The Signal, 1915-2-25, Page 6•arauas0AT, FrsauknT 1B, 1E8 ME SIGNAL : GODKRICH ONTARIO THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY O ENUINE BEWARE OF IMiTA- TIONS SOLD ON THE MEKIT'8 ON COUNTY AND DISTRICT While playing at the school. Wilde Hinkley. of I.akelet, • ten -year -old - buy, had hie leg broken - John Burgess, a well-known resident of Bluevals, died oo Sunday last at the age of eighty-one years. The proceeds of a tea, given by the ladies of Hensel! Patriotic Society, on the 131h inet., amounted to $70. Robert Glow, a well -knows resident of Grey township, died oo February Ititb at the age of sixty-eight years. The death occurred on the I$th iuet. of Lancelot Nethery, of East Wawa - nosh, at the age of eighty-Mve years. Mn. Bloomfield widow of the Tete Robert Bloomfield, died at Wiogham on the 17th inst.. in her seventy-eigbth year. The home of the late Mn. Wright, of Ethel, has been sold to Mrs. Frank Coates. of Trowbridge, who intends to reside in it. LIN/RD'S Mi Wm. Hutt, of the 2nd cooce- on, Tuckerwmtlh, who haw been feel- ing unwell fix some time, bi LINIIENTToronto to recuperate, BOO MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. GOLD LETTERING on LEATHER GOODS Ali order. promptly attended to on Leaving res et THE 810NAL, Ood.ricb. A. E. TAYLOR. STRATFORD. MEDICAL DR. GEO. HKILEMANN, OSTE- PATH. .per." -t to moan . and dill - Mee'. dweetw..wq, *reek and Demme dia. a4w., a7* ear. sea and tivoa6 lumbago and mediikeria Oboe dMitbw tks Bad. alerted North .treat. third F. J. R. ?MITER—EYE. EAR, nese and throat only. How muncoa. Tort Opathelmk and Aural Institute. .tai 4.. For, Now and T hrost Hospital. Beare. and Moerea.i Eye Hospital. Knglaod. Om.., M &- Waterloo Street, opposite Poor Church. Hours 9. Ha .I to 4e. o. 7toll p -m. Telephone glif H. AND MINNIE M. GREER, IFT D. C.. Obbe.raotor.. spine and Derv. m.oYWt.. Chiropractic te the science that w,wr without druo or Imita Free .zamtn.- ties. °Moe over bearman s Shoe eiten, eo' Maws on Last street. Prose Jet. otr2m LEGAL PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN & PROUDFOOT *ARR18TEB8, 80LICITURri. NOTARIES PUBLIC, ETC. Moe on the qwe, snood door ftom Ham Bl�� tomb tmr(okloao- at lowest rates. W. !mousses,. Lc. :J. L Ltuosae W. Pooveroor, Ja. R. O. HATS BARRISTE BCR. NOTARY PULIC:. ETC. `0111ce—Moft•Hbaeit eek litatiiltas 8 -cost. Real 1lstate. loam aid larura.oe. ln0OAMKRON, K. 0., BARRIS- . Bteesets. public. Oe erie4 third d fYo (iRARLES (JARROW. LLB., BAR - Ni • Moneyttout' lowesstttotrite. Gods /f``(1 IMAGER, BARRIBTKR, SOL- .—� lietarrl Kars. G d.140b (yOaveyanosr.Mum elle AUCTIONEER. fI HOMA8 GUNDRY 1 AUCTiONSERl sea a. Dederick. All ln.tructloa' by mall lett at BOnel odlcc will be promptly at aided to. Itesideooe telephone 119 INSURANCE, LOANS. ETC. ,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO boon. Apply to M. U. CAM - N. Barrister Hamilton street. Ooderteh. WR, ROBERTSON. &N$URA.NCIC AOK:NT. yttsa AND ! {o4e MrMIMo : BrltI.b. Canadian end As ►oa'LsIT BIO.Mes. AND karl4Tass' Ltxat4 Iry : The Ocean AocldeD1 and Guarantee Jerpota0ee, Limited. of Loudon. Log. rio.urT AND UuaruXTRM BONDS : The U.B. Pbdeiity sad Guarantee Company. Miee at resldeere, oorthan.t corner of Vlo- berm sed BL David '• street.. 'Phone 176 1LoKILiOP MUTUAL FIRE IN - • SUR &NCL C O.—Farm and Iao1M.d awn property mooed. OOcere--J. H. Mo . Pe..., Beoforth P.O.;O kis sConnolly. 8.If ye. Mee. Vine --ire.:. B.afforGoderirttb P. O. DI "reeta,._HD. F. McGregor.'8emtortb : Joke 0. Grieve. Winthrop • WiliRies. Co.ntaa0S: Mb. Itsasewido. tkodhsren : James Evans, letiohwood ; Robert Ferns. H.rtork : Malcolm ♦gsete Batm.•v11N : R. Bmlth. ■ a r 1. e k• W tide.. Cheeney, 8..(orth ; C irsakl.y. Beakink Policy hoiden ea. y sam.inents sed let Wok out* mut nt S. J. MerrtiA s Clothing Stove, C intoe. er at R Oahe Oroe.ry. <Inrrtoe.tnst. Deaeriu a MARRIAGE LICENSES Bel ea WALTNR R. KELLY, J.P.. ootigR1('H. ONT. gMumi of MARRIAGE LICENSE/S. Brophey Bros. 0ODSMICH ne Laidig Pra al Directors cad Embalmers pl�el� •ere fully .tt-n'.d to .t aY hcaeca eight or day. Mr. Weir Ach)eou, of St. Pauls, has purchased the contents of the King George hotel. Heimall. sod has already assumed the management. Mt-'.. James Gilmour. a former well- known re,ident of Turnberry. d: d at her home at Canon, bask.. ,n Wed- nesday, the loth inst. William C. Wagner has purchased the dwelling and Iota owned by Val- entine Kochems, at the west end of the village of Zurich. for $1,115). Mrs. Leonard A. Wtigbt, of Car - terry. Mao., is snaking an extended visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Hector McQuerrie, of Grey township. Mr. Wesley Wolfe, of Crediton, was married to Miss Sylvia Pfaff, of Dash- wood, oo Wednesday, the 10th inst.. at the Methodist parsonage. lieoeall. Thr death of Thomas Jackson. of Huron township, occurred at the home of his cousin, Joseph Courtney, near Amberley, at the age of seventy-three years. W. R. Elliott, Reeve of Stephen. who underwent a critical operation in • Toronto hospital. has returned to his home at Centralia and is progressing favorably. Wm. Alexander, of the 3rd con- cession. Hay, has purchased the 100 - acre farm oI Wm. Sutton on the 4th concession, Stanley, and will use it for grazing purposes. James McGee has diepoeed of his fine farm on the Mill road, Tuckersmith, near Brscefield. to Mr. Hough. of Zurich, for $8,01.0. Mr. McGee intends to reside in Seaforth. Margaret Jane Baird and John 8 Hayes, both cf Turnberry, were mar- ried on February 10th at Wingham by Rev. J. W.. Hibbert. They will ee- side in Turnberry. Rei. D. D. Thompson, pastor of Bluevele Methodist church, has ac- cepted en invitation to remain on the field another year, subject to the approval of the Conference. The Young People's Society of Wroxeter Presbyterian church handed $12 to the treasurer of the Belgian re- lief fund. the proceeds of • valentine social held o0 Monday. the 18th inst. John R. Miller, an old and promin- ent resident of the township of Mor- ris. died on Wednesday, 17th inst., after a abort, Wove from blood -poison- ing. He was in his eighty-fifth year. Dr. O. P. Jackson. of Wroxeter, has disposed of his house and practice there to Dr. A. McLeod. of Harristou, who has taken possession. Dr. and Mrs. Jackson will remove to Toronto. Mr. George Trott, • former resident of Hensel) who bad been residing in the Weet for a number of years, has returned to that village and will again, engage in the photography business there. David Warrior, the fourteen -year - obi son of Mrs. NVm. ivers, of caoces- sion 5, West Wawano.h, passed away on Wednesday. the 10th inst., follow- ing an attack of measles which devel- oped into pneumonia. A barn in the rear of the McKim proper. at Walton was burned down one night recently. The origin of the fire is unknown. The fire theatened to spread to other buildings and re- sume serious proportions. Mr. and Mn. Detrich, of St. Colum- bus, celebrated their golden wedding a week ago. They are bath hale and hearty. They spent most of their lives on their farin ,n the 12th conces- sion o1 Stephen, near Dashwood. Mr. K. J. Miller, of Clinton, has rented his 1541 -Acre fare, on the 3rd concession, Hallett, to Mr. Arthur Dale for three year-, and his lug acre farm on the 0th concession to Miller and Ernest Adams. Both farms are in grass. Arthur Kestle, of Stephen, was fined 628 and coot*, amounting in all to $34, by the magistrates at Hensel) for cruelty to his l•or*es and cattle by neglecting to keep his stables in proper condition. The charge wag laid by Constable Whit/rides. I Mrs. McKenzie. mother-in-law of Keeneth M. -Lean. of Ripley, pawed away on Monday. February 16th, at the advane t age of 1011 years and three months. The deceased bad been blind for fifteen years. inter- ment took plana in Lochalsh ceme- tery. C. H. Haugh has sold hie 100 -erre farm on the Town line west of Make to Regis A O.normne. of the Sauble I line. for $7 5410, end ha* pm -chimed the Marie. M .ren farm of 110 acres near Bruoefleld, paying 58,000 for It. Mr. Den' mm. *Id hififty-sere farm on the Bauble line n hie neighbor, Wm. Duchamp. for ii8,u1O. bre. John Kitty pa -rd away a- the home tf her -• ogbter, Moo. W. T. Farquba;. of He.. -.11, ..n the 10th in.a. Mrs. Kitty was horn in Belinbnryh, S cotland, rooming to ()anon' witb her won.s, Mr. ar()anon'M.s. Robert C•".k, when a rhlld. Th. familyname beet to Godmieh end later toolip a far m on the Hume .nn.l. After her mar- riage to Mr Kitty they lived in Hal- lett for many year'. Mr. Kllsy died about .4. h' -en years ago. Th. sur- viving members ref lbw family are Mr.. Wm. Un1lyf.erd, Lo• Angeles, Calif. - Mr.. W. T. Farquhar, Hen Balli Alts►rf Kitty. Chit -ego ; P. ank K itty. Danpbl I1+n. • Rev. T. Smith EOt , W. -t Winfield. N. Y.: Ulm it lay, Calumet, Mleh.. and John D. silty, King City. Calif. The reaming were taken to Clinton tor interment. WINDHAM. Miss L. Barber has goon to Ottawa to resume her duties as stenographer during the session of the Dominion Parliament. Martha Cunningham Clark. widow of the late Meatus Kent, died on Tues- day of last week, aged ninety-two years and five month►. Mr. Edward Haines, a brother of Mr. W. H. Haines, of Winghene died at Mitchell on Wednesday, the 10th inet,. followiog astroke of paralysis. R. T. Cowell, the new organist and choir -master of St. Andrew's Presby- terian church, took up his duties on Sunday, the lith inst., and gave good .atisfactio0. He will move his family to town In the near future. While returning to Teeswater, from Vin ham horse fair. Archie and David Kirkland met • runaway horse and cutter and were unable to avoid a collision. The horse they were driving received • deep wound in the shoulder from the cutter shaft of the runaway. BRUSSELS. Mrs. Alex. Forsyth broke her ankle one day recently while out walking. Miss Daisy Wilson fell at the skat- ing rink and sprained one of her ankles severely. A new boiler is being installed and other improvements made to the Anent factory plant. After paying all expenses the Red Cross Society cleared $30 from the carnival held at the skating rink on Friday evening, the 12th inst. At the recent examinations of the Toronto Conservatory of Music Miss Verne Walker, of Brussels, took first- class honors its sight singing in the junior grade. Alfred Barker, who has branched out into the poultry business, has pur- chased an incubator of 1200 -egg capac- ity and will cater to the day-old chick trade. Miss A. B. Ross, who had carried on • fancy goods business here for a num- ber of years, has given up her busi- ness, as all her attention is required to look after her aged father. A pretty wedding was solemnised at the home of Mr.. John Manning. on Thursday. February llth, when her youngest daughter, Katie A., was married to Lorne W. Stevenson. Rev. R. E. Page officiated. After the honeymoon, which was spent at Cath- cart, Hamilton and other points, the young couple returned to town to re- side. EXETER. Mrs. John Parsons fell oo the slip- pery sidewalk and broke her arm near the wrist. Miss Olive Quance, Mies Ethel Sweet and Miss E. Kerslake ere in Toronto attending the millinery open- ings there. Mr. Fred Elliott, of Halle bury, and Mr. Reg. Elliott. of Norwichare vis- iting their mother, Mrs. B. V. Elliott, wbo is unwell. Buyers from the Militia Department were in town a few days ago and pur- cbaned seven of the many animals brought in for inspection. At the James street parsonage, on February 17tb. Rev. • W. G. H. Mc- Alister united in marriage Mr. Wil. bur King, of Hemiota, Man , and Miss Ettie Whiteford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Whiteford cf Exeter. At • public meeting held in the town hall the following motion *as tarried without dissent : That this meeting ask the council to pass a by- law, without • vote of the people. to Lague debentures to be spread over a term of fifteen or twenty years to raise $7,000 for improvements to the school building. It is expected that the council will pass the bylaw and the work will be done this summer. Over 200 men sat down to the men's missionary banquet held in James street. Methodist church on Tuesday evening of last week. After supper, which was served by mem- bers of the NVomen's Missionary Society, Rev. Dr, -lames, Eodicott, general secretory of foreign missions for the Methodist church, addressed the gathering. The pastor of the church has offered two prizes of $6 and $260 for the two best essays on the affair written by young men. SEAFORTH. Mrs. Kenneth McQuaig. of Fort William. is visiting her father. Mr, J. A. Wilson. Mrs. T. McQuade has gone to Grand Forks, Dakota, to visit her daughter, Mrs. t Deo Mulligan. Mr. John Button returned to Tor- onto Univeiwity to resume his studies, atter two weeks' holidays here. Mr. Fred Hammett, of Sarnia, has sold his house in town to Mr. Wm. Wilson, who lutesds to reside berg. Mr. James Cowan has contracted for 450 acres to be used for log sugar beets. The produce will be used by the Berlin factory. Mr. W. K. Peaces. of Toronto. who was formerly manager of the Domin- ion Bank here, bas been *hefted presi- dent of the Tomoto Clearing House. it is reported that Owen Geiger, of Hensel', and J. J. Werner, M.P., of Enrich, ire both negotiating for the purchaaaof the Seaforth flat mill. Male M .fisting to raise some goods at Stewart Bete.' .tore. Harry ierce received a deep scalp wound when the pulley broke and struck him on the Mr. Adam Dodds has wild his farm adjoining the town to Mr. J amen R. Acott for 67,()00. Mr. Dodds is taking Mr. 4entt's hoses In part payment and will 'wide In town. After paying all expenses 61111 was donated to the Red Orem floet.ty from the pi -needs of the military anebre party held In Osrdno s ball oo Monday evening of last weak. The date of the Resforth sprits show has been ehanged from April to April %b. to avnkd elashing with Ib. Mitchell spring show, which is to . be held con the former data. llirw. J. G. Wiliam and Mrs. Munroe, who bad been whiting ?rime, hope during the wbo, 14t WA west far the West. Mrs. mem goes Ie Elia WOMAI'$ BEST MEOICIN ( Mrs. Kily halm Irmo to m Inramu^ RaostzuvuJ.L ONT.. Atm sloth. imp. "I can highly reeetttteaftet "Frwite- ties." because they Add ate .s awful tot of good aad I scant .peek too highly about them. About icor years ago, 1 commenced taking " Fruit -o- lives" for . general be ak-dows .ad they did me a world of good. We bought a good ..any dollar's worth, but U was money well spent betteg= they did all that you' cla{a. for ties. Their action is so pia.sant, coo cath other laxatives, that I found only pleasure, as well as health, is taking them. They seemed to me to be particularly suited to women, on • 'Too nt of their mild and gentle scams, ■ id I trust that some other women nisi start taking "Fruit -.-tins". after readings letter, and it they do, I as satisfied the results will be the some as 10 say own use". Mea, W. N. KELLY " Pettit -a -times " are sold by all dealers at Sou. a bon, 6 foe lyse, trial sire, t e, or.entp�psd on receiptof pnce by PreN tivaa Lisitad, Ottawa. dersley, Sask., as;Mrs.IM 'prop 10 Maa- katoon. CLINTON. Rev. F. C. Harper was in London last week Attending the ammo' •[- home of the Peotti.h Ricers. The Ladies' Ai 1 of We.lee church paid a visit to the haus) of refuge last Thursday and entre tensed the in- mates. Mrs. Daniel Sh+n stun .lipped on en icy walk one day leo week and bloke her hip. As bite 1. ervet.ty-six yeets of age, the *ceideot i. a-erious one, The Young L beret Club of Clinton bas rented the- r tens over W. 11. Counter's store awl will bold the fir+t meeting there on lharsday even - Ing. • Ben Cole has sold his cottage o0 Orange street to John Armstrong. of Tuckersmith, 1.•, $71,0. Mr. Arm- strong and his wife are moving to Clinton. Sergeant "Bol.'Welsh Las hero in the employ of the onuniclp*lity for twenty-eight years, having hem, ap- poiuted to once on February 10, 1887. He has served under eleven mayors. The staff and students of the School of Commerce entettsined a number of guest* at • skiving early one even- ing recently, after which refresh- ments were served in the school rooms. Mrs. Robertacis, widow of the late Thomas Robertson, formerly of Clin- ton. died at Grand Rapids. Mich., on the 131.h inst.. in her eighty-eecood yen. The body was brought here for lot-rsnent. On Monday evening of last week the A. Y. P. A. of St Paul's church entertained the E pworth League of Wesley church at a social evening. At the conclusion of the program re- freehmeots were served. The members of the 1. 0 0.P. presented Mr- Emerson Mitchell. who is a stretcher-bearer in the second Canadian contingent, with a pair of en,traved, gold cuff -links, on his de- parture from town last week. Mise Stella M. Wigginton, daughter of Mrs. John Wiggiuton of town. was married at Brantford nn Tuesday of last week to W. T. Boftley, of Ntag- are-on-the-Like. Mr and Mr., Soft - ley will reside at the latter rflace. Clinton lost an old resident In the death of James Twitchell, which occurred on Saturday night in the seventy -.lith year (4f his age. For many years he had been • the Ontario representative of a Vancouver shingle manufactut ing company. He was prominent in municipal affairs, having served for several years as town councillor. - A man could easily spend his whole life questioning `bout the universe, and never get. anywhere. The un- knowable lies round about every life. "So you send your wife to the moun- tains for three month• every summer. It's great to have money." "Yes : money is certainly is great blessing." HOW A DEEP SEATED COUGH And Sore s Were Over- oome byV . Hill- man's Statement of Facts Camden, N.N. J.—" I had a deep sated tough, arm—dews system sled go Nags were awfully week and lora I am sa sheetrtdan blssenpation sed my tough kept me awehs right. so I thseght at thea I would have to give sp. I tried everyeverybody enggeoted and had ttake tkenn se club inedleine 1 was dis- gusted. Ons eveayg I read .bout Vinol end decided to ghs It a trial. Soon I noticed ss improveseat I kept on taking it e nd today I r s well man m�sT a sore- n ess 10,.lssss�0 guns skid hssvi. gi 1m.d fiftI do een toaeell 1s sad i r t.iRttg 2 rrisaer d, J. It trin4 H Itob Ito w1Wys► tits hqd Is- itosass of ei' Were Wad rttled bydt nheoWol- • colt very thi@ tlio oafforlog dowsto try a _ of en our wIoctipto ham year how R s MIL MRMAN (ENTRE WEAK - AWES MAKING GAS WOOD FOR SALE t1 • Rheims Again bombarded by the Hrwe---Roth British and French Report Progress The fury of the Germans has again o aroused on the western front use of the recent losses iuStet"d upon them all along the Hoe by the allies. Thta fury has sought rcvange to the bombardment of Rhein.. whim way innocent civilians bat _ b9ea sacrificed. The German centre 1s crumbling fast. and now is In such a weakenl *audition that a determined drive by the allies would carry all before It, were It opportune at this moment to thus vigorously press the offensive, eecording to military experts at Lon- don. The continued gates of the French 1n Champagne, the faltering defensive offered by the Germans be- tween Swain and the Champag e. ani the disastrous outcome of the Kaes !r's drive against the Verdun positions are take) to indicate the rapid ds - Integration of the German ■trer.gth os this section of the western battle - frost A correspondent at Rotterdam skis `Antwerp le filled with sulky Ger mea soldiery and browbeaten civilians. This 1. how a correspondent In t is Belgian city describes the situatl,:n. He says wholesale descrtlono ooeared recently and the Gertnze authorities are eau -chine for the un - fostms east off by the deserters, eho number several hundreds. The little garrison of Mertem left a notice on the outside of the walls reading "'Thee fort to let-' " According to the latest official state - seat given out in Parts, there has boos renewed activity all along the 11*., and attacks and counter-attacks kava become much more numerous. Boa the British and the French have made o0e.tderable progress at the outset a the offensive operations. and this made ft imperative for the Germans to deliver counter-attacks to regain the ground which they had lost bet In every cane they have been repulsed. LONE AVIATOR'S RAID German Mechem Dropped Several Bombs on English Towns A German aero raider, with a boun- tiful supply of bombe, arrived within 30 miles of London in a daring single- handed raid Sunday night before he was discovered by a British air scout He Sed toward the sea, dropping bombs on three towns in Essex, and finally eluding pursuit Prom the course taken by the raider it L believed that London was his objective and that the bombe were latended to have been hurled upon the metropolis. Three bombs were dropped on Braintree, two of them Lalling to explode. The third did little damage. Coggeshall -7aa the target for a single bomb, which dropped to a gar- den and damaged a cottage, but no person was injured. At 'Colrhester also only one pro- Jectile was hurled by the raider. It struck near the military BarraAs and damaged several of the outbuildings when It Etp!eded. The bomb tore a bole two yards square and three feet •:eep. No tenons were Injured. RUSSIANS fAWNG BACK Retirement Claimed to be in Nature of Strategic Movement if tree, the report from Vienna of Cie Russian retirement from Mad- avrtsa. 1a aouthea..tern Galicia, is the 1::Qat important item of news from the eak:r-n front According to the Acstrtae cpitch, the Austro -Gorman :r -e in this' region. after clearing !r•tcw! a cf the Russians la now :, a.i:ng straight for Lemberg, the er.nt Austrian fortress that was cap- :-. -,1 by tl:e Rusa:ans during the t1r!y stages of the campaign. A •i.cc!al to ti:e London Times from Petrograd says The whole Ger- c:an offensive from East Prussia smacks rather of diversion to conceal i":portant movements In Galicia or West Poland. To the Galician front the Germans evidently intend to direct their main efforts, and some - ”ling like nix new German corps have h'en concentrated south of the Car- path'ans. .-!ere a decisive blow has b son prepared. The Austrians are ^:ailing southeast of Cracow and In ilukowlca, in the Carpathians and at Prsemysl, attacks by the enemy were repulsed. T::- situation at Prsemysl 1s desper- at.•. During 'le lett sorties the gar- rison lost 1,000 men. The Russians t:ave captured -ix outer forts. Canadian Nurse Resigns The resignation of Miss McMahon, r. ltton of the Queen's Canadian 11111- tiry Hospital at Sboencltffe. I an- nounced. No reason has been assngs- rd for the action, but It Is understood that the committee was very pleased with her sdminlatrattoo Miss Ke- Mahon o-Mahon is :he daughter of a former judge of Norfolk County. Caned'.,' MeetloneI In Despatehe. Amongst those mentioned In Air John •Prench's despatches toe gallant and distinguished conduct in 'he geld Is Lieut -Col J. iC, L' jus of the nth Brigade. Royal Pie' Artillery He is . native of Hall' and a graduate of the Royal MI ry College at Kingstos. British c - oral Deed BrigadierOen. 1 Jobe iC. Gout, Y.C., who toot • prnslaset part 1• the retreat from Mona, mod The encs that has several dries boos men- tioned In official d.gatehes, lea died Of wowed received inns 'hoarder. rder. iietted fitates 1s dell 1n hays tanked Jaw that the "epos dear' Oast be meseeted le Claim 1 have a number of cords of good Hard Wood for sale, also a quantity of Mimed Wood. Pbooe or oall for prices, delivered at your home, • ROBERT WILSON • PeSO as No. SHIP HwrwaTowt Svwsaty The Electric Shop I have opened in the stand on West street neat the Postuffice a complete new stock of Electrical Goods, and invite the people of (ioderieh to come in and inspect them. The stock includes : — Electric Lamps, Globes and Fixtures Electric Light Fittings of all kind. Electric Irons, Electric Heater, Electric Toasters - Electric Cookers Elect ric W armi ng Pads, etc. Electric wiring and fitting done in the most competent ani up -to -daze manner. I have had ear• of experience in electrical work and give m attention exclusively to this business and patrons may rely upon the satiate -tory and workmanlike execution of any order entrusted to tee. Plans and estimates furnished for any desired work. MY STOCK 18 ALL NEW 5Jowe in and see it whether you need anything in our line just now or not. -u01 ROBERT TAIT TxLertli.xa N.. M-2 Wim WNW ALL FRWHHM O ATTEND D THE APPOPULAR AND VICINITY 1 •Tj Terence. receive iscootonly superior Madam e�dpama tltoterrbuuaachoke pod - sow. /Feta for oatithierom LI.I.Iorr, PAedpa1, 7Y Yams Street Tomato. MAYPIELD. (Intended for last week). TUESDAY, Feb. 16th. Mn. James Reid, of Windsor. is vis- iting friends in the village. Miss C. Baxter, of London, is the guest of Miss Ferguson this week. Special services are being conducted in the Methodist church. Mr. White. pastor, is assisted by Rev. Mr. Brown, of Varna. Miss lies Johnston, who has spent the past few months with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. James John- ston, left for her home at Corinne, '_task., on Tuesday of this week. Rev. W. Hinds entertained the members of L. O. L. No. 24 and their wives to an oyster supper on Monday evening of this week in the Orange hall. An enjoyable evening was spent in music, games and singing, it. Mc- Murray, Master of the,;lodge, acted as chairman. a B •4111 meet ng the Patriotic Society will be held in the town hall on Feb- ruary Wird at 4 o'clock. Those who are sowing or knitting for the soldiers are asked to return the articles in last week of February. Another bale Is to be sent for Belgian relief. Donations of new or ee000d-hand clothing and bedding will be gratefully remised. Teo LAT= W M. H. W ooPsi William H. Woods, an old and highly reimported resident of Bayfield, dell o.. Mondry, Niamey 1st. Mr. Woods was sixtyeis yeas of age He was born In (knotty Carlow, lrvland. and came to this country with his parents when be wM about three years of atilt. :red here is June of 141, amid nettled on tits farm adioinieg the vil- lage oat whidh the @object est 11ie sketch lived and died, bavlog been for slaty - three years d the sixty-six yews of hie life a resident at the mune pima. Nr. Woods was twice married hie first wtfu being Miss Rlieatwth Morri- son, whom he married in 18T7. Pit - tees years later .be died millianM he was married to Vim Graham. of Florence. wbo sarvi,us him. One sister aim ewsrvivee, Mrs. Inabella 1leweot of Bayfield The Mur cal took plate on (b* teaming Wednete6 attereone and Bra@ y sW y KMierksea of�rM tissuh. The pallbearers woe : Mamma D. 11i. $etdieghton, Allred Neftel. 3obsWeeds. George Der, WI - IS YOUR ROOF ONE OF THOSE IN THIS TOWN that Deeds our etteettoe f The longer you delay making the needed repair, Use more damage the weather is doing and the greater your ex- pense. Tinning and Repairing roofs, also building gutters and lead- er., is our part of this world's work. and we do at well Better send for us now and be ready for the coming weather. Fred Hunt Hamilton Shot Mom LIS ■ YOU CAN BEGIN AIR DAY THE NOiIICTHLRN BUSINESS COLLEGE owtM mow owraMto ire mswl yea a ommea .aeg bananated w b'wt , ma m �e maim Ms vert ia OsaNages hes. C. A. 1Lslgi re. P.O. A.. Priacioal. IL D. VLlazws. Meeretary. THE FIRST STEP ollts=.rr it helm comet mwmm be tksamad• et reuse Besse• one imam Mr ear mtaieles ea the 411shoptammiassse— - 34,stdisma. Take the yea him &N m Oaa.J Besrsto Odkea • Tao Ona. Tyr ease w.a. IOU w. PleMeset •w - A • 4 i 1 f 5 d 1 A 1 1 1 d 1 e 1 1 4 1 1 f ( 1 Butter Wrappers GET THEM PRINTED AT The Signal Office ATTRACTIVE WORK MODERATE PRICES ALL FRWHHM O ATTEND D THE APPOPULAR AND VICINITY 1 •Tj Terence. receive iscootonly superior Madam e�dpama tltoterrbuuaachoke pod - sow. /Feta for oatithierom LI.I.Iorr, PAedpa1, 7Y Yams Street Tomato. MAYPIELD. (Intended for last week). TUESDAY, Feb. 16th. Mn. James Reid, of Windsor. is vis- iting friends in the village. Miss C. Baxter, of London, is the guest of Miss Ferguson this week. Special services are being conducted in the Methodist church. Mr. White. pastor, is assisted by Rev. Mr. Brown, of Varna. Miss lies Johnston, who has spent the past few months with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. James John- ston, left for her home at Corinne, '_task., on Tuesday of this week. Rev. W. Hinds entertained the members of L. O. L. No. 24 and their wives to an oyster supper on Monday evening of this week in the Orange hall. An enjoyable evening was spent in music, games and singing, it. Mc- Murray, Master of the,;lodge, acted as chairman. a B •4111 meet ng the Patriotic Society will be held in the town hall on Feb- ruary Wird at 4 o'clock. Those who are sowing or knitting for the soldiers are asked to return the articles in last week of February. Another bale Is to be sent for Belgian relief. Donations of new or ee000d-hand clothing and bedding will be gratefully remised. Teo LAT= W M. H. W ooPsi William H. Woods, an old and highly reimported resident of Bayfield, dell o.. Mondry, Niamey 1st. Mr. Woods was sixtyeis yeas of age He was born In (knotty Carlow, lrvland. and came to this country with his parents when be wM about three years of atilt. :red here is June of 141, amid nettled on tits farm adioinieg the vil- lage oat whidh the @object est 11ie sketch lived and died, bavlog been for slaty - three years d the sixty-six yews of hie life a resident at the mune pima. Nr. Woods was twice married hie first wtfu being Miss Rlieatwth Morri- son, whom he married in 18T7. Pit - tees years later .be died millianM he was married to Vim Graham. of Florence. wbo sarvi,us him. One sister aim ewsrvivee, Mrs. Inabella 1leweot of Bayfield The Mur cal took plate on (b* teaming Wednete6 attereone and Bra@ y sW y KMierksea of�rM tissuh. The pallbearers woe : Mamma D. 11i. $etdieghton, Allred Neftel. 3obsWeeds. George Der, WI - IS YOUR ROOF ONE OF THOSE IN THIS TOWN that Deeds our etteettoe f The longer you delay making the needed repair, Use more damage the weather is doing and the greater your ex- pense. Tinning and Repairing roofs, also building gutters and lead- er., is our part of this world's work. and we do at well Better send for us now and be ready for the coming weather. Fred Hunt Hamilton Shot Mom LIS ■ YOU CAN BEGIN AIR DAY THE NOiIICTHLRN BUSINESS COLLEGE owtM mow owraMto ire mswl yea a ommea .aeg bananated w b'wt , ma m �e maim Ms vert ia OsaNages hes. C. A. 1Lslgi re. P.O. A.. Priacioal. IL D. VLlazws. Meeretary. THE FIRST STEP ollts=.rr it helm comet mwmm be tksamad• et reuse Besse• one imam Mr ear mtaieles ea the 411shoptammiassse— - 34,stdisma. Take the yea him &N m Oaa.J Besrsto Odkea • Tao Ona. Tyr ease w.a. IOU w. PleMeset •w - A • 4 i 1 f 5 d 1 A 1 1 1 d 1 e 1 1 4 1 1 f ( 1