The Signal, 1915-3-4, Page 1J
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!7 IAai 1 her 11
raalal et
SAVE, Because -
Saving enables you to meet your bills'
with a cheque instead of a promise to pay.
those dependent on you by taking a policy in
The Mutual Life Assurance Co.
of Canada
"Caned.'. only Mutual"
Puttees: Orrice 211): Hoot 130.
• P. O. Box Sit
of all kinds furnished promptly and at reasonable prier..
if you are thinking of building this year we .houll 1r
glad to have you call and talk it over with ns.
We have the facilities for doing k without delay.
Goderich Planing Mills, Ltd.
l oder and by vines .fUbe peer of ea
tat.ed In a certain reift.tsred sweats re
will be produced at LM time of see and
there will he offend tear .s e b puhada blic
at the t'olborn• Ila. I, In tate tow. of
rich. by Thom.. Uundry, auctioneer. on
41'1 the .f hterdr.00n f ee at
premt.e..:-.All thaw certain carob, or
of land and tweettee.. .41 wets. ly,rtg and
t,1 the village of Port Albert, In the tow
of A.beebl. In the county of Huron, lot.
bee• air and .ere* on the north .tde o
bourne street and let. n .cube'. el
seven on the mouth ire of Melbourne
tie•, there acre oRthe moth part of .al
N dilate rtioned !o t.ilo.. heretofore
eoniai logyed went
acres of land more or ler., and ereeptlr
1 Ig Its, of an . ere .ofd and corn, sed to
W. Mnye. by deed dated May ash. Int
the shore grope ty le ended a .Ix
i"OR t1. ---�
. 1 t arosgtbre,► legte-cora.
born rooter. W ](. kik P►rEli, Loyal.
le con. , borne Muncipal Telephone b. 4v' L to 'o►
which ,
„poi, i WOR MALE. (,00D TIMOTHY
rase., ! reed : well cleaned, IL K. REV
ELL, rich. EI.i., (dodo-
erode- --- _ __ _ 1:-rf
oc,or'k • e•If at e
dr and dross G. L I. MR. breok Rao. OoderleSaltfordAd-
R. R. Yet L (ilsdtRicA. /'.rtt
n.hlp LIUR MALE,. -COO "
fnlm' i a' reservoir: In good eo(n1 tion. r�ITH
rs and sombre. J. W, TAYLOR, Ec-ez etre[. It.
greet --_
dla.t-��(1R MALE. -MEED
0 one 1' NEROW/; OKAIN.-BA\-
y : lee Twob. iter. U. u (', . t .1.l : neo.
x oleo wenn town teat latter mater a strive timeA.
Jebe H. t'LI:TTUNpunlop Gives he.vfe.t stead. A.
4 In
ft ante house, and a frame barn rout hour
other _
od i Deputation to Tartrate Fails to Realise
la all on Beck Promus".
.�� e
A good -slue' depotatiun from Gode-
and granary. all „aid to he in a fair .on
repair. The orchard runt,tin• .h u1. one
Bred Sherry Irene and oleo apple and
fruit tree. and .man trout., ata the fences
to Knout rn
gnonditaen. The ares of the la
.uppo.e.l to be abou• eighteen acre. and
altostrati within the vlle,yp, of port Alpert.
1 i.eaut 1� of 1Ire poi Sha r
-e moray to M•
down at the o,n. of asst sod the batace
out merest In Ihi,ty da). thereafter.
For further parOruiara apply to
L' t . HAYS. F -•h, . Uodertrh, nut.
Vendor'. MonetortoTHOMASUUN[RY. F'
Auctioneer, 0oder.-h. e
(steel at boderich thi..1th day of Febru
grit p, :p
rich war •t loionto last week, some
rrpreeentin►t the town council, others
the Hoard of Trade, and still others
ter. the counts' council. Most of them at-
�^,trnded the Hydro -radial convention,
1'. others the mooed meeting of the Ar-
ail- r..•iatmj H ,ard. of 'Trade of Ontario.
M .yor Rent, 'viI h rrpreeentative. of
Kine tidier, Huron towuahip and Ash.
fleid, waited upon Mir Adam !leek to
see if the,e were any prospect of relief
Elf for the wunicipelir,es concerned in the
Ontario '1Vetrt Shore Railway Herten.
The ttion eecived uefleaseuranceofawistaie, thghorie
thing may be done in c
-bre the ru connection av,t,
P ['Deed Hydro -radial system to
hr put the 0. %V. S. Railway in opera-
se 1Varden (:evenlock, Reeve Living-
s' one of Grey, County Clerk Lane and
County Trt'ti.urer Holmes waited upon
Premier Hearst to ask that present
H I Legislation on the subject he so
hot amended that electric railway,' may
e. ed be constructed under county aaspicw
u, the premien'. taw reoRniaing only the
- minor municipalities in this rn.peer,
D, An unfavorable reply was revived, in
" I Spite of the tact that on • f
('re.mnt. Apply to MRS -!I. E. $'ALC
r on, hot water heating, ell laridiren
home. Addreis BoX O. THE *SINAI. 47
A bowie oaatadelag all medern cone
lencee, Kam sweet, convenient to G. 7'.
etentoet. ACMY to mats. W. A. Ka YN aft
water bestir, system: Ms room.. !Moat
oa Oloacemitire Torras*. Apply 'to .1(N4.
tt: by tbe hese Jelin Halliday ors the &d co
On▪ set ease hese. with bane Whiten sad
1: geed Mrs; maw animal ; tres acres
20 %IRA Hs t
teedeetee P. 0. tat(
would be no difficulty in haying the
desired change meede
Another, matter in regard to which
et members of the deputation showed
i teene curio•Ity W/10 MP preepeet of a
fulfillment of the promise. made by
'The reply indicated elearly enough
velopment on the Rover Maitlend.
• thet Sir Adam hair no intention of ful-
filline his peonage. made to the people
of Gude ieh.
1 The Gederieh party included Mayor
I Reid. Reeve Elliott. De. Holmes. Win.
Unity 110X ?Rs a&
• rawrissest I. In leuednetellf OW 1111F
1=14 sarimerehistaitnistim
Iltqleal:. C. Running.. Jae, Misr -hen
wee represented by Reeve
Eitewart aad Councillor Dalton
Hot aad mild drinks • epoeialty. for
the quiet everting_perty
beef tag, or sodas. TM aslineral Oaf,.
Conservatives Say They're Not Hurting
It, But Their Arguments Are Hard
to Understand, even with Blue
Prints -"Ham" Burnham, _
boro', Revels in Universal History
Ottawa, Meech 1. -_The budget de-
erence,which Hoots n. W. Y Fieldion the ng in•
veuteu in 1IU;. Like all good in-
ventor, Mr. Fielding improved on his
patent from time to time, so that the..
Hritish preference which began with
a ruudest twelve and a half per cent.
when the Liberate came in Stood at
thirty-three and a third
when they went out per cent.
It did good work for t be Mother
Country froom the start and, ate luck
would have it, the Hest enemy of Eng-
land it gave a black eye 10 was Ger-
many, who at ot.ce put up a holler that,
under her favored nation treaty with
Britain, she Pram entitled to any pref-
erences Croatia [night 1.x+ handing out.
ling, who was
the height of p is vogue. wrote otrn at
ada : "1Jaughtrr ant 1 in wy mothers
house, but mi.treve in mine own," and
Hiner] thought rhe couldn't du better
than tete a tip from the poet. , At all
events, she took the Rground that Can-
ht to meke
awn taariff and Mr. nFielding supplied
the axle. grease for this enlightened
policy by imposing the Oerm.b .urtaz
which put the Hritiab preference in
smooth running oidet. it has stood
the racket for yearn and never devel-
oped a hot hex.
The British Preference has [leen a
loyal performer all through -it stood
by Great Britain, stood by Caned%
sod struck Germaay in • vital *pot,
her foreign trade. It proved that 1.t
was possible to help Britain without
injuring Canada's home rule and that
the overseas dominions can do a great
deal for the British Empire hy 'wild-
ing their own businees.
Naturally, the Liberals think highly
of the British Preference which mut k.
like a busy little bee fur England.
home and duty, and are moved to
towpplaint when anyone tries to "Goo
it off. Tnreiff of Aasioibote spoke of
"lying unholy sod disloyal heads" oa
the brilish Preteens., which was, of�
course. • thrum of speech, bonuses
he hastened to add that never ib' his
life bad be seen a dtaloyel Cotueerva_
Live or a disloyal Lihe,al. What he
meant to eonvey was th at there were
various way. 01 .bowing loyalty. "As
for example.," the. was an settle to H.
B. Awe., who had nettled him, "by
supplying good goods to the army "
Whereupon the member for 81.
Antoine drifted into silence acid Tur-
riff went on to explain that five pointe
more duty egeiort liuitain really
meant n increase of twenty per cent_
on the preferential customs chergrs
and that conseyueotly the Mother
Country was that much worse otf than
she was before.
This hooks like gopd arithmetic, but
the l>rovrrnnirnt, with the aid of Prov-
idence and the higher ms., - - tics- i
West -he iwkltlowledges no
not even Red Micb..t -end
nu inter ferenee with his raw
Ar Iona a. is. B. eleimet u.
by the •euttlrful, Len,, Itch d:
and hot air furnaces tweet b e
J. H. ilurnham, who i, t
Ilaiupdeh of West Pet eeb.,
1ribut.d noose three hour of
in which he did nut once allui
Brit„h Preference, 1' ie per 1
w well that he didn't, for "Ila
bam Is by way of being a
-- be bas writs -n two novel
Hale toe- and ••llercelle"-
unti idled viSwa un al in. all
"Hans- is really a It.dical
he wrote _
oaten sols. Ernest Stevens, Now in France, Writes
en 04IJr j 1.O the Parental Home in Alberta.
let gluon, I Mr, S. W. Stevens, of Kitecoty,
he.. John Alberta, send/11W the following Iert.
ru, con. received from his eon Ernest, who
r• oma, k., now in France with the 1Ot.t Edwor
1. to the ton Fusiliers. The letter, which w
tan„ ju.t written in England on January 2241
w"But u. lef.,r• the bulk of the Canadian (.,,e
n author had gone to France, will he read wit
r, ' .J.,•k Interest by 10,' friends of the Steve
and h*a fahily here
y subject. "1 rtr.eiv.d your welcome letter an
who oma. Parcel yesterday. Brad to hear frier
lehwllyd you. Well. we are .till in England
6oe0r. 1'he P. P. C. L. 1. was in Freence fo
,''halls, Christiania. That is ell the Canadian
ee,rate. that are in Frau a yet. They hirer
r, ttghL iwru un
*Won unci; .ix were, killed
of Other fourteeu wounded. 'There. have been
rrey„tnt ) • • •'.. death. ;u the contingent
inga in •ince we have leen lin England and
utuutrr hundred. nick with the English
"rood cliutwte, 1 herd ye-terdav that the
full of Canadian continkent was leaving for
ppealed France on the Nth „f February- I
Sproule hope that we do get out of thus
rteenth country. The Germans have raided
r, 31,. thI• country three time., twice with
peak. -r airships and unci with cruisers. Tney
hat old, did a lot of damage and killed and
imeeer- wounded *hoot two hundred.
'Ham" "yali.bury Plaine is owned by the
yen$ ur Government. It'ie a eemping ground•
for the Territorials. We moved. into
Greet Tidworth lest Monday ; it is one of the
to of a beta barrack• in England, so i guess
'What we cannot kick.
n they "N,,, they will not have cornpulrory
lid btu"service. f think they have morn,
Malia. soldiers now than they cen lige. They
brute hxvr aiout r,l1al,pht soldiers it.'
f l3e.r. England now ; and then there are
perch,. soldiers prone Caned
•r Next tvtek we shall publish the names of those who have con -
;a trihuted to the Belgian Relief Fond through The Signal, the list having
hI been cloud on Saturday evening last.
h For the month of March the contributions to The Signal's War
A Few
% Calendars
The Signal still has some
Calendars pot subset iher.
who pay their ■uheerip•
lion now for 1951. Hand
in your dollar and get a
Pea ellallea
Fund will go to the Red Cross Society, For every -yearly adyanee
d1 subscription paid us this month ten cents will be placed at
the end of the month the amount will be haptled to So-
• ciety as the contribution of Si'gn:lj sttbscribers.
r '
* If you have not already paid your subscription to The Signal for
'11915, do so now and help the Red Cross. Every little helps.
- I
Much Useful Wort Being Done by This At Annual Meeting
Active Organixauon, g Members Are Pleased
IAt the *boost we. tu'g of the lien- with Last Season's Results.
seal Brough Chapter, I. O. 0. E., held The annual writing at the
t on Vuougb the r, 1. 0. , officer.:., Fruit Uruwni,' Huron
Aarch :ltd,
Wee held
were elected : Regent, Yr.. U. Me. re Ny•dnrtlee, Jlarch ares at the sec.
I'Uoneld; vice-regent. Mr.. Jos. Kidd; ane,.. 's uRfcr, with a gcxod attettd-
••Mood vice-regent, M s. Gen. nee.
liana: recur tVil- the president gave w .bort vddtYse
any; Hose le•ne M. %Val- and a ter
ton ; rtesistant sed•, Star v, %lir. ...etc . 9 eausiness. )• ' ,, fl',an al
(launder.: trmntirrr, Mrs. J. r,,• Kil. s ate,,eut walsnie d and
torso ; rG►oAard-lexrrr, Marr Huancial
tar; cut4ndatd• Mr.. L. Mil- ►Novae and
the opposes Weir given great praise
Baker, Misers U„RIh. Mrs. i for the slicer as achieved dorso
naundei, �hannuu, pant ywr. K the
H..It, l.uwrrnce and Hh�nas.
1'be lullowtng irp,.rt war e.cnled Thr full wingoRlcrr.weer elected for
by the .ecretrr) 1 the ensuing seer: President, J. %V,
M.t n.tll H►ttilcvT Areu LAoltrrt, _i eld; vier -purr id t, J.H. Ur,; Silk-
much plearurr w present the , H. K. Revell. O. l:. G.albruith, , ton,
there *uuual ap.lit, or s.. -called mg
R. Aisretta; errretaly-1.r Geo.
repent, for our ('h..pter will not real,)' i and G. WF. �nAndrewetur (3eo. (inure
be three years old until the (e middle o I A very interesting diecus..ion took
next May: hut the head o y place as to the befit method,' of . ulti-
us to stud in a repurc beton. the an-vation, sprayin•-
nual meeting which takes place the
end week in March
1 am glad .o say the Genre.] /trough
bapte, has had a ve. y rucce.etul
ear financially, alth.,ugh we have
els the awful oeprrssion cart upon
ue hy lbs dreadful war d.•ve-[sting
our Empire. We held .a euchre party
est August and contributed $ ,,1.'11 to-
ssed the hospital ship for our Cana_
tan soldier. Our members also as -
steed in the bowie -to -house collection
or the,tal ship ►,y which the
in of $IOU.Ut1 was teahzel anti for-
ardrd by the Meyor• We have
eld nine monthly meetings and one
special during Use year.
The neatened tedsein Litre atcourse r Chattier1. Ieeci ores
ven by I)i-. Hallow for the tat. John's
mbulanoe Corps in "first aid,". which
1 tegent kindly permitted oonduem.
re to take advantage of, ill which
ur.e riven rucceeeful cacdidates
re awarded diplomas. T'e.... lee.
es were so much appreelated hy the
tubers that they accep ed Ur. Gal-
s Lifer to give thrill a further
rse of lectures on home nureilg.
r members are doing their abate it.
Ring and other work for the Red
s• '.Ve have to• thank a f
turn I!oneervattve Sud got
wrong. Ile beteg km hthaa!_
ray c.lonel•, der.* •wt , stat
gilded•plendnr,hloet .l plower&
de -Jus• -ares, herecrkaty ryrao
"hoer, atiuktug pride and a lot
things late that. With great
he touched on uuue .d thew.- th
the one hundred and right v
coobutned by hint,. hot h.- imide
speech jet the raw., It was
history and oreagwually -he a
to the unleveled mind of Ur.
to bear him out. In the thi
century, as you will reu,ewbw
Speaker." And of course 31r. N
remembered, nut be•auee he is t
but hresuw• otter you 1000411. the
neck wagon 01 Wet, it with '
}lumbago, you see wish his e
you don't .ant et all.
"%-hat did Alexander the
y uu d,scoveriug the wiring u
et a.o-i-t in lf•urr's DLitt''" '
d Jeck Cade esri.iu, she
ere putting the tope run
eck r "tribal words diJ Lord
bury make use of when hie pert
as be wag roguing the Treaty o
lin?" Ham Burnlwm's a
bristle .with pertinent itueetro
which only Ham can reply, be
he knows the answers Iewr
The only porv.hle retort would t
no to Apron and''• nusi rat la.
cause will he ended lbyiJuly, by 1.h the it 1
eband. going at present." 7 the way it 1.v
w for
a member of the Opposition to getup RISKY WORK IN THE TRENCHES.
and esk "Whet did Frank ('ucbrenr
say in 1M<lbli'" which can't be dour, Tom Pritchard, of the "Princess Pats,"
because Frank C. chrne h
said anything in public lite and
Pi -fluently ha• l -ft no come -backs.
Muni.ler of Reitways is the one s
men you wo't pull.u deadly pa
on, and i [relieve Ham Btu
trades on the f.,::. At any re
wander. 'drover the lot and no
checks him up. And even at tent
sticks as chase to his text MA aut-
o( Brspeaker
tish Preferenceests to siert
and high
and certain other matters which
ou were to do with the war the
mining pros('rciu%ha with the
dose all be•se%
Whist 1 mesa to se i. that
Bambara did not tactile he tariff
cause he has only vague opinions on
differential calculu. and nth po
but be did make out a general
for the Gover trm,•nt within the
cot nets of univr.•al history, whir
good tactic. and will probably be
lowed by other rppreakers on the '(
servative side. ' When you don't
them leo follow you take ib -m into
bush. Hew Burnham is mush w
than Wright, of Muskoka-Jtusk
being the place where the Musk
nut. cane Iron -who get. off all
old wbeezen about protection and f
and sets the House )-awns
keeping track of Hgufes give
et Jew be,ulecbe and Hnm Bt
shrewdly avoids it. The diff
between Ham Burnham .
ht, of Mu.koka, it that %Vr,g
I1 he knows on the subject a
nothing, While Ham Burnh
II he knows on every other m
nd tells nothing. Of cooter, 11
If anybody ern set the Oppo
alining the air, it's Ham Bur
irally, Ham Burnham tal
the war. He used what '1
call.. the "too cocky'' erg
alluding with all the deter
rain shovel to what the wick
did to three dieadnonghea
Ham is a gots/ Canadian fel
unlitsrist days. He put f
he ides th it Caned* utiuu. 1
server, Act wag just the plat -
a. He doesn't want to be an
to or any farther sway fret
the'r Coru.try than he i,1. now
tkr the Atlantic Ocean i:jn.
it dist*nor to enj-,y all the ben
1.1 eecepe tot the diutdvao
No far as Hart's 5lalcmcn
there etre no fernier. syn,
in his rom.t►tuen('y uloanin
relation" with anything le
t. her of dollar bill.. Het
n to near enough to help, h11
r enough to b e w orried by the
II. it you would reu,0ul.1 the
Komar to his heart .. desire
Id leave it as it ie, bre:tube it
t now. All of which goes to
at Ham Harnham ig a local
rut jt•t•t., a good l:utedian, .
h oemoera, and a candid
the Conger votive part).
hole Ham joins hands with
e.1 of on in Hghting for Brit -
to Kathleen
ions, for freedom, for trm. its
government, for the greatest
and the Rrs'a,e•t organised
good the world has ever
e have some Sity thousnd
and one hundred nd fifty
dollars stated now, and we
• •re where that name from.
brings 1111 to the ee:•Cend
f t he argument -that this is
iff and not a proteetivp one.
w large topic, it had better
✓ till the budget decal• im
long. H. I►, OAnenv.
splendid world of splendid
Be kind end cheery to every).
[nest, and thee see if you do
R eo.
ever j Writes to His Brother Here. neo
con Mr. Ernest Pritchard has received c
�'Fbbe another letter trout hi. brother Tom,'
ides- of the Princes Patricia'" Light In -If
uham fantry, from which we are permitted
1.r, hr to publish the following extract. The
"Patric,as" are vogues" here to North- . i
t by ern France and the letter it data'
bud- February 'end. After POMP w
ler•otral d
cle..r references the letter continued •
,_`riff ••We have bad our first touch with f
have the Dutchmen and the result will be . ell
known to you ere this leaches you. w,
o a You will wonder what tuy feelings
ling. were. Well, 1 have [leen under lire h
� &tore aad this re no new experience,
but I dbl not figure on being •o close 1 p
tie I0 them as forty yards. Our biggest
w r job was to get into the trencher with- Ki
out their seeing us. This roust be A
case done at night end a' the is.
four dor hood o
h 1,• Olcour•e sur Germans gorse this and co
041- frontage we are sharp
o the.
up eeTh R y add we
sunt to our trouldes by renting up rockets me
which illuwlnate the. sky making it Low
the al h. ight as daylight. We are forced roll
oke to lie flat and not move an eyelid until Ou
it is dark attain. We are then sub- knit
oke je,cted to a cuntinuoue sniping and erne
the shell fire. Woe unto him who shows met
rte his nose where the. trench.•
toil' "I feel as though all this is a matter, I don
s a of course and ham got to he endured, ! seer
sin- leo take it as all in the ' we r
r- greet gams and
lid don't Lore much bleep over the coulee -'gena
ht Iurncea. I feel that the Allies must 1 mess
win, and that before n,e,y months' fur 1
lid are over, BUT it will tie sl righter and Its
rim he who comer nut 0. K. will 1.w a scr-
ub- to„ity. 1 hope to Int one u1 theta,. curl ung
Sin ,pities." nun
i- • leets
u. -Mr. George Kung, who spentsemi
(pest two months visiting et thoioe1 t}`
Iced of Mr. D. Harrison, Nelson street, j our
om and with relatives at Hayfield, re. vent
1.t- turned to hi• home at McConnell. fund
art- Mao., last work. t2u.
ed I -The foli.'wu,g ite•nr taken from The' ' Solei
10'Canlian i'hnrcholan refers to the gift.
� ei.o of County Crown Attorney Meager, 1 to pt
err, ,.TL1e authorities of6ingbCollrge,Itinge
• Windsor, N. Y., 'wear to have gone, Nahc
Y acres the continent to
ti e'es`or to ('anon I'owell.fiWend s bwel keep
�• good ria -on to bele-v,4 that the ort I 1t
will be offered, if it his not already ('erre
born offeree, to the principal rf St,' much
- Man k'., Vancouver, Ur. C. A. Meagre. i ship ,
t 'lee titter probably wall take some
w bene to consider the offer, es the new I
K president will got resume viis dutie',,
out to prove a lullaby. The Argument en'eleiet
is that five points nutre tariff ageinst tell. a
to crisp ltd.., even with the help of wilt,'•
British goods is not twenty per cent. la,'"
more protection for Canadian menu- deP, 5
facturere, hut 1 have never berm able Peet d
elaborate diegrerrue. don f
NVItat the Opposition goes on ask- Loll.
ing is. "Why du you noak the Mother NAtt
Country flve points, or about twenty nts/ut
per cent. more oo her goods, when , Owens
you're borrowing •Il the money from 1 n-wid• .
her to finance our •hare to the r of a st
wait ? Do you intend to pay- the an. OW*
nual interest on our war dew to Bri- 1221:1 -
tern out of the estrus dut y ?-
there is no answer short of a blue Neva'
beok al thiek as the Auditor-Genei.. for hitt
al*. report, jloa naturally madden the . ',Pox'''.
party which has been ticctiltoined to the NI.)
regard the old Hoeg AA penething all as - lle I ho
have Ilw.tereed out of their grasp They eflie en
handle it but themeelves. "The Gov- go,..
defend in placing an extra ta-enty per , for close
rake. a, lot of explaining and most wants t
people have poor heed. for figures. not nee
The Oppoeition hes them winking meld- be
nightie Many •perchee will he found Broteh
in Hansard giving the rights of it you wou
the Liberia. prates. to see nrore noise show i h
then giiidence in them, like tbs. eigger /3, i•ish
"It reminds ille." *Sid Duncan Roes, f. 'end .•f
"of the men who i d
until the coming academic year."
Tt-tteDA t,' Mar. '4 Pots.,
Qesate.-_H.,w do they spell what And p
they're talkingabout -tax or tacks'. being
taxi or tax 11,.' p I of Mr
Nstwe or TIIm WI.:in.-The assessor.; A p
John Camer.,n, ham been melting his place
round• in this locality . Mrs. J.1l%
Marlin- P v,. n;
nrillion feurga' legr, but only feint In all the
twelve. Whet' they aeked him why, ish 'mod
he said he bad '
he'd only counted them by the sound." efollore
A4 all events the Government side force for
of Gs. H011110 very •ensitive to seen W
draught*. Wit the Brit ish veld ten
Preference is mentioned. • chill epteed• to the right of Mr. Speaker ern w•t m
clammy drops from his brow. Hon breech
mireh longer ego he g0 on loving a weer 201
Britain and keep the duty on plows As it is
where it is ? 80010 day or other this etand owe
British Preference may he big enough Earth,* •
to hurt. Meanwhile there IP hone.
Prayer and • patriotic Government. I
Sven the little thinga connected This is
with the Beiterh Preference rause uPen$4....„•,
mentioned Rnglish dictionaries. fer-
tilisers, aad hot air turner -es as sem
Iffir tinder the flee per erne inereeea
Thom are ell ingredient/I in R. IL
Braisett's orntory and to hear them
championed try • nivienher of the Op -
=oil was ashes in his month.
is the Dsmombanas of Um
care of oral -
growers present outside tit the nueln-
tiers of the Airsociatioo, who. at the
close of the ureeLing, added their
trainee to the hat too new members.
Fur their apple.' last ueetion mem-
bers of the Aseocietani realized about
1111.I5 a barrel net (not including the
price of the barrel). This wee 44k or fek
better than the net prices rt. velvet" by
individual growereeutettle , he Amex'.
ation. The apple. wet,. handled for
the Association by Mr. Hanulink, and
the 'Danner in wvich it was done and
with tbe result.. A• the Asepenition
develops • still le market eau be
steeured with .the kka*.r quantity of
*poles handled. co-opei at ion fs the
sabeation of the apple -growing husi-
Paget Factory Is Busy.
A visit to the Paget Grain Door
Corm -briny'. factory thie week revealed
the fact that the Company has about
a score of hands employed and suffici-
ent rude!! IOU A4I t.4) &kw') them going
all bummer. In convereat ion with the
management it
i inted out that
0 Soldiers Convaleerent Home by the office wee open every day during
etion of R&M in aid of the Red Trieste and that iiiertibere ot theft ot r0r Y1.
eve, winch we headed over to- are gantaetion had stetted 1 het .011 visiting
etsery of the Sock ty. At preaerst the factory they bed found the dories
the meantime we are ntt allow- lloord of Trertle ever c our nearer limn '
our interred to drop in the •Iirei41 the Grand Trunk station. ett the roads
k of our Chapter. namely, the col- (w)reir,em',siliv nilaurinn:
on of ..... ney for the eiltiliallent (12 the a inter, *het eitart• the than a canoe
-private weeds in the hOPOil al.
courne all the dr-m.11(1s made on cessity. %Vith the °peeing of the budd-
ed us from adding much to our noes will improve and the stall will be
.efinnamnacestry fblyindt.t:e1( wirs,,r,,vh,adve, ,:sweei: :Ina:el:1s: Wiat 4i•ii,,etiapnete:t1 edi..tthr :tar luniii-
the other thi re I. 'hauler,. In town 'Politer/v. tolitplien.
mai Chaplet in brill III t he tap -
of the ()oder as remit -toed.
o of our active member., Mi...
11111-5e.1 11111/1 OM' !MOW intoning -
LENA 1. V, ALTON, tie ere t +try. . nme:1-standy.,mtsueibe,:tal. 1,,, ,ft,i;, 02:1:., ,,%4s, ...,:l!thnnt:ei:!:.
ormer Goderich Girl III.ehdtine,:rvaiiiiii.t. l',..014'111:;.k.xi- .1., .umivoi:e. 1.:;, 7.,, ,1.T.
will or teen aell '11
fislkatinij freer The Deleon Fair°
lea•tit•e in (Onset ten, the bride 11::1014. 71ink:atird,r„d::,...1;ichb. :1:,:: ':. 1.i'':.
retty wedding of lamt week took ‘. ,x117,,J,:"3:2:1,,,,,::,....ittr.11,1,,,,...7110t,t,,,...1771.471:.7).....
IlivePntitrin, er'heNn.":, :Iittinst%'MIV.oeithrt'yed, J000. itan,.„. ,„44., d ,,.•, 24....,.
Jean McLeod, and Dr. Herbert. John liAttliNICIt. In liod
of • white sat in and Charitilly I At.. AbIll• lottlio.o 1 Iran 01' J. J. Harker.
°rime. hlowsortie. Her 1111 MO
cep of Chantilly fare adorned; AUCTIO SALES.
me given in mei i liege by
rommeed winthnda sitio,:.p...„.r.f.eethi...utisei; t. swiewesto....oll:t'ilkaoiesrairriAbvilaklir.A....u..7iifiheit,h?.:.T::4:2.2.0u......,:i347iountous.:(..1t."-ft.oficpeo....ael
ro.e lieliei011 ore et earn in loin& re
cenny. fresh melted 'lemon,. and fresh
solid 8Y0Ie11 (01,21.1q, try black -
stone's. Phone 210. Crider, delivered.
leen and James Dalton
are on the nick het ....Joseph and
limited, were in the Queen City last 9"w"
hist W1.1 k to °detach to resume their ' with
their studien fit the AesumptIon Col- Were n
11.14Y. the bitYt., through illness*, were white
unable to (elan o after the l'hrtarmae She w
=LIM lerstso mason kept ii.t. T. J. snow had arennuriated on aceouny ,,f stork, 0
's. Phone 04. I again, .iltholigh the higutigwb•I
rather poor shape for *bowling. too.' southern
' i • continual @apply of fresh oysters in some place. where large ban it• of included
rall fences, hedges. stc., it wan found Toronto
neeiweary to plow the road. or travel- (Aims°.
The elseeebe beerettree may he king. ler. would hove to stand • chimes of ' RANA IN.
winded oven whoa he le shows. breaking their vehicles. thai
'tote, whirls tteen looted ounce haat 'oullert
IN -rendre.. We hope that Ore patri-1 church.
(die motto. "Hutto ne an aa mood,- will marth
iroon be brought into pt Pirtle" fit the' Saunde
corner owing tr. the fact that es' decors'
great deal or *now W411 remoo•rel from ' Sowers.
the rorid• by the thaw 'set week, the; for ito
wheel. halo* berm hr.
in, of Immanuel Presbyteries's 1
0111 with palm. and sprin
smilax. Om -et -town Remota Riderree Sables- If K. Revel; ...'". l . l . l 1 .11. ile:
e wicker filled with pink and ' °"' .'"""`
▪ After • tr.p through see
home eaiiitee, vet.
. sad Mrs. McKay win make %ad (watt. efwG"'""earafiAticlanaw.rett goadeff,. :