HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-2-25, Page 5THE SIGNAL :
In the face cf a war tax of 7i.► increase to the
general tariff. INDIAN machines for 1915 will still
continue to be sold at original list prices.
This definite saving to the motorcycle rider is
the direct outcome of the splendid Canadian factory
facilities behind the INDIAN and of manufacturing
resources unequalled in the whole industry.
To see the 1915 INDIAN models and thea to
compare mechanically and also in price, is to sen
once and for all why the INDIAN is the predomina-
'ting machine in Canada as it is the world over.
Let us demonstrate the 1915 INDIAN improve-
ments at our showrooms. Ask for 1915 illustrated
of Men's,
at absolutely
Young Men's and Boys' Clothing
and Furnishings
lower prices than you have to pay for
same goods in any other cloth-
ing store in Goderich.
Boys' Tweed Suits
Age 3 to 8 years. To clear $1.19.
Men's Overalls
White, regular 50c, for 35c, or
3 pain for 11.00.
Boys' Lightweight
to clear 15c per garment.
(inn's Socks
Grey or brown, regular 30c, to
clear 2 pairslor 2fic
(fen's Buckskin Gloves
Lined and unlined, to clear at
89c or $1.00.
Men's Night Shirts
Regular 11.01. to clear 65c.
Men's Rubber Boots
high - grade, regular 14.50, to
clear $3.45.
Goods not proving satisfactory
can be ezchenged or the money
PROF. PEMBER of the well-
known Hair Goods Store, Toron-
to, will be in GODERICH at the
Bedford Hotel, on
Wednesday, (larch 10
with • full line of the latest
styles in flair Goode foe ladies
and gentlemen, map uf•ctured
from the finest European Hair
sad perfection made.
For Bald Men
Tie PeoMe�liabtw•ight ventlisted toupee or wig is the Most
astuesl asbsMtt
for your own hair ever produced. Also posit
ids .bout any asap
Advise free
aerie -
the ,Signal
Li at
tum beware of 1egaMeR e.bms' Ds tet wavy tberisk. Theis with
tagarti ioniafri ttM IMO /gaffer M trails asst e t sal tgmw.
Knee Church High Tea.
The ladies of Kao' churns will give
their annual ergs tea in the lecture
room of the ohurcb oa the tsoeoing of
Thureda March 11. This is an
event ws always popular, and
the ladies will make provblon fon •
large attendance.
Star Peelers/Mow to Se Re -opened.
The Sur Picture Palace i. about. to
Mre-opened under new ntaoagmeot.
Mr.J.V.Thomaa is this week installing
one td the facet up-to-date moving
picture machine, on the market aria
making other repair, sad improve.
menu. Arrangements have been made
with • reputable Alm company and the
opening night will he enoounoed
Gering to Wingham.
Mr. 0. Walmeley has purchased the
restaurant business of Mr. "Loch"
Kennedy at Wiogbam and will take
possemioo March 1st. We are sorry
to lose Mr. and Mrs. Walmeiey froth
Goderich, but wish thein much pros -
parity in their oew location. Mr.
Kennedy, wbo it well known here,
will stillmremain at W ingbam, where
be has • moving picture bougie.
Convention Call.
The officers of the Huron county
branch of the Dominion Alliance have
issued a nail for • convection to be
held in the Presbyterian church,
Clinton, on Thursday, March 18th,
oommencing at 10.90 a. m. "As the
liquor law' of the county will, on the
1K dayof May, pies from under Pro-
vincial Federal legislation, matters
of vital Importance, affecting the
sobriety of the county. will b•ve to be
Memorial Service.
The W.C.T.U. held a Frances Wil-
lard memorial service in the usual
meeting -place a on Monday afternoon,
quite a number heing precept. Mn.
J. P. Brown occupied the chair and
opened the meeting with a short
sketch of the life of their leader.
Mrs. C. Moore Iiveued the meeting
with • song entitled "The Precious
Book." Mrs. (Rev.) Wrighton gave •
very earnest and inspiring address on
prayer. as the and outcome of which
it was decided to hold a prayer service
in the Temperance Hall each day next
week from 4 fa 5:30. All are invited
to come.
Contribution iron Detroit.
The Rigoal bad much pleasure in
banding W Mr. A. Porter, local treas-
urer of the Cearidien petriotic fund, •
contribution of 55.00 sent by Mr. C.
M. Burton, of Detroit. Mr. Dorton is
ossa of Oodericb's summer residents,
and although as a citizen of the United
States he feels himself umder the obli.
gaptions of neutrality his heart Is evl-
deoUy in the right place. His con-
tribution will go towards the support
of the dependents of the Canadian
soldiers who are at the front, and we
are sure hie generous assistance will
be warmly appreciated by the people
of Godericb,
O'Toole Pleads Guilty.
Patrick O'Toole, otherwise known
as Donald A. McDonald, _pleaded
guilty before Judge Doyle on Tuesday
to • charge of strains 58(1, a watch,
rings and several articles of clothiog
from Mr. Dan McDonald, of Loch/lab,
and was remanded for sentence until
March 29ed to give Crown Attorney
Seeger, who prosecuted, opportunity
to Investigate his previous record
O'Toole was in Mr. McDonald's
employ, and took advantage of the
absence of his employer and Mrs.
McDonald from home to steal fpm
them. He got away as far as London,
where he was arrested.
Public Library Board.
An adjourned meeting of the public
library board was held on Saturday
for the purpose of dim:uesing the
report of the committee appointed to
obtain information in connection
with the proposed use of the room in
the basement by the industrial com-
mittee of the Collegiate institute.
The following resolution was carried :
Moved by Mr. Kidd, seconded by Mr.
Tom : That tbe library board rent to the
OoUegiste institute board the lecture
hall in the basement upon the follow-
ing terms: (1) At reotled whatever is
allowed by the Government for the
work to be carried on ; (2) the lib-
rary board shall be under no expense
in connection with the room ; (3)
lighting and heating other than as
exist now and all wiring and appar-
atus to be supplied by the Collegiate
Institute hoard ; (4) the library hoard
consents that the Collegiate institute
hoard may, if they wish, allow the
Women's Institute the use of the
room desired by the Institute; (5)
the Collegiate Institute board to put
in so extra heavy wire and their own
meter for their electrical requirements.
Another motion pawed was that
"Current Event-, of the War," pub-
lished in New York at 25 *sots per'
Dopy, be added to the magazine list
and also that two books oo Belgium
he placed oo the shelves.
Death of Hermann Macdel.
The death of Hermann Mandel,
brother of Mr. Wiiltarm Mandel, Salt.
ford, occurred at Detroit oo Sunday
last afar a long period of illi -health.
The deceased wan a natio* of Ben -
miller, but bad lived most of the time
in Detroit for the 'set thirty years.
He was employed for many years with
the Michigan Genteel Railway, bot for
the last three yen or po was watt the
P'oed Motor Oo. He died in him forty-
eighth year. Besides bis mother. Mea
Gottfried Need'', of Benmiller, be le
emnived bythree brothers grid two
sisters : Wliam, of Raltfmd ; &lobar,
of Detroit ; Fred. of Ann Ar born
Mies. ; Mrs. i•aae /1aher, of Bellaire,
Mled, and Mise Leeds. Msedel, of
Heemiller. The deceased was not
married. The remains were brought
to the home of bis brother at SaltJord
end the funeral took place to Colborne
cemetery on Tumidity, Rev. W. &.
gager, pastor of North rtal.t Metho-
dist church, eosdseting the services.
The pallbearers were Sweat Prelm-
mer, Joseph Stewart, Amber
B4sogb.m.rid W. Symoak. Many
beautiful Sowers se.ompsriled the
casket, Ine*.dlnt a boadhome fiord
blanket met by reed Motor Oa. .( D m of sd
wreaths hos Oaks Ledge, L. V. 4
33M.. and Psal wahres, A.
., Ohmage L hof b et Detroit. dmArtaar
jigsw.. bbl. * f eau e she f .,�! of iii
A splendid line of Cali-
fornia Navel Oranges at
;Be. 30c, 4tic end able per
doses. Also Bananas
and Grape -fruit, Celery
end delicious beam -
grown Lettuce.
Cured Meats
A full and varied assort -
went of cured meals at
p1 ices that should make
thew attractive.
Try a bottle of our Pure
home-made Maple Syrup.
White Clover Hooey,
abeolately purr, in glom
jars, 516. tine and 10 Ib.
S. J. Young
Hamilton Street Ooderich
Death of Alfred C. limns,
Mr. Alfred C. Saulu, wbo for several
years bad been in poor health, panned
away on Suoday at Alexandre hospi-
tal. The deceased was born at Sea -
forth fifty -,two years ago, the family
moving to Goderich in 1811b. When
a yoeng mem Mr. Baulks entered the
employ of the Grand Trunk Railway
Company and worbed his way up
until be became one of their moat
trusted engineers. Owlets to ill -
health be resigned his position with
she railway company some ten years
ago. Mt. Sault' was very popular
among his associates oo the railway
and had kept in tomb with them since
We retirement from active service.
He was a Mason of high degree ; be -
Ing • member of StratLrd No.
9S1, Stratford ; Tecumseh. •
No. K Stratford t St SI
tory, No. 12, Stratford, and Mocha
Temple. A. A. O. N. M. S., London.
The tuners' was held oo Tuesday
afternoon ander the auspices of Matt
lana lodge No. 39, A. F. and A. M.,
from the home of his brother, Mr.
Ben. H. Sault•, Cambria road, Rev.
J. B. Fotberingham having charge of
the cervices. The interment was in
Maitland cemetery. The pallbearers
were Messrs. Alfred Davis and Robert
McIntosh, of Stratford; James LI�sooi�,,
of London, and Dr, Mabee, Frank
Adams and J. F. Thomson, of Gode-
rich. Other members of the Masonic
Order from Stratford who were pres-
ent were Meows. James Leonard, W.
C. Patton, D. D. Dempsey, H. W.
Baker, Dr. Cannon J. Denrocbe, E.
A. Robertson and W. O. Brown. An
exquisite array of beautiful floral
tributes was arranged around the
casket., •moue the moot notable being
a wreath of violet' and red rosea from
the members of the Mocha Temple,
Lemd'oq ; a large double cross of hot-
house flowers from the St. Elmo Per-
ceptory, and designs emblematic of
the Masonic Order from Stratford
Lodge and Maitland Lodge, A. F. and
A. M., and a lovely tribute from the
employees and mail clerks of the G.
T. R. Among those who came from •
distance to attend the funeral were
Mn. F. J. Smith, ' of Fowlerville,
N. Y., and Mrs. J. R. Clunis of Lon-
don, sisters of the deceased, end Dr.
Herbert Smith, of Buffalo, a nephew.
The deceased is survived by three
brothers : Ben. J. Mania and Walter
H. Sault,, of Goderich, and George
H. Saulta of Winnipeg, and three bis-
tars: Mrs. P. E. Bell, of Winnipeg,
and the two sisters already moo -
timed. "Alt" was a proem' favorite
with old and young in Godericb, and
he will be regretfully miaeed and
kindly remembered.
George HIg.gmson's Death.
The funeral of the late George
Higginson, whose dents oorurred
under tragic clrrumstanees at Wind-
sor on the 8th Inst., took place from
the family r,.Idence, Wellington
street, on Tuesday afternoon and
despite the downpour of rain war very
Wordy attended. The service was
eonducted by Rev Geo. 13. Rosa. The
1. O. O. F. of which deceased was •
seemh•r. had ebarge of the funeral
arrengrmeoM and upwards of seventy
members of that Order wore present
as a last token of respect to their
brother, Oddfellow The pallbearers
were Messrs. Fred I`oty, Prank Doty,
Joh. Roberts. Horsy Babh, Tho..
Swart' and Den Wiggins.
Mr. Hlggloeon left Goderich on
Pebru 4 for Wiod.or, where h•
bade •• of clearing the lee from
the riv for the Federal Government.
All went well until the 8th. when he
disappeared but he was not missed
for several days, the men at Windsor
supposing him to he et the other end
of ibis brat and the men at the other
end supposing him to be at Windsor.
Oa tbe 11th word was resolved is
Goderloh that he was missing and Mr.
Abu Hiailnaon, bio hrutber, .erns
pa.l.d by Mr. J. W. Sakur, hie
bmmediareJy 1.-% for
Waadeor, followed cent day by Mr.
had Doty and Mr. W. L. P•rve•t.
Wbun last emu to d*e*sssd nand
be was pnlnk to fix lie Mat cm the
Gervsrsmewt loatbow•e. Os the 19th
the 7 waa takes hove the well of
the boathouse by M►. Doty and Mr.
be by beta engaged 1. the
mesh ses biose td their arrival
Thv1t.DA1, h.RIAttt fs 1915
at Windsor. A cwaasee
jury was
e pme-Illed and atter bearing ngg t e
evidence returned • wenn: of mei
dental drove ies. Mr. H. 13. R. Graig,
acting chief of the Department of
Public Works at Windsor, and bie
staff lent all 'erosible iwiatroce in the
search for the body.
Mr. Higginson was to the very
prime of life, • Mature of perfect
health. He was born at CaioeviUs.
our Brsattosd, thirty-eightear. ago
mem me so (ioderich in 1901, being
employed as foreman by the Doty
igios Co. until • little over three
yeses ago, when be revived the
apooiritmeat of superintendent of
verwment worts at Goderich bar
hewing the oversight of the
emersion to tbe northwest break-
water. In the year 1907 be was
married to his now bereaved wife,
formerly Ills Jemiusa Baker. Mr.
�Aobe Higginson, of
t eoDotly Engine
onrtae l aootber brother having been
killed about two yell.• ago on the
railway. ,
Did ren setter tial smell of seeing lis Use atr
Melee M dose, Made yogi 181.k of .est
sad bane neem ad new mare-
��aa� tJ» t►a.r'.-e.rtn rase of *mare -
Is pies. to list mato garment. for *Drina.
summer, fall ex winter.
Damming OIam,-New class just form-
ing Tuesday. March god. For particu-
lars apply at Blackstone's Restaurant,
West street.
The regular meeting of the Goderich
branch of the Women's Institute will
be held as the home of Mrs. Trethewey,
Elgin avenue, on Thursday, March ,
446 at 3 p. m. +Demonstration in
cleaning braes and windows. Sub-
je.t - "Easy Methois of Houseclean-
Mr. Robb. W. Craigie, of the Howell
hardware store, is laid up as tbe re-
sult of an accident which happened
yesterday morning. He was driving
the delivery sleigh wises it skidded
and struck • post, throwing "Bob"
out. His shoulder was badly bruised
and his ear severely torn, re luiring a
stitch in it.
The Ministerial Agmoeiation will
meet on Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock
in the parlor of Koor church.
Rev. W. K. Hager will preach at
botb services at Nortb street Metho-
dist church molt /Sunday. Morning
subje.:t: "How to Be Happy with or
without Riches." Evening subject :
"An Open Confession it Good for the
The regular monthly meeting of the
Eureka Bible cute of Victoria street
Methodist church will be held Mon-
day evening, March 1st, at the borne
of Miss Pearl Duff, Huron road. A
fun attendance is requested, as the
annual election of officers will be
The meeting in the Baptist church
on Sunday night will be openeda
short song service beginning at tl 50.
Everyone is heartily invited to take
part in the singing of old-fashioned
bymns, Rev. Wm. H. Wrighton will
preach the Gospel message. A warm
weteoma is e:aoded to all strangers
in "the little church with a warm
bear t."
In Knox church spe:ial services con-
ducted by Rev. (leo. a Ross are being
held ever evening this week and next
except Saturday evenings, prepara-
tory to the communion which takes
place Mares 7tb. These services are
largely attended and greatly appreci-
ated by the congregation. The choir is
in atteodance every evening and the
service of praise is most inspiring. The
subject of discourse next week will be
"Our Lord's Passion."
Inspiring sermons were preached in
Victoria street Methodist church on
Sunday by Rev. deo. Jewitt, of Blyth.
It was the missionary anniversary,
and the claims of the missionary
cause were ably and eloquently pre-
sented. The response of the congre-
gation -to the call for financial support
of the missions of the Methodist
church was very gratifying. One
member of the congregation whose
liberality is well known subscribed
52110. and outside of this the giving*
were ahead of those of previous years.
Alfred Poirier Suffered, Then Dodd's
Itidoey Pills Cured His Bright's Disease,
8t. Honore, Temiscnuaa Co., Que.-
Feby. 23rd.-(8pecial)-Mr. Alfred
Poirier, $ well-known resident of
this place. does not hesitate to say he
owes his health to Dodd's Kidney
'1 act happy to tell you that 1 have
been cued from Bright's disease by
the use of your Dodd's Kidney Pills,
i tried a great number of medicines
but none helped me. For two years
I could not work. 1 read in your
almanac of the many cures of kidney
disease, and decided to take some six
boxes of your Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Before 1 bad finished the fourth box
I was cured. i recommend them to
all those who suffer. i am strong
and can work Netter now than ever."
Uodd's Kidney eine always cure
Bright's disease. Any other form
of kidney dimes. is easy for them.
National Y. M. C. A Military Fund.
Ts the Gilt or of The 84n61.
Ds.Aa NIR, -1 wish to Acknowledge
the receipt of the following contribu-
tions to the National Y. C. A.
Military Fund received since v last
letter in your columns:
Prevloa.ly aeknowledg•d
Rev. W. . Mager
Mts. W. L. Eliot
Dr. H. 1. /Strang
Mies 1. K. Rhsrman.
W. E. Kell
Mrs. F. R. Hod ens 1.q1
Misses M. and C. Fraser 1.
H. L Watson 2.
Mee. Co re ie .... .. 1.
Dr. W. Y. Hayden 3.00
An order for this amount has tern
forwarded t• Ur. Henry Yeigh, of
Toronto, who, I amour*, will be grate.
MIto three who have so kindly
•wanted in this ver y valuable andcry
ree-tleal form .1 work for our soldier
8►rntid any others wish to pin in
helping airier thiswork, their or
coati l►mmay ay sentglvrn
to J. C. Carrie, at Lee's hardware
sante, or to, th. nndersign.d. or left
at the 11 nal • 11l.
1 thank ►,.n..ir,.+for the puhfinetinn
of my letter whish bas brought wet-
ness. respnnr. A. Y Rosrittveow.
Ood.ri*b. Pleb 17th, 1911.
$1 1.50
hies wm You Save 11
yea &.'1 Save NOW?
Though yaw salary or income
will no doubt Increase, so will
your expenses-- and many find
that the latter more than keep
pose nits tbe former. Nov is the time to start a Reserve Ftatd
--and the Savings Department of the Union Bank of Canada
tbe place to keep 11.
Deposit the extra you have on hand noryou can open aa
account with any num, down to one dollar -and dray interest an IL
Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager.
( f,
Evening Classes
The Board of Trustees of the Goderich Collegiate Institute tinder
the direction of an Industrial Committee are instituting evening
classes in the following subjects :
1. Wood working and mechanical drawing.
2. Cooking.
3. Dressmaking.
Two evenings from 7.311 to 9 o'clock per week will be devoted to each
Competent teachers with the necessary equipment will be provided.
A fee of one dollar per term payable in advance will be charged ami
refunded to the pupil on attending seventy-five per cent. of the lesions
on his or her chosen subject.
Class No. 1
The object of this course is to improve mechanics in all kinds of wood
work, to make them more skilful and enable them to earn higher wages.
also to train and educate beginners desirous of entering this line of
Class No. 2
1s intended to teach housewives, housekeepers and mote particularly
those without home training to cook economically and at the semi:
time to provide tasty, appetising and wholesome foal.
Class No. 3
Will instruct in the making of dresses and children's clothes from pat•
terns so that this work may be done at home economically.
These classes have done goal work in other towns and if properly pat-
ronized will do fully as well in C.oderich.
Classes will be started immediately.
Full information given and pupils enrolled on applying : No. 1, -to
Mr. B. C. Munnings ; No. 2, to kir. W. L. Eliot, of the Bank of
Montreal, anti No. 3 to myself. A. H. MACICL1N.
Chairman 0/ Committee.
Goderich, Feb.` 18th, 1915.
Our mammoth incubator starts on March ist.
We still have some space for custom
hatching unhooked.
Reaaoaahle Call, Phone or Wrike
The students of Goderich Collegiate
Institute will give $ patriotic concert,
in aid of the Belgian relief fund, in the
Collegiate assembly hall on Friday
evening, March 12th.
The 0 1 Brough Chapter.)
1. O. D. E., will bold its annual meet-
eetiog on Monday after noon, at 4 o'clock. '
in the court house. A full attendance
of the members is requested, as the
election of officers will take place at
this meeting.
For delicious ice cream in hulk or
fancy bricks, the nureet home-made
candy, fresh salted peanuts and fresh
solid sealed oysters, try Black -
'tope's. Phone NO. Orders delivered.
Double Track all the Way
Unexcelled Train nervine
Hlghe.t 1'1... of IC,' of moot ' '
Winter Tours to California
rant Tr.lnio k -ho rr of Route.
Low rare, new In .riot `
For fun o•rt'eolar. meson O.T.R. Ticket I
}genfa w write 1'. 6. NORNINO. D1.1rfet
Anat. Toronto.
�F r. LA W�RtR'.Mow& vol <i, Tewn
't, 11ninssal • d'nab t 1Ph AO
e WA.
improved Service
VI* 'lapis Ontario Rheum U...'
Fut time to Whitby, Oshawa,
Bowmanville, Port Hope, Oobwrg,
Belleville, Trenton, etc.
Partlegiluw floor Jew KMd, (;.P R. k.t
Rite ht. SW 11 OE Marokr. Orb. A.. Tor
`dome in Out of the Wet
it is easier to keep dry
under wet conditions,
than to keep wet under
dry conditions ! With
our large stock of
dight and a*eavg „Rub-
bers, 'loth Ooerdboes
and "(reties
wr are prepsred to supply you
with just what you may need
to keep your feet dry, warm
and comfortable.
THE 411(6 NAltt
A special meeting of the town coun-
ousci1 was hel t nn Tuesday evening,
when the matter of sending` d.k.gater
to the ennven, i.,n of the Hydro -
Radial Union was taken up. The mo-
t the p.evinus meeting was resr
rind.d and Mavor Reid and Reeve
Siliortt were appointed delegates by a
unanimous v. to
Try Ganong. new Iroquois assort -
runt, ehoicr nista sol dolieetety
flavored cheirol.t. In a variety of rob
binations. Ju.t in at Ralk.ltrs, wrath
side of Square. hose 14.