HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-3-4, Page 5trove aople 1 TRE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO 1.111CISSDAY, M.u.. if 4. 11)15 $ - - 1 LOCAL TOPICS. (Nal Iliad °WIC S. CLEARING AUCTION SALE! Wedneddaq, %arch 24th F! tad street garage �f e 1:114•14111>\;* 110 17 Automobiles, Gasoline Engines, Marine Engines, Shafting, Pulleys, Belting, Ma- chinery, Bicycles AND - ALL - KINDS - OF - SUNDRIES FURTHER PARTICULARS NEXT WEEK TO THE BUILDING TRADE! WE have a large stock of low-grade Lumber • suita4le for sheeting, at attractive prices. Also a well -assorted stock of high-class material in Anildett Supplies, in the rough and in interior finish. We are offering this, in quantities, at prices that will appeal to the builder and without . the addition of the so-called war tax,of 7 per cent. Lath and Shingle. Pine. Hemlock and Oak. CALL ANI) INSPECT ()UR STOCK BEFORE I,ET- TING VOI'R BUILDING CONTRACT. 'fhe Paget Grain Door co Photic 273 GODERIC II :-: ONTARIO Lieut. A. F.Sturdy and Supernumer- a) Lieut. 1i. C. Southerao, of thi4C1r•d Itegimeot, having qualified themselves for their Appointments, are confirmed III their rank by militia order. recently issued Mr. Seeger Not an Applicant. In connection with the request of the delegation of temperance people who waited upua the town council a; its last meeting, (county Crown Attorney Seager sari he is not as applicant for the positron of prosecutor in liquor cases, and that be was not &Aare that such a request was to be wade. Public bchool Board. The public school hoard met on Monday evening. with Mr. R. J. Acheson presiding. In opening the meeting the chairman thanked the members tor electing him to that position for 1915. The secretary repotted payment. of 1176.116 for January and $71Y.r for February. Principal Long reported :3613 pupils enrolled at Victoria school and Prin- cipal Sharman reported (tilt pupils on the Central school roll. It was decided that two trustees should visit the school[ weekly slid report. The grounds committee was instructed to procure seeds for the pupils' gardens. Business Changes. The Maple Leaf grocery, Hamilton street, has again changed bands, Mr. S. J. Young having disposed of the business• to Mr. James u'Neill, who comes from Brucefield. We welcome Mr. O'Neill to our burliness community and wish him success. Mr. Young will stay in town for the summer, and we hope be will see his way clear to remain permanently a citizen of Goderich. Tbe Ontario Clothing Co. has opened a business in the McLean block, corner Montreal street and the Square, and makes an interesting announcement on page 6 of The Signal this week. �� Mr. John Cutt has opened a grocery business at the corner of ♦'icWria an r Victoria St. Grocery i have opened out a stock of General Groceries in the stand at the corner of Victoria and Bruce streets, and solicit a share of the trade. Every effort will be made to please our customer*. and no- wbere in town will buyers of groceries get bigger or better value for their money. Call and see us. JOHN CUTT Phone ISO The industrial classes being con- ducted under the direction of the Col- legiate institute toard are well at- tended. and the succetw of the experi- ment seems to be assured. AEU CROSS NOTES. 1 Tbe next regular meeting of the Red Cross Society will take place in the town council chamber on Monday, Match 15, at s p.m The members of the Soc•iet t and those willing to help with Red Cross work are requested to tw present `Sine. the publication of the last list the following antoont■ have been re- ceived : $2 110 - Mts. F. Hodgen., A. M. Rotertscm.t:ied payment). D. J. Naftel :. $1.0Y -Mrs. 1). Boyd, Miss Bingham (2nd paymertl, Misr Doris Hodgen,. On Monday, March 1st. the so. iety shipped their sixth hale to head- quarters. It contained only knitted articles- I.d) pairs of socks, 21 pairs wriaters. 1 belt, 11 caps and 12 scarfs. A miscellaneous hale will soon be sent and parties having finished articles are requested to send them as soon as pcssi hie. The water and light commission, on the recommendation of the Provin- cial Hydro -electric Commission. has adopted the following minimum charges for commercial lighting : A minimum charge of $1 per month per thousand watts of connected load, and a minimum monthly account of al) Jcents. COI1INO 1 PROF. PRMBBR of the well- known Hair Goode Store, Toron- to, will be in OODERiCH at the Bedford Hotel, on Wednesday, March 10 with • full line of the latest 'styles In Hair Hoods for ladies and gentlemen, manufactured from the finest European Hair and pwrfeetinn made. For Bald Men The Panther lightweight ventilated toupee eir wig natural substitute for your own hair ever produced. bite abnat any scalp troubles. Advice free of ebartfe. REMEMBER THE DATE - BEDFORD HOTEL, WEDNES- DAY. MARCH 10. Is the most Alin roosult d LYRIC THEATRE I Bruce streets, in the stand formerly THE PREMIER PICTURE HOUSE occupied by the late Williaut Holland, and asks for a share of the public patronage. EXTRA SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS Monday and Tuesday March 8th and 9th Another splendid Briti+h pro- duction in three , ou1- plete parts It's a Long Way to Tipperary I founded on the famous marching song of Lbe Allies Also one episode of the stirring and aensatienal serial picture Lucille Love EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT Only pictures of the very high- est quality shown. at tbie Theatre. Pay us a visit and eo- jay the beet hour's entertain- ment to be had in town. Appropriate music every night of the very best quality. ORE MICE ALTATS—Ik a k NOTE. -Watch for next tope cis! feature, Monday and Tues- day. Marsh Lith and 16th. A real treat featuring Mary Pickford, the "Queen of the Screen," in one of her very beet characterizations. Particulars later. Goderich interested in These Boys. Several Montreal [aye in whom Goderich it interested have enlisted io the Canadian forces for active service. Mr. Ernest Jordan and Mr. Gordon Thom have gone•with the lith Brigade, Field Artillery, which Tett Montreal two weeks ago amid scenes of great enthusiasm. Just a few days before Mr. Thom (who le a nephew of the Misses Hutchiront had won the .1. M. Lockerby cup in a shooting match held by the :'i. A. A. A. Revolver Club. "Mr Thom." rays The Montreal Star, "was most heartily congratulated. A popular and painstaking member, going over in the next contingent, his win was a source of general sat:sfact ion. Not tieing aware of this special 'match and expecting to use fewer rounds, he .dot under a disadvantage, using an other member's revolver and strange ammunition. Coolly and steadily he made full use of all the time allowed, and tcok Hest place with a winning *cure of (110 points, whish exactly equals that of last year." Mr. Roes Hutchison, third youngest son of Dr. J. Alex. Hutchison, of Mon- treal, hos enlisted with the 2nd Signal Company of the Royal Canadian En- gineers and is in barracks at Ottawa. time were compelled to paw over it. 1t is W he hoped the authoritierr wilt take step. to remedy this. Upwards of $10 War realised at & social evening given by the Ladies' Aid of the Bate iet church last Friday to the home id Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnston, East street. A generous supper was spread and a program of Jadd,esses, readings, recitations and song. was rendered. No charge wile made, a freewill offering being taken. The ladies of the church are endeavor- ing in this way to decrease the mort- gage indebtedness on the church propert v. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. At the meeting of the Colborne township council yesterday Mr. Chas. McNeil was appointed assessor. A vagrant wandered into town this week and on Wednesday was before the magivt.rate, who sent him to Castle Ori01n for thirty days' free board. Rev. Dr. John Wakefield, who was pastot of North' street Methodist church about a quarter of a century ago, died last week at Toronto at the age of eighty-five years. Tbe Saltford pistoffice was closed last Saturday following the inaugura- tion of the rural mail delivery. Some of the former patrons of the 'office are now coming to Goderich for their mail. NVe trust that readers of The Signal --specially those who are engaged in farming -are following the "Pettiot- iam and Production- advertisements appearing weekly in our advertising columns. Miss Resta ('lark wits seriously in- jured in a colli*ion at the skating rink on Sato day evening and as a result will h, conAned to the hoose for some time. Mr. James Hume is supplying for her at the Central school. The military weg,ons made by the American Road Machine Co. on order from the Dominion Government were shipped this week from the G. r. R. station to Halifax. Twelve box card were required for the shipment., of the 110 wagons. A tune and entertainment under the a spie.a of L.0.1 . No. 1S2 will he held in Victoria •Peet Methodist churdt nn Monday. M tech 15'b. Rev. P. J. Rutherford. of Beemill.r, will give en address. The collection will go to the Red (:runs fund. The Lyric 'Theatre is presenting soros. very et tract plc, nre prng,&nia, Ineludu.g some war stories, (bat are of timely interest. The Lyric is right in line with the city pie,us• hooses in all element 'ale aid the eRo•ts of the man- agement arra appr.eiased by the puts lie. The Mato of the Huron road, during the r.eent salt aped, bas hewn the euh. -•et of =orb unfavorahle commies. portion of it lying between lb. southerly town limit and the Maitland ltlesMwy amain very had shape owe day when two n( the loosest famr•i proctor atone held t, om Hosted* for some The Menesetung Canoe ('lub held its regular monthly meeting on 'Tuesday evening, when several applications for membership were aceepted. The membership of the Club is now at the highest point it has ever reached. In eomparison with 1 est winter there have hen very few special events this season, the members not caring, on arc. aunt of the war, to devote much of their tirue and energy to w.cial efTaira The Clash, however, was never in a more 11 uriehing condition. and was never more firmly established in the regard of 'hoer who are connected wi, h it. The Ad vantages to the Estate of having a Trust Company administer its affairs arc many, yet the charges are no higher than those allowed a private individual acting in the same capacity. This strong, conservative Company, unlike an individual executor, will not fall ill, go abroad at a critical time, be- come a defaulter or pass out of existence, neither will it neglect ymtr affairs for its own, because its very life de- pends upon its fidelity to you- affairs and those of others. Consult us regarding your will and the administration of your ..tate. Tis Lades & Wester& Trutt Cs. Lilted Its! Rhlnased St., L.mii.w, (')et. Oen OW Le laswi assw PERHONAL MENTION. - Mrs. 8meeth hag returned from a stay of several months at Toronto. !` -Miss Marjorie Aitken has returned from a visit to friends at Mitchell. -Mr. D. E. MacKay returned yester- day from a visit of several weeks at Toronto. -- Mrs. W. D. Shannon and Miss losietihannon left last weak on a visit to Ottawa. -Mr. Arthur J. Delaney, of Livonia, N. Y., has been the guest of Mr. John Youngson this week. - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lewis left on Tuesday for London, where they will make their home in future. - Miss Clara Whyard, of L'ungan- non, has been *swirling at the Maple Leaf grocery the part week. - Mr. Fred Davis left this week for his big farm at Irricana, Alberta, accompanied by his brother Norval. --Mrs. Bert Foster and babe, of Sbepptrdtob, ate visiting this week at the home of the lady's aunt, Mrs. G. H. Green. - Rev, Joiner Hamilton has been on the sick list this week with a very revere cold. He is still confined to the house. -Mrs. Harry Worrell, of Toronto, was called W town this week on ac- count of the serious innate of her mother, Mrs. D. MuMurchy. -Mr. Richard J. Phelan Irft last Saturday for the West. Eu ``onto he will spend a eouple of sleeks visiting friends at Detroit,Gary. Ind., and Duluth. He expects to be gones several months. - Mr. Robert L. Henry, of the cus- toms staff at Windsor, has joined the troofm in training at London. Ontario. -Bob" it well known in Godericb, having spent some of his rummer va- cations here, and his tioderich friends wish him good luck. -Mrs. H. James, of SW Catharines, Mrs. Alex. Crawford, and Mt-. Leslie ('otrell, of Turolto. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Foley and Mr.:Michael Foley,'of Kings- bt idge, were among those who came front a distance to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. Foley. -Mies Nellie Barry, of Toronto, at - len td the funeral of the late. Mr. James Twitchell at Clinton on Wed- nesday of last week and spent a few day, in town the guest of Mrs. I'alt- ridge. Elgin .venue, leaving for her borne at Toronto on Tuesday. -Mr. T. Roy Brydges, of Muirhead, Alberta, formerly of Goderich, was in town last week calling on old friends. He came East oh a sad errand, hie wife, to wh he was married only leo year, having died on the Fah ult, at the home of her father, Mr. .1. A. Carvel b, Toronto. Much sympathy is extended to the young husband in the untimely breaking -up of a happy married life. Me. Brydges reports that his parents, wbo reside at Nan- ton. Alberta. are well and prospering. How's This? \%c ottoe One Hundred Dollars it, ward for any caw of Catarrh that cannot be cored by Hell'. Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHEN EY t CO., Toledo, U. We the under.igped have known F. J. i henry for the Iert 1., year., and believe him perfectly honorable In all bu•lur-- tran.a tions a of nnanelall)- able to carry out any obllKa- tioor made by hi. firm. NATIONAI. RAN. 01• t Oa)It. N. It. O. Hall - C.tarrh Cure 1.. taken interbaTlloley,do. ct- tng directly upon the blood- and muco,o -nr face+ of the .).tem. TertimOtltalr ant free, ['rice 73 rents per bottle. bold by all drugrfiate. Take HKII'a Yamily fine for coo-tluatlon. confirmation of the reports that on, Fir:.: Canadian F:xpt c'.1 onarY For. r ha:.. been .under hr.+..:a. i' ra..ce uab coc..ryed In an omctal dispatch from tit.laa on Sunday. giving . et , a..:;:;:tee received Ultra. Toe.. 1... dant Lieut, 11 P. Pd. -Irving of Vat.- ,, •:t,r of the 2nd Fe Id Ciitopao�. tonal F:ngincers. who AA: an,. I te. A. S. Aiygent o: ('oro::;o, who wounded. The F:n..:o r: n come l..a..y mentioned is ccml..a.rded by i apt. Thos. ('ralck Irvinq, 1' 'onto, c is composed entirely of '1 (runt.� :Iles. I ::r following c:..- ',II.' • at', g int tuba re of the Calladion `..1, d:uu..- ary Force were annoani:ed ut Otte:,a en Monday: + First Battalion Killed in action -Regia. ialw. ;d (ta;iau. Next of klu, Fred l'ai &.. (brother), Preston, Out. Severely Wounded --!'roan. \'.'. J. Broumpton. Next at kit., Mr-. Elmer Broumptoo, Cate ick, t5uglanu. Slightly Wounded --Privet, E. C..: n maxi. Next of kin. \its. Jc n cx C .., man, Allen Craig, Ont. Second Battalion Slightly wounded-•1.atic •('u:purr 1 J. 13. panto ford. Next ut ...u, 1'. ,'1. Hannaford, \\'estmount. Qu' Sergeant henry llumiltou: Next H. C. Hamilton (father', Sa..L Ste, Marie. Ont. Private Joha Davie- Next cf k \irs. J. Davis, Renfrew, .(Int. Third Battalion Severely 1Vuunded---S,•rgt. Holland. Next of kin, Mrs. G. Hol- land, North Birmingham, Eug'atd. Slightly wounded -Bugler \::1; an. Henry Sanders. Next of kin, hr.., Martha Sanders, Toronto Seventh Battalion Kilted In action --Lieut. Herbert Beaumont itoggs. Nest of kin, Beau- mont Hoggs (lather). Victoria, B.C. \SALLOW SKIN • Livtr Spots. Pimples, Dark Circles Under the Eyes are s I signs of the system tieing eingge.l. The !leer end bowels are in aeatve -,•d the .,,.mash is weak from undigeat ,. f ode .int foul rases. Fig Pillet the area, f•nit .,overly, ..•'! male yen feel like a e ,•era.m. Winnitw, June 27, 1011 Af,e• tisk', g three Irises ofour Fig Pill- tor •tomsrh and liver tnvwii'1.•. 1 1--• I .•. 'ng and well and aNe In it my - n w••rk. M•-. A H. MAVLTax. Redd et .I'salsas, In 21', and N) met boxes o nail. d by lb- Rig Pill Co., tlL Tt. i roe-, Oar. Sold in Ooderieb by R. R. Weil- , dr iftgiet. Wpm B a nuc OF CANADA. i Dank by Man and Save Logi Drives MaII us the cheques or cash you receive, with your Fass- book, which we will return with the Deposit credited. Then ycu can pay your bills by cheques, which we will honor,, or If ycu want the cash yourself, send us a cheque in your own favor and we will forward the money by return malL Drop In and talk to the Manager about IL Goderich Branch --F. WOOLLCOM BE, Manager, The ElectricShop I have opened in the stand on West street next the PoetuMce a complete new stock of Electrical Goods, and invite the people of lioderich to come in and inspect theta. The stock includes:- Electric ncludes:- Electric Lamps, Globes and Fixtures Electric Light Fittings of all kind. Electric Irons, Electric Heaters Electric Toasters Electric Cookers Elect ric\Varmi ng Pads, etc. Electric wiring and fitting done in the most competent alai up-to-date manner. I have had years of experience in electrical work and give u.v attention exchtsively' to this business, and patrons may rely upon the satisfactory and workmanlike execution of any order entrusted to me. Plans and estimates furnished for any desired work. MY STOCK IS ALL NEW Come in and see it whether you need anything in cin loss.• just note or not. 1111,411041110 ROBE RT TAIT TaLEI'IIIINH No. S2 WENT STREET. 1 Economical amid Delicieas All ready to eery No bass No gristle Ask for Clark's Notice to the Farmers! G RAIN ELEVATOR and CHOPPING MILL We are now prepared to buy all kinds of (train at our eleva- tor, north of ylacEwan'a coal yards, 'Roderic'', and will pay the highest prices at all timer. - CHOPPING We lag to announce also that we have installed an up-to- date ('hopping Mill in conner- lion with our grain business and are now ready to attend to the want* of the farmers in this line We shall be glad to chop or roll grain any lav in the week, and R you will give n* a trial we oust that glad work .sill merit your continued patronage. J. E. BAECHLER 'dome in Out of the Wet it is easier to keep dry under wet - conditions, than to keep wet under dry conditions', With our large stock of • Ittight and;team( Rub- bers, doth Orerthces andretics w-• ate prepared to supply 'e', with just what pen may nivel to keep your feet dry. ws•rn Ind comfortable. S H A R M A N THE *41I..t; \t.\\ GRAND TRUNK[ s'': -:-EM Double Track all the Way Dom! al YOU CAN BEGIN ANY DAY THE NORTHERN • BUSINESS COLLEGE OWEN SOUND. ONTARIO trarown thn e.toiey building and it .em. -fol yeah of ex 1 • rlenr.•. Kapott In.truCtore !loaner the very beat re -alto. 1'atalogue firs. C.A. FLK W t No, F ('. A., Pt i nci paL G. D. FLart ee, Secretary. THE FIRST STEP t lftN Mee n• an mneh. It ha. mean' etererea to th nand. of prang 1....ple wbo wn to for oar eatakwe. M the Are, .1sp toward • Red ealocoal pod len. Take the .tep today. Addrwe. C.n,ral Peodow•Wollego, !R Tamar Rtr'oet, Tor seta W. p CRAW. Prsaldssa TORONTO -CHI('A(i ) TORONTO- MON rRlcA1. 1'nezcelled Train Iervlce , Highest 1 Is,. of Kstniomen' IViwter Tours to Califersia FLORIDA AND SUNNY SOITIGnit F a -t Train. Choir.. of Howe. Low Fare. raw .n effect Fs,foil tart colo+ t uit U.T.IL Picket. %gents or write t'. F. II IOICN INO. UUUK•. Pa.wnerr %rent, Toroo F.r i.%w'RKV' K a wic+,peeshopers .r. nt and Ticker %ara Phone A. lis H. LAUiD- ICK. +tat um. 1'4•k t,trr,.t. I'hoae .a h. IAN AClF10 Unproved Service TORONTO MONTREAL OTTAWA y '1a ' 1 aka Ontario 41sare Lbw" Fa -t the e n Whitby, thhaws. Hown,., v le, P•et Hop., Cohourg, Ii.11rt.t) Te• bit,, ale. Pen ala • + ft "•. Jew Cad. U P. .Tie M Aeeet, ►-•1rX.4Merl ky,4Pw_Ta•