HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-2-25, Page 7• 9Jq OF RN Tb. ceded other or az- kmd- work, ed be w 133 ') E as. be leo Ir IR rC; r TAs dill: A I.: GODERICH ONT 0 ravaw AT, F • 26, 1916. 7 GERMAN ENE SUNK ANAMIERICAN SM Was arvylwg Cotton to Osrljiss Pooh --•1b• Srftieh Vowels Ahs Wow Soak in Irish Sea Germain w61t ...foes are scoring I their war suis& merchant vessels, but sot be this extent satiolpated. Two Blithe vessels were suet os tiaterday la tbs Irish Sea. probably W the seals Nlmarine. The eraw ot the Casebook, the arm skip musk, had I o wars4g, sad is the explosion that destroyed their vessel four mea wars Gilled. In the second case, that at' ro Downaklre, the crew were gives Owe minutes to leave timer sky, sad laadsd irately on the OMf d elan The United States steamer 17velya, tbroa New Tort for Breams, a ssrgo at raw 00ttoa, greatly Ill German cotton milk. streak a Was d.* As Island ot larks= sal mak. Me crew were saved. 7M Bialys b him are America& vessel M ease& with L imiter se a result at the res warfare d the Laropsse series. Oho lel set tick wfthtrl the war mese lasladel to it It lana Adesreltes i..•e, wider lest latest/est ea Tinwellay. bar, h11.1 IMaad 11.s dlrestly all Os Ger- ooast, .t the ra.atb d 1!e las and fa German lisrulfsry. t was • .ingte.serew ship, 3U N et long and 1.136 tats set. also Wm hutlt In Sonthmmptes, ilMeant ki,Her hoots port uses Phila. Is. The Deelre was owned ler ars of Harries, Irby k Vose at York, and was carrying • cargo O bas to the fine's agenta la ��eslkThe tarso was valued at Leeiln claims that a Brtt2b traits - / aft carrying troops was torpedoed lift sunk but there is no oonfirmation et thea from British sources. 1B0, I ; ARDS DARDANELLES Powerful Allied Fleet Hurling Huge Projectiles Into Turkish Forte The first attack by the British and 'roach Mediterranean fleets. assisted Ib aeroplanes and seaplanes, on tit Da daaellea fortifications. which cor- aenced 1Mday has met with consider. able sucoess, according to the British dllidal Account and anodctal reports Th. Turkish official report. how- w ver, stated that no damage had been dons to the fortifications, and that the casualties of the defenders con - d oted of one killed and one wounded. but that three of the warehtps r'ere damaged by shots from the forts. The British report said that the fort*. !cations on the European side of the straits were s'!enced Friday, and that only one of the forts on the Asiatic aide was : till firing Friday cveaing while none of the warships had been damaged. The bombardmer.t must have been one of the most ❑rrtous ever under- taken in the opinion of naval exp:rte, tar no less than eight battiest: ps and armored eminent took part, these warships having • total of\\tbtrty 12- tach and aux 10-tneb guns Which out• ranged the g os of the forts. Earl; Friday morning this fleet. lncludin- the British battle cruiser inflexible which bad Just returned from the Falkland Islands where with other skips, she took part in the battle in which Admiral Count Von Spec's Der Asan squadron was destroyed. opened a long range bombardment on - the *eta at Cape Hellen and at Kula ideal at the entrance to the atra:'s When these forts had been dama.e•.t the batUeshlp force closed In and engaged the torte with their 6. 7 ani ldneh guns which, It is believed must bave poured an enormous' rain of eAelis on the Turkish p:,sitlons. TWO ZEPPELINS DESTEOYLD Misadventure to German Air Feet Which Was Patrolling North Sea Two (Orman airships were lost last week off the Danish coast. The Zep- pelin 1.3 exploded on Fanoe island and another Zeppelin, commanded by Captain Count Platen. sank to th - shallow coastal water ten miles north d Esbjerg. Four of the crew were drowned, but the others managed In get ashore Snme of them were gut- tering from broken legs and othe- iajuries. In all. three officers. a d eight men escaped. Count Platen'had loth of his legs broken. The alrshl i Rifted to sea. The survivors say that they were on patrol duty over the North Sea -vhea the weight of snow on the envelop, caused the airship to sink to the sur- face of the eater. The survivors will le interned at Odense with the mei who escaped from the Zeppelin 1.3 it le understood that at the tent• d the accident the whole Zepp-leu fleet was patrolling the North Rea jest outside Danish waters. The L-3 was nae oe the largest In commission. toeing 660 feet long by 61 Leet In dia- r. and weighing 32 tons. with a of 40 knots. ALLZOE TOBACCO COMBINE Growers Dlasatlefted With Priem, Ask Aid of Government Three hundred representatives of the tobeeeo-growers of Ostarlet and Quebee waited oe the Government at Ottawa last week asking for fiseal en- eeerageemet of the tobaeeeerowing tnduetry In Canada The deputation. which was organised by the Ontario and Quebec Tobaono Growers' ARM. datioas, sought • 36 per oent ens - toms duty against Imported Lobate, lest wlleh r now sdaltted free. but >• SSbleet., with the beme-grown pro • a sot, M as melee of 33 per esat whoa table estet bosI ear Gan tsetor.. Tf1S tobsrfo sees alleged a e.mblss . flssl the asridMtaa a. rata that Canadies growers were 6o aeoept 6 sesta a Me Hoa. Dr. White MU • `gWve farlf wesM ane thiergiebahly will ba The Signal's ClubbMg List 1915 The Daily Gbibe and Tomas The siftwal and Daily Mail and aspera • 73 The goal and Mamma Th Family Herald sad Wa.hiy Soar . 1.115 The Signal and Saturday Illustrated Glebe 5.13 The Signet and Weedy Sas (Toronto) 1,115 The Sinal and Tarssis Dally Star The World and Termite Daily 135 The Signal and Toronto Daily Dews 3.5e The Signal and Toronto Weakly Mail and Empire t.do The Signal and Farmer's Aft - vacate 3.35 The Slgual aid Canadian Farm .. L,85 The Signal and Farm sad Dairy New 1.4a Renewal 1.115 The Signal and The Ceastry Gentleman 3.33 The Signal and Camden Poultry News. 1.35 The Signal and Grain Grew - ere' Guide The Signal and Wieses1 Weekly Free Prean 1.6o The Signal and Lesdos Daily Advertiser 3.90 The Signal sad Landon Weekly Advertiser.. i.60 The Signal and Loaded Daily Free Press Morning Edition3.ss Swelling Editionhyo The Sigoal and Montreal Weekly Witness ... 131 The Signal and World Wide a.a5 The Signal and Presbyteries. ante The Signal aid Wesiminsier 3.35 The Signal, Presbyteries mad Westmiasex...... .... . 3.39 The Signal and Catholic Reg- iaer New . .. .... Lye Renewal 1.1115 The Signal sod satanday Night (Toronto►. ...... 3.40 The Signal and McLea'a Magazine . 2.35 The Signal and Home )oar- , nal (Toronto) 1.45 Tim, Signal and Canada Monthly I Winnipeg)5.30 These prices are for addresses in Canada or Great Britain. The Signal and Womes'e Home Companion (New York) 3.45 The Signal and The Saturday Eve•ieg Pest 2.50 The Signal and The Ladies' Home Journal 3.00 The Signal and The Youth's Campanioo. (Boston) 3.10 Th. Signal and The Scottish £mericas (New York)3.35 Including postage to Canadian subscribers. The acinus publications may be obtained by Signal eubscribere in any combination, the price for any publication being the figure given above Iwo 11.00 representing the price of The Signal. For instance: The S4rna1 and The Faintly Herald end Weekly Star SL63 The Farmer'. Advocate 4111.36 bee S1.tsM................ .. 1.36 013) -making the pries of the three papers 13.20 The Rimini and The Weaatr Mno11.36 Ther Toronto Baily Star (*La ) lea nee -the three papers for X3.166. If the publication you want is not in above list, let us know. We can supply almost any well- known Canadian publication. Send subecriptions through Ines' agent or by postnfilre or express order toot by brut. cheque) to The Signal Printing Co., LIMITED Ooderlch Ontario HAINONY e1 LEGISIATME te l4. opposlehrn Aws.sdam n Oerir.d M Medco.. is Reply le fp...A ilrlr the Snit time t. mar yeas, tr toot Is the history d O...rsaeatGaleria line address is thou LL itreeenz Ms: 31, W. Ileuses. LQ. D &assuming "dal"tib"dal" d the Oppc.klaa sot to alley aa a1•e•da•nt. polated out that had Mated is order that in time of strata the House world stead before Ib. country without MvWaa. Tho debate -4f seek It cold be e.A.g-was featured by eloquent patriotic addresses by Hon. W. H. HeSsale Mr, aMr, Rowell. The (%po dues *Mier eestased Mansell largely to a d3sertatloa upon Germany's mo- tive. sad German methods as • pre- lude to kis patriotic appeal, the Prime Wielder preceding DTs statement of Osa.da's duty to the Motherland. and Mem Hsapire by a thoughtful dlaeue- e lma et the measures tie provtnee and Am Dominion at large must take to sewn wftk the financial ale eualaer- dal emblems lntensIted by the war. 1a ea appeal to the carmen se the )fie}ane to !senses pled.dtes& he 'Mated out that in their hands the solution lay, asci that for them was the splendid opportunity a patriot - beg with prosperity, when to so many Others patriotism lay along the road oe .aert/oe. • 'lee address in ripely to the speech tress the throne was moved by V. A. Madatr of South Oxford. Mr. Sinclair 6lncussing the war, congratulated the meat on the prompt mane b welch it had assumed responslby Sy for Immediate aid to Great Britain Med Belgium. He !!ought every mem- ber would approve of what the Govern - Moat had done. and would approve et W farther grants the Government thisght necessary. He was satisfied that the people would accept to the wropr spirit any emergency taxes pat bad to be imposed to supply ue requirements. T. Magtadery, of Ttmtskamtng, who mseosded the address, congratulated the Government upon its general- re- cord in encouraging eduestlon, Hydro. /twirls development. workmen's com- pensation and particnbrzly the de- reiopment of Northern Ontario. Mr. Rowell touched upon the Decen- t!'" eon♦dt7 et coptsg with the unemployment eMwatioa, the increase of food pro- ttastioa., 'and took a thrust at the Gov- erament's way of managing the flnan- dal affairs a the province that had !Malted In a deficit Taklttg up the beaperaace question, he called upon Um Government to pat politics aside g ad abolish the sale of liquor in the province for the duration of the war. Then the people could vote and say whether the abolition should remain for all time. BRITAIN WILL RETALIATE Washington Informed That There IS no Conditional List of Contraband Creat Britain's second and complete reply to the American note of protest, which asked for an improvement in the treatment of American commerce by the British fleet denies that the depression In American industries is due to the activity of the Britsb fleet, and suggests among other causes the shortage o: shipping facilities, the consequent diminution of the cotton trade and destruction by submarine mince. "laid b) the enemy indis- criminately," of many neutral vessels. After giving a lengthy and detailed answer to the charge that American chips and cargoes were being unduly detained. the communication contains 1:: Its concluding paragraph the an- nouncement that Great Britain intends to take retaliatory measures against the ,German submarine campaign aizainst enemy ships, but does not reveal their nature. Conceding that foodstuffs Intended for the civil population of a country r.re not cor.traband. the British Goy- s rnment point out that "In any coun- try In which there ?sista such tre- mendous ismendous organisation for war as now obtains in Germany there is no cleat division between those whom the Government are responsible for feed - ding and those whom they are not." CANADIAN GUNS IN ACTION First Contingent Now Face to Face With the Enemy A despatch from Boulogne to The Toronto World Says. The Canadian "Hillery has been to action, according to information received hers from the fighting zone. The infantry are la the reserve trenches. -A shell burst near a motor car oc- cupied by officers who had taken up an observation post, and Capt. Greer of the Army Service Corps, Tomato, !s reported slightly wounded In one arm. The Princess Patrlclas. who have been In • rest camp for some time. returned to the trenches last west and repulsed a heavy attack by Ger man Landsturmers. Tin Patricia's suffered only slightly. German SuMns ince Weems A despatch from Amsterdam says reports from the German frostier state that muck uneasiness exlpte at the German fortified seaport et QM. haven concerning two hrgs wb• marines which have not returned to their has The underoes boats are sold to i two days overdue sad M is feigned bey bays been destroyed. Austria Mousses tbly Austria has bele emcees troops no her Italian hustler The men are chiefly artillery saes sad their guns have been eaptasad ed ?tearable positions dnatiaatieg the Tyrolese passes Aeries. ?Wiwi sad Awtrlas soldiers ere dose as oY aaotber on the tfr as rsarsd boa. tier of tits Alps Canada h to have a brute& et as Cortes Ibrou hylatlba Mind se descry sal DOCTOU DID N�THELPHER stable Caehpoand Restored Mrs. Bradley's Health - Her Own Statement Wfiadpsg, Canada - „ Eleven years 1 west to the Victoria !Hospital. safer ng with a growth. The const..s said it was a tumor and could n et iia removed as it would cause lastest death. They found that my organs were alleeted. and said I could not live mon Mao six moochs in the condition I was M. "After 1 came home I saw yooradver- tisemont in the paper, and commenced taking Lydia E. Piokkam'a Vegetable Compessd. I Wok it cosatantly for two yeses, and still take it at times, and my husband and myself claim that it was the lamas of saving my life. 1 highly r o e o m m e ad it to suffering weeds." -Ms. Oani,A BatADLIT, 364 Abases Ave. ,Winnipeg, Manitoba, Can. Why will women take chances at drag outs sickly, half -hearted e:atonal. mim- iag three-fourths of the joy of living, when they can find health in Lydia E. Plakbaa's Vegeta- ble Compoisd ? For dirty years it has base the stan- deed remedy for fs- malebi.asd has re- stored the health of thousands of women wise have heel trs•- bird with mach ail - e mits as displ.cesttmitd jySssmatioa aiesration, tumors, irregularities, eta If you want spec 1 s 1 advice write to Lydia E. Plakbaaa Mei. Mae Co. (confidential) Lynn. Maas. Your letter wfll be opened. read and answered by a woman, Mad bdd la garble eeaSdas•e. THE SEED LAW. With the opening of the 1915 seed trade, seedsmen, farmers and gar- dews ardeaaes may wish to review the condi- tions under which sales may be mmad. - The. Seed Control Act provides that timothy. alsike, red clover and alfalfa rated must not be put on sale for the purpose of seeding without being plainly marked with the grade, namely : Extra No. 1, No. 1, No. 2, No. 3. Farmers may sell seed below No, 3 in quality only to dealers to be cleaned and brought up to grade. All other grass, clover and forage plant seeds and those of cereals and 44z must be marked in a plain and indelible manner with the common name or names of any n,xious weed seeds present. Seed of cereals. flax, grasses. clovers, forage plants, field roots and garden vegetables must have a germination of two-thirds a the percentage stand- ard of vitality for good seed of the kind or be marked with the pereent- mot that are capable of germinating. "Papered seeds' must be marked with tine year in which the packet was filled Representative samples of seeds for purity and germination test may be soot to the Seed Branch, Ottawa. Two ounces of grass seed, white or al - pike clover ; four ounces of red clover, alfalfa or seed of like size and one pound of cereals are desired. Samples under 8 one. may be sent without post- age and are tested free of charge up to twenty-five in number for each person or firm. -Seed Branch, Ottawa, What Cures Eczema? We bare bed so many icquires lately regarding eczema and other akin diseases &bat we are glad to make our answer public. After care- ful investigation we have found tha, a simple wash of Oil of Wintergreen, aa compounded in D. D. D. Prescrip- tion, can be relied upon. We would not make this 'statement to our pat- rons, friends and neighbors unless we were sure of it -and although there are many ,o -called eczema remediee sold, we ourselvee unhesitatingly rec- ommend D 11 D. Prescription. All druggists have D. D. D., 26c. and SIAM. Drop into our store today. just to talk over the merits of this wonderful Proscription. Ask also about D. D. D. Soap. Jas. A. Campbell, Central Drug Store Godericb. D. D. D. is made in Canada. "Ob, George, am 1 as dear to you now as 1 was before we man ied r "Can't say, exactly. 1 didn't keep any account of my expenses then." The visiting lady had kept her houtess at the open door fully half an hour saying good-bye. Finally an trate masculine voiee indoor% called out -"Say, Marla, It you're going oat. to; If you're staying, stay. But, for 1 heaven's sake, don't ooze out" will char y your eche--nip stralies eeie acid--dillsnlve Mose is the Blad- der s Rid the pain is the bath -esdewe- of Miry sad Bladder Tenable. 80e. a ben, 6 let «.l0. Trial trestmest tree if yea wr�r National Drag 1k Cbesleal Co. N C•sada, 1Ju.._..` ...• , Termite Cattle Market Representative prices are:- 8111lpping steers 17.}•1017.79 Heady Choler steers 7.36 7.60 Butcher steers. good3.16 7.36 domedium 6.26 6.76 do. common 1.25 6.31 Hatterschoice 0.75 7.36 as good 8.00 6.76 da medium 6 60 4.00 Butcher cows. choles.. 6 76 6,00 da good 6,60 6.76 do. medium 6.30 6.60 do. common 4.60 6.00 Butcher bulls, choles4.33 6.35 40. good bulls 6.60 1.00 Oa medium 6.36 6.10 do. rough bologna 4.60 6.25 Feeders, 950 to 1,100 lbs 6.00 6.25 da bulls 4.60 6.26 $coders 760 to 100 lbs. 6. do. seed., 660 to 760 6. l0 11ght 500 to 460 4. Canners 3. Cotten 4 Milkers, choice, each76. la nom. and med40. rs 60. v5$, veal, choice . 8. ds medium 0. 76 6.2G 26 6.76 76 6.25 f0 4.26 36 6.00 00 02.00 00 60.00 00 01.00 26 11.00 00 6.00 do. common 5.00 7.00 da gruel 4.26 4.06 • Iambs, light 6.76 0.10 do medium 6.00 6.76 do heavy 7 60 1.10 do. culls 0.60 7.00 Noes, light 6.26 1.25 Steep. heavy and bucks 4.26 6.26 tall. 300 4.25 Rags. off cars 7.56 7.00 do, ted and watered7.60 7.66 ass tab, 7.16 7.30 Farmer's Market Following are the latest quotations ter farm produce at St Lawrence Market, Toronto. Wenboehel 61.00 to $0.00 wheat 1.60 0.00 V t, .68 .70 Barley .90 .00 buckwheat .90 .00 Nye ... 1.26 0.00 Peas 1.60 1.76 timothy, Na 134.00 11.00 ad and clover 19.00 31.00 w, bundled 17.00 13.00. do. loose 10.00 13.00 butter, choice dairy .30 .85 Legs, few latd.doe. .40 .46 (Draken, dressed, lb.., .17 .10 Wow', lb. 14 .16 aprtag, lb. .17 .20 11"11.; ye lb. 28 .26 Ib. .14 .16 tirchickens, lb. .13 .15 do. hoes. lb. .10 .11 de ducks, 11 ,,.,.13 .13 da geese, lb. .11 .12 Apples, basket .30 .40 do. barrel 3,60 3.25 Potatoes, bag K .75 Onions, bag 1,11 1.76 Pork. per pound .10 .18 Dressed hogs 10.00 11.00 Led, lb, .16 .18 Toronto Grain Prices The following wholesale prices are quoted at the Toronto Board of Trade: Manitoba Wheat -No. 1 norther,, 11.67. lake ports; No, 2, 11.65: No. 3, 11.61%. lie per bushel more oe track, Goderich. Manitoba Oats -No. 2 C.W., 72e; No. 3 ('.W., 69c. track, bay ports: No. 1 feed, 6814c; sample oats. 60. to 69c. OntaHo Oats --Outside, 63c to 65c, Ontario Wheat -No. 2. car lot,. 11.50 to 11.55, outside, according to freights. American Corp -Na yellow. al' rail shipments, Toronto freights. 83c. Peas -No. 2, 52 to 32.05, tar lots, outalde. Rye -No. 2. 11.25 to 11.28. Barley -Good malting barley. out- side. 85e. to 82c. Rolled Oats -Car lots; per bag of 90 pounds. 53.55; in smaller lots. 83 75. Windsor to Montreal. Buck -wheat -85c to 88c. ear lots outside. Millfeed-"ar lots, per ton. brat. $28; shorts. 830; middlings. 135; good feed flour. 540 to $44; mixed cars. $1 more. East Buffalo Cattle • Cattle -Prime steers. 17.50 to $s; fair to good. 17 to 87.25. plain. 88.50 to $6.75: prime heifers, 16.75 to 87, best handy butcher heifers. 56bu to $7; common to good, 86.60 to 66.50. best fat cows. 86 to 16.50; good but- chering cows, 35.25 to 85.75; medium to good, 84.75 to 65. Veals-Active; 84 to 813. Hogs -Active; heavy. 87 15 to 67.25 mixed. 17.35 to 57.50: corkers and pIrs 17.55 to 67.65: roughs. 86.16 to 16.25. rtags. 14.50 to 85.25 Sheep and Iambs -Sheep steady lan,hs $5 to 89.50: yearlings. 86 to 8k 3',. wether,, 17 to 67.50: ewes. 83.50 to $6.75; sheep. mixed. 16.75 to 37. Chicago Live Stock Cattle --Market steady; beeves, $5...n to 80.76: welters and feeders, 83 So to 36 75: cows and heifers. 83.50 to 17 65. calves 17 to 810 50 Hoge Market higher, light, 86.50 to 86.75. mixed. 16.60 to 14.76; heavy. 56 15 10 36 60. roueh. 1316 to 86 3'i; pigs 85 7,0 to s6 75. bulk \ lr f sales 8653 to $t, 67) Sheep end lamb* Marks higher. native, 11 10 to 17 40, yearlings, $ Y, to 30 10. lambs. native. 17 SO to 6 Cattlk at Montreal utchere' tart a choice.s7,6410417.75 do. medium 6.14 7.30 do common lg.50 1f 20 Canners 3.76 4 5t Butchers' .holes cew8,, 6.60 6 7 do. medium 1.10 6 00 do belle 1.50 6 10 11',iters choice each.. 76.00 76.,,0 ,to. come and aed10 00 66 Orl Springers ..... 60.00 66 01 Sheep, ewes ...,.t6.16 6 54 Bucca and culls 4 76 6 nn lamb; 1 25 5 n1 Hogs, 1.0.1,. a 15 e`e!ve• 6.00 11 On -._ es,'. e===i =101=10=11==r NA 0 For One 'Week 1 Winter TWEED CAPS II -FUR BANDS- -- WOOL BANDS - w 9 v c Run from $I.00 to 0.50 II McLEAN BROS. II The Square, Godertcb SEMI -READY TAILORING Agents foe Carhartt Overate, Stanfield's Underwear, Pitwell Hats, Arrow Brand Collars and Cuffs =[0a0=I =I 0 LONDON CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC - SCHOOL OF ELOCUTION, LIMITED UNPRECEDENTED OFFER OF SCHOLARSHIP AND PRIZES. Write for Particulars LOTTIE ARMSTRONG, F. LINFORTH WILLGOOSE, Registrar. Mus. Bac. (Dunelm) ?rincipal. Address: -35.1-6 Dundas St,, London, Ont. Printing?JOB AND COMMERCIAL the %icinal Relieve Your Mind of the wor- ries inci- dental to appointing an individual as trustee of your estate; ,uch as - Will he live to fulfil the trust? Will he fall ill or be away when most wanted? Will he neglect his trust for his own affair; Will he prove unfaithful? These are all possibilities. But you may leave them out consideration in entrusting the administration of your estate t this strong, conservative Company. Call or write for all informati,;n desired THE LONDON 86 WESTERN TRUSTS CO. L I M I TED 382 RICHMOND STREET. LONDON. ONT art G80. 01130115. x.0 , President Josh S 3111)031. Y.aaZ.. SPECIAL SALE OF Aluminum hooking Utensils 20% Off THE REGULAR PRICES These are oa display is our large window. GRANITCWARR We have just received a large consignment of Granite. ware which we are going to offer you at ridiculously low prices. These also are on display in our large window. COAL How is your supply of Coal ? We carry a large stock of all sizes and can supply you promptly. Our Coal is the best Scranton •nd is weighed on the market rales. We also carry Solvay Domestic ('oke, Blacksmith foal and Wood. POULTRY FOOD Do you give your poultry the care that you should ? At this price of eggs they are one of the beet investment. you have. Have you ever tried Dr. Hess k Olark'r Panacea. which is sold under the following famous guarantee. - "We guarantee th..t Dr. Hess Poultry Pan-a-ce-a is the prescription of Dr. Hess (M. 0.. D. V. 4.); that it will maks poultry healthy, make hens lay; 'help chicks grow and shorten the moulting period when fed according to dine. t ions. "You buy Dr. Hess Poultry Pan-a-ce-a from yourdssisl and use it for three months. and if it does not pay yon sad pay you .rust, return the empty packages and your dealer will refund Your money Dr. Ik3s Alf aark" STOCK FOOD How about tour sto. k that have been in all winter and fed on dry food 7 Now is the time to feed them 1h. Hess' Stock Food. This is sold under a guarantee of satisfaction o y try.f ncl ed Are ryou ethinking of doing any Electric Wiring, Plumbing or Heating ? If so, dill and see what we can do for you. CHAS. C. LEE PHONES ; - Stairs 2* - House 112