leaguer, visited the Kpwureh L•..g•0e of Vic- toria *ttert Melhodost t .,u,, a on Tues- day evening. The result was the nr- ganizetiun ut a Junior League, with Mies A. Jenkins am wp.nutrudent and Misr Mamie ll,,wn and Mile Pearl Guff a, mato..ues. 'rhe Juniors will Wert. every Friday eTrmug from 7 to ri o'clock. Next Tuesday, March tttb, Rev. J. B. h' nher,nghan. will give a lecture on '. :`+owe By-Pr...duets of the war,' under rte ■uspices of the Epwurtb League u( Victoria street Methodist church. The pioceeds of is lIbcent ad- wissiun tc the lecture will go to the Young People's Forward Movement fur Mission.. 'rhe lecture will corn mence at x o'clock and will be held in the Sunday school room. The annual mee.ing of the Eureka Bible chars of Victoria street Metho- dist church was held at the -tome of Miss Pearl Duff, Huron road, on Mon• day evening, M .oeh 1st 111e Rev. J. E Ford, pieseded and tuts Jul lowing officers wet.. installed for the year : Honorary presiden.a, Her. .f. E. Food and Mr. G. M. Eoliott : persi- dent, Miss Jevsie Ford : vier-pr'sitlete, Moos Maud Million ; secreta. y, Minnie Bell ; treasurer, Mies Mawl. 1 town. KIDNEY HEADACHE is cane() from t1,.e blael toeing thick- ened with ore- wood miasmata 'emulating in the head. Antie•l'ric Pills rare rill Thee a., fore of kidney trouble. Thr ere good and so sure C. L. (bullis guar- antees them. He sure you get Anti. Uric Pills. It. V. Marian on every M.x. Mold only at C. i.. l'oultiw' drug store. Vassar Shoe IMyou want A Shoe that is stylish Do \1111 want A Shoe for comfort? Do you want A Shoe to wear well Do l ou want A Shoe 'h •1 excels in shoemaking If an, ym1 will find all three qualities in the VAS•SAR SHOE: sold by J. 11. McClinton RBPAiRiNO PROMPTLY AT- TENDED TO SMASHO4G TURKISH FORTS Allies Winning Way up Dardanelles Toward Constantinople The united British and French Beets have silenced the torts .it the Outer entrance to the Dardanelles. Terrific gales, reudertng eteposslbt.+ long -huge firing and aerial obeer- vatlou, have caused a temporary ccs sauna in the bonibardme..t- A despatch from Acnes., sats the allies hate disembarked deta.hmcnt of artillery near the do'str.y•d It.: dau.ilt's forts and British and Er...r, nags nue flying oyer thew. Panic reigns it l'onstalltine:pr...1 reported. and many wept.' are Las The Cabinet Is reported to havc clde•d to rewuve the capital t,, ..r.. se. In Asia Minor. and t`.: • fruit: mantle tog, ther with all t.:t' t:n;. :. relics and treasures 11_. • ;n... there. tin also has tee 7..... liar'w. The para perlloc t , fur t:•a fleet begins ghoul ti. tee,. ui , ward of the mouth u( t..e where the Ovate r* separatil•r. - from Asia are only about a w. and curve In to • :..rat • t .. "S." Around this user, • there are n,,:c fort:tit:al. European aide. thet lar,,. isr 6 '1 rt t 11. Bahr. which b had twenty-one big Knipp gulls. the Asiatic side are three w,:l-a forts, the largest bolus :eat' .: ria:, The allies will meet the greatest alatance at the' point. The peseta, of 'the forts is otroug. at;d us tc are situated on the Hell banks .. the Strait they may be 7221e to ht up a large naval force. CARRIE DAVIES FRU. Young Domestic Who Shot Errp!o,: Acquitted on Murder Charge Carrie Usete., the young Enz. girl who shut and killed ('hart, MI ' 1111:111..."1.9'•1111:111..."1.9'•1111:111..."1.9'• $MHS. NORMAN M('LEOD. - m The Tate Mrs.Noras McLeod, whore death has already been ats nouneed was born in the Isle of Lewis, Mcot• land, eighty -titre years ago. Sbe was twice married, her first husband toeing luhn McNeil. Of ibis union. ate child was born. Her •neinid bu►- hand was Not man McLeod, wbu died in [accrual* r, 1911. In the rest P(7:( Mr. and Mr•. McLeod'atbe to Canada, settling first at Hiptey and moving air years later to °ode'Leh. To them. were horn six children, Mr of whom survive. They are Mrs. osBreech. Jeph Breech and Mr.ro . Wm. Platt, of Detroit ; Mel- t -nim, of Saskatchewan ; Daniel and Mrs. Win.. Babb, of Gcderich. I �.-"-°MHS. HOBEHT FOLEY. _ I us The death occurred at her hoe on Raglan Raglstreet. (ioderich, on Tuesday morning of Mrs. Hobert Foley. The decce.eel lade had been suffering with j an affection of the throat for sum* 1 time, hut no serious results were a'x- pected. On Sunday last the trouble, became more scute and a physician was best for who proeribed treat• I uoent. Early Tuesday morning, how- ever, the deceased was seized with a choking spell, and passed away Refute a doctor arrived. Drs. Foley wast+ p born at Kingshaidge forty-two ea% ao her maiden name being Maud and Correll. Her father, Mr. Geo. Correll, who is in his eighty ninth year, now resides in Goderich at the home of his daughter• Mrs. Win. McCreath, sr. In the year 1144) deceased was worried to Ruhett Foley and nine years ago the family mowed to t.oderich. Of the union there are live children, all at bowe; they are Ethel, Bert, Della. ('lar. and Gladys., Mrs. Foley is sur• vivid also by four rasters and three blethers: Mrs. \Vat. McCreath and Mrs. Richard t1el a•ng, of tioderich; Mrs. H. James, of St. Catharines ; Mrs. Alex. Crawford, Lenlie and Vic- tor Curren, of 'Toronto; and Ed. Cur- rell, of Maltford. The funeral took OBITUARY. lila morning (Tbur.day) to et.l rtet'r cbutrh and thence to the Col- borne lLtholic cemetery. WOMEN FIND RELIEF 1a Dodd's Kidney Pills --How Mrs. Savota Suffered for Four Months. \oguae, lilouceoterCo., N.B.. March Int.--(Mpeciall-Mrs. Germain O. Ra• vola, of this piece. feels it her duty to IM her suffering sisters all over Cas - ads know that t bee can find relief in Dodd's Kidney Pills. "Two bozos of your Dodd's Kidney Pills helped me." says Mre. Savoie. I suffered for four mouths. Mw back and head ached, and it was difficult for me to collect my thoughts. 1 wee always tiled and my sleep[ unre- freshing. I will recommend Dodds Kidney Pilla to all persons i meet .rho need thew." All Mrs. Savoiz's troubles ease from sick kidneys. That's why Dodd's Kidney Pill. cured them. PORT ALBERT. TuuKsu.ti'.,March 1. P0Kso1NAI. Ma\Tau\.-Miss Mar - Suet Mchoenhslr rrtuinel to&linton on Monday after s week's visit among friends in this locality... . Mr. John O. Runts is in Redo) at prevent visit- ing reletiver .. .. Mr. Thos. \Vilrtn, sr., who has leen under the doctor's care for the peat two eerie 1s impiety, ing cooulderable in health end we hope soon to see him areoind again as usual Mise Msy (hazier. of lanes, visited her friends here last week for a few days .. Miss Edith Fielder w spending the week with friends in (ioderich Miss Jessie McMillan eats the guest of her *later, Mts. Herb Morris, at Salt ford, last week Councillor Joseph \Nilson, of (iode- rich, spent Mun.try .,with his father, Mr. Thomas Wilson, sr Mies Pearl McKenzie entertained shout thirty of her Puri Albert friends et her home in Dungannon last Friday evening, when a most delightful time was enjoiyed by all present. Mutiny Was Deadly Affair Your hundred weathers of the maUnous Indian regiment which ro- Tolled at aLugapore on Feb 15 wet* killed. aa well as sorsa Genitive prisoner. from the detention camp, who joined the natives when offered their freedom, at-curdtag to report. of the uprising brought to Manila 0� passengers from ttlrtgapore. T mutineers were members of a Beet galeso regiment en route to Merge and the trouble arose over a mattes. alt promotloua. (lcoarts on Adventurous Mission A romantic and mysterious expo- dtUon will leave England In about three weeks' time. It will consist a4i a corps of frontiersmen raised by Lieut. -Colonel Driscoll, who headed body of scouts In the South Atr1eaa war, and, according to Hurt omee% It will go "on a sort of spacial mats W PM In a tropical country." our Freckles Need Attendee is Ferbresry aad March or Face May Stay Covered. Now is the time to take special care of the complexion if you wish it to look well the rest of the year. The February and March wind. have a strong tendency In bring out freckles that may slay all .uwnoer unless re- moved. Now is the time to are ottine -double strength. This prescription for the removal of freckle% wes written by a prominent physician and is usually ro successful that it is sold by druggists under guarantee to refund the money it it fail.. (let an ounce of of bine-double strength, and even w lee epplicetiots should 'show w wonderful improve- ment, Wine of the rwaller freckles I eves vanishing entirely. Massey at Turuuto on Fe'bruar,, • I ' •_ the Criminal Assize Court un Sate - afternoon .svderated atom ali st : of cent' by a jury and (Jrtaatly . quitted by Thief Justice Sir Wilma. Muiock, the presiding Jndg'. • "1 think e. lieu you ki:1••d Mr. Ma key. you had practically lett all co:,• trot of yourself and therefore u lucapable at that moment ut ha'... a guilty intent or• really appreciat .. , what y-ou were about to do," ,aid ti.., Lordship after the jury had rendered its verdict. He referred to her strict upbringing and her big1 regard for hong. and morality. "These qualities in you caused you to take a stronger view of w.at Mr. Massey would have don•• then the facts warranted; but neve!• theirs. your education, training aid nature were such as to 1111 yeti alto alarm." OFFICERS ARE HAIRED Name. of Those to Command Canada's Second Contingent Given Out The names of the officers to com- mand tl:o melt -tent brunches of the welch, Will cmi• ..leeee y_ cdnl etee:a6 to as an......4 at ..wawa artgao.er .,, Lamsturi. • r , t. r tram' the O. est "l aackcr, cone ::.0ad the ar u,ier3. 'i lie tae el al ser vx e will be undeer the c•ommaad r'otherateeam, ut 1tr..nto, and tnee.s will bee eonir,auded• by o .2. ..euli,telt, of Halifax, formerly u( tausJec. The infaet-y Will be • divlted into r b.0g•: ! :5, t.^.c castt•ra br.gade :a s n...l..ueal by Col. Lando. of oauebt w•;'., Major 7. 5f. !llcViety, oe:. ::y orirade major; in, .;:1 be .u.manded 1)entsoa, of tomato, are • tf Ottawa. a, r. • tear ,: , tl c weatern brigade I (,r c••e eetnded liy Col. Ketcha.., \yours p.,<. 'i:.. br.gacie major in :s es• trn: ...t , - t. a ..elected. WILL FIGHT TO FIMSR 11 Cold Comfort Fcr Kaiser in Premier As;,aitr.'a Statement Premier Asquith took oe'asion in the British Hotuse of Commons last week. in rt p:yiul; t.. s question, to e•ndur,' the op.niun expressed recent- ly by talar Lord of the A imiralty Churcoltl 1.i a acv:epap.r interview to tit. effect that Greet Britain would .'onttnue to tight to the bitter end, even should 1. ranee and Russia •with- dra.w 'from the war. The Premier pointed out that ylr. Churchill had declared with especial emphasis that he 'mild not eoaceive of such a cod. Geist ecy as ti:is, "but.'- added the Premler, "I am in complete agree- ment with :.dot. I see no reason to differ from the views be has ex- pressed." ZtiERLIC;T_ FOUND GUILTY But OrlgIr..I Charge Reduced and 'I Leave to Appeal Granted F.rttll Nt-:/'h, the prominent Ger- man who!. s:ie merchant of Toronto was found polity In the Criminal As sixes oe the charge of conspiracy t commit a:l ;r d:a table offence by r s slating Arthur Zino*. former officer In the German ornty, to leave Canada and join C e enemy's fore's. Th accused hes been a resident of Tor onto for 27 years, and his wealth and social position caused the case to b • followed with sensational Interest. Leave to appeal was granted by e.r William Mulock, and pending Its Im- mediate hearing, sentence was defer- red, eferred, and Nerlirh allowed nut on hall et 31041,000. aisantor Daela le Taken A French cruiser has arrested the American steamer naris In the Chao - net aad taken her to Brest. The !)acts left llaoveslon for Rotterdam on Ussery 31 with 11,IM bales of cotton to be transhipped to Rremen. ONNIEN00 GOOD NEWS FOR 00 EMBROIDERY .11 BUYERS Two or Three Weeks of the Biggest Embroidery Selling this store has ever known THOUSANDS OF YARDS of beautiful Swiss Embroideries all bought at prices under regular, to go on sale Saturday morning marked for quick selling. This is one of the choicest lots of Embroideries we have ever offered. There are all widths from tiny Edgings to 27 -inch Flouncings included in the lot. This special selling comes at a time when Embroideries are most in ,+iemand and it will pay you and pay you well to anticipate your wants for months ahead. Here are some of the Specials that go on sale Saturday morning. I'lillin_ry Department Now Ready for Businesh Our Millinery Department is now ready for business. The milliners are husy preparing for the formal opening, the date of which will be announced later, but we are ready now to show the new spring styles and take orders. This season the department is in charge of Miss Cathcart, who comes to us from Vancouver. She will be pleased to receive our ninny eustome►a and the department will continue to give it. high standard of service. Apprentices Wanted Two smart apprentice's wanted to learn millinery. Apply at once. Dressmaking Depart- ment Now Open Mi.. Ccutt. hes returned (rout her vacation end is now ready to ust .oiened arVety fine r.n heve of t new 1' up K Suiting., Dress Materials, 'lc , and are showing all the new bhades, such as sand, putty, battlesnop Ropy. with a splendid easortment of the new !lure and greens We advi.e ear. early placing of . oder* for el! her.iit. or (besets, a4 it will he impaos.ihle later in the owesnn to show w rang' ..f materiel that we ale .1.1.' to at the present time. We have room for two, apprentices in the drwomwking department. Thous who know so methlrg shout cawing mitered. Apply at once. Coats at $5.00 Special cleeran. C of Ladies' Creat* all this week. Choke "f garments that tend as hi.h aa imam. $J Any one for only 1 EMBROIDERIES AT 5c Six hun.lred yao.la unrrow Edging on good quality Catania' it cu* oouslie. Every p.t..-en g000l, firm *trong telg• -, neat and 5c attrwetreedesiges. Embroidery Sale, peryet.1 EMBROIDERIES Al' 7c This is sone of rhe best Seer -tali in the lot. fietteirelSwiss Em- broideries and inser(Inn@ dozens of patterns t" .elect from, a.ror` ed widths, new designs. strong edges. Reaulsr values up 7e to 15c. Embroidery Sale, per yard .... 6 and 7-inth Ef'1BROIDERIES 10c There are some splendid qualities in the ere•rial lot at this mire. They are full 8 inches and 7 inches in width, sllitwhle for c 10 underwear, trimmings, etc. Embroidery Hale, per yard ill. Corset -Cover E['1BROIDERIES Inc New anti altractive de*igns in Corset Cover Emhrnideries, full 124 inches wide, on at reng read -tries and muslin".. Fine qualitie.. strong edges, vety eerrierxhle. Onc,of the hest epeeists Q„ we have had. Euohreidery Male, per yard (7l, A BIG LO r AT 29c This is one of the hest of them all. I)eautifnl Corset Cover Em- broideries in the moot sttrwctive design-. Fine tnuslins, nein- seek s, etc. AIW Y". -inch Flouncings in a lag you iety of good de- signs on strong muslins. Compare these with qualitiesou have bought at NI.- and .tor and you will Pee little ,t any differ- e nce. For Embroidery Stele, your choice of several bun- 29c dyed yards at per yard Beautiful Corset -Cover EMBROIDERIES 39c Dainty. delicate, at' cart ire patjema en sheer mu►linx. nainet,oke, etc. Design. (het are new. qualities that will give excellent wear. Will nntke• a heautiful germenta. Regular values up to liar at Tenet. For March Embroidery sen- 39 ing we have :alp yams to sell wt c HANDSOME FLOUNCINOS 48c Twenty -seven-inch Flouncing. on fine neen.00k or muslins. H wiliest Enit'r•id. ry in 'allover effects or reams only. Fine o. ser -lit,- or entitle ie., suitable for under wear, ehildren's drew or any of the dozen and one purpo.e. for which you ran Ilse Pin:bruide.7 in Ihis width. intsf them would be cheap at\ see, We bought theist away tinder vine and enueno•n- A c Ging Saturday morning you can take our choice for.... a1j(�l, DU NOT MISS THiS SPECIAL SELLING OF EMBROID- ERIES. THERE ARE MANY OTHER LINES. NEW DE- SIGNS AND EX(-LUSIVE PATTERNS WHICH WE HAVE NOT MENTIONED HERE BUT WILL BE GLAD TO SHOW THEM TO YOU AT THE STO�E. Would You Buy a Coon Coat at a Bargain ? if you would, come and see us Saturday or next week. We have two or three of the hand- somest Coon Coats we have seen for many a day. They are very heavily furred, made from natural Canadian Coon, evenly marked. The linings are of the hest. These are high-quality Coats, not ordinary cheap ones or lines made up for special selling. They are part of a lot ant to tis by an Eastern manufacturer and he asked us to sell them if we possibly could. We guarantee them without any reservation whatever. if there iso man reads this paper who wants a Coon Coat, we can give him a bargain and save him a good deal of money. 11 O DO E N S BROS. Direct Importer - Ooderich, Ont.