HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-2-18, Page 6M Tivas AY, itimwl elsT Ill. 11116
01161NAL 1
4 ;a '''''''t'4 ONL
of Throttler:5r. diel at hie boars iu t bat
•'�„i - r , k 6�EN1 NE tete eery lad. I
.'•'tri} , • township oar F
Gillett McMichael, of Hallett, left at his wort oo Monday of het week.
Cummings, died here on Sunday, the
tit inst., ew his einthty-third year. He
W. on a visit W Isle Meter when death
. stoat, having resided to the Wert f n
many years.
M. Pauls chinch, Heor•all, bar rel Mr.. lieu. Wyar, passel sw.sy at
ittly been fitted out with a complete her home here on February 8th in her
urw ►n.aallati. n of electric dauree. 'Dtxty•flrrt year. Braider her hwnaud
,Misr Hel, n -swan, of Ileo:.a!1, re- three married daugbtery survive : Mr"
1 tuned lecerithy from New fork City, H. T. Thompson, art Wingheul ; :tin.
E W A R It whet. she took a punt -graduate course Dated Watters, of Atwood, rod Mrs.
!h, nursin{t.• Oscar Roger. of Toronto.
OF 1 E. A. F.'1, a former tesklent of (ii e3. 'BRUSSELS.
(MITA- • teaitehi{t, Ira• opened up A general J. H. t;albrrith has purchased that
a•u.r at N'ill.u, Mxnitubu,, and was peeing horror "J. D. Scott," flow Jur
Jlar, art Brlgrave.
B1 art wrrk far a ten months' trip' Joon Gana, brother of Mee Hugh
�/ through Westrt•n Canada.
)t - o� 1 Mr. JI►wr. Ford. true of the' pioneers
TIONS rr.'rntly apment.d Porti easter.
v U L O \ Ere. Ju.wb Diehl. of Brutweeld. who
bad been unwell for some dine, died
THE et the home of her son. Mr. John
on Monday. the 81b Inst.
Mrs. M McCormick, of Zurich, has
mold her residence in the north end of
the town to Leno Kipper, who
recently returned from the Neat.
who Smith, a yang Englishman
ho bad been working for Geo.
Walker, of Tuckersmith, baa en-
listed for active tweeter.
Miss Matwl Mitchell, of Wroxeter, it
the guest of friends in Toronto, where
she recently passed examinations at
the Toronto Conservatory of Music.
Thomas McCurdy, of the Thames
road, U.bornel, hes purchased the farm
of Geo. S. Leary on the Mouth
Thames road containing sixty-tbreroe
At Dashwood, on February 194h,
Mire Bertha Brenner, of Dashwood,
and Mr. Henry F'laxbard, of Zuricb,
were united in marriage by Rev. E.
John Ratcliffe bee sold hie"Itke•ere
farm on the South Thames road, Us -
borne,, to Well. Kernick, who will
take possession in the epilog. Mr.
Keruick now has 390 acres in Colborne
bound or repaired.
Anartdm. FNAL. 1.0 l
A. 22 E.
T IAUYLOR. Semi masa.
i)R- GEO. HEILEMANN, 081E. tuwnvhip.
1/ PATH. specedist in massa+ and dill- Atter txkiug part in a game of
+reoidt.a.ses.scute, throaic.andnervousdid- bac\r at Mitchell, Harry E. Pearce,
eider. aye. ear. nose sad throat, luarbrgu .rd 7
rheumatic oondidom. Moe North street. tied of that tow n, died suddenly white in
Soot from the Square. Uoderlch. , the act of removing his skates. Heart
i�R. F. J. R. lr'OR8TER-EYE, EAR, trouble war the cause. He was twoo-
1 .ow .ad throat oak. Hems eanaoo, ty-rive year. old.
w York Upbtltalmic "Id Aural last(, tote• Miss Alice, only daughter of Mr. and
^Iinical•tria W. Name and 1Moat Ho"aW' Mr•r. litre. Trench,. turwerty ul ti'rox-
swag. ee•ara..od iloereaeW Lys H,s,pttal,
l�adpa Liahed. Valve, fJS.Ww,rtooStreet. iter• died in ., Wwnipeg hospital ftum
�a�tloed• opdo.dte Knox Church. Ho•tre t. an attack of appendicitis„ She was
to 1_ a. m., r to t R m,. 7 to • R m. Telephone twenty-three peon old.
C. _
W H. AND MiNNiE M. GREER, ed .1' Chas. n Reid, o[ BrucefleW,
ex . D- C.. Chiropractor., spine and nerveagsgd t;fiutun huspilal on Wrdue.-
t'1lirtprarstid 4 the sciatic. Lk.' day of Iret week. Betides her hus-
e.res without dross or knife. Free esamtna brut a faintly of small children sur-
liest. Uiot ever Sharman. Shoe Store. •u- eine. Site was in her thirty -fit th
trance • last street. Pboee MIL 039m
PROUDFOO1 traiutntt.
B ARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. NOTARIES At the bone of Mr. and Mts. Casper
PUBLIC, EIC. Wolper, Goshen line, on February
cram ew tae carafe. ss mod door/ram Ham. 111th, their second derighter. Luella,
n ue Artist. Hedeneti. err married to Irvin Weller, of Mob-
erbrate fun& to loan at lowest rates wood, Rev. W. C. Miler pert ening
W. Paa'woor. E.C. J. I. Stomas
W. Paot:wovr.
JR -
if•1dt;. t'lC•per NOTARY
(fie Meek. eut, Hamill.. same�edan"rrtWNW., lie.
Real lest.te, Liar.
.it Iruraoo•.
The treasurer of the Red Crows Soci-
ety received g40 Ail, being the surplus
from the assembly held in the tuwn
hall on the tird inst.
Wm. Pope, eon of Ib. erniorpartner
of Brn•nels Machine Co., is an ofece -
on H.M.S. Princes Roya, which was
recently in action with the Getman
fMet in the North Our. He has been
ten years in the naval service.
Mrs. Chu. Layton tell on the ice one
day haat week end fractured her are.
The receipts for the last three dic-
key matcher here amounted to $btx►.
Mr. R. E. Cromwell has gone. to the
Southern States and will upend the
balance of the winter in Celiturnia and
New Orleans.
Mr. Charles Brodie celebrated his
eighty-fifth birthday on February 7th.
He is still strong and active and enjoys
excellent health.
Joseph McMillan and T. Atkins, of
the Bank of Commerce staff, have
joined the volunteers at Loudon. The
Bank granted thew six months' leave
of absence pn full pay.
Death removed on Friday, Febru-
ary bib, another of the old mordents ul
lenafortb, In the person of Mrs. John
Turner. Mem bad been ill for tea peat
few weeks and the end cave peace-
fully. She was seventy-three years
Mr. John Brodie. of Gaylord. Michi-
gan, wee in town lest wrt•k, the ucca-
mon of his visit being the Oelebralion
art hie tether's eiguiyfiith birtbuay.
Mt. Brodie, jr., lett 1.n Tnrr.day fur
(:rand Rapids, where be represents
his county at the Republica° State
Michael McGrath died very suddenly
on Sriurday minutu& the dth tart.
He had pereaken ut r hearty supper
the prevauus evening add relines
year. apparently iu bis ueu..l berltb; during
The Tuckrrsmitb council decided to the night he tuuk ill and be par.eu
give a wrist watch to each of three -away early baturd.y morning. lie
who enlist from that township for the was r uot.-ive of Ireland, but had lived
third contingent. There are now in tluruu couuty for the past fitly
seven Tuckeremith boys at London in yran. H. war righty -one year. old. -
the ceremony.
George Heaney, of Bluevale. bas
been awarded the contract for the
construction of the new school -bowie
in IL M. No. 10, Morris, at e11.169. The
buildlug, will be 27 by 42 Net, brick,
witb cement baseurenL
Peter Lamont, of Hay towuahip, has
sold Isis Ws -acre fares on the Bsbylon
L:OAMBRON K. ilARRiM- line to Mum.' Dietrich, for il,titoe
.01I t.r..�tari mad, 06,.._ JIC•rb Battler has purcbrred from t3
sweet. Midweek. third doer fro Vu1Lnd a fifty -acre farm on the Bah,
S eism lora line, Hay township, paying 13,200.
On Saturday, the duh .net.. William
AR- Richardson, the old, rt. eau iu Hero
1 , Buri ..ti4R1ey. seltcltor. gm. Godo-
rise. Mosey w, lend at low rAI rete. 81111, pnsred away in i1• nintay-fourt
yea'. He was born in 'England ao
0SEAGER, BARRISTER, SOL- came to Canada Ir. 1860. He moved
, idter. Notary Public t'on•eeyTaaneer. to kiensall thirteen year ago fruit. the
mos -Coon. Hones. O slerirp. oYlrm farm near Varna that he had cleared
Word has been received of the este
activist at Snaughe , mous, ul Or. and
Mrs. Weathers, wt... are WADS Out as
Min Maty Chant left last Friday to
resume bet duties a. nurse in A puvate
sanitarium at Auburo, N.Y., atter
e peodiag a mouth's vacation with bier
parents bete.
Mrs. Roes, a Station attest, tell oa
the icy sidewalk and fractured bet
wiart. Mr.. L Greig bas a atdttlar in-
jury. the result of a tall in the bora.
of her delights', Mrs. T. Jaeknon, jr.
• Herbert J. Fawcett, of Bidgeburg,
- formerly et Clinton, pawed twit civil
. style ex.minetioo, and has been ap
pututed to a position in 111x. Depart -
went of Agriculture at Ottawa.
b Word has been received of the
d dertb, at Tacoma, tVarhiugtuu, 01
John Lockwood. one of the early tero-
dents of Clinton. He left bete tui Ittti6.
, Hi. sister, Mts. Trou.r, of town, is the
unlyeurvIsutit member of rue homily.
Rev. Dr. Rutledge, pastor of Wesley
e chutch, has been invited to rename fur
- another year in charge of the cuugre-
e gatiuu. He has been granted leave of
mortice for tau wt.uthr, on a.couut of
n illness. and left haat week with airs.
Rutledge for Baltimore, wuere be wid
I take .nodical treatment. lar hie ab -
1 teener Rev. F. (i. Powell will act as
supply. -•
e- Toe annual meeting of the Clinton
et Motor Cal Co. W"11 held on February
1. itch and the following omltere were
elected : Pir,.idrnt and treasurer, W.
be Jackson ; vrce-pesident, T. Jackson,
Ori Wedneedsy, lath lost.. at th
Bowe of Mi. stud Mir. ,J. C. Kalb -
detach, Zurich, their daughter, Mis
THOMAS GUNURY 1 (.aura Stetntsech, was united to mai
T AvcTIuNEER: riage w Mi. R. F- Mtx,ir, A prusprrou
_ - young bu-ine.r wan of %usich. Rev
tion e7.Ooderich. All l - .trncLJoas by mall W.C. Millet. ptutt•or ot Lbs Lu.hera
left .t it*Ansl Mace will be pi.mptly .t- church, rutin,pen d tar rrrewuny•
ended toe Re.dde'r' , lemma. It9 The st i r Iw1 were site Mitchel
-- -- - -- - ----- -� town council and the pabltc rcbou
INSURANCE. LOANS. ETA. hoard is ended. Ts. rr of the .cho u
trustee.. were tur•ued down at the r
- • sent elrctoue and the new Iro.ud i
1i 1111(► PRIVATE. FUND., TO acting 111 batwotty with the cuuurt
r loan- Ap.ty to M. U. CAM- Mnuey for the new .ch.e.t will be bur
3RON. Berr4aer Ii►ratlton.terata Godarieh• rowed until the deben'tues can
11 Is.JCnAN,-r AOL -N I
'emit:Y.1w "mv:
O. A. WHITE. La..
Der( aaad. 1913.
"Having been a great sufferer from
Asthma for • period of fifteen yeses
(sometimes having to sit up at night
for weeks at a time) I began the use
ort "Fruit-a-tives". These wonderful
tablets relieved me of Indigestion, and
through the continued rise of same, I
am no longer distressed with that
terrible disease, Asthma, thanks to
"Fruit-a-tiv " which are worth their
weight in gold to anyone suffering as
I did. I would heartily recommend
them to all sufferers from Asthma,
which I believe is caused or aggravated
by Indigestion". D. A. WHITE
For Asthma, for Hay ism, for any
troublegased by excessive nervousness
doe to Impure Blood, faulty Digestion
or Conatipatiou, take ' Fruit-•-tives"
ace. a box, 6 for 12.50, trial sire, see.
At all dealees or from. Prsiti-tivq
Limited, Ottawa.
One British View of It.
British Village Worthy (di.euminti
possibilities of invasion) -"Well. tber.-
cal't tat• aro battle in these part..
.large, for there hain't no field au.
able, as you may w7 : an' Mquire h
wnn': lend 'em the use of 'is pork.
Looked the Part.
The Governors wit' war telling
Bridget alleut brr busbrnd.
"My hurbdod, Bridget," she -wid
prouuly, "u. the bead of the Stat.
"Oi C ougbt as much, ma'am," aid
Bridget, cheerfu•ly. "Ain't be got tit'
Iola* malicious look 7"
gw�aMB Dosteres That the Missy
Val Beelde Irian e1 Wawedlat
Afraid of Throats
�eematy wUl use he awe. to
IOW a slates et sow draw mad
Waiter without active lepdselsr" de.
elated Wlnetos tDbtirehllb Post load
gf the Admiralty, la the Hesse a
Oer seas w Mural,
"We have net yet •iepp•d the bra
�ar1r et Nod tate Ge.mnay." said
t3. . OkhnktlL "bet the time has sow
one wheat we must recorder the
. .afloat. The allied Oo►erameale
win probably make a deals/Ulu the
east of whisk will Ire to Wag the
tail pressure of oar navel tower a
hear upon Oerrnaay. The paralytrfa
turas of this pressure a the rata
ems peen decide the Issue of wars
1st, Churchill stated that the British
leasee of merchant meads in the first
sat. menthe of the war were slzty-
tree. only nineteen of whtek lad
hes. loot In the last three swaths.
11e satv7 had lost t,NO odoes and
Mea, the greater part of whom were
Med by submarines. The Gnomes.
I* math, had lost a similar number.
dab b ntaarw
"11e Downs offer a bleak prospect
ler German cruisers," he continued.
"Britain Is now able to Beet any new
effort or new rwonroes with incom-
able at the beginner of the wee."
Mr. Churchill Bald that "the navy
It ea mond as a bell all through."
She Is Exceediegly Granola( a Dsdd's
'Kidney Pills for Mssterieg Her Health-
• Grated' Cove. Ti bnity Bay, Nfld.-
Feby. 16th -(Special}-"I wish 10 coin
muuicate to you the great cure whir
I have received from Dodder Kiane)
Pine," writer Mies leery Brefaei
W beton (Rowan Catholic teach. r), ..1
this place. "I wee very much oil.
down in health, close couenemeut a
my work brouaeht on the' trouble -
Reading of the many cures front
Dodd's Kidney Pills 1 begin to u.e
them and I must confess wi.h vet)
little fattb. Betio.- 1 had taker .are bus
1 was not only Lured tout my slreuglh
WY. gtowwg rapidly and 1 felt a grra
improvewrwt. l am - rxiwrdiugl)
,grateful to U.etd'. Kidney Pills. -
sold u. advantage. • jr.. pecrrt key, d. 1. Hltnee ; directors,
J. Jenkins, Clinton, and A. T. Hol-
EXkT"It. 1000, Montreal : t1rneral-wsnager, U..
✓ asa• an lawersi,ra • British ('�nadla. sod Nelson Prior, of Per, ege 1a Maki
Americ. - • vieiu-d hi, wulh••r h••• r last week.
eoatutme 8wxsres A91/ t.MI IotiIus Lusa..:
ITT : That Ocean Accident and Uwinuitee Messrs. H. M. ••n.1 U. K. Mandela ha
;lareerauoa iAndted. al London. Eng. Robe tat New Yuri., where they w
t u)Mal .em liU nArant a WADS : The Lt. a' Lend ihr canners convent ion.
Malty ••d "'• '"laet'nnilrany.
Umoe 11 n.sidrn..•, i.ortMr-, "'film" of Vic- Thr roues In the McDonnell bloc
taiir ..d ret- tlsrM s si re•' • t'hws Iii over Cule'r d, ug *torr and Powel
Bazaar, are being tertiodrlleil will t
1,(cKILI OP MUTITAL FIORE. IN- paired and will be used A. the Martin
JA„ s e e A N C E co. -Fans ••d tsslatrd odge r..ow.
.itra 1Issateil.
tlmtww J P, McLena. pis,., de.forth P,0.; Miss Agnes J. Russell wags mart'
r.. lb••etrr. VIer.Pte.. Ooderlch 11;;_.06.. at the home of he -r K• audprreitt-, Al
tbems.t Nary nec.-Trr►+..aIurtt and Mr David Kiss ell. on Februa
r ,•vie wet F. m: vi ll an 'leafurte : ana
a.6lahrOp� N�S,..mHine.lttrtaela: Aid. to Nr. Karl Evens, 01 I31Nn.h0r
lahs ly„w.1*. HredMer"' J.ua.. gvmr. Thr eetr,uony was performed by He
Se.oee,.d • Robert Ferris. iI .ark : MNeolm tl. F. Shi►ry,.
Ilei elle llirerneld.
r : J. Tea Robees 1e : R. Webb.
aeur eek • William Claimer, Seeforth : K.
WaohMf, brayii• Pena loader,. nae pay
.. am1 ,r•r thetr cards matpt.sl .11
cGmbh s. 30thiIK 50,... ' lliinlane. U. at sit
r, W. ';Whitruore. 1t is expected that•
1915 will be a good year for the cow -
patsy, as orders for $12,test worth of
e motor trucks weir booked during J.u-
His Besetting Sin.
Old John Rite-, .n Edfubargh up-
holsterer, was rruowned'for bi- e
leure. People who bad been cu.t .,• -
ers for a genrtat.uo had, • many • t
them. never hra•d a word fr..w till.
exempt "Gu..d aro. ning F.ve shilling
thank you. 1.•ari.iay." A patron
day sale to J hu, "Wh •1 is the ts.t
kind of boatire s?" "Hair," was ti,
reply. T11e patron, ..,we tweet,
years later, had ..ccs -ion to buy a• -
other mattress. and again milted wbN
the hest was. 'I:..twn,' said. Joe .
"Cott .n1.- the p.uon c.ied. "N by.
you told we twenty years ago th t
hair war the h-•st." The uld man Int •
sustain' sigh. "Talking has elm ay -
been my ruin," hr e'id.
here with the following officer': Hoo.
president, W. Brgduue; bun. vice-
p1.resident, Dr. Shaw ; president, Wm.
McKwan ; vice-president. J. L. Kerr:
secretary, 't hos. Hawkins; "reasuter,
Wm. Piumsteel ; executive, Geo. Mc-
Lennan, Alex. l'udwote, T. Watts, L.
Paisley. 7'. Reynolds and J. Cook. Mr.
Thee. McMillan, Liberal candidate fur
South Huron, was present at the in-
augural meeting and Rave an address.
Meetings will be held the first and
third 1'bur,days of each month.
Liberal Club bes been o ruined
Mr. J. 11 Grieve h .t c tmmencrd a
p•ultry lin-mats in towm. He has
purehasett two ecr. Di of land oa
Sindite se•reel amt .r. teed an up•to•
da, e p ,ul l • y house 111121 feet capable
of buu.in. 4.111 belts.
NAEEIAGE LICENSES A d• lettet .,1 rsteiisyete wait
uptnl he town cuuneil Ai 1 4 1.et mite
in. taking .hat 1, have Hi • par
school heed.. g ,eeslrlled. The pr
WAUTRR B. KKLd.MiJ.P.. peed nc�.e.• C.•u,d oodd ate
187,1110SO11 ttrH. 9111' ,1119 A mobile inert tog le to
tmomOir Y Km , Rmi a IJcClews. Call
Broph) tiros.
Tbe I.rediui
F-BRra1 Directors
and Embelleers
Matra ss.u4isll7 attended to
at ell beano. night yr day.
Melt I�{i II cu -.I hr 1111111.1.
W1s' Iled
Mr Ti'... II n , I I. • Wi
ham. pi .r • a„ •
1. 1 Ad 0 S-' n . 11
Ws• H r- , . v, rt.
d .7 -• het, .1 by 11,
Ase,rtall •n a- l) d1a
hem4713fat le the .natter, little toy y"
The 'own Conte it hose awarded Mrs. asked a kind-hearted woman whwas
Hill, obese husband ea. killed in the peesiat•
• err • ••.•-it. s.aa•- weeks ego. the Iii• gone ami drowned all the kil-
o ton of $1.$D torte" be sobbed.
d M
Mr. a•,r.. A. M. Crawford have "What • pity 1 I'm awfell sorry
gone to 0 IIVrma on •' two .r onths' "An' s -.b. promised -h .t
vise and while there will attend the 1 c'o'd do K."-IiseMate
esp. MIion . ---- --
fhwAcker, l Re10r, aw er..ear
PL.yee of the Who saw a free show that
Bell furniture facto. y, bad bee rieht dlda't have some brad of meta. m.
thump eat oR by a oarwhile engaged gorged so 1st
1,test. 4t
y IN h, i- the
if ...nee. Al. nes
Dy fur W.sig- seri softly.
T. a experienced anglers went sh-
ine one day. Oue at down on the
pier, while the other stood. Just be-
tas beginning r.perau0ne they tuade
a wager with each caber as to who
would make the biggest catch of Reis.
They had been fishing foe about ball
an sour with little or no auoceee, when
John, wbo we. standing, lout Ins bal-
ance and fell ort the pier. fate be went
headlong past Dick ebe latest gave a
yell and said, "ill. John, .1you are go -
{o' to dive los 'em the beta "
Nis wee.
Arthur .at on the front doorteps
Twls♦Iwr Be4dsh Multiage flelued
Boothe ow German Pestttone
Aerial warfare Mas waged last
P1'May co the lam* sale fp Its
history and *atter adverse ci reram-
IMaatees from the eandpotat of the
�t�atfer British .baes, l.ffettag
basks d snow fa tie Mr, swept ore.
�e Ctkaaael to pointe la Northers
..iglus bed ws the Germans sari
=ineboat. es Ostend, Brsgw,
and lir akesMrgka
7ffety-toar aeepiaaee a■d
gfaw of 'the Beath wavy took put
r the operations awl all at them
later returned edgily to their ka�s
Without casualty is their drivers ri-
though two a tk. .shines 'were
trmwgod. 'the rail was mode to
order to prevent the dewelomeenle Ol
pahmartne boy and eetabll.hmeata
witch sight far'' .r seducer British
m.rcantment. The
Deitfeh Admiralty statement indicates
that the raid bad satisfactory remits.
for considerable damage is Haid to
have been dome to German gun mad-
ams, railway lime sad railway sta-
At various pouts the airmen were
received by the Germans with Bring
from said -aerial sane sad rides. Nose
of the sirmea were wounded .n there
attacks. One et the machine.., delve•
by Claude Orahaae-White, Sell bio
the sea while returning to its base
and the aviator had a narrow escape
from drowning. A cruiser was near-
by and picked' him up. Wing Com-
mander Samson was In chief 'tem -
inane of th•^ raiding aviators. Dur-
urIng the raid warte..Ms bombarded the
Oer:ca'1 • lvrittoas along the coast.
3,:e la' P: rl:amentary Committee Will
Investleate all Cire:.tnstanees
Part!c-: - w!l1 appoint a special
rommittr • t, investigate the charges
that tnf^Y. - boots were supplied 'mita
in the t enl:'.1an overseas contingent.
Fot!owlc; the eugeeation of Sir Wil-
frid Lair: •r last week. Premier Nor-
d -1 roe ' when the Have met Monday
to state' that lie agreed that 1t woe in
the pub:lc 1.terest. as well as doe to
^.ons cu,ufactlrrers who had see-
pac:I thasz articles to the Gov.rn-
r.:cot, t"ot the whole matter should
b" referred to a special commities Of
so: n metr.be s.
Airship "Raid" Was a Jose
There we" no attempted airship
raids iM, flro^kvllle or Ottawa Sunday
night as was generally supposed. In-
vestigation s' -owe that the aerial
crr.ft were nothing more or lees than
fire balloons sent up from MorTb.toww.
a small place across the river se the
result of a practical )oke for scare
purposes to commemorate the weary
a peace celebration.
1 have ,e number of cords of good Hard W.a•d
for sale, ale) • queatity of Mixed Wood.
Peons ot call for prices, delivered at your
HA14N4..TU1. (Trane
The ElectricShop
I have open,d in the stand it Wen street wet the
Ptrtomm a complete new .toe'k of Electrical (Goods, and
invite the pecple of Uuderich w tenor in end inspect them.
The stock inhales : -
Electric j.amps. (:lobes and Fixtures
Electric Light Fittings of all kinds
Electric Irons, Electric Heaters
Electric Toasters
Electric Cookers
Electric Warming Pads, etc.
Electric wiring and fitting dine in the wast-c.,mpe:ent and
up-to-date manner. 1 have had years of elpe►irnce iu
ekctrieal wnik and give my attention exclueleely to this
Weiner's, and patrons may telly moo. the antisfar t try and
workmanlike execution of any order entrusted to we.
Plans end r.tituatee furnished for any desired work.
(Dome in and ere it whether you need anything in our line
just now or not.
T=LEPHosi No. tad . Wmom STRKST.
Butter Wrappers
The Signal Office
--WE HAVE IT -And our prices are right.--
Eamrlled Water Pails, 19 qt. . ... .. ...... ... SOS
Enamelled Renee Pans, up from 1111e. (Oat. !S.
Enamelled Double Boilers, So. 311 for. . - ... SOo
Enamelled DWI Pans. gond else .... ase
En*mulled Berlin style Kettles with lid SOO
^Enamelled Preserving Kettles, in all, sieve, prices ransing
Iron tan to DOe
We are agents for the world renowned "PANDORA RANGE."
made by the largest stove manufacturer in tube British Empire. A
card will bring you literathre On same or we will he pleased to show
you and explain their good qualities in our 'Dhow teem.
Dowell Hardware Co., Ltd.
ID R..I Estate Men to stead Trial
arshall A. Cooke gad the tour
McCetcheoa brothers were forsaar
committed for trial by Magistrate
Denison at 'Toronto. There wee
enough ev'deoce to show there wan
a widespread fraud rotas oa tee
aagtatrate .aid after lt.
stories Of the nal estate
1 sf the .ceased.
�to Resign
of Feebleness an Account
and Twenty-four
- Gained
=ft and
Taking Vinol.
Omath, Mies : - "1 am a city tax
esileetor end seventy-four years of ago
i was la a weak, run-down eordition so
that I became exhausted by_ every little
exertket My druggist told me abut
Viso(, and I deckled to take It. In a
week 1 notieed considerable improve -
Gent; I continued its use and now I
have gained twenty pounds in '.01(54,
and (eelstronger. I
Nmol a One tonic to create strength for
old people. '-J. A. Plant, Cain
As ora grows old' their or'ga'n get
mare slowly and lees effectually thea in
tenth, dreulation i. prior. Mogi
gel. tl s thea delicious lino and dirtw
Sam weak. Vino . our oar sed iTver
and ratan radar ie the iridal .
eat it mutyektlfaid.r good
dtlr healthy.��
Neat improves ci la fhhbb
mitered roamer brads up, etreag1.me
and invigorated feeble, randoq nen-
ems sad aged poop*, and it It doss motels
all we ay, we WM pay last year
M. O. Dunlop, Phes.B., anegel..
il.dford Moen, MUMM.b Ontario
teelland Protases, Yee
The Nethw*ade Geyer .mi 1 him
sent as emphatic rasa to Geraam►
is gases to war some prods*
Mice of the adfeslty, Mwhich 1t M nted o►.t that ships
carrytag the Dutch tag asst M
tested la the war some pt.ma *sd a
the proelareatlen.
Turkishsires t► 'id ON
A free a 1 Ts s and Arches
seder Gaeana odor ibo were p►
tutar to attast V Math stadia
of Tor at the ant as le the Ott
of Sosa, were at sod sad staid
Idled sr takes pe .ere by • ifa0>rh
Kldwapper end Viogm T-.Mt1
Temyeardd 1111th. Altdehar eg
Mleh. what wm Ildeeppoll Vy
OaBmiee w .mala hilt wad
1a 7reamtm mad 10. tBma
They W hats ilk
tatys sad tee Yd
be fa terror at as r
i,ondwo, Feb. 12. -When John Cun-
ningham, manager of the Dominion
S,uve Work., Wioftbam, oroed •
'unease in Chicago, 111., last nIgbt. he
received one of the surprises ct his
lite, for instead of ending his own
wearing appaiel inclosed be found e
bride's tenet, and now be 1e Dye's:
to locate the newly-weds who secturo
his grip in exchangewhin 411 c.nt-
brined got off the Hums aou firm e
train here.
The bride and groom ceded tut 11. .-
.Mites. at the Crated Tewk depot ane
upon opening the Date they received
erre greatly sure iced to And. inst-al
, f a nawly-made bride's suer, erns
t reveller's samples, p pas and a gtt eat t
mister of other arthrits.
"Now, i suppose we will hare hen
lark the r..t of our ratio"ita.ersor•d
the blushing beide. Its tsar lei. hied
ddwa bar cheek.
"Perhaps that's what we got for rid-.
ing ea the BrnoeA Jdr.
Newly-wid. 'Bat, said Its. "suer
mind. it will tura oat right.
t'llbuy you a new molt and waw 1
menu our boseysoos se thoatgh
l oM hummed. bine lad hned. "
After heaviest their Detroit address
the young maple took a trail for the
City of the Mirada, where they Intend
erturn to prior some holidays,
o • farm near Limas Crossing.
Meanwhile, (wsingbanes grip Is
being detailed by the Grand Trask
statism aattberkise mail he farwaeis
the ons whish amused him to Med
tree duos
Skates Sharpened
Have your'skate put in shape
for the season.
We have Installed a complete
eq,iipinent for searpeninpr and
beau, and we shall be pleased
to take eery of any work you
want In this line. Prices a
am mmYliO, OmTAttq
UM ms um -muses tramdhig ase It
eaewe.fel Fewest .rpwl.aw
isseihrpwt� Museum Fs.s•ss teeus
, es
QWYm.s mea
0.A. T1.otBtm,1).0.A..Rim.IpaL
d. D. ihJ3tttBn, tlseestaey.
A meet meg best of Ids easest
hum * he it Naas to led fo