The Signal, 1915-2-25, Page 1own
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The Signal Hill has some
Calendars for subscribers
wbo pay their sub.crip-
Non noon for 1913. Hand
in your dollar and Ret •
1111111114IVIlier9 Tull- 4. sial
>h Braiaari K
SAVE, because- No. 233
Saving is one of the best habits that can be OCquired
in childhood ; one of the most necessary in middle life ;
and the:moat provident for old age
Head Offios, Corner King aad Bay Strews, Toronto
General Manager -
Goderich Branch
- A. H. Walker
A. Porter, Manager
those dependent on you by taking a policy in
The Mutual Life Assurance Co.
of Canada
'• .1anad:. only Mattie!"
P*oi au: Orwics 8l c House 160. P. 0. Box 901
of mil kinds furnished pr.gtiy and at renamed* prices.
If yea we thinking .l ieiNia g this year we aheald be
glad be have you call and talk it weer with no.
We have the facilities fee dsleg this week eritheat delay.
Cloderich PI ling Mills, Lid.
_ 1110l111111tSALL ..i
PARSli A�T � OUT A LI 1: iJ, I
t .+r te�.etM e»w. of all! o-
M• astfsU.:af0
V tal7asmt has been roads.
niers sake by giggle snobs
es the ■.t.t 1. the boom et GMs
ry y Q $- -s-er. e• Moo -
M7, iis yq w ei Mksa► 113fi. at i .mark
Ere: -A13
aitw■ew, 1J,s Y■�iw)■ltea■eggiWade and
1■ W v saw~ fa m■■■l sib*p
��*. eing
Ar AssbY 1■ tM s■estt• of ■t IS e won -
ara six ■atl NM= en fin grt� of
sweet end Tera ■ de sad
ruse e■ the t�ie dor Melb urss strew
Gore se
e threeewWtM.seth pert sr aid bat.
.*saesed la b.resedseo os■veyed to ase
vP Iglis. T. V,8wu1 ewte1M■g twest7-twc
serol of Wad were et Mer. end sse■otbn ekes
a415 a se ware red ami ovavy.d to John
W. Mayes IN Med 4.1.i May 11th.
I u
=Mere Drupa t7 Y M
feast, Mess, ask a frame barn. set Mame
ask irrnalli7. all said to be 1a s tow data of
repair. The.rch.d orntalasab amt sae Mon
deed Merry grow and .i= mob and ether
fruit twosome omen trait, aria ties reams an
In mood edadnlsa. The area of the load 1e
e upeessd b be about soros sad M all
W aged within the eUlesp of Ped Albert
Tours et: of we rerMsee weary tolei paid
down et the dem .f sae and tho l.M.oi witle-
ss(interval In tarty dare theeartw.
oe further psrtieslare apply to
R.C. HAYS. ZEIQ . Gosset. Ont
vendor's A.g dter.
of u THOMAS uU NDRY, ligti..
Asetla■wr. GMsAeht riot.
isated at %Meek* r . lith day of Febeaary
IM i
£aeiyet eg 10(,9ifi
PAN Y. Tenses.
itioCkl..B_... ateet.1~ . f; 11* R.
ADa1r 801 at THS t11SNAL
(!.swat Apsb to MGH ^, a S LL
lit OR SAI.!. - A MIDiUM-$IIID
v1lswrese,.hatN y.�
wase hustles vae*I es
. -
ill= A4Mrem*1511110 R•Is
,..11/11/1T.-TWOATORY BRIO[
eserimiesetelsong magwillern earl
AtIgli io11111
1 m 1<a1T.-R&10tt 001161 WITH
".�.sill eneal T,a1�il�lMeorsevt fila:
AOR liege M -Ins
a Lor doses& ill 8. SIITM ,3.9Be s
will ,t,0 b7 pa 1*eaastios ai 1st M. Maitland
sosoesslsa. Gibers* uwrrMp on
o.smsnd0g u 1 eelook sharp:
Ore dram Admit two aid, sired
by ' V Ikl.g • 1 I viag cast. 1 rase rid ;
n delving g *ding deed by The ps,' rising
3 70.1'. via, brakes W drive; le good grid*
Down. meat or thee M wive 1. the aoriog; 3
beak calved cows; r grade stere, r41., 3
year. old • 1 grade dere, riding t ear" .la : 9
grade heifers aid stews. I year old : 3oung
wive. :grade Yorkshire wow. dna to farrow
.n Ma 3 beam
purebred registered Berkshire boa
ready service; 2 purebred registered Berk-
shire rows. t .testis old ; 1 Yorkshire brood
sow; 13 mall pig** weeks old. -
Lveryilling Myortiard will be sold. sy o -
pr .r M. res* his Ara
- AU Mw a< into and seder, seals •
over that *oust, Rio. month.' credit win bM
given on ferulshir.g approved j .lot note.. A
Mammal el 1 per Deet stearbt sllow.d ter
awls on erodt' 010000ts.
Pr.prh.tar. Auctioneer.
will all be 'Public soatlw at let SS,, L R watt
lonorne cotenant (Ii ales mete of Lamm,
eoe0.ssdng at 1 o• lock sharp:
gras* p0re haws. s year. old : I
dbr..ral sppuryese mare. 7 years oM . 10 gond
Reach Durham: wee. to calve In the spring: 1
e awly wired Durham cow, $ good young J,r-
soy cow+: 3 peabred cows. 3 newly calved
Jssesys; s Amain. 1. • -cite. M the .print ; 3 fat
. tees, 1 yeas ad :.. ream 01141k, I..eluglsg
04-cohat .red yearling ' Rased brood sows, de
to farrow Is Mar .., .+aeon end cov-
eredx, 1 cov-
ered baggy. 1 se r it -. neigh.. 1 'waist
Dow. 1 gang No,- at Oeertsg sews.. 1 hue
Wag garb. 1 set ., i n. 1 isi 1Mavybsrnw,
1 woMer. 1 Is .. . t lrebols Of early s.ed
Pstateae, 'Irks: am -r: sad other artlolae
Zit /vl.. W eat., r proprietor le giV •
.- rl 310 and under. rials:
toes that ewos. s •..ache' credit will.. be
ig1 res a funis►• w..•,eoved joint notes. A
il■eesat of t per -t night allowed for cash
e• want awes"
1': tor. Aootiooe.r.
Council Not Sure that Request Can Le-
gally Be Granted- Monument to Be
Purchased for Sailors Grave -Work
for the Industrial Commission --
Many Committee Reports.
CAM/ Oil 1HA.VK$.
We fain tan mss ee Lor W arl-
tlt t the -D..ty� whore Mar
0.0 51°'sed .. Mw'v W..iu
ties .f iMtw W
rest ases forsei tae.. sapw 40. �p�
M L H MilNeOtt ,
Tbs town c,ruocil held its regular
west ins no Friday evening, with all
the wembrrs present, Atter the min-
ute. of the previous meeting had been
read • delegation representing the
tewpereuce forme of the town was
listened to, Mr. IR. J. Mtigaw acting as
spokesman. Hb regueat was that iu
the event of prosecutions taking plane
under the liquor law the county
Crown attorney, Mr. Seager, be given
the conduct of the cases ahs that all
inturwatiotas be first placed beton
bins. It wee also proposed that, as
the floes went to swell the town's
funds, and one-thitd of them legally
'Mould be devoted to a fund for the
prosecution of offenders against the
liquor law, the town should from this
fund pa the cbarges of the constable
laying the information.
Reeve Elliott doubted it the request
of the deputation could legally be,
granted. Mayor Reid st.t.d that
there was • bylaw on the towns stat-
ute books appointing tae too n solicitor
to sttead to ail legal business' in con-
ownection with the town's affairs, and it
would be mosses' y to ascertain to
what .stent they were governed by
time bylaw before making a.,y change.
The request of the deputation was
sent to the special committee to re-
A communication from James E.
Drennan was read asking for the use
of the town hall fora few days for
seaming his nets. The request was
A letter was read from the Previa-
cial Hydro -Radial Union asking that
delegates he appointed to attend
its convention lo be held in Tor-
onto on February 84th. Councillor
McClinton and Rewe Elliott thought
that delegates ebould be seat, but t be
inter was florally filed without any 00-
tlos being taken.
The special committee presented the
following report : That no await be
takes on the cemmunioatles from the
8s.sei Pater Co. with rohronce to
bill- s Beene:: tb 1 the senses¢
�wfgi seders es ter pale''
poa�d )L to Galatia, b•
ledet! that tam request of the Canadian
I:Suffrage Association be greeted and
that the petition to the Government
to give" married women municipal
votes be awned and forwarded to oar
local member. The report passed.
The nubile works committee re-
ported as follows: In the matter of
enerooehmeot oo street is front of lot
984 at the eorner of Victoria street
and 8igid *weans, we recommend that
the owner, MR Thompson, be noti-
fied that the blacksmith shop is partly
on the street and tb it it is expected
that it will be removed : that the Bell
Telephone Co. be permitted to place
its poles and wires on Church street.
the privilege to be at the pleasure of
the council, and that the work be
dope under the supervision of the
street Inspector. The report passed.
The report of the finance committee
wasted as tollows : We rec om-
meod thot the tnostuer's report tor
January be filed: that the statement
from the Union Bank showing the
standing of the several town account,
as on December Stet be referred t6
the auditors for rxawinatioo : that a
grant of 886 be made to tee Goderich
pp0o0ltry show ; that an order for S5 be
issued for postage for the assessor and
collector; that accounts totalling
11166.80 be poid. Report passed.
The water, ligbt and bertior com-
mittee's report recommended that the
water and light commission be asked
to install three 'acre wrest lights o0
Klima ton street. The report was
The fire committee reported, recom-
mending that no action be taken on
the request of the fire chief for an in -
creme in the pay of the brigade. The
report passed.
ewe* M was malls tor Wormetles le
plane ami Mow, M Mr Mss., arena
jrr READY 10* SPRING. -1
nave mesa est ••'s'hop sem M the NLg
et _ ward501 5f .mss street, .for es
1.ka�k� rier. ter *iai 01 iw D. ..prepared i
agWmR Pr0ept enation tines
aa00 wets ..ekes is sm. Aum Ds1e{
aagalielW. Ah■l■r �asMrML
14 Dass.
H. H FR •U W6 IOl71AT1nN.
The sassa srsM1 d Ras ■sew
at t .'nisei rt, ■
e. lir
The cemetery and parks committee
presented the following report : In
the matter of purchasing • monument
for the unidentified sailors plot, your
committee has received several cuts
• nd,pricee from different firms and we
recommend the monument as pre•
✓ ented by Mr. Wm. Campbell, design
No. 1907, be purchased at . price of
SMO to include markers for each
e rase. all lettering. suitable founda-
tion to be six inches .Love higbert
part of plot, lower base to attend four
inches on each side of second hese.
Tbe job to be complete and erected on
the plot to the satisfaction of this
committee for the above price of 81164
and not later than May ia. 1915.
The report was ■doped.
pens.. he paid. The eemmnOlsietIS0
wee filed.
Councilor Wigle wanted to knew V
it would not be a good thing if the Ise
du.triel comeiesloa would aNempt to
secure Government contracts for our
meal industries or at least gather data
no that thew industries might know
where Rei apply for the wool' they re-
q..irr. Myor Reid thought the only
way to P07411. contracts was for •
cowpony's 4'pres,•ut..Live to be pres-
ent bp pe woo at the ,rat of vert n-
r0ent and .ta theuntil be .t '•.
something. Iln e would, bower..,
bring the master to the attention rel
the Industred enmmie.in0. wb.••h
might ace in conjunction with tee
Hoard of Trade.
Councillor Wigle glen inquired if
any Willa of the milk sold in Lowe had
leen wale recently. .ng
!bat the 0.,vertiwrnt p.ovidrd the
tuberculin* for asking the testa, fire
of charge, be thought such tests
sbould be made. Mayor Reid *greed
with the speaker and alio stated that
the milk lerr wire not paying the
fee of 86 ernes per *ow which , he town
decreed. He thought steps should toe
taken to enforce the bylaw, *. the
dealore have the use of our at rest. for
nothing. It was thought that
monthly testa ,botild to meds of the
milk and publiebed in the proso ft
was decided to bring the matter to the
attention of the medical health officer,
Councillor Proudfootdiew attention
to the poor mail service since the tak-
ing off of the lel. afternoon c00000
Non with Toronto, and it was the gen-
eral opinion that if the Boards of
Trade of the various towns along the
mute of the G. T. R. were to cashiers
in making nepre.e.otation to the
O. T. R. Company ibis might be rem-
The Mayor said. that it bad been
brought to his attention that other
towns were cbargtng the Hydro-eleo-
tris commission rent for space and
office room supplied. Ho suggested
that tbia council do likewise, s• the
oomusion was ration the use of the
office at the town hall, the storage
room at 11e market, aid space for its
pores and large stock at the .bow
grounds fres'bt ehargs. The stater
was sent to the water, light and harbor
The council thea adjourned.
Inquest Held is Csamet n with the Death
of Deana MkLsM at las Harbor.
As reported is our last lame death
earns with narthex suddenness to Mr,
Donald Mcleod last Friday morning
while esela� ed_ at his work at the
Wtinsels jest oelstaw
fstta mills ♦one•
the sawn of death and after viewing
the body adjnuet•ed until Monday
evening in the meantime visiting the
scam sceof the •eeideet.
On Monday evening the jury, cow -
Clof Messrs. G. H. Graven, Reg.
an,W. Geo. IfseViar,
J. F. Thomson. H. Edwards, F. Oraigie
and J. A. Robertson, asset in the town
council chamber and listened to
the evidence of those present at the
time of the accident. Dr. Hunter pre-
sided as coroner and Crown Attoruey
Sasser co.dreted the investigation.
Mr. Chas. Darrow was present on he-
o-ball of the milling company. In giv-
ing evidence as to the cause of death
Dr. Emerson said both logs were
broken in several places, one arm was
broken, the scalp was raised and the
skull fractured ; death would be in-
stantaneous. in all seventeen wit-
nesses were exawined and from their
evidence it was learned that the same
block and tackle which was being used
to move the prect ically empty bort had
moved thr'boat the previous day with
90,0110 bushels more grain in it. The
decamped, wbo was described as an ex-
pert and a most awful roan, had
helped to adjust the blocks and linee
and the last words be uttered were
words of warning to some inexperi-
enced men to stand clear. Within a
minute of the time the power was
turned on the hook on one of the pul-
ley -blocks straightened out, releasing
the chain which held it to the snub-
bing -fit. The chain flew back with
terra lr foie., striking Mr. McLeod
with fatal result. So great was the
force of the blow of the chain that it
tore Mr. McLeod's boots off and threw
them Seventy feet and then continued
until it struck the door of the elevator
tower, • distance of sixty-five feet
from the poet to which it had been at-
Mr. Seeger endeavored to find some
cease for the straightening of the
hook, bat the evidence .bowed that it
was standard equipment, and that had
the strain been too great the line
would haus ppi► rtrd before the hook
ptee way. The o0ojectun was that
In the swa leg m.itfon of taking up
the slack line the ring of the chain
cane too near the point of the book
and then when the strain came erased
It to straighten out.
The Mayor read • eo.munie.tioe
from Mr. Oaby, aide, engineer of the
Ontario Hydrodsetrk system, making
that a iei•gate be appointed to attend
a eonveation Hydro -electric l0spee-
roes le Torosito. The Mayor stated
that the water Ind light commission bad
appointed Mr. Buliard as a delegate,
but that gentlemen asked that big ex -
all m17i?Aluvt wen is
seeress is mows see vlstdty. Qso
rase to We Met sea wish a abases
a senses mss . Wine NICE a NM
.INIAC . fief!!, Oases11► fsi
Asgeal limpets It sewed and Standing
OIMINS lw Appointed.
The Presbytery of Huron held its I BOXES FOR
regular February meeting at Henan
oo Monday evening last. The *tteod-
ance of members of Presbytery and of
the coogregat ion et Hensall was,
owing to the unfavorable weather and
roadie, not very large, hut those who
came enjoyed greatly an address by
Rrv. A. McMih•u, of Toronto, lately
•ppoiated seeret•u of the Assembly
committee on the Book of Poise, on
"Means to Promote the Worship -bong
within our Cungreg.Uons." On the
folk:Ming morning there an lu-
cre -ailed attel.danoe and the following
were present , vis.: Mr. Itchardson,
acting tnddsrator, Masers. Turner,
Reid, Mc Fat leo., Smith, Harper,
Stoop. Co.'lege and the clerk, minis-
ter., and Mees'lre. Higgins, Cutt, Cun-
niugha.oe, Turnbull, Fraser. Dougall
and McLean, elders. Mr. Johnston, of
Varna, was appointed moderator for
the ensuing six months.
The receiving of the annual reports
of standing eowwltteei war the chief
business of the court. Mr. McFarlane
reported fur the committee on Sab-
bath schools and young people's
societies, and it w.. agreed to bold
two Instituter its the near future at
two different points in the Presbytery.
possibly eleaforth and Exeter.
The following were appointed upon
the standing c nnmittee. for 1915:
tura ]44.10x8.
Messrs. Smith, Harper and John -
FORSION 3118810!.8.
Messrs. Turner, Ross and Fleteher.
4. 8. AND Y. P. itOCIETIta.
8 Mears. Harper, Argo and Richard -
Messrs. McFarlane, Wood. and
Messrs. Johnston, Carswell •
Messrs. Roes, Reid and Sharp.
Moors. Richardson, Hamilton
Megan. Laing, Turner and Larkin.
Meters. Hamilton, Reid and Car-
The report on statistics was pro-
moted 47 the elerk and in nearly
ollararggipointed oommiesiooen to the General
Assembly to be held at 'Compton In
June next: Ministers -Mean. Mc-
Farlane, Larkin and Woods ; and
elders from Kipped, Henwfl and
Auburn. Mr. Smith was appointed
Presbytery's representative on the
business committee of Synod and Air.
McFarlane on the corresponding com-
mittee of Assembly. A committee of
two was appointed to make nomina-
tions for the Assembly'. committees.
Tee report on bymnaf revision was
received and suggestions as to omis-
sions or inclusion are to be sent to the
clerk, wbo will (crewed them to the
committee on the Book of Praise.
The Presbytery then adjourned to
meet again in Willis church, Clinton,
on Tuesday, May 11th, at 11 a. m.
Provincial Goversmeot Will Take One
Mull in the Dollar.
The Provincial budget presented by
the Hon. T. W. McGarry In the Legis-
lature this week reveals the lergemt
deficit in the history of the Province.
The Provincial Treasurer admits •
deficit ni p107,0U1. Mr. Rowell, leader
of the Opposition, states that the defi-
cit is really much larger that this,
some queer methods of hook -keeping
having been used to cover up the act-
ual state of the flnenree.
In order to meet the deficit the Gov-
ernment is imposing • special tax of
one mill in the dollar of sll assessable
property in the Province It is calcu-
hated that this will yield $I,f*N),(XN) a
After being closeted for half an hour
the Joey brought in the following ver -
diet : "Ws, the jury appointed to en-
quire into the death oft the las Donald
Meieod, find that the said Donald Mc-
Leod atme to his death at the emu -
wretch' dock, Goderich. on Friday
the 19th day of Fe 1915, awed
by a fracture of the skull and other in-
juries, the result of being struck by •
chain which was mileved from the
switch -block caused by the book of
manse straightening out during the
of moving • grain boat at
MerWestern Oan•da Flour Mill Co.'s
elevator. We the jury can find no
*mass from the evidence submitted to
form an opinion as to o•0.e of hook
`.ts1Igbtenf.g on wtateh•bioek.-
Mr. McLeod was born In Goderich
Eby -two years .gra. He was twice
married. hie fist wife,whets maiden
nems was Mary A. McDonald. d Ing
la Oetabsr. W04 Of this union t
wean eve eallir s. al of whom ear -
tui l' f"zt�
What Gedericb Will Pay.
The assessment of Goderich is Il2,-
2iM,490; so that this town will be nailed
upon to contribute the sum of
$2,258 to the Provincial revenues by
this oew tax.
Purity is the first consideration in
the preparation of Malaria tea. Only
the fragrant buds and most delicate
leaves are used. Salado contains no
stems, bark, twine or sleet.
Addresses and Demonstration by Ex-
perts under Auspices of Huron
Fruit -growers' Association Ele-
ments of Success .n Growing and
Marketing Apples.
On Thutsdiay and Friday of last
week • ft uit-packing d.monstr.Non
was held at the evaporator I.lant of
Mr. U. F. Hatuliok. Mr. P. J. Carey.
chief Government instructor and dem-
onstrator in fruit packing, and Mr. A.
H. Flack, chief fruit inspector of the
Prairie Provinces, were present and
gave a number of addresser no the
fruit•pocking Industry, supplemented
by au actual demonstration In the
packing of apples In both boxer and
bars els.
Mr. Carey in hie Opening address
made. strong plea to fruit -growers to
brcowe cnnuected with their county
associations, as it was the only way in
which a fair price could he assured to
the grower. He also advised the pack-
ing of a percentage of the ■pPples in
boxes, as the Westert. market de-
mauded than packed in this way, and
if Canadian growers did not supply
the deivaod it would be filled from the
Western States. The box would never
altogether supersede the barrel, ea the
British market demanded the latter,
but by packing in both boxes and her -
rel. they were catering to • larger
The speaker said the packer wbo
packed just to meet the inspector's re-
t,quirement. was not big enough for the
trade. Think what it means, be said,
to the consumer to open a barrel top-
ped with three-inch apples to find
some three and -a -halt inch apple. in
the centre of the barrel ! Growers
should be able to follow their harlot of
•pplea right into the kitchen of the
consumer and not be ashamed of it.
Mr. Flack to one of his addressee
mentioned the fact that last fall the
city of Winnipeg. which ordinarily
had • consumption of seven can of
apples per week, was receiving fifteen
cars, with the nook that the price In-
stead of being from SEW to Ilk a ba-
re' dropped as low as 11.60, and this
was caused by lack of organization
among the Eastern growers.
In the box -packing demonstration it
wig pointed out that all apples should
be of • sailors* sir in one box, and
tllrotiid w- b die atilarte�i
pat how many apples would be in the
x when completed. The number
would also be marked on the end of
the box and the wholesaler of retailer
would know just the size of apple that
was in the box withcut 'tearing it
Several of the local fruit -growers
tried their hand at packing and suc-
ceeded wonderfully well for beginners.
Mr. Carey gave a closing address on
Friday afternoon on the subject of
spraying. Without *praying, be said,
all the other points of the apple trade
wets uIees, for it was no good being
a first -c rse packer unless one had the
right sort of fruit to pack. He thought
the man wbo did not spray at all and
the one who only half sprayed wore
about on a level, for the one who half
did the wort. got little results and then
blamed the spray. while his neighbor
who did not spray at *11 got the same
kind of crop and condemned spraying
as useless.
About this ty were present on Thurs-
day and not quite se many on Friday.
Before dispersing s vote of thanks to
Manors. Carey and Flack was. moved
M' Mr. J. W. Salkeld and seconded by
Mr. Robt. Elliott, acknowledging the
interest these gentlemen h*d taken in
the apple -growers of Hurou county.
Much credit is due Mr. Han*Iink for
his interest end practical co-uperation
in securing Messrs. Carry and Flack
and for the use of his premises for the
wive. They are Mn. Geo. Haggett and
Alexis McLeod. of Blyth : Anna, Bea-
trice and John K., of town. Some
time later Mr. McLeod was again
married. his second wife being Mies
Kennetbea McDonald. who survives.
The demoted spent the greater part of
his life as • .tailor on the Great Lakes
and was known as an expert mariner.
(During the past eight yews he bad
been engaged around the harbor at
lust such tasks as that at which be was
employed at the time of his untimely
death. The funeral, which was hel
0o Sunda afternoon, was oonducted
by Rev. . B. Ross, the body being
lam escorted to its lareeting-piace by
upwards of forty of the employees of
Um Western Canada mill, who marched
In doubt* column In the funeral pro-
cession, beide, many other sorrowing
friends and rel•t i wee. The pallbearers
were ()spate, Malcolm McDonald, John
McDonald. Murdoch McDonald and
Dan. McKay and Messrs. John McDon-
ald and Colo Murray, interment took
place In the family plot at Maitland
' sgmstery,
-Miss 11a Allen is vlsltine friends at
- Mist, Frances Wiggitss was home
from Detroit for • few days this
-Mrs. (iter.) I. B. WalIwin, of Tor-
onto, made • brief visit to town this
-Mrs. V. M. Major, of Cleveland,
is visiting her patrons, Mr. and Mrs.
A. M. Polley.
--Mrs. F. T. Keener ani sons, Don-
oo-a1d and Adolphe, of Ingersoll. spent
last week in town.
- Mrs. Eugene B. Kirchner, of
Detroit, Is visttin her sister,
Wallbank, and other friends in town.
-Mr. Hincks attended the wedding
of her niece, Mies Vera Cooper, at
Toronto, am Wednesday of last week.
-Mr. 8. B. Hick is at Seaforth tat.
ing charge of LL -Col. Wilson's drug
store in the absence of the proprietor
on military duty.
- Dr. A. M. Switzer, who has spent
several years In British Columbia, is
visiting his parents, Mr. sod Mrs. B.
Switzer, Victoria street.
-Mr. Allen Jones has gone to Gait,
where he has ..cured • position in a
foundry. Mrs. Jones will follow se
rood as • suitable house is secured.
- Mrd John Knoz, wbo went t-3Tor-
ontolast woek to attend the wending
of her niece, Mies Cooper, will spend •
few weeks with her daughter. Mrs. B.
J. Howson, before returniug.
- Mrs. Neil M, Kinnon std little
daughter, of iake Valley, Seek., who
have spent the past two months with
relatives st and Dungannon,
returned to their home on Tuesday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Wm Gillespie, of
tl14eatottb, announce the engagement
of their daughter, Delia M.. to Mr.
Harold H. Best, of Regina, the mar-
riage to take place early in Marsh.
- Mr. Jame, Connolly. vies-prssl.
dent of the McKillop Mutual Fin
Insurance Co., is at Toronto this week
attending • meeting of the Mutual
Fire Uoderwriters' Aseoeiation of
- W ingbain Advance : Mr. T. G.
Tipling, B.1carn., Sask., atter an
•beence of twentyeats from this
vicinity, is visiting his brother, Mr.
A. Tiplmg. Mr. Tiplin,t has a large
general store and works a small
garden of 900 acres.
-On Saturday last Mien Georgina
Gibson Save, youngest daughter of
Ur. and Mn. Goa Eileen. Guelph,
formerly of Goderieb, was married M
her boson est Guelph to Mr. Harold
Gould Macdoaaid, a.E., of Edmonton,
Goad Rev. D. G. Mar/gids et Yaws
.woes.. , 't . •-• •s - .
Industrial dlimee.
In our advertising (Mimeos will be
found an interesting enoouocemeat
with reference to evening classes to
be cooducted under the direction of
the .ndustrial committee of the
Goderich Collegiate Institute. These
classes should afford • splendid oppor-
tunity to young people desirous of im-
proving themselves in any of the
various branches in which Inst. uction
is to be given. The classes are being
started immediately, and those wbo
wish to join them should make appli-
cation et once to the persons named.
The Collegiate institute hoard is ani-
mated by w desire to extend' its facili-
ties for instruction in the most practi-
cal and helpful wanner, and it is
hoped that the results will amply re-
p•] the rtioit.
The 9ret cooking ciane will be bel
this (Thursday► evening in charge of
Mrs. Tancott; Mir Lily Cox • min
open the dressmaking chars.' on FA.
day, and on Saturday Mr. Fowls a wt
meet the wen who wish to stud
centering and mechanical d' iwt
The closes tweet et 7..3) p. or win t1.
basement of the public hihrer
ash oy,.t.etrs
kept at T. J.
Under most unfavorable weather
conditions a hockey tournament was
held at the rink on Friday evening.
The evening was. mild and the ice was
in consequence very heavy, making
the play slow and combination work
•]most impossible. The first gauze
llaved was between Goderich Col-
egiate institute and Clinton Collegiate
Institute and resulted in • win for the
latter by d goals UI 1. Th. visitors
were considerably the heavier team
and woo by their weight. Ernest
Pridham was referee. The second
game was between the Canoe ('lub and
Noderich township teams and resulted
in • win for the "Farmers" br • aerie
of 9.3. The closing game old the even
iog was w surprise to the apectetorlo
who little expected to see such • got
game of hockey on such heavy i
The intermediate O.H.A. team
the Iroquois end in • fast, clean
of forty minutes all told proved
selves victors by • score of U
two. At half time this irognn'
lead of one goal, but they r
stand the pea of their op'
the second half and hid to
te0eive galas. 0*.. Tb•
referee at 10th of these t
The eta ,n of the
Goderich Town.hi'
CI. C.1.
Canoe Club
Marine Club
TM eshedole
by weather •
goon as then
be resumed
A continu'tl supple of tr
during the Lenten aeaeon
8alkeld's. Phone 04.
FateAr. Feb. Jt.--Aact
end Implement.. Droper' ,or. -- els of .arm 'tta
north of h0 tlo Cob of )L 10,41+.
(h'nu•r, au, donees- l� a pwo.Mp• Ttro.-
7•Cranir. March •
wtpn k and Ln yylrmor _A,rct inn .ale of Mem
bone town.hln. vat IM U L .t won. t'o4
JowS 4teat.a70' proprtr
.Dat, 4a.•1100eer-
Aarrh 1 Auction .ale of li12.
menu: at Int 14. 00''wpr is
IT 0,u411111.�r'.tcr '
mer Auction ale of farm
Mand, t -acce(albums
t iM.t Matti ,red, ratiN pr:
Wit 1 . !.cage. Dr„p
sort toner _
f_BTF.W ART.- tt H • entad ills. on 1e.
aar7 Mai. by Rev. .it. J
dMd7• ►i• n,ewar'. A, t niM,rnr uoaw hip
W Vwrvsew g,lirar.,'f cid.n. Ich!
OIEU. ley
SAULTA.-m Oo•tellen. `tatojd.' ream
awry gab. Alfred Sault". 401 St re
.lt flet r"It. cm‘
Ytnnatar•tath ,•
MA ' fj..s0•o N,sdei. In hl
At • I54 0r. t lou., nnln'lid.•i•g
HL`I�"wrr milt
31" ',n, ties. on Monday.
7it'rumy rind. - �t ll. Montoro. Fah
faces llr.•l' h en F,k1.l
IgeL 15, - to GOderD wr„A '0 yMe•
Nth, Donald L 111..Lend.
At tont^^, nn rebate
lb veers. FEB.
,.mow M NTSPois
,r Oart\ak. 't.ltfa.I1
Um"Ink. ..tle ._seem 1'. t t', C. l.M ....
.tack and rmpk
Mullett. Haat
0t'!11)■r, Sae
.tock at 10
os 1.
nos tlo
r bed •
.olid Dot
..,w0mt. in
�y •
'Gipson w•a
eistoin sb•
m Lot Tor
s 9
I L 1
O 1 i
O 9 1
baa been twit, twistedt
sansei. but M
od other pleviset .111
.YW assist,
tag Rif 11:t_ ..
Riaeet Pemba.
•.e.. 1 . IL itq Trs LILY'
weMkK -'5 6 giros Mvdt
Cana te- . �Walk
Mesi.�t.�- fees. �tde,erok