The Signal, 1915-2-18, Page 7(;ODERi('N ONTARIO
frttersDAY, HrautCAKT 18. 1815. 7
The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe 163.75
The Signal and Daily Mail and Empire3.75
The Signal and Montreal Family Herald
and Weekly Star .11.85
The Signal and Saturday Illustrated Globe1.85
The Signal and Weekly Sun (Toronto)1.85
The Signal and Toronto Daily Star 2.80
The Signal -Ind Toronto Daily World 3.25
The Signal and Toronto Daily News2.80
The Signal and Toronto Weekly Mail and
Empire , .... 1.6o
The Signal and Farmer's Advocate 2. 33
The -Signal and Canadian Farm' 1.85
The Signal and Farm and Dairy
New 1.60
Renewal r.85
The Signal and The Country Gentleman 3.25
The Signal and Canadian Poultry News
The Signal and Grain Growers' Guide
The Signal and Winnipeg Week iy Free
. Press.. • •
The Signal and. London Daily Advertiser.
The Signal and London Weekly Advertiser
Thi~ Signal and London Daily Free Press
Mot .1i lig 4.116011 3. Set
Evening Edition..,.... 2..90
The Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness. -►.;:
The Sinal and World: Wide 2.25
The Signal -.I1.1 Presby.erian -- 25
The Signal and' Westminster 2:25
'I'hL SigItnl, Presbyterial. and Westrhinstef 3, -,-
The Signal :n J Catholic Register :
Renewed Fighting Around Ypres WM
mei Dieinite Ammon
n -es. long t' to kat of tae Mike
of i "ande•u alt ;in is Hr e.atrs of
terrific ar011ery duel. adrer4Mtt tg
effete( reverts received hew �ht
and night,
Terrine euaasenienls mottoes ea
the Stride between La Sasses aril
bethnne, about Aotasone and fa IM
regain of I', ahem he w.-11 se ha Iso
Argonne", where the tattle sinned
ila.atrlle Is belie wasted with resew.
ed fury.
Important taught no Um
hillside" and valleys of the TosRes
and In Lorraine are Wag wetehed
wkt'1 intro .• oaring to their Warta"
on the ad• agalvia the Rhine
Ike of °err..a■ fecUtl.•eltons.
I ()semen mortars were otle:;esel to
WO dunes end the ti -*4i.' trr-ches
are bong deresly hu;.:hardcrd of
Tim flitting Sunday rrnalatsd en•
tidily of artillery aoMoaa. with the
Mtp.tsta at Wined Se Aooa, near Peat•
m•s3ocasee. 'vital restated 1a a atria
at eintx.eo t'tho Germans. ant a
La unimportant oncwt:nt.r tn the val-
ley of the , anrh
Refugees who bare been espellu.l
east Alsace Lorrntae declare tea' the
°°rise• a^• tink'ng extraord'o►ry
preperetioes to rY.eUme the offensive
la teat region.
Moro th• •• a million mea ase be.
ing r. an: > d hinag the Rbine, and
fbrmtlaI le entre• .nmunts aro being
pnaarc:. 1:: ry ,Siinge is rtport7
1.35 to 4a,e barer. pet In shape to sustain
a 7':art.
I . r 0 and tamps Must bei' Reeneetsd•
UMW tats De;(ares 11er Clttoerte
R•_`ntewal 1.85
`lige Signal attd Saturday Night `1orogto) ., ;.40
The Signal and McLean's Magazine, . 2.25
The Signal -end Home Journal tTora6nto)r ..: 1.75
The Signctl'an.d Canada Monthly (tt'tnflipe,g)'
Trt•+te price a.e t n nddr t . ••r Oren' H .t
The Signal And Woman's Home Companion
(New `York)
The Signal and The Saturday Evening Post 2.50
The Signal and The Ladies'.Home Journal. 3.00 I
The Signal and The Youth's Companion
(Boston) .... 3.10
The Signal and .The Scottish American •
(New fork)
Shelia' rid t'••'•tage o, tan ,.ti .,:rt ser ▪ .
"f'ht kl,)Oa:. publications nt tar ire ‘,tit a n:'d ht• Sig- i
nal ,ulrsi.t it/erg tn'aliw co tthin-at r, -the pv'iceMor any
publication being the ti!,►tir. given. above Jess 'r.o e
epresentipg the price of The tii ;;ai. For instance : '
The Baal and The Family, Herald, and We�ltiy Si
The Farloei s Advocate ($2.35 I.35.
• $3•30
-rnitkitig the price of the three I1cipers
Tbe'Sigaal acid The Weekly sun.::... . ...;t.35
The Toronto Daily Star (Salto less 0t.00t . 1.0o
-the three papers for $3.65.
If the publication you want is i1.'t in above list, let
us know. We can, supply. ;i1tm"-t rine' well-known
Canadian publication.
Send subscriptioins through local agent* or by
postofiice or express order (not r i u:: .heque) to
Gcderich Ontario
.....-...,_e Priv ate
1 .•ciiom Rites' the best of hi
:Ino- to ale estate in his care.
refire :t free ttly suffer¢.
Estates have been dissipa.e.i
„hroaglt 'deficiency; neglect
d remet!me.actual dishon
cety on the pa:. f private in-
,'rvl/.sls acting a executor .
This strong• sound! man-
/aazed Truitt Company ie!way
n usable, never 111, newer
a its officers are expert
in Rite management of estates.
The faith `id execution, of
auris is theit one concern.
Consult uti rega•r ing th •
handling of your r tate. A!I
.nf'or.:,atinn cheerfully fern
The londm & Western
Trusts Co. Limited
U2 Richmond St.. Leedom. Out
and 0... Gibbose L (. e.erdltat
pores a Meuse., tliarte•1
Poor Gummi,.
"He is going to marry the Widow
"But the Is older than n.•
'•And no beauty'
"Not exactly."
•is the ricbr
"Why do you ask superego/ gat)►.
Explaining It
"1 see, as the blind man said," re•
mnrked father when he was trying to
be emphatic and facetlo'.a at the same
"11e couldn't, though. eosM hay' 1a-
qulred Willie.
"No. son. That was Jus the bated
man's binf."
t N•... mr•n• .e inn b it Aa. m.nnt
.q.•e.. •n thsa4e.nd• at Vona people
.r be wr to for n•: r raUlr.wee a. !ha
Ar.. atop Inward • wool salaried amities.
Tale tide •rep talar. A.iArwr Central
Re•.tnr..4 'oilers, 1t Yaw. attest. Tor
W.11 AAAW. Pre.MAanl_
A wary ted warmtatg to Ola
many sets • ' *lens loss of Ata r.•
men Ills or-1i•erty In her efforts tQ
enfc_^oc a '.., ':scia of the iiritt„a
Isles. eta ''-rvisdly note to (treat
Britain gats .:4 -disapproval et se
ometaltr ear. n.d general use of
the dinarcar rag by being:rout ,-;-s-
seas, :ser . by: -the ITnitad 3tytt?a
to the (ler-ts'i and Thrift] . Govert.. Sentences .T 1%1 °t'4' ,:111:
meats t ,:k. Wiat:d: Cisse
As Lydia E. Pinkllaam's Vege-
table Compound Dispelled
Backache, Headaches
and Dizziness.
Piga, Ohio. -" I would be very un-
grateful if I failed to give Lydia E.
Pinkham'a Vegeta-
ble Compound th.+
praise it deserves,
for I have taken it
at different tint s
and it always re-
lieved me when
other medicine.;
failed, and when
hear a woman com-
plain I always rec-
ommend it. Laatwin-
tar I was attached
with a severe case of or;ani. weakness.
1 had backache, pains in my hips and
oc, r my kidneys, headat$e, dizrine :.
laseituds, had no energy, limbs adl• '
and I was always tired I was lrsr.
able to do my housework. I toed tat.
Lythe E. I'inkharn's Vegetable Cen-
I•oued on one other ocearion, and it had
heaped me so I took it again and it has
t..iIt me' tip. until now I feed like a new
wa.m:n. Vie have my hearty consent
W use my 'game and testimonial In any
ay art 1 boles it will b.•netit suffering
w,:taeo. •'-.firs. Ostrom TUkrit.a, 431 S.
'Wayne St, I lune. Ohio. ,
Vrrer.•n who ere suffering from thos •
t. *tr-seirl:, ilia peculiar to their sec
,'rb :.d mot ciostbt the ability of I.y.lia I•:.
j'i .ttaiuc'••
Vegetable Compound tto re -
1,1. a tit: r health.
want Special. advice
^'t 'n to i.yitia E. Pittktram Med-
' Ire @'n.. (Confidential) Lynn,
'tit: rletter will be opened,
t nd :iuswetred• by a woman
Lci(i pit strict punail.:noe.
The . gat car, atm:^. rett',a1.13 stif-
fer In toad tilos 'dike *pticfpatcd.. * 1.:.'r ::ter t. ', '
warns h .r "a! the , e.ostreetioi 01 .i-gta.. pc" +,
Amerind - 1 slugsand lives by Ger S.a ei • • - rte..
malty wee!' be lard to 7econells wit'a• tali 0f r ' , ,t a.11.1
fricndiv a •. e...14 • 2'13 "n!' 1 tit* •t Er 1 •ISI ns' ar
>atates 'i n �':cl? '}e to Etr) , -c
rma>ty ::t 41 t ' ani 1 : ^ -t
neeountabi•.'r and _ take any sd.op;
de" t•a .:Tderl,rtn 't. t jai% d,d
an fir,. , p rs . u :,1s , rind ' 1, nil t1
: of the 1. nit;2 ties fora • qn. tt app* chit
Cltelae fret +: to lin uta prlMLgs. a'd for 'ib csirC Ktott to Caaadz.:ler'
tneerer' It-.. Ta the" ctrotilastasats, the Rrtttai: .:Tn,bassador: Sir C c l
to rogue's!. the Imperial German Go•- i ring•Et!•
ernteeget to cens1. er b^fo:e -elan 4s ' : - •
tak-n t't rr dial sl'natica In r sp^et
of the re' b_tsvean this coaster 1 1
and !acromwh
io ich tolTht •art.. were Rd'
"4.1.41. t.„
the t)ertr a ..:, t• feria« to f r:•yang
opt tie y • lreehadowed in the
Admin• ,_ roc aviation tit d -atony
any rser v:spet of the TTnited
'iltates•- - t`.e 'dfat:t of Aare.
car., t •
r • t ite admit; the right
of I ,a.,. •w .• PiA pavtr ]'t 'e"are,
that drat., .r,1o•_ mush, '1vt b-. t$kea
on mere
Ff..;cls:£Ll. TO SAL iSg.i (
Part 01 First 'Clnadtse Force HAI,.
fSri.s -i Ct'arxlel to France
Deere - -- . .v tr.:t •'a -main
Cana . -r. id- took _ t'ieir
plates H 't - tri -_tors on Satur-
day. A-bri•.ade (...1.• Shift of t.1.
Nearly all t",n Canadian :Top•;
troops tr1^,' '-,.d from Salsbury
Plain hay!, :leen landed safely In
France; so r-rdiaa to de patches [rain
Leaden. Tli• y were ''given 's gloat
meep'tr,t -; arrival across th t
('Rannel. It to brleg urged in Parts
that the peopW .d the French capita!
be gives an opportunity of seethe the
Canadians before they 50 to the 7rin.
Nrarty tc•'. thousand membere • .
the first iif nt's-int, tnchi4tng or r
two her:dr+ di 'i" -era, have teen It f.
at tete bane a_ Sullsbtrv.
As a result of representations mad •
in regard ler the+ 'Mncon%cnteneea rr-
nitteg trent •the non-ptthftratton :n
llkegtand of e. sualtlrs among the Can•
aloft ford. i.asd Wangles. ' hetrme a
of the (or -• leo ter the Welfare of
tte pasaii,e-r Conthleent. has written
' Canadian Reed
Office . raiter g1,n nit tit •
easmaity - , "rh will be avn''n' 1 •
41 `Poore a'r_•r the: oiliest dcapa-i hIs anent, . .., inOttawa. thereby 1, -
series that relatives shall halm Limn
t0 hear al nri ' news before It appea • ;
19 the prow s i. r
some a in •etancy to etcpreesed at
tlliereatiffe ilial the camp evaetlate4
50 iii6ohs111• • tlgay Oma to tree* 4
b the tooth Canedcei•'agent.
4111,1 W ilf Terms t the Pee-
per TItTerms, Says G y
-'l-be recent publics utterennes to
Germany give no reasono suopoen
that the perpose tn vi w will he
promoted by adopting t e course
•ageev.ted." was the anis or of Pitt
Ft%ard Gary. the Arltlsh TMreten
Serrnb►rb. to a question In the House
of Combats asking whether with a
view to. ending the tet'ribl' -.a• .•f
life In the war. °reit Arlt•tn was
prepared to deelere pnblkrty th,‘ bast,
whetwm fp,. .211r. were wlrlf ig to dis-
miss terms of peen*.
The members of the Honed. greeted
Air Ptdward 0rev's answer with
Moony Did Net Cone Mere
There l• net rnaAtrnatloet at Maws
of the report cabled from 1>Atglasd to
the effort that the Deir'nlna Govern.
meet raesfvad a loan of 16.00.000
Herm aha Praire et Walla' /lard wtl►
MK Ilia ktsowledme et the Primo.
I'r. ;it.1i4 0.
WiI1 14o1 i -
B ,t •-
Sir Ede"•^
secretary, .`1•.. -
the Amerce t .
of the 1'rittt,.. • •
eta. whi• h n
be permitted
to (ienrlan. ••. '
without a p"*n ' t'•
of the ehang,' ( , • -
While C• -•a: n,,
does not flnd ft piraalb'r that aha ^a
eta would rot be thrown tato a Pei-
rLcourt cm ',rr atrst trip, miimc••salonr
are made coo.eroinK Ler car.i0. :n -
that two alternatives. see
cheat Britian offers either te ptlrrhasr
the cotton a: the Gentian pekes up, -
the leisure of the Darts. se 11t• pave
the cargo placed on another boat and
Rorward.d to Rotterdam at th' ex
pease of the Br.'i.h r`.Are-nttlest.
The Unletot States fl -s- rert:At .4 .
. oti1ted the tae 1)ac,3 t4 at
•...n1 •
('e •
Toronto Cattle Market
Depes..tal!v. priers. .r.,:
steers 51.40w14•04
choke steer* 1.111 7.40
steers, 7.1.1
medletm - 1.116 4.16
e1.111111/011 6.116 11.11
IwMses. shuns , 11.00 1.40
do, good 4.60 T.04
do. medium 5.76 6.10
souther . NV 5. choles6.00 6.60
do. guud 5.76 6.00
do. tie 11-m 6.115 11.75
do. ,•o1rmon 4.75 6.15
Mutober tea's. choke6.00 7 00
do. good hulls 6.75 6.00
do. medium 6.60 5.76
do. n.ulfh bologna 4.60 6.16
Feeders. 960 to 1.100 !be 6.00 6.75
do. belle . 6.00 6.75
atuckvrs. .:•0 to woo :be. 6.10 6.60
do. mod., 660 to 760 6.60 8.00
do. 11ght. 600 to 160 4.76 5.60
°sonars 8.75 4.116
°utters 4.85 6.00
Milkers, choice, each.76.00 100.06
-io. corn. and md40.00 50.00
5prluaer. 50.00 100.00
Calves, teal, choles 8.36 11.00
do. trwllum 6.00 1.00
do. e.aum••:•• 00 TAO
do. grant `4.25 4.16
Lambs, 11cht 5.50 1.36
do. medh-m 8.00 4.60
da h. avy 7 60 4.00
do. nttifs .. 6.6o 7.00
S'wea, light 5.36 6.36
Sheep. heavy and bucks 4.40 1.3!. •
Gulls ... 2.50 4.40
/foga. off cars 7.95 5.00'
do. fed a::1 watered7.6e 7.75 ;
da f.o.b. 7.35 7.40
Farmer's Market
Following . are the latest quotatio =s
for farm pr,dnee at St. twee e
Market Termite.
Wheat, bushel 51.60 to le.i>u
Goose whoa: 1.50 ) :n
Dar ley .s0 'to
Buokwbeat .30
Dye 1.10
Peas •
Bay, timothy, No. i 3.. 00
Mixed and clover 11. )•)
Straw, Ber, lied . 17 . in
do. louse 10 r
Butter; a toice dairy .30
Ants, new *aid. d(M, .38
Down, dre' .1 1b .11
Obtckens, Ib -.16
Dunks, .prl.d,10 .1T
'Atrkeya. !b. . :.23
Geese ib • ., .14
the epi _ens, 1b... .13
do hear -lb. .til
do. .Fnrltir, lb. .13
do g•`„`e,'. Ib. .11
Apples, .butlect .10 .4'
do. barrel - - 3.60 0:16
Pstatee,, .bag .41 $6
Oabns. bag , 1.00 LAG -
Pork Per posed - :11 .11
Dressed :.or- 10.60 •• 10;.90
Beef h i carters . 12.00 12.00
do. frit- ,t • eters 10-.00 11.00
Land, :b. . .16 .18
e=== =10 1I0=1 C== 11%
II For One Week
Run frotot Si 00 te) $1.50 1
,carr, Gegertch '
.E S1i i{ lY iILQ�1T1lf i_,,.
Agents for t.,arhartt overalls, 4,tat.ti .rt'e 1J (• r arrar
- • .'.rrova timed C or .• t'„ffs .
s. a-• •
Ib ;ht
6. Acid In. - •;5 1 ....Its idti,'. Wit., ,' nndtln, ()tit.
- I
V\1t :- •
.5C1.11)01- OF ELOCUTION; 1.1.�1I.11;1)
UNr'REC1:{.5EN'I 1Z) t3Il -R ot• itri0t.,�1lt~iti? AND SARIZES.
Write fort' rttcitl sy
1_o r i't r r.itVi5T12(>tio: Ts.' 1.1"71,011TIV ':Vit•LGOOSri,
Tc -; Gi•aln :Prices
The r ; ,. ;' %hold su:e prices are
qu .1.
.a. t.
\ •1
(int •
5' .4
t area to Board of Trade;
t.,dat- `:n 1 ttortt 'r .
goes: N,.: 1. 21,E ':
118.40 re
.r. -r
eel ,t
No, ear
at„i.rro. s.•,r. rt .
11, elr rail Tor t
Pea.; 41, 11) 52..)'. ar ',1d
lt•-'--N•. 1, 51 2-1 eo`51•15.,
' Ttariey--(i..od ilttitg barley, o
side, 854- to Rye.
Rolled O s t'.tr 'Mat per bas ri
9t1 epee i'' es, 4n .. ; t`; Sn• 4h •tt!l./law
lots 'r3 - 1 'f -i•' .or to ttonttna:.
Fir •k•• ^ •50e to tic, •ar ' lots.
outsldc". .
ttillfeed- " tr ante, Per ton `Set
$28 • •"'lj ' iddltngs. 536; tootl tee.i
flier - • , •, 144; tutted ears, 11 more.
I V 0 .' \ i.) M
C,+ttfe - at Montreal -
Bute' • huice.$7.fdito:7.7:
d • n, „ 6.60 7.2.
i 6.26 4.00
Ca'.• - - 775 4i) 1
slat n! - rows.. 6.26
de 'n• rel ••-, 6.50 4,00
de h.:11 i 75 6.7", '
Mllke-t. eho•"r: each ..,IQ 00 71,•.0 '
' do .•••m i
amrued.:50 ••0 ' •15 n',
Apr*' 50.40 55.0.
Sh, . . 5.25 5.101
11n.. , -alts 4.75 1.00
lar ;.• - 8.76 0.00
Hoe. ..r3 5.30 R 17
Cal,•5 .. !; 70 16.01
-,/ Ruffalo Cattle
;rlar: pit, •r .4terr,
f shipping. 1726 to 17 65 '
bili t'. nn tto\1R.0r: heifers, 5525
to . 'Vv. rows, 52.75 to 54.50; 1.111.
et ' t, 17.04,
�' •- -- %/oleo and steady; 54.40 W
Hogs -Arte heavy. 57.25 to 57.36: •
mix I 57,3 to $$7. yorkers and
pigs. • ."i t 57.75: rottlth . 16.00 to
II 44.211 ague: 6+00 t 6.50.
Rhnnp pnd Lambo s--Aelve; sheep
st. ady: lamb.. 55.01 to $9.16; year-
Ilnp, 1610 to 11.00: wetheis, $7.00,
• to $12r,'. ewe". 03.60 to 51.10; ehf•er•,
mixed. 10.76 to '07.00.
C+hies•re lire Steek
Cattle---'t'whet week, Mevee. 1 7
be SR SO- rows and heifer., 1s )0 to
17.55; 1' .n 57.00 to 5141 25.
Peet '•• rkct lower: light. IA
46.10: • • •r4. 14.15 to 16 26; heavy,
14 46 t • ' e0: weigh, 14 46 to 44 58
plea t .n $406; bulk of •are•+.
16.70 •
Ah r, - *-et Aran: native. 56 31.
to 471•' srengs, 5715 to 17.11;
lambs, n•, • .. 17.11 to 111.46.
1s`"' kirk 7'. 4 '-" m sa.4.solo ,
•!Ir.�a�lraaa�ars,tis'an.•VF ---t '7 :• mwmevat, '9•'�,
THERE will, h.!a couple .,f months of severe
winterwt itsher, Set anti we have a few
!tenting st4iv"•,. w<flich r. will .dl it izrs.atly
reduced pacts.
t N.',:U''Cr... , 11-
1 No.. 1 ('to,•
1N ^ 2+; (,•t,,,.
1 Nn. lilt Ito:
"'No,. 17 Spy..:.; 11
1 \Pinner
lel :n -t No. _^' -
1 \r.
• 35.50
•• 37.50
t .. 1'7.00
.• I. •. rely 13.00
_ • •,', 1.... 1 IS.5J
y+. 13.00
\Pe : •iiie -' 4 1 ,1.11.1 1'• 1 • • -
•'1•'. 1;,1'e -.h; \1-•, ..I '11.•10 fr•-".1 :. • •.'r' •• 'rt-
! ,.tense.:,' Ir . . 1-1 4,.,1 ,-.mein. we has .• .'. 13141.0 i 41 II< 4.1,
1 1 .1y PPo'I, i II''.., "r"..: •, .2 Cr owl 11".,n I 23.,-I ,
,v.•,tir,1 coil ••,.• 0 .,;•, i we• i t re: 'rh.• •• r. ..,•-•4 nue 1n f,o. •
r.•pair pod at h n pe3e ttr4rr+•..
. Do yon want t.. Leve a;pee1 ,n • .,t'l.harwl fnenaee indta11.d la house!? lv.• ',Ave, 8 No 21 Ki l-n,y with •,t.:a-itr of 15.1,10 to 1.
Ii(y*M cnhir feet, th it we will -i-. 'node. •,. !se rn -t 1 order. It you II
are etsticipating pot in.t in a heating .j .b this drill rte w .nap tor you.
in Shelf ami H. A1 Rani -s are nue stns. is '.ip to the ennuis.
Give ite.s call for AP X1 tug yen went to Hu.r w* re. --
IM no' t'�.•, 1 h.4 .w •'hsn.N•. +ie" i.4:+at evli�tr. 11.1% 3^rdttntn (awl.
This is the t•so.t rade of ••'.l mitred and rent+ 1 o felon. than clomp.*
ur:adee of emit. All , eel i. w'Riehe••i rn til. market dealer. • ♦ie.alen
11ave A quantity of !lard end Mots Wood. :
Our Bbr•trie.1 I►. pia/Potent we"- never mei. in, itirld tri. (live ii ,•
cell when v, n ley•. n- s ',Oster, Oral work or t,.11, -,,a1. -
\C• give pr nip' a h-nti •n to Phtn.h:ng, it..11ni.:4teve hitting
hlI--'•trio SPitinv. Tin-ndthing, e••• %II w.wb fo11y spier dmt.•r.l.
PHONES: Store 22, House 112