The Signal, 1915-2-25, Page 8• lirohabDAT. PvHsvili' INt fRI SIGNAL :. 3ODBRIOH 1 ONTA RI O Wall Papers That will pleas yon in appearaucr, quality and prier Stunning papers at Ac and 36-, that you would expect to pay oon►IJrrahly more tor. Suitable for almost any ro . Very simple and plain, some with strap- ping,., other, without. 'I'ape.tty, self -tone and all-over floral effects. Less expensive Papers at Ilk•, 15. and alc per roll. Suitable for small par lor., living rooms, halls. Also a line ot ine-- u••••_ran- . vaaadlan papers et tic, tk• and se per roll. The Goderich Book 8 Stationery Co. ORO. PORTER Just What You Need For that irritable cough : Syrup of Tar with Cod Liver Oil Compound Acts like magic. try a 35c bottle . . . C. L. COULTIS, Phm.B. DRUGGIST and CHEMIST If it's a prescription take it to Coultis', where accuracy and quality count. - Notice to the Formers! GRAIN ELEV4l'3? and CHOPPING MILL We are now prepared to buy all kinds of Grain at our eleva- tor, north of MacEwsa s coal Ly� u�r''dd.� Goderich, and will pay the igh.st prices at all tithes. CHOPPING We beg to announce tbat we have installed an ' also date Chopping Mill in an -to- -n with our grain busaoanec- are now ready to ata, .no and wof the farmer• =red to the hall be glad t• .10 this line. any lay in J chop or roll u will giv the week, and L flat Rote, a us a trial we eontinii 1 work .sill merit ad pet ronage. : iF. - �. BAECHLER LYRIC THEATRE G. MURDOCH DIAD. ' •.. ..11I Sodden Call of PrMea iat Cilia's of i d0deriCh's Premier Pk- Lucknow, Feb. 111. -Citizens wen S 0 M F shocked this morning to bear ot the death of J. U. Murdoch, Reeve of Luckauw, during last night. at ban house on Rues street. Mr. Murdoch bad officiated as an elder in the Pres byterlan church in the morning and aa,;;144,attended tails alinasal a , hey rid . On returning home ableplash of • slight illness, proved to he acute indigeetioe. from which be died shortly before 1 o'clock this morning He atlas bore I Is Waterloo county in 1868, and when • child moved with his parents t• DID . mission 14, Seafield. when he w ture House Beg. to announce that. having trade arrangements wi'.b the Famous' Players Film Company to exhibit their productions featuring tit 1419 bast and well-known tegitiatste Utast- nail stars in all standard plays, wap - ported by superb caste will, commenc- ing Monday and Tuesday, March let and :Sod, and every Monday and Tues- day each week following, present these superb offerings for your ap- proval. Included in this will be shoo a series of British war features which should appeal strongly at the present I moment to all loyal and patriotic zens. Below are . few of these epeeist offerings which will be presented; 1 It's • Loom, Loo Way to T.• n " King (icos'. Visit to •' 3 Oa the Firing LI -,p y;+ rot. 4 By the K-' 6 Be a Orden. eaves Boy of Lancashire. None but the Brave, 7 England Expects. 8 The Road to Calais. And other,. These are all three and four -reel pro- ductions, British - made throughout, and all relative to the present struggle for right and liberty being fought so bravely by Britain and her allies. These will prove intensely interesting and iuetretive et the present time and should not be missed. One of these will be shown each Monday and Tuesday until further notice. In view of the mnoey stringency, and not wishing to debar any from seeing these productions, no extra charge will be made. the management rely- ing now as always on your continued and liberal patronage to enable them to Ogee the very best before you. Kindly remember the dates -every Monday and Tuesday, commencing Monday and Tuesday, March 1st and god, the offering on this occasion being "Fac ing the Enemy." Commencing 7.45. Admission l0•nd Scents. 0. Bottoms, Proprietor. BLYTH. Trr.DAY, Feb. Si. NEN' ELDtRa•-A very interesting and impressive ceremony took place In the Presbyterian church on Sunday evening, when the three, newly elected elders, Messrs. Henry Young Duncan Laidlaw and R. B. Mellows were inducted into the eldership A. St. Andrew's church. of TELEPHONE Dtapt ra. - For time there bas been coosiderar some troverey amongst aloe mete M con - the Rural Telephone Co. as t .den of vieability of purchasing the O the ad - phone Co.'s business in F Bell Tele - meetings of the sub•crib dyt:h. Two and at each one they yrs ere were held purchase, but the ted against the stepped in and on r Blyth council meeting of the coup Erlday • special fer with two of t- .ell was held to con- tivea who were b Al Bell repreeenta- closed, whereto sue, sod the deal was chases the Bell / the Rural Co. pur- .um of 8400, • interests here for the red on Mare' .he same to be transfer - whet we cr a let by the Bell Co. By scribers a .D learn, however, the sub- tend net re not yet satisfied and in - puede. .ing an Injunction against time pen.i• ar, which will likely he an ee- l( th n undertaking for both parties. all' is subscribers win the cathey o• 1 lose, as they are fighting their • on company, and as the purchase price is .o small (It means only about 51.00 for each subscriber) the objec- tion to the deal .eems to be more 'spite than anything� 1el.e. DRATH OF LIENRT M(Vrrrtz.-Mr. 8. Mcvittle received the .ad Intelli- gence on Thu' sda that his brother Henry was seriously ill and was to be taken to Toronto general hospital to undergo an operation. On receipt of the news be left at 000e for Toronto. The operation took place on Saturday, but the patient never rallied, passing away shortly afterwards. The re- mains were brought to Clinton and on Tuesday were laid to rest in the Clinton cemetery. The deceased left herr about thirty-two years ago and had been railroading ever since on the C. P. R. and was a conductor with headquarters at North Bay. Those left to mourn him are his bereaved widow, hie mother and two brothers. Jotcr Aaoot THE WYATHzR.-The ezttemely tnild wether we have been having for the past few days bas played havoc with the sleighing. until now in some places it is bare, while in others there is still considerable 'Dow. The user,' of ice got in their supply last week and are verylucky ; if they had waited • little onger it would here been too late, and although it is expected we shall yet have some stormy weather lit make up for the good weather of February, yet it is hardly expected that it will be bard enough to make good ice. A number of people in town are bemoaning the fact that they have notet got in their 'supply of green wood and they are hoping for some nines snow. PRR,w,YAI. AND GENERAL. - Mies Jessie Thompson, of Clinton, is visit- ing with her misters here... . Mr.Jno. Potter shipped a car of grain from the elevator here to the United States.... A number in town have been cleaning the .now off the'. sidewalks until now there Is .note comfort In walking on the bare walk. swain. There is .till considerable snow in some places, however Mr. hell McQnarrie, of Stratford, is visiting wi,h his father here Mr. and M,q. Rohr. King ere visiting with friend. in (troy town- ►bip Mr. R. R. Sloan, who la at present at the London barracks tak- ing • special comes in military tactless attended the special meeting of the Bly• h crn,netl, ail one of the memhsre, on Friday . P•+tma.ter Nis,., who was off may • few dal. Ihr ugh Si- new', 14nes, is able to •tt-nd o hi• duties "gain. Dnrios h.. ah -"new Mies Doranr T,ernay a• i-'.', in 'he office. . Moe Pew, 1 Fawo•rt '• f, last week to take • position a Paln..raloa . Mr. Isaac Brow,. ".rely. -d two oe his yea,'. model Ford autos, et bis sense the. w.ek. He is in.• el ing a r..a.preemet air machine for Riling i.e.. and i. hound ' o have hie equal to the city est*Miabmeou for eoe v enin.a -. for sixteenTears. atterwaede ► ed the echo • i8-fr a Dumber or p -+ash tit! cnDmeneed tarot►' ar'e la �it Babb, whence, atV' , Nveeenpt g . I u[ suoceedttl busier 1 LnckoOtl, and '•• he movrd to ship wlW R D, Tat,red Into part jog Oameeon. Uissulvir.g t• paste ill. Mr, Murdoch coo- tlnued the bwioess under the firm name of J. G. Murdoch & Co., until 11113, when Mr. Cameron agate entered the arm, which is now known as ti. Murdoch t Cameron Company. Mr. Murdoch was for some t' president of the West Bruce lit ' Association. He wee Also pees, Ierat of the local branch of the Loud' Meet Alliance and president of the F • U•y Blevator and Shipping Compr• was an enthusiastic curler ar +7• H• and always manifested an i bower tersst in the welfareof tl erRive Itis lay. Ells wife and thee rnmmun- survive him. He was • "mall was , the 1.0.0.F., whichord • member of the funeral cervices r se will conduct noon, interment to . bMday after - cemetery. It is ext be at Greenhill will proclaim a 1 acted the countil curlers and memb •elf-bolidey. Local council and Are ere of the 1. 0. 0. F., the funeral. brigade will attend IIJCKNOW. DKATH ( MONDAY, Feb. IL Thursday ,o WALTHR BTtw&RT.-On of Luc► night Walter Stewart, ooe men, a .now s beet -known business Stever ad head of tLe firm of Walter now .rt A Son, owners of the Luck - Dee placing mills. died after an ill-' Sr • of several months' duration. Mr. eswart wee president of the electric rgbt company here. At the communion service in the Presbyterian church on Sunday, twelve joined the church, seven by profession of faith -Mies Pearl and Hies Ethel Gordon, Lloyd Agnew, Alvin Cameron, Evan Geddes, Horace Aitcbeson and A. G. Aitcheeon-and five by certificate -Mr. and Mrs. WVi11 Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Webb and Hagan McDonald. Norte. -Mies Viola Sturdy is home from Detroit on a visit Mess. Flora and Tena McKinnonof Ni- agara. are visiting at their be,me here. Mrs. W. H. Cole, of Moosejaw, `Jack.. has been visiting bee sister, Mrs. A. Blair Howard Dowse, of the firm of Bell & Dowse, was taken to Wiogh•m hospital tonight to undergo an operation for appendicitis. Mies Minnie McMillan, daughter of Mr. Miles McMillan, was one of the graduating nurses at the exercises at London hospital recently Mr. Geo. Robertaon received word of the death of his mother at Grand Rapids Michigan. The remains were interred In Clinton cemetery Mies Lottie Bell_ was pi -ranted recently with a beautiful centre table and oak rock- ing -chair, the contribution beim( made by some thirty of her friends, In view of her approaching marriage• Previous to the marriage of Mies Mary Campbell to Mr. Harry Pierce, of Winnipeg. which we noted last week, a committee representing the bride's friends in Luoknow waited u her and presented her with an t. addrees and a cabinet of silver contaio- 1 ing 111, pieces. Mies Campbell bad won many friends through her oblig► ing services as post-mietrees. Mr. ad Mrs. Pierce left tut week for their new home at Winnipeg. Puts "Ginger" Into You. When you are run-down, languid, nervous and played out, it is a sign that you are not properly nourished. You don't eat --you don't want Nt eat. Medicine cant give you strength. food it the rnly thing that ever does time But we have a medicine that will make you feel like eating -make you enjoy every me•tl and he hungry when meal time comes again. The name is Appetizing Tonic. 1t le purely • scientific remedy (form- ula on the b•ittle, so you know exactly what you are taking) and we r•eom mend it because we knew how murh good it does. Their 1s nothing quite like it to build up strength and put healthy color In your cheeks. Let us send you • dollar bottle of Papier Appetizing Tonic THE PENSLAR STORE JAS. A. CAr1PBELL. Pb... B. The Central Drag Star.. Phone es. The trouble you ars dreading will o•ot he ne.riy .n bad as you balers. T, y to keep a brave Mart and tans It wish minimise. and you will naw the elver light ablate/ Misled the heavies clouds. FIRST AID FOR WEAK DIGESTION Lie Nearly Every Trs bis Mahe ee Iadigesdss is Ise to hat Sod. Almost everybody experiences times when the organs of digestion *bow painful signs of weakness. Some *light disturbance of the health starts the trouble ; then .be patient take* a dislike to food and dull, heavy pains in the abdomen sive warping that the stomach is unable to do its proper work. Sometime* a false craving for food arises; if this is seti.fled the re- sult is additional torture -flatulence, a drowsy depression, sick headache and nausea are common .ign. of indiges- tion. The foolish practice of taking drastic. weakening purgatives at such times should he avoided. Indigestion arises from stomach weakness and the only effectual method of curing the trouble 1s to strengthen the feeble or- gans of digestion b suppiying them with richer, purer blood. This is the true tonic treatment, by which natural method Dr. Williams' Pink Pills achieve great results. Tbeee pills make the rich, red blood needed to strengthen the stomach, thus impart- ing a healthy appetite and curing in- dige*tio and other stomach disorde . Mr. Th •• Johnson, Hemford, eye �Fror five years I was • great sufferer from Indigestion which wrecked me physically 1 suffered .o much that for 1.y* at • time 1 could not attend to my business. 1 had smothering spells ret bad at times that 1 was afuid to IM down 1 dowse ed and tried many tttiicdleanes but with o.. tenni'. 1 .a Dr. Williams' Pink Pills advert' to cure the trouble and decided to • 7 them. 1 bad not been taking them hong before 1 found that 1 bad at last bit upon the rigbt medicine The improvement in my health was ennetant, and alter 1 had used tea or twelve hoe. -e 1 could eat and digest an kind. of food, and I felt physically better than 1 had done for years. I shall mime to prates Dr. Williams Pink Pill., for they proved a real blowing lo You ma get these 11e from any dealer he medicine or all at fN You ma get these 5nest* • hot or els boxes $11.00 from The Dr. Williams' Mei tettbe Oo., Brockville. Oat. 1 i •o a o o••■•• • T„ - W?ndBIG" SPECIALS TO 1 Up the "Little Month '' JUST FOR SATURDAY FEBRUARY 27th All for Saturday selling and worth your while coming for even if you have to brave a storm to out the last of the Goods now coming get here. Each and all genuine MONEY -SAVERS. Clearing Winter Stocks and getting ready to take in the new Spring every day. THAT'S THE REASON! $55 00 LADIES' SEAL COAT. - Beautiful glossy skins, large roll Dollar, poplin Ilwng, 3e Inches long, size 3a. A beautiful dressy. serviceable garment and ea undoubted bDgain at i00.00 $29' 900 TWO ONLY MUSKRAT COATS. - Made from choice selected skins of high quality. Evenly matched, lined with heavy furriers main. 81.es 34 and 38 only. New this season. and perfect in every way. A bargain tor two people who can • wear .[Hall size. 8Murday each $6? 50 TWO MUSKRAT COATS. -ODs 311, the other 42. Made from prime, heavily furred. bigb•weade Caoadi.n Muskrat. beautifully marled and evenly matched. Large roll collar. heavy satin lining. Regular value. 1160.00 to 5100 00. Unquestionably a bargain at 127.50 $25wow 00 TWO ONLY BLACK RUSSIAN PONY COATS. -One of these is size 31, the other 36. They are made from higb-grade skins and very serviceable. Lined throughout with best quality lining. If you can wear • email Coat, here is your chance for a bargain. They are worth from 550.00 to 11 .00. liatutday take either for 1180.00 $750 ONL ONLY LADY'S BLACK CLOTH COAT WITH FUR COLLAR.-81se IIS A splendid Cost for wear and comfort. Saturday it can be bought for only $7.00 $ I0°°ONE ONLY MAWS COAT. - Small axe. good quality fur collar and ssndid grade of beaver cloth so sbm. ppl1eeLined throughout with black curl. Worth a lot more than this Saturday price which is.. $10.00 $I5 00 EITHER OF TWO PERSIAN LAMB = MVFFS. - Oood grade skins, full size, pillow style. best quality linings and down bed. A real good bargain for Saturday $11i.00 $9 YOVR CHOICE OF 4 OR S MINK NECK - 75 PIECES.-Tb.se are the neat aros.•over or tie effeota egttlar and are particularly good for opting wear with suits. � oof� priors up to 11911.00. Asy one on Saturday for $111.75 $7 50 PERSIAN LAMB NECKPIECES. -Your choice - of 4 or 5 Persian Lowish crow -over Ties or Neckpieces. These are all high-grade and good quality, rich glossy curl. Just the thing for early spring wear. Regular up to 90000. Saturday morning any one 117.00 $2- MediGTHLR OF TWO PERSIAN MVFFS.- um size, suitable for young ladies' wear, close curl. Worth the price over and over again. We want to .ell them and Saturday you may take yoor choice for only %8.00 I7 10 PIECES BEAUTIFUL CURTAIN SCRIMS CAND VOILES. -Plain centres with colored borders, dainty designs on cream or white ground. Suitable for bedrooms, livingrooms, etc. American make, worth lac or 30e at least. Saturdsy per yard 17s 15 NEW DESIGNS IN COTTON CRLPILS.-Dainty C.affects or. black, white or cream grounds. Splendid materials for house dresses, etc. All new patterns just received. Per yard leo $37. 10 ONLY LADIES' AND MISSES' COATS. - J= Your 1boice of lU only Ladder' and Miseei Ooata- Every garment new this season autl good style. Reg- ulez up to 510.00 and 1112.00. !Saturday choice only... . LILTS $5tee LADIES' COATS. --Choice of 12 Ladies' Coat•, all 75 high-grade garmeote, Dew this season. Some with apes .Dine without- Regular prices up to t90.0U. Take your choice Saturday for only.,, 160.70 $IOems 00 A PLUSH OR VELVET COAT. -Whichever you like at thio price. Handsome garments just new this seeeoo. They must be sold because we will sot carry them over. The tint perso0 wanting one Sat ttrday morning can take either for $10.00 121 BEAUTIFUL QUALITY EGYPTIAN LONG - seCLOTH. -Full 311 inches wide, round even thread, • beautiful grade of cotton for general sewing..... 1 ftjo 39 NLW 27 - INCH EMBROIDERIES. - Joe re - C craved this week. Beautiful designs on fine quality material, end Swim manufacture. Regular 76c et least, Saturday special per yard if6w IOCHEAVY LINEN CRASH TOWELLING. -Plain `r 'centre with red horde's. Splendid quality for penal use. No more at this price ohee this lot 1• sold out. Saturday per yard 10s 25cCHILDREN'S KNIT WOOLLEN TOQUES -- Navy., G6reyj and cardinal. Clearing out the taco worth regulaeiy 60c and 715c. Any, Saturday, fur... talo 45 BLACKSSLRGL.-1bi. Serge it capital for making Clepers.* skirts or dross... Every thread pure wool, 411 inches wide. Cahoot be bought whote•sl, todap for the price. Saturday special per yard 4110 50 BLACK DRESS GOODS. --75 yards of it. Big C clearing lot left to 'sell. We will keep it out on the bargain counter to be told Saturday at pee yard, only 000 I7 30 LADIES' MUSLIN COLLARS. -Your choice C of 60 Ladiei Muslin Collars, various styles. Regular prices up to 73c. All going at oar pries Saturday, each only 17o 98 HANDSOME LEATHER HANDBAGS. -Crepe C grain leather. metal frame. Moire linins complete witb coin pur.e and mirror. A Dew style and new shape and splendid quality. Black only. Th. biggest bargain we ever gave it. Handbag., Saturday morning each Saw Special for Automobiles Does the upholstery of your car need repairing or making over in any way? Perhaps the cushions need building up or new springs. We are prepared to do work of this kind and guarantee first-class workmanship at moderate prices. We will .be glad to furnish estimates at any time. At Big Reductions-- ti JE started out to quote prices on all Furs left in stock but find we cannot do this for lack ,f,/ of room, But every Muff and every Neck -piece we have in stock today will be offered on Saturday at prices that are a fraction of the original. We can still give you some beautiful pieces of Persian Lamb, Sable, Black Wolf. etc.. and practically' all the popular Furs. and will quote you prices that cannot help but interest you if you want to save money. WE call particular attention to a handsome Mink Mnff, dark natural Canadian Fur, also some beautiful Muskrat and Hudson Seal Muffs, and some very pretty Muffs for young ladies in good quality Muskrat in new and popular styles. We also have .some very hand- some Neck -pieces in Persian Lamb, and are prepared to offer these Saturday at Prices that mean Dollars Saved for those who buy. Ends of Upholstery Damask Saturday we will clear out all our sample ends of Upholstery Damask that are sold out. Each length is either 24 x 24 inches or 24 x 50 inches. The small ones are large enough to cover the seat of an ordinary chair, the large ones will do two chairs. These represent lines that have been discontinued by the makers and are therefore of no further use to 03. The regular prices are from $2.25 to 53.50 per yard. Saturday morning we place them on sale, the small End. at 60C and the large ones at $1.35. Direct Importers tTODGENS BROS. Ooderich, Ontario miwor 11111111.0 411111111011111111011111M11.1111111111•11111111111 011111=m) FOR THE RED CROSS FUND The Signal prop- -;s to contribute to the funds of the Red Cross Society to the extent of ten per L . it. of all yearly advance subscriptions received during the month of March. 1f you have not already paid your subscription to The Signal for 1915• you may make a contribution of Ten Cents to the Red Cross Fund by handing us your dollar any time during the month of March. THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO.. LIMITED