The Signal, 1915-2-25, Page 4Mt were told of a new
di.covery for the tre.tment of
Coughs, colds and bronchitis,
as certain in its action on all
Chest troubles as anti -toxin is
on diphtheria. or vaccination on
small -pox. wouldn't you feel
like giving it a trial ? Especially
If you could try it for fray cents 1
Peps is the discovery 1
Rpearelittle tablets, neatly wrap
pad is air and gere•preof aJverfal
YU,.esWa oertw seeds incl irp�
dies* white, when placed spoon iha
Msgw, immediately tura kite vapour.
•�asaolmegreeaate the e mosssbreathedGis their
dewaaee airhi a r otka t►. tamed and ngt:t i
mombrsa.s .f chi brus•hial tiles, the
4.11 .m walls of the air and
Smelly eater and awry relief hed amg
te the sapihries sad tiny air sem in the
Is • ward, while mo liquid er solid
nam gee te the 'mugs and air paaaagea,
Miss Pepe fun get there dfreel, sad
memos suomoes their work of heeling.
Wpb are entirely Matin,. fret the
ell fashioned liquid mgr
ugh oes, width
are merely swallowed into the stomach,
MI saver reach the Tangs. Peps treat -
miss$ a wage. sad colds is direct treat -
11 yes have not vet tried Peps, eat
we this enacts, write emir H
the same and date of this
sad mail it (with Its. ream to
p�r•yy noaw postage) to Pep.
teetmtA free trial packet
will thsee he seat yea.
sleeve �lee a ..3 Peps at
• $Ds. Ma.
Vassar Shoe
D oyou want
A Shoe that is stylish ?
Do you want
A Shoe for comfort?
Do you want
A Shoe to wear era?
Do you want
A Shoe that excels In
If so, you will find all
these qualities in the
J. H. McClinton
Special ties
Metal Work
Electric Wiring
Prompt attention to all
small jobs and general
repair work.
Phone 155 Hamilton Street
WE team feel the very leawe
can do for you when
you come into this store Is
to give you 'bower. Rubbers
that will be absolutely emus -
'Portable mod will wear to
your sadNfieetlon We want
you to reales that your teen-
ier. le ewe sect eonvlderatiee
Ow priers are menet reason
(leo. MacVicar
Noe41 side et Squaw
W:DNINIDAY, Feb. Seth.
Geo. Yungblut has received r car of
torn at the elevator for feed.
Miss Mabel Johnston is dressmaking
for Mn. John Jobneton tale week.
lobo Jardine has moved his house -
bold effects and now resides In Mrs.
Hunklu'a house in the village.
The ladies held • quilting bee on
Mooday at the home of 1/r. Wm.
PaUenoo. 13th conceesioo, Hullett.
i Owing W the heavy run on Tuesday
the Sbath school conventfee was
postponed until Thurvdy mf this
Miss Elate Mutcb Is op a trip to
Toronto to study the new styles in
•Illinery, before resuming ber poei-
tioo at Exeter.
The Blyth bakery notified la
customers on Saturday that it was
goingout of business. It will be
without this bakery, which has
served our village for over forty years.
The box social under the an.ploes of
the L. U. Lodge Frid• night was well
attended. A splendid program was
bogiven by local talent, after which the
xes were put on the market by R.
McGee and brought good priers.
Proceeds $33.00, in aid of the Belgian
relief fund.
The valentine social and annual,ee
as held in the basement of Knox
eburch last Wednesday evening gave
many a surprise when tbetr menu
order was filled, some having the
chinos to add to the treasury by their
second order. All were pleased with
the evening's program and tea. The
p�'oceed� $18, were contributed to the
lied Crate Circle.
HAND Otrr.-After thirty-five years
of working at machinery without •
mishap, Mr. Geo. Lemp had an acci-
dent last week, hie hand Doming in
contact with the buss planer In his
factory, the second linger being
removed and the third finger badly
lacerated. Dr. Weir is endeavoring
to save the third Roger. This will
prevent Mr. Letup from attending to
his work for • few weeks.
social service conference will be held
in Auburn on Monday, March 1st,
based on the results of the Huron
rural survey made a year ago. The
afternoon session will convene in
Knox cburch lecture room •t the hour
of 2 p. m., and the following ■ubjeca
are suggested for discussion : The
Rural Problem," "The Economic
Solution of the Rural Problem," "The
Co-ordination of the Social, the Econ-
omic sod the Religous Life. of the
Community" The evening session
will in the Methodist church
at 7.30 o'clock,when •series of popular
lectures will be given hearing on rural
community life. The following
speakers are expe^_ted to be present at
hotb meetings: Rev. T. Albert
Moore, D. D. secretary of the depart-
ment of social service of the Metho-
dist church • Rev. W. A. Riddell, M.
A., B. D., Ph. D., secretary for relig-
ous edooation, Presbyterian church.
and • representative from Guelph
Agricultural College. This is a con-
ference for the discuseioo. of rural
questions and for social betterment.
AJI bre invited to he present, men and
womeo,awho are interested in the
welfare of the community and of our
8aturdwy morniog, after five years'
illness, the spirit of John Lawi.on took
Its fight in his sixty-fifth ye/tr. Four
days before his demise it was seen he
was gradually failing and this me-
tlnued until Saturday morning wheu
the end came. The deceased leaves,
besides his partner in life, three sow :
Joeepb, at Saskatoon, Sask. •Oliver
end Herbert, at home, and three
daughters : Mrs. Willis Mountain, of
Hett ; Mrs. Finch, of Stratford, end
Miss Fanny, at home. The funeral
took place on Monday to Bali's ceme-
tery. The members of Court Pride of
the West, No. 31, C. O. F., Loodeeboro,
of which the deceased was a member,
came over and were joined by the
brethren of Court Dufferin, Auburn,
in their ball and then mar lied to the
house in • body and waisted in the
burial services at the grace. The ser-
vices were conducted byRev. W. Con-
way. Mr. Thos. ClarMr. John
Gormley and Mr. John Clack, of
Pickering, were in attendance at the
funeral. The pallbearer were Chas.
Manning, Fred Johnston, Andrew
Sheppard, Robt. Stalker, (leo. Beadle
and John Ferguson. The sympathy
of the community goes out to the
family in their affliction.
TUa4DAY, Feb. 23rd.
LAID Ar Roar. -The funeral of .the
late Mn. Patrick O'Callaghan, who
died in Landon on February 17, took
place on Friday morning, from the
home of her son, Dao, near White-
church. The remains were Interred In
St. Augustine R. C. cemetery. Crani
high mass was sung by Rev. Denis
O Connor, superior of St. Peters Sem-
inary, London, s cousin of deceased
assisted by Ron. Father Fallon, of
Wingltam, stand Rev. Father De+n, of
M1. Ai.gus or, a deacon and sub.
deacon. A touching sermon wa•
delivered by Father O'Connor, wh-
Alan officiated et therave. The pall -
beaters we.e Joseph Laidlaw, William
Martin, John Gillespie. Frank Doyle,
William Donnelly and P. R. Gibbons.
Mr.. H. Ivison spent• few days 1.
I-ondon recent) visiting her sister,
Mrs. (Rev.) MoKiibbnn.
Mr. H. Alton, of Belfast, was last
week visiting his sister, Mrs. R. 8
mason, of the Parr line, and his
brother io-law, W. H. Johnston, here.
lxpnoyi tsirra -Th. coming memos
will be • busy use with some of our
farmers. Messrs. Jay, McDonud,
Obas. Wasmann and Alex. Smith are
•11 going to place their barns on .ton.
or cement foundations, and have •
larges portion of the material oe the
ground. These will make • One ad-
dition to the numerous bank barns
and gond Milli onggee In tbls district_
Weo Wovt.oi.`r Gamic Baena ?-
Those who lave bean growing beane
the past few Fran have been quite
fortunate is .aouelug good prices sed
this year they hews • boubese. The
week some of them are deliver,wg
beam. at SS a Mho& A harem .me..i
was bold altar weeks age at ILO le
Kali. i... Afl�sneid le eel=
•host 1100 kabob fhJ week at
ether s.lg► mike .•-este. Mt
MI are mo4Wlg. A ember of than.
Med 1e genua he seae4es • shirty
Owed the meet dartger-
aad KKiidn.yy Dimmem lee .,sons of
for which Dodds Kids y
Pili& ars the only certain
ceer the Kid-
ad y Mm e.1
tried ane water. srhick
be a ie.che
form of ' lord
and lodges ie of
the leek sad pole est the
skin. Remove the Nth
which plugs the drain
Restore the to
health. There is one
Kidney Medlars
acres of them this coming season.
Tim past year bra sees many c►aagee
in the oweersblp of farm lands. fir.
Petrie sold his farm for 87,000 to H.
Horton. of T.eksrsmith ; 1Ym, Fowler
sold his for 87.000 to Mr. Hyde of
Stratford ; Fred Fowler to,Weehy Har-
vey for 116.500 (this wee a bati 4.) •
John Murdock to a man from Hullett
for about 117,301; Mr. Sutton to Mr.
Alexander, pin not known. Mr.
Houck, of Blake, sold his farm for
$7,500 and bought Jas. McGee'& fares
on the Mill road east of Bruoe8eld for
$8,000. Tb... peopl possiblyreaps,
but probablyleer do not, tathey
are buying ame* in the beat part of
Ontario at • smaller price then similar
100 -acre farms cam be purchased in
many other portiooe of Ontario and
the United State.. -
News Bouncy -Mrs. Alfred Qesid
returned home last week after spsod
lag five weeks with Mr. ani Mrs Adams
Schaefer, of Wingb•m, who have
been on the sick bet Mr. IId.
Ober i. on • abort trip to visit friends
at Toormingto and other places 1n
last wM1'., report we said that Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Mc Whinney game a
reception and dance in bonne of Mr.
sod Mrs O. Stewart. This wen a nue-
hike ; it ebould bare beets "in hoocr
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor."
The river broke up early Wednesday
morning withoet anti dimmers being
done. At, protest the ice M jammed
down the river below the Park .
Master Oalluw Smith is spending a
few days with friends in Ooderieb ... .
Mr. John Scboenbale has been op
from Clinton for a few days on boa -
MONDAY, Feb. a
News or rat wazlc.-Mies Elsie
Wigbtm•n has been vidtiog friends
at Seaforth Mies Vera McDowell
is atteooirg the millinery oprotngs at
Toronto .. Moes Ade McClinton, of
Ooderich, has bees visiting relatives in
this vicinity Mrs. W:U McDowell
has been visiting relatives at Oodericb.
Mies Kate McClioehey, of
Auburn, has heen visiting Mrs.
Thomas Bamford Kiel
Howitt had the misfortune to o-
cate. her shoulder a few days ago.
While getting oven • fella she slip-
ped and fell . . A very enjoyehM
evening was spent at use home of Mr.
Wesley Farrow Wast Thursday. Be-
side, neighboring friends there were
a number from Dungarnoo and AO --
field present. Many interesting
games were played. after which • de-
licious and refreshing lunch was
served. The party broke up at a
reaonable hour Mrs fail b
and children, of Dungannon, have been
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John McDowell, and other relatives.
Wrnlrs.DAY, Feb. 7N.
LACRIER LotAla-Mrs. H. Bell and
son Harold have returned bone after
spending • few weeks with friends at
Paisley Mrs. D. A. McLean and
children spent the wesk-end with ber
parent Mr. and Mn. J. N. McKen:le.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Finlayson,
of Lorne, visited friesds in this vkin•
icy Last week Mr. and Mrs. 14
Finlay and children are at present vis-
iting the former's sister. Il re. J. Jam-
ieson, for • few weeks.
The Christian Endeavor
Society of (,,eburs will
give • unique
National Tea, Patriotic
Concert and Lecture
in Leeburn Presbyterian
Church. on . . . .
All k Inds of t sonde i
Made will be *Mid from
BMW representing 111.
alt nest nation.
A good preemies W
Men peepased. the AMC
Muir* beteg • leetaw
by the peruke speaker,
UNDO All t• . : r
Came w bang yule him& seat
►►.kers Se 1iamel Cues.
MONDAY, Feb. It.
TM [lofted Patriotic Society of
Uoderieh towwbip will meet for SOW
bag at the bow of Mies Aloe An-
drews, Baydrld road, oe Friday after-
fternoon. February 1St► in L. The
sierra' bsMosssof Ibi. Soci-
ety will be held at the of of Mn.
ilea Lutkwalte. Heron road oa Fri-
day afternoon. March lith..111 finished
articles should be brought to this meet-
ing, as it will he the last before the
seat shipment.
hew Holland has sold his sight sera<
en aha 11th sowosioe to Mr.
home mind Mid
diaposad of his
hard at lieleaseville,
eightems acres is A , Mrs. Rohm,
a the 14th toeonoesslon, who
win Bove to the Hakim to reside. The
reminder of his Hobmes.WW property,
liq saran with barn, sUo, dei.itto shed.
etc., he has mold to Mr. N. W. Tre-
wartha, who will now have Mame of
Hoheeesvilla impiety. The pus -
chaser. it is understood, will convert
it into a &beep and poultry numb. 1.
part esebange Mr. Holland took over
Mr. liowattM's forty -acre grass hes
on the Ill► ooseeedoo. formerly known
as the Ostrom peopsety, which he has
mace soli to 1[ r. ()conga Proctor who
will now have 100 •ares in • bloak in
earth ease poassesios le given next Jae -
nary. Mr. Holland intends to engage
in the heylog and Giglio; of 11.e stock.
BocLAL GATHZIIIO. -Mr. and Mrs.
Thoma& Aadenoo, of the 1H e000ss
Mon, entertained a large part Of
trieods sod aeigRbbo,e at their
one sight recently. All peeeent had •
good iia On Tuesday •..�loogg
last a gatbertag of about one hundred
person. assembled at the boa of Mr.
sed Mrs. John Smith, lath 0000wion,
and presented their daughter, Mies
Mary Smith, with a •'shower" of arti-
cles useful end beedbtlful, in view of
callyher •v neighbor in the commun-
ity was present, with others from a
distance Games, music and other
amusements were indulged in, and
altogether the gathering was a great
eneeees .
PATRIOTIC OoxctRt.-Tae regular
meeting of the Uoder•Ich Township
Far merle Club last week took the form
of • patriotic concert to raise funds in
aid of the work of the ladies' local
branch of the Patriotic Society mud
was held in the Union Presbyterian
eburch on Thursday evening, with
Rev. Jas. fiamilton acting as chair-
man. A splendid program was pre-
sented and was thoroughly enjoyed
by the large madisoos assembled. Re..
J. B. Pot Mknig him. of Goderich, says
as address on the war, is origin and
progress, and la • skilful manner
showed the duty of Canadians to the
British Respire throughout the great
struggle. Vocal solos with accom-
paniment were furnished by Mrs.
King and Mr. Fmk Doty, of Oode-
rteb, the selections receiving hearty
s000t s whir* showed the appreciation
of the madam. hetes Aitken and Mr.
H . 8t urdy. of Ooderich, *l.o a siMmd
the Club in ethos the rale of miter -
by giving recitations which
won the •pekoes of the • audience se
heartily that . return to the platform
was urged and further intellectual
treats diepeased. A silver collection
taken netted the handsome. sum of $01.
which was turned over to the ladies
of the Patriotic Society, and %fter a
hearty vote of thanks to all outside
talent the meeting dispersed after the
singing of the National Anthem. The
melt roeeting will be held in Potter's
hall, Porter's Hill, on MArcb 3rd, when
that eery important topic, "How shall
we increase the production of our
terms during thie ensuing year will
be up for discussion by the following
gentlemen : Mears. Lobb, Yeo, N
W.Trewartb•, P. Rundle, Fred Kiddie -
too. ted Mr. J. Schwan' will speak on
"Growing Beane for Profit." A full
attendance of the members is re-
quested, as orders for clover and gross
seeds will be taken and forwarded. 1t
is needless to add that • good time i•
expected and everybody is welcome.
TUESDAY, Feb. 23.
Mr. Thos. take is visiting his daugh-
ter, Mrs, Rob.. Thompson.
Me. K•sterbrook, of Ohio, is visiting
his sister, Mrs. Jas. Jewell.
Miss bottle Walters is spending a
few day. with her cousin, Miss Nina
Quite a number of the young people
of Taylor's Corners et tended the pat-
riotic concert at the Union church
last Thursday eveoi.g.
The Goderlch Township Rifle Asso-
ciation will bold • shoot over the
ranggeses on Tuesday. March 2nd. Com-
petition for Dominion of Canada
prise. -T. R. RUNDLE, Secretary.
The young people of Taylor's
Corners are having a box soI at
school house No. 2 on Friday evening.
March lith. All ladies are requested
to bring • box. Everybody welcome.
WICDNtibDAY, Feb. 24.
Jas. Culbert returned to Diebolt,
Bask.. last week after spending the
winter with his son in Ashfield.
Mr. J. R. McNab le at Seafortb at-
teoding the funeral of his brother,
William Kennedy McNeil, who died
soddenlyam t Drayton on Monday.
Rev, . E. Hunter, pastor of the
Dungannon Methodist church. bas
two invited by the official board of
the church to remain here for the
The death of John Glazier, of Mata
king, occurred m the 1211. inst..t the
age of fifty -Dine years. The funeral
took place to Dungannon cemetery.
Rev. S. J. Bridgette conducting the
services. Since lest fall the deceased
bad hewn suffering from cancer of the
stomach. bMh caused his death.
There is m ► • eepathy for the be-
reaved wife family.
No matter how long Handing your
nam my he, don't despair, get L•
bottle of Rheum today. O
Osaka .011s it with a guarantee to
beim&t you Rheum le wonderful la
Ile gold anthem, tam polo Maass. the
sissies sed boom eve rid et esreeteee
sod .t&, and ,s.7 seem a patient ie dile to have the
sea sed vitality d ye11L.
Sheens Whim bled so rise end tbfsh
shot mete .she snood primibly
Pb. .. meets es1y S1.00 ow
edit.athe m he0. T. OsttlW one dMent, f➢I
Item 1 V. Nodes0e..
�1�������1� �1b111t11f 1�ilfllfillf rrf11f11111f Ib111t11f11ft11f1�11ifi1f1/f11f 1111ir 11111111f 1M�
New Crepes New Galateas New Prints
Cotton Crepes, that everyday are becoming more popular, ale
steadily taking the place of dress gingham.. The moderate -
priced dresses this season will be made of crepes. We have In
stock a very large assortment of cotton crepes, 27 Inches wide, at
per yard zsc. In this assortment are 'shown the newest designs
• and colas' combinations.
cotton crepes, 37 inches wide, per yard ase.
Oeet. Brand Print Is known as a good washer, nod that nimbus a post deal fight and
dart colon are both here in Food designs. Orem is alto 33 inch&n wide, at per yard 18%e
Orme are known the world over and their print is known as • Wake. Orussi standard
print, 33 to IN babes whin •t per yard
Oar stook of plain, pillow and sheeting tattoo le very complete and offers many real
Watch for the new 1916 catalogue. The latest designs in corsets are shown in ibis little
book which will soon be in your hands. D. & A. Corsets are made in Limeade and can be
bought only at this afore.
8t..k)ad Ualeten is a very seretoeabb cloth and can be relied upon aa beteg f•st,00lor.
(7bildren's rompers, blouses, •ula, etc., give satisfaction when made from this cloth. A large
snap is now on our shelves and the patterns are new. Yawide, p
elcfad Geletea, ISl3 inches er
We have mill • complete assortment of our well-known 250 woollen hose in all sines up to
10 inches. Every pair is fast rotor and all rises, per pair Sic. Several lines of seconds ars now
in stook and that means a big caving when buying hosiery.
1 S
TUESDAY, Feb. $1.
TOWNSHIP Oouwcu"-The Colborne
township council will meet on Wed-
nesday, March Srd, at 2 o'clock, when
applications will be received for the
position of assessor, the appointee
having resigned.
Yorea.-Mr. D, F. Schwan: spent
the week -end with friends at Cred-
iton Mrs. M. Keene, of S.hrlug-
vi11e, spent a few days renewing old
acquaintances in this vicinity teat
week Mr. Paul Madel left for
his home as Laura, Sask., on Tuesday,
atter a stay of a few month. at has
parental home Mr. V. Cowling -
ham spent Sunday with friesdeoo the
Maitland Mr. W. B. Forster ie
getting his saw -mill In shape for tLe
spring cut of logs.., Mr. Russell
Forster is up from Markham taking out
timber to replace his barn, which was
burned recently We are sorry to
learn that Yrs. WmStevens is on the
Mk list fhb week.
Mem News -Record : Mrs. Patios,
of Oo3erkh, wait the guest over the
wesk-end of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Pais-
ley Miss Mary Matheson, wbo
has been engaged At her profession of
nursing in Goderich for several weeks
past, bar been in town this week....
Rev. T. 8. Kilty, of West Winfield,
N. Y., and Mies Sophia bitty, Calu-
met, Mich., who were here for the
funeral of their mother, spent Tuesday
in town as the guests of Mrs. Kilty.
They went on to Gode,ich to call on
friend., the former leaving from there
for his home at West Winfield, N. Y. I
The Society desires to thank most
heartily the following contributors I
who have sent in socks during the
past week : Mrs. S. Andrew., 7 pairs;
Mrs. R. 8. Winters 4 pairs; the
Misses Whitely. Mrs. rgudfont, Mrs.
Wm. McIntyre (Idle), Mrs. Hay, Mr,.
James Dickaoo, 3 pairs each ; Mrs,
Robs'. Higgins (Dungannon), Mn. An-
sley, Mn. Wm. Walter (Carlow). Min
McCabe, Mrs. Wm. McCabe (Loyal).
Sacs. Mrs. Potter (Loyal,. Mrs. m.
Fotheriegham. Mrs. M. MacKa 2
(circ each ; Mies Walter. Mrs. �1i.
8heppardtoo). Mrs. Barker, Mrs. U.
WWW�finel . Mn. Mindy, Mrs. Thou. Bell.
Miss 8, Clark, Mrs. Wm. McMath.
Mrs. H. Carter. Mrs. Lu.corube, I pale
Th. Society- hope• to supply the
much-needed ale .oek• in our
soldiers for some time to come and
can do so only with the help of uur.
koiuing women. Yarn will be sup-
upplied at Mrs. Selina's,'Church street.
Ommert% Chabot be Oursd
son week the asst et the disuses. Caters! is •
blood er eoetitmius•i disease. sad is order M
Dare It roe mast take !•teras! res.eisa
Hairs asbanh ewe 6 takes Istaeeaay. sad
acts dlreerly, es the bleed nod muco., ger-
ROM Hats Catarrh Care 6 est a quack
med(clsa It was pueeribed by one or the beta
.hydctas. 1s u6 eowstry for year* sad 6 a
bort testes brows, embl edwW tee beet
bteoe portages. acting directly ea the mseesa
.setae•., The perfect oomb(aatlea of the two
ingredients I, what produces cob weadeersl
results le ~log Catarrh. fluid ter teefines-
lals free. J. CHIaiKT a: CO.. Prems., Tobin, 0.
Take RaD•s family Mc tor0.coo.Uoation.
dlacEwan Estate
exclusive Agents for
log Ouderich and District
Egg Coal, $7.75
Stove and Chestnut,
per ton
Any quantitybeet all Maple
scab. Mixed ood, Hemlock
mid Irk94111111 Mader rte Pine.)
residence eta er 41
It's bard to be poor. says Sandy, but
MI the .ams, he adds, it's me of the
easiest things In the world.
Names that permits inflict upon
their children are enough to cause
them to break loto jail in alter yesm.
Pin Your Faith to Live Stock
The one outstanding feature of the world's farming is that there will soon be a
great shortage of meat supplies. Save your breeding stock. They are today Canada's
most valuable asset. If you sacrifice your breeding stock now, you will regret It in the near
futt_:e. Plan to increase your live stock. Europe and the United States, as well as Canada,
will pay higher prices for beef, mutton, and bacon, in the very near future. Remember
that live stock is the only true basis of economic and profitable farming. The more grain
ycu grow, the more stock you can carry. The more stock you keep, the more fertilizer
for your fields. Mixed farming is real farming, not speculating.
Study this table, which was prepared
before the war. Only one country
increased its cattle mon
than its people in the past
ten years. And, in it
(Australia) in 1614 t11.ce
was a tremendous lose .(
live stock through an un-
precedented drought a Met
which the table does not
show. Do you need say
stronger argument than this
table that there is bound to
be as 1Qeasing demand
for beef/ Add to this me
* * * e
SHEEP. Canadian farmers
lune limes Ming
great wawtonities sleep
Ming -d @beep feeding.
Hen&&& of !-made mf sheep
hare been sleeghlwed be fee-
d& wider Mathis Ier
Waits el *. 111Serest soden
Aestrelles lessee, three*
drat& le 1/14, ewe very
hem. Coeds Inn lees lin-
s'hoses melees from New
zmm1� is view of her
rodHlson weal sod motes
should frees frees very reliable far
Camera sheep rebels dudes
the sent few yews.
8WDYE. Through Ste ..lsf
more le the Cased= West le
dee pinto three sores, Am
=awe nos hell et abe 1911 prowler ho ~4.
Add le Ale the tied est the
slmefslminig�midtGeraimedle aimed R
le the meet
feedd tam Germ%S
d bade per, , and
yes en
will dmstnd the suds&
fro the leers. These who slay
BIM, the deatieecticeof live stock of all
kiada, Iwasttig sad young stock includ-
ed, In ihs war zones. The war
bee8srely hastened the meat
shortage of the world. When
R 1s ere,, the farmer with
live sleet will continue to
profit in the world's
markets, and, in addition
to having helped feed ow
soldiers at the front, will
be in a position to reap a
further reward for having
hslesfzyetsyed Mk the live .eek
* * * •
average weal production per
cow in Coma did increase from
I pertow le 1001 e
1811, but this is only
$C1eaeming. lest Fess one cow
MNesM 2111,000 lbs.
The dairymen el Denmark
who supply Great Britain wit%
Metter sod tame are mot sans -
led QOM= their herds average
10,000 1%e. per eew. Let Can-
alan dairymse work to increase
the Irodueeveeeee el the mikb
new. Erred for mak. Test
ps r Moa gave your calves.Mlaet
year milkers. Feed for
yield. Read the Agricultural
papers sad Government reports
end leallethee ea dairying.
Now that you have attendea
Be Casferemcea, or have teed
.best them, get together and talk
Mega over. Also write to the
unfit Done Breech, Cane/ion
Department of Avieultsre, ct-
twa, ter bullion. and reports
ea Yee Steer and dalrytig.
halted ingdom
Astoria -Hungary
new Zwitsad..
%Ned Sides..
Gatesessamme GatesSuss Nee mass
Nee1% 15
16 4
10% 4
10 l o
Ewtpeem Relate 14'9
34 17&70
seedily with swine, year is sod
year out, make messy. 'These
who rush le sod rash eat,
gemerafiy lege
when others are Mks&
whoa others are b.ytng."
wellle Ivo ssock as
S treet secka, r w d
DAIRY.Black it bat
tressed is
hwm !,401,1177 r T!$1 + M
1.104,1771 is 1BIL This Im-
ages* did mot amaent le II%
sol wee lees nes es -qua err
of the pyridine Inert... of
Cesada. At the me Yms
the per capita esmeptfee ot
milk by Canons= in reeed
*:;,. Is tfesnwe
had M impart T�bs. of
better trees New Teamed?
et Casedles
cheese have beat eteedly dd.-
stSarg fee ten yams, Leak et
S e motet prime today. De
sot Ae one
ch prsdsctiee7
fuer amd kste0. 1..Nsg tlr
ant of Agriculture,
tawae Canada