HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-3-4, Page 7The Signal's Clubbing List 1915 The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe $3.75 Me Signal and Daily Mail and Empire • 3.75 The Signal and Montreal Ramsay Herald and Weekly Star t. S5 The Signal and Saturday Illustrated Globe 1.115 The Signal sued Weekly Sun (Toronto! 1.85 The Signal and Toronto Daily Star .. 2.80 The feign.) and Toronto Daily World 3 2S The Signal and Toyotto Daily News 2.So The Signal and Toronto Weekly Mail and Empire 1 60 The Signal and Farmer's Ad- vocate • 2.35 The Nigoal and Canadian Farm The Signal and Farm and Dairy New 1.60 Renewal 1.35 The Signal and The Country Gentleman 325 The Signal and Canadian Poultry News..... 1.35 The Signal and Grain Grow- ers Gtude .. 1.50 The Signal and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press z The Signal and London Daily Advertiser 2 90 The Signal and s.ondoo Weekly Advertiser.. ... 1 6o The Signal and London Daily Free Press Morning Edition3.5o Evening Edition2.90 The Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness 1.35 The Signal and World Wide 2.25 The Signal and Presbyterian 2.35 The Signal and We tmmater 2 25 The Signal, Presbyterian and Westminster...... .... . 3 25 The Signal and Catholic Reg. dater New .... t.7o Renewal .. . • 1 35 The S'gn.l and Saturday Night (Toronto!. 3.40 The Wined and McLeaa's Magazine . .. .... 2.35 The Signal and Home Jour- nal IToront o I 1 7S The Signal and Canada Monthly I \Vinnipeg)1:50 Thee prices are for addressee in Canada or Great Britain. The Signal and Woman's Home Companion (New 1'oik! 2.75 The Signal and The Saturday Evening Post. . 2.5o The Signal and The Ladies' Home Journal .... 3.00 The Signal and The Youth's Companion (Boston) 3.I0 The Signal and The Scottish American (New York I. , . 325 Including postage to Canadian subscribers. The above publications tinny he obtained by Signal subscribers in any combination, the price for any publication being the figure given above Ices $I.ISI representing the price of The Signal. For inuance : The signal a,ul The Fartoly Herald and Weekly Star et n5 The Farmers Advocate •soli ks. ellen I.Si tyt„ -making the price cf the three papera $13J. The stinal and The W.•eklr Snn 61..0 The Toronto Dilly star (tum lea, $11.00 I.a, aces -the three papers for tl;t.tii. If the publirwtion you want is not in above list, let its know. We can supply almost any well- known Canadian publication. Send %nbscri tions through local agent or hy postofllre on express order toot bj bank cheque) to The Signal Printing Co., IMiTED Ooderich Ontario The Fatal Moment. Little Bobby'. tether was • doctor, and Bobby liked nothing better than to take bis father's ease in one band. his overcoat 10 the other, and go down the street • little way to arsw imagin- ary patient One winter's day when be started oat be forgot to Ant the door. Bobby." walled mother's voles sweetly, "please close the door." But Dobby was In a berry and went on. "Robert," came father's sterner voice, W.. 'ethat done." lobby returned Mid dosed the door. Arms* time later be mem in quietly, put np the ease tld overenat and .farted upstairs "'Bobby," said taaother, Ingest laciegly. 'law'. your patient TtDead " wa. bromic mic answer. "(dose dead while 1 was abtrtti.g that old door." A w0,11 tnitbeut • Sabbath would be IRs a 0M Without a simile like • easmsneT *NA..t flowers. sad like a hottt..see.d wheat a garden. it le Itsimorios day se the whole week. - THE RIGS AI, : GODERICH ONTARIO r tr.anAT, Miro it 1. 1•'r, 7 PATRIOTISM AND PRODUCTION. TWO N woMEN Patriotism without production is an empty sound. If ever there was • time when by your deeds you are required to be known, it is now. Now, when the Empire is at war ; now, when many of the regular channels of supply are closed ; now, when men In millions have been summoned frotu sbe paths of industry to the inferno of destruction ; now, when Britain is fighting for Belgium's right to live; • now, when the world's liberties are at stake . now, wheo Germany sleeks to prostrate Britain even as she has prostrated Belgium: now, when Ger- many threatens the forty million people of England, Scotland, Ireland and Waled with starvation; now, when the enemy is bombarding peaceful towns and villages, slaughtering innocent and barmlew women and children ; now, when fertile fields and fruitful gardens of other lands are Tying in waste and swollen with death ; now is the time when Canada is called ,upon to put forth her mightiest effort to help, stem the tide of destruction, to aid the Empire and to profit beraelf. In entering upon the campaign in which it is now engaged, the 17epartment of Agriculture of the Dominion has entered upon • task that should do untold gond. It is not that our farmers needed altogether to be prompted to benefit them- selves, but that perhaps some of them do not entirely recognise „the setionanees n( the present conditions and the more than crit- ical conditions of the future. If the war were to end toolor- row, there would still be need for every effort in productiveness, for many Fears must elapse before the devastation that has teen caused can be remedied or repaired. Unhappily. the probabil- ities are that the giant conflict will continue fan- many months vet, in which carr the mind of man cannot fathom or foresee the damage that will have leen done to form of industry -to agriculture in particular -by the waste of life, by the wrecking of property and by the spreading of desolation. it is in repair- ing the damage others cause that the farmer, are called upon to aid. It is their mother country that cries to them. The Agricultural Department is not alone holding confer- enres at many prints in the country. but it i• engaged, as will be seen by the announcement elsewhere, in diatribatm'g large quantities of literature telling bow the farmer ran hest serve the interests of the Empire, display hie grateful sense of patriotism and bring prnflt to himself. In hrief and explirit language, that all Who run may read and understand, are pointed out the needs of the situation and bow those needs ran be met. Above all. the advice is given to avoid waste. Every thing ran he utilised. Nothing need he thrown away as valueless. The economy of production is in saving. The wisest can learn something hy reading. and in the bul- letinr and reports prepared and written by experts and men of practical .cienee farmers will find hint., suggestions and inform- ation of the greatest pos.ihle value et this season, and such as will he of advantage both to their land and to themselves for all time. They will also ad them in that duty to the Empire which Ws of such urgent and instant importanre. Copies of the publications of the Depart meat can be had upon addressing Pub- lications Branch, Departrnent of Agriculture, Ottawa. No post- age is required on the application. ST. AUGUSTINE. Tt'io n.vy, Feb. '.ret Nt•:,vM Notes. -Miss Kate Brophy, of St Joseph ha...petal, l'hatbam, is spending a week at her home here. Mita Stella Dean is visiting at Krngshridge.. Mies M. Mason is visiting at Wm. McAlliater'sthis week. Mr. and Mr.. Wm.. Thompson were in Godericb last week Mr. A. and Miss B. Elliott, of Nile, and Mr. D. Elliott, of Calgary, visited friends in this vicinity Last Wednesday . , .Mr. John Wilson called on friends in this vicinity en Monday .. . Mr. J. Boyle end Mr. Joe Brophy, of Fi'rdyre, vi.. !ted Mr. Joe Wyk on Saturday . .. Miss Eliza A. Thompson' is visiting Auleirn friends flus week. Mount Glee -mos, Msch.gan. Mount Clemens is famous. through- out America es an all -the -year-round health re.ort, and t hemsands of people hear testimony to the benefits derived from its mineral waters in rases of rheumatism and 1. indeed diseases. For bilious and liver troubles, diges- tive troubles, nervosa disorders, gen- eral debility, etc , the enlracy- of its waterill is wonderful. Seventy-five per rent. of rheumatics are cured, and ninety per cent, benefited. Reached direct by (hand Trunk Railway Sys- tem. 1 ITo avoid an occasion for our virtues is a worse degree of failure than to push forward pluckily and make a fall. -R. L. Stevenson. No preacher is listened to hit Time, which gives us the same train and turn of thought that elder pec.ple have in vein tried to put into our heads before. -Dean Swift. MOTHER SUPERIOR ROSARY HILI HOME Tells How Vinol Restores Strength and Vitality to the Weak, Worn -Out Ones In Her Charge. Rear^ i:'Ii Crac, I:astbeima. N.Y. - " 1 haeme base at wort among the del and poor for nearby eighteen years. and whenever I .have med Wind for ma- clown. addont, weaker emaciated patients. they have been visibly benetlted by it fina patient. p woman. was .e a mit and 111 .h• sealed hardly creep tp my door for aid, and was leaning an a friend's arm. 1 .uPplied Vinol to her liberally and in a math when she returned to thank one 1 !lordly ized her. She was strong, her color eharsiug end bur cheek. rounded out Thom words w uttered from my heart, In o alt that more people may know shoot Vis.l, • there le nothing makes ms happier ill foe wtwid them to reliovo tb• disk, •e Motb t li. Atuowa Lamer. 0.13. D.. Haat i s N.T. Sash dI.itmwt d fad reliable t.sn• mossy obstAl amvines ~ran. of the m.rf0o d air dardsus rod dyer sed Irel Mile 8. build &with sod ler tat sed nervous wb.Ib.r .mused iter evtw• WA. warm eyebrow's aesgbe sod etude. If Thal fail. Os b..sftt we retuta yaw massy. L40,1 Dsnkvp, Phm R., dromglst, bl.ub, Godewlob Ontario. Mede Well Illy, Lydia E. Piot ti's Vegetable Coaspo.nd. PldrdelpY& Ps -"I bed a severe ecce of Dermas pssWatim, heart. yearn - Wien et the oaortipttioe, bead - ..ah... dlssio•ss. sobs b my • a r., m�'e1•, rest- less •slings and 'e I lead in the pa- - where a young woman bad been cured et the same trembles taking Vegetable dmpoto threw� the medicines the doctor left me and be- gan taking the Compound. Before I had taken half a bottle 1 was able to sit up and in a abort time I was able to do all my work. Your medicine kms proved itself able � you any ity will have b 1 have visited. "-If re. laser Jomenfoit, 210 Siegel Street, PWid•lpkl., P.. Another Bad Cass Epbrsta, Pa. -"About a year ago I was down with nervous prortration. I was pale and weak and would have hys- teric spells, sick, headaches and a bad pain under my shoulder -blade. I was under the care of different doctors but did not improv. I was so weak I could hardly stand long enough todo mydisbes, -' Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound has trade me well and happy and 1 have begun to gain in weight and my face looks healthy now." -Mrs. J. W. Hoassescca, R. No. 8, Ephrata, Pa. It you want special &dries write to Lydia & PI kbam Medicine Co. (coal. dentlal) Lyng, Maas. Year letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and bell Ia Adele eltdemea, THE OSHAWA MARKET. The Oshawa Reformer is running a series of articles with reference to the town market, wh . h appears to he a very successful institutive. last week's Reformer b.ul the following. which will be of interest ou account of the intermittent aiitation of the mar- ket . tieation in (Lite, ich : "We mean the Market Mquatc. We have never been so proud of our 'm- oiety ladies us since the Oshawa mar- ket opened. With a jar in one hand and a pot in the other the test of them may he seen coating from the uarket thea• days. showing that they are not afhii•ted a doh such superflrial ride to sometimes and in sbme cases nterferes with the use .tf common sense. The market has become as popular with those who have money o buy whets they like and what they ike as it if with those who wee not so •ppily shunted. All classes of citi- ens are rubbing elbows on terms of o.xl fellowship there. They meet the men who prodnres what they buy nil he noel Mond o, fall nu the rner- ta of the goads he in ,,tiering for .ole. is %toff must he gond or he can't sell The meeting of consumer and pro- ucrn in this mvnner• will soon eon - in. e those who are careless and in- ifferent in their p'oducti00 that it nes not pay 10 t r rareleNs. (inc ing which w.II sh w that the mar - et as -proving a drawing rard for Osh- wa is the fsrt that our •'ruggist. arc !ling bottles t r B.,wmanvillr, hithy, and as lite north as Port 'erry, with standard drugs, showing hat people who oere going to those Imre. to do their shopping are now coming here. Get 11.e helot of meet- ing ou the Square.' - - n FRIENDLY IN THE TRENCHES. p Germans Try to "Pot" the President of France .\ recent letter told of • joke played b an Irish cJtnpany at the front. h They shouted across to the Germans that Pointers, Pre,.ident of France, z WAN coming that a(tetnoon to see tb• g British trenches and shake handl a with the soldiers there. A little later in the forenoon the H Irish-ibouted across: it "Old man Poincare will b= here at d -' o'clock.' When that time came the Irish, who d had got hold of a plug hat somewhere, d put it 00 a stick. and, allowing only til the t •p of it to show ahs ve the ground, k carried it down the length of the trench, bobbing it up and down as if n a man wearing it were Walking in the o, trench. 1 The Germans ,ould not resist the tempt:Minn to try and pot the PI•esi- dent of France, and they banged away at the hat. fiddling it with bullets. Then the Irish stu k sp the at irk with the hat upon it, and a great ltugh went down the length of the trench. *pother "human interest" ,tory buried in the cold reports of opera- tions at the front was about an Irish soldier who begged a pipe of tobacco from a Belgian but could not find a mat; h to light it. He shouted scrods to the German trench asking for a nto eh. All right, the Germans had matches and would come half way with them. So Pat climbed out of his trench, the German got out of his, and they met. on the middle ground and the German handed him a match. Pet *truck it end put it to his pipe and sucked hard, but the tobacco was wet and failed to burn. The German gave him another match and it faded to set the tobacco on tire. A third match was produced and while Pat was holding the Mime to his pipe howl and pulling bard a bomb dropped and explode] near them. the explosion blowing nut the rnstch, and shrapnel flying all about them. For a moment Pat and the German were hidden in smoke. When it cleared Pat looked at the dead match and raid : -That danip Belgian tobacco will be the death of me yet_" Worst Thing for Him. There had been a violent collision between a milk cart and • taxicab, and an unfortunate passerby had sustained • broken Collerhone as • re- sult. Of course a et owd anon collected and one sympathetic old lady among the onlookers gaffed Tong and pitifully at the victim. '•t'oor chap," she said at het, "are you .varied ?" A wave of emotion pawed o'er the injured man's face, and then his foetu,w went sud- denly pallid. "No,' he gasped, "this is the worst thing that has ever hap- pened to me,' it Won't .1011 he haa had a walk over 'hat a maw ie apt to burn his bridges hobble him. It la curious to note the old see_ margin. of human thought 1 Koch succeeding century reveals wane new myetea y ; see build where monsters need to bide tbsoaelv.a-Ieugtellnw. All 02pet b ones bath shown that weekend are more Mapnsed to suffer wb M cells are s fferahil. than to tight themselves by abollubf.g tits forma to walla they w seea.tomy..-jr111.. n as. $100.00 IN (TOLD,. We will give one hundred dollars in gold to any man. woman, or rhild that cannot he lamented hy Sageine hair tonic. We are anxious ten have every- one try Mageine, for we know itis the greatest hair tonic that has ever been discovered. Sageine will positively COM an itchy scalp, bring life into dull, faded had•• and add ir.rhes to its length. Ssgeine fm now obtainable in tioderich end is sold under a guar- antee to please, A large bottle of Sageine cost• hut fifty cents. lir sure to go to C. 1.. Conitit drug store. tor other stores don't have Sageine. in Course of Settlement, A Scottish uuinistei. being one day engaged in visiting some members of hie flock, came tet a house where his gentle tapning could not be heard, on account of the noise going nn in -ides. After waiting a little. and finding that no movement was made to admit him, he opened the dom. and walked in, saying in en authoritative voice, "I should like to know who in the head of this h• use?" •• Weer said Ibe husband and father, ".f ve sit doon a war we'll maybe be Ale to tell ye, tor the truth .• we're drat trying to .ottlli that iw,int the nowt " WHEN BUYING YEAST IN$I ST ON HAVING THIS PACKAGE ROYAL C.� 741 II MUNE S • TM/TES Toronto Cattle Market Representative prices are: - Shipping steers .. .....37. 76 to *x. PV Handy eilulca steers ... 7.40 7 .75 Butcher steers, good ... 7 .o0 7.40 do. medium 6 40 7.00 do. ectnnion 5.25 6.16 Heifers, rhuice 7.lat 0.06 do. good F, 25 7 06 do. medi,.m 5.51, 6.25 Butcher sows, choice5.76 6 2:. do. good 5 5a► 5 76 do. medt:tn 5.tr0 6 50 do. common 4.10 6 Butcher 1..0i... a solve. 6 Oct ti G•, do. good bulls 5 60 6 00 do. medium 5.25 6 50 do. rough bologna 4.50 6.25 Feeders. 9b0 to 1.100 Ileacoo 6 10 do. bulls 4.50 6.25 Btockers75u to 900 lbs. 5 75 6.25 do. cued . 1;50 to 750 6 26 6.75 do. light 500 to 460 1 76 G 25 Canners 3.90 4 25 Cutters ..... 4 35 4.75 (Milkers, choice, each75 00 92.00 do. corn and med40 u0 80 00 Springers 60 ou 92.00 Calves. veal, choice b 26 11 00 do. medium 6.00 8.00 do. common 5.00 7.00 do. grass 4.26 4 85 Lambe, light 9 00 10 5e do. medium 800 8.75 do. heavy 7 60 8.00 do. culls 6.50 7.00 Ewen, light 6.75 7.00 Sheep, heavy and bucks 4.60 6 75 Culls 3.00 4.25 Hogs, off cars 7 65 9.Vn do. fed and watered7.60 7.75 do. f.o.b. 7.26 7.40 Farmer's Market Following are the latest quotations for farm produce. at SL Lawrence Market. Toronto. .Wheat, bushel ........$1.45 to $0.00 Goose wheat 1.10 0 (41 Oats .. .68 0e Barley .90 .00 Buckwheat .85 .00 Rye . -. 1.25 0.00 Peas 1.60 1.75 Hay, timothy, No.- 124.00 26.00 Mixed and clover 19.00 21.00 Straw, bundled 17.00 18.00 do. loose 10.0!) 12.00 Butter, choice datry .30 .35 Eggs. new ,aid. doz. .35 4•. Chickens, dressed. 1b.20" _ Fowl, Ib. .18 .2. ,Ducks. lb. .19 22 Turkeys. Ib. ' .26 .28 Geese. lb. .16 .18 Live chickens, lb. .16 .1x , do. the hens, ib.. .1.3 .10: do. ducks, lb. .1a 14 do. geese. :b. .12 1' Apples. basket ....... .20 .4c do. barrel 2.50 3.25 Potatoes, bag .65 .75 Onions, bag 1.60 1.75 Pork. per pound .16 .18 Drees ed hogs 9 50 10. Ge I Lard, ib, .16 .18 Toronto 'Grain Prices The following Wholesale prices are quoted at the Toronto hoard of Trade: Manitoba \Wbcat-No. 1 northcro, 51 r,;, !ake porta. No. 2. *1.59; Vo $1.55'0; 14( for b.;she! More 00 trek. Goderic•h. ' Manitoba oats --No. 2 (',W., 7futir; No- 3 t'°mV.. ..!•;•. track. bay torts: No. I !••e ti. • srj samp., too-. e7e to 68c. Ontario (':ta- Out Inde. • it, to 1,1,-. (Ontario Wheat -No. 2, car loss, 81 4e to 57 42...•utside. American ('oro -No. yellow al' rat! s; :yments,• ".'orre.:to freigi,t= Peas No 2. 32 to !2 . . ar 1o••o. outside. Rye No. 2, S-1 23 to S' Harley -Good malting bar'ey, 0 aide. '`ill• to sic. Hulled Ontsrr--far :cls; per tag 9n pa;nds, t1.55: in so;a;a r lots 1' Windsor to Montreal Bucks heat -9;c to 's:. car - outside. Militecd -''ar dot.. per ton. brei 828: shorts. 330; middiitigs. 333: ro feed floor. $Io to 344: mixed , ars more. Cattis at Montreal � lflite!cru' cattle. rhot•e• 17 .1,00 1087.75 do. .uediam t; .cat . 6.56 do. u on,mon 5.6:u . 1. 6u (ann.rs ... 1 75 4 50 But, Iters' , otic, tows6.25 6.5o do. Hurd!. tet r 35 6.75 do. bulis5.(141 6.75 Milk. rs. c:,oice each70.00 75,o" do. com. a:;d med60.60 66.00 Spr ngers .... 50.00 55.00 Rhr,•p, ewes 5 75 6 0a Bucks and • tills '. '25 5 6• Larit he ... , n O0 0 0 1lo.ar, off ears 8 2., 9 3 Calves 6.00 16.8; East Buffalo Cattle f tittle- :,. ti ve: prime mteerv, 3e,50 to 38.75; shipping. *7.75 to $6 26; but- chrrs'. $61x. to 37.75; heifers, $5.00 to 37.50; coos, 83.75 to 87.no- ►oils. 31 :.0 to 37.6... \'rale- Active; $4.0t to 31200. Hors -Strong; heavy. 37.00 to 37 0; mixed. 17.1'. to 37 25; yorkers a d pigs. 37.27. try $7.30; rough*, $6.2 ; stair. 81.60 to 151te. a's tp rind iamb, Active: lambs, 1• to 39.85; yearlings, 3500 to 1 -'; welters, {{,, .25 to 37 75; ewe., 82.:x1 to $7.:5; .I ep, mixed. 36.76 tail 37.25. Chicago Live $tock ('aalc 'tark,•t unsettled, beeves. $5.i., :0 $;l1'., w(rtern steers. 35 to $7 5o; rows and heifer's, 33 6e to 37.711; calves. 36. So to $10.00 Hop --Market st , 'trht 3666 to 36.9•.. mixed, 36.45 • •, heavy, $6.25 to 36.75 rough. I'• .5 to 3635, pigw, 15.76 to 36.85. bulk M sales. 36.1" to ;6.75. Ohrep- Market strong; native. 36 to to 37.96; yearlings, 37 76 to 31 66, lambs. native, 37.76 tlf 3981. Mr. A..1 McGee, Secretary TTeaaur sr of the Tlmtskaming ! Norther. Ontario Railway, died a p....6.61. • Toronto on Monday. 4 spring styles! The new Spring Styles in Sults, Overcoats, Hats and Caps, Hose, Neck- wear, etc., have arrived and are now open for your inspection.• CALL a4ND SEE THEM 2telfean 1 LONDON CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC ANI) :- SCHOOL OF ELOCUTION, LIMITED UNPRECEDENTED OFFER OF SCHOLARSHIP AND PRIZES. Write for Particulars LOTTIE ARMSTRONG. F. LINFORTH WILLGOOSE, Registrar. Mus. Bac lDtnelml Principal. Address: -354-6 Dundas St., London, Ont. Are you Bilious?om e erq Don't !et it mil too long. it will lead to chroniq indigestion. In the meanwhile you suffer from miserable, sick headache., ner- vousness, de res- sien and sallow complexion Just try CHAMBERLAIN'S STOMACH&LIVER TABLETS, They re- lieve fermentation, indigestion - gently • bat surely e. the •y,tem and kap the omnia,• b and a ..., .n perfect running order. Al as Lada,, 22r.. w ler aria from II Chamberlain Medicine Co., Toronto v e_ p TAKE THESE From a Pleased Advertiser "Dear Sirs, -Kindly dimeon• Grine t b e advertisement which you inserted for me and from which 1 had such pleasing results. Send ac- count and oblige." 'This is a letter 1t •lved trout an out-of-town ad- vertiser who bad a want' ad. in•The Signal fora few insertions. ADVERTISING IN THE SIGNAL BRINGS RESULTS -3 SPECIAL SALE OF Aluminum hooking Utensils AT 20% OFF THE REGULAR PRICES These are on display in our large window. GRANITEWARE \\'e bate lust 1eceived A large consignment ware which we Are going to otTer you at rid icnl, nsly ' price.. These ales. /Ire nn display in our large window, COAL How is your supply of t'oet ? We carry a hug.. stock of all sizes and ran supply you promptly. Our Coal is the bat Scranton and is weighed on t he nuarket resales. \Ve also carry Solvay Domestic yoke, Blacksmith Coal aid \V ..'d, POULTRY FOOD no you give your poultry the our lhet. yam should : A' the price of ergs they are one of the beet investments you have. Have you ever tried Dr. Hess & ('lark's Pani -re, which is sold under the following famous guarantee, -- "We guarantee th..t Dr. Hess Poultry Pan-i...'a is the prescription of Dr. floss (M. D.. 1). V. S.); that it will mask, poultry healthy. make hen• lay ::help chick% grow And shorten the moulting Iwriod when fed according to dire• dons. 'Yon'Mryj 1)r. Hess Poultry 1'-a-re.a from, year dealer and oats it for three months. and if t does' not pay you and Day you wen,turn the empty p kagee and Tour deaf. -i will refund your money. Dr. Hear 49Mel.' STOCK FOOD linty about tour otis k that have kern in n11 winter .tad 11s1 on dry food t Now i• the time to feel them 1)i. Hess' Stock rood. Thhi 1. sold under a guarantor of wilder, i••n or money refunded. Are you thinking of doing any Electric Wiring, Plumbing or Heating ? If so, call and see what we can do for you. CHAS. C. LEE PHONES : Store 22 House 112 1